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  • How to ask to block a VKontakte page. Case - black PR or how to block someone else's VK page forever! Other blocking methods

    How to ask to block a VKontakte page.  Case - black PR or how to block someone else's VK page forever!  Other blocking methods

    Some users of the most popular social network on the RuNet are interested in the question of how to delete someone else's page in Contact (VK) And Is it even possible to do this?? The question is quite reasonable, because each of us from time to time meets extremely unpleasant personalities who poison our stay in VK. And an absolutely normal desire arises: to get rid of this annoying user.

    So how? delete another person's page (profile, account)? If you are not going to create a phishing site to lure out your login and password, then the answer is no.

    But don’t rush to get upset, because there is another solution. Namely - blocking someone else's VKontakte account. But there are some nuances, which include the need for a violation on the VK page that you plan to block.

    How to block someone else's VKontakte page

    As you probably know, each system (or in our case, the VKontakte website) has its own rules. For violation of some, the administration can either completely delete the page or block it.

    But, unfortunately (or fortunately), the administrative resource of this social network is not unlimited. Manually checking all accounts for violations is very problematic. Therefore, you should not expect that all violators of the system will be automatically removed from it. Nevertheless, you can find some kind of “jambs” in every 3rd user.

    And you, as a decent user of the website, may well help the administration and point out the presence of violations in the account of your ill-wisher.

    Finding them is not difficult, just look through the posts from the feed in the profile you want to block. This could be some kind of extremist appeals, materials containing scenes of violence, etc. In general, look for everything that violates Russian legislation.

    The popularity of social networks is increasing every day. This is due to the fact that such an instrument has entered everyday life and is firmly entrenched in it as one of the most convenient ways of communication. Almost every advanced person has his own page on a social network, where he posts his photos, publishes entries and, most importantly, communicates with friends and makes new acquaintances. Unfortunately, due to the fact that social media is a place where people of different social status and degrees of mental health gather, communication with them can harm morale.

    The administration of the VKontakte network thought through this issue, and its solution was the ability to block ill-wishers. This is what this article will discuss.

    Why can you block?

    In general, every person has the right to independently choose their social circle, so it is not unusual that on VK it is possible to protect oneself from other users. For example, if you are not satisfied with the tone of communication or the user violates the community rules, then you can think about how to block a person in Contact. this to do are:

    • Spam is one of the most common violations for which a user's page is frozen.
    • Insults and swearing are good enough reasons to block a person.
    • Distribution of child pornography.

    The last two points violate the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Types of blocking

    In VK there are three methods to stop unwanted user activity. So, you can block a person personally. This will limit the ill-wisher's access to your page. That is, he will not be able to write personal messages or view your information.

    If user violations are widespread, this may become a reason for freezing his page. This is the second type of blocking. And the third is that if you are a community administrator and a user violates its rules, you can block him from a specific group.

    Personal blocking

    It happens that you want to stop communicating with a user, so you need to know how to block a person in Contact forever. This is quite easy to do. So, in order to know how to block a person in Contact, limiting his access to your page, you need to be able to do the following.

    First, remove him from your friends list. It's quite simple: go to the "Friends" tab located on the left, and opposite the avatar, click "Remove from friends." The person will automatically be sent to the “Subscribers” category. If the privacy settings do not allow this category to leave comments, post on the wall and send private messages, then the person will no longer be able to communicate with you.

    If you want to completely restrict his access, then you need to do the following. Go to your page, under your personal avatar, click on the “Subscribers” button, find the right person and click “Block”. Thus, it will be removed from this category and will be on the blacklist, which can be viewed by going to the “Blacklist” tab located in the settings.

    Global blocking

    This method involves completely freezing the user’s page. The VK administration partially solves this problem by introducing an automatic spam blocking tool. However, the above points do not fall under this category and should be considered separately. In order for a user’s account to be frozen, you need to go to his page and in the column under the avatar find the “Complain” item. Clicking on it opens a form in which you need to indicate the reason and comment. An addition in the form of a screenshot will increase the likelihood of a fair verdict. Next, moderators will consider this request and make a decision on the user’s future fate. This method allows you to answer the question of how to block a person in Contact who violates the rules of the project. By the way, if a large number of complaints are received on the page, the application will be considered as soon as possible.

    Community blocking

    If you are a community administrator and are faced with inappropriate behavior of one of the participants, then the question arises: “How to block a person in Contact in a group?” The answer is actually very simple.

    You need to go to the list of all group members through the “Management” tab, where opposite the user name, click on the “Block” button. The person will be removed from the group without the possibility of re-joining it.


    The administration of VK has provided a convenient system of protection from ill-wishers, which is why there should not be any difficulties in figuring out how to block a person in Contact.

    Good afternoon friends. Today we will talk about an unusual topic, but for some it is vital. Lately, my readers have been asking me an unexpected question in their letters: “How to block a person on VK?”

    We are all different, and many people on social networks behave, frankly, inappropriately! They insult other people and write threatening letters to them. It's not so scary if an adult is insulted. It’s worse if insults go to your child’s page!

    The child's psyche is not balanced, and such insults and threats can leave a deep mark on the child's soul. Therefore, he must be protected from such insults.

    Also, recently, on social media. Various sects and radical terrorist movements have become more active in networks. And these terrorist organizations receive most of their new adherents from social networks. Most of them are young people under 30 years old.

    Therefore, if you find out that your child communicates with such people, they must also be blocked. I will talk about social media. VK network, because it is currently the most popular in RuNet.

    How to block a person's page

    To do this, go to the page of the person you want to block. I will block the teenager who wrote an obscene comment in the contact form on my site.

    So, immediately under the photo of the owner of this page, after the words “Add as friend,” click on the three horizontal dots.

    We have a drop-down menu. Select the command – Block.

    This method works if the person you are blocking is not your VK friend. If he is among your friends, remove him from your friends and block his page.

    How to completely block a person on VK

    This blocking method is similar to the previous one. On the offender’s page, after the phrase “Add as friend,” click on the same three dots. Select “Report page” from the menu.

    Next, we need to select the reason why you are blocking this person. For example – Abusive behavior. Place a checkbox above this command. Then below, in the comment form, you should write compelling reason, according to which VK administrators must block this person.

    Also, it is advisable to check the box above the bottom line - Close “Vasya Pupkin’s” access to my page and click “Submit”. This request will be sent to VK moderators.

    How to add a person to the VK blacklist

    This method is suitable even if the person is your VK friend. So, from the offender’s page, at the top of the menu after your avatar, click on the triangle. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

    We have a new drop-down menu, select “Black List”.

    An avatar appears automatically with the first and last name of the offender (optional, then enter the address). Right-click on his last name and select “Copy link address.” Enter the address in the field above, click on the big blue “Add to blacklist” button.

    Then, a window appears again in which we click “Block”.

    If you blocked him previously, you will see a message that the user is already blacklisted. If you don’t know how to find out the address of the offender (his VK link), return to his page, left-click on the VK address, and see the address of the offender. Next, we act according to the plan presented above.

    How to block a person in the VK form on your website

    If you have your own website, and a certain user writes nasty things in the comment form in a contact, proceed as follows. To the right of his comment, click on the three horizontal dots and select “Delete entry.”

    Then, you will see the following entry.

    That's it, the troublemaker of your site is now on the black list of the VK form! Now he will not be able to leave more than one comment on the VK form. This way you can get rid of letters and comments from inappropriate people on the VK page or in the VK comment forms of your website! Good luck!

    PS. Find out how you can protect your child from other negative phenomena Internet here...

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    Many VK users face humiliation and insults directed at them. Often this happens for no reason - a certain user just doesn’t like something and starts insulting the person. In this case, the question may arise: is it possible to delete someone else’s user page?

    Let's not beat around the bush - it is impossible to delete someone else's page. No, of course there is one option: gain access to the user’s account (a login and password are required) and delete the profile yourself using . But the probability of such an outcome tends to zero, since it is unlikely that anyone will share data from their account with you.

    What can be done? If a user really insults you, you can safely report him. If the moderator actually sees insults or obscene language, he can block the user's account.

    To do this, go to the page of the person you are interested in, scroll down until you see a small menu of three items. Click "Report Page".

    A small window will open. You must indicate the reason for the complaint (in our case it is “Abusive Behavior”) and add your comment.

    After writing your comment, click on the “Submit” button. If what you wrote turns out to be true, the user's page will be blocked.

    In addition, you can click “Block username” - in this case, this user will not only not be able to write anything to you, he will not even be able to access your page. Alas, this will not protect you in any way if a person creates another page, which you, however, can also block.

    What to do if the user does not do anything that would violate the VKontakte rules, but at the same time you would really like to delete his page? Nothing. If VK moderators deleted every page at the sole request of a certain user, there would be nothing left of the social network.

    Most often, the need to block one’s own page on the VKontakte social network arises when either the need for it disappears, or when ill-wishers try to disgrace the user in one way or another. Making a block is not that difficult.

    It is worth noting that the administration of the social network “VKontakte” is extremely undesirable when it comes to blocking other people’s accounts. This is primarily due to the fact that the site’s statistics will drop in such cases, and as you know, VKontakte really likes to show people that they are popular.

    Thus, it turns out that blocking an unwanted account requires a compelling argument, that is, a serious violation of the rules of the social network itself. If this is not the case, then it is unlikely that you will be able to block your account, although there are several ways that will help you achieve your plan. Violation of site rules As mentioned above, the administration can easily block a user who violates the rules of the social network. Of course, not everyone reads these rules, and even more people regularly break them. As a result, it turns out that, if desired, a user who wants to block another account can write a corresponding complaint to the administration of the VKontakte social network. After it is reviewed and if the administration is convinced that the user has violated the rules, his page will be immediately blocked. Incorrect and inaccurate data You can block someone else’s VKontakte page if the user has provided incorrect or inaccurate data. That is, the user needs to find similar information on the ill-wisher’s page. For example, if the avatar is not a photo of the account owner, or if he indicated inaccurate (false) information about himself (full name, etc.), then you can easily complain about a violation of the site rules and demand that the account be blocked. Copy-pasteCopy-paste (copied text) too may cause account blocking. To do this, you need to find exactly the site from which the text was copied and write to the owner of this resource that his information was published on the VKontakte social network by a specific person (you need to indicate the address of the page on which the text is stored and the address of the page owner). At the same time, you need to send a complaint to the administration. As a result of the verification, the ill-wisher’s account will most likely be blocked. Illegal posting of materials Illegal videos or audio recordings are also a reason for blocking someone else’s page. As you know, copyrights cannot be violated, and the use of pirated audio and video recordings violates the law. The user just needs to write to the administration that the specified page contains unlicensed materials that violate rights. Do not forget that VKontakte technical support employs people. If slander or insults are spread against you, you can also ask to delete the ill-wisher’s account. Most likely, the administration will understand your position and listen to your request.