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  • Landing Page from A to Z. How to make a Landing page yourself: step-by-step instructions What is the best way to make a landing page

    Landing Page from A to Z. How to make a Landing page yourself: step-by-step instructions What is the best way to make a landing page

    Reading time: 12 minutes. Views 9 Published 07/22/2018

    A landing page is a one-page website that is created for the purpose of promoting a specific product or service. This site may also contain information about the entrepreneur himself and his company. Quite often, landing pages are called landing pages, which are used to increase the volume of sales of goods. In order to run a profitable business on the Internet, it is very important to pay due attention to the graphic component of the site and the quality of the content posted. It should be noted that to create your own page it is not necessary to spend large sums by hiring a team of developers. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to create a landing page for free yourself and talk about the features of various designers.

    Landing page is one of the most effective ways to promote products online

    What is a landing page, its features

    First, let's look at the question of what a landing page is and talk about its characteristic features. Landing is a one-page resource used to form a consumer base or sell specific products. When creating such a page, it is necessary to use various marketing methods to encourage customers to make an order or perform any other targeted action. This is exactly what a landing page looks like through the eyes of an advertiser or its developer.

    Ordinary Internet users see the landing page from a different perspective. For them, the landing page is the page where they end up after clicking on the advertising link. Such links can be linked to banner advertising, advertising posts, informers and other media files. It is important to pay attention to the fact that landing pages have several specific features that distinguish them from online stores. The main distinguishing feature of such a site is that it is used only to advertise one product.

    Today there are four main types of landing pages:

    1. Offline page– such landing pages are used to encourage the visitor to perform a target action. This can be either the purchase of advertised products or any other task beneficial to the entrepreneur.
    2. Microsite– such sites consist of several pages filled with content about a specific product group or services provided by the owner of the resource.
    3. Main site– such resources can be used to advertise both the company itself and the products it offers.
    4. Lando website– a resource consisting of several pages that are not interconnected.

    It is important to note that landing pages differ in the nature of their content. Advertising sites are created with the aim of increasing sales of a particular product. Such sites contain a lot of graphic information, video materials and a long description of a service or product. There are also “viral” sites where advertising materials are disguised using games or various articles. The last type of landing pages are targeted leads, which are used to collect information about consumers interested in the site owner’s offer.

    The creation of such sites allows production companies to identify the preferences and desires of the target audience.

    Who benefits from working with a landing page?

    Before talking about how to create a landing page builder, you should consider the benefits of using such resources. Single-page websites are most often used by small companies specializing in the production of specific products. However, many large entrepreneurs use this method of business promotion in order to test a new market segment and find out the wishes of potential clients. Using special constructors allows you to create a full-fledged website yourself, avoiding the need to contact a development team. Many builders that create one-page websites provide their users with a free trial period. The use of such platforms allows you to conduct various tests in order to study the selected segment.

    A landing page is a special marketing tool that was created with only one purpose, so that a potential buyer takes the action you need on it.

    As a rule, one-page resources are used to increase sales volumes of specific products. However, marketing experts say that one-page sites can solve many more problems. Such pages can help increase both the brand’s rating and attract new contractors aimed at long-term cooperation. Also, such resources can be used to provide advice or provide access to various Internet services.

    When creating such a site, you should remember that it should only solve one problem.

    A one-page website can be created either using a special website builder or using WordPress or any other popular engine. The main disadvantage of the latter method is the need for experience and programming skills. It is necessary not only to be able to write computer code, but also to know the basics of SEO optimization. As a rule, when creating your own website, the owner of the resource attracts a team of professionals. Ordering the creation of a website in a special studio can significantly increase the cost item.

    The use of one-page website builders, which appear to be specialized platforms, can significantly reduce the cost of creating a website. The cost of such a site will be about a thousand rubles per month. When creating a landing page, it is very important to take into account the rules of marketing, which will help ensure a high level of resource conversion.

    According to experts, beginners who want to promote their business on the Internet should carefully study their audience. Having determined the desires and needs of potential customers, you can competently provide information about your product, highlighting its key advantages. You should also study all the platforms that provide such services. Each of the platforms containing constructors for creating one-page resources has features that will be discussed below.

    Review of the best website builders

    Below is a list of 16 different platforms that can be used to create a landing page. Let's look at their key features, advantages and disadvantages.


    Creating a landing page using this platform requires the entrepreneur to have practical experience in this field. Typically, this resource is used by people who have a certain level of knowledge that allows them to use the various tools presented by the designer. According to experts, this platform has the richest functionality compared to competitors’ offerings.

    On this site you can find more than three hundred different templates, each of which can be adapted for any platform. Using analytical tools, an entrepreneur can manage traffic, obtain traffic statistics and build a sales funnel. This resource also allows you to connect various online payment systems. The cost of the basic tariff is 799 rubles per month. By purchasing an annual subscription, the user receives a discount of two hundred and forty rubles per month.

    Before creating, you need to clearly define the purpose of your landing page.


    This platform offers its users about fifty different templates. You can connect various widgets to each created page, in the form of additional opening tabs, counters and decorations. This resource supports the integration of various online services, including Robokassa and the JustClick system.

    The cost of the cheapest service package is 490 rubles per month. For this amount, the advertiser receives a domain to host one advertising page. If you wish, you can configure sending alerts to Telegram.


    uKit is the ideal solution for promoting your business on the Internet. This site contains various tools for creating a landing page. It is important to note that the ease of managing the editor allows this service to be used even by people who have no experience in programming or developing their own resources. Using this service allows you to create a high-quality website that is no different from those created by professional developers.

    Promotion of the site created by this designer is carried out by connecting additional services. This platform provides its users with the ability to connect to social networks, an online consultant and a mailing program. You can master all the functionality in just one day. The cost of the basic tariff, which allows you to explore all the capabilities of the designer, is about 240 rubles per month.


    Creating a landing page using the Wix designer allows a person to use various design solutions and techniques to increase sales. In addition, you can independently make a unique template that will differ from existing options. This platform provides a rich toolkit in the form of various effects, animated counters and other tools.

    The system in question contains the richest set of tools for communication and promotion of the created page. In order to study all the capabilities of the designer, you will have to spend more than one day. The cost of monthly domain rental varies from one hundred twenty-three to seven hundred and fifty rubles, depending on the chosen tariff.


    This platform provides its users with both adaptive templates and the ability to create their own template from ready-made visual blocks. Using a graphic editor, the service user can make adjustments to each of the design elements. According to experts, this service will be a profitable solution for beginners in the field of e-commerce. Experts also note the high quality of the built-in CRM system.

    LPMotor supports a large number of different online services that can be integrated into the created website. This resource also provides the ability to create several types of pages that are designed for viewing the site using a regular computer or phone. The cost of the cheapest tariff is three hundred and sixty rubles per month. For this amount, the user receives one domain where you can place up to ten landing pages.

    In recent years, the demand for landing pages (one-page sites) has grown significantly


    This designer was created by domestic developers. Today, this platform provides its users with more than two hundred and fifty different templates. Each user has the opportunity to change the structure of the template, thereby creating a unique design n. Each registered user is given two weeks of free use of the platform for evaluation purposes. The cost of the cheapest tariff is about four hundred and fifty rubles per month.


    Experts do not recommend using this service for beginners, pointing out a number of disadvantages. One of them is the lack of ability to sort templates according to various parameters. This platform provides a free opportunity to test the system. However, the free plan has a number of limitations. Such restrictions include the display of advertising for the service itself and strict limits on the number of visitors (no more than 100 people per month).


    This constructor is more appropriate to use to create a landing page that sells. The editor of this platform allows you to create a page consisting of five sections. You can use different design elements for each section. Also, each user can independently make an individual template. The cost of the basic tariff is about two hundred and fifty rubles. It should also be noted that there is a free test mode without a time limit.


    This platform is suitable exclusively for those people who have extensive experience in creating websites using website builders. Despite the fairly easy interface, the principle of operation of many tools may not be clear to novice users. A special feature of this service is the complete purchase of the created landing page for the purpose of transferring it to a new hosting. The cost of the cheapest tariff is about 500 rubles per month.


    This constructor is most often used to create a personal blog.. The service itself is one of the best platforms for gaining practical experience. A rich set of free tools allows you to create a high-quality resource that will have a high conversion rate. The duration of the test period is two weeks. After this time period has expired, the user is provided with reduced functionality free of charge. The cost of a monthly tariff is about five hundred rubles.

    The main task and purpose of the landing page is to advertise only one product or service


    Over the entire period of operation of this resource, more than one million different sites have been created using the Umi constructor. This platform provides its clients with the opportunity to completely switch from one hosting to another. It is important to note that the site's position in search engine rankings remains unchanged. On the service’s website you can find about 500 different templates with responsive design. Each person who completes the registration procedure receives a two-week trial period. The cost of the tariff is four hundred ninety rubles per month.


    This resource has a narrow specialization in the form of landing pages for sale. This platform is more appropriate to use for those entrepreneurs who want to increase sales of their products. The site provides about one hundred and twenty different layouts that you can change to suit your needs. The duration of the test period is two weeks. The cheapest tariff, which includes the creation of one website, costs about 600 rubles.


    This site is designed not only for beginners in the field of e-commerce, but also in web development itself. The only drawback of the platform is the presence of only thirteen templates. Each registered user is given a trial period of fourteen days. The price of the cheapest tariff is seven hundred and fifty rubles.


    Quite an interesting solution for creating a landing page using the designer. Here are step-by-step instructions to help you create an effective business solution. It should also be noted that there are more than three hundred different template options, consisting of blocks that can be changed at your discretion. The cost of the minimum tariff is about a thousand rubles per month. Please note that all marketing tools come at an additional cost.


    A distinctive feature of this resource is high-quality technical support for users. It is this aspect that allows this resource to occupy a high place in the ranking of designers for creating one-page websites. The price of the monthly tariff is five hundred rubles. For this amount, the user gets access to almost a hundred different templates that can be customized to suit their needs.

    Landing page is an opportunity to receive new orders, a way to sell goods and services, attract customers and expand the customer base


    According to statistics, about two million people are registered on this resource. A distinctive feature of “A5” is a huge number of different templates, divided into thematic groups. It is important to note that this platform provides free modes with limited features. Also quite interesting is the fact that the user needs to make a daily payment rather than a monthly one. The cost of one day of work in the system varies from three to five rubles.

    Is it possible to create a landing page for free?

    When considering questions about what a landing page is, how to make your own one-page website from scratch, and ratings of various designers, you need to talk about the possibility of creating your own resource for free. From all of the above, we can conclude that many resources provide their users with the opportunity to post free landing pages. The main disadvantage of using free constructors is the limited functionality and annoying advertising of the resource itself. When choosing a platform to create your own landing page, it is very important to study all the pros and cons of the free plan.

    Not every visitor who lands on your website takes the target action because he lacked arguments, incentives, or was not attracted to the site. The right landing page can be the impetus for the necessary user actions. We’ll tell you which landing page will work for you, and also give you a ready-made to-do list for creating a successful landing page.

    How is a landing page different from a website?

    A landing page is a landing page with a call to do something: subscribe to a newsletter, buy a product, or leave a request for services. A regular website is overloaded with information. The landing page works with a specific goal and leads the visitor by the hand until he completes the target action. Advertising traffic is directed to the landing page.

    A good conversion rate for a website is considered to be 2-3% of all visitors. For landing pages, this figure is 14-15%. Buttons with a call to action help achieve this result.

    Principles of successful landing

    There are several techniques that help to attract and hold a visitor's attention.

    The principle of the first screen or Above The Fold. Newspapers are sold folded in half, so the cover page is divided into a visible and invisible part. If a headline or a photograph on the visible part attracts attention, you will want to buy the newspaper and read to the end.

    The situation is the same with a landing page: the reader should be interested from the first screen and understand whether he needs to scroll further. Therefore, pay special attention to the first screen. It should not be overloaded with information, but at the same time it should contain the essence. The most important button for the target action is usually placed on the first screen and is repeated closer to the end of the landing page.

    Scannability and structure. People want to quickly get information, so the landing page should be clearly structured and understandable. To do this, information is divided into semantic blocks, subheadings, lists, illustrations and quotes are used.

    Taking into account the page heat map. Important semantic blocks are placed in plain sight so that the user finds the necessary elements in the usual place. There are several models of behavior on the site, the most relevant of which are: Z-Pattern and Guttenberg Pattern

    Z-Pattern using Facebook as an example. Users subconsciously know that the action button is in the bottom right corner.

    Gutenberg's diagram divides the screen into four parts. In the top left, the reader looks for the most important information and looks at it first. In the bottom right, the decision is made; an order button or call to action is placed here.

    Accessible navigation. A landing page is a long page. To make it convenient for the user to navigate and find what they need, links to important blocks are placed in the header.

    Call-to-action elements. A call to action is the logical conclusion of a long journey that takes the reader to a new stage of the sales funnel. The landing page contains subscription or purchase buttons, links to products, and email forms. The decision is influenced by the shape and color of the button, limited offer (“Three spots left on the webinar”) and placement.

    Contacts in a visible place. Some users don’t want to read, they need to ask questions, so the feedback form, email and phone should always be at hand.

    A/B testing principle.Sometimes it turns out that if you change the text on the page or move the order button two centimeters higher, then users are more willing to take the target action. Therefore, different hypotheses are used on landing pages and tested on separate groups of visitors. There is no universal recipe; you need to try and change the structure depending on the results.

    How to create a landing page?

    It’s good if the company already employs a copywriter, designer and layout designer who understand the tasks of the landing page and can develop the perfect page. If not, the most effective solution would be to order a landing page from freelancers.You can also choose an artist on Kwork.

    When choosing a contractor on Kwork, pay attention to the main parameters of freelancers’ offers: what work and in what volume is included in the work, at what price and time frame it will be done. Sellers' offers are sorted by rating, which is based on real reviews, responsibility, quality and other internal algorithms of the system. Ratings, reviews, portfolios greatly simplify the choice of a contractor.

    In the filter, you can mark additional services, for example, placing a landing page on hosting, adaptive design, setting up a contact form to order them from one seller.

    All you need to do is select the service you need, pay, adjust the task if necessary directly in the order, and get a high-quality result on time.

    To-do list for a customer to create a landing page

    Landing page creation is divided into the following stages:

    • thinking through the landing page structure— creating a rough plan that will become the basis of the technical specifications for the designer and copywriter;
      • Order collection and analysis of competitors. Compare yourself with competitors and international leaders in your niche. Write down your competitive advantages, as well as “tricks” that can be borrowed from competitors.
      • Answer the question for yourself, what should the user do after reading the landing page? This will be the purpose of the landing page. This goal must be clearly stated to the performers.
    • content writing- text that will “sell” the product. The basic working scheme for writing the text “Client’s pain - Increased pain - Idyll - Solution - Proposal of a deal”;
    • design- creation of a complete layout. We wrote more about the design below;
    • layout- website design in accordance with its functionality and designer’s layout;
    • programming- implementation of the necessary functionality of the site;
    • advertising setup- launching contextual advertising to generate traffic to your landing page.

    All these services can be ordered on Kwork not only through the service store, but also throughExchange . On the exchange, you create a request for a service - describe what needs to be done and what your budget is, and competent performers themselves respond to your request. You choose the most suitable artist for you and work with him through a secure transaction on Kwork.

    When working with a designer and layout designer, you need to consider the following points:

    1. Page layout and prototype- agree on the main blocks, structure and reader path from element to element.
    2. Logo- if the company doesn’t have a logo yet, it’s time to add it to the landing page to make the brand recognizable.
    3. Website header- with product information, logo and navigation.
    4. Illustrations- a good designer will not fill the page with photos from a stock photo. He will draw the illustrations himself or ask you for high-quality images of the technological process or product.
    5. Call to action buttons- the designer will help you decide which CTA elements are needed on the page and where to place them.
    6. Feedback form- this could be a phone number, a “Call me back” button, or an online chat icon in the corner of the page.
    7. Icons- help the reader separate blocks and visually highlight important things.

    From the author: I salute you. Landing Page, that is, one-page sites, have come into fashion relatively recently. In this article I will try to tell you why they appeared in the first place and how to create a landing page yourself?

    Why have landing pages become so popular?

    Today, every experienced webmaster has already seen hundreds of such one-pagers. I've probably seen thousands. They also have other names: landing page, landing page, landing page, one-pager, etc. Among webmasters, the most commonly used word is “landing page” or even “landing page”. And everyone understands perfectly well what we are talking about.

    The main reason for the appearance of landing pages is their incredible effectiveness when ordering paid advertising. The fact is that one day advertising specialists came to a simple conclusion - the cost of conversion, that is, a targeted action, is several times lower if you direct purchasing traffic directly to a one-page website, and not to a business card website, a product catalog in an online store, or some other then other places.

    The reason for this lies in the fact that on landing pages everything is usually maximally optimized for one or more products. There is a bright design, all the advantages of the product are revealed, there are reviews or even video reviews. Usually they also put a countdown timer there, and of course a form through which you can order the product (as well as a form for ordering a call back).

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    Thus, any product or service looks much more attractive on the landing page, and the potential buyer has a much greater desire to purchase what is offered to him.

    What are landing pages used for?

    In fact, the quality of a landing page cannot be absolutely accurately assessed until the first potential clients start visiting it. To track behavioral factors (% of failures, time on the site, look at the web viewer) they usually install a Yandex.Metrica counter. Well, okay, we can talk about this for a long time, but I promised to tell you about how to create a landing page with your own hands.

    Ways to create a landing page

    Actually, let's consider only 2 methods. And I’ll say just a little bit about the first one. It is simpler and involves using paid and free constructors. The disadvantage of such creation is obvious - you assemble a design from non-unique blocks, and to uniqueize them, you will need skills in working with html and css. And also the basics of web design. In the paid builder, you can create high-quality one-page pages by default, but you hardly have enough functionality to change anything in the template and remake everything to your taste. In addition, for this, as I already said, knowledge is also needed.

    I once went to try to make a landing page in a paid website builder. So what would you think? The designer eventually generated me a huge archive with a page where all possible libraries, styles and scripts were connected. The loading speed was not only slow, it was catastrophic, so even the browser froze.

    So, the best way to create a landing page if we are talking about professional development to order (or for yourself to advertise your products, services, etc.) is creation from scratch. This is what I would like to talk about in more detail.

    Stages of creating a landing page from scratch

    Planning the structure of a one-page website (what blocks will be on it, what will be in them, etc.), drawing up technical specifications for the designer.

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    Writing selling text. This is a very important stage, because the sales text largely determines what the conversion will be in the end. The most important thing in such a text is the USP, which can be deciphered as a unique selling proposition. If it's written attractively, that's half the battle.

    Order a design from a web designer. On average it costs 1-10 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity and performer.

    Layout of the landing page in accordance with the ready-made approved final design. For high-quality layout, you will need to meet many important requirements (adaptability, validity, cross-browser compatibility, optimization of loading speed, etc.)

    Creating a simple admin part so that the owner of a one-page website can go to the site and track whether orders have been made, as well as phone numbers, email addresses of customers (and other information entered into the form). In other words, implement all the necessary functionality.

    Installing the necessary counters in the code. Usually they use Yandex.Metrica. This allows you to set goals (for example, click on a call back button, click on a form submit button), track behavioral factors and, if necessary, take measures to improve the landing page.

    How to determine the quality of a landing page?

    Of course, we can talk for a long time about page loading speed, cross-browser compatibility, and adaptability. But let's be honest - in modern realities all this should be by default.

    Actually, the main indicator of the quality of a one-page website is conversion. This is the ratio of the number of targeted actions (ordering a product/service) to the total number of people who visited the site. For example, if you bought paid advertising and it brought 120 people to your site, and you received 2 targeted actions, then your conversion is approximately 1.66%. That is, 1.66% of people will order your product. However, here we need to make a reservation that 120 visits and two orders are not enough to calculate the average conversion rate on the site. This requires much more traffic.

    Conversion is influenced by everything: structure, design, selling text and its very essence (USP), quality of layout, loading speed, ease of reading, etc. Only by optimizing everything on all fronts can you hope for an excellent result.

    Well, what to do if all the basic optimization steps have been completed? In fact, any landing page can be improved infinitely many times. For example, let's say you sell a set of tools for a DIYer. You can optimize everything as much as possible, but a banal change of the background image on the first block can increase conversion.

    And you won’t know about it until you test this one-page version. If it increases conversion, then leave it and look for the next ways to increase CR.

    Bottom line. What prospects open up for those who know how to create one-page websites?

    Landing pages are incredibly in demand today. Right now, in 2016, the popularity of one-page websites has become so great that in the next 3-4 years there will be a huge need for them. And if you know how to create professional one-page pages, then you can certainly, if you wish, earn serious money by developing landing pages for others, as well as for advertising your own services and products.

    Therefore, now you can think about increasing your level in website building in order to get your share in this popular niche today.

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