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  • The blacklist of sellers was scamming goods from China. Aliexpress blacklist. How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

    The blacklist of sellers was scamming goods from China.  Aliexpress blacklist.  How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

    When shopping on the marketplace, you will have a mostly positive experience. But, although the service strives for quality of service, it also has to deal with unscrupulous entrepreneurs. To save yourself from unpleasant emotions, you need to know how to add a seller to the blacklist on Aliexpress.

    How to blacklist a store

    To prevent an obsessive entrepreneur from annoying you with messages, follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Log in to the site and select “My AliExpress”.
    2. At the top, click on “Messages”.
    3. When you open correspondence with sellers, in the left column you will see their names and store names. Click on the text of the desired message.
    4. In the dialog box with the seller, click “Add to the black list” (the inscription is located at the top of the screen).
    5. Confirm the action by selecting Confirm.

    It is important that the seller will not be able to send messages, but his products will be visible to you in search. In the future, you can edit the list if you wish: in “My AliExpress” click “Messages”, open Contact Blacklist and make changes.

    How to view store reviews

    How to find out about fraud in advance? AliExpress has a review system that allows you to make a first impression:

    The data does not always correspond to the actual quality of service, because when problems arise, users try to win an argument and forget about the unpleasant incident, but you will get an idea of ​​the level of service.

    If you want to find a reliable store, pay attention to the “TOP seller” icon and the number of people who have added it to their “Favorites”.

    Blacklists or reputation: what to look for

    There is no blacklist system on the site itself, but on specialized forums you can find information about unscrupulous merchants working on AliExpress. Does it make sense to pay attention to such reviews?

    The usefulness of blacklists on third-party sites is questionable, since new stores are constantly opening on the site. It can be difficult to find what you need in abundance! But there are also advantages, since the system on the site itself cannot be called perfect: the store’s negative reputation persists only for several months, after which it works “from scratch.”

    You can partly judge with the help of reviews, but entrepreneurs are engaged in cheating them. According to sellers, offers of such services come in personal messages at least 2 times a month, so it won’t be difficult to get admiring statements from “clients”.

    The quality of service is indicated by the rating, but study all rating scales. The score is based on the results of several sub-items: if for one of them you indicate Very poor, and then give 3 stars for responses to messages and 5 for fast delivery, then there will be no noticeable changes in the overall indicator. For this reason, stores with good ratings on the trading platform lead the lists of unreliable sellers.

    In order not to make a mistake with your choice, check the information, otherwise you risk being disappointed.

    How to avoid being scammed when buying on AliExpress

    If you don’t want to think later about how to add a seller to the blacklist on AliExpress, choose him carefully:

    1. After reviewing the data on the trading platform, use independent services: the website allows you to check it in a couple of minutes. You will need to select a product, copy the line from the browser and paste it into the appropriate window. By clicking “Check”, you will receive summarized information about the seller’s work in Russian. The service will appeal to those who do not speak English.
    2. The website // has the largest database. A store added to the list can be found by name or number, and it is preferable to use the latter option: the name is easy to change, and the assigned combination of numbers is issued forever. You will see it in the address bar, so copy the desired characters and paste it into the search box on the site. Reviews about sellers are divided into 3 categories: white, gray and black. If the latter prevail, refuse the purchase.
    3. When a product sells out, unscrupulous entrepreneurs replace it with another - but the positive reviews are preserved. Start with the very first comments left by customers: if they mention a price of $200, but are now asking $20 for the product, the transaction will not be fair. Also pay attention to the address bar, because it contains the name of the item being offered.
    4. Use the AliExpress Seller Check app by downloading it from . By installing it on your computer, you will check information about entrepreneurs or add complaints, after which the store will be blacklisted on an independent platform. By warning other customers, you will improve the service.

    Don’t forget that responsible entrepreneurs also have failures, so don’t refuse cooperation because of a single negative review.

    How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

    The AliMonitor website has the largest database in RuNet, which allows you to check the reliability of sellers. The administration processes specialized forums and blogs, collecting scattered information, so users do not have to read multi-page discussions between users. To add a seller to the list, leave a review on the site, and it will be promptly added.

    All Russian-speaking buyers who have been actively making purchases on AliExpress for quite a long time know that there are blacklists of sellers on the RuNet. On these sites, dissatisfied customers post complaints about stores. The absence of a seller on the blacklist does not guarantee its reliability, but such resources are an excellent tool for additional verification.
    Sellers, in turn, also do not sit still. And, in turn, they communicate in special communities and forums, share their experiences and lists of problem buyers. And, as a result, they also have similar blacklists of buyers. One of these Chinese sites is the resource

    This advice sounds like common sense, but it's surprising how many consumers are blinded by the promise of too much. It's easy to get scammed when price is your only criterion. It's difficult, but as a buyer you have to ask yourself before purchasing: is it really possible that the seller can offer the product at such a low price?

    Avoid branded and electrical products

    This doesn't just apply to clothes! Currently, there is no clear path for buyers to understand or even who is truly in control. List of Chinese scam websites. If you are a victim of a Chinese scam, it is often difficult to know who or where to turn, and the help available may be quite limited.

    This site is quite popular among Chinese sellers. The database of unwanted buyers is updated daily. This list may include any buyers from different countries. Dissatisfied sellers add to the database those with whom they had problems, indicating the reason and personal opinion about the buyer. Perhaps you are already on this list. You can check this by entering your MemberId or other contact information specified in your account.

    Also in the section “Safe, best business in China”

    This pressure eventually turned into a scandal, as two executives resigned to "take responsibility for the systemic failure in our company's culture of integrity." If you're looking for a specific term, try using the search function. is cracking down on sellers of counterfeit goods and has sued two merchants on one of its e-commerce platforms for the first time - days after it was blacklisted by the US government for hosting counterfeit goods.

    In order to find out your MemberId, you just need to go to the “Manage reviews” page and click on the “Show my reviews” link.

    After this page loads, look at the URL. And copy copy the number “ownerMemberId” (as shown in the screenshot).

    For example, if the URL is: "" , then you need to copy the numbers 123456789 . These numbers are your account ID (MemberId).

    We want to give counterfeiters the punishment they deserve to protect brand owners. The company is taking steps to address the problem of counterfeit goods. Its algorithms monitor hundreds of data points, such as seller prices and transactions, to root out illegal products. The e-commerce giant said it was able to scan images and logos and find inconsistencies between listing text and the accompanying photo.

    For example, a watch with a brand name may be listed at one price, but the image may appear lower. S.'s rival has a similar problem. The problem was that many sellers seemed to use it as a weapon against buyers who might criticize them. That is, if you had a bad experience as a buyer, instead of correcting the issues that led to that bad experience, the seller would simply slam you in buyer feedback.

    Below is an example of a page with automatic translation from Chinese. To search, just enter your account ID in the appropriate field and press “Enter” on your keyboard, or the button indicated in the screenshot.

    If when searching you see a red hieroglyph “ 无内容! » This will mean that the search did not produce any results. That is, your ID is not on this list. To be on the safe side, you can search for yourself using other parameters. For example, by the name with which you are registered on the AliExpress website. If you are lucky enough to find yourself on this list, then there is nothing wrong with that. It’s just that some sellers who use this list may be afraid to work with you, and, for example, they may say that they are out of stock.

    How to add a store to the blacklist in the database

    As a result, you will have to cancel the order. And the seller will avoid a transaction with a buyer with whom he does not want to contact.

    Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat

    Aliexpress is one of the largest and most widely known online stores, in particular among Russian users. However, it is not a holistic structure: the store is an association of many entrepreneurs who post their products on the site. Guarantees for the timely arrival of the goods, its compliance with photographs, quality, etc. are provided not by the site itself, but by a specific seller, but not all of them are conscientious, as a result of which the Aliexpress blacklist appeared.

    How to blacklist a store

    This move expressed disappointment. The retailer is blacklisted after it came under renewed pressure this year over suspicious counterfeits sold on its marketplaces. When you step back and look at our overall efforts to combat illegal activity, our track record is clear.

    Four years of negotiations "have not been productive and have not led to progress in resolving the problem," she said. Alibaba said the methodology in the reports was flawed. S. officials have been most interested in the counterfeit issue, and feedback so far has been “positive,” the source said.

    Who is an unscrupulous seller?

    The blacklist is a list of those sellers who did not meet the buyer’s expectations for various reasons:

    • Long delivery (sometimes the goods arrive after six months from the date of order);
    • Poor quality;
    • Non-compliance with the photographs presented on the website and other criteria (size, fabric, etc.);
    • Non-arrival of goods at all.

    There are a huge number of similar lists on different resources, but not all of them are adequate. Buyers do not always name the true reason for placing an entrepreneur on the list of unscrupulous sellers. Let’s assume that the reason “I didn’t like it”, “it’s ugly”, “does not fit” and other personal assessments of the product are inadequate. Also, delivery is not always long - the fault of the selling party: often problems arise at the Russian post office (the goods may get lost, go to the wrong place, etc.). In this case, the fault lies solely with our mail.

    "I don't believe that success can be based on dishonesty," Ma was quoted as saying. Previously, competitors could look for buyers who gave inappropriate ratings, but this option has been eliminated by anonymous ratings. As a seller, you are therefore at the mercy of the buyer and, for the most part, with the implementation of new supplier standards. For example, even carelessly delivered neutral evaluations of newcomers can break the seller's neck, for the seller existentially eliminate potential problems from the very beginning.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any other solution. However, thanks to the exchanges and the corresponding opening to the West, another priority may soon take precedence. For the cave in the fairy tale was not just a source of immeasurable wealth for the poor woodcutter Ali Baba. The Treasury Chamber actually served as a hiding place for its prey in the history of 40 predators.

    How to deal with deception

    If there are numerous complaints, the administration of the aliexpress website blocks the seller and does not give him the opportunity to work further, however, not all buyers can leave a review on the site for various reasons.

    I agree with the previous review. Never order anything from this seller - Chen from Scintilla Group Co., Store No. 406685.
    Disgusting store, disgusting product quality, simply disgusting service!
    I ordered from Aliexpress quite a long time ago, but I don’t even remember such impudence! I ordered two fairies here, they arrived in about two and a half months, I even had to open a dispute, the seller wrote - wait. Although it promises delivery 1-1.5 months maximum.
    Well, okay, we waited. The fairies came in such crumpled boxes, as if they had been cynically trampled underfoot for a long time! Naturally, there was no longer any talk about any gift. But the point is not even in the crumpled boxes, but in the fact that the fairies don’t work! One seemed to take off, but got caught on the wall and fell on the sofa, a soft place, the height was small 3-40 cm. After that, it stopped taking off altogether! Although before this the fairy was much better and looked much richer, she fell from a great height, taller than my height, onto the wooden floor, so that her wings flew in different directions and nothing, she flew on like a cute little thing, the children carried her as they wanted. And this...
    Well, okay, the second fairy seemed to fly up to the ceiling, they caught it in their hands. We decided to recharge. After that, she stopped flying altogether! The engine is spinning, the lights are on, but with this strange grinding sound. My husband thinks it's a mechanical issue.
    The seller responds to messages reluctantly, with reluctance.
    And do you know what this boor told me!? Almost literally I wrote the following, “I don’t know why customers buy in my store, they open the first dispute as if the goods did not arrive, and then the second dispute that the goods do not work, I frankly don’t know why this happens, all the goods are checked, and such disputes A lot is opening up."
    Oh you little impudent monkey! I would like to look into these shameless eyes, they are checking the goods. Read all their negative reviews, how many defects they send, including short charging cords, switches covered in plastic, etc. Personally, in addition to the disgusting quality of the material (very thin, cheap plastic), the “on” and “off” positions on the switch were mixed up. Those. in the ON position the motor did not work, but in the OFF position it began to rotate. What can we say if they cannot install the switches correctly! Plus wires sticking out of the skirt and glue drips!

    Do you think if the product was of high quality, there would be so many negative reviews!? He himself writes that a lot of such disputes open up, but the brains are not enough to understand why there are so many of them!? Or is this arrogance bordering on rudeness?
    Regarding packaging, it’s a completely different matter. In their pictures everything looks so beautiful and stylish, perfect shapes, boxes straight out of a printing house. They send them so crumpled, it’s just terrible. And they know what they are sending, because... In their guarantees it is written that “when you receive the package, the packaging may be slightly damaged.” Ha, ha, slightly!
    And further, "If you are unhappy with our products, please contact us within 7 days and you can get a full refund, no questions asked!!! (We have great confidence in our products))"
    Well, what impudent people, just think. How everything is smooth with them in words, but as soon as you write to them, they immediately start playing the game of silence and “mine is yours, don’t understand”!
    However, they don’t forget to ask for five stars! - "After you received the package, please leave us 5 stars feedback, which is very important to us, thanks in advance." And there are apparently fools who give them five stars, otherwise how can they explain that they have 90% positive reviews? With the quality of the product, they shouldn't have more than 70%!
    And in conclusion, as a result of the dispute, the money was returned for only one fairy! And all because when you open a dispute, all messages must be duplicated below in the comments for each product! And since there were two identical goods and disputes opened at the same time, the seller only answered us one message! (Now I think this was done on purpose). And when the system demanded proof, we posted links to videos with non-working fairies under only one of the products, where this dishonest seller answered, implying that they related to both toys.
    As a result, one dispute was quickly covered up, as if there was not enough evidence presented on our part, the main evidence in favor of the seller was that we received our goods on time.
    At the same time, in the “Action” status both there and there it was: “ Refund Process", which implies that the money should have been returned for both toys. As a result, as mentioned above, the money was returned only for one fairy, which in itself is not very unpleasant, given the ugly state of these toys.
    So don’t repeat our mistakes and never order anything from store No. 406685 at!
    PS. And now I don’t order anything from Aliexpress anymore, it has deteriorated very badly lately, almost only scammers come across.

    Aliexpress is one of the largest and most widely known online stores, in particular among Russian users. However, it is not a holistic structure: the store is an association of many entrepreneurs who post their products on the site. Guarantees for the timely arrival of the goods, its compliance with photographs, quality, etc. are provided not by the site itself, but by a specific seller, but not all of them are conscientious, as a result of which the Aliexpress blacklist appeared.

    Who is an unscrupulous seller?

    The blacklist is a list of those sellers who did not meet the buyer’s expectations for various reasons:

    • Long delivery (sometimes the goods arrive after six months from the date of order);
    • Poor quality;
    • Non-compliance with the photographs presented on the website and other criteria (size, fabric, etc.);
    • Non-arrival of goods at all.

    There are a huge number of similar lists on different resources, but not all of them are adequate. Buyers do not always name the true reason for placing an entrepreneur on the list of unscrupulous sellers. Let’s assume that the reason “I didn’t like it”, “it’s ugly”, “does not fit” and other personal assessments of the product are inadequate. Also, delivery is not always long - the fault of the selling party: often problems arise at the Russian post office (the goods may get lost, go to the wrong place, etc.). In this case, the fault lies solely with our mail.

    How to deal with deception

    If there are numerous complaints, the administration of the aliexpress website blocks the seller and does not give him the opportunity to work further, however, not all buyers can leave a review on the site for various reasons.

    In this section, you are offered the most objective black list of sellers on Aliexpress. In addition, you yourself can contribute to the “cleansing up” of unscrupulous sellers and scammers, not forgetting to indicate a good reason.