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  • Successful Internet services. Creation of turnkey online services. My experiment with services: super success and epic failure

    Successful Internet services.  Creation of turnkey online services.  My experiment with services: super success and epic failure

    If you need a team of specialists to implement your idea of ​​creating a web service or online application, then contact Yeella. We create automated software and service sites of any level of complexity for the needs of business on the Internet.

    Web services: complex projects providing simplicity and convenience

    Understanding the functional and technical capabilities of an online service does not always come immediately. It is immediately clear to a potential customer that this is a complex project that requires considerable effort from a team of experienced and skilled developers, as well as close interaction between all participants in the process of its creation. In fact, a web service is an intermediate link between an ordinary, stably functioning web resource (for example, a corporate portal) and a supercomputer with unlimited development potential and artificial intelligence.

    An online service is a technical product that is physically located on the network (accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and offers users certain interactive interaction opportunities. In terms of functionality, this is a full-fledged software, which in many respects even exceeds the potential of conventional pre-installed offline programs.

    Examples and uses of web services

    It is much easier to understand what a website service is with a specific example. And today there are actually a lot of them, because thanks to them, many routine processes are simplified, business employees are freed up, and ease, clarity and transparency are ensured for the end user. It can be a simple service that performs certain mathematical calculations (calculating integrals) or a complex and multifunctional social network, whose functions are not limited to communication and correspondence. This could be a site with online games for entertainment and relaxation, or a business web service for planning and monitoring work, helping large companies streamline business processes. These are web resources that are used daily and frequently, as well as sites that are visited from time to time for certain private interactions.

    Popular service sites today:

    • job search web resources (posting resumes and vacancies);
    • classifieds sites - online bulletin boards;
    • services for remote education or training courses;
    • catalogs of establishments (with maps, reviews, opening hours, menus, etc.);
    • systems for selecting real estate objects for specific requirements;
    • poster services - sites introducing upcoming concerts and other public events;
    • travel services - sites for booking hotels, searching for tours abroad, etc.

    Such web projects open up new business opportunities, attracting and retaining customers, increasing returns and increasing income. Websites-services are created for any niches and topics of activity. Today, there is a trend towards the popularization of such projects, since against the backdrop of conventional web resources with minimal interactive interaction capabilities, an online service has an important competitive advantage in the form of user involvement, providing excellent behavioral characteristics, building loyalty, etc.

    Specifics of developing online services

    The complexity of such projects leads to longer development times, increased requirements for the interaction process at the “customer-executor” level, as well as rising prices against the backdrop of the creation of standard solutions, such as “boxed” online stores, business card sites, etc. But the results are traditionally higher, and they provide not only a noticeable influx of traffic, an increase in economic performance indicators, but also the rise of business processes to a new level of quality, convenience and simplicity.

    While working on service sites, our experienced developers provide:

    • implementation of business logic of any level of complexity;
    • implementation of all previously agreed upon functionality and capabilities - both for the customer and for his clients (future visitors to the web service);
    • adaptive design;
    • all possibilities for scaling and subsequent improvement;
    • trouble-free operation of the online service 24/7 and high response speed to any user interaction;
    • increased convenience for the target audience.

    Why do you need a website service from Yeella?

    Let us highlight the main advantages that await you as a client of our company:

    1. A site with wide functionality. Our developers create online services that cope with any given task, from simple methods of accounting for products in warehouses to multi-level data exchange between business branches. Your task, as a customer, is to set a problem, and ours is to find a solution!
    2. Individual development. We do not work according to a template principle, but create functionality for the specific tasks of the customer. For this purpose, convenient interaction interfaces, unique software solutions and advanced technical capabilities are used. Your web service will compare favorably with the standard solutions offered by competitors.
    3. Potential for development. The service website created by Yeella specialists is not an ordinary web resource, but a complex system that, with the proper approach (competent control, support, maintenance and maintenance), can become the most important link in an online business. In the future, this site can become even more functional, useful and effective, not just keeping up, but also ahead of the needs of your clients, partners, employees, etc.
    4. A complex approach. We have extensive experience and have implemented not a single website service for business needs. We first study the needs of the customer and his clients, integrate the created software product into the sales process to ensure increased efficiency, train the customer’s staff, service the project, offer additional services for SEO optimization and Internet marketing, and much more.
    5. Favorable development cost and the best price-quality ratio. We always work for quality and achieving our goals, strictly adhere to deadlines, and do not strive to simply offer low cost to the detriment of the created project and its capabilities. And this approach works and gives results both to you - the customer, and to us!

    Choose Yeella services to develop a website service for your business that will guarantee your superiority over competitors in the market!

    If you are starting your own business, no matter how microscopic it is, it needs proper organization and accounting. How can you achieve this if you have neither the time nor the funds to hire employees?

    In this case, useful services will help you, some of which I bring to your attention today.

    Home accounting with

    Nowadays there are many programs and online services that help you keep track of your finances. But this service, in my opinion, has all the features that can be suitable not only for managing a home budget, but also for a novice entrepreneur.

    Part of a home finance accounting spreadsheet

    Pros of

    1. The service is free (there are paid add-ons, but there are more than enough free ones).
    2. You can select the account type (man, woman, family, company).
    3. Access from different computers and mobile devices, so you can view the status of your finances on the road or somewhere in line, and also use the service together if you have a partner.
    4. You choose the main currency, as well as additional ones. In this case, the total is summed up in the main currency. This seemed extremely convenient to me, because my earnings on the Internet are rubles and dollars, and I mainly use hryvnia.
    5. The service is very convenient, and you can understand its main functions in literally half an hour.
    6. Automatic calculation of your savings with account linking.
    7. You can set financial goals and plan a budget. You will be motivated to create a safety net, warned that bankruptcy is imminent, etc.
    8. A calendar where you can plan out the expenses you will have in the coming months.

    A fun way to show the state of your finances

    I think even this is enough to understand how convenient is, so I won’t list the other advantages, but will move on to the next useful service.

    Cloud service Yandex.Disk

    This service is necessary for storing information. Those who have ever had information disappear from their computer along with the operating system or the death of the hard drive will understand how important it is to have a place that does not depend on the state of your equipment.

    To get this add-on, you need to create a mailbox in Yandex.Mail, log into it and connect to Yandex.Disk. After this, you will have a “flying saucer” on your computer, which you can use just like your other hard drives. By the way, it works from any device connected to the Internet. Here's what it looks like on my computer:

    Initially, you get 10 GB for free, but then for each invitee you get 0.5 GB of free space, and a friend gets plus 1 GB.

    Evernote online notes

    With the advent of the laptop, it began to seriously irritate me that, according to the law of meanness, when I worked on the computer, the necessary information ended up in the laptop and vice versa. This problem was solved when I downloaded Evernote. I won’t talk about it in detail, it’s better to watch the video... you will be surprised how you still live without this miracle:

    I would also like to recommend:

    • Immediately install Evernote on everything you have connected to the Internet. The program is completely free for both computers and mobile devices.
    • Also install it on your favorite browser.
    • Immediately understand the main features of the program - mail, how folders (notebooks) are created, etc.
    • Create a “documents” notebook and upload scans of all your documents there. Then at any time you can print them out in any part of the world, see your passport number, credit card number, etc.
    • Create a notepad for passwords and details. Then they will always be at hand.

    Windows 7 Sticky Notes

    In my opinion, humanity is cutting down too many forests and wasting too much paper. I cringe when I see colorful advertising brochures that are thrown into the trash within a minute after distribution, or piles of papers that are spent at the bank so that a person receives an unfortunate $100 through Western Union. Therefore, I am happy to use the Sticky Notes program for Windows 7. In order not to explain for a long time, I will immediately show you what they look like on the desktop of my computer:

    In fact, these are the same pieces of colored paper, but virtual. They are multi-colored, support different fonts, and are easy to collapse, flip through, and change size. It is quite possible that this program is already on your computer, check the “Standard” folder. If not, then you can download it, and search engines offer a lot of options with different capabilities, including those where you can not only type, but also write by hand.

    Automatic service for drawing up contracts SmartDoc

    There is already detailed information about this resource on the website. I just want to say that it is needed by those who are not ready to spend their precious time drawing up contracts and other papers necessary in various areas of life, from a rental agreement to a marriage contract. At the same time, it is constantly updated in accordance with changes in legislation. The service is paid, but inexpensive, and each contract is drawn up personally according to your conditions and requirements.

    There are a great many useful services on the Internet. Some are highly specialized, others are suitable for almost everyone, new ones appear, old ones are improved. Therefore, I will return to this topic more than once. If you, my readers, have favorite services that help you in everyday life or in business, please share them in the comments, maybe they will be useful to someone else.

    It is not surprising that, as a rule, the most successful projects on the Internet are created by programmers and people with technical education. Of course, there will certainly be a couple of very enterprising guys hanging around them. However, the Internet also has a place for adventurous ventures, accidents, or even outright plagiarism - all this can turn into an incredibly successful project and hundreds of millions of dollars.

    10 thousand squares with an area of ​​100 pixels (10 by 10) - all this space was to be occupied by banners at a price of $1 per pixel.

    Alex Dew is an ordinary English guy who, before the start of the school year, was seriously concerned about how he would buy beer after class. He didn’t think about the idea for a website for long—about half an hour.

    Transaction amount

    The last pixels were sold in December 2006 on eBay at much higher prices, so five months after the first sale, Alex had even more than a million in his account.

    The photo repository, according to many experts, is by far the most successful web-based dvunnel project in recent years.

    Flickr was invented in 2004 by art director Katerina Fake and her designer husband Stuart Butterfield.


    Today, this photo repository has more than 130 million photos published by three million users.

    Transaction amount

    $30 million - that’s exactly how much the bosses of Yahoo! paid for the resource. just a year after Flickr was born. After that, he got a second wind and a lot of new convenient user bells and whistles. Everyone was satisfied.

    A music community based on the so-called “scrobbling” service, which allows you to filter your favorite tracks and create playlists based on the user’s preferences.

    Two Internet resources providing similar services, Audioscrobbler and, met in 2005 and decided to join forces in the market struggle for a place in the sun, moving to a common office in London.


    Having today a dozen competing sites with a similar service, confidently holds the position of leader with 15 million active users from more than 200 countries.

    Transaction amount

    Two years after the launch of the updated, the service was bought by the media corporation CBS. The transaction amounted to 140 million pounds, which thus became the largest web zero sale in Europe.

    In 2003, Americans Tom Anderson and Chris DeWulf decided to gather in one place on the Internet all their Los Angeles friends, creative people like them - visitors to directing courses. It turned out that there are many more creative people in the world.


    Despite the fact that many evil tongues call MySpace one of the most failed web two-zero projects, the number of network users is growing inexorably and today is about 230 million.

    Transaction amount

    In 2005, the owners of MySpace received an offer they couldn’t refuse: media magnate Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. bought their brainchild with all its giblets for $580 million. By the way, now this network is estimated at 15 billion (what a bunch of billions! See below).

    (By the way, this post was written a long time ago. In June 2011, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation sold MySpace to Specific Media. From the summer of 2014 to the beginning of 2015, the MySpace website was unavailable. As of early 2016 , the site is working, has an updated interface. All old accounts have been saved. A small revival began when Justin Timberlake, who advertises the site, became a co-owner of the network.)

    Another brackets: (The post was published on 02/15/2009 08:58. Since then, according to Alexa Internet, the site’s ranking has changed as follows: February 2009 - MySpace ranks 5th in the world, autumn 2010 - 42nd place, spring 2011 - 73rd place (the company's losses were announced), spring 2012 - 158th place, summer 2013 - 295th place, January 2014 - 844th place, and finally, summer 2015 - the social network dropped to 1967th place in the world.

    A service that allows you to post videos online in a few clicks.

    In 2005, several developers of the PayPal payment system (which, by the way, also made a certain revolution in the Internet world) posted the first video on their new website, and soon everyone was talking about the imminent death of television.


    The number of impressions per day is more than 200 million.

    Transaction amount

    Insatiable Google in 2006 decided not to waste time on trifles and gave away $1.65 billion of its shares to YouTube enthusiasts. And this despite the fact that it already owned a similar service, Google Video, thus confirming the old truth that “much is not little.”

    One of the first resources with which everyone could publish their diaries on the Internet.

    Evan Williams, who is credited with the current popularity of blogs. Now Evan is busy promoting his podcasting portal and promoting a new word in the blogosphere called “microblogging” (


    This year, the number of users of the Blogger system reached 50 million. This happened largely due to the integration of many Google products into the interface.

    Transaction amount

    Nobody knew how much Williams received for Blogger by selling it to the giant Google. But, presumably, not a small one: Evans is now quite calmly engaged in innovative startups.

    A service that allows users to create and maintain online diaries and comment on the posts of other users, as well as create or participate in thematic communities.

    Livejournal was invented and created in 1999 by programmer Brad Fitzpatrick, who sold his brainchild to Six Apart a few years later. Soon the Russian company SUP Fabrik became the owner of the service, which entailed inevitable changes characteristic of all Russian business. Brad now works quietly at Google.


    Now the number of LiveJournal users around the world totals more than 15 million, the Russian-language segment of LiveJournal has exceeded the million mark.

    Transaction amount

    The amount paid by businessman Alexander Mamut, owner of the SUP company, remained undisclosed. According to Kommersant, LiveJournal was purchased for approximately $30 million.

    Nikolay Samokhvalov, in addition to MirTesen, participated in the development of another social network - My Circle, which also became one of the few successful Russian startups.


    Launched in July last year, the network now has about 320 thousand registered users.

    Transaction amount

    Recently, a controlling stake in Mir was acquired by the financial company Finam. The amount of the transaction, as is usually customary among local businessmen, is not disclosed, but, according to experts, it could be two and a half million dollars. Not bad for a still little-known resource.

    A simple and convenient program for Internet telephony.

    P2P technology gurus: Swede Nicholas Zennström and Dane Janus Friis, who once created the KaZaA program, came up with Skype in 2003, using their own past developments as a basis.


    Five years after the first test, Skype became one of the most popular programs in its segment, and the number of its users exceeded 10 million.

    Transaction amount

    Online auction eBay was one of the first to sense the promise of Skype and paid $2.5 billion for it.

    A huge virtual world in which you can buy a house, go to a nightclub, meet people and even get married. An online game that is increasingly becoming a part of life, and sometimes even life itself.

    Second Life was originally conceived by Philip Rosedale as a test bed for new touch technologies. But the idea of ​​making money on virtual reality caught on and yielded good results. Currently, SL includes representative offices of major film companies, automakers advertising their new models, and even airlines carrying out passenger transportation between virtual islands.


    In mid-March 2008, the number of Second Life residents was approaching 13 million, and the number of arrivals every month exceeded 15 thousand. At least 30 thousand people are in the game at the same time; visitors spend about a million dollars per day.

    Transaction amount

    Every March day in the virtual world of Second Life, market purchases averaged $189,000 (non-virtual), and market sales averaged $89,000.

    I’ll also add another post here, which was deleted, but it might be interesting for someone to read. A post about what is popular on the site

    Sunday Top Plagiarism

    I continue reviews of the most popular on In fact, the most popular among us can be considered messages about the temporary inoperability of the resource.


    And what else most attracted users on Sunday.

    Another masterpiece of copying pages from Wikipedia by Robbson, “Signs Using Numbers,” did not go unnoticed and was cited the largest number of times. The selection of signs is amazing in its diversity... (what else did you want from the list given in the reference book as an example?)

    “Salad “Lose weight in 10 days” from Streltsov. I’m not an expert in cooking (just eat), but at least 76 people have already begun to actively prepare for March 8th.


    The “terrible” secret is revealed to its readers by the inexhaustible talent of the copy-paste artist SOKOLOV 2007 with the post “PRODUCTS ALWAYS ON REPEAT!” - a post that only the blind did not read, and even those who did not master Braille.


    "hooray!!! I’ll check my goats, my pictures take half an hour to load, they’ve already screwed up))) Thank you!)))” - this is the comment that begins the discussion of post V e lez "IP Address Finder". The post is quite useful, in my opinion, for knowledgeable people, and very interesting for everyone else. Many new features are offered, including: information about the site, an anti-virus block for the site, email protection from spambots, and so on. I recommend! I recommend (on a “tip” from _LexIncorp_), anyway, look original information on the website

    CAPRICE des DIEUX, together with the author, Natalya Protsenko, continues to frighten readers with the horrors of the world around them - the post “Who are psychological vampires and how to deal with them?” Classification of vampires, tips and techniques for fighting them... In short, darkness and horror!

    We continue to monitor the glamorous life of Kate Moss in the community named after her: a post with the strange title “First photos for Love Magazine (Spring/Summer 2009)” from KatarinaBesson - “the topic of boobs is fully disclosed” © Unlike the authorship and source of the vulgar selection.


    A post with “bullying” of domestic kittens - “And once again about our favorites...” - brought Oksana_Egorova78 and the “Cat Lovers” community to the top, but, unfortunately, according to established tradition, left the author of these “fundamental research abstracts” unknown ", Elena Chilingir. God be their judge...

    The artist's fantasies and affinity4you's post "Artist John Pitre" (ART ARTel community) caused a surge of delight among admirers of the modern reincarnation of popular print - fantasy - from the master of the genre.


    BLOGbuster demonstrates its erudition again and again - the post “7 interesting facts about wine.” Although, the same facts plus six more were brought to our attention here (there was a link). And the whole post is surprisingly similar to the one published here (there was a link) - even the selected picture.


    Dayteka prepared a wonderful gift for the holiday: the post “Postcards (February 23)” contains not only funny drawings for the “men’s” holiday, but also (how can a blogger do without this?) hidden html code with a link to the diary “So it will be” not always!!!" - For a present. Conscience is the best judge ©


    Fascinating deadly beauty in the post-photo collection “The Artist and the Weapon. Pictures from the exhibition" from -KRASOTA-. It’s a pity that the exhibition, the artist, and the weapon itself remained unnamed, as, perhaps, did the author of the selection himself...

    “Tomorrow we congratulate the men...” - a post by PovarenkaSpovareshkoy, who advertises lazy cottage cheese dumplings. Strange choice of holiday dish...

    And closing yesterday’s selection of the most quoted on “The Gift and Curse of Camille Claudel” is a post by La_belle_epoque in the pro_art community. To be honest, even I, a person far from art, was interested in this post about the history of the life and work of a female sculptor?

    See you again!

    Your spiteful critic.

    If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

    Here I give an overview of some Internet services and a little theory on their creation. More specific information is yet to come.

    Lyrical digression.

    The lion's share of authors of articles about making money on the Internet talk about how to create an information product and then distribute it online. It would be a stretch to call this a business. The quality of these same “information goods” leaves much to be desired, and the methods of distribution are more like “selling something absolutely useless to everyone.”

    Often, the authors offer an affiliate system for distributing these “super-useful” products. Many newcomers who dream of working on the Internet fall for colorful “temptations” that promise to easily receive fabulous incomes by paying only once for the goods. True, after making an entry fee into the affiliate system, they understand that it was a veiled financial pyramid and only its organizers themselves will be able to make money in it. After this, many are disappointed in the possibilities of making money on the Internet and they have a strong impression that there are only scammers on the Internet and it is impossible to earn money honestly on the Internet.

    I in no way want to say that all affiliate programs are a dishonest way to make money. On the contrary, it is a fairly effective way to distribute goods online. BUT! I condemn people who produce low-quality information products, trying to sell them for exorbitant amounts of money. And today this is a big problem for the network.

    Why am I writing about this? In the last few months, I have become especially intensely interested in e-commerce and looking for articles on this topic. To my surprise, more than ninety percent of these articles were about “information goods.” And what was especially striking, mainly, were the translations of “bourgeois” authors, or the articles of our Internet space figures, altered in their own way. I don’t think it’s worth saying that the American experience needs to be applied quite carefully everywhere, including the Internet. After all, no one has yet canceled the fundamental difference between our mentalities. What works “there” does not work here. But that's not what this is about.

    I was struck by the “narrowness” of the topics of these articles. After all, online business is as diverse and multifaceted as offline business. This situation needs to be corrected, so in today’s episode I will talk about the field of e-services – i.e. about Internet services.


    No one will argue that the “trick of the day” of offline business is services. In addition to the fact that this is an extremely profitable business, it has now spread to almost all areas of activity. The Internet is no exception here and provides unique opportunities to occupy very promising and profitable niches.

    The bulk of services on the Internet are represented by services – paid and free. Since in my newsletter we are talking about business, we will only consider paid services here. On the other hand, most free services eventually “dream” of becoming paid, but at the stage of creation and testing they can be used without payment. And this is quite normal practice.

    Types of services.

    It is perhaps not possible at the moment to give a clear classification of all e-services. This market is just emerging, and every day dozens and hundreds of completely different sites appearing that provide certain services.

    Below I will give examples of online services that are quite indicative for those who are thinking about operating in this area. I chose the examples absolutely arbitrarily, and you can continue this list yourself.

    These services are widespread on the Internet thanks to their affiliate programs and do not need any special introduction. The bulk of their services are free, but additional features (moving the profile to the top of the ratings, voice greeting, ...) are activated only after payment.

    This strategy has proven its effectiveness and now dating services are extremely popular.

    The system for organizing the affiliate program is also interesting: the partner gets at his disposal a fully customizable website with an already populated database of participants. All work on database moderation is undertaken by the service organizer. The partner receives part of the profit from ordering paid services on his website.

    An example of such a site on my project “Crimean Portal”:

    System for buying and selling links. You can find many of these on the Internet, but now I want to look at the SAPE project. This is a young but intensively developing project.

    This service provides the opportunity to buy and sell links from all pages of websites automatically. It allows you to quickly select and buy the necessary links for the optimizer, and also quickly sell these links to the site owner.

    For their services, service owners receive 10% of the payment amount. The service has an affiliate program to attract referrals, which made it possible to spread information about it very quickly.

    Internet site address:

    Another service for optimizers, this time quite old – 1PS. This service allows you to automatically register a site in 2500+ directories, which greatly facilitates the work of link managers. The system created by the project programmers can be quickly supplemented with new catalogs. At the time of writing, 351,300 sites were registered through 1PS. At the same time, many sites were re-registered through the service, so this figure can be safely multiplied by 2.

    And since this service receives money for each site registered in it, it is easy to understand that this is a fairly successful project.

    Website address:

    Here I want to look at the WebMoney payment system. The system does not need any introduction, because... it is used by millions of people around the world.

    After registering, the user receives a wallet account in the system for free. Further, when the owner of the wallet sends a payment, 0.8% is transferred from the payment amount to the system. This is the main part of WebMoney's income.

    WebMoney is another example of a successful e-service. Payment volumes in just one day amount to $10+ million, and the daily number of registrations is 4000+.

    Service address:

    Perhaps this overview list of Internet services is enough to understand that you can earn very decent money on the Internet in the field of e-services. Moreover, this list can be continued for a long time.

    Creating a service.

    Like any type of business, creating a service must begin with the formation of an idea, which must then develop into a clearly formulated action plan. The further success of the project will depend on the quality and prospects of the idea.

    There shouldn’t be any problems with ideas either: these can be training or consulting services, all kinds of service and information portals,... I’m ready to discuss your thoughts and ideas at the E-Businessmen Club ( viewforum.php?f=17) I think there is no need to say that you should be well versed in your chosen field of activity and working in it should be enjoyable. Otherwise, the chances of project success drop sharply.

    As for the technical implementation of the project, there are options. You can write the project yourself. But this is only if you have knowledge and skills in programming. Otherwise, you can hire a programmer or use ready-made solutions, if they exist. Naturally, what the programmer writes will be much more flexible and closer to your requirements, so I recommend leaning toward this option.

    That's all for today. This issue turned out to be a review, but I am ready to discuss this topic in more depth and specialized. Write a letter with your questions. I am ready to discuss any questions and proposals related to Internet business.

    I also remind you that there is a section on the forum that I called “E-Commerce Club”. After completing a simple registration, you can become a member of this club and receive information and advice from like-minded people. I invite everyone!

    Dmitry Dementiy

    From the article about assessing the prospects of an online project, you know that ideas are more difficult to implement than to generate. Don't agree with this? Do you want to continue to justify inaction by the lack of a good idea? Will not work. Below are all the currently possible online business ideas. Okay, almost everything. Read, choose, do.

    1. A simple idea: open an online store. What to trade? Yes, anything: children's clothing, handmade goods, expensive cosmetics. Try to sell what you like and what you understand.
    2. Insurance broker online. Briefly about the essence: the client goes to the site, calculates the cost of the policy, transfers money to you. You send him the contract by mail or deliver it via courier.
    3. Forex provider. The global foreign exchange market operates online. Why not become a part of it?
    4. Trust management and PAMM accounts. If you are successful in Forex trading, offer people to manage their investments for a share of the profits.
    5. Content project. What to publish? Here the field is unplowed: even cats are rolling.
    6. Blogging. This is one of the features of the content project. Write or make videos about things that interest you and your audience. How Mikhail Shakin does it, for example.
    7. Software and application development.
    8. Web service “Conversation with an expert or celebrity.” You invite an expert and sell a personal conversation on Skype using an auction system.
    9. Affiliate Marketing. Sell ​​other people's products for a commission.
    10. Information products: create and sell courses, webinars, white papers, e-books, etc.
    1. Freelancing. The main thing is to choose a specialization you like.
    2. Free dating service online. Don't be tempted to break the law.
    3. Digital library. Litres and Bookmate alone are not enough for the entire RuNet.
    4. Online coaching. Teach people to lose weight, save money, trade on the Forex market, meet girls, play the guitar, shave with straight razors.
    5. Social network. Just don’t say that you shouldn’t compete with Facebook and Vkontakte. Start with a specialized social service. Here's ReadRate and LiveLib for inspiration.
    6. Hosting provider. Yeah, you'll have to buy expensive equipment and rub elbows to get a place in the market.
    7. Service for purchasing tickets and tours online.
    8. Online radio. Offer your audience a high-quality information flow.
    9. Photobank. Sell ​​photos.
    10. Online casino or betting site. Find out how to properly register this business so as not to break the law.
    11. Fortune telling, predictions, magic online. For every product there is a merchant.
    12. Games. This particular aspect of creating software and applications can and should be highlighted.
    13. Cybersquatting. Invest in domain registration and resale.
    14. Shared shopping service. Try working locally: in your city or region.
    15. Online flea market. Try to beat the competition through specialization.
    16. Discount aggregator. It's a competitive market, but worth a try.
    17. T-shirt prints. This business can be run remotely.
    1. Handmade. Accept orders for production of products online. What to do? Dishes, dolls, furniture, jewelry, shaving bowls, musical instruments. Anything, in a word.
    2. Psychological help online. If someone turns to fortune tellers, then there are clients for psychologists.
    3. Thematic catalogue. Develop the idea of ​​yellow pages, create a virtual directory of businesses and institutions.
    4. Bulletin board. Has already? And you do better. Or look for your blue ocean for the rest of your life.
    5. Trade on Ebay and Amazon. What to sell? One example: Europeans buy 5 Mostochlegmash blades for 1.1 euros. How much do they cost in a store near you? That's right, 3 euros for 100 pieces. Do you see where the gamble is? Who needs Moscow blades? Hm, Americans consider them perhaps the best in the world. If you decide to trade, check out the article about Amazon.
    6. Online forms library. Create and maintain an up-to-date resource from which you can download application forms to any authority: from the passport office to the tax office. Find a way to monetize your traffic.
    7. Legal assistance online. Help your audience create packages of documents for registering businesses, registering at their place of residence, etc.
    8. Marketing agency. Why not.
    9. Network marketing online. Become a distributor of magic pills and miracle cosmetics. Sell ​​this stuff through your own website.
    10. Online Research Agency. Conduct surveys, study statistics, sell reports.
    11. Online time bank. The main thing is to find a way to monetize this project.
    12. School of survival. Start preparing people for the zombie apocalypse today.
    13. Dropshipping. Just don’t confuse it with drug dealing. Dropshippers are intermediaries who organize the delivery of goods to consumers. In the context of online business, you may be interested in profitable delivery of goods from foreign online stores.
    1. Handmade soap and cosmetics. What does the Internet have to do with it? And you will sell products online.
    2. Homemade confectionery. Here you can only work in the local market.
    3. Individual tailoring. Be sure to publish the guide “How to take your own measurements” on the website.
    4. Charity. Unfortunately, in our world this is also a business. Fundraisers for charities around the world receive a share of the funds raised.
    5. Employment consultations. You won’t believe it, but many job seekers, even in the Internet era, do not know how to write a resume.
    6. Usury. No, you do not need a banking license. Thanks to online money, you can lend to anyone as a private individual.
    7. Remote technical support. Do you know how many users don’t know how to set up a router?
    8. Internet cafe. Yes, Wi-Fi coverage is available almost everywhere. And you focus on the cafe.
    9. Virtual currency exchange. Exchange wmz for wmr and back at a favorable rate.
    10. Antique shop online. Buy, restore and sell old items.
    11. Buying and selling websites. You need to buy a failed project, improve it and resell it.
    12. Thematic forum. Create a forum similar to the Russian Medical Server forum in your field.
    13. Online sale of sets of everyday goods. A couple of years ago the project exploded on the Internet DollarShaveClub, which regularly sent customers a set of razor blades for one dollar. This way you can sell different things: socks, hygiene items, solution for contact lenses, food for fish and dogs, etc.
    14. Digitization of paper photos, books, documents. Can you handle it?
    15. Online audit. Check websites, programs, applications, services.
    16. Ghost writing. One of the features of freelancing, if you like. Most likely, you will not write for politicians, like the hero of the film, but for potential candidates and doctors of science.
    17. Web service for teaching older people how to use computers. Do something similar to LinguaLeo, but about basic PC skills for seniors.
    18. Surprise service. The client pays you 500 rubles and gives the address of the person he wants to surprise and make laugh. You take some nonsense, package it and send it to the recipient. You can’t choose nonsense, otherwise the whole meaning is lost.
    19. Russification of templates for WordPress. Thanks to our guide, you won’t need any special preparation: just take it and do it.
    20. Virtual realtor. Create a resource for publishing advertisements for the sale and purchase of real estate.
    21. Remote call center services. You will have to pay employees and buy equipment.
    22. Hacker agency. You need to hack everything and then sell information about vulnerabilities to the owners. Be sure to study all the legal nuances. Apparently, you will have to call yourself not hackers, but cybersecurity specialists.

    1. Selling online communities. It's simple: create a community, catch up with bots, earn 100 rubles. To earn more, create real communities.
    2. Courier service. Focus on online service: the user should be able to set a task and pay for services online. The courier must appear for a couple of seconds to pick up or deliver the package.
    3. Exchange of services. Create a freelance website for offline workers: plumbers, carpenters, electricians, nurses.
    4. Mystery shopping exchange. Help brands find performers for this delicate work.
    5. Sale of organic products. This aspect of online trading deserves special mention. It seems that the fashion for natural things will never go away.
    6. Product testing. Study consumer properties of products and write reports. Once you become a renowned expert, retailers and manufacturers will send free samples and pay for reviews.
    7. Venture investing. Invest in projects at an early stage of development. Perhaps one of the 50 thousand startups you fund will become the next Facebook.
    8. Coworking center. Create a working environment for entrepreneurs and businessmen.
    9. Production of modern gadgets with Internet connection. These could be robotic toys, drones, sensor bracelets for children and pets, smart home devices, etc.
    10. System administration services. Your company will become an outsourcer of services for companies that do not want to keep a system administrator on staff.
    11. Online copy center. The idea is this: clients send you term papers, dissertations, photographs, and memoirs by email. You print them, stitch them and send them to the customer via courier service. Documents can be edited and formatted for a fee.
    1. Sale of goods for animals. Another aspect of online trading that deserves special mention due to its high margins. Paradox: people save on themselves, but pay a lot of money for goods for children and animals.
    2. Event planning. Sell ​​the creation of scripts for weddings, corporate parties, and holidays.
    3. Online credit broker. The idea is similar to virtual insurance brokerage: you collect applications for credit cards online and transfer them to banks. You work according to the TKS Bank model, but represent the interests of several financial institutions.
    4. Medical consultation online. Of course, it will be difficult for you to compete with the Russian Medical Server forum, where you can get advice from great specialists for free. Try to win the market with urgency, video call consultations and mobile apps for patient consultation.
    5. Service for creating design layouts and three-dimensional models of premises online. Try giving clients the opportunity to edit the layouts themselves.
    6. Tutor online. Create a resource where parents can find remote tutors for their children.
    7. Online estimator. Create a service with which you can automatically calculate estimates for repairs or small construction. For a fee, allow us to purchase the services of a live estimator. You can earn commissions from suppliers of building materials.
    8. Credit bureau. In the Internet era, credit histories can be created online.
    9. Lunch delivery service to the office. No, you don't need to transfer cabbage soup via Bluetooth. Create an app that allows workers at all office centers in the area to quickly order lunch.
    10. Prank agency. Your clients leave a request and the coordinates of the “victim”. You play it and get money.
    11. Make toys based on children's drawings. It seems that talked about an entrepreneur who realized this idea. It's simple: a child draws some kind of freak, the parents send you the drawing, and you bring your childhood fantasies to life.
    12. Strawberry business. According to some estimates, adult content generates more than a third of Internet traffic globally. Take advantage of this. Just have a good understanding of the varieties of strawberries: don’t even think about breaking laws, including ethical ones. Create and sell a beautiful, lightweight, artistically valuable product.

    1. Service for creating mobile applications. We'll have to compete with TheAppBuilder and Appsmakerstore. But you will catch the wave of mobile transformation of the Internet.
    2. Play poker online. What does this have to do with business? Professional players earn beautiful sums in foreign currency at the virtual table. Why poker and not chess, football or roulette? In chess and football, you make money offline, but in roulette, winnings depend on chance.
    3. Start an online university. Teach people anything remotely: programming, journalism, design. Attract reputable lecturers. Make your university degree prestigious.
    4. Service for sending posthumous messages. You don’t need to invent anything: just creatively rethink the idea of ​​the British Last Messages Club. The service sends emails to family and friends when a club member dies. Something like this: “Water the flowers, walk with Barbos three times a day. Yes, the policy and cash are in the Sberbank safe deposit box.”
    5. Warehouse outsourcing. Imagine the situation: you have an empty attic, and your neighbor has something that has nowhere to be stored, but would be a pity to throw away. Your neighbor pays 100 rubles a year to store rubbish in your attic. Here's a business idea: create an online service where owners of empty attics and junk can find each other.
    6. Employment portal for people with special needs. This service will be in demand by employers and job seekers. Start thinking about how to monetize it.
    7. Implement the idea within the framework of the Internet of Things concept. Get creative: Insert a wireless transmitter and display into your running shoes, water bottle, dog collar or baby diaper. Help clients count kilometers traveled, milliliters drunk, and remotely monitor the well-being of children and pets. Similar ideas often appear on Kickstarter, you can take a look there.
    1. Find an unusual way to sell advertising online. Focus on the crazy ideas of the guys from Captive Media, try to outdo Tittygram.
    2. Online restaurant. It's simple: the client goes to the website and orders food. You prepare the selected dishes, deliver them to the specified location and set the table. You can add a webcam so the client can watch the chef at work.
    3. Service for the paranoid. Create a resource with which users can anonymously store and transmit information, work on the Internet and on a personal computer. Offer your audience a cloud service similar to Edward Snowden's hacker kit. Immediately think about how to convince clients that you are not from the CIA or FSB.
    4. Monetize the need of smartphone and tablet owners to recharge their devices. You need devices that can be used to charge batteries in public places. For example, for the opportunity to feed a smartphone, ask the user to watch an advertisement, install an application, register on a website, etc.
    5. Remote teacher search service. Sometimes parents do not have the strength, desire or ability to give their children enough attention. In such cases, adults often slip a tablet or computer into the hands of children: watch their cartoons, just leave them alone. If parents have money for a tablet and the Internet, let them fork out for an online teacher who will teach their child something useful via Skype.
    6. Make money on Facebook. There are a whole lot of opportunities to make money from Zuckerberg’s brainchild.

    This article could be called “150...”, “300...” or “100,500 Internet Business Ideas.” In this case, you would have to read about online stores for toys, pottery and a hundred other types of goods. The same story would repeat itself with mobile applications, websites and web services. You can figure out the specifics of general ideas on your own, which is why they are practically not on the list.

    Try the suggested ideas and share your experience. As usual, write comments, suggestions and additions in the comments to the article. Perhaps you have some crazy, unrealistic and overwhelming online business ideas? Tell us about them.
