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  • Text alignment. Width alignment in Word. How to remove large spaces How to align borders in Word

    Text alignment.  Width alignment in

    When you type text in Microsoft Word, it is printed left-aligned. But quite often it is necessary to shift it to the other side.

    For example, it is customary to move the heading to the center of the page, but to print the header of a document, you often need to move the text to the right. This procedure is called leveling.

    is the way text is laid out on the page. It can be located in the center, along the left and right edges, along the width. To do this, Word has special buttons at the top:

    We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, a few words about how not to align text.

    Incorrect text alignment

    Many people unknowingly align text incorrectly - using the space bar on the keyboard or the Tab button.

    Such a shift is considered an error, since the distance from the left margin is made by eye. Because of this, it is often more than necessary. And if you align the text to the right in this way, then a lot of problems will arise when editing it. And the method itself is very inconvenient - you have to press the space bar or Tab button on the keyboard many times.

    What does this mean? For example, lose your business reputation. After all, you can very quickly check the design of the text. To do this, just click on this button at the top of the Microsoft Word program:

    Dots and strange icons will appear in the text. Here the dots show spaces. And if you align the text incorrectly, with such a check it will immediately be visible by the many dots in front of it.

    To return everything back - remove the dots and strange icons - press the button again

    By the way, a document with incorrect alignment may not be accepted in some organizations.

    How to align text

    Now let's learn how to properly align text. By the way, this can be done after the text has been printed. I recommend doing just that - it’s both easier and faster.

    Word has four buttons for moving text. They are located at the top.

    - this button aligns the text to the left

    - this one aligns to the center

    - on the right edge

    — in width (makes the text even on both sides)

    Now let's try to move the text correctly. To get started, type a few words in Word. Then select them. To do this, move the cursor (arrow or stick) to the very beginning or the very end of the text. Then press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag to the other end. When the text turns a different color (usually black or blue), it means it is highlighted.

    After selection, click on the button that aligns the text to the center. The words you type should move to the middle of the page.

    It may seem to you that this is the wrong center. In fact, everything is correct. After all, the margin (indent) on the left side is larger than on the right.

    In the same way, try aligning the text to the right.

    As for the "Fit to Width" button. If you have little text (a couple of words), then you will not see any differences from the “Align to the left” button - the words will also shift to the left. But if you have several paragraphs, then the text will be aligned on both sides of the sheet - both the left and the right. That is, it will be even on both sides.

    Example of left aligned text:

    The same text, just justified:

    By the way, according to the rules of document design, the main text must be aligned exactly in width.

    In Word there is an option to automatically align text between the top and bottom margins of the page. For example, align text vertically and centered in Word used for the title page of a term paper, dissertation, or for the cover of a report. Of course align text vertically in Word adding some new blank lines. But if the content of the text increases or decreases, you will have to align text vertically in Word. Let's consider, so that if the text changes, it will automatically aligned vertically.

    1. Highlight the text you are walking align vertically. In our example we want align text in Word for title page centered and vertical pages.
    How to vertically align text in Word - Selecting text to align vertically and centered on the page

    How to vertically align text in Word - Open a window for setting vertical text alignment in Word
    1. The dialog box “ Page settings»:

    How to vertically align text in Word - Page Setup Window
    1. Go to the "Paper Source" tab and do the following:
    • In the list " Vertical alignment :" select " Centered", to align text vertically and centered pages:

    How to align text vertically in Word - Align text vertically and centered in Word
    • And in the "Apply" list, select " to selected text", to align vertically and center only the text that we have highlighted. If you need to align text vertically for all pages to the end of the document, select " to the entire document».

    How to vertically align text in Word - Align selected text vertically and move the rest of the text to a new page
    1. To apply the changes made, click "OK".

    How to vertically align text in Word - Apply vertical text alignment in Word
    1. As a result, the selected text in Word is aligned vertically and centered, and the rest of the text is moved to the next page without vertical alignment:

    How to vertically align text in Word - Title page text aligned vertically

    This concludes the article about how to align text vertically in Word.

    Why do you need to apply alignment? In text typed in Word, by default all lines begin at the same distance from the margin on the left side of the sheet, but there are situations when the alignment needs to be changed. For example, epigraphs are traditionally located on the right side of the sheet, and headings and text titles are in the center. Large text materials of abstracts, coursework, and information messages are usually aligned in width.

    That is why we decided to draw your attention to 4 small buttons on the Paragraph panel, and tell you how to align text in Word.

    Let's do this using the example of a large piece of information.

    Material downloaded on the Internet from several sources, with different markings, on a sheet in Word(e) may have this unsightly appearance:

    Let's see how the sheet changes if we apply alignment.

    Method one is to align the text.

    We do it sequentially, observing the result of each step.

    To align text in Word, perform the following steps:

    1. If you need to change the location of the text in only one paragraph, just place the cursor on this paragraph. And if you want to align a large fragment with several paragraphs, select the entire fragment.
    2. On the Home tab, we find the Paragraph panel and several buttons with which you can place text
    • left;
    • in the center;
    • on the right edge;
    • in width.
    1. Choose the option you need.

    By the way, instead of buttons, you can use the keyboard, press the keys:

    • Ctrl + L – place lines on the left;
    • Ctrl + E – center;
    • Ctrl + R – send all lines to the right side of the sheet;
    • Ctrl + J – distribute evenly in width.
    1. In our example, alignment has occurred, but the left indentation of the second paragraph is greater than in other cases. To set the indents at the same level, let's go to the ruler (it is located above the work area of ​​the sheet).

    If the ruler is hidden, open the View tab, and in the Show panel, check the Ruler box:

    1. Align all paragraphs using the indent marker on the ruler

    We get text with lines neatly located on the same level.

    Now, pay attention! All previous actions could be performed in one window.

    Method two. How to align text in Word using the Paragraph panel window.

    Call the context menu (right-click) and find the Paragraph command.

    Or on the ribbon, on the main tab, find the lower right corner of the Paragraph panel, click on the arrow icon.

    The same dialog box will open.

    Adjusting Alignment (we chose left) and Indents

    We get the result - text with left alignment and equal indentation.

    By the way, for large tests it is better to set the width alignment, and then our material will look like this:

    And the work itself looks beautiful, orderly, neat.

    Quite often, people are simply lazy or don’t have time to study the interface of the Microsoft Word program, which is why questions arise like “How to align text in Word?” - well, let's figure it out. When you type text in this program, it is automatically aligned to the left. Is it possible to move it to the center? Or on the right side? Of course. Moreover, you can place a title (document header) in the center of the page, and align the text itself to the left.

    Learning to align text in MS Word

    In the “Home” section there are special buttons, some of which are responsible for aligning text to the center, left and right edges, as well as to the width of the document.

    We will return to them a little later, let's first figure out how not to align text.

    Incorrect text alignment in Word

    Inexperienced users quite often begin to align text the way they need, using improvised means - that is, adding extra spaces or tapping the “Tab” button. This alignment is considered erroneous, because the distance from the left border is calculated by eye, which is very inconvenient for further typing or editing text. Moreover, it is almost impossible to make the necessary indentation by eye, which is why some documents may not be accepted. In particular, this applies to diplomas - not a single teacher will accept text printed in this way - all requirements must be strictly observed, down to indentation and alignment. In addition, the method itself cannot be called convenient - you have to tap too much on the problem buttons and Tab.

    It's one thing if it concerns a diploma. What if this is an official document? With this approach, you can easily lose your business reputation. That is why, to align text, you should use standard MS Word tools - the buttons located in the “Home” section.

    To check the correctness of the document, there is also a special button; by clicking on it, you will see hidden signs, which is why it is better to approach the issue of text formatting correctly from the very beginning.

    After clicking, strange characters, many dots and arrows will appear in the text.

    The dots are the spaces you put in. Arrows – pressing the Tab key, the rest has no practical meaning for us at this stage. Thus, if you put too many spaces in a row to align the text the way you need, when you click the “Show all characters” button, your mistake will immediately become noticeable - a lot of dots and arrows.

    To return the document to its previous form, click on the same button again.

    Align text using standard Microsoft Word tools

    So, let's return to the same four buttons presented earlier.
  • The first is responsible for left alignment, that is, the text will be “magnetized” to the left edge;
  • The second is responsible for center alignment;
  • The third is responsible for right alignment;
  • The fourth aligns it with the width of the document, that is, it distributes the text evenly between the left and right edges, which makes it possible to achieve clear and even edges.

    As you can see, everything is extremely simple. We hasten to please you, you won’t have to re-write the text - you can align it even after it has been printed. Select the required area with the mouse and click on one of the buttons.

  • Text alignment determines its appearance and the orientation of paragraph edges and can be left, right, centered, or justified. In table Figure 1 shows options for aligning a block of text.

    Table 1. Ways to align text
    Left alignment Right alignment Center alignment Justification
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

    The most common option is left-aligned, where the text on the left is pushed to the edge while the text on the right remains jagged. Right and center alignment is primarily used in headings and subheadings. Keep in mind that when using justification, large spaces may appear between words in the text, which is not very attractive.

    The paragraph tag is typically used to set text alignment

    With the align attribute, which specifies the alignment method. It is also possible to align a block of text using a tag

    with a similar align attribute, as shown in table. 2.

    Table 2. Aligning text using the align parameter
    HTML Code Description
    Adds a new paragraph of text, left aligned by default. Small vertical indents are automatically added before and after paragraphs.


    Center alignment.


    Left alignment.



    Width alignment.
    Text Disables automatic line wrapping, even if the text is wider than the browser window.
    Text Allows the browser to break a line at the specified location, even if a tag is used .
    Center alignment.
    Left alignment.
    Right alignment.
    Width alignment.

    Left alignment of elements is set by default, so there is no need to specify it again. So align="left" can be omitted.

    Difference between paragraph (tag

    ) and tag

    is that a vertical indent appears at the beginning and end of the paragraph, which is not the case when using a tag

    The align attribute is quite universal and can be applied not only to the main text, but also to headings like

    . Example 1 shows how to set the alignment in such a case.

    Example 1: Text Alignment

    Text alignment

    How to catch a lion?

    Brute force method

    We divide the desert into a number of elementary areas, the size of which coincides with the overall dimensions of the lion, but is smaller than the size of the cage. Next, by simple search we determine the area in which the lion is located, which automatically leads to its capture.

    Dichotomy method

    We divide the desert into two halves. In one part there is a lion, in the other there is none. We take the half in which the lion is located and divide it in half again. We repeat this until the lion is caught.

    The result of the example is shown in Fig. 1.

    Rice. 1. Align text right and left

    In this example, the heading is aligned to the center of the browser window, the highlighted paragraph is aligned to the right, and the body text is aligned to the left.