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  • How to write degrees Celsius. How to set degrees in Word? How to Add a Celsius Sign on Apple Computers

    How to write degrees Celsius.  How to set degrees in Word?  How to Add a Celsius Sign on Apple Computers

    Often, in the process of creating a text document on a particular topic, you need to put a symbol in it that is not on the keyboard. One of these is a degree - Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin - this is no longer so important. Today we will talk about how to write a sign in Microsoft Word that is placed before the letters C, F or K (depending on the measurement system).

    The degree, like all other non-keyboard symbols, can be placed in a Microsoft text editor in several ways. Let's consider them in order from the most obvious to the most correct, but requiring memorization of certain meanings and a chain of actions.

    Method 1: Superscript

    Visually, the degree sign is a reduced letter "ABOUT" or number «0» , written above the reference line of the text, that is, in a superscript. Microsoft Word allows you to “raise” any symbols into it literally in one click.

    1. Write down the numerical value of degrees, if desired, indicate the measurement system through a space - Celsius (C), Fahrenheit (F) or Kelvin (K), and then place the cursor immediately before this letter, and if it does not exist yet, then after the space behind number of degrees.
    2. On the text editor toolbar, in the tab "Home", click on the button "Superscript" (), located in the group "Font". Instead, you can use keyboard shortcuts "CTRL+SHIFT++".

      Read also:
    3. Enter a capital letter from the keyboard "ABOUT"(by clicking "SHIFT+o") or number «0» , depending on what you want to use to represent the degree.

      Visually, they will be slightly different, so you can immediately see which symbol fits better.

    4. Note: A designation written in this way can and most likely will be identified by Word as erroneous, that is, it is underlined with a red wavy line. In order to remove it, you need to add the “word” to the dictionary or skip it - this can be done through the context menu.

    Method 2: Inserting a symbol

    Writing the degree sign using the method discussed above is a very simple and quick solution, but not the most suitable. Superscripted «0» for obvious reasons it looks too elongated (or “thin”), besides this number is like a capital letter "ABOUT", slightly “rise” above the unit of measurement, which should not be the case. You can avoid this if you use the character set built into Microsoft Word.

    1. Having placed the cursor in the place where the degree sign should be located, go to the tab "Insert".
    2. Click on the button "Symbol"(last group of tools, on the right) and select the item in the submenu that opens "Other symbols".
    3. In the dropdown list "Kit" select "additional Latin-1".
    4. Highlight the degree sign and press "Insert". After this, you can close the symbol insertion window.
    5. The degree symbol will appear in the location you specified.

      If you need this symbol again, you do not have to open the window again "Symbol" and select the appropriate set - it will be in the drop-down menu of the button "Symbol", the last 20 characters are stored there in the order in which they were used.

    6. This method allows you to insert a degree sign into a document, which will have the correct appearance and be at the desired level relative to the numerical values ​​of temperature and the letter C, F or K, indicating the unit of measurement. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires additional steps, and we will show you how to simplify this below.

    In many texts you need to use special signs: the square of a number (degree), the copyright symbol, and so on. Today we will look at the insert degrees into the document.

    How to set degrees in Word 2010 and 2007

    In these versions the instructions are similar.

    Go to the “Insert” tab, then click on the “Symbol” item, which is located on the right side, and then select “Other Symbols”.

    A window will open with a huge list of understandable (and not so understandable) signs.

    Don’t be alarmed by this, but select “additional Latin-1” (located closer to the beginning) in the right drop-down list. The third line will contain a degree icon. Double-click on it with your mouse. The icon appears in the document, and the Special Characters window can be closed.

    Screenshots for Microsoft Word 2007

    Find “Symbols” in the “Insert” menu and click on it.

    A window for selecting special characters will open. Select a character set in the top right drop-down menu. We need "Latin-1". On the third line from the right is a degree icon. It is inserted by double-clicking the left mouse button on it.

    The list on the left should say "plain text". If anything else is written there, an empty square appears instead of the icon. In this case, change the font and try again. Then continue typing the text in the same font you wrote, and the degree icon will remain in the document.

    The degree symbol will be essential when entering measurements, such as temperature values. The key combination Alt+0176 or the drop-down menu will help you set the degree in Word.

    Degrees Celsius using the menu ribbon

    It is important to point the cursor at the location where the degree icon is needed. Next, go to the “Insert” tab, click on “Symbol” and go to “Other Symbols”. A window will open with different variations of icons and letters.

    Now it is important to specify the “Font” and “Typeset”. In the “Font” tab, you need to select “Times New Roman”, and in the “Typesetting” tab, find “additional Latin-1”. If configured correctly, a new layout of symbols will appear in the window, including a degree icon. Select the temperature symbol and click on the “Insert” button. Everything worked out!

    How to write t with a degree using a combination of buttons?

    Anyone can do this manipulation of the keys; you just need to remember the sign code. We type the text and stop at the place where we should indicate t with a degree sign. Next, find the Alt button on the keyboard and hold it down, and now the main thing is to remember the symbol code and type it. We remind you, if anyone has forgotten – 0176.

    Note: You must enter numbers using the additional numeric keypad shown in the screenshot below.

    The picture below shows how you can find the code for the “Degree Celsius” symbol so that you can easily and quickly print the temperature symbol in the future. First, place the cursor in the right place, type the icon code and hold down the key combination Alt+x (x - on the English keyboard layout) and you're done.

    And also, the first time you use an icon, it then appears in a pop-up window so you can quickly find and paste.

    Can you write a degree with a letter or a number?

    On the main Word layout in the “Home” section there is a superscript icon with which you can type the temperature sign above the reference line of the entire text. We look at the picture and repeat. Place the pointer in the right place, open the “Home” tab, find “Superscript” and click (it will light up yellow), and then write either the letter “o” or the number “0”. Who likes it better!

    Today we will tell you how to type the degree symbol in various situations. We are talking about a typographic designation in the form of a superscript circle; it is customary to indicate the dimensions of temperatures and angles. The difficulty is that there is no degree symbol on the keyboard. Moreover, it is present in the encoding table, which the operating system uses to display symbols on the screen. The symbol (superscript circle combined with the letter C) is included in the first 128 characters. This allows you to use it in simple text formats - for example, .txt.


    We use code 0176 to insert the Celsius degree symbol into documents (by adding the Latin letter C to it). To do this, press the Alt key and enter the code on the additional numeric keypad. The button should be released only after completing the entry. While the code is being typed, nothing will change on the screen, but after the procedure is completed, the icon will appear at the location of the cursor.

    Select from a list

    To write the “degree” symbol in a different way, launch the Windows OS component called “Symbol Table”. In order to do this, press the combination Win + R. Enter the command charmap, press the Enter key. Going in this way to the symbol table, we find the “degree” symbol. Double-click it, and then click the “Copy” button. Then we switch to the window of the document being edited, insert the symbol using the Ctrl+V key combination.

    Apple platform

    Now we will tell you how to achieve the desired result in an operating system belonging to the Mac series. We use the combination Opt+Shift+8. It is this hotkey combination that is intended for writing in documents on this platform.

    How to set the degree symbol in Word

    Go to Word and insert the code 00B0. In this case, we use the English letter B. This combination corresponds to the designation we need in the Unicode character table, and Microsoft Office can process such characters. Place the input cursor on the part of the page where the degree sign should be placed, type the code, and then press the combination Alt+X. Thus, it will remove these four characters, displaying the required one instead. Next, we will discuss character primitives related to the HTML language. They should be used when you need to place a degree sign in a hypertext document. In order for this designation to appear in the content of a web page, a special sequence of characters must be placed in it - °. You can also use - °. Both combinations form a similar degree sign.

    Free platform

    You can't ignore the solution to this problem for Linux. Please note that on computers this sign can be obtained by typing “Compose o o”. To understand why this particular combination was chosen, we should tell you a little about the purpose of the key. On some PCs, the Compose button sends a special signal to the software, which indicates that it needs to interpret a certain sequence of characters to end up with a symbol that is not found on a traditional keyboard layout. We can give the following example. By clicking Compose, then “a” in combination with “e”, you can get the ligature æ. The key was also named “Multi_key”. Numerous keyboard layouts offer different placement options for this button. Typically used on PC compatible architecture. However, often this role can be played by one of

    If the required button is missing, its function can be manually transferred to another or special software can be used for this. The key can be used in many different combinations; specially created technical tables allow the user to familiarize themselves with them. We will not present combinations in this material, as they do not relate to the degree symbol we need. The Compose key can be found in the LK201 family of keyboards from DEC, as well as their successors. It is also available in Sun Microsystems input devices. By the way, as you can understand from what was described a little above, in Mac OS the Option button provides similar functionality. We have already written about how to get degrees with its help. Compose is not supported by the Microsoft Windows operating system. At the same time, its functionality is preserved and partially transferred to the Alt key for individual characters. In this case, it is necessary to use special codes on the numeric keypad, which was discussed using the example of a degree in the corresponding section of this article. However, some programs directly support Compose. In addition, there is an application called AllChars, which is distributed under open source conditions and is capable of emulating such a key on Windows systems.

    That's all, now you know how to get the “Degree” symbol in various text editors and in widely used operating systems. We hope that this article will give you the most complete information.

    When typing text, we often have to use many specific characters. And if when writing by hand, problems with how to put down this or that character have never arisen, then when using text editors, situations occur when the simplest character is perplexing. We have already looked at it earlier, today we will look in detail at how to write degrees Celsius on the keyboard.

    How to Write Celsius on the Keyboard in Windows

    It is worth noting that each operating system has its own way of marking the degrees Celsius symbol. First of all, we will look at Windows OS, since it is the most common among users of the Russian-speaking Internet segment.

    Method one - use the standard symbol table

    Few people know that Windows has its own symbol table in its arsenal of tools, and the degree Celsius is part of it. In order to insert it into the text, you must do the following:

    • press a key combination (for those who don’t know, the Win key is located between the left Ctrl and Alt, usually indicated by the classic Windows icon);

    Keyboard shortcut Win+R

    • you will see a window for entering a command, in it you need to enter charmap.exe;

    character map challenge

    • in the window that opens, you need to select the degree Celsius sign, click select, then copy;

    Copying the degree Celsius sign

    • Now this character is on your clipboard; in order for it to appear in the text, you need to place the cursor at the desired location and press the key combination Ctrl + V.

    After the first copy, the degree Celsius symbol will not disappear from the clipboard, and you can paste it into the text any number of times. This method perfectly solves the problem in which it is necessary to insert a given character several times in the text. But if it is needed once, then there are more convenient and less time-consuming options.

    Keyboard shortcut: Alt+0176 and Alt+248

    Now let's look at the simplest and, according to many, the most convenient way to add the Celsius symbol to text. It is based on Unicode, and for its use the following two conditions must be met:

    1. Your text editor must support Unicode. In modern realities, text editors that do not support it practically do not exist. All the most popular ones: MS Office, OpenOffice, Notepad++ - support Unicode.
    2. Your keyboard must have a NumPad. This is somewhat more difficult, since on some laptops it is simply absent to save space.

    If both conditions are met, then to insert a character into the text you must do the following:

    • place the cursor at the place where you want to insert the symbol;
    • press the key combination Alt +0176 or Alt +248, please note that numbers must be pressed exclusively on the number pad.

    Adding a Celsius symbol

    The picture shows only one method, because using Alt + 248 will give you exactly the same result.

    Alt+X keyboard shortcut

    The previous method is fast and convenient, but how to write degrees Celsius on the keyboard if it has a number pad? You can call the symbol table each time, but there is another way that is more convenient for adding the required symbol once. It's also Unicode-based, but doesn't require you to have a number pad on your keyboard. Here's how to do it:

    • place the cursor at the place where you want to insert the symbol;
    • dial 00B0, please note that you need to insert only a Latin letter;
    • Press the key combination Alt + X.

    Adding a degree Celsius symbol using Alt + X

    However, there is one caveat. Typically, adding a degree Celsius symbol is done to indicate a certain temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to put a space after the number and then enter 00B0; after the symbol itself appears, the space should be deleted. The thing is that the system will not correctly understand your intention, and if after 36.6 you immediately enter 00B0, then we will get a very strange symbol that resembles a question mark in a square. The thing is that when you enter without a space, the system converts 600B0 into characters instead of the combination we originally entered.

    How to Add a Celsius Sign on Apple Computers

    In fact, all of the above methods should also work on a computer running Mac OS X, but the problem is that the keyboard shortcuts that execute these commands are completely different, and the absence of the Alt key can be a complete dead end. In this question, we will look at just one way to add the desired character to the text:

    • place the cursor in the place where you want to add the symbol;
    • press the combination Opt + Shift + 8.