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  • Anti-plagiarism for free. The best program for checking for plagiarism. Free and paid online checking at Login to your personal account antiplagiarism

    Anti-plagiarism for free.  The best program for checking for plagiarism.  Free and paid online checking at Login to your personal account antiplagiarism

    Any scientific work (thesis, coursework, essay, article, dissertation, etc.) before submission must undergo a mandatory check for the uniqueness (authenticity) of the text. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, a student or researcher is required to use only his own knowledge: if the work is copied, the university does not allow the author to defend it.

    But independent writing is not a guarantee of a high percentage of originality of the text, because any work contains a number of mandatory information:

    • theories;
    • legal laws;
    • quotes;
    • common speech patterns.

    Online text checking for uniqueness

    Therefore, it is better to check the uniqueness of the text in advance - this will allow you to eliminate all comments even before checking by teachers. You can find dozens of paid and free anti-plagiarism services on the Internet, but not all of them can be trusted. Some programs use outdated algorithms, others do not provide reports, and others are inaccessible to students.

    Therefore, we created our own program to check the uniqueness of text and content. It is fully automated, works around the clock and without registration. It takes no more than 30 seconds to check one text or document.

    How is the uniqueness of a document analyzed?

    In those 30 seconds while the analysis is underway, the program for checking the uniqueness of the article does a great job. It compares the original text with millions of other documents that are published on the Internet or stored in proprietary databases of libraries and universities.

    To do this, the text is divided into fragments of a certain size - shingles. Here is the “postulate of the theory of relativity” - this is a shingle of 3 words. The program uses special algorithms to search for this phrase in other documents. If it finds it, it marks the fragment as borrowed and reduces the percentage of uniqueness. For example, an originality score of 80% means that the document contains 80% of the original material, and the remaining 20% ​​is plagiarism.

    The program takes into account the order of words in a sentence and the general structure of the narrative. How to determine the originality of a document:

    1. Upload a work that needs to be checked for uniqueness. All major formats are supported: doc, docx, odt, pdf, rtf, txt.
    2. Select the algorithm by which the check will be carried out. You need to use the system that is used in your educational institution. Just check with your teacher - this is not a secret, such information is open.
    3. If additional options are needed, tick them. You can search the file for traces of technical coding and hidden text. These are signs that the document has been artificially enhanced in originality. If such “evidence” is discovered, the service allows you to destroy it immediately.
    4. The work is sent for review. The analysis takes approximately 30 seconds.
    5. You receive a detailed report where the percentage of originality is indicated, and borrowed phrases are highlighted in color. Here you can see where, according to the smart algorithm, you stole fragments of material. Most likely, almost all quotes, theories, and legislative titles will be flagged as plagiarism.

    Antiplagius - the best service for determining the originality of text

    Advantages of our service for checking the originality of text:

    You can also get other services on our website:

    • professional analysis of work - search for plagiarism and technical errors;
    • increasing uniqueness;
    • deep checking in other services (including the Antiplagiarism.VUZ system, which is closed to students).

    1,500,000 students have already contacted us, and all of them received a good grade or “pass” in their defense. We can help you too!

    Many students don't know how make a certificate for anti-plagiarism on one's own. We will tell you and show you, with examples, the entire procedure for creating this certificate. To get an anti-plagiarism certificate, you need to do everything as shown below.

    2. To download the help report from the free version of, you need to select “Print version” in the window that opens “File” - “Print” - Microsoft Print to PDF printing tool and your help report will be saved in PDF format.

    Sample inspection report

    The anti-plagiarism system, after checking your work, issues inspection report.

    This report will contain all the information: originality in %, borrowing %, citation %, date of verification (for example: 04/04/2017), sources.

    Let's decipher each value separately.

    1. Originality is the percentage of original text in your work. The higher it is, the better. Each university may have different requirements. But more than 65% originality of the text is recommended.

    2. Borrowing– this is the percentage of text in the work that you borrowed from any sources. In simple terms, what you took and copied into your work. The lower the borrowing percentage, the better.

    3. Quoting– this is the direct use of text from some source, i.e. conveying the author's thoughts without distortion.

    4. Date– this is the day, month and year when the system was checked. (For example, 04/04/2017).

    5. Sources– these are the sources where the system found matches with your text. Here also, the fewer there are, the better.

    Sample test report Antiplagiat.VUZ

    In the paid version of Antiplagiarism.VUZ you can download a report with the full content of the sources. The figure shows an arrow on a button, by clicking on which you can save the report. It will be in the format

    × Close

    Etxt Anti-plagiarism is a program for checking text for uniqueness from the popular eTXT service. Etxt Anti-plagiarism is designed for the Windows desktop and has a number of advantages compared to using a similar online tool.

    As is the case with other similar services, the program is based on an algorithm of shingles - samples of consecutive words - which compare the text with the content currently available on the Internet. Moreover, the quality, and therefore the duration of the comparison, directly depends on the sample size, as well as a number of other factors that are not always within the control of the user.

    In addition to the possibility of custom configuration of parameters, the program offers several ready-made options for analyzing the uniqueness of text, such as standard, fast and deep. Numerous files can be checked for similarity using the batch processing option. In addition, a side feature of etxt Antiplagiarism is the ability to compare two similar articles, which facilitates their modification and is applicable, for example, in the process of preparing a new edition of a well-proven book.

    The tool's interface is quite simple and clear. The main window is designed using two primary colors - blue and white - and is divided into a menu area, a text insertion field and an operation log. Controls are represented by both text instances and icon icons of various sizes, the most popular of which are located separately.

    Advantages of Etxt Anti-plagiarism

    • Distribution of the product free of charge.
    • Availability of a Russian-language program interface.
    • There are no restrictions on the volume of text being checked.
    • Possibility of batch text analysis.
    • Ability to set individual settings when searching for duplicates.
    • Possibility of obtaining SEO information from online resources.
    • Availability of image comparison option.
    • Support for comparing two texts.
    • Convenient and intuitive interface.
    • Possibility to autosave reports.
    • Possibility of partially changing the editor's design, such as the background color and default font.
    • Ability to display canonical text.
    • Possibility of text analysis for rewriting.

    Disadvantages of Etxt Anti-plagiarism

    • Lack of program localizations other than Russian.
    • No support for floating areas.


    Etxt Anti-plagiarism is trustworthy because it was created by a specialized service engaged in the field of proofreading and translation of texts, purchase and sale of text content, as well as website promotion using SEO technologies.

    Installing Etxt Anti-plagiarism

    Installing the program consists of several simple and familiar steps. At the first stage, accept the terms of the license agreement by marking the corresponding item with a dot marker, and then click the button Further. If necessary, change the program location by clicking Review, or leave this item unchanged. To continue installation, click again Further. Enter a name for the directory that will contain the program components in the Start menu. Click Further. Create a shortcut for Etxt Anti-Plagiarism on your desktop (optional) and proceed to the next step. To start the installation, click Install. To close the installer, click Complete.

    The uniqueness of the text is the most important criterion that ensures the positional growth and popularity of modern Internet sites. In addition to services where SEO specialists check the uniqueness of texts online, there are also desktop applications for these purposes.

    For example, the free Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program can become an indispensable assistant for any modern copywriter. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently analyze text fragments (copyright and rewrite) for uniqueness. In its work, the software uses modern search services Yandex, Bing, Google.

    If fragments of popular text are not unique, the utility will indicate in a special window those sites on which such text is already posted. Also, before running the test, you can specify those portals that will not be taken into account during the verification process.

    Etxt Anti-plagiarism can check the uniqueness of text in three modes. Quick - express test, detailed - deep analysis, as well as batch test.

    Also, before starting the check, you can assign the search engines that will be used during the check, the uniqueness threshold, the size of the shingle and other important parameters.

    At the same time, by constantly testing your texts, you will not need to worry about the possibility of blocking by search engines due to constant requests, since Etxt Anti-Plagiarism includes a special “anti-ban” module in its functionality.

    Another useful addition to the Etxt Anti-Plagiarism program is the built-in SEO module. With its help, you can quickly obtain statistics on sites, their positions, as well as TCI indicators.

    All your actions and test results will be saved in a special log. If necessary, you can pull up an archive of inspection data and compare it with other indicators. In addition, the program can work through a proxy server, and you can download it for free using the link below.

    Hi all. Today I will tell you about how to check text for anti-plagiarism online. To start talking about it, you need to have a general understanding of plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else's thoughts without citing the author.

    In works that you write yourself, plagiarism is simply unacceptable, be it a coursework, dissertation, or article. If someone else’s thought is used in the work, then you can simply make a link to it. Anti-plagiarism refers to a service that, so to speak, fights non-unique information.

    Anti-plagiarism system- an interesting thing, and many people don’t like it. The fact is that many people don’t like to write something of their own; it’s easier for them to take it and copy it. This will not work with such texts, which is why not everyone loves him so much. In fact, there are quite a lot of such services on the Internet. They check the text and give out a certain percentage of originality.

    How does online anti-plagiarism work?

    This system searches all information on topics from all existing sources. All data is taken from sites that publish articles, coursework, dissertations, etc. Such data is subject to processing, after which, in the future, the provided work is reconciled.

    The system checks both small and large text. The search algorithm is thoroughly processed. This has led to the fact that it has become impossible to deceive anti-plagiarism, if you don’t believe me, watch the video!

    Anti-plagiarism online - ways to check without registration

    It is possible to check your work for uniqueness using 2 methods: through specialized programs; through sites that provide this opportunity.

    As a rule, with services for checking texts for uniqueness, it is possible to use the services both online and by downloading the program. Now you will understand everything yourself.

    Advego Plagiatus

    One of the most popular services is Advego Plagiatus. Official website of the service: The program shows the most accurate result.

    The program also has its advantages:

    • Provided free of charge;
    • Non-unique areas are highlighted, which allows you to quickly increase the originality of the text;
    • Convenient to use;
    • All necessary buttons are located on the toolbar.

    Plagiatus not only reveals the percentage of text uniqueness, but also the sources where partial or complete copies were found.

    If you decide to check for anti-plagiarism using this service, then download the program and double-click on the downloaded file. In the window that appears, click and select the folder where you would like to save Advego. If you are happy with the default folder, click Next.

    In Start, the program will create shortcuts that will be saved in the “Advego Plagiatus” folder. The user can also specify another folder at his discretion. After that, click "Next".

    If you need additional icons, then after completing the required items, check the box and click “Next”.

    Now you need to click “Install”.

    After successful installation, clear unnecessary checkboxes and click “Finish”.

    That's all! The program is ready to use.

    Tech. RU

    In my opinion this is the best service , here you can work and buy and check both texts and sites. If you want to check text online, you can use another popular service - On it you can check for free text and document.

    By the way, this service allows you to check large texts without registration.

    Checking on happens quite quickly, despite the fact that the site is sometimes loaded. You can check the text for both registered and unregistered users. When you go to the main page of the service, you will see an empty space where you need to enter text, and then click “Check for uniqueness.”

    To check a document for uniqueness, you first need to register, and then select “Document uniqueness” in the third column.

    Then upload the document and wait until “Update data” is displayed. Click on this item.

    Check the document and click “Check for uniqueness.”

    Etxt anti-plagiarism

    In principle, Etxt is an analogue of Advego, although the verification will take a little longer. I often notice that this service has a lower percentage of text uniqueness than other services. Everything is similar here, the program can be downloaded for free. If there are some restrictions online, then by downloading the program you will be able to check the text without restrictions.

    To check the text, you need to download and install the software, then start downloading the dictionaries.

    Now all that remains is to paste the text into the working window and click the “Deep” button.

    Depending on the size of the text, uniqueness will be determined within a few minutes.

    Anti-plagiarism mrsu

    Another reliable service. To check you need to register. However, it is not publicly available, since to obtain a login and password you need to contact the administration of the educational institution.

    Anti-plagiarism. RU

    Antiplagiat ru official website: /.

    Usually, students use. With his help University and the students themselves check their coursework and dissertations. It is prohibited to use the site without registration.


    This service deserves special attention. Back in 2016, it was a crude, unfinished system for searching for borrowed text and it could very easily be deceive. Soon everything changed. The developers have done a considerable amount of work.

    Of course, you cannot use the service for free, but the checking rates in Rucontext are not too high. If you compare it with, you can see that they are much more loyal to students - on the portal you can check an unlimited number of works for free, but the text is checked only using the “Internet” module.

    Antiplagiarism ru check the text

    I decided to pay special attention to this service, because this is what many students work with. Anti-plagiarism is provided free of charge. Many universities work with him, including Ranhigs, Urgaeu, and Miep.

    Let's figure out how to use the site one by one. To check the text, register in the system or log in using social networks.

    Through the "Copy-Paste" function or loading a text document, you can, for example, check coursework for uniqueness.

    Once you have inserted the text, click the "Check" button. All you have to do is wait a couple of seconds.

    As you can see, anti-plagiarism program It quickly and accurately checks the text for uniqueness.

    How to increase the uniqueness of the text in anti-plagiarism yourself?

    Previously, all people loved to study, write their thoughts, in principle, they still do this, but not in the same way as it was before. In the age of technology, everything is simple - you don’t need to think. You can simply go online, open the desired page and download the material. However, as we have already found out earlier, all material can be verified.

    Let’s imagine that you stupidly took material from the Internet, took it for verification, and since you have zero material, 0% originality. What then? To avoid such a situation, let's look at ways to increase uniqueness.

    • Lack of complex structures and revolutions.

    Try to write in short sentences, do not use complicated phrases, change the structure of the text. If the sources use the words: firstly, secondly, etc., then it is best for you to replace them with bulleted or numbered lists. In the text, use as few revolutions as possible. As an example, you can give sentences with the words “like”, “seemingly”. If the construction of such words occurs in a sentence, then they need to be replaced with one whole sentence. Paraphrasing text will help you increase the percentage of originality.

    Important: sentences must be changed in such a way that the meaning remains the same.

    • Own structure.

    You need to study all sources, materials, books, creating your own structure. Write about little-known facts.

    Tip: use various tables, diagrams, pictures. This will make your work interesting.

    • Epithets and synonyms.

    Each word has many synonyms. The anti-plagiarism synonym program can help you find a specific synonym for a word. The meaning and readability should not change.

    Advice: the article will be of no use if you use text synonymizer, so I don’t advise you to use such methods.

    • Phraseology.

    Phraseological dictionaries, for example, like, will help increase the percentage of uniqueness. A successful replacement is the path to success.

    • Text volume.

    Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, because large text is not always appropriate. But by increasing the volume, you can reduce the percentage of plagiarism in some parts of the text.

    How to pass anti-plagiarism?

    1. The second way to deceive anti-plagiarism is to use technical services. If you decide to use this method, then, firstly, you can make the text area invisible. In parts of the text with low uniqueness, blocks of unique text that are invisible to humans are inserted.
    2. Secondly, there is the option of replacing characters from one language with another. For example, the English letter “a” is very similar to the Russian letter “a”. As you can see, there is no difference. However, you will be able to bypass plagiarism, but not quite the checking person. The fact is that the words will be underlined in red.
    3. Thirdly, you can insert pictures instead of letters.

    Important! It must be taken into account that such methods will help to deceive the system, but not the person checking. In general, I do not recommend using them!

    How to bypass anti-plagiarism using programs?

    Currently, there are many services that help you circumvent plagiarism. How to get around anti-plagiarism using these services? Let's figure this out together.

    Anti-plagiarism express

    This paid service is quite popular. He does his job well. Now you can see this for yourself. Select the system for which you would like to process the text. In my example, this is

    Specify the required percentage of uniqueness, in my case it is 78%. Take any non-unique text with zero plagiarism and upload it.

    After payment, download the text and send it for verification. The result is obvious.

    As you can see, before processing the text was zero, but now it has become unique - 82.98%. What this service definitely lacks is a free test page. In the same way, you can complete an anti-plagiarism coursework.

    Magician anti-plagiarism

    If you are wondering “how to pass anti-plagiarism of a thesis”, then this method may suit you. Yes, the originality enhancement service is provided free of charge. Simply upload your work in .docx format and select the required options.

    Anti-plagiarism killer

    “Killer” makes it easy to increase the percentage of originality. You just need to press one button. The percentage of originality will reach 80-90%. The program allows you to bypass 40 verification programs. Using the program you can get effective results.

    The program independently removes unnecessary words, breaks the sentence, that is, it completely corrects the text.

    Antiplagiarism Fox

    What is immediately pleasantly surprising is that it is possible to process the text and check it in free mode. To check the text, you just need to add a document of 10 pages in size, select the system, university, and indicate your email.

    The site developers claim that they work with the document code without touching the text itself in Word.

    That's all! Now you know what online anti-plagiarism is and how this system works. Of course, there are quite a lot of services for checking the uniqueness of text, but after analyzing them, in my opinion anti-plagiarism is the most reliable and fastest service. Advego is not far behind.

    You can download anti-plagiarism for free and without registration. Yes, there is a service for each purpose. Thus, is used to check student work. It operates in an online version.

    Many people try to bypass anti-plagiarism, and even, as you understand, there are many ways to do this, but in my opinion, it is better to use methods of manually raising uniqueness, because the technical method can lead to disastrous results. I hope that I have helped you understand the main points regarding the issue of anti-plagiarism. Thank you all for your attention, don’t forget to ask questions in the comments!