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  • Why are temporary blocks on Instagram needed and how dangerous are they for your profile?
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  • What does it mean that an action is blocked on Instagram? What are temporary blockings on Instagram for and how dangerous they are for your profile. What to do if you are blocked on Instagram: act according to the technical support letter

    What does it mean that an action is blocked on Instagram?  What are temporary blockings on Instagram for and how dangerous they are for your profile.  What to do if you are blocked on Instagram: act according to the technical support letter

    The inscription on the website or in the Instagram application “Action blocked, try again later” speaks of a ban that can last from an hour to an “eternity.” Why this happened, what types of blocking there are and how to avoid such records - all the details are in the article.

    “Try again later”: blocking individual actions

    This is the mildest type of ban; it imposes restrictions on a specific type of action. There is only one reason for blocking: the user has exceeded the limits. Instagram rules for 2018: in order not to be blocked for a particular category of actions, you must not exceed 60 actions/hour; for new accounts, the limit is 30 actions/hour. The limit, as well as subsequent blocking, applies to each category separately:

    • likes;
    • unsubscribes + subscriptions;
    • comments.

    We should also highlight the mention of users in the comments; this category has a limit of 5 actions/hour for any profiles.

    If you go beyond the established limits at least once, for example, by following/unfollowing, the unfortunate message “Action blocked, try again later” will appear the next time you try to add the user as a friend.

    How long does “Action Blocked” last (Instagram) - in each case the question is individual, The blocking period can be 1 hour, or it can be 2 weeks. The user can only wait for the blocking period; it is better to limit activity during this time, and later monitor the limits. If the “Try again later” message does not indicate a time limit, then you should try again in an hour, then in a day. On one of the next days the restriction will be lifted.

    Sometimes complaints come in: “I can’t like on Instagram, the action is blocked, I didn’t violate anything” - occasionally this happens due to malfunctions in the service. In this case, you need to take a break and try again later to like, follow, etc. If it doesn’t help, then the only thing left to do is contact technical support.

    Temporary account blocking

    Sometimes, due to suspicious activity, the service temporarily bans a profile. In such a situation, there is no problem, how to find out and understand that you have been blocked on Instagram - the service notifies via SMS and/or an email asking you to log in.

    Logging into an account from different accounts is considered suspicious activity; most often this occurs due to the use of dubious proxies. It is not often that such an Instagram block is imposed, how long it lasts is a common question, the answer to it is: until the user follows the recommendations from the letter (notification).

    Users should know why Instagram permanently blocks accounts; this will help save their profile. List of “severe” violations:

    • repeated (more than 3) violation of limits;
    • spam;
    • insults, profanity;
    • copyright infringement (images, brands, etc.);
    • suspicions of cheating;
    • publication of materials prohibited by law.

    Despite the “eternal” nature of the restriction, you can try contacting technical support at with a request to restore your profile: in 9 cases out of 10, the administration will cooperate. But later, if there is a repeated violation, the administration won't be so loyal anymore.

    Getting on the Black List

    A separate type of ban is individual. The obvious question is, if you are blocked and you are blacklisted on Instagram, what does this look like and how is it different from other types of blocking? The main signs of being in someone else's emergency:

    • it is possible to view, like and comment on other pages;
    • There is no way to subscribe to an account if it has added you to the emergency.

    In this case, no messages like “Try again later” or “You are blocked” will appear. Therefore, the only way to find out who blocked me on Instagram is to go to the page of the user who added you to the emergency and try to add him to your subscriptions.

    The social network Instagram has reached such popularity that any failure in its work causes anxiety among millions of people. But the reason is not always global; sometimes individual account owners suffer when they receive a special message - either a warning, or advice, or both options at once. Users only complain - they say, I can’t follow a person on Instagram: the action is blocked..

    Meanwhile, there are measures that can solve this problem or even prevent its occurrence.

    Why you can’t follow a person on Instagram: reasons for blocking

    But first, let’s figure out why Instagram says the action is blocked. The secret is that the social network, even with such a huge size, turns out to be vulnerable. First of all, to what lies at its core – social interaction. One can easily recall examples of resources that did not care about content moderation and very quickly turned into Internet analogues of a fetid pit and disappeared from the scene. So Instagram wisely chose to play it safe and kept the blocking tool for itself.

    So, the main reason (perhaps over 90% of cases) is that the action is blocked on Instagram because it may violate the community rules in one way or another. A detailed list can be found at the link , here we list briefly:

    • publishing other people's materials without proper permission;
    • posting images that are considered inappropriate (nudes, for example);
    • violation of the laws of the country;
    • incitement to hatred;
    • and most importantly, why the action is blocked by Instagram when subscribing - spamming and various types of artificial cheating, including by subscribing to a huge number of people and trying to attract their attention to your account.

    The last case is the classic reason for this message. In fact, in this case, a temporary block is imposed on the account, which is stated in plain text: now the action is blocked on Instagram, try again later.

    Important: no one will name the exact time of blocking. This could be half a day or a week.

    What to do when blocking actions on Instagram

    So, Instagram says the action is blocked: what to do and who to blame for what happened? If an account was hacked (this happens) and used by attackers, then the main blame is on them, but the account owner himself is also indirectly involved (if he used a very weak password, for example). But what is more important is how to act in such a situation. Here are tips to help restore the status quo.

    First of all, there is no need to panic. Many people have encountered blocking of subscriptions, many say - I can’t like on Instagram, the action is blocked. But most of them came out of the ban, which means you can too. First, try updating the client or reinstalling it altogether.

    Next, you need to analyze exactly what actions have recently been performed in your account. The fact is that Instagram has an extremely negative attitude towards the “incorrect” use of the social network. Therefore, special algorithms have been developed that monitor user activity and, if abnormal behavior is detected, immediately issue a “yellow card” to the account.

    In other words, if the owner of a half-dead page with 2 photos in six months and 3 subscriptions suddenly begins to subscribe to dozens of accounts per hour - with a high probability, he will soon get blocked - this is not typical for him. The same thing if suddenly, instead of one IP address, logging into your account began to be performed from a dozen countries.

    And in the social network there are certain limits, when exceeded, the algorithms are triggered. For example, for an old account it is considered quite reasonable to perform 60 actions per hour - both subscriptions and unsubscribes. And this is logical: the interface allows you to evaluate in about a minute whether you liked the profile and whether it is worth subscribing to it at all. Which gives a maximum of 1,440 actions with subscriptions per day, and after them you should give another day for “rest” so that the algorithms reset the statistics. If you exceed this limit, you will almost certainly soon receive the same warning that the action is blocked, try again later, your Instagram.

    Important! Beginners have half the limits.

    If there were no excesses, you can safely report the problem. There is a chance that this is really a glitch and Instagram will quickly fix everything. If you suspect hacking, you need to report it to technical support.

    If there were violations, then the countermeasures are both simple and complex. Simple because you don't need to do anything. We just have to wait. For the first time, half a day may be enough for this, but if repeated, the count can go on for days, weeks, or even turn into a block for good. Difficult, because at this time it is recommended not to do at least nothing with subscriptions, and ideally nothing at all - put the smartphone aside and stoically endure.

    But if the reason is that a cheating bot was working on the account, then you need to refuse such a disservice. Such software is used solely at the account owner’s own risk. If you can’t do without it, it’s better to change the program/service and immediately prepare to register a new account (and it may require a new phone number, or even the device itself, taking into account the social network’s ability to analyze open user data). An alternative is to give the promotion to professionals who know how to comply with limits.

    Finally, you need to learn the rules and try to follow them. Then there will definitely be fewer unpredictable blockages. But no one will give a 100% guarantee here either - there is no insurance against algorithmic errors.

    Instagram has recently become a particularly popular platform with a growing number of users every second. Here, as in many other social networks, publications are usually assessed using likes.

    True, you can see their number only under the photographs. If a video is published, Instagram will show the number of views and, if desired, clicking on it will display the likes too.

    Important! Instagram isn't perfect. Many of its users have encountered problems that interfere with normal communication:

    • I can’t follow a friend;
    • The activation code does not arrive on the phone;
    • likes are not displayed on Instagram;
    • it is impossible to like, and the program writes “action blocked” or “link is prohibited” and various other troubles.

    And then Google and Yandex are bombarded with one after another: “I can’t like it on Instagram!”

    Why is this happening? What do we have to do? What can't you do? When can you finally give likes? Let's try to answer these questions.

    Of course, there are situations when Instagram glitches are to blame. But much more often the human factor is to blame. Moreover, both newbies and advanced bloggers can encounter something similar.

    Reasons why people don't like on Instagram

    Instagram developers, working on their service and improving it, have to tighten the rules for using it. And this is understandable. In this way, they strive to reduce the number of spammers, the use of bots and other likes.

    As soon as there is even the slightest suspicion of such circumstances, actions on Instagram are blocked and raise a reasonable question among network visitors: “Why don’t they like people on Instagram?”

    Important! If you have encountered this, most likely you have abused some function of the service.

    You cannot avoid this if you use programs for likes. Instagram has set action limits for all users: 1000 likes and the same number of subscriptions per day.

    In this case, you will certainly receive a message indicating the blocking period. Once you redo the action that caused the error, you will see the same message again.

    Liking on Instagram fails for three main reasons:

    1. Glitches of the resource itself. There is also such a temporary problem with Instagram. This can happen due to updates, a virus attack, too many users in one time period, etc.
    2. No network (possibly unstable). And then the ribbon is loaded in parts, the heart turns red, and then turns white.
    3. Exceeding the limit. Instagram has set a limit on hearts, defining a maximum of 150 hearts per hour. You will have to remember this, especially when third-party applications are used to get likes. This also happens with avid Instagrammers who can follow up to several thousand people in a short time. And then they themselves, getting carried away, can break the rule established by the network.

    When something like this happens, and you suddenly realize, “I can’t give likes,” you are faced with the question of what to do. Let's talk about it.

    If you don't get a like and it's the network's fault, just wait. The glitches will soon be fixed, and you can like photos of your subscribers (and not only them) with renewed energy.

    If the Internet is in complete order and you have not broken any rules, a few tips may help:

    Helps sometimes.

    But if you accidentally or intentionally violated the rules, Instagram does not allow you to like, and a notification is displayed that your online account has been blocked.

    And then your further actions depend on the reason. So let's talk about blocking.

    Instagram improves its filters to combat spam from time to time. He does this several times a year. And one day, for this reason, you may get a temporary block.

    You may find that your action is blocked when you abuse it. This is quite possible if you subscribe to other people or like them non-stop, breaking all limits. And the period will depend on the degree of violation.

    If this happens for the first time, Instagram temporarily blocks the account for no more than an hour. Repeatedly exceeding the limit will result in a ban on likes from 2 hours to 2 weeks. It's the same with subscriptions.

    What to do

    • The notice specifies the specific blocking time. Do not perform actions before the designated time. You risk “earning” an extension of the blocking.

    Change the way you work. Organize it so that the program does not mistake you for a robot. These include long pauses between actions, viewing other people’s profiles, do not put more than 65 likes and 60 subscriptions per hour. Otherwise, you put your account at risk of being blocked.

    Use a high-quality individual proxy, and ensure that it is used only for 1 of your accounts.

    What is it and what does it mean? A permanent ban means that your account will be deleted from Instagram forever, and you will not be able to get it back.

    1. Screw everything up.
    2. Automate life in your profile.
    3. Constantly use the Instagram logo in your publications, despite its removal.
    4. Publish other people's materials on your page without linking to or mentioning the author.
    5. Post other people's personal data, contacts, documents, etc.

    As it turned out, the Instagram Administration in very rare cases allows the opportunity to rehabilitate. The chances of unblocking your account are close to 90%.

    How to avoid being permanently blocked in 2018

    If you don’t want to get banned forever, follow the recommendations below:

    • When posting someone else’s photo, make a link to his nickname;
    • do not sell copies of brands, and when selling products, avoid using ;
    • do not use other people's logos;
    • be careful when mass following and mass liking, follow the limits;
    • Along with mass markings, use comments.

    Important! Before you start promoting your own business on Instagram, make sure you have a personal email address for your account.

    What accounts can you promote to avoid getting banned?

    Start working with an account that has already been registered for six months. The activity of a newly created Instagram account is perceived as... And the probability of earning a block (temporary and ban) is quite high, from 50 to 70%.

    If you don't have such an account, buy one. And then there will be no problems.

    By the way, your account must be created manually (not be an autoregist) and have your own email.

    Almost everyone who lives on social networks knows that likes are a method of evaluation. Many Instagram account owners want to get likes. We do not discount personal ambitions, but other intentions are also visible in this:

    • benefit;
    • win the competition;
    • advertise a business;
    • increase the number of online store customers;
    • increase brand awareness.

    An excellent and timely photograph, seen and appreciated, can quickly and without further ado attract a client. And with the advent of such useful news as the possibility of advertising on Instagram, business people became especially active.

    Important! Some 30-40 minutes to set up your account, high-quality, varied photos, and Instagram can attract the attention of a huge number of people to your materials.

    That’s why in the Instagram world, aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners and all those who offer their services have become popular. And the competition here is serious in all business areas, and the struggle for likes is ongoing tirelessly.

    And when problems suddenly appear, when likes are not placed either from the computer or from the phone, or they suddenly disappear for unknown reasons, requests to the support service are replete with numerous “please help”, “I refreshed the page - it doesn’t help. Please do something!” and so on.

    The inscription on the website or in the Instagram application “Action blocked, try again later” speaks of a ban that can last from an hour to an “eternity.” Why this happened, what types of blocking there are and how to avoid such records - all the details are in the article.

    “Try again later”: blocking individual actions

    This is the mildest type of ban; it imposes restrictions on a specific type of action. There is only one reason for blocking: the user has exceeded the limits. Instagram rules for 2018: in order not to be blocked for a particular category of actions, you must not exceed 60 actions/hour; for new accounts, the limit is 30 actions/hour. The limit, as well as subsequent blocking, applies to each category separately:

    • likes;
    • unsubscribes + subscriptions;
    • comments.

    We should also highlight the mention of users in the comments; this category has a limit of 5 actions/hour for any profiles.

    If you go beyond the established limits at least once, for example, by following/unfollowing, the unfortunate message “Action blocked, try again later” will appear the next time you try to add the user as a friend.

    How long does “Action Blocked” last (Instagram) - in each case the question is individual, The blocking period can be 1 hour, or it can be 2 weeks. The user can only wait for the blocking period; it is better to limit activity during this time, and later monitor the limits. If the “Try again later” message does not indicate a time limit, then you should try again in an hour, then in a day. On one of the next days the restriction will be lifted.

    Sometimes complaints come in: “I can’t like on Instagram, the action is blocked, I didn’t violate anything” - occasionally this happens due to malfunctions in the service. In this case, you need to take a break and try again later to like, follow, etc. If it doesn’t help, then the only thing left to do is contact technical support.

    Temporary account blocking

    Sometimes, due to suspicious activity, the service temporarily bans a profile. In such a situation, there is no problem, how to find out and understand that you have been blocked on Instagram - the service notifies via SMS and/or an email asking you to log in.

    Logging into an account from different accounts is considered suspicious activity; most often this occurs due to the use of dubious proxies. It is not often that such an Instagram block is imposed, how long it lasts is a common question, the answer to it is: until the user follows the recommendations from the letter (notification).

    Users should know why Instagram permanently blocks accounts; this will help save their profile. List of “severe” violations:

    • repeated (more than 3) violation of limits;
    • spam;
    • insults, profanity;
    • copyright infringement (images, brands, etc.);
    • suspicions of cheating;
    • publication of materials prohibited by law.

    Despite the “eternal” nature of the restriction, you can try contacting technical support at with a request to restore your profile: in 9 cases out of 10, the administration will cooperate. But later, if there is a repeated violation, the administration won't be so loyal anymore.

    Getting on the Black List

    A separate type of ban is individual. The obvious question is, if you are blocked and you are blacklisted on Instagram, what does this look like and how is it different from other types of blocking? The main signs of being in someone else's emergency:

    • it is possible to view, like and comment on other pages;
    • There is no way to subscribe to an account if it has added you to the emergency.

    In this case, no messages like “Try again later” or “You are blocked” will appear. Therefore, the only way to find out who blocked me on Instagram is to go to the page of the user who added you to the emergency and try to add him to your subscriptions.

    Instagram, following YouTube and VK, is trying in every possible way to limit the suspicious actions of its users. For example, now posted photos are subject to greater censorship by bots and moderators. For the slightest violations, accounts or posts can be blocked, and the user receives the error “Action blocked. Please try again later. We limit..." We will tell you what this failure means and what caused it.

    Reasons for blocking an account on Instagram

    Users can be blocked for several reasons at once, which are constantly changing. Each season, more and more restrictions are introduced that create problems for account promotion. Here are the main reasons for the ban and the appearance of the “Action Blocked” restriction:

    • publications without copyright, when someone else's content was posted;
    • no references were made to the original source for public materials;
    • incorrect hashtags: too long, repetitive or irrelevant;
    • the number of likes and subscriptions (unsubscribes) exceeded the permissible limit;
    • Suspicious activity was noticed, which is regarded by the administration as profile hacking.
    Access restriction "Action blocked"

    Time limit. How long does it last?

    Temporary blocking is a common practice on Instagram. If restrictions appear on your account, just wait a while. Basically, after a few days, all functions open with a 90% probability. For a light ban, such as over-liking, the ban is applied for 6 or 12 hours. This is due to the active fight against bots that try to automatically generate likes, subscribers and comments.

    Considering the cooperation between Instagram and Facebook, it is worth trying the authorization option using this social network. Typically, the user enters his password to connect to his account. Some note that blocking is bypassed when logging in using Facebook. To do this, you will need to log into your profile on this social network, and then confirm the action on Instagram.

    PC version

    If you are using your smartphone, then try switching to the PC version. Sometimes changing the platform for logging into your account helps you survive the period of temporary blocking by management. However, be aware of the limitations of the PC version of Instagram. Although this option is quite sufficient for viewing subscriptions. If you have Windows 10, then you can try opening the social network as an application from the Windows Store.

    Special account blocking

    Each user has the right to voluntarily use the following service: “Temporarily block my account.” Similar actions are intended for various technical work when you need to hide a page from strangers. The service is activated from your account settings. It is displayed at the very bottom. There is no risk of data loss. After introducing a ban for several hours, some note that the ban disappeared:

    Violation of copyright content

    Try analyzing a series of your latest posts. Copyright may have been accidentally violated. Remove all photos containing logos, links to other resources, brands, etc. Also, publishing people without their consent may lead to restrictions from the management of the social network. Optimize your content as much as possible to meet Instagram's ever-changing requirements.

    Uninstalling an application

    Considering that Instagram is an application on your phone, errors cannot be ruled out. Uninstall the program from your smartphone. Next, download the application again from your manufacturer's store: App Store and Google Play. Also scan your phone for virus programs, Dr.Web, ESET, Kaspersky can help you. Don’t forget about the opportunity to get acquainted with solutions to various problems on the Instagram page in the SUPPORT section.

    Bottom line

    As a rule, restricting access by blocking “Action blocked. Please try again later” is given for regular likes and lasts a maximum of 24 hours. To begin with, it is still recommended to wait. A final solution that may be effective is to resubmit the access code via the “I think my account has been hacked” form, which is available here. Finally, some information on the “shadow ban”, which is actively being implemented in the network.