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  • What's the best way to design a business card? How to make a business card in Microsoft Word in different ways? Placing a business card on a sheet using Microsoft Word

    What's the best way to design a business card?  How to make a business card in Microsoft Word in different ways?  Placing a business card on a sheet using Microsoft Word

    Including not quite trivial ones, like for a regular text editor. In Word, you can not only work with documents, write scientific papers, articles or reports, but also, for example, create your own business card. Although nowadays they are not used as often as before, they are still convenient and have not completely outlived their usefulness. There are more advanced graphic editors that allow you to draw a card much better, but such programs are not cheap, and to work with them you need to have special knowledge. In Word you can make a pretty decent business card in a few minutes. In this article we will take a closer look at how to make a business card in Word. Let's figure it out. Go!

    You can perform many tasks in a text editor

    You need to start by setting page parameters. To do this, go to the Layout tab and set the margins to 1 cm or a little less. Next, you need to create a table. Open the “Insert” tab and create a 2x5 table, that is, 2 columns and 5 rows. The next step is to set the height and width settings for the card. The standard values ​​are 9 cm in width and 5 cm in height. You can ignore this by making your business card the size you want. Just keep in mind that all business card holders and special compartments in other accessories are designed for this format. Let's set the required values. Select the table and open its properties. Going to the “String” tab, check the “Height” checkbox and enter the height value (in our case it is 5 cm). Then, in the “Column” tab, check the “Width” checkbox and enter the appropriate number (for example, 9 cm). Don't forget to confirm the entered parameters.

    After that, in the same table properties window, click on the “Parameters” button. There you need to set the default margins of all cells to 0 cm. Next, remove unnecessary dividing lines, leaving only those along which you will cut business cards. You can make the borders light so that they are visible when you cut out the cards, but they will be much less noticeable on an already made business card. To do this, select "Borders and Shading" under "Format" and select "All" under "Type." Set any color, light tones. Set the width to a quarter centimeter.

    Now that the base is done, let's move on to the text. Enter your full name, company name, position and contacts that you consider necessary to indicate. The text should be readable, so you should not use sophisticated fonts that may make the letters difficult to recognize. Also remember to indent so that all the information is not located right next to the borders.

    After you have entered the text in the cell, you need to fill in all the others. This problem can be solved by simple copying. To speed up the process, triple-click on the cell with the text, placing the cursor on the last line, and hold down Ctrl, while holding down the key, you can drag the selected text into the cell, then select two, four, six, and so on. This approach will significantly speed up the process if you are going to print a large number of cards. Please note that you should use thick paper for printing. You should understand that it will not be possible to create a truly beautiful and serious business card in Word, and in this case it is better to contact a printing house.

    This is how you can easily and quickly make your own business card in Word. Write in the comments whether this article helped you and ask any questions you have about the topic discussed.

    What is a business card for?

    A business card provides the interlocutor with some information about you and your occupation; it is a necessary tool for a business person and an integral part of your image.

    Business cards are not only a beautiful attribute, but also a rule of good manners. Moreover, now it’s not at all difficult, as there are many convenient online services for creating business cards, for example,.

    Using business cards is convenient: share your contacts with other people without unnecessary steps.

    In addition to all of the above, a business card has advertising properties, it is understood that it should also have some effect on the recipient, so when creating it, it is worth considering every detail.

    Business cards are also an integral element of corporate identity.

    Functions of business cards

    Business cards serve to perform the following basic functions:

    Informative— the specified data on the business card provides some information about you and your activities: your name, position, contacts, so that a person can contact you or your office.

    Image- such a small piece of thick paper as a business card, depending on the design, be it cheerful or elegant, bulky or laconic design can say a lot about you not only as a person, but also as a businessman. A high-quality and tasteful business card creates a positive image of you or your company in the eyes of the recipient.

    Promotion function- most likely, a satisfied client will remember that he has your business card and will gladly, if necessary, pass on your contact information to his friends and comrades. A business card also helps spread your logo and slogan, making them more recognizable and memorable.

    Types of business cards

    In the modern business world, the following types are distinguished:

    Personal business cards You may need them during normal acquaintance and communication in friendly companies. Performed in a completely free style. Most often you will see a last name, first name, mobile phone or email address on them. Job title and company name are usually not indicated, but the person's area of ​​activity may be noted.

    Business cards an integral attribute of an entrepreneur, their presence is necessary to comply with the basic rules of business etiquette. They are given to potential partners and provide information about the owner. They indicate your first and last name, the name of the organization you represent, as well as contact information. In addition, it is generally accepted to place the company logo and a list of services offered on it. When making such a business card, do not forget to adhere to the corporate style.

    Corporate business cards Unlike business ones, they do not represent a specific person, but the company and the services it provides as a whole. During registration, they provide information about the company, field of activity, list of services provided, contact information, website address, and often include a location map.

    How to properly design a business card?

    When creating a business card, it is desirable that the design include the following elements:

    • company name and logo (in the case of corporate business cards);
    • name and position;
    • postal address, telephone number (possibly several);
    • E-mail address;
    • website address (URL).

    In addition, pay attention to the following requirements for business cards:

    1. An overabundance and clutter of information creates a negative impression of the cardholder, while a large amount of empty space on business cards in most cases creates the impression of neatness.

    2. Check the text seven times for errors. Handwritten corrections are not acceptable as they create a negative impression.

    3. Pay attention to whether the color scheme is RGB or CMYK. Color images on screen and on paper do not always look the same. RGB colors are used for display on the screen. The CMYK color scheme is used for typographic printing, so layout elements must be made in this color model.

    4. Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

    5. Standard sizes are 90x50 mm, less commonly used are 90x55 or 85x55 mm.

    6. Make sure there are indentations to avoid errors during cutting.

    7. If you create not only business cards, but also other printed materials, make sure that they are all in the same color.

    8. As your business contacts expand, you should think about creating a business card in a foreign language. If you do business in a specific region, it is worth making business cards in the local language. In addition, it is advisable to make business cards in English, which is the language of international business communication.

    How to create a business card?

    You can resort to several options for creating business cards. You can always order business cards from a designer or a printing agency.
    However, to create a business card, it is not necessary to resort to the services of printing salons. If you're wondering how to create a business card yourself, you have two options:

    1. Draw in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop, Inkscape.
    2. Use one of the many online editors and online generators, on whose websites you will find modern business card layouts. It's easy to add and edit personal information into the layouts.

    Having created business cards yourself, all you have to do is find a printing house and order printing.
    But here, too, modern services have gone far; with their help, in just a few clicks you can order printing of business cards and their delivery without leaving your home.

    Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

    The advantage of the Logaster service is the ability to create the above business cards in a matter of minutes. However, before you move on to creating a business card, you need to create your logo.

    Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a logo and then a business card.

    1. Select the “Create Logo” option, enter your company name or words that will be associated with your business. Below you can add a slogan that you want to convey to your customers. Below, select your area of ​​activity. Click the “Next” button.

    2. Choose a suitable logo. The choice of icon for your logo usually depends on your field of activity.

    3. Now you can edit the logo: choose the color, font. To cancel an action, there is a “Reset element” button at the bottom. If you are satisfied with the design, click on the “Next” button.

    4. If you like everything, then click on the “Save” button.

    5. After creating the logo, Logaster will generate a large number of business card layouts in the colors of your logo. To do this, go to the logo page and click on the triangle in the edit menu above the logo. Click "Create a business card with this logo." Choose your favorite design and save.

    6. Next, using the editing options, you need to enter personal data or data of your employee.

    A business card is an integral attribute of a business person’s life. With its help, it is convenient to establish social connections, conduct negotiations, conduct business, and store useful information about the people we need. Creating business cards is the prerogative of the respective companies and professional designers. But, nevertheless, you can use network services that will semi-automatically mount a high-quality business card online and then save it to your computer. Today I will share my experience in creating business cards online and describe free services that can help us with this.

    The vast majority of tools (including those that I will describe below) make it easy to make business cards online without the user having any special knowledge. The algorithm for working with these sites is as follows:

    Top 5 services that allow you to make a business card online and save it to your computer

    Let's look at the most popular services with which you can design a business card online. easy business card installation

    The international resource has a fairly wide range of tools for creating various graphic designs - business cards, logos, presentations, posters and other graphic and text templates, allowing you to easily create a business card online.

    To work with Canva, do the following: - online constructor

    The Belarusian service has a simple and convenient business card designer, and you can receive the result created with its help via e-mail. Entering the data for the business card, selecting the background and logo takes place on one large screen, the user just has to fill out all the data on the page, and then click on “Save” at the bottom.

    Instructions for using Jmi are presented below: - business card engine

    The service has absolutely similar functionality to the service I already mentioned. The business card creation window is divided into several main fields in which you can enter text data for your business card, background, upload an image, and select other settings.

    After setting the necessary settings, click on the yellow “Download PDF” button, enter the necessary parameters for the business card to be saved, and then save it to your PC. for those who want to make a business card with their own hands

    The service is a professional project with many features, including the availability of business card templates. It is equipped with a convenient Russian-language interface, as well as the ability to save the result to your PC for free.

    To work with Printmaker you need to follow these steps: is a powerful tool

    This simple and convenient English-language service offers free tools for creating business cards online for free.

    1. All you need to do is go to the resource and enter the text for your business card.
    2. Upload your business card logo using the “Upload Logo” button, click on “Preview” to view the result, and then on “Download” to save it to your computer in PDF format.


    After creating your unique business card, do not forget to save it to your computer. Among the services I have listed, I would highlight the service, which has a simple and friendly interface that allows you to mount a business card of a fairly good level. Use the functionality of the services I have listed for quick and free results.

    In contact with

    There is a paging file on every computer, regardless of the amount of RAM you have installed. You can find it either on the system partition of the disk (most often this is C:), or on another partition if you transferred it. It's called pagefile.sys.

    In the Group Policy Editor

    Those users who have the Professional version of Windows installed can clear virtual memory through "Local Group Policy Editor". To open the desired window, press the Win+R key combination and type gpedit.msc in the “Open” field. Click "OK".

    Then in the tree on the left, open one by one: "Computer Configuration""Windows Configuration""Security Options""Local Politicians""Security Options". Further in the list of parameters, find: "Shutdown: Clearing the virtual memory page file", this is if you have Windows 7, 8 or 10 installed. On Windows XP it will be called: "Shutdown: Clearing the virtual memory page file". Double-click on it with the mouse.

    The Properties window will open. While in it on the first tab, put a checkmark in the “Enabled” field and click “Apply” - “OK”.

    Now the paging file will be cleared after each computer shutdown. All data in it will be overwritten with zeros. You should also take into account that the process of turning off the PC itself will take longer.

    Using Registry Editor

    If you have Home Windows installed and you cannot enter group policies, or you just like to do everything through the registry, then open the “Run” window – Win + R, and write regedit in the field. Click "OK".

    Then follow the path that is outlined in the screenshot below with a rectangle. As a result, you should be in the "Memory Management" folder. Find the “ClearPageFileAtShutdown” parameter in the list and double-click on it.

    A window will open to change it. Enter the number “1” in the “Value” line and save.

    Those who do not have the required parameter will have to create it manually. You should still be in the same “Memory Management” folder. Right-click in an empty area of ​​the window and select “New” - "DWORD value (32 bits)".

    Then you need to give it the required name. Then double-click on it to open the “Change...” window. Enter “Value” – “1” and save.

    Finally, I would like to show you one more trick with this file. And so, we already know that data that does not fit in the computer’s RAM is dumped onto the hard drive into the paging file. And if this memory is large enough, then you can prohibit saving data on disk.

    This is done as follows. Follow the same path (1) to the desired folder (2). Look in the list for a parameter called “DisablePagingExecutive” (3). Click on it and change the value to “1” (4). Click “OK” (5).

    If you want to return everything back, then either put the marker in the “Disabled” position, or change the parameter value to “0”.

    The described methods are suitable for a computer with the operating system Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10. Choose one of them and you can rest assured that when you turn off the computer, the page file will be cleared and all data stored in it will be overwritten.

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    Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

      Very often, any, especially a young organization engaged in any kind of business, needs to make itself known and thereby expand the range of clients. To do this, you can use the Internet, conduct activities on social networks, or use the old proven method - distributing business cards. The latter option does not involve financial costs, so in our step-by-step instructions today we will talk about how to make a business card on your computer for free.

      There are several options to implement the task. We will look at them sequentially. Which method to choose is a purely personal prerogative of each of you. At the very end of this page, our author will only express his opinion and say what he would use.

      Working with Microsoft Word

      The first option for creating business cards yourself on a PC involves using Microsoft Word. The method made it to the top of our list only because it is capable of giving any, even professional, result. In addition, Word is available on almost every computer. So let's get started:

      1. Launch our Word and create a new document. After that, go to the “Insert” tab and click on “Drawings”.

      1. We select a picture that will become the background of our business card in Windows Explorer. You can download the image from the Internet using Yandex or Google search.

      1. Next, right-click on our image and select “Size and Position” in the context menu.

      1. Switching to the “Size” tab, indicate the height and width of our card in centimeters. Then click on “OK”.

      1. Activate the “Insert” tab again and select “Text” in the corresponding field. In the new drop-down menu, click on “WordArt”. Next we will need to select a text design template.

      1. Now we enter the inscription that we want to add to our card, move it to the desired place and press Enter.

      1. Go to the same tab, select “Text” and “WordArt”. Next, click on some other type of inscription.

      1. The size of the entered text can be changed using the item indicated in the screenshot. Before this, accordingly, the inscription must be highlighted.

      1. In the same way we enter the remaining parts of our business card.

      1. We scale the text blocks as needed and put them in their place.

      1. After this, we can configure the color of the created inscriptions; to do this, select them and click on the button indicated by the number “1”. Select the desired shade from the drop-down menu.

      1. On the same panel you can change various styles of our WordArt text. For example, let's create a reflection.

      1. As you can see, the phone number has become more beautiful and has a reflection.

      1. Here you can assign the backlight by choosing the style you like.

      1. To save or print our beautiful result yourself, click the “File” button.

      1. Then click on “Save As” and select the path to write the file.

      1. In the Explorer window that opens, all we have to do is select the file type.

      Done, so easy you managed to make a business card yourself right on your home computer. About the same thing can be done in Open Office. Moreover, the most sophisticated users manage to implement the same thing even in Excel.

      Online services

      You can make a business card yourself on any home computer or laptop using one of the online services. We will look at a site called “Free Business Cards” and use its example to show how such resources work.

      In addition to this site, there are many other online services that provide slightly poorer functionality.

      1. The first thing you need to do is go to the home page of our tool. Here you will see a ready-made template, which we will customize. First choose an overall design. In it you can:
        1. select text color;
        2. specify left or right alignment;
        3. choose a font;
        4. insert grid;
        5. change one of the design templates.

      1. As a result of some adjustments, our text will be transformed and become more readable and attractive.

      1. But as you can see, the text does not fit into the frame very clearly. Let's position it as needed by moving the vertical and horizontal sliders.

      1. A separate “Text Design” block allows you to apply one of three ready-made styles, which we do not recommend using.

      1. Next, select one of the available sizes of our business card.

      1. Let's move on to editing the image. The designated block allows you to change the background color, select one of the template images, or delete them.

      1. After clicking on the fill button, you will see a color palette from which you can select the desired shade.

      1. The image selection button opens a separate window with backgrounds for the business card. They are all sorted into categories, which makes searching much easier.

      1. Select one of the categories so that your pictures fit the theme. In our case it is IT.

      1. It is also possible to use a keyword by which you can sort background images much more accurately.

      1. If necessary, you can choose your own image, which will become the background of the business card that you have to make yourself.

      1. By clicking on the button, click on the file selection button.

      1. Select a picture from your PC.

      1. As a result, our image will be displayed in its place. Using the grip buttons, you need to arrange its correct position.

      1. You also have the opportunity to use one of the additional functions:
        1. opening a catalog of thematic emblems;
        2. deleting an image;
        3. increase or decrease in size;
        4. turn or turn;
        5. QR or barcode generation;
        6. adding a map with location.

      1. If desired, you can add a second picture.

      1. The next block allows you to flexibly configure the selected line of text. This makes it possible to diversify what is written and make it catchy and memorable. The following functions are present:
        1. bold text, italics, color and underlining;
        2. alignment;
        3. size;
        4. font and special characters;
        5. inserting the second part of the email;
        6. text distribution.

      1. Next, we need to enter all the data in the designated block.

      1. In the end, all that remains is to download the finished business card. To do this, click the marked button.

      1. Check the license acceptance box and click on the business card download button.

      1. As a result, we get ready-made business cards that can be immediately printed.

      Since this tool is completely free, resource owners add their own copyright, which can be easily removed in any graphic editor.

      Adobe Photoshop

      Let's consider the second option, which will help you create a business card yourself in Photoshop for free, while it provides much more opportunities than any online service. So, let's get started with the product from Adobe.

      1. First, open a pre-prepared background image. The easiest way to do this is to use the "File" menu.

      1. Select our image and click “Open”.

      1. Our business card will represent a company that sells chickens. Select a tool to add text.

      1. We stretch the frame, which will become a text field.

      1. We write the first line of our business card and set the font size so that the inscription fits exactly in the frame.

      1. Here you can also specify the font that we like best. In this case, the style changes in real time.

      It is important to use different shades for all text fields, this will add variety to your design.

      1. By clicking the button indicated in the screenshot, select the color of what is written. To do this, first set the hue, then drag the label to achieve the desired color.

      1. Our text has adopted the desired font and color, however, it seems to blend into the background. If you need to fix this, click on the launch layers link.

      1. Right-click on our text layer and select “Overlay Options” from the context menu.

      1. In the window that opens, select “Stroke”, then set its thickness and specify the color.

      1. Let's also add a shadow. To do this, select the desired section in the left part of the window and set the angle of incidence of the light. After this, you need to adjust the text offset and blur. When all the settings have been made, click “OK”.

      Note: When you adjust the stroke and shadow, all changes are immediately reflected in your picture. Watch it and move the sliders based on what you see.

      1. As you can see, the text stands out better and is much clearer.

      1. Next, we proceed to adding a second side with text. To do this, click on the button of the already familiar tool and enter our text. Click the settings button (marked with the number “3”) and set the parameters as you like.

      1. We also adjust the color by clicking on the button to open the palette. Select the desired shade and click “OK”.

      1. Click on the “Layers” button again.

      1. Right-click on the layer with the second inscription and select the marked item from the list that appears.

      1. Go to the stroke section, click on the color button, select it, click on “OK”, set the stroke thickness and save the changes.

      1. We do the same with the shadow; the algorithm for adding it is shown in the picture below.

      1. The intermediate result is in front of you, it already looks better. All that remains is to add our contact phone number.

      Using these tools, you can independently create a business card of any level on your PC completely free of charge. Moreover, this option is limited only by your imagination and can become truly professional.

      1. Launch the text tool, write what you need, add color, select a font, set a stroke and shadow. As a result, depending on the settings you make, you will get something like this.

      1. You can also add some small picture to diversify our business card.

      1. We need to adjust the size of the business card. To do this, press the Ctrl + Alt + I buttons and enter the desired value, indicating the units of measurement in centimeters.

      1. Now you need to save the result. To do this, click the “File” menu and select either save or print the business card. For variety, we will choose the second option.

      1. We adjust the position of the image and start printing.

      As a result, the program will place our results on A4 sheet. This was the intended goal.

      Instead of Photoshop, it is quite convenient to use CorelDraw, Illustrator, GIMP, Publisher or Paint. It all depends on which program you are familiar with best.

      Thus, it is very easy to create an Internet business card of any degree of complexity directly on your computer by installing Photoshop on it. As you work, you will get better and better.

      Business Card Master program

      There is another convenient option with which you can very easily make a business card on your computer at home. It involves installing and using a program specially tailored for these purposes. Let's see how it works:

      1. Download the application from its official website and install it. Then launch the software and select the operating mode. We can draw a business card from scratch or use an existing layout. Let's resort to the second option.

      1. In the left half of the window, select one of the categories that most suits our topic. On the right side of the program, click on the option you like.

      1. The next step is to customize our business card, it includes:
        1. add and customize text;
        2. insert any shape or image;
        3. add a travel map;
        4. customize size;
        5. generate QR code.

      Attention: if you want a run-of-the-mill business card that no one is going to pay attention to, choose a simple template, change the signatures and print the result. If you need to put together a serious thing for a big task, devote an hour, or better yet 2, to setting it up; in the future it will definitely bear fruit.

      1. When everything is ready, you can print the result or save it as a picture (if you need to make an electronic business card). In the print preparation window, we can adjust the placement of images in such a way as to fit as many of them as possible onto one sheet. This will simply save paper.

      1. The last stage of our enterprise will be the launch of printing.

      In our case, the final set of business cards looked like this:

      All that remains is to reproduce and cut out the fragments, then distribute them among those who wish.

      By the way, the program allows you to work with double-sided printing, which, as you know, no normal business card can do without.

      Video instruction

      We suggest that you consolidate all the material received above by watching a training video in which the author covers the topic raised in detail.

      What to choose?

      So, now you know how to write a business card yourself on a computer or laptop, and completely free of charge. All that remains is to understand which method to use is most beneficial for you. You will find all the answers in the list below:

      • Online service. Allows you to quickly sketch out a business card and not do it very well. Suitable for those people who need to quickly get results without being particularly professional.
      • Working with Word. It gives a result of more acceptable quality, which often requires a larger investment of time. However, if you need a high-quality business card, you will have to resort to using a product from Microsoft.
      • Business Card Master program. It has a more functional set of tools than the same online constructors, but does not reach professional solutions. It will be useful for those of you who are not satisfied with the dubious quality and the prospect of cutting off watermarks.
      • Adobe Photoshop. A completely professional solution that allows you to quickly and competently make an entry-level business card or create a product of the highest quality in a professional style with your own hands.

      Based on this, evaluate the requirements of your business and choose the appropriate method.