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  • How to disable Windows 7 activation notification. How to activate Windows 7 so that activation never fails

    How to disable Windows 7 activation notification. How to activate Windows 7 so that activation never fails

    Hello dear readers. Do you know how to properly activate licensed Windows? Say what you know, hmm, I thought so too, but somehow I came across a laptop on which, after installing the new Windows 8, I was going to activate it using the key, but to my surprise I couldn’t do it. To be more precise, after clicking on the “Activate Windows” button, instead of a request to enter a key, strange errors appeared, such as this: “DNS name not specified.”

    Over time, of course, I figured out what was going on, it turned out that during the installation of the system some strange key was picked up, which at the time of activation was simply not recognized by the system. This problem could only be resolved by deleting the old activation key, and of course, installing the working key that came with the laptop. Therefore, I decided to write an article using my personal example of how I managed to remove the old activation key and activate Windows from scratch.

    So, I had a laptop with a pre-installed operating system and, of course, a key that was embedded in the BIOS. and I configured it using the . Then, I opened the computer properties and immediately clicked on the “ Activate Windows».

    The activation process began immediately, I was even surprised why the system didn’t even prompt me to enter the key. Well, okay, I thought, perhaps the computer automatically supplied the required activation key. But literally a moment later an error appeared, which I wrote about just above. All subsequent attempts to activate Windows were unchanged, except that the error code changed.

    Well, I thought and tried to find a field in which I could indicate the key that I got from the BIOS, but instead some incomprehensible key was already indicated everywhere. I could only see a few characters, but this was enough to understand that this code did not match what I had prepared. Thinking that there was some kind of confusion with the activation keys, I decided to delete the old key and re-enter the new one.

    In general, after I deleted the old activation key and re-entered the one I prepared, everything worked out for me. First I saw the word “Success!!!”, and then that Windows activation was completed.

    So if you find yourself in a similar situation and need to know how to remove old activation key, then just below you can find a simple and understandable guide on how to do this.

    Removing the old activation key

    To remove the old activation key in Windows 8, as with many other system settings, we will need the command line, or rather, there we will just have to run a few commands.

    So, let's start by launching the command line, of course with administrator rights, otherwise when performing further steps you may not succeed.

    Okay, the command line is running, now in the window that appears we write the following command:


    and of course click “ Enter».

    A window should appear notifying you that the key was successfully deleted.

    That's all, in general, everything is much simpler than it seemed. This way we will be able to delete the old activation key.

    After this, you can easily specify a new key and activate Windows.

    You can do this in the Windows 8 menu or enter two more commands in CMD:

    slmgr.vbs –ato

    This way we will enter a new key and start activating the system.

    Greetings, dear readers.

    The seventh version of the operating system from Microsoft is one of the most popular today. Even though the developer has already stopped supporting it. At the same time, like any product of the IT giant, this one must undergo a special verification procedure. Afterwards, users receive full functionality. In addition, there is no annoying window prompting you to constantly register the system. Special software is used for this. But sometimes situations occur when users need to install a new version of a program, but the presence of the old one does not allow them to do what they planned. Later in the article I will tell you how to remove the Windows 7 activator, and also touch on some related issues.


    There are several main reasons why users might want to use new software. For example, sometimes the activation period ends and its extension is required. But the old application for some reason does not want to do this. As a result, users can delete it and use a new one.

    But the very reason is still the release of a special update by the corporation. Thus, the KB 971033 addition closed the possibility of using an existing activator, be it Loader XE or the same Removewat. At the same time, to install a new one, you need to say goodbye to the old one, which is not always possible.

    The easiest way

    Regardless of what operating system bit size is used - x64 or 32, the procedure will be the same:

    After this, we reboot and check the functionality of another activator, for example, Loader Extreme Edition .

    Through the Administration panel

    If the previous method did not help for some reason, we try another one. So, if you suddenly see a message on your desktop that says “your copy is not genuine,” we go through a series of movements:

    Then we reboot the device, download a new program and try it. All of the above can be done both in the Maximum version and in the Home version.

    You decided to install Windows 7 and used one of the many pirated builds. However, when the system boots, a window constantly appears stating that your copy of Windows is not registered, and you need to go through the activation procedure. A reasonable question arises: how to remove activation of Windows 7? There are two ways to get rid of the annoying message, which will be described in detail below.

    Disable notification

    Restart your computer and log into Safe Mode.

    Open the Start menu and click the Run button. Type "regedit" and click OK.

    Open the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→SOFTWARE→Microsoft→WindowsNT→Current Version→WPAEvent. Find the "OOBETimer" parameter and change its value to "FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD".

    Be sure to save your changes and restart your computer. The notification about the need to activate Windows will no longer appear.

    Removing the activator

    If you know how to remove Windows XP authentication, you should be aware that a specific update is responsible for this security feature. In the case of Windows 7, the situation is absolutely identical: you need to remove the “KB971033” update from the system in order to remove the built-in activator.

    If you have already tried to remove old Windows 7 updates, you can easily cope with the activator. Let's refresh our memory a little:

    The next step is to disable the protection service and remove the old activator.

    Files may be hidden. Make them visible using the Folder Options section of the Tools menu.

    Be sure to restart your computer - the old activator will no longer be on it.

    However, remember: if you do not register the system, you will not be able to update it; Some Windows functions will also be unavailable. Therefore, it is better to download the universal activator or use the “crack”, which should be in the archive with any build of Windows.

    If you use a pirated copy or forgot to activate it after installing Windows, you know that every time you start the OS a sign appears " ActivationWindows" (in Windows 7 - "Your copy of Windows is not genuine"). By the way, the non-activated "ten" is functionally no different from the activated one, except for the blocked personalization settings and the "reminder" (water mark) in the lower right part of the screen. then the Universal Watermark Disabler utility has long stopped removing the inscription " Windows activation“Forever, after rebooting the system, the “stamp” is visualized again. How to remove the annoying watermark in Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7? This is what we will discuss in our meeting today.

    Why does the "Windows Activation" message appear? "?

    As I already said, the main reason for the appearance of a watermark is the illegitimacy of the installed copy (it flew off activationWindows). Regarding the “ten”, a year ago it was possible to join the Windows Insider program with a non-activated OS, and the reminder message disappeared (however, personalization did not function). Further, users who upgraded from Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10 for free or purchased an update in the Windows Store, as well as insiders, receive activation without the need to enter a license key (activation key, product key), by linking the license to the equipment. This is the so-called digital permission or digital license. digital entitlement").

    The fact is that the "tens" license is now tied to your Microsoft account. Redmond made this decision the year before last (from a current news article): " ZDNet portal experts conducted their own research and found that when upgrading to Windows 10, a device identifier is created, which is unique and based on the license key of the operating system copy, as well as the combination of components. If you install this copy of Windows again on the same device, it will be activated automatically. Experts note that if you add an additional hard drive to the system or change a video card, the “ten” will not perceive the computer as new and will receive the status of licensed software. Difficulties may arise when replacing the motherboard, which is considered a key component of the device. In this case, you will have to activate by phone".

    How to disable activation in Windows 10/8/7

    • To 100% remove the annoying reminder, we will use the system registry editor. So, use the hotkey combination " " to open the "Run" command window, type regedit and press " OK" → in the editor, expand the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft \Windows NT \CurrentVersion \SoftwareProtectionPlatform \Activation .

    • Selecting the section " Activation ", in the right half of the window, right-click on the parameter " Manual "→ next," Change" → change the value from "0" to " 1 " → "OK" and restart your desktop (laptop).

    Removing the activation window (sign)Windows viaREG file

    This method is useful for experienced and lazy users, because... For beginners, I would recommend improving their computer literacy by mastering the method above. In general, to automate the process of getting rid of the “stigma” on the face of Windows, I suggest downloading from my Yandex.Disk an archive with the corresponding REG-file. It’s just a matter of little things: after unzipping the file, double-click on it → in the window that appears, answer the question “Do you really want to continue?” answer with " Yes" → when a panel appears notifying you that changes to the registry have been successfully made, click " OK".

    Finally, to make sure everything was done correctly, reboot the system.


    REG-files – text files for quickly changing Windows registry data, convenient for setting up, transferring and restoring program configurations.

    Dmitriy dmitry_spb Evdokimov

    Few people know, but after you have purchased and activated a license for Windows 7, the system no longer needs this key. It is needed only once - upon activation. The system does not check it further. And the most interesting thing is that this key is written to the registry, and this is already dangerous. Ask why? Yes, because if an attacker gets into your system, he can easily copy this key for himself and then use it for his own purposes. For example, create pirated assemblies with this key or activate it for yourself. This will subsequently lead to the fact that this key will be blacklisted and you will not be able to receive updates and will receive all the “delights” of non-licensed Windows.
    Therefore, for security and protection purposes, those in the know usually delete the activation key.

    How to remove a Windows 7 activation license key from the registry.

    The most interesting thing is that we will not work with you.

    1) Start Menu - Run () or keyboard shortcut Win + R and enter slui

    2) In response, the key license verification service will open. If you do not have activated Windows, the window will look like this:

    If there is activation, the window will look like this:

    Of course, if it’s not activated, we activate it and buy it. If activated, read on.

    3) Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> (or Win + R enter cmd) and enter the command in it slmgr-cpky and press Enter

    If everything worked, a message will appear The product key was successfully removed from the registry

    If it didn't work out

    then try running the command prompt as an administrator and repeat the command. How to do this - see the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

    RMB on the command line shortcut and select from the menu Run as administrator

    Activation will not be lost due to these actions. You can check in Computer Properties then or reboot and check again. The activation key for Windows 7 was deleted, but the activation remained.