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  • What is sorting by relevance? What is the relevance of information and how does it affect promotion. What is content relevance

    What is sorting by relevance?  What is the relevance of information and how does it affect promotion.  What is content relevance

    Search engine index and search relevance

    Very often, when talking about website promotion in PS, terms such as search relevance And search engine index. What it is?

    Concept of relevance

    Literally, "relevance" translates as correspondence to something. B she means

    • firstly, the correspondence of the search results (SERP) to the user’s request,
    • and secondly, the correspondence of the site page to this request.

    It is logical that the higher the relevance in both cases, the better the end user: he receives an answer, most appropriate .

    In general, relevance is a fundamental success factor for both search engines , and for SEO optimizers .

    • For the former, maximum relevance of the search results is important (i.e. correct rangingarranging sites according to their relevance to a given query) - otherwise users will not receive a proper answer to their question and will turn to another PS.
    • For the second, the maximum relevance of the promoted page for a specific request in order to receive the maximum.

    It’s worth adding here that both “branches” of this concept are simultaneously important for both search engines and optimizers - search engines need the site pages in their results to be relevant to the query, and optimizers need the results to be relevant.

    The point here is that optimizers depend on the search engine’s correct understanding of the relevance for a given query (the clarity of the operation of the search engine algorithms) in the same way as the search engines themselves depend on this. Otherwise, both will lose traffic.

    Search engine index

    On the Internet you can often hear “ Google quickly indexed my site" or " Yandex kicked it out of the index" and so on. What kind of index is this?

    The easiest way to understand this is to draw an analogy with real life. For example, with books, namely with an alphabetical index. It contains frequently used words and the page numbers on which they appear. For some reason, a fairy tale about a turnip came to mind, let it be the simplest example of a search index.

    So, let’s say the book with this fairy tale has only 5 pages. The alphabetical index says that the word “turnip” appears on pages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:

    • "turnip": 1,2,3,4,5

    the word “cat” on the 4th and 5th:

    • "cat": 4,5

    and the word “called” on pages 2,3,4,5:

    • “called”: 2.3, 4,5

    The user enters the word “turnip” into the search - he is given pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and ordered in descending order of relevance (the most relevant, in the opinion of the search engine, is on top).

    Now he searches for the phrase “the cat called.” There is no such phrase in the index, but there are the words “cat” and “called”, and they appear simultaneously on pages 4 and 5. Both of these pages will match the query, with one of them being more relevant.

    The analogue of a book on the Internet is, in fact, itself. Those. The search engine stores almost all texts from indexed sites (having previously cleared them of html tags). It’s scary to imagine how many hard drives search engines need.. (probably they can’t do without).

    Thus, a search engine index is an ordered collection of text information. Moreover, it can be ordered according to thousands of parameters(the more PSs develop, the more there are), most of which are unknown to anyone except the algorithm developers. Among these parameters:

    The more competently the index is compiled and the higher the relevance of the search, the better it is for both users and optimizers.

    Hello! In this article we analyze what relevance is, consider its types and calculation algorithms. I’ll tell you about relevant search results and methods for improving the relevance of a website page.

    This will allow you to more confidently promote pages and improve your site for search. After reading this article, you will rise to another level in the difficult task of creating and promoting websites, as well as making money on the Internet.

    The role of relevance in the work of search engines

    In order to confidently promote certain pages on request to the top, novice webmasters, optimizers and bloggers must know how Yandex and Google work. The ranking of pages by relevance in search engines is based on algorithms; in Yandex, this is Matrixnet machine learning technology. In addition, the results of a query are sometimes finalized by assessors, and these smallest factors are also reflected in the algorithm. In general, Matrixnet is a fairly effective system:

    Let's move on to the search work. An Internet user needs information - he has formed a personal idea in his mind of what kind of information it is and what exactly it contains. He goes to the search, formulates a search query and writes it into the search bar. The search generates results for it, ranking site pages in order, taking into account the algorithm’s processing of the “weight” of articles that have the highest relevance in the opinion of the search engine. How Matrixnet works in Yandex:

    Then the user follows the links and evaluates what was “slipped” to him. Let’s say that he opens up to ten links or only one, does not open the first one (because Wikipedia is there, and Wikipedia is not what the user needs), clarifies the query or enters another one (several times), or leaves the search. Studying behavioral factors while tracking the user allows the search engine to make sure that the search results contain links to relevant web pages. But the main focus of search is relevance. So, first, let’s give a definition of relevance (relevant in English means “related to the matter”), then we’ll look at examples of how to find it.

    What is relevance

    Relevance is a quantitative indicator of how well the sought, desired result corresponds to what was found. Does the information retrieval system respond to the user’s request completely or does it not satisfy the interest or need that has arisen and, thus, forces it to return to the search results?

    Relevance is a parameter of compliance with user expectations correlated with the information actually received on the site page; it is a measure of how close a search engine is to “guessing” a user’s desire for information by ranking tens of thousands of pages.

    The main task of a search engine as a service is to produce relevant results for the user; the task of a webmaster when promoting a site based on semantic core queries is to ensure that the search engine perceives these pages as relevant. At the same time, the optimizer can work on both new pages and old ones. If the search engine considers them insufficiently relevant, it is necessary to work on the pages: determine compliance with queries, promote with internal and external links, and work on the page itself.

    What are the types of relevance?

    Strictly speaking, we can talk about three types of relevance:

    • site page relevance
    • search relevance (search results)
    • link relevance

    Let's highlight 3 parameters that affect the relevance of the page:

    • number and variations of phrases matching the query
    • ratio and number of internal links to this page
    • ratio and number of external links to this page

    If we are talking about the relevance of a page, then it reflects the evaluation of the article by search algorithms for compliance with the query entered by the user. At the same time, for a number of queries (which the user enters without detailed clarification), it is very difficult to get ahead of what the user needs. Therefore, when requesting “composing a semantic core”, services or instructions can be shown; in addition, video instructions from Youtube are included in the results. Or the request “site” - it’s normal that the PS is not able to immediately determine what the user needs. The accumulation and analysis of statistics, big data and user satisfaction analysis come to help.

    Formal relevance is algorithmically and automatically calculated by search engines - the search robot collects data from the page, web document and uses a formula to determine whether the page is relevant or not.

    Such “technical relevance” of a page is very easy to manipulate by creating doorways or sites for search engine spam, so search algorithms include other factors for ranking site pages in search: relevance of information and frequency of site updates, trust, behavioral and social factors.

    If we are talking about search relevance, then this is an indicator of how much the displayed search results will satisfy the user. The ideal option is when the results page in the form of 10 results meets the user's need for information by providing relevant links to sites. For a number of queries, the search results contain links to a variety of results: encyclopedias, question and answer services, articles and official sites, pictures, videos, as well as direct inclusion of answers (tips) to user questions in the search results.

    An example of a search engine’s response to a user’s question - in this case, the user does not even have to go to the sites, he receives all the necessary information “first-hand” (from the search engine):

    Subsequently, manual labor is also used to assess the quality of the search - paid assessors, outsourced assessors through the Yandex.Toloka service. In addition, search results include elements for direct interaction with the user, so that he can evaluate the quality of the search himself or complain about an irrelevant site in the search results. In Yandex, you can “complain” about a result and it looks like this (you can file a complaint about an irrelevant result in the search results or about an irrelevant search result):

    Well, the time has not yet come for a mass inducement of users to clear the search results themselves.

    Now about the links. A relevant link is a link whose anchor matches the content on the page or the content of both pages is semantically and thematically related. If a link leads from a site with a similar topic, and the text is weakly relevant, then the link is simply called a thematic link. Such links can be anchor or non-anchor. The best links are relevant, leading from thematic sites. It’s very good if users still click on them.

    How to determine the relevance of a website page in search

    To determine relevance, use advanced search or query language. You can enter the site operator into the search the old-fashioned way:

    This is what happens in search when the site has not yet published an article about relevance. After some time, the text you are reading will become relevant for this request. Why will this happen? Because the total relevance indicator of this page calculated by the PS will be higher than that of others (the articles indicated in the screenshots are irrelevant, I think this is obvious).

    You can also do “relevance analysis” in SEO services like megaindex, but these are redundant actions if you initially work on a prepared semantic core and create a new site.

    How to improve the relevance of a website page in search

    As you remember, we can work on content, internal and external links. Do not neglect any of the ways to increase this parameter. Relatively speaking, different pages can meet three relevance parameters, but the most relevant will be the one that meets three at once. And the webmaster’s task is to build the site in such a way that the search engine uniquely identifies all pages. The recommendations are simple:

    1. Work with text relevance

    There's no magic here. First, improve the page if it does not sufficiently match the request or group of requests: add content (text, video, photo); or rework the content, because the articles are becoming outdated, and some are poorly written from the start.

    Secondly, start working on the site by drawing up a semantic core - so that the pages published on the site are written for groups of similar mid- and low-frequency queries. And at the same time they were not duplicated and did not confuse the search robot!

    Thirdly, this is not said out loud, but “correct comments” on an article are also relevant text, especially if it significantly complements the article. For example this:

    This is also content and it is also on the web page, because search engines know that users write and read comments.

    The remaining recipes for improving relevance in general come down to banal internal optimization: correct CNC links, correct optimization of Title, H1, H2 headings, general text semantics (LSI), working with snippets, using content, citations and footnotes.

    In terms of text semantics, typical errors are as follows: occurrences of keywords (exact or morphological forms) are either too few or too many. This applies to paragraph and text (post) boundaries.

    2. Work with in-link relevance

    If the internal (textual) relevance of the page does not reach the point of being placed in the top in the eyes of the PS, then you can give it additional weight with internal links. By linking pages to each other, we show PS - look at the relevant page for a given anchor (context in a paragraph).

    After some time, the search robot crawls and calculates the relevance for the page in a new way, taking into account internal links. And the relevance of the landing page increased.

    3. Work with external link relevance.

    In short, we look at who is linking to us and where, and in some cases we ask you to correct the links. In the case of purchased links, we order the anchors we need (in the case of articles, relevant text). We leave thematic comments on other blogs, placing in it a non-anchor link to our site in the appropriate context.

    Special magic is when users themselves share links to your site (or page), as a rule, this is not done inappropriately, but always occurs in a certain context of discussion, which means such a link is quite relevant. So write quality content, make sites so useful that users themselves bookmark the pages and then share these links.

    As a result

    The rule for strengthening relevance is this: in the first place is text and textual relevance, in second place is intra-site relevance and internal linking, in third place are external links that increase relevance in comparison with the pages of competing sites.

    And don’t forget that the relevance of the page in the eyes of the PS is not enough for the user to be highly convertible and perform a targeted action on your website. For example, in commerce it often happens that a page has good relevance and traffic, but low conversion - because it does not meet the user's expectations. What is the point in such users who come and leave with nothing? This won’t work, we need work on the site.

    Every webmaster strives to ensure that as many visitors as possible from search engines come to his website or blog. But not all optimizers have an idea of ​​what relevance is. They seemed to have heard about this concept, and often came across it on forums, but they never dwelled on this issue in detail, but in vain.

    So, relevance— this is the correspondence of the search results to the user’s search query, in other words, the correspondence between what is desired and what is seen. If we are talking about a website page, then relevance is the correspondence of the page content to the search query. For example, a person writes in the search “ tours to turkey“So what does he want to find? Naturally, sites with information about tours, prices, departure dates, hotels and so on.

    This is what he sees in Yandex search results:

    Do you think the output corresponds to the request? In my opinion, quite. And if instead the user were shown sites, say, about the history of Turkey or with Turkish news, then the results could be considered irrelevant or with a low level of relevance.

    What is search results in a rough sense? This is a collection of links to specific web pages that search engines believe are most relevant to user queries. That is, site owners can influence search results. For example, did you want your site to be in the top 5 for the same request? "Tours to Turkey". So create a web page that would fully comply with this request, prove to search engines that it is worthy of being in the top positions of search results. To do this, you need to “tailor” the page to this search query, carry out internal optimization, and purchase links. In general, there is quite a lot of work. We have already talked about this and will continue to talk about it in future articles, so subscribe to. Today we will dwell in detail on relevance.

    How to increase relevance

    Since we already mentioned the request "Tours to Turkey", then he will be used as an example below. So what do we need to do to ensure that the page is fully relevant to the given query? It needs to be tailored (there is no other way to say it) for this search query. That is, its title (title) and content (text) should contain occurrences of keywords. The information on the page must fully respond to the search query, that is, you must not just put keywords in the text, but tell about what the user is looking for. For example, he is looking for "tour price comparison", which means you must provide him with this comparison with numbers, explanations, and so on. If you simply put several occurrences of a query in the text, but there is no price comparison itself, then the page cannot be considered relevant to this search query.

    • Naturalness. It is very important that the keywords (from the search query) look natural in the text of the page. There is no need to sculpt them anywhere. Remember, first of all, you create pages for visitors, and only then for search engines.
    • Keyword Density. There is no need to insert keywords at every step. Two or three exact and one or two diluted occurrences of the query are quite enough. Sometimes even less is possible. It all depends on the number of characters on the page. The longer the text, the more entries required.
    • Keywords in the title. The words from the request must be in the page title. That is, if you promote a page for the request “ tours to turkey“, then this phrase in this form should be in the title (heading). Before or after it, you need to write other words that are suitable in meaning, for example, “cheap”, “at low prices”, “prices”, etc. Write a title that makes users want to click.
    • Using h2, h2 and h3 tags. These html tags contain headings and subheadings. There are lower level heading tags such as h4, h5, h6, but often the first three are enough. They are written as follows: ... . Don't forget to remove spaces. Inside these tags we insert relevant headings; it is desirable that they contain keywords, but if this is not possible, then there is no need to insert them there in an unnatural way.
    • Highlighting keywords in bold, italics and underlining. You can highlight keywords several times in the text using bold, italics, or underlining. As a rule, those words that they want to focus on are highlighted. Search engines cannot ignore this. The most important thing in this matter is to know when to stop. Put the keywords in bold once or twice and that’s enough. Of course, more is possible. Everything again depends on the length of the text. Use these tags to highlight other words and phrases that you want to pay attention to. After all, naturalness and benefits for visitors are above all.
    • Declension and dilution of keywords. Insert other words inside key phrases, inflect them, use prepositions.
    • Writing a description. Having a well-written description can increase the number of visitors from search engines. Google, for example, uses it as a snippet - a small text block under the site title in the search results. The more correctly it is compiled, the more attention it will attract from visitors. Use words from the promoted query in the description. If we are talking about, then this CMS has a special plugin All in One SEO Pack (there are others), with which you can add a title (title), description (description) and keywords (key-words) to each post. By the way, even though keywords already have a slight impact on promotion or even not at all, I still recommend using them, it definitely won’t be superfluous.

    If you do everything correctly and use keywords in the text in the right quantity, then the page will be relevant to the required query. At a minimum, search engines will associate it with this particular request. Naturally, if there are many strong competitors in the search results for it, then getting to the top won’t be so easy. High page relevance is just an opportunity to get to the top for a promoted query. If this indicator is at a low level, then taking high positions will be much more difficult or even impossible.

    From my experience, I know that sometimes proper internal website optimization and high page relevance are enough to appear in the top search engine results. SEOs who neglect this spend much larger budgets on promotion. Isn’t it better to pay proper attention to these points once in order to later save thousands, or even tens of thousands of rubles? Of course, it’s up to you to decide, but I think money is never superfluous.

    Naturally, you can determine the approximate relevance of a page by eye, but why these difficulties if there are special services. Although, to be honest, I don’t always use them, since sometimes it’s clear that the post I wrote has at least 80-90 percent relevance. But it’s still better to play it safe once again and check your beliefs.

    The easiest way to find out relevance is a special tool for analyzing content on pr-cy. There you will be shown the keyword density, the number of occurrences, and relevance. The service, in principle, is very convenient, but I still often use MegaIndex to determine relevance. The service is designed to promote websites, but it also contains many free and useful tools for optimizers. First, you need to register in it, add your website and the necessary requests there. Then go to the search results tab -> my sites.

    Here you should click on I or G and select “relevance” opposite the required query. Don't forget to check that the address and request you entered are correct. As a result of the analysis, you will be shown the relevance of the page, as well as the number of occurrences of the query. The higher the relevance, the better. If this indicator is at a low level, then the number of occurrences of the query in the text should be increased.

    Now you know what relevance is and how to improve it. Take this as seriously as possible. Try to create optimized pages with high relevance. This will make it much easier and cheaper to promote sites in search engines. Save your money and energy.

    This doesn't make it any easier. This is because thousands of new sites appear on the web every day. And the amount of garbage that is regularly posted online can no longer be counted.


    Relevance is a term that refers to the degree to which a search result matches a user's expectations. In other words, if the user found what he was looking for, the material found is called relevant. If not, it is called irrelevant.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Any modern search engine has its own algorithms for assessing relevance, and not the entire site as a whole is analyzed, but each material that was posted on its expanses. As a result, adapting to the requirements of, for example, a search engine, no one can guarantee the same degree of compliance with Google results. Today, before increasing relevance, you have to spend a lot of time analyzing existing content. Only after this can you begin practical actions.

    How is relevance determined?

    The degree of relevance of certain information and the proposed query is determined using innovative search algorithms. They include the ratio of all keywords to the total volume of the article published on the page. When creating a page, each search engine determines its optimal entry percentage. How to increase relevance in such a way as to rise in search results? Many people prefer to stick to a five percent ratio of keys to total text volume. But it also happens that content authors face difficulties. The main problem of any webmaster is that any deviation from this ratio can lead to the page being “ignored”. In addition, a strong exaggeration of the percentage of occurrences will lead to the search engine completely blocking the results, defining the content as unwanted for viewing (spam).

    Initially, the relevance of information was determined by a number of internal criteria, for example, the frequency of keys in headings, the density of key phrases in the text, meta tags, text design elements, and so on. Since sites soon appeared that are used to redirect to a promoted resource, there was a need to modernize search parameters to match relevance.

    Increased relevance

    Increasing relevance is not very difficult. But it takes a lot of time, and you must always be prepared for this. There are a number of recommendations to increase the relevance of a page or site as a whole.

    How to increase relevance?

    Search query and relevance

    In order for users to be directed to a site from a search engine, its mere presence in the search results will not be enough. You need to strive as hard as possible to get to the very top of the search results.

    The criteria that influence the position of a site’s link on search engine results pages are conventionally divided into two large categories:

    • text;
    • non-textual.

    Already by the name it is clear that text criteria are the characteristics of the text component of the site. In this case, non-textual criteria are necessary in order to evaluate page connections. Text information published on the pages does not play any role. Text criteria by which the relevance of words is checked are taken into account at the stage of creating both articles and the site as a whole. Non-text materials are available for processing after the website has been posted on the Internet and submitted for indexing.

    Indexing search engines

    When working with indexing search engines, it is important to remember that the search in the system begins only after search queries have been entered and confirmed. This could be a word, a group of words, a phrase, a phrase, and so on.

    Very often there is a gap when entering phrases. The search engine is in no way responsible for what the user thinks while entering text. The user, in turn, does not see any difference between the concepts of “incorrect” and “correct” queries.

    As a result, before creating a specific website, it is necessary to first become familiar with the form in which users most often request information that interests them on the Internet. On the RuNet there is only one source that allows you to get reliable search queries - “Yandex.Direct”.

    Checking page relevance

    Of course, you can determine the approximate degree of relevance of pages on your own, simply by reading the material. But what to do if the site has not one page of text, but thousands or even more - tens of thousands? Self-checking will take too much time and effort. To make work easier, special online services have been created that allow you to check relevance within a few seconds. Not every website owner prefers to turn to them for help, since sometimes it is clear that the written posts have a high degree of compliance with search queries. However, it is better to once again dispel all doubts and breathe a sigh of relief.

    The simplest method for obtaining an accurate degree of relevance is pr-cy - a specialized Russian tool designed for highly accurate content analysis. The information provided on this tool indicates everything necessary: ​​the number of keys, relevance, density of occurrences, and so on. The service is convenient, but not as convenient as its competitor - MegaIndex. It is intended for website promotion, but its functionality includes a large number of free tools that will be useful to the optimizer. Information is analyzed in two simultaneously - Yandex and Google. However, this service guarantees an accurate relevancy check with minimal error.


    Relevance is what any optimizer and website owner needs to focus on. By providing users with content that meets their expectations, you will ensure that the popularity of the project will steadily grow. Then you can not only promote your website well and efficiently, but also make decent money from it. You just need to start working, and in the future both experience and self-confidence will come. Good luck in your endeavors.

    Relevance- (from English relevant - relevant) - in a general sense, this is the compliance of the document with the user’s expectations. Thus, search relevance is the degree to which a user is satisfied with the search results shown in response to his query. Ideally, the search results page should fully satisfy the user’s information needs in terms of its completeness and accuracy.

    The concept of site relevance has a synonym: relevance. In fact, this term means the same thing, but in a slightly narrower sense. What we mean here is how well the requested information matches the result obtained. Further in the text you will come across the words relevance and relevancy. Think of them as meaning identical to each other.

    According to the definition, when a Yandex or Google visitor types his question, the search engine tries to evaluate various documents from its index and select the most suitable ones for the answer. Thus, the system calculates a measure of correspondence - the degree of match between the document and the search query. Accordingly, if they coincide, then the value of the measure is the largest (maximum), and if not, it is equal to zero.

    The effectiveness of any search engine is judged by the degree of relevance of documents in search results. If a user receives an answer to his request that is absolutely inappropriate for him, then there is a high probability that he will no longer use such a resource. Therefore, the selection of the most relevant documents for its search results is the main task of the search engine. This affects both the popularity of the search engine and its profits.

    How relevant a document is on the Internet is determined by a special search algorithm. Yandex has one, Google has another, but the general scheme of its work is the same. Also, other search engines have their own definition of relevance, but it has common roots.

    For example, the Yandex search engine employs a group of specially trained people—assessors—who visit hundreds of sites every day for specific search queries. They evaluate usability, content, page relevance to the request, and other characteristics. After this, all data is entered into the self-learning Matrixnet algorithm. And based on this data, it automatically determines the relevance and usefulness for other similar sites. You can deceive a robot, but it’s unlikely to deceive a human (in particular, a PS employee)…

    Internal Relevance Criteria

    The most significant internal criterion of relevance is keywords, namely their frequency in the text. Search engines are able to calculate this parameter and, if a phrase is repeated frequently, consider it a key phrase. If, during a user request, the phrases found on the page correspond to its form and are key, that is, frequently used, the site will be considered relevant.

    Keywords also have a big impact on their location. First of all, this is their presence in various headings. If a user's query matches the title of a document, the search engine is more likely to rank that page more than others. Additional factors influencing the weight of keywords also include:

    • Close to the top of the page. The closer to the top of the page a keyword is, the more significant it is.
    • The presence of keywords in some places on the page. For example, in headings, meta tags, text design tags.
    • The proximity of keywords to each other. It matters when any phrase, especially a stable phrase, acts as a search query.
    • Availability of keyword synonyms. Search engines often pay attention to the presence of other forms of keywords in texts, indicating that the documents actually deal with a given topic.

    Key Search Relevance Types You Should Know About

    Formal- is the basis of search engine ranking principles. Through special algorithms, it compares the type of search queries and documents through the index of a special search engine. The person does not take part in this process. A fully automated and robotic system provides a ready-made solution.

    Pertinence- a unique state when the information needs of Internet users are fully satisfied. Every search engine strives to get closer to this state.

    External Relevance Criteria

    The basis of external relevance criteria is the principle of citation or reference popularity. This factor implies that the relevance of a site can be determined by its popularity on the Internet, that is, the number of other resources linking to the page in question. The higher their number, the greater the authoritative weight of the site, and, therefore, the information presented on it is of higher quality.

    Each of the search engines uses its own algorithm for determining the level of citations, but they all have a similar mechanism of action and are essentially a modification of the world’s first algorithm that takes into account the number of external links, PageRank, developed by American students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who founded the Google search engine.

    In the Yandex system, an analogue of PageRank is the VIC - a weighted citation index, which was introduced in the spring of 2001. As stated by company representatives, VIC is calculated according to the same scheme as PageRank and is assigned to each page individually. Until 2002 The VIC could be viewed using Yandex Bar, but after attempts by optimizers to artificially increase the readings, its value was hidden. Now webmasters only have access to information about the TIC, which is used to sort resources in the Yandex catalog.

    Since autumn 2002 The Rambler system also began to use the popularity coefficient, which took into account not only the number of links, but also data on page traffic received from the Top100 counter.

    However, the very first system to apply such an algorithm is Aport, which has been using the Page Authority Index (PAI) since 1999. Unlike PageRank, CI takes into account only one most significant link from all pages of linking sites.

    The best resources for checking relevancy

    Fortunately, today there are many resources on the Internet that make it easy to check the level of relevance directly online. We list the three most popular of them:

    • Majento;
    • Megaindex;

    To get the necessary information on each of the listed sites, simply enter the address of the verification page and a keyword.

    There are no fundamental differences between the listed services. Regarding the relevancy check, everything happens approximately the same. The differences are noticeable only in general functionality, but this is no longer relevant to the topic of the article.

    What to do to increase relevance?

    Follow these seven tips and your articles will get as close as possible to the TOP of search results, and perhaps even be included in it:

    Place the main keyword query in the Title tag in a direct form without changes.

    The key query can also be inserted into the description tag. It is he who “sells” your article and is displayed in searches along with the title. Here keys are allowed in both direct and diluted occurrences.

    The same query needs to be inserted into the main header, but the exact occurrence is not necessary and even undesirable. Better diluted.

    It is also advisable to include the main request in the first paragraph. And as close as possible to the beginning. But this does not mean that the first sentence should begin with the main request. This is definitely not worth doing.

    Work with content. If it doesn't meet the meaning of the main search query, relevance can be forgotten. An illogically optimized article will only harm the site. The visitor will not receive the necessary information and will very quickly go to another resource.

    Search engines love variety in articles. Therefore, lists, videos, pictures, tables, diagrams, graphs, as well as links to similar materials are welcome.

    The last point is the most difficult to implement, but one of the most effective in terms of increasing relevance. If other sites of similar topics link to a page, this will significantly increase its position in search results.

    Use this list as a checklist when optimizing any page and relevant content will quickly bring it to the top positions in search results. Additionally, I recommend looking at the SEO optimization checklist.

    Why does search sometimes return irrelevant pages?

    Black and gray SEO promotion is slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. Despite this fact, promotion services are still in great demand online. A little more time will pass and the opportunities to artificially increase the relevance of site pages will disappear. There is very little meaning left in them even now.

    One of the main issues of relevance today lies in the imperfection of search robots and algorithms. Some factors of aggressive promotion are still getting away with by SEOs who behave unprofessionally. Unfortunately, sites with a minimum of quality content and a large number of “correct” links today are still in the TOP of most popular destinations. This trend is especially noticeable in the entertainment sector, which is not subject to strict control by search engines.

    Minimal competition

    In other words, out of 30 very bad resources, they select 10 that are not so terrible and send them to the TOP. Search robots believe that it is better to find at least some page on the topic than to tell the visitor that the result is unknown. As a result, in topics with low competition, the first search results are occupied even by those sites where only a few words from the desired queries are present.

    If a specialist undertakes to promote a website in a topic with low competition, the chances of bringing the resource to the TOP will be very, very high. More details about the competitiveness of requests.

    Relevant conclusion

    Always disclose in the text the topic of the main key query for which you are optimizing the article. Make content, headings, sub-paragraphs and short paragraphs. Even a reader who has visited the site for the first time can easily understand the simple and understandable structure. Even if the visitor’s stay on the resource is only 2-3 minutes, this becomes a plus for the site. In a few minutes, it is quite possible to provide the visitor with the necessary minimum of information that interests him.