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  • Specialized Internet search engines. Software and services for professional search. Russian search engines

    Specialized Internet search engines.  Software and services for professional search.  Russian search engines

    Specialized search engines allow you to search for information in other information layers of the Internet: archive servers, mail servers, and so on.

    How do general-purpose search engines differ from specialized ones? If the former, the process of executing a request occurs throughout the entire common database, then the latter carry out processing in purely thematic archives.

    As a result, instead of the final result containing a huge number of weakly relevant links, often quite superficially corresponding to the search query, the processed version in a specialized system will bring a much more correct result.

    If, for example, you are looking for some kind of e-book, then the general search engine will give you all the links in a row where the title of this book and related information are mentioned. A specialized search engine will process a search query exclusively based on the contents of electronic libraries, which will ultimately lead to the best final result.

    Specialized medical search engines are used to search for medical information on the Internet. They greatly speed up the search and increase its efficiency. But Russian-language specialized medical search engines are just beginning to develop. Sufficiently complete catalogs do not yet exist. Each system supports links to a limited range of resources.

    Some addresses of medical search engines:

    – – Russian medical server;

    – – Moscow medical market;

    – – MedLinks – all medicine on the Internet;

    – – MEDNAVIGATOR - a new search engine with a catalog of medical resources;

    – – Medical agent – ​​catalog of medical sites;

    – – RusMedServ is a specialized portal whose topics are medicine and cosmetology;

    – – MED-DOC – portal for doctors, students, patients;

    – – IT-MEDICAL – scientific medical Internet project, a large amount of literature in Russian for specialists;

    – – Medclub is a special medical system that contains a lot of medical information for specialists and their patients. Allows you to download the Medclub application, which will help you determine what diseases your symptoms indicate and tell you about the diseases;

    – – Medscape;

    – - MedExplorer is a free medical search engine for doctors, patients and their families.

    1.2.1 Search files

    To search for files on file archive servers, there are two types of specialized search engines: – search engines based on the use of databases – file directories. To search for a file, you need to enter the file name in the search field and the search system will return the addresses of the storage locations for this file. The Russian file system database contains information about 6 million files hosted on two thousand file archive servers on the Russian part of the Internet.

    1.2.2 Finding email addresses

    Specialized search engines allow you to search for an email address by a person’s name or, conversely, the name of the person who owns a specific email address. An example of such a system:

    Search technology. Search engine query language.

    Search engines (servers)

    Search system– a software and hardware complex with a web interface that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet. A search engine usually means a website on which the system interface is located. The software part of the search engine is search engine(search engine) - a set of programs that provides the functionality of a search engine and is usually a trade secret of the search engine developer company.

    How search engines work

    Work on a specific user's request (and at the same time on all other possible requests) began long before its introduction. A special program called a spider crawls the content of websites.

    Its tasks are somewhat similar to those of a regular web browser, but instead of showing pages on the screen, the spider transfers their content to another program - the traveling spider. The task of the “travelling spider” is to isolate from the loaded page links to other sites to which the “spider” is again directed. This cycle is repeated many times, or rather continuously.

    The work doesn't end there. An indexer program gets to work, which, using certain rules, analyzes the pages received by the spiders and forms a complex search server database. This very database then produces search results that appear after processing the entered query. Let’s look at the operating principles of the indexer in more detail, since it determines what will be included in the search results.

    The work of most modern search engines is based on the citation index, which is calculated by the indexer as a result of analyzing links to the current page from other Internet pages. The more of them, the higher the citation index of the analyzed page and the higher this page will be displayed in search results. In addition, the citation index of pages that link to the page being studied by the indexer is taken into account.

    In addition to the citation index, the following parameters are also taken into account:

    The presence of the search words in the page title or site title;

    Frequency of repetitions of the search words on the page;

    The font size in which the words from the search query are written on the page, as well as the emphasis of these words in fonts and styles;

    Subjects of referring sites and some others.

    After the user enters a query, the last link of the search server takes over - the results delivery system. As a result of analyzing and comparing the indicators mentioned above, this system determines the degree to which the page content matches the query conditions. The higher this degree, the higher the page will be presented in the list of found resources.

    Returning to the question of the speed of request processing, I note that such high speed is ensured due to the fact that Internet pages are indexed in advance, and search results are compiled based on information from the search server database.

    This method, as you might guess, has an obvious drawback, namely that the content of web pages may change over time, and the “spider” will not have time to find and process them, therefore, the search results will be inaccurate. Once again, having mentioned the time required for a search server to view and index the entire Internet, I will say that this takes different search engines from several days to several weeks, depending on the information processing algorithm. So sites that have recently appeared on the Internet will not be presented in search results.

    Search engine developers combat this in a variety of ways and with varying degrees of success. For example, most modern search engines provide a service such as searching news feeds that are updated every few minutes, and therefore they are more often indexed by search engines. Be that as it may, there is no better way today than pre-indexing of pages.

    Search tools

    Web technology World Wide Web (WWW) is considered a special technology for preparing and posting documents on the Internet. The WWW includes web pages, electronic libraries, catalogues, and even virtual museums! With such an abundance of information, the question arises: “How to navigate in such a huge and large-scale information space?”

    Search tools come to the rescue in solving this problem.

    Search tools is a special software whose main purpose is to provide the most optimal and high-quality information search for Internet users.

    Search tools are hosted on special web servers, each of which performs a specific function:

    1. Analysis of web pages and entering the analysis results to one or another level of the search server database.

    2. Search for information based on the user's request.

    3. Providing a convenient interface for searching information and viewing the search result by the user.

    The working techniques used when working with one or another search tool are almost the same. Before we discuss them, let's consider the following concepts:

    1. Search tool interface is presented as a page with hyperlinks, a request line (search line) and request activation tools.

    2. Search engine index is an information base containing the result of analysis of web pages, compiled according to certain rules.

    3. Request is a keyword or phrase that a user enters into the search bar. To form various queries, special characters (“”, |, !, ~), mathematical symbols (*, +, ?)…

    One type of search tool is a collection of links.

    Collections of links– these are links sorted by topic. They are quite different from each other in content, so in order to find a selection that best suits your interests, you need to go through them yourself in order to form your own opinion.

    As an example, let us give a selection of links “Internet Treasures” of Relcom JSC Health and Medicine page (No drugs, Russian medical server, Electronic pharmacy, Products of manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment, Internet center “Medicine”, Medical library, etc.)

    The advantage of this type of search tools is their focus; usually the selection includes rare Internet resources selected by a specific webmaster or owner of an Internet page.

    In order to facilitate the search for documents, web server directories and search engines were created. In most cases, the catalog is a thematic collection of links to web resources (medicine, politics, programming, etc.). Search engines allow you to get to a page whose text contains a given set of words. Each search engine has its own specific capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that filling the Internet with Russian-language information, although occurring at a rapid pace, still lags significantly behind the level of English-language information. English continues to be the main language of communication for Internet users.

    Recently, general purpose search directories and indexing search engines have been intensively integrated. Yahoo is no longer just a directory, but also a search engine. AltaVista, like many other search servers that initially offered only database searches, now includes in the search query results a list of categories corresponding to the topic of the query. Search technologies do not stand still.

    Checking a nickname across dozens of services at a time, counting reposts on Facebook and visualizing Twitter account connections.

    Social media content analysis is a hot topic among startups. More and more services for searching posts and people appear every year. But many of them either disappear quickly, are available in an unfinished state, or are expensive to use.

    This material contains a few of them that allow you to quickly and freely get really useful or simply interesting information.

    1. Search for profiles

    Search system Snitch allows you to search for a person’s profile in four dozen services, including the websites of the world’s leading universities and the US criminal database:

    Unfortunately, some of the sites for which you can check boxes no longer work. For example, Google Uncle Sam, closed 5 years ago. But despite this and other shortcomings, Snitch is a useful service that allows you to significantly save time when searching for information about a person.

    If for some service a blank screen is displayed instead of blocks with search results, then to view them you need to follow the link Open a new window:

    2. Search for hashtags

    It's very easy to use. You need to enter the desired hashtag into the search form and in a second a list of recent posts tagged with it in six social networks will appear:

    3. Analysis of recent tweets

    The service allows you to get a list of the last hundred tweets containing the search word, hashtag or account name. And also find out some analytical information about the people who made these tweets and the time they were created:

    Let's say you want to identify which user caused an unusually high number of clicks to an article from Twitter. We look at the latest 100 tweets and see which of the people who mentioned the original concept have the most followers:

    Owners of a paid subscription have access to a large number of tweets for analysis:

    4. Twitter account analysis

    On Mentionapp you can enter the account name and get information about it (who retweets most often, what hashtags it uses, etc.) in the form of a connection diagram:

    5. Search for tweets on the map

    If you click on any place on the map, you can read the latest tweets made nearby:

    6. Number of mentions on social networks

    Sharedcount helps to evaluate the popularity of an article/site on social networks. You enter the URL and in a couple of seconds there are statistics of mentions on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Stumble Upon:

    7. Search the forums

    Boardreader is a search engine for forums and message boards:

    An assessment of the scale of the disaster showed that there are almost 4 responses on this portal per resident of Russia.

    8. We break through the login via social networks

    We go to and enter the person’s nickname. In response, we receive information about which services it is registered on:

    9. Determine a person’s name by email

    If you are still looking for people by typing their email addresses into Google, then you should abandon this method. After all, there is You enter your email (nickname) and get a list of profiles on social networks:

    The information is not always accurate or complete, but the service is extremely useful.

    That's all. It was worth talking about Socialmention (unfinished analysis of reviews), Yomapic (search for photos from VK and Instagram on a map) and yandex.

    Search servers. Some search rules

    To organize searches on the Internet, there are specialized services called search servers. In practice, these are websites where you can type keywords related to the topic of interest in the appropriate line and get many links to resources with the necessary information. For example, when asked for pets, the Yandex search server (see more about it below) provides more than 14 million links to pages containing the information it thinks it needs. However, not everything is so smooth: when you visit some of the pages found, it turns out that the information you are looking for is not enough, or even nonexistent.

    To search with maximum results, it will be useful to know how search servers work.

    How search engines work

    A search server is a rather complex program, or more precisely, a set of programs that use special algorithms for analyzing the content of websites across the entire Internet.

    An interesting point: it took Yandex less than a second to process the same request for pets. The question inevitably arises: “Is it possible to analyze the entire Internet in such a short time?” The clear answer to this is: “It is impossible to analyze the entire Internet in such a short time.” However, the fact remains: it takes less than a second to process the request. The answer to the misunderstanding will be a description of the principles of operation of search servers.

    Work on a specific user's request (and at the same time on all other possible requests) began long before its introduction. A special program called a spider crawls the content of websites. Its tasks are somewhat similar to those of a regular web browser, but instead of showing pages on the screen, the spider transfers their content to another program - the traveling spider. The task of the “travelling spider” is to isolate from the loaded page links to other sites to which the “spider” is again directed. This cycle is repeated many times, or rather, continuously.

    The work doesn't end there. An indexer program gets to work, which, using certain rules, analyzes the pages received by the spiders and forms a complex search server database. This very database then produces search results that appear after processing the entered query. Let’s look at the operating principles of the indexer in more detail, since it determines what will be included in the search results.

    The work of most modern search engines is based on the citation index, which is calculated by the indexer as a result of analyzing links to the current page from other Internet pages. The more of them, the higher the citation index of the analyzed page and the higher this page will be displayed in search results. In addition, the citation index of pages that link to the page being studied by the indexer is taken into account.

    In addition to the citation index, the following parameters are also taken into account:

    The presence of the search words in the page title or site title;

    Frequency of repetitions of the search words on the page;

    The font size in which the words from the search query are written on the page, as well as the emphasis of these words in fonts and styles;

    Subjects of referring sites and some others.

    After the user enters a query, the last link of the search server takes over - the results delivery system. As a result of analyzing and comparing the indicators mentioned above, this system determines the degree to which the page content matches the query conditions. The higher this degree, the higher the page will be presented in the list of found resources.

    Returning to the question of the speed of request processing, I note that such high speed is ensured due to the fact that Internet pages are indexed in advance, and search results are compiled based on information from the search server database.

    This method, as you might guess, has an obvious drawback, namely that the content of web pages may change over time, and the “spider” will not have time to find and process them, therefore, the search results will be inaccurate. Having once again mentioned the time required for a search server to view and index the entire Internet, I will say that this takes different search engines from several days to several weeks, depending on the information processing algorithm. So sites that have recently appeared on the Internet will not be presented in search results.

    Search engine developers are fighting this phenomenon in different ways and with varying degrees of success. For example, most modern search engines provide a service such as searching through news feeds, which are updated every few minutes and are therefore more often indexed by search engines. Be that as it may, there is no better way today than pre-indexing of pages.

    Rules for constructing search queries

    As already noted, there are many search servers on the Internet, domestic and foreign.

    Russian search servers:

    “Yandex” –;

    “Rambler” –;

    “Aport” –;

    Gogo –

    Foreign search servers:

    Google –;

    AltaVista –;

    Yahoo! –

    Russian servers are better suited for searching in Russian; foreign servers are better suited for searching in a foreign language, although, for example, Google does a good job of searching in many languages. We'll talk more about the most popular search engines later, looking at advanced search capabilities, since each of these systems has its own characteristics. Now let's look at some basic rules for constructing search queries that are common to all search engines.

    Despite the claims of many search engine owners that queries can be written in almost the natural language that people use to communicate with each other, this is far from the case. Apparently, the time will not come soon when a computer and a person will be able to communicate in a natural (for a person) language. However, we must give the search servers their due; recently they have begun to understand the user much better and the search results are now more in line with expectations than they were a few years ago. This happened largely due to the introduction of new language technologies.

    From the above it follows that in practice it has become easier for the average user to find the information they need. Search engines now look not only for the requested word, but also for its word forms, which makes the search results more accurate. For example, if the search query contains the word smart, then its results will contain not only this word, but also its derivatives: smart, smart, as well as intelligence and even intelligence. Of course, pages with word forms will not be among the first search results, but the elements of artificial intelligence are evident. It is useful to take this fact into account when constructing search queries. Now I’ll tell you about a few more such facts.

    Search servers do not take character case into account when processing a request. Therefore, the queries Vacation in Turkey and vacation in Turkey are identical from the point of view of a search engine.

    You should also remember that it is not at all necessary to use punctuation marks in search queries, or rather, it is not even necessary, since they are also ignored by search servers. But many traditional punctuation marks can be used to build complex, advanced queries, the search results for which are usually much closer to expected.

    Most search engines (except, perhaps, Google) also ignore short words that do not carry a semantic load. In Russian these are prepositions, conjunctions, etc., in foreign languages ​​- for example, articles.

    Many search engines allow you to deal with typos and incorrect keyboard layouts. Surely many readers often happened to type a Russian word with the English keyboard layout turned on, and it turned out, for example, gfhjdjp instead of steam locomotive. The same Yandex will immediately determine that something is wrong here, and at the top of the page with search results it will display a link Perhaps you were looking for: a steam locomotive, by clicking on which you can get a page with the correct results. You can deal with typos in the same way. If the search server thinks that there is a mistake or typo in a word, it will warn you about it with the same phrase. Perhaps you were looking for...

    Let's talk about what words are best to use for a search engine query. Firstly, from the topic of interest to the user, you need to take the most important words that reflect only the essence of the question. For example, if you need material on the topic “Catching penguins in Antarctica in the polar night,” then it is not at all necessary to write the entire phrase; the search results in this case will most likely not suit the requester, since there will be a lot of unnecessary stuff. There is an expression “A machine must work, a person must think,” and it is said about just such a situation. The user's task when composing a search query is to highlight keywords, the search server's task is to process the entered query in the best possible way. In the example under consideration, the key words can be considered penguin catching. After all, it is known that, besides Antarctica, they are not found anywhere else, but the “polar night” should be discarded, if only because in reality it is quite difficult to work in such conditions.

    This ironic example illustrates that the user, based on his knowledge and logic, should highlight only the necessary keywords, without overloading the query with unnecessary terms.

    Let's consider an example illustrating typical mistakes of novice users when searching the Internet. When I asked for a riddle about musical instruments, the search engine did not return any useful results. Then the user decides to correct the query by adding to it and writing: riddles for children about musical instruments - the search results turned out to be even worse than the previous one. In such a situation, they say that the conditions of the request have become more stringent, in contrast to the softer ones established in the previous case. For this example, a good solution, as practice has shown, was to search for the riddle keyword. There are many such sites on the Internet, and by going to the site itself and searching a little through its sections, you can easily find the information you are interested in.

    When thinking about what words to use in a search query, you can formulate several rules:

    Choose only the most important keywords related to the topic under consideration;

    There should not be too many or too few words; some consider a request consisting of three or four words to be optimal, but in different cases this number may vary;

    If the search results are unsatisfactory, try applying softer conditions for the request, but in no case more stringent ones;

    If you are not satisfied with the search results on one search server, then try searching on another; The operating mechanisms of the servers are not the same, so the results may differ radically.

    I hope that the above information will help readers find the necessary information on the Internet. If you still can’t find something, then advanced search methods will come to the rescue.

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    Search engines

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    Search programs Recently, along with online search engines, other tools designed for searching the Internet have appeared. One of these tools is search programs. A special feature of their work is the ability to search immediately

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    Search engines Internet users often use search engines. Of course, some information is initially searched on thematic resources, but the most popular search engines are also actively used. A class began to appear

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    8.2. Search engines To quickly and easily search for information on the World Wide Web, there are special sites - search engines. In Sect. 6.2 I have already mentioned one such system - Yandex ( In addition to Yandex, there are several other popular search engines

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    10.2.1. Search engines The Internet contains a huge amount of information. After all, anyone can create a website on the Internet, so the number of new sites is growing every day. Search engines are used to search the Internet. A search engine is a special

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    Search engines These are the addresses that you should remember first of all and firmly. Using search engines you can find any other site in

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    Search servers. Some search rules To organize searches on the Internet, there are specialized services called search servers. In practice, these are websites where you can type in the appropriate line keywords related to the topic of interest,

    If you want to find on the Internet not a list of sites, but something more specific, for example, a program or a book, in this case you are better off using special search engines or, as a last resort, special features of conventional search engines.

    To search for files You can use the search engine ( This is a search engine that searches among millions of files collected from almost all Russian FTP servers and several thousand foreign servers. The search database is constantly updated (Fig. 1).

    While traditional search engines search WWW servers and HTML pages based on their content, searches FTP servers based on the names of the files and directories themselves. If you need any program, game, etc., then you will most likely find their description on WWW servers, and you can find and download the required file using

    In addition to files, the system can search for images, as well as MP3 or video files. The principle of operation of the system is similar to search using conventional search engines.

    The metasearch system can search for a wide variety of files (MP3, video, etc.). First of all, you need to select the desired type of search by setting the corresponding switch to the desired position. Then you should enter your search query. As a result, the program will offer a list of found links.

    The Rambler-ftp system ( will help you search for files on FTP servers. Here you can also search for files in a wide variety of formats. System users have access to simple and advanced search.

    The service works on a similar principle, which searches more than 1900 FTP servers.

    Rice. 1. Home page of the search engine

    You can use a simple search tool for FTP servers on the website English-language search engines are located on the sites http://,

    The Google search engine allows you to perform many types of searches. Some of them can be accessed on the English Google page at For example, using the Pictures section, you can search for pictures, News - search for news. A list of Google search capabilities is presented on the page at

    3. Effective Google Search

    Advanced search (in foreign systems - Advanced Search) allows you to get fewer links than a simple search, but at the same time their relevance increases significantly. Most search engines implement this feature. For this purpose, there is a special link on the main page, which takes you to the advanced search page. In this mode, using special tools, you can set more precise selection criteria and refine the search area. In this case, only the set of criteria is expanded, but the search area in most cases is significantly narrowed.

    Advanced Google Search

    Let's look at some advanced search tools. In the Google search engine, you can configure the type of query content on the pages you are looking for. The following options are possible. - with all words - in this search mode, a list of all indexed pages containing all keywords is generated in random order. At the same time, there is still a possibility of receiving results that do not correspond to the search query. - with an exact phrase - in this search mode, a list of pages is compiled that contains a phrase that exactly matches the key phrase, punctuation marks are ignored. Typically, a search for an exact phrase will be carried out if the search query is enclosed in quotation marks. - with any of the words - as a result of the search, a list of all indexed pages containing any of the words of the search query is compiled. Often in this case the number of links received is huge. Searching for any word can be convenient in cases where the user is not sure of the correct selection of keywords. For example, if you don't know exactly what a term is called, enter both names. - without words - if you want to exclude some words from the search results, indicate them in this field (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Google Advanced Search Box

    Most search engines have advanced search options that allow you to limit the links found to a number of other options. For example, you can set the search for pages in only one language (Language parameter), limit sites to a certain range of update dates (this is convenient if you need to find, for example, only the newest documents). In addition, you can specify a search for documents of a specific type (for example, only HTML, DOC, RTF, PPT or PDF files) - the File format parameter is intended for this. Many search engines allow you to limit your search to a portion of a page. For example, you can specify that the search query phrase can only appear in the page title or body, in the address, or anywhere on the page - this can be done using the Mention parameter. Another convenient solution available among the advanced search options is the ability to search for a search term on a specific site. This feature is available to all currently known search engines; it allows you to get a list of documents from one site that match the query.

    Complex Google Search

    Complex search provides the ability to use the features of the search query language. It is unique in its syntax for each search engine, but its capabilities are similar. Here are the most popular problems that can be solved using complex search. - If you want the links found to contain the exact phrase of the search query, then it should be enclosed in quotation marks. - If the found documents should contain several words from the search query, then it is necessary to apply the logical operator AND (AND). When working at Google, it corresponds to the + sign. Thus, the entry book + store in the search bar will mean searching for sites that include both words of the search query. - If the received links must contain at least one word of the search query, then the OR operator must be used. In Google, you need to enter the word or. - If you want to exclude documents with certain words from the resulting list of links, then to do this you need to use the logical NOT operator. Google uses the symbol –. The operator does NOT need to be entered after a word separated by a space along with an optional word. For example, a request of the form map of Paris – (agency|tour) will allow you to find a map, but not tours in France. Details of using Google can be found at

    Special Forces

    Additional Google commands help you get better results and narrow your search. With their help, you can limit the scope of the search, and also indicate to the machine that it does not need to look through all pages. These commands allow you to control the search on the page itself, indicating which part of it should be searched. These special commands are written before the parameter, and some require a – character before them. Consider the following commands. - – allinlinks: searches only in link names, not in text or page title, for example – allinlinks ain. - - allintext: searches within the text on pages, but not in links or page titles, for example - allintext:piter. - – allintittle: Shows search results in the page title. - - allinurl: shows pages similar to this template, for example – allinurl:links.php. - cache: finds a copy of a page indexed by Google, even if it is no longer available at the Internet address or has changed its content. In other words, this command searches Google's cache. It is useful for viewing pages whose content changes frequently. For example, - – cache:url shows the saved version of this page. - filetype: this command allows you to limit the search to only files with a given extension. However, be careful, Google takes command parameters too literally, and therefore if you first type filetype:htm and then filetype:html, the search results will be different in both cases. Google supports searching the most popular file formats PPT, XLS and DOC. - – info:url this command will show a page containing links to search options: search for similar pages, backlinks and pages containing the same link. The result is the same as if you enter the address of a web page in the search bar. - – intext: in this case, the search will not take into account page titles and links, but will only view the text of the page (tag ). This can be useful when you are looking for a certain piece of text and, by and large, you do not care what the title of the page is or what links are located there. - – intitle: this command, on the contrary, limits the search only to the page title, that is, the contents of the tag . For example, such a command - intitle:front page (there should be no spaces between the command and the parameter) will cause Google to display links to the front pages of Russian-language online newspapers.</p><p>- – inurl: with this command, the search will be carried out only in the page address. It is usually used in conjunction with other commands when you want to find a search page. For example, the command – inurl:search will display a list of pages that have the word search in the address. For example, or - - link: returns a list of pages that contain links to the specified site. If you enter, for example, –, you will get a list of pages linking to the resource This is simply an indispensable monitoring tool for those involved in website promotion. - – related: With this command you can get a list of pages similar to this one. For example, if you enter -, you will get a list of links to other online media. In addition, – related: is a convenient tool if you want to find out which category Google ranks your site (or vice versa, if you want to find authoritative information sites). They are authoritative, because Google, when displaying results, sorts them in order of importance, and if you enter, for example,, then the first positions among the results will be occupied by the most significant publications on similar topics: The New York Times, WashingtonPost, etc. . - - site: - This is probably one of the most commonly used Google commands. It allows you to limit your data search to a specified site only.</p><p><b>Google search results page URL structure</b></p><p>Information about the address structure of the search results page will allow you to better understand the principles of using search engines. Here is an example of a typical address: It consists of the following parts: - num=55 - the number of results on one page. This number can range from 1 to 100. The default value is 10; - hl=en - this parameter sets the Google interface language. In this case it is English, but can be changed to hl=ru (Russian); - q=piter is the request itself. Unfortunately, a person is not able to enter a Russian query in the address bar. This is what, for example, the word cactus looks like: q=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%83%D1%81. In addition, you can safely add several more parameters to the URL: - as-qdr=m1 - indicates the maximum “age” of the information found in months. Values ​​can be from 1 to 12; - safe=on - turns on a filter system that blocks, for the most part, information of an obvious pornographic nature.</p><p><b>Google search on your site</b></p><p>The following listing provides a form that will allow you to search for information on your site. To make it work, place this HTML code on your page and enter your address instead of Now visitors will be able to search for information they are interested in on the site using Google. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <form method="get" action=""> <input type="text" name="q" size=32 maxlength=110 value=""> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Google!"> <input type="hidden" name="as-sitesearch" value=""> <input type="hidden" name=hl value="ru"> </form> In addition, you can modify the form at your discretion by adding new parameters. For example, the following line: <input type="hidden" name="as-filetype" value="txt">will force Google to search only text documents. You can set a date limit on the search results by adding the line <input type="hidden" name="as-qdr" value="m3">(results from three months ago). If you want to find data from six months ago, use m6 instead of m3; if you are looking for information for a year, then replace m3 with Latin y. The number of results on the page is controlled by the parameter <input type= "hidden" name="num" value="50">.</p><p><b>Google search by email address</b></p><p>A special Google tool called Google Alerts (website allows you to receive search results to a specified email address. To do this, you need to specify the desired search query, set the search type (news, Internet search or Google Groups search), and also specify the frequency and email address. This will cause Google to create emails highlighting new sites that match your search query and send them to your email address.</p><p><b>Personal page on Google</b></p><p>Google personal search is a very convenient tool that allows each user not only to store the necessary data on the Google website, but also to create the optimal appearance of the site’s main page, turning it into a relevant information resource.</p><p>To use Google Personalized Search, you must go to To work with the service, you need to register with Google (this can be done here). However, those who are already registered with Gmail, Froogle or any other Google service can enter their username and password here. The appearance of this page can be customized. It should also be noted that it is possible to work with the history of search queries. By default, the main page contains several blocks, including information about the weather, the latest news, new videos on YouTube, etc. (Fig. 3).</p><p><img src='' align="bottom" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><b>Rice. 3.</b> Google Personal Page</p><p> Each of these sections can be edited, collapsed, or deleted. To edit, you need to click on the button with a triangle and select the Edit settings line in the menu that appears. You can add other information blocks to display on the main personal search page. To do this, you need to click on the same triangle and execute the command You might also like. As a result, a list of Google services will appear. To add any of them, click on the Add it now button in its description. Services are grouped into sections: News (contains news services), Tools (various.189. tools, such as clocks, calendars, maps, dictionaries, notebooks), Communication (services for communication), etc. After adding a block from Gmail The Google Personal Search page will display the headers of the latest messages received in your Gmail inbox, the addresses of their senders, and the time the letter was received. In addition, the service allows you to independently create an information block and place it on the main page of personal search. To do this, you need to set a request; as a result, Google will search for RSS feeds that match it and offer to place the block on the Google page. Its contents will be the exported news headlines of the found RSS feed. Using the Classic Home link, you can at any time go to the classic view of the Google home page, which will not display all the listed information blocks. However, the most interesting features relate to search when working with Google's personalized service. In this case, the entire history of previous requests to the system is saved on the site; it can be placed on the main page of the service. To switch to full-featured search history mode, use the Web History link. This page displays a list of all previous requests to the system, indicating search dates, that is, the page is displayed in the form of a personal diary. On the right side of the screen there is a calendar of search activity - the intensity of Google use is highlighted in different colors (the colors are determined in accordance with the number of requests to the system). As your search history fills up, Google begins to group search results by topic. On the Web History page, after forming a request, you can select the type of search - search through your personal history of search queries or on the Web. Once you have the result, you can sort your query by relevance or search date. When you search your personal history, results are sorted in chronological order, with the most recent searches appearing first. Next to each result is a search query and a list of visited sites indicating the number of visits. Unnecessary results can be easily removed from the history. In addition, it is possible to temporarily suspend the auto-saving of queries and links found in response to them. Equally useful is the ability to display similar results related to a specific term, name, or object. To do this, you can use the Related History link. The Web History service also automatically remembers the pages you visit and subsequently highlights them in color, which greatly simplifies navigation and viewing links in the resulting list.</p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>DuckDuckGo is a fairly well-known open source search engine. Servers are located in the USA. In addition to its own robot, the search engine uses results from other sources: Yahoo, Bing, Wikipedia.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>DuckDuckGo positions itself as a search engine that provides maximum privacy and confidentiality. The system does not collect any data about the user, does not store logs (no search history), and the use of cookies is as limited as possible.</p> <blockquote><p>DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information from users. This is our privacy policy.</p><i>Gabriel Weinberg, founder of DuckDuckGo</i> </blockquote> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>All major search engines are trying to personalize search results based on data about the person in front of the monitor. This phenomenon is called the “filter bubble”: the user sees only those results that are consistent with his preferences or that the system deems as such.</p> <p>Forms an objective picture that does not depend on your past behavior on the Internet, and eliminates Google and Yandex thematic advertising based on your queries. With DuckDuckGo it is easy to search for information in foreign languages, while Google and Yandex by default give preference to Russian-language sites, even if the query is entered in another language.</p> <h2></h2> <h3><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></h3> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>not Evil is a system that searches the anonymous Tor network. To use it, you need to go to this network, for example by launching a specialized .</p> <p>not Evil is not the only search engine of its kind. There is LOOK (the default search in the Tor browser, accessible from the regular Internet) or TORCH (one of the oldest search engines on the Tor network) and others. We settled on not Evil because of the clear hint from Google (just look at the start page).</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>It searches where Google, Yandex and other search engines are generally closed.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>The Tor network contains many resources that cannot be found on the law-abiding Internet. And their number will grow as government control over the content of the Internet tightens. Tor is a kind of network within the Internet with its own social networks, torrent trackers, media, trading platforms, blogs, libraries, and so on.</p> <h2>3. YaCy</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>YaCy is a decentralized search engine that works on the principle of P2P networks. Each computer on which the main software module is installed scans the Internet independently, that is, it is analogous to a search robot. The results obtained are collected into a common database that is used by all YaCy participants.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>It’s difficult to say whether this is better or worse, since YaCy is a completely different approach to organizing search. The absence of a single server and owner company makes the results completely independent of anyone's preferences. The autonomy of each node eliminates censorship. YaCy is capable of searching the deep web and non-indexed public networks.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you are a supporter of open source software and a free Internet, not subject to the influence of government agencies and large corporations, then YaCy is your choice. It can also be used to organize a search within a corporate or other autonomous network. And even though YaCy is not very useful in everyday life, it is a worthy alternative to Google in terms of the search process.</p> <h2>4. Pipl</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>Pipl is a system designed to search for information about a specific person.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The authors of Pipl claim that their specialized algorithms search more efficiently than “regular” search engines. In particular, priority is given to social network profiles, comments, member lists, and various databases that publish information about people, such as databases of court decisions. Pipl's leadership in this area is confirmed by assessments from, TechCrunch and other publications.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you need to find information about a person living in the US, then Pipl will be much more effective than Google. The databases of Russian courts are apparently inaccessible to the search engine. Therefore, he does not cope so well with Russian citizens.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>FindSounds is another specialized search engine. Searches various sounds in open sources: house, nature, cars, people, and so on. The service does not support queries in Russian, but there is an impressive list of Russian-language tags that you can use to search.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The output contains only sounds and nothing extra. In the settings you can set the desired format and sound quality. All sounds found are available for download. There is a search by pattern.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you need to quickly find the sound of a musket shot, the blows of a suckling woodpecker, or the cry of Homer Simpson, then this service is for you. And we chose this only from the available Russian-language queries. In English the spectrum is even wider.</p> <p>Seriously, a specialized service requires a specialized audience. But what if it comes in handy for you too?</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>Wolfram|Alpha is a computational search engine. Instead of links to articles containing keywords, it provides a ready-made answer to the user's request. For example, if you enter “compare the populations of New York and San Francisco” into the search form in English, Wolfram|Alpha will immediately display tables and graphs with the comparison.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>This service is better than others for finding facts and calculating data. Wolfram|Alpha collects and organizes knowledge available on the Web from a variety of fields, including science, culture and entertainment. If this database contains a ready-made answer to a search query, the system displays it; if not, it calculates and displays the result. In this case, the user sees only nothing superfluous.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you are a student, analyst, journalist, or researcher, for example, you can use Wolfram|Alpha to find and calculate data related to your work. The service does not understand all requests, but it is constantly developing and becoming smarter.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>The Dogpile metasearch engine displays a combined list of results from search results from Google, Yahoo and other popular systems.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>First, Dogpile displays fewer ads. Secondly, the service uses a special algorithm to find and show the best results from different search engines. According to the Dogpile developers, their systems generate the most complete search results on the entire Internet.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>If you can't find information on Google or another standard search engine, look for it in several search engines at once using Dogpile.</p> <h2></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What is this</h3> <p>BoardReader is a system for text search in forums, question and answer services and other communities.</p> <h3>The better</h3> <p>The service allows you to narrow your search field to social platforms. Thanks to special filters, you can quickly find posts and comments that match your criteria: language, publication date and site name.</p> <h3>Why do you need this</h3> <p>BoardReader can be useful for PR specialists and other media specialists who are interested in the opinion of the masses on certain issues.</p> <h2>Finally</h2> <p>The life of alternative search engines is often fleeting. Lifehacker asked the former general director of the Ukrainian branch of Yandex, Sergei Petrenko, about the long-term prospects of such projects.</p> <p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Sergey Petrenko</p> <p>Former General Director of Yandex.Ukraine.</p> <p>As for the fate of alternative search engines, it is simple: to be very niche projects with a small audience, therefore without clear commercial prospects or, conversely, with complete clarity of their absence.</p> <p>If you look at the examples in the article, you can see that such search engines either specialize in a narrow but popular niche, which, perhaps, has not yet grown enough to be noticeable on the radars of Google or Yandex, or they are testing an original hypothesis in ranking, which is not yet applicable in regular search.</p> <p>For example, if a search on Tor suddenly turns out to be in demand, that is, results from there are needed by at least a percentage of Google’s audience, then, of course, ordinary search engines will begin to solve the problem of how to find them and show them to the user. If the behavior of the audience shows that for a significant proportion of users in a significant number of queries, results given without taking into account factors depending on the user seem more relevant, then Yandex or Google will begin to produce such results.</p> <p>“Be better” in the context of this article does not mean “be better at everything.” Yes, in many aspects our heroes are far from Yandex (even far from Bing). But each of these services gives the user something that the search industry giants cannot offer. Surely you also know similar projects. Share with us - let's discuss.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script></div> <dblock></dblock> <div class="p"></div> <dblock></dblock> <a id="cycle"></a> <div class="cycles"> <div class="cycles_title">Related materials:</div> <ul class="cycles_list"> <li><a href="">Checking electronic documents in xml format on the Rosreestr portal</a></li> <li><a href="">Download minecraft for android: all versions</a></li> <li><a href="">Timekillers for Android Download games to kill time</a></li> <li><a href="">Doodle God Alchemy: Artifact Recipes</a></li> <li><a href="">Failed to initialize the Warface game: fixing errors Error “cannot find the specified file”</a></li> <li><a href="">The Elder Scrolls Online - Pickpocketing - Guide: how to make money in teso (Theft) Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy</a></li> <li><a href="">Warhammer Online Review, description, reviews Warhammer Online What gaming publications, critics and gamers say about Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning</a></li> </ul> </div> <dblock></dblock> <dblock></dblock> <div class="rel add-infor-article"> <div id="waypoint-footer-handler" class="article-buttons"> </div> </div> <dblock></dblock> <div class="like--bar"> <script> function addClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) el.classList.add(className) else if (!hasClass(el, className)) el.className += " " + className } function removeClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) el.classList.remove(className) else if (hasClass(el, className)) { var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)') el.className = el.className.replace(reg, ' ') } } function msLike2() { var newDdLike2 = document.getElementsByClassName('like-box-2')[0].getElementsByClassName('new_dd_like')[0]; if (event.type == "mouseover") { document.getElementsByClassName('soc-dropdown-2')[0].style.display = "block"; addClass(newDdLike2, 'dd_act'); } if (event.type == "mouseout") { document.getElementsByClassName('soc-dropdown-2')[0].style.display = "none"; removeClass(newDdLike2, 'dd_act'); } } </script> <div class="like_bar bar1"> <div class="like_fb"> <fb:like send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="true" action="like"></fb:like> </div> <div class="like-tw" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 95px;"> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-lang="ru" data-url="" data-counturl="" data-text="Специализированные поисковые системы интернета. 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