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  • Recommendations for updating the BIOS. Updating the BIOS or how to flash the BIOS Find out what version of BIOS you have installed

    Recommendations for updating the BIOS.  Updating the BIOS or how to flash the BIOS Find out what version of BIOS you have installed

    What a BIOS is, I think, there is no need to explain. But we can repeat it again: BIOS is a set of programs (Firmware) written into ROM on the motherboard (currently only into erasable ROM - Flash chip) and intended for diagnosing and configuring a computer, performing disk I/O procedures, and working with video ( for PCI bus), etc. The Flash chip can be reprogrammed (“uploaded” with a new BIOS received from the motherboard manufacturer). BIOS update is performed for the following reasons:

    • Errors were found in the old version that were corrected in the new version;
    • ensuring compatibility with new devices (HDD over 8.4 GB, LS-120, ZIP-drive, etc.);
    • adding new motherboard features.

    The update itself is carried out by the firmware program. For AWARD BIOS it is most often called AWDFLASH, although the manufacturer of your board may have its own flashers.

    Where and how to look for a new BIOS

    You need to look for a new BIOS on the motherboard manufacturer's website, because... A BIOS from another board may only work by chance. Having found the manufacturer’s website, you need to go to the “Support” or similar section and download the file (most often this is a self-extracting archive, which may also contain a flashing program inside). Here you will need to know exactly the model and revision of the board. If there are no instructions on the manufacturer's website about where to look for the markings, look at the outermost ISA slot. It almost certainly has a barcode sticker on it. The signature under the barcode is the serial number of the board (it can already help), and somewhere nearby there will be a board model. Sometimes the board revision is written on a sticker on the ROM. If this information is not enough, try contacting the manufacturer's technical support (by writing an email, for example). After the model has been determined, you need to find a section with lists of new BIOSes for this board. Read the list of what has been added or fixed in new versions. If none of the above concerns you, it is better not to change the BIOS.

    If the new BIOS has been downloaded, you need to select the required flash driver. For AWARD BIOS this is AWDFLASH.EXE. But it is always better to use either the one recommended by the manufacturer, or the one that came with the board on a floppy disk or CD. It happens that the flasher is not suitable, so it’s worth paying attention to its choice.

    Preparing to update the BIOS

    Although the update procedure is simple and trivial, there are always people who will do something wrong. Therefore, a few tips will not be superfluous.

    Updating the BIOS is always done only from under pure DOS. If you are not sure that you know how to get into pure DOS before loading Windows, use a boot floppy disk. To prepare it in a DOS session, run the usual FORMAT A:, then - SYS A: (or FORMAT A: /S) After the "System transferred" or "System files copied" message, remove everything from the floppy disk except IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM (check if hidden files are visible in your file manager). After that, you need to write the flashing program (AWDFLASH.EXE) to the floppy disk. The downloaded BIOS must be a file with the BIN extension (unpack it if necessary). The .BIN file is actually an LZH archive (with the ORIGINAL.TMP file inside ), you do not need to unpack it under any circumstances. Check the floppy disk for readability. You should not write-protect it, you will need to write the old BIOS there (in fact, this should be done immediately, when purchasing the board - see AWDFLASH launch parameters).

    Update procedure for AWARD BIOS

    The flasher must be launched from clean DOS. No other programs should be loaded. If you don't know how to do this, use a boot diskette. So the order is:

    1. Reboot and enter SETUP.
    2. Disable both caches (internal, external) in the Advanced Setup section.
    3. Enable booting from a floppy disk there (Boot Sequence set to "A,C,CD_ROM").
    4. If you have the ability to disable the Flash overwrite option programmatically (on Chaintech boards), disable it (Flash Protection in Chipset Setup).
    5. Exit Setup.
    6. Boot the system from the floppy disk.
    7. Launch the flasher (see below for AWDFLASH launch parameters).
    8. Enter the file name with extension (I repeat, the file must have a BIN extension. If EXE, it is not yet unpacked, if TMP, it is already too unpacked).
    9. When asked to save the old BIOS, answer in the affirmative and enter the file name (just not over the new one, of course).
    10. The BIOS update will begin and the progress bar will start running. If anything happens during this time (the car freezes, the power goes out, the refrigerator turns on), you are truly out of luck.
    11. When prompted to restart the system, you can turn off your computer for a few minutes.
    12. After the new boot, go to Setup and turn on everything that was turned off. It is recommended to make Load Setup Defaults and set Reset Configuration Data to Enabled (this is in PNP/PCI Config).

    After updating BIOS

    It is possible that the new BIOS will not work as expected, or will not work at all. Then all that remains is to repeat the “filling” procedure for the old BIOS (if you saved it, of course). But don't rush to restore the old BIOS. It may be enough to carefully review Setup in search of incorrectly installed options. You can also use a flashing program - it not only flashes the BIOS, but can do something else.

    A case of unsuccessful "filling"

    If for some reason your computer does not boot after updating the BIOS, there is a way to restore the BIOS. Reprogramming the Flash chip on a friend's motherboard is described in detail on the pages of the newspaper and there is no point in returning to this. But there is an easier way - BootBlock BIOS (however, this is not possible on all boards). The fact is that during programming, part of the BIOS is not overwritten. This part of the BIOS allows you to start the machine from a boot floppy disk, although you will also need an ISA (or VLB) video card. In general, the idea is that when booting from a floppy disk, the flash driver starts and restores the BIOS. To do this, there must be a file on the floppy disk AUTOEXEC.BAT with the line AWDFLASH<файл.BIN>/PY/SN. However, I haven’t had to try this method, and I don’t know whether it works or not.

    AWDFLASH command line

    These options are not intended to overwrite the BIOS:

    /CC - clear CMOS (non-volatile memory with some configuration parameters),

    /CP - clearing data about Plug&Play devices,

    /CD - clearing DMI information (detailed information about the motherboard configuration),

    /Sn - do not save the old BIOS,

    /Pn - do not perform Flash programming (used to save old BIOS).

    These options are used when performing BIOS programming:

    /CC, /CP, /CD, /Sn, /Pn - the same,

    /Py - overwrite the BIOS from the specified file,


    /E - exit to DOS after finishing,

    /R - reboot after completion.

    In general, it is advisable to run AWDFLASH with /CP /CD parameters.

    Possible messages from the AWDFLASH program

    During operation, the flashing program may display the following messages:

    1. Program files or part number does not match with your system - mismatch between the BIOS version and the firmware used. You can ignore this message or look for another version of AWDFLASH.
    2. Flash utility cannot find the BIOS update file - the entered file name is incorrect, check.
    3. Insufficient memory - You did not run the flasher under pure DOS, or the flasher is buggy.
    4. Erase chip fail or similar message - three options - Flash write protection (software or hardware), the chip is not Flash or the chip is damaged.
    5. File Size Error or File Read Error - either the file with the BIOS is not one, or the floppy disk is damaged.
    6. Unknown Flash Type - the chip is unlikely to be suitable for this flash tool.

    “BIOS” is the main input/output system software, as well as a full set of various programs. Its main purpose is to ensure stable and high-quality performance of computer hardware along with a variety of devices connected to it. The term itself is a fairly simple abbreviation “Basic Input/Output System”. He is also responsible for such an important part of the PC's operation as the initial startup and loading of the installed OS.

    Without such software there would be no way to input and output information from a computer. Today, BIOS software has a wide range of functionality, which allows the user to set a password code for a personal computer and specify the required date and time. “BIOS” also has a very useful function with which you can select the devices used to boot the OS.

    The BIOS is updated from time to time and receives new features and functions. However, it is worth noting that, as such, updating the BIOS does not lead to any noticeable changes in the quality of the personal computer. But if the user encounters an error, then in this case it is necessary to update the program to a more current version, since it will contain corrections for many errors, as well as a useful increase in the total number of processors supported for interaction.

    Note! There are several varieties of BIOS, and different PC manufacturers prefer to install different software on their devices. But there are three main types: AMI (American Megatrends Incorporated), Award BIOS (Award Software), UEFI BIOS.

    Before directly starting the update procedure for such software, it is necessary to determine what the user has. To do this you need:

    In addition, before you start updating the above software, you need to determine the version. For this you should:

    Updating the AMI BIOS version in a Windows Seven environment

    Before you begin the update, you should understand that each computer requires different versions of the BIOS. It depends both on the manufacturer and on many other factors. Therefore, before you start updating to a more current version, you need to find out the name of the existing one, because this will be necessary to find the necessary improvements. Depending on the operating system, computer manufacturer and motherboard, the steps required to successfully update the BIOS environment may vary. So, to update such software, you should:

    1. Determine the BIOS version, and then open a web browser. In the search bar, enter the software version specified in the settings and add the word “update”.

    2. Press "Enter". In the results that appear, find the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard, processor or the computer itself, which will contain links to download updated versions of the BIOS.

    3. Read the information on the page, study the instructions for installing and updating the above-mentioned software.
    4. Having made sure that the “BIOS” matches, we begin the process of downloading the required file by clicking on the “Download” or “Upload file” button.

    5. Close all programs on the computer and launch the previously downloaded update file by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

    6. After starting the program, a window will appear notifying you about changes being made to the “BIOS” and installation requirements, where you will need to click “OK” or “Next”.

    7. Another area will appear in which a list of changes and differences in the existing version of the program and the updated one will be indicated. Click “OK” to start the process.

    8. During the update, the computer will go through a reboot process, after which the installation of new components will begin. It is recommended to restart your PC once the update is complete.

    Note! Before starting the update, you must close all possible programs and processes. In addition, under no circumstances should you interrupt the updating procedure, nor should you disconnect the PC from the network, because this can lead to failure of the entire system. The update for “AMI BIOS” can be found on the company’s official website –

    Updating the BIOS is a complex process that must be performed with all the information about your own personal computer. Without information, you should never try to update the BIOS or change it, as this can lead to irreversible consequences. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the installed software on your computer, and then find out the version of the motherboard. After collecting detailed information, you can start searching for the corresponding update files on the Internet. It is recommended to use only official developer sites, as you are guaranteed to receive high-quality and safe updates there. If you use third-party sites, there is a possibility of infecting your computer with malware or completely breaking the system.

    Video - AMI BIOS update

    Update the motherboard BIOS directly from the Windows environment... This is what is sometimes so lacking for many users who are afraid of the very words “system floppy” and “DOS mode”. And this is what many system administrators of large networks probably dreamed of. Now, almost six years after the release of Windows 95, this feature is becoming available and it works quite well..

    Every time, starting to update the BIOS, the user is faced with a formidable warning: “The program for rewriting Flash BIOS should only be run from real DOS mode before starting Windows or other multitasking operating systems from a previously prepared system floppy disk.” This is not surprising, since the utility used to update the BIOS must have exclusive ownership of system resources.

    This was the case until recently. However, progress does not stand still, and the widespread transition to 32-bit applications with a graphical interface has had an impact on such a conservative category of software as BIOS update programs. Recently, some motherboard manufacturers have begun to offer users the opportunity to update the BIOS without leaving the Windows operating system so familiar to many. At first this was only allowed in Windows NT/2000, but over time the Windows 9x/ME family was also included. However, the new generation of utilities, for all its advantages, had one significant drawback: the software was not universal and could only be used on a limited number of motherboard models from a particular manufacturer.

    Of course, this trend has not gone unnoticed by a company like Award Software. The result was a 32-bit console version of Award Flash, which only worked under Windows NT/2000. But this was only the first, rather timid, step towards users: although the program operated in a Windows environment, it used text mode and required entering command line parameters. In addition, it was designed to work only with Award BIOS 6.0PG, and the set of supported chipsets was limited to Intel i810xx and i820. After some time, a full-fledged Windows application with a graphical user interface was released - Award WinFlash 1.0. Soon, after the first version, a corrected and expanded version 1.2 of this program followed, which will be discussed further.

    For whom and why?

    But before moving on to the story about the capabilities of this utility, we will try to answer the question: how relevant is the discussion of updating the BIOS in Windows? And why is it only now, when almost six years have passed since the release of Windows 95, that timid attempts are being made to promote such seemingly effective tools?

    Readers will probably agree that the quality of service offered by the AwardFlash utility for DOS does not stand up to criticism. Especially considering the existence of such a powerful and universal BIOS upgrade tool in the DOS environment as AMI Flash produced by American Megatrends (). It is also obvious that the increase in the number of personal computers running Windows 2000 makes the recommendation “create a bootable system floppy…” increasingly strange.

    However, all these arguments would sound rather unconvincing in the debate between innovators and traditionalists if a sober question was not asked from the outside: what prevented BIOS developers from offering a worthy software product at least five years ago? To answer this question, a small theoretical digression is necessary.

    There are a number of factors that determine the dependence of BIOS upgrades on hardware implementation and circuit designs:

    • programming voltage control method;
    • a method for allowing writing to a flash chip;
    • features of the Shadow RAM ban;
    • BIOS caching disabling method;
    • a way to generate a hardware reset.

    In other words, the BIOS update operation requires complex manipulations with chipset registers. And here we come to the very essence of software implementations of such a process in multitasking environments. After successfully writing data to flash memory, it is necessary to reset all subsystems of the motherboard: Power Management, cache memory status, mapping ROM addresses to the corresponding RAM addresses, and much more. A similar operation will also have to be performed in the event of a non-fatal error, associated, for example, with a failure in determining the type of installed flash chip. Only the emergence of new sets of system logic made it possible to consider the Windows environment as a real environment for programming the system BIOS. The first such chipset was the Intel i430TX.

    But even the availability of suitable hardware platforms did not become the determining factor for the emergence of a Windows solution to the problem of upgrading the BIOS. The next obstacle is the structure of the BIOS itself. The fact is that one of the BIOS blocks, which will be discussed below, contains the Management Information Format Database (MIF) - a database about the computer system as a whole. Using MIF, a system administrator from a remote machine can operate types, properties, states, dates of occurrence of events, as well as other information about the components of a computer system. For obvious reasons, BIOS updates must offer a reliable mechanism to prevent unauthorized overwriting of the MIF.

    To control access to blocks, structural changes were required in the BIOS itself. For this reason, not every BIOS file for your existing motherboard can be programmed using WinFlash. Due to the nature of modernization in the Windows environment, it is necessary that the image being programmed is designed for use with the appropriate utility. Information about this is usually available on the websites of motherboard manufacturers.

    WinFlash in person

    The utility supports the following chipsets:

    • ALi M1631, M1561;
    • AMD-75x;
    • Intel i440BX, i810, i815, i820, i840, i850;
    • SiS530, SiS630;
    • VIA VT82C694X, VT8371 (KX133).

    In general, WinFlash does not require installation, but the package also includes an Install Wizard, which allows you to install the program using the standard method. The manufacturer explains this fact by saying that installation may be required if the user wants to update the BIOS quite often.

    After launching winflash.exe, the user sees the main and, by and large, only window of the program. Almost all basic operations can be traditionally performed in two ways: through the menu or using toolbars. In addition, the main part of the window is interactive and allows you to select BIOS blocks that will be flashed. Also, some useful information is available in the WinFlash window - for example, part of the identification string of the current BIOS version. Using this set of letters and numbers, you can determine the board manufacturer, the installed I/O chip, the board model and chipset, as well as the BIOS revision (version). The missing part of this line is located on the left side of the program window - this is the Build Date, i.e. the release date of the current BIOS. Here you can also see the checksum of the open BIOS file (CheckSum) and the type of Flash chip installed on the board (Flash Type). Using the menu item View/BIOS Information, you can also find out the programming voltage and volume of this chip.

    Without a doubt, before any BIOS update, it is necessary to save the current BIOS version to disk so that you can return the system to its original state in case of failure (menu File/Save Old BIOS). This is also a kind of test for the compatibility of the BIOS image with WinFlash: if the saved file is not compatible with the utility, the message “The BIOS does not support Windows 98/NT Mode” will be displayed.

    Now that the current BIOS is saved and the new one is opened by the program, you can configure the upgrade process. The system BIOS consists of four main blocks:

    • boot (Boot Block);
    • data block about PnP devices (ESCD - Extended System Configuration Data);
    • DMI (Desktop Management Interface) system hardware data block;
    • main block (Main Block).

    This classification only gives an approximate idea of ​​the internal structure, since other blocks may be present in the BIOS image (SCSI BIOS, IDE RAID BIOS, Video BIOS, etc.). However, only four main blocks are displayed in the program window. If there is no schematic image, you can enable it with the option View BIOS Structure. If this option is enabled, but there is still no diagram, this means that this BIOS is not supported by the utility.

    WinFlash is not able to program any of the blocks, with the exception of the main one, which is updated in any case. Unfortunately, the ability to control the programming of additional blocks is not provided, as well as the ability to cancel the upgrade of the processor "microcode" block, which has been an integral part of the BIOS since the days of the Pentium II. In most cases, updating the DMI and BootBlock blocks is not recommended, since unsuccessful updating of these parts of the BIOS can lead to partial or complete system inoperability. In addition to selecting programmable blocks, you can also set options Clear CMOS And Load CMOS Default after programming the BIOS.

    Shall we get started?

    So, after all the necessary manipulations, you can start updating the BIOS. Due to a certain risk, it is useful to remind you that you should not use the WinFlash utility to check multitasking, and especially multithreading of the operating system. It is better to close all currently unused applications. Otherwise, it is likely that you will receive a "Verify error" message indicating that the BIOS was not updated successfully. Note that although it is advisable to reboot the system after updating the BIOS in a Windows environment, in the experiments carried out the computer with Windows 98 continued to work normally. However, there is nothing surprising in this, since the turned on PC works with a “copy” of the system BIOS located in the Shadow RAM area, while the “original” - the contents of the flash chip itself - is updated.

    To summarize, we can say that, despite some annoying omissions in the interface area, WinFlash is quite suitable for updating the BIOS on most modern motherboards running Award BIOS and Microsoft Windows. It is also impossible not to note the important fact that work on the creation of service utilities is carried out in the depths of Award Software against the backdrop of constant refinement of the BIOS itself. For this reason, issues of cost-effectiveness and feasibility become a limiting factor in the development of highly complex software, which, of course, should include all BIOS update utilities.

    BIOS is an abbreviation familiar to everyone, the meaning of which is not familiar even to many sophisticated and experienced users of personal computers. Most of them associate it with a gray-blue interface in the style of MS DOS or Windows 3.1, but many may not tell you about its functionality. Most of the average user's knowledge, at best, is limited to the fact that BIOS is the computer's system settings or something like that, because it is quite difficult to give an exact answer. This complexity is quite justified - a personal computer is not easy for the average person to understand when it comes to fast and productive work in any industry, and understanding the basic mechanisms of its functioning and, moreover, each of its components seems almost impossible - in practice, this knowledge borders on erudition and are not useful in most situations.

    So, BIOS is an input/output system that stands between hardware and software (together with the user) and allows you to use computer resources for their intended purpose. It has a permanent memory module, which contains a number of data about the configuration of the equipment, including time - all owners of old computers have encountered replacing the battery and could hear that it powers this particular component. An important feature of the BIOS is that the capabilities of other equipment located on the motherboard directly depend on its capabilities.

    But for most PC users, all these technical issues are unimportant, but there is a practical need for those actions that they may also encounter. These include, for example, replacing an outdated processor with a newer and more productive model: support by the motherboard at the software level directly depends on whether the BIOS is “friendly” with it. Compatibility may not be added immediately: if the processor slot (Socket) can no longer be changed, then it is possible to create the necessary conditions for the functioning of a suitable hardware model, and the majority of motherboard creators take care of ensuring compatibility.

    Why flash the BIOS?

    As it became clear from the above, the BIOS ensures the joint operation of all components located on the motherboard. We are particularly interested in the processor and RAM: their capabilities are developing at the fastest pace and require the release of motherboard models at the appropriate speed. But this practice is not very profitable and the creators decided to leave a reserve for the future, leaving the user the opportunity, within certain limits, to improve the compatibility of the motherboard with hardware independently. This was the reason for the emergence of the BIOS firmware procedure on personal computers, which allows you to get rid of many problems with it.

    It is worth noting that the procedure is quite dangerous compared to other actions with a PC: if the light is turned off at the time of overwriting (rarely, but it happens), everything will not be restored in any way and the motherboard can be put somewhere far away or simply thrown away. But in frequent cases, such a procedure is still necessary, it brings support not only for new components, but also tools for working with new equipment - older models of motherboards that do not support flashing via USB devices received this opportunity thanks to the compatibility package included in the firmware for such equipment. The computer's flexibility in capabilities is invaluable, and in cases where firmware is still necessary, do not be intimidated by the high complexity of this process - if all procedures are performed correctly, the risk of harming the computer is minimal, and the process can often take only a few minutes, but this is worth talking about in more detail.

    Often the manufacturer himself may recommend reflashing - this may be due to a number of shortcomings that were not noticed and/or eliminated during the production phase. For many PC owners who have one of the new series of motherboards, this practice is not something unfamiliar - for objective reasons this happens very often.

    Which motherboards require flashing their BIOS?

    An important feature of this whole story is the fact that there are still only three companies in the world that produce the software part of any I/O system. It will become intuitively clear to many that this increases the chances of each individual model for flashing, and in fact this is how it turns out: no matter what the manufacturer of your motherboard, with a high degree of probability (which tends to a hundred percent) this procedure is possible for you. But it is worth adding that the same company is engaged in supplying updates and it is not in its commercial interests to invest heavily in improving the performance and capabilities of old models - then there is simply no need to buy new ones.

    The theoretical possibility of replacing the firmware is included in any BIOS - at the heart of the device there is a memory module designed for approximately 1000 rewrite cycles. But the release of firmware will now be entirely the responsibility of the motherboard manufacturer.

    Checking this possibility is quite simple: you just need to know the manufacturer and model of your device and its model (if not, then welcome to the next section of the article). We go to its official website (both ASUS, MSI, ASRock and others have their Russian-language versions) and follow the page dedicated to your version of the device. There, in one of the tabs, a category with all released firmware for this component will be available, as shown in the example of the official ASUS website below.

    On the websites of other companies, the procedure is approximately the same - in the corresponding section all possible options for updating the BIOS will be offered, since in models from different manufacturers they differ in process almost completely and the skill of flashing one component cannot guarantee knowledge of the intricacies of another - here it is worth carefully studying the proposed online step-by-step guides or, ideally, documentation from the manufacturer itself. There are also many videos of flashings on the network: there are relatively few motherboard models, but out of those hundreds or thousands of users who encountered the problem, at least one decided to record a video - just search on video hosting sites. Viewing the process from the outside will remove the subconscious fear of “breaking something” and will help you understand the essence of a particular stage.

    Determining the motherboard model

    Many find it difficult to determine the model of their motherboard - as with other knowledge of a similar nature, there is the same problem: there is no urgent need to memorize or remember an intricate set of letters and numbers and this does not help in everyday tasks. Turning to documentation or looking for a box is also not an option - many people tend to lose such things when moving, take them somewhere for storage, or simply forget about them. This problem may also arise for those who bought a PC secondhand, although in stores when selling an assembled system unit, boxes from some devices also have a habit of not being given, and buyers are reluctant to take them with them.

    There are four ways to figure out what model of motherboard you have. Of these, three involve the use of utilities, and one requires direct access to the board. The latter will not work if you have a laptop: it is not recommended for a non-professional to disassemble them, and even pros can’t always cope – the maintainability of modern solutions is mediocre. The same applies to All-in-One PC and any other solutions that are not mounted in a standard system unit. You should also not do this if your PC is under warranty: all screws will be covered with seals, which will easily show whether the device has been opened. There is no need to perform any manipulations - the very presence of damage is already a sufficient reason for refusal of warranty service, which is clearly stated in the terms and conditions of any such company.

    If nothing prevents you from opening the system unit, unscrew two/three/four, or, more simply, all the existing bolts and remove the cover from the side. We will see a motherboard, on the surface of which a sticker will be waiting for you.

    That's all: remember or rewrite the model, perform all the completed manipulations with the lid in reverse order.

    In the case of checking programmatically, the command line, which is available in any version of the operating system of the company from Redmond, can also help. After opening it, you will need to type two commands, activating each by pressing Enter.

    wmic baseboard get Manufacturer wmic baseboard get product

    The first will provide information on the component manufacturer, and the second - by model. If you don’t want to deal with the command line and disassembling the system unit, then the AIDA64 (formerly Eevrest) and msinfo32 utilities can be a quick alternative. It’s worth downloading their free versions from official websites - you most likely won’t need the full functionality, but there’s always a chance of catching a virus. In AIDA64 you just need to go to the “Motherboard” section from the start window, and in msinfo32 – to the System Information tab and read the data opposite the Motherboard item.

    For Linux-based systems (including Ubuntu, Linux Mint and the like), you need to activate the command dmidecode.

    There, among all the data, you need to select the Manufacturer and Product Name items.

    Is it necessary to perform a BIOS backup?

    You need to understand that BIOS firmware is created by people, and the array of information for coordinated interaction must be clearly calculated, and all aspects must be clearly planned. And if in theory this is possible, in practice this does not always happen: there is a high probability that flashing this system along with a number of improvements can introduce a number of problems with your PC into your life, so it’s still worth protecting yourself in case of such a possibility.

    Manufacturers themselves do not provide such an opportunity, only allowing more than one firmware version to be recorded onto a medium and their subsequent use. But this does not always happen, since no one expects an unfavorable outcome when undertaking such an operation.

    Similar capabilities are provided by a third-party program called Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit. This product was made by an enthusiastic programmer from China back in 2008 and works excellently on operating systems of the Windows family with versions from XP to 8.1 inclusive. An important feature of this program is its well-coordinated operation: backup copies are correct, the likelihood of damage to the final file is close to zero, and the software works surprisingly efficiently, as if it were made by an enthusiast. You should only launch it by right-clicking and calling up the “Run as Administrator” sub-item - otherwise errors in operation simply cannot be avoided.

    The only pitfall that may occur to those unfamiliar with the issue: most antivirus programs recognize it as malware, which is not true. Of course, they can infect the source file, but even a utility downloaded from the official website will not pass the test of most programs of this class from the first echelon. The reason for this is a specific driver, thanks to which the software has such unique functionality. In fact, it does not cause any harm, it is only important to download it from a trusted source. The program interface is in English, but very simple. The small window contains only a few buttons, the meaning of which will be clear not only to an experienced user, but even to an inexperienced user in this matter. In addition to the exit button and the key that causes reading the documentation, the program window has buttons to start copying. After completing the process, which takes from one to two to three minutes, an archive in .rom format will be available in the program folder (or any other folder specified by the user), which is a complete copy of your firmware. The memory size, which is indicated on the left, is determined automatically, but it is better to double-check it for your motherboard model - if there is a failure, there will be problems and you will not be able to use an incorrectly made copy due to inevitable errors in the future. The likelihood of its success on BIOS UEFI is doubtful, but further updates to the program should correct all the shortcomings, and may have already been fixed by the time you read this article.

    General information about firmware via DOS

    Firmware via DOS is one of the safest options for reinstalling software for a given computer node, since all problems associated with the incorrect operation of your operating system are simply eliminated. There are slightly different variations of the process for different models of laptops and motherboards on computers, although most of them have many similar features and the guide to flashing this way can be boiled down to a universal series of steps that need to be taken.

      Prepare media for flashing. This could be a floppy disk or flash drive.

      In direct comparison, they are in no way inferior to each other when it comes to this process, but it is recommended to take out a floppy disk only if the motherboard (or BIOS) does not support booting from a flash drive. If you still decide to use a more outdated option, then you should check the integrity of the floppy disk by inserting it into the computer, going to “My Computer” and calling the disk check in the properties of the media that appears in the list (in our case, this is a floppy disk). If any errors occur, you should not expect a miracle from a faulty floppy disk - there is a high probability of malfunctions during the process of “uploading” files and incorrect operation of the PC, up to a breakdown and the need to take it for repairs.

      Read the official recommendations given by the manufacturer on the official website. Also, similar manuals can be found in the instructions for the motherboard, but the data tends to become outdated and it is quite possible that the same happened in your case.

      Also, during the flashing process, you will be asked to download the files necessary for this, which include, at a minimum, a utility for formatting the media and a firmware file from the list.

      Make a backup copy of the data on the media.

      Everything is simple here: if there is any important data left on a flash drive or floppy disk (which is unlikely), then you need to save it on the computer’s hard drive: during the process of changing the firmware, they will not be lost, but the removable disk will need to be formatted.

      Formatting the disk.

      A special utility that runs as Administrator will help here. Perhaps this is not in the recommendations, but launching any program of this kind must be done exactly this way, otherwise you can get a large number of “complex” problems and the firmware process will stop. You can also format it using built-in tools by clicking on the disk icon in “My Computer” and selecting the item of the same name. All values ​​should be left as default, nothing needs to be changed. Is it worth doing a full format? It will take a lot of time, so it’s better not to simply uncheck the “fast” box - the effect will be about the same.

      Copying the firmware file.

      This stage can be carried out either using a utility or done using a regular Explorer, with the help of which we usually perform all operations with files on our computer. An important feature is that there should be no extraneous files on the media - formatting (point 4) is mandatory; deleting files is not necessary.

      It is worth pressing the reboot button (no matter on the case or in the system menu) and when loading the initial screen, press the BIOS entry button - Delete. After this we see a menu where you need to select the boot partition: it will be called Boot. In this tab, you need to change the boot priority from media and put the one on which the firmware file is written first. After completing all the preparations, press the F10 key (save all changes and reboot) and follow the instructions given for your specific motherboard model - here the process may differ significantly.

    Updating BIOS via Windows

    Almost every motherboard manufacturer provides the option of updating the BIOS firmware through the operating system: each of them has its own utility that does everything almost automatically. However, you should carefully study all the instructions so as not to be confused at the most inopportune moment.

    As described in the previous paragraphs of this article, you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and select your motherboard model. In the accompanying tabs, the corresponding utilities will be available for download along with the firmware files - in most cases, the process is identical even for products from different companies. Next, you need to run the utility (with Administrator rights, of course) and select the firmware method (the “From file” item or something similar). Next, look in the file manager for the place where you saved the archive and click the “Run” button - the program does the rest automatically. The advantage of this method is its simplicity - even a beginner in PC development can cope with it. Another thing is whether a beginner needs to flash the BIOS, because, as mentioned earlier, the procedure can damage components and negatively affect the operation of the computer. It is worth noting that the already small probability of a system failure or power outage is superimposed by a considerable chance of a failure in the operating system itself - despite all their stability, these software products are extremely complex: even on slightly different configurations they can lead to themselves in completely different ways, because the number of factors that can influence this is extremely large. It is also necessary to warn users who nevertheless decide to take such a step: running any programs or leaving a browser, torrent client or office document running is not recommended - any combination can affect the operation of the built-in utility and then a call to the service center cannot be avoided. The problem is in the OS itself, which has a lot of components and thousands of possible bugs, an array of which even companies like Microsoft take years to fix.

    In truth, flashing firmware using utilities is far from the best idea, and if such an opportunity exists, it is better to use more reliable options: flashing via DOS or through the built-in BIOS tools. Such solutions may be less simple and time-saving, but they give a much more predictable effect, which cannot be said about the option described above. In cases of firmware using other methods, the number of factors that can negatively affect the process is minimal, and with the inclusion of the operating system with all its shortcomings in the equation, the likelihood of failures increases by an order of magnitude.


    Unlike even larger market players, this company provides the ability to flash the BIOS using any available method described above. This is convenient, since many people cannot handle the BIOS system menu, and some are worried about safety and are ready to play it safe, not wanting to use a utility launched from under the operating system. There is also the option of flashing firmware via loading into DOS, which is also safe and relatively simple - here the choice must be made by the user based on an objective assessment of their capabilities and willingness to minimize or accept risks.

    Whatever the process and whatever method is used, you need to start by determining the model of your motherboard, which can be done in several ways, described above in this article. On the manufacturer's official website, look for your model and download the necessary files, following the instructions. But since there are even three paths themselves, users will clearly not be satisfied with such a simple explanation and will ask to describe the process in detail.

    Live Update

    Live Update is a utility produced by the company for flashing the BIOS and some other similar manipulations. It is worth noting that MSI motherboards are also installed on laptops, tablets and other devices - it will not help here and you will have to use other methods. This is due to the fact that during the firmware process, unexpected errors may occur that will become critical to the performance and functioning of the device.

    So, download the utility from the official website and install it (running the installer with Administrator rights). This will solve the problem of unexpected failures that so often occur in work after a conflict between programs and permissions. Next, launch the program and go to the appropriate item (tab). It is also necessary to simultaneously download the archive with the firmware, because the automated option, according to reviews, does not always work correctly and it is better to refrain from using it.

    Then, following the menu, we will have to face a warning that calls for closing all open programs (which was already mentioned here earlier) and wait for the end of all actions that the program performs. Then, of course, the PC will reboot and using the same program you can find out about the overall success of the operation.

    There is another option for the program, which offers automated installation of firmware updates via DOS, which was described in earlier sections of the article. It is worth noting that it retains all the advantages of this method and allows for easy and safe installation of a software upgrade. Technically, the program only downloads the archive with the firmware, so the further process is no different from the “manual” installation, but you no longer need to search for the required version of the motherboard and download the archive - the utility is responsible for all this. The downside is that you may not need the newest version, but the software will download it, and the highest numbers in the version column do not guarantee better performance, as we have seen in many cases.

    MFLASH is a utility from MSI that is built into the BIOS and allows you to install updates directly using the system's tools. In order to operate it, no additional tricks are needed: just an empty (or better yet, formatted) USB flash drive and a file with BIOS software downloaded onto it. Here the sequence of actions is slightly different: the first of them should be downloading the file mentioned above for your model. Then you will need to clear the space - the presence of other files is undesirable, although some users speak positively about the success of such an installation.

    After the reboot, you will need to enter the BIOS using the Delete button and find the tab with the same name as the utility. Next, you will need to specify the path to the file (disk) and click on the button to start the process. The length of the entire procedure after entering the BIOS is only a couple of minutes maximum, and after rebooting you will receive a system that is most likely to work correctly - there is no chance that it could be affected by any software failures.

    From under DOS

    It is also a reliable method that does not involve the system at all and works perfectly when updating software. In order to find it, you will need to look among the files on the official one for exactly the one that is needed for installation under this OS - there will be a corresponding note in the name at the end, as in the screenshot. Next, you need to get a floppy disk, check it for errors using the utility built into Windows and format it there. If there are no errors when checking the disk, then you can write a file to it - it will become the installation file.

    Next, reboot and enter the BIOS using the Delete button. After this has happened, look for the Boot Device Priority item and put our media (Floppy Drive) in first place. Next, press F10, agree to save all changes and wait for the reboot.

    After loading the operating system, we will see a black background with fonts of bright colors (or white) - that means we are logged in. We will be asked to press Y to continue and N to exit this mode. We press the first button, wait a minute and a half and see a message about the successful completion of the firmware upload. We remove the floppy disk and reboot the computer, simultaneously going into the BIOS and changing the boot priority back to the hard drive, although if the floppy disk is removed and there is no boot disk in the drive, it will do this anyway.


    Gigabyte is the world's third-largest motherboard manufacturer, with its main facilities and headquarters located in China. The company previously did not have similar technologies and was just a contractor for large market “sharks” such as Asus or Intel, but having “spied” some of their developments and opened research departments, it quickly turned from an apprentice into a full-fledged competitor.

    Gigabyte specialists working on BIOS software did not reinvent the wheel: all methods of reinstalling software for this system are as similar as possible and are clearly borrowed from other market players. It is not known for certain whether patent wars are taking place between corporations, but one thing is certain: the user remains a winner from such solutions, because all the actions and methods of changing the firmware that Asus and MSI work on also work on the motherboards of the Chinese company - only the appearance differs (purely formally) and names of utilities. The company did not come up with anything fundamentally new, which had a positive effect on the convenience of carrying out such operations.

    A positive point is that the company makes every effort to make its documentation easy to find, which is not hidden in the depths of the official website, but is easily accessible within the search results of any system on the first page in several copies.

    The company, or rather its specialists, strongly do not recommend carrying out such a procedure if you have not identified any malfunctions or malfunctions in the operation of the equipment: processor, RAM and other components. In many cases, according to the company's own research, performance does not improve and worsens, so it is worth carefully considering the feasibility of flashing the BIOS.

    Also in the manuals, much attention is paid to accurately determining the motherboard model, taking into account the revision. Since the Gigabyte lineup contains models that are designated the same, but one of them is a re-release of the second, the firmware (and all other manipulations) may differ, and the use of the wrong archive can have the most detrimental effect.

    It is also worth noting that in the event of a breakdown or any other malfunction that may occur in the event of a flashing, the device is not subject to warranty, since this action is entirely qualified as a repair. This is also worth considering and it’s good that the manufacturer is not silent about it.

    Q-Flash is the most reliable way to flash BIOS: this utility is built into the system itself and performs its functions perfectly, with minimal susceptibility to incorrect firmware. Its operation does not depend on the operation of the operating system, which is a definite plus. The only problem is that not all solutions support this technology - in other situations, a much simpler solution would be firmware via DOS.

    Before using the Q-Flash utility, you must download the most current version of BIOS microcode that matches your motherboard model from the GIGABYTE official website. The file with the BIOS microcode must be written to a medium (floppy disk, flash drive or hard drive; FAT32/16/12 file system).

    Since updating the BIOS microcode carries potential risks, it is not recommended to update the BIOS if the current BIOS version does not cause any problems. Updating the BIOS should be done extremely carefully. Incorrect BIOS update may result in system inoperability.

    This solution allows you to update the firmware of the input/output system from under the good old operating system such as DOS. It is worth noting that the flashing operation must be performed on a system operating in normal mode. Overclocking, low memory timings, non-standard system bus frequency can lead to the fact that our event will end with a trip to the service center (or calling familiar gurus). The easiest way is to load the default settings into the BIOS SETUP (main menu item Load Fail-Safe Defaults or similar).

    The flashing operation must be performed only from DOS. To boot from a floppy disk, it is enough to have only two system files on it: io.sys and In any case, neither autoexec.bat nor config.sys should be loaded. In addition, the floppy disk should contain files with the flash driver and the firmware itself.

    Run the flashing program with the parameter “/?” and you will receive detailed instructions for working with it.

    Please note that updated firmware does not always meet the user's expectations. Be sure to save the file with the old BIOS version on a floppy disk (!) so that you can reverse your actions in the future. For AWARD BIOS, the flasher call can be as follows: “awdflash.exe newflash.bin /py /sy”. Where “newflash.bin” is the real name of the file with the firmware, “py” and “sy” are the flags for reprogramming and saving the old BIOS version, respectively. And lastly: under no circumstances reboot or turn off the computer until the flasher has finished working. This will inevitably damage the BIOS.

    Live Update

    Live Update is perhaps the simplest solution to problems with the I/O system, because it searches for the necessary microcodes and does almost all the manipulations instead of the user - to use it you do not need to be any kind of specialist in this field. To get started, you need to go to the official website and download the Live Update 5 utility, which will scan your computer and provide a list of necessary updates, with the ability to download them. Click “Click here” and click “Open”.

    The archive will open, run the installation file LiveUpdate.exe in it and install the Live Update 5 utility in several steps. After the installation is complete, launch it and click on the “Scan” button, wait a few seconds while the utility looks for updates. The program will display a list of results. We are interested in the update called “MB BIOS”. If such an update is in the list (usually it is at the very top), then there is a BIOS update for our motherboard. Download it to your computer by clicking on the “Download” button (arrow). It’s better to click “Browse” and choose a location to save the update file yourself. For example, I saved it to my desktop. That's it, we now have the BIOS update file, now we can move on to the next stage. Run the saved file with the BIOS update and follow the instructions.

    There are two options here: the first is probably to write the firmware image to a USB flash drive, and update the BIOS from the flash drive (or for the firmware, if it is impossible to update from Windows). But since I didn’t have a free flash drive, I chose the second option, which, judging by the title, means flashing the BIOS from Windows. Here we need to close running programs and click “Next”.

    The further process of updating the BIOS is that we simply press any key on the keyboard, and the computer should reboot. Then everything is over - the device has received new firmware.

    ASUS BIOS firmware

    ASUS is one of the titans of the computer components industry, which shows itself as a market leader in both quantitative and qualitative terms. An important feature of their products is ease of maintenance: for each class of product there is a utility that searches for drivers or any other useful work - in the case of this company, the implementation of these solutions is at its best. The same thing happened with updating the BIOS: both options are very convenient and easy to learn by unskilled and inexperienced users.

    USB BIOS Flashback is the easiest way to update the BIOS on ASUS motherboards. To update, you now only need a USB drive with a BIOS file written to it and a power supply. Neither the processor, nor RAM and other components are now needed.

    The list of system requirements for this utility is quite prosaic:

    • power unit;
    • USB drive FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS (for Intel X79 only FAT16 and FAT32);
    • ASUS motherboard based on the Intel X79, Z77, H77, Q77, B75 chipset (the list of ASUS motherboards that support USB BIOS Flashback technology is presented in the table).

    First, you need to download and extract the BIOS ROM file from the official ASUS website. It is important to understand that receiving files from somewhere else is fraught with irreversible consequences and unexpected operation of the equipment. Next, you should rename the BIOS file as written in the table, and then save it to the USB drive in the root directory:

    Model File name
    P9X79 Deluxe P9X79D.ROM
    P9X79 Pro P9X79PRO.ROM
    P9X79 P9X79.ROM
    Sabertooth X79 SABERX79.ROM
    Rampage IV Extreme R4E.ROM
    Rampage IV Formula R4F.ROM
    Rampage IV Gene R4G.ROM
    Р8Z77-V Deluxe Z77VD.CAP
    Р8Z77-V Pro Z77VP.CAP
    Р8Z77-V Z77VB.CAP
    Р8Z77-V LE P8Z77VLE.CAP
    Р8Z77-V LX P8Z77VLX.CAP
    Р8Z77-V LK P8Z77VLK.CAP
    Р8Z77-M Pro P8Z77MP.CAP
    Р8Z77-M P8Z77M.CAP
    Sabertooth Z77 Z77ST.CAP
    Maximus V Gene M5G.CAP
    P8H77-V Р8H77V.CAP
    Р8H77-V LE Р8H77VLE.CAP
    Р8H77-M Pro Р8H77MP.CAP
    Р8H77-M Р8H77M.CAP
    Р8H77-M LE Р8H77MLE.CAP
    Р8B75-V Р8B75V.CAP
    Р8B75-M Р8B75.CAP
    Р8B75-M LE Р8B75LE.CAP
    Р8Q77-M Р8Q77.CAP
    Р8H77-I Р8H77I.CAP

    Then you should connect the USB drive to the USB BIOS Flashback/ROG Connect connector (for boards based on Intel X79, this is a white USB 2.0 connector; for boards on other chipsets, this is a USB 2.0 connector, marked in color and with the words USB BIOS Flasback/ROG Connect on the panel Q-Shield) and hold for three to four seconds until the light indication starts. Next, we wait for the USB BIOS Flashback/ROG Connect button to light up, which means that the update has been completed successfully.

    It is important not to remove the USB drive, turn off the power to the motherboard, or press the CLR_CMOS reset button while updating the BIOS. It is also worth remembering that if the USB BIOS Flashback/ROG Connect button blinks for five seconds, then the USB BIOS Flashback is not working correctly. This may be caused by incorrect installation of the device, an error in the file name, or an incompatible file format - you should check it yourself after rebooting. It is worth noting the company’s rather loyal policy regarding problems after a firmware update: if you encounter any problems with booting after updating the BIOS, you can contact your local ASUS service representative, who, according to the authors of the documentation, is committed to helping.

    AFUDOS utility

    This solution is a little outdated - on motherboards released in the 2000s and 2010s, the most popular utility is EZ Flash, although the old solution is also applicable to many devices. To start flashing the firmware using this method, open the bootable USB flash drive, write the afudos program (downloaded from the website afudos.exe file) and the firmware itself (a file named p5c800b.rom) onto it. Then we reboot and when the first picture appears on the monitor, press F2 for laptops or Del for desktop PCs, go to the Boot tab and put the flash drive in first place, usually for this in the 1st Boot Device item you need to set Removable Device, then press F10 and confirm that We want to save the changes in the settings. After this, the computer will boot from the flash drive and will display an invitation to work A:\> on a black screen. To start the firmware process, write afudos /ip4c800b.rom and press the Enter key. It is worth noting that you do not need to turn off the power or reboot the system while updating the BIOS. This can cause serious damage to your system. After the BIOS update is completed, the utility will return to DOS; you should remove the floppy disk and reboot the system to enter the BIOS menu.


    This method is one of the simplest, as it uses a self-extracting archive and does not require special skills from the user. After selecting the section dedicated to the motherboard, you need to download the firmware, in our case it is Express BIOS Update and launch it by double-clicking the mouse. Next, click “Next” in the invitation window, and then click “Yes” to accept the license rules. Afterwards, click “Finish”. Windows will restart to begin the BIOS update. During the update process, do not turn off the computer's power for 3 minutes. During the reboot process, you will see the BIOS update process. When the BIOS is updated, the computer will boot into Windows. When Windows restarts, a window will appear indicating that the BIOS was updated successfully.

    The essence of this method is to create bootable ones (disks, flash drives, floppy disks) containing a BIOS update. In our case, download this file LF94510J.86A.0278.BI.ZIP

    To work, we will need firmware files (write its name on a piece of paper, it will come in handy later) with the XXX.BIO extension and the iFlash.EXE firmware utility. These files are located in the archive with the downloaded firmware. Use the iFlash utility that comes with the firmware in the archive. The HP USB Disk Storage FormatTool 2.2.3 utility is also useful (other versions are possible), but this one is one of the most stable at the time of writing. Of course, you can't do without MS-DOS files to create a DOS boot disk. After downloading, all files will be unzipped.

    Run the utility as administrator HP USB Disk Storage FormatTool 2.2.3. Check the boxes as shown in the picture. The path to the MS-DOS boot device folder is set to the place where the MS-DOS files were downloaded. (For example, this is drive C, folder Downloads\win98boot. And the Start button. When asked about deleting files, click “Yes”.

    Upon completion of the process, copy 2 files from the archive with the firmware to the flash drive (example of what they look like: IFLASH2.EXE and LF0278P.BIO). And without removing the flash drive from the USB port, we reboot the computer. We go into the BIOS (F2 button at boot) and set the boot priority from a USB drive (on the Boot tab, enable boot from USB (Enable USB Boot) and exit the BIOS saving the settings - F10.

    DOS will boot. At the command prompt, enter IFLASH /PF XXX.BIO (or IFLASH2 /PF XXX.BIO) to start the BIOS update process. Next, follow all instructions. In our example it will look like this: IFLASH2 /PF LF0278P.BIO

    Creating a boot floppy is a viable method if the utility and firmware are small enough to fit on the floppy, as the floppy is 1.44Mb in size.

    For our example, there is no way to clearly show the process of creating a boot disk. So, as an example, I’ll take another firmware file from another motherboard. Insert the floppy disk into the drive and double-click the downloaded firmware file XXX.EXE. Press "y" to extract the necessary files. The files will be extracted to a temporary directory (temp folder; Path C:\temp). You can also extract files using the usual WinRAR archiver. Double-click the RUN.BAT file and follow the instructions to create a bootable floppy disk.

    After creation, restart the computer, set the BIOS to boot from a Floppy disk and exit saving the settings - F10. After booting from the floppy disk, a welcome window will appear, press any key. You will see the BIOS update status. When the process is complete, remove the floppy disk from the drive and press Enter to restart the computer.

    ASRock Firmware

    For motherboards from a Chinese manufacturer, the sequence of actions will also not be much different when installing the firmware: here you also need to format the media and go to the official website for the files. The following list of actions is also standard and is no different from updating from DOS from other manufacturers...

    You need to download the BIOS update file (WinZip file with .zip extension) from the ASRock website, unzip it and save the ASRFLASH.EXE utility and BIOS file to a floppy disk. Next, boot the system from the floppy disk. At the A:\ prompt, type ASRFLASH, press Spacebar once and type the BIOS file name, then press Enter. For example: A:\ASRFLASH K7S41GX2.00 "Enter". After this, you will see the message "Please wait for BIOS loading ROM".

    After 30 seconds, you will see the message "Flash ROM Update Completed - Pass", which means that the BIOS update is complete. After updating the BIOS, remove the floppy disk. Reboot the system and during boot press F2 to enter the BIOS setup program.

    From the Exit menu, select "Load Default Settings" and press "Enter" to continue. Select "Exit Saving Changes" and press "Enter" to exit the BIOS setup utility.

    Actions after flashing

    There is no need to undertake any special “rituals” after flashing, unless the instructions provide for it: just remove the media that was used after flashing and test the operation of the PC with the new software. If any glitches are noticed, it makes sense to roll back to the previous version or find another one so that both support for new components and the stability of the machine are not affected.

    This material describes almost all parameters that can be set in the Setup BIOS program from AWARD Software International Inc. A specific motherboard may not have some of the described parameters. The same parameters may have different names depending on the motherboard manufacturer, so here are several options in some cases.


    Virus Warning

    Enabling this setting prevents any writing to the boot sector of the hard drive without user permission. It was introduced to protect against so-called boot viruses that infect the boot sector. It is recommended to always enable this option, but please note that, for example, Windows 95 freezes during installation if Virus Warning is set to Enable (a black square appears on the screen).

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Boot Virus Detection

    The meaning of this parameter is very different from Virus Warning. The idea is as follows - if this parameter is disabled, then before the operating system boots, the BIOS writes the boot sector to flash memory and stores it there. After setting the parameter to Enabled, the BIOS will not boot the system from the hard drive if the contents of the boot sector differ from those stored in memory. Further, at the user's discretion, it is possible to either boot the system from a hard drive or from a floppy disk.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    CPU Internal Cache/External Cache

    Enable/disable the internal or external processor cache. You should disable any type of cache memory only if it is necessary to artificially slow down the computer, for example, when installing an old expansion card.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    CPU Level 1 Cache/CPU Level_2 Cache

    The first level cache and the second level processor cache are enabled/disabled for Pentium Pro architecture processors (Pentium II, Deshutes, etc.). You should disable cache memory only if it is necessary to artificially slow down the computer, for example, when installing an old expansion card.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    CPU Level 2 Cache ECC Check (Enable ECC for processor level 2 cache)

    The parameter can only be present for boards with Pentium II architecture processors. It makes sense to enable it only if the installed Pentium II class processor has a second-level cache with ECC control capability.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    BIOS Update

    Enabling this parameter allows you to update the BIOS microcode. In this case, new menu items may appear, with the help of which it is possible to more precisely configure the system for individual cases (for example, cases of incompatibility).

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    CPU Fast String (Fast string operations)

    Enabling this parameter allows you to use some specific features of the Pentium Pro family architecture (Pentium II, Deshutes, etc.), in particular, the ability to cache string operations. You just need to understand that the program itself must meet the conditions to enable this mechanism. These conditions are specified in the documentation for any processor of this family. It is recommended to leave the parameter in the "Allowed" state.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Deturbo Mode

    When this parameter is enabled, the FLUSH# signal becomes active and no data is then cached by the processor in its internal cache (first-level cache) by Pentium Pro architecture processors (Pentium II, Deshutes, etc.). Allowing this setting should only be used when you need to deliberately slow down your computer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Quick Power On Self Test

    Enabling this parameter leads to a significant reduction in the time for initial testing of the computer by the BIOS, especially with significant amounts of RAM. You should only take into account that the memory, for example, in this case is not tested, but only its size is checked.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Boot Sequence

    The parameter sets the sequence of polling devices from which the operating system can be loaded. These devices are designated either by letters for physical hard drives and regular floppy drives, or by the name of the device - CD-ROM for CD-ROM drives, LS for 120 Mb a:drive drives, or ZIP for 100 Mb ZIP IDE drives.

    For modern versions, possible values ​​might look like this:

    • C only
    • CD-ROM, C
    • LS/ZIP, C
    • etc.

    Swap Floppy Drive

    If enabled, then drives A and B seem to swap places. It makes sense only if there are 2 disk drives in the computer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Boot Up Floppy Seek (Search for a boot drive after turning on the computer)

    If this parameter is enabled, then the BIOS contacts each drive to recognize its format (40_or 80 tracks it supports). Since 40-track drives have not been available since 1993, you should not enable this option as the BIOS will spend a few seconds figuring out the drive format each time.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Boot Up NumLock Status (Turning on the numeric keypad when you turn on the computer)

    Enabling this parameter enables the NumLock indicator and the numeric keypad generates digit and sign codes, otherwise arrow, Ins, Del, etc. codes are generated.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Typematic Rate Setting

    Allows or disables setting the speed at which the keyboard repeats character input when a key is pressed.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)

    The parameter has an effect only if Typematic Rate Setting is enabled.

    The repetition frequency has a number of fixed values, which this parameter can take:

    Typematic Delay (Msec)

    Sets the delay value from the moment a key is pressed until the keyboard starts repeating a character. Only takes effect if Typematic Rate Setting is enabled.

    The value can be selected from the range:

    PS/2 Mouse Function Control

    Enabling this setting gives IRQ12 for the PS/2 mouse port only. Otherwise, if there is no PS/2 mouse connected to the computer, IRQ12 is free for other devices. It is recommended to set it to Auto.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed and IRQ12 occupied
    • Auto - BIOS detects the presence or absence of a PS/2 mouse

    OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64MB (Select a value for OS/2 if there is more memory than 64 Mb)

    Requires permission if two conditions are met: the computer has more than 64 MB of memory installed and OS/2 is used as the operating system.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    PCI/VGA Palette Snoop (Adjusting the palette of a VGA video card on PCI)

    This option should only be enabled if the colors on the screen are not displayed correctly. As a rule, this effect can occur when using non-standard devices such as MPEG cards, 3D accelerators and other similar devices.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Video ROM BIOS Shadow (Video BIOS to memory)

    Enabling this option causes the BIOS video to be transferred from the ROM (read-only memory) on the video card to the computer's main memory, which significantly speeds up working with the BIOS video (this is necessary and visible in DOS). The acceleration is explained both by the fact that accessing ROM is much slower than accessing RAM, and by the fact that accessing ROM is on an 8-bit grid, and accessing RAM is on a 32- or 64-bit grid.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Floppy Disk Access Control (R/W)

    Enabling this option allows information to be written to the floppy disk, otherwise the floppy disk can be read. This parameter should be used to protect against unauthorized copying from your computer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited


    AUTO Configuration

    Has 3 meanings:

    • 60 ns - sets access parameters for DRAM with speed 60 ns
    • 70 ns - the same for memory with a speed of 70 ns
    • Disabled - allows you to set any possible access parameters to DRAM memory

    DRAM RAS# Precharge Time

    This function allows you to determine the number of system bus clock cycles for generating the RAS signal. Decreasing this value increases performance, but reducing it too much for a particular memory may result in data loss.

    Takes values:

    DRAM R/W Leadoff Timing

    Defines the number of clock cycles on the bus before any DRAM operations are performed.

    • 8/7 - eight bars for reading and seven bars for writing
    • 7/5 - seven bars for reading and five bars for writing

    DRAM RAS to CAS Delay

    During memory access, column and row accesses are performed separately from each other. This parameter determines the state of one signal from another. Decreasing the value increases performance.

    The parameter can take the following values:

    • 3 - three delay cycles
    • 2 - two delay cycles.

    DRAM Read Burst Timing

    A read and write request is generated by the processor in four separate phases. In the first phase, access to a specific memory area is initiated, and in the remaining phases, the data is actually read. Reducing the total number of clock cycles increases performance.

    The parameter can take the following values:

    • x2222 - two delay cycles
    • x3333 - three delay cycles
    • x4444 - four clock cycles.

    Speculative Leadoff

    Enabling this parameter allows a read signal to be issued slightly earlier than the address is decoded. This technique reduces the overall time spent on a read operation. In other words, the processor will initiate a read signal at the same time it generates the address where the required data is located. The read signal is sensed by the DRAM controller and, if Speculative Leadoff is enabled, the controller will issue a read signal before the address is decoded.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Turn-Around Insertion

    If this parameter is enabled (Enabled), then one additional clock cycle is included between two consecutive memory access cycles. Resolution reduces performance, but increases reliability during read/write operations.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Data Integrity (PAR/ECC)

    Enables/disables memory monitoring for errors. The type of control is set by the DRAM ECC/PARITY Select parameter. To activate this option, memory modules that support this function are required.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited


    The parameter appears only for the 430HX set (for example, in the ASUSTeK P/I-P55T2P4 motherboard) or 440FX/LX and only if memory modules with true parity are installed. In some BIOS versions, this parameter can only set the type of check, and the permission to check is set by the Data Integrity (PAR/ECC) parameter. Such strips are often called 36-bit.

    Can take values:

    • Parity - if an error occurs, a memory parity error message is displayed on the monitor and the computer stops working
    • ECC - (Error Control Correction) if a single error occurs, it is corrected and work continues. If there is more than a single error, the computer also stops working. You just have to take into account that, according to Intel, the speed of exchange with memory when this mode is enabled decreases by approximately 3%.

    Fast RAS# to CAS# Delay

    During memory regeneration, rows and columns are addressed separately, so this parameter sets the interval between the RAS and CAS signals.

    SDRAM Configuration

    The parameter determines whether the BIOS program itself should determine the timing of memory access based on information from the SPD block or allow the user to do this.

    Can take values:

    • By SPD - access parameters are set according to SPD
    • 7 ns (143 Mhz) - access parameters are set by the BIOS as for memory with an access time of 7 ns and a bus frequency of 143 MHz
    • 8 ns (125 Mhz) - access parameters are set by the BIOS as for memory with an access time of 8 ns and a bus frequency of 125 MHz
    • Disabled - set by user

    SDRAM RAS Precharge Time

    The parameter allows you to determine fast or slow charge accumulation by RAS before the start of the memory regeneration cycle. Setting the value to Fast increases performance, but Slow increases the stability of the computer, so the value to Fast should be set if you are confident in the quality of the memory.

    Can take values:

    • Fast - quickly
    • Slow - slowly

    SDRAM (CAS Lat/RAS-to-CAS)

    This parameter allows you to choose between the duration of the CAS signal and the delay between the RAS and CAS signals. The value of this parameter depends on the characteristics of the SDRAM used in the motherboard and the speed of the processor. Therefore, you should change this parameter extremely carefully.

    Can take values:

    SDRAM CAS to RAS Delay

    The parameter determines the delay value after the RAS signal is issued until the CAS signal appears for synchronous memory. The lower this value, the faster the memory access. However, it should be changed carefully.

    The parameter can take the following values:

    • 3 - three delay cycles
    • 2 - two delay cycles

    SDRAM CAS# Latency

    Sets the CAS delay value for SDRAM. A lower value improves system performance. It is recommended to set this value lower for SDRAM running at 10 ns or better.

    Can take values:

    SDRAM Banks Close Policy

    The parameter was introduced for boards with the 440LX set due to the fact that memory with a 2-bank organization does not work correctly in these boards if the memory bank access parameters are set to default. This was not required in the 430TX set, since the access rules for different memories were the same. You should only change the default BIOS settings for this option if your memory is unstable.

    Can take values:

    • Page Miss - used for dual bank memory
    • Arbitration - for memory from 4 banks.

    DRAM Idle Timer

    This parameter sets the time (in clock cycles) until all open memory pages are closed. Affects both EDO and SDRAM memory.

    Can take values:

    Snoop Ahead (Prediction)

    Enabling this parameter allows data to be streamed between PCI and memory, predicting what data will be needed next and thereby speeding up data transfer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Host Bus Fast Data Ready

    Enabling this parameter will allow data to be removed from the bus at the same time as it is sampled. Otherwise, the data will be held on the bus for one additional clock cycle.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Refresh RAS# Assertion

    This parameter sets the number of ticks (i.e. RAS duration) for the regeneration cycle. The accepted values ​​are determined by the quality of the memory and the chipset. A lower value improves performance.

    MA Wait State

    The parameter allows you to set or remove an additional wait cycle before starting memory reading. For EDO memory, one clock cycle is always present by default, and setting the value to Slow adds another wait clock cycle. For SDRAM there is no sleep cycle by default and setting Slow introduces one clock cycle.

    Can take values:

    • Slow - one bar is added;
    • Fast - no additional wait cycle.

    SDRAM Speculative Read

    Enabling this parameter allows a read signal to be issued slightly earlier than the address is decoded. This technique reduces the overall time spent on a read operation. In other words, the processor will initiate a read signal at the same time it generates the address where the required data is located. The read signal is sensed by the DRAM controller and, if the SDRAM Speculative Read option is enabled, the controller will issue a read signal before the address is decoded.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    System BIOS Casheable

    Enabling this parameter makes it possible to cache the memory region at system BIOS addresses F0000H through FFFFFH into cache memory. The setting will only be used if cache memory is enabled in the BIOS Features Setup section. If any program tries to write to these addresses, the system will display an error message.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Video BIOS Cacheable (Caching the BIOS area of ​​the video card)

    Enabling this parameter makes it possible to cache a memory area at video card BIOS addresses from C0000H to C7FFFH into cache memory. The setting will only be used if cache memory is enabled in the BIOS Features Setup section. If any program tries to write to these addresses, the system will display an error message.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Video Memory Cache Mode

    The parameter is valid only for Pentium Pro architecture processors (Pentium II, Deshutes, etc.). The Pentium Pro processor had the ability to change the cache mode depending on a specific memory area through special internal registers called Memory Type Range Registers - MTRR. Using these registers, the UC (uncached), WC (write combining), WP (write protect), WT (write through) and WB (write protection) modes can be set for a specific memory area. write back - write back). Setting the USWC (uncached, speculative write combining) mode allows you to significantly speed up data output via the PCI bus to the video card (up to 90 MB/s instead of 8 MB/s). Please note that the video card must support access to its memory in the range from A0000 - BFFFF (128 kB) and have a linear frame buffer. Therefore, it is better to set the USWC mode, but in case of any problems (the system may not boot), set the default value to UC.

    Can take values:

    • UC (uncached) - not cached
    • USWC (uncached, speculative write combining) - do not cache, combined write mode

    Graphics Aperture Size

    This parameter specifies the maximum size of the memory area for use by a video card with an AGP interface. The default value set at power-up or reset is 4 MB. After initialization, the BIOS takes the value selected by the motherboard manufacturer (usually 64 MB).

    Allowed range of graphic aperture values:

    • 16 MB
    • 32 MB
    • 64 MB
    • 128 MB
    • 256 MB

    PCI 2.1 Support

    When enabled, PCI bus specification 2.1 capabilities are supported. Specification 2.1 has two main differences from 2.0 - the maximum bus clock frequency is increased to 66 MHz and a PCI-PCI bridge mechanism is introduced, which makes it possible to remove the limitation of specification 2.0, according to which no more than 4 devices can be installed on the bus. It makes sense to disable this parameter only if problems arise after installing a PCI card (as a rule, they arise only with fairly old cards).

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    8 Bit I/O Recovery Time (Recovery time for 8-bit devices)

    The parameter is measured in processor cycles and determines what delay the system will set after issuing a request to read/write a device (or, as is customary with Intel, a port) I/O. This delay is necessary because the read/write cycle for I/O devices is significantly longer than for memory. In addition, 8-bit I/O devices themselves are generally slower than 16-bit I/O devices. The default value of this parameter is 1 and should be increased only if any slow 8-bit device is installed in the computer.

    Can take values ​​from 1 to 8 cycles.

    16 Bit I/O Recovery Time (Recovery time for 16-bit devices)

    The parameter is measured in processor cycles, and determines what delay the system will set after issuing a request to read/write a device (or, as is customary with Intel, a port) I/O. This delay is necessary because the read/write cycle for I/O devices is significantly longer than for memory. The default value of this parameter is 1 and should be increased only if any slow 16-bit device is installed in the computer.

    Can take values ​​from 1 to 4 clock cycles.

    Memory Hole At 15M-16M ("Hole" in memory inside the 15th megabyte of memory)

    Enabling this parameter allows you to treat I/O devices as memory and thereby increase the speed of access to such devices. For this mechanism to function, it is necessary to exclude all normal programs from using a certain memory area (15 megabytes), which is what the BIOS does when this parameter is enabled. This option should be enabled if it is required in the documentation for the card installed in this computer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Peer Concurrency

    This parameter allows or disables the simultaneous operation of multiple devices on the PCI bus.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Chipset Special Features

    This parameter enables/disables all new functions added to the HX, VX or TX sets compared to FX.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Passive Release

    This parameter enables/disables the mechanism for parallel operation of the ISA and PCI buses. If this option is enabled, then processor access to the PCI bus is allowed during passive partitioning. The need to disable this parameter may arise when using ISA cards that actively use DMA channels.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    PCI Delayed Transaction

    The presence of this parameter means that the motherboard has a built-in 32-bit buffer to support the extended PCI transfer cycle. If this parameter is enabled, then access to the PCI bus is allowed while accessing 8-bit devices on the ISA bus. This significantly increases performance, since a cycle of such access on ISA takes 50-60 PCI bus cycles. When installing a card into a computer that does not support the PCI 2.1 specification, this option should be disabled.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Parallel Port Mode (ECP+EPP)

    The parameter allows you to set the operating modes of the parallel port. Please note that the exchange speed for some devices can be significantly increased if the printer port operating mode is correctly set, for example, for external storage devices such as Iomega ZIP Drive LPT.

    Can take values:

    • Normal - normal printer interface, also called SPP
    • ECP - advanced port
    • EPP - Extended Printer Port
    • ECP+EPP - both modes can be used

    ECP DMA Select

    The parameter appears only when ECP or ECP+EPP mode is enabled in Parallel Port Mode (ECP+EPP). To properly support ECP mode, a DMA channel must be enabled, which can be selected from channels 1 or 3.

    Can take values:

    • 1 - channel 1
    • 3 - channel 3
    • Disabled - DMA is prohibited

    There is also an item for selecting the EPP operating mode.

    Can take values:

    • EPP 1.9
    • EPP 1.7

    Onboard PCI IDE Enable

    This parameter controls whether each of the two channels of the IDE controller installed on the motherboard is enabled or disabled.

    Can take values:

    • Primary - only the first channel is allowed to operate
    • Secondary - only the second channel is allowed to work
    • Both - both channels are allowed to operate
    • Disable - operation of both channels is prohibited

    IDE PIO Mode (Select the operating mode of each drive)

    Four options allow you to set the operating modes of each drive individually or allow the BIOS to automatically set the fastest mode for the drive. The valid parameters are the same for each disk. For example, for IDE 0 Master Mode, valid values ​​are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and AUTO.

    The UDMA setting can be set to Auto or Disable.

    PnP/PCI Configuration Setup

    PNP OS Installed (Is an operating system installed that supports Plug&Play mode?)

    Set to Yes if the operating system supports Plug&Play (for example, Windows 95), and No otherwise. If you selected No, the BIOS must configure the Plug&Play devices.

    Resources Controlled By

    If AUTO is selected, the BIOS itself will automatically assign interrupts and DMA channels to all devices connected to the PCI bus and these parameters will not appear on the screen. Otherwise, all these parameters must be set manually. In some BIOS versions, this parameter can be set individually for each PCI slot and look like this:

    • Slot 1 IRQ
    • Slot 2 IRQ
    • etc.

    Reset Configuration Data

    It is recommended to set it to Disabled. When installing Enabled, the BIOS will clear the Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) area, which stores data about the system BIOS configuration, so hardware conflicts are possible for devices “thrown” in this way to the mercy of fate.

    IRQ n Assigned to (Interrupt number n is assigned to...)

    Each system interrupt can be assigned one of the following device types: Legacy ISA (classic ISA cards) - Regular ISA cards, such as modems or sound cards without Plug&Play support. These cards require interrupt assignments in accordance with their PCI/ISA PnP documentation (PCI bus devices or ISA bus devices with Plug&Play support) - this parameter is set only for devices on the PCI bus or ISA cards with Plug&Play support.

    DMA n Assigned to (DMA channel number n is assigned to...)

    Each DMA channel of the system can be assigned one of the following device types: Legacy ISA (classic ISA cards) - Regular ISA cards, such as modems or sound cards without Plug&Play support. These cards require DMA channel assignments in accordance with their PCI/ISA PnP documentation (PCI bus devices or Plug&Play ISA bus devices) - this parameter is set only for PCI bus devices or ISA Plug&Play cards.

    PCI IRQ Activated by

    The parameter can take the following values: Level (level) - the interrupt controller responds only to the signal level Edge (edge) - the interrupt controller responds only to the signal level difference.

    PCI IDE IRQ Map to (IDE controller interrupts on PCI are mapped to...)

    Allows you to release interrupts occupied by the IDE controller on the PCI bus if it is absent (or disabled) on the motherboard and give them to devices on the ISA bus. The standard interrupts for ISA are IRQ 14 for the first channel and IRQ 15 for the second channel.

    Can take values:

    • PCI IDE IRQ mapping (used for PCI IDE)
    • PC AT (ISA) (used for ISA)

    IRQ n Used By ISA

    The parameter coincides with IRQ n Assigned to and can take the following values:

    • No/ICU (no/configuration utility for ISA) - if this value is set, the BIOS can manage this interrupt at its discretion. For DOS, setting parameters in this case can also be done using the ISA Configuration Utility program from Intel
    • Yes - means forced interrupt release for any card on the ISA bus that does not support Plug&Play mode. It is recommended to always specify Yes for such cards and the interrupts they require, since otherwise the BIOS may assign an interrupt that is hard-coded by some card on the ISA to another card, which may even cause the computer to stop working normally.

    DMA n Used By ISA

    The parameter is the same as DMA n Assigned to and can take the following values:

    • No/ICU (No/ISA Configuration Utility) - If set to this value, the BIOS can manage this DMA channel as it sees fit. For DOS, setting parameters in this case can also be done using the ISA Configuration Utility program from Intel
    • Yes - Forces the release of a DMA channel for any card on the ISA bus that does not support Plug&Play. It is recommended to always specify Yes for such cards and the DMA channels they require, since otherwise the BIOS may assign a channel that is hardcoded to one card in the ISA to another card, which may even cause the computer to stop working normally.

    ISA MEM Block BASE

    Some ISA bus cards require access to memory located on the card at certain addresses. Therefore, there was a need for this BIOS parameter.

    Can take values:

    • No/ICU - leaves control of this parameter to the discretion of the BIOS or ICU program
    • C800, CC00, D000, D400, D800 and DC00 - the address of the memory block is indicated.

    In addition, an additional parameter ISA MEM Block Size (memory block size) appears, which is needed if there are several such ISA cards and this parameter can take values ​​8K, 16K, 32K, 64K

    Onboard AHA BIOS (Adaptec SCSI controller BIOS)

    The parameter allows/disables the BIOS execution of the built-in SCSI controller and thereby enables/disables the operation of the built-in SCSI controller.

    Can take values:

    • AUTO (automatically) - Allowed to search for an Adaptec SCSI controller and launch the BIOS for it
    • Disabled - Set to this value when there is no SCSI card.

    ONB AHA BIOS First (Launch Adaptec controller BIOS first)

    The parameter allows/prohibits starting the BIOS of the built-in Adaptec controller before starting any other SCSI controller.

    Can take values:

    • Yes - allowed
    • No - prohibited

    ONB SCSI SE Term. (Embedded SCSI Controller Terminators)

    The parameter allows/prohibits the connection of load resistors (terminators) on the built-in SCSI controller.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    ONB SCSI LVD Term. (Embedded SCSI LVD Controller Terminators)

    The parameter allows/prohibits the connection of load resistors (terminators) on the built-in SCSI LVD controller. Controlling this parameter allows you to increase the length of the SCSI connecting cable up to 25 meters.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited


    Permission to search for a SCSI controller based on the NCR 810 chip, used, for example, in the ASUS SC-200 card.

    Can take values:

    • AUTO (automatically) - Allowed to search for a SCSI controller and launch the BIOS for it
    • Disabled - Set to this value when there is no SCSI card

    PCI Latency Timer

    Sets the maximum time (in bus clock cycles) that a device on the PCI bus can hold the bus if another device requires access to the bus. The permissible range for changing this parameter is from 0 to 255 in steps of multiples of 8. The value of the parameter should be changed carefully, since it depends on the specific implementation of the motherboard.

    USB IRQ (USB Interrupt)

    The parameter enables or disables interrupt assignment for the USB bus controller. Because computers often lack interrupts, you should only enable this option if there is a USB device on the system.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Power Management Setup

    Power Management

    Allows you to either allow the BIOS to reduce the computer's power consumption if it is not being used, or prohibit it.

    Can take values:

    • User Define (user defined) - when setting this parameter, you can independently set the time for switching to low power mode
    • Min Saving - when this option is selected, the computer will enter low power mode after a period of 40 minutes to 2 hours (depending on the specific BIOS of the motherboard)
    • Max Saving (maximum energy saving) - the computer will go into low power mode 10-30 s after the user stops working with it
    • Disable - disables power saving mode

    Video Off Option (In what mode to turn off the monitor)

    Allows you to set at what stage the computer is “falling asleep” to switch the monitor to low power consumption mode.

    Can take values:

    • Susp, Stby -> Off (turns off in Suspend and Standby modes) - the monitor will go into low power mode when either Suspend or Standby mode occurs
    • All modes -> Off (turn off in all modes) - the monitor will be switched to low power mode in any mode
    • Always On - The monitor will never be put into low power mode
    • Suspend -> Off (turn off in Suspend mode) - the monitor will go into low power mode when Suspend mode occurs.

    Video Off Method

    Sets how the monitor enters low power mode.

    Can take values:

    • DPMS OFF - reduces monitor power consumption to a minimum
    • DPMS Reduce ON - monitor is turned on and can be used
    • DPMS Standby - monitor in low power mode
    • DPMS Suspend - monitor in ultra-low power mode
    • Blank Screen - the screen is blank, but the monitor consumes full power
    • V/H SYNC + Blank - scan signals are removed - the monitor goes into the lowest power consumption mode.

    Suspend Switch

    The parameter allows or prohibits switching to suspend mode (temporary stop) using a button on the system unit. To do this, you need to connect the SMI jumper on the motherboard to the button on the front panel. As a rule, either a special Sleep button or a Turbo button is used for this. Suspend mode is a mode for maximum reduction of computer power consumption.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Doze Speed ​​(CPU frequency in Doze mode)

    Determines the clock division factor in Doze mode.

    Stby Speed ​​(CPU frequency in Standby mode)

    Determines the clock frequency division factor in Standby mode.

    HDD Power Down

    Sets either the time after which, if unused, the hard drive will be turned off, or prohibits such shutdown at all. The setting has no effect on SCSI drives.

    Can take values:

    • From 1 to 15 minutes
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Doze Mode

    Sets the transition time or disables the transition to the first stage of power reduction.

    Can take values:

    • 30 Sec, 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 8 Min, 20 Min, 30 Min, 40 Min, 1 Hour - transition time (Sec - seconds, Min - minutes, Hour - hour)
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Standby Mode

    Sets the transition time or prohibits the transition to the second stage of power reduction.

    Can take values:

    • Disabled - prohibited

    Suspend Mode

    Sets the transition time or prohibits the transition to the third stage of power reduction.

    Can take values:

    • 30 Sec, 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 8 Min, 20 Min, 30 Min, 40 Min, 1 Hour - transition time (Sec - seconds, Min - minutes, Hour - hour)
    • Disabled - prohibited

    PM Events

    This section specifies those interrupts from which the computer should “wake up” if accessed to devices that use these interrupts.

    IRQ 3 (Wake-up)

    Enabling this setting will cause the computer to "wake up" from the modem or mouse connected to COM2.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 4 (Wake-up)

    Enabling this setting will cause the computer to "wake up" from the modem or mouse connected to COM1.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 8 (Wake-up)

    Enabling this setting will cause the computer to "wake up" from the real time clock. It is recommended to leave it disabled, as some programs may use the alarm function of the computer clock for their own purposes.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 12 (Wake-up)

    Enabling this option will cause the computer to "wake up" from a mouse connected to the PS/2 port.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    The next section indicates those devices whose activity should not make the computer go to sleep.

    IRQ 3 (COM2)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if a device connected to the COM2 port is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 4 (COM1)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if a device connected to the COM1 port is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 5 (LPT2)

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if a device (usually a printer) connected to the LPT2 port is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 6 (Floppy Disk)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep when the floppy drive is accessed.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 7 (LPT1)

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if a device (usually a printer) connected to the LPT1 port is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 8 (RTC Alarm)

    By enabling this setting, the computer does not go to sleep when the RTC (real time clock) is used as a timer. It is recommended to leave it disabled, as some programs may use the alarm function of the computer clock for their own purposes.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 9 (IRQ2 Redir)

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the device occupying the 9th (2) interrupt is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 10 (Reserved)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the device occupying interrupt 10 is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 11 (Reserved)

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the device occupying interrupt 11 is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 12 (PS/2 Mouse)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the device occupying interrupt 12 (a mouse connected to the PS/2 port) is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 13 (Coprocessor)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep when the coprocessor is in use.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 14 (Hard Disk)

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the hard drive on the first IDE channel is accessed.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    IRQ 15 (Reserved)

    When this setting is enabled, the computer does not go to sleep if the hard drive or CD-ROM on the second IDE channel is being accessed.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Power Up Control

    The parameters in this section define the types of power supply control and apply to ATX power supplies and motherboards that can be connected to such a source.

    PWR Button

    Controls the functions of the Power button on the computer system unit.

    Can take values:

    • Soft Off (software shutdown) - the button works like a regular computer power on/off button, but it allows software shutdown of the computer (for example, when exiting Windows95)
    • Suspend (temporary stop) - when you press the power button for less than 4 seconds, the computer enters the Suspend stage to reduce power consumption
    • No Function - The Power button becomes a normal power on/off button.

    PWR Up On Modem Act

    Enabling this option allows you to turn on the computer when making a call to the modem.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Wake On LAN

    When this parameter is enabled, the computer turns on based on a signal from the local network. This activation is only possible if a network card that supports this mode is installed in the computer.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    AC PWR Loss Restart (Turn on the computer after a power failure)

    Enabling this setting allows you to turn on the computer after a power loss. Otherwise, when power is restored, the computer will not turn on and you will need to press the Power button again.

    Can take values:

    • Enabled - allowed
    • Disabled - prohibited

    Automatic Power Up

    Using this setting, you can turn on the computer at a specified time every day, or turn on the computer at a specified day and time.

    Can take values:

    • Everyday - When you enter the time, the computer will turn on every day at the designated time. The time is entered in the Time (hh: mm: ss) Alarm field in the order hours: minutes: seconds either by using the PgUp, PgDn keys, or by directly entering numbers.
    • By Date - the computer will turn on on the specified day and at the specified time. When you select this option, a field appears for entering the time (the same as for Everyday) and a field for entering the day of the month Date of Month Alarm - day of the month - in this field you enter the day in the month. This automatically means that you can program the computer to turn on only within one month.
    • Disabled - prohibited

    In the following sections, the BIOS only reports the characteristics of some computer devices. Enabling parameters in these sections allows the BIOS to monitor these parameters and report if they are out of bounds.

    Fan Monitor Section

    Chassis Fan Speed ​​(xxxxRPM) (Control the rotation speed of an additional fan in the computer case)

    If Ignore is selected, the rotation speed of this fan will not be monitored. This parameter will be displayed only when using a special fan with an additional output connected to a special connector on the motherboard. Otherwise, when the rotation speed stops or critically decreases, the BIOS will display a message on the screen before loading the operating system.

    CPU Fan Speed ​​(xxxxRPM)

    If Ignore is selected, the rotation speed of this fan will not be monitored. This parameter will be displayed only when using a special fan with an additional output connected to a special connector on the motherboard. Otherwise, when the rotation speed stops or critically decreases, the BIOS will display a message on the screen before loading the operating system.

    Power Fan Speed ​​(xxxxRPM)

    If Ignore is selected, the rotation speed of this fan will not be monitored. Otherwise, when the rotation speed stops or critically decreases, the BIOS will display a message on the screen before loading the operating system. Using this option is possible if you have an appropriate power supply.

    Thermal Monitor Section

    CPU Temperature

    Shows the processor temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. If you select Ignore, the temperature will not be monitored. Otherwise, if the temperature rises critically, the BIOS will display a message on the screen before loading the operating system.

    MB Temperature (Motherboard Temperature)

    Shows the processor temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. If you select Ignore, the temperature will not be monitored. Otherwise, if the temperature rises critically, the BIOS will display a message on the screen before loading the operating system.

    Voltage Monitor section (monitoring supply voltages)

    This section displays both the supply voltages supplied to the motherboard by the power supply and those generated on the motherboard. These parameters do not require explanation, except VCORE - this is the supply voltage of the processor core. This voltage is usually generated on the motherboard.