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  • How to reset your tablet to factory settings. Reset Hard Reset settings on Lenovo What happens if you return the tablet to factory settings

    How to reset your tablet to factory settings.  Reset Hard Reset settings on Lenovo What happens if you return the tablet to factory settings

    Various things can happen to an Android smartphone: you installed the wrong program - a software conflict occurred, downloaded the wrong file - a virus disabled access to the system. Even newly purchased devices can experience various glitches and problems.

    Currently, there are several ways to reset your tablet back to factory settings. Each of them has its own subtleties on different devices, so I will try to cover them in as much detail as possible. This means that my advice will be suitable not only, for example, for Lenovo (Lenovo) and Asus (ASUS), but also for devices from other manufacturers. I will try to clarify every nuance in the text.

    Recover lost data after reset

    I would like to say a few more words about backups. I notice that many people do not know about this feature and can thoughtlessly do a Hard Reset of Lenovo or a gadget from another manufacturer, and then wonder: “Where is the button to log into my favorite messenger? What to do with deleted files?

    By resetting the settings on the tablet, you confirm the deletion of absolutely ALL files on the internal memory, applications, pictures, videos, system settings, and return the device to its original form. Only files previously transferred to the SD card will be saved.

    If you want to save your data, before restoring factory settings, take a moment to back it up to a third-party service.

    Or you can use backup programs: Titanium Backup or Nandroid backup. To use them you will need root rights. If you are deciding how to reset a gadget to factory settings because the device does not turn on, Hard Reset via Recovery will help - a special mode for working with the system. In it we can both format the tablet and make a backup in order to then restore the data after resetting it - I’ll write about this below.

    This is perhaps the simplest method, so I will describe it first. If your touch screen works and you have access to settings, resetting will be easy:

    1. Go to Settings;
    2. Look for the "Backup and Reset" item. It may be called differently on different versions of the operating system, so look for something similar;
    3. Scroll down, look for “Reset” and in the warning window confirm that we want to reset the device to factory settings;
    4. On some systems you will have to confirm again;
    5. Wait, the gadget must reset itself, after which it will reboot.

    Recovery mode

    The settings on the tablet will help you reset the Recovery mode - you can make a backup in it and restart the gadget if you are not able to start it normally and perform the steps described in the instructions above without going to Settings.

    Before you perform a factory reset, it's worth taking a little time to back up your device files.

    Of course, if you don’t care about such an aspect as saving data, calmly skip this step and read how to delete everything from the gadget and return the tablet to its original state. But I think most will be interested in how to make a backup before cleaning the tablet.

    We enter the mode using sequential steps: first turn off the device, put it on charge (it will take some time to create a backup copy, and therefore your device will not be able to do anything without a battery charge. Leave at least 50% of the battery). Now you can safely format the internal memory.

    Next you will need to enable recovery, and this is done differently on different models. For example, when I still had a Lenovo tablet, the second option listed below helped fix this problem. Therefore, try different combinations of standard keys:

    • Power button and volume + (press and hold the buttons for a few seconds)
    • Power button and volume -
    • Three keys together
    • Volume+ or -, power button and Home

    After these steps, a kind of bios should start, in which you can switch between items only using the standard volume down and up keys, and select an item using the unlock button.

    Backup using the Recovery functionality

    For backup, you need to find and select Backup and restore. It may be called differently on different models, so just look for something similar. Next, select Backup (may require confirmation) and wait until the backup is completed. To later return files deleted from the gadget, select Restore in Backup and restore.

    Formatting memory in Recovery

    In order to format the device, look for the Wipe data/Factory reset item and click on it. Next, look for Delete all data or something similar (Delete user data). Next comes a window confirming that the device will be cleared of files (Yes). Then you will need to confirm again.

    Now wait - the device will clean itself and return the memory state to the one it was in at the very beginning of use. After all this, select the Reboot System Now item to restart the gadget. If you made a backup, you can return it through the item in Recovery mode (described above).


    Well, I’ve told you the easiest ways to clear the tablet’s memory and return it to its factory state. It is very difficult to describe everything in one article, so if you know other methods, write about them in the comments to the article. Also, if you still have any questions about one of the methods, write - I will try to answer everything.

    Video instruction

    Tablets running Android OS have many advantages, the main one being the relative cheapness of the device. But for all inexpensive devices on Android, there comes a time when your fast and productive gadget begins to slow down terribly, lag and freeze (freeze is a delay in drawing frames in a game or system). Replacing the tablet with a new one does not seem like the best solution, because not so long ago it worked as it should. Then you can return the gadget to factory settings or reset the settings - this will certainly help breathe life into your device. In this article, we will show you how to do a Hard Reset on an Android tablet using detailed instructions and various methods.

    Why roll back settings?

    The main reason why users delete all their settings and applications from the device is its insufficient operating speed. Overloaded with various programs, games, sometimes even viruses picked up on the Internet with a pirated game or program, the gadget can no longer cope with everyday tasks and begins to infuriate with its slowness! In such a situation, Hard Reset will really help restore the gadget to its former performance.

    Incorrectly installed custom (unofficial) firmware can also be a reason to completely wipe your Android tablet. However, in this case, a hard reset will not be enough: you will also need to install the official service firmware to get the tablet in order. But it's a little more complicated

    Errors caused by obtaining root rights (this is the name for access to the root file system of the device, which allows you to change a large number of settings) or incorrect use of applications that require these same root rights. It is worth noting that after a hard reset, your root rights will be lost and, if necessary, you will need to obtain them again.

    Reset via settings menu

    Let's start with the simplest method - resetting the settings in the settings menu. This method is suitable for those who want to remove absolutely all installed applications, all files, all accounts and everything from their tablet. If you didn’t install unofficial firmware (if you don’t know what it is, then you definitely didn’t install it), then you will receive the tablet in the same condition as when you purchased it. Therefore, before cleaning your gadget, download all the necessary files to your computer or to the cloud. It is also worth noting that for this operation the device must be at least half charged.

    Let's look at this operation step by step:

    1. To get started, go to settings, click on “Backup and reset”.
    2. Here we are interested in “Reset settings”. You will be reminded that if you perform a factory reset, you will lose all data stored on this tablet.
    3. If you are sure that you are ready to reset, press the “Reset settings” button (or something similar, for some reason the inscription changes from tablet to tablet).
    4. A robot will appear in which gears or some geometric shapes are spinning, reminiscent of the atomic structure of some substances.
    5. After 5-10 minutes the tablet will boot itself.

    Attention! Before performing this operation, be sure to copy all important data from the device, otherwise it will be quite difficult to restore it.

    Reset via service code

    If for some reason the settings menu does not appear, you can do a Hard Reset by entering a special service code in the “Phone” application where you usually dial the phone number of the called party (if you have such an application on your tablet) . Here's the code itself: *2767*3855# . Be careful because... no warning will pop up before recovery. Further processes occurring with the tablet are similar to those described in the first method.

    In recovery mode, you can apply various updates or restore the device’s functionality at the software level. This method can be used if the tablet does not turn on. Make sure your gadget is charged. If it was turned on, turn it off. To get into recovery mode, follow the instructions for your model:

    • SAMSUNG: On a Samsung tablet, hold the Volume Up, Power and Home buttons until they vibrate slightly;
    • LENOVO: on a Lenovo tablet, you need to simultaneously hold down both volume buttons and hold them down for a few seconds, then release them and press the volume down key once;
    • SONY: Hold the Volume Up and Power buttons until the screen turns on. After that, stop holding the Power button and start holding both Volume keys;
    • HUAWEI: Hold the Volume Down and Power keys for about ten seconds;
    • PRESTIGIO: on the Prestigio tablet, in order to start the recovery, you need to hold the volume up and power keys.

    After entering the menu in any of the presented manufacturers, using the volume buttons or the screen touch, select Wipe – Wipe data/Factory reset t (selection is made either by pressing the screen, or the power button, or the home button). The tablet will do everything itself and reboot.

    Reset using a computer

    If your tablet does not have volume buttons, you can reset it through your computer. This is done by programs produced by the manufacturer of your tablet. There is no point in describing the recovery process in this way, because... Each program must have its own instructions. You can find the required program and manual for it on the Internet on the manufacturer’s website. All you need is a USB cable from the gadget box to connect it to your PC, drivers downloaded in advance, and some free space on the hard drive of your computer or laptop.


    We hope you have figured out what is needed to do a Hard Reset on your Android tablet and now your gadget will get rid of all performance problems, all viruses, advertising banners and other nastiness. If this operation did not help you, you can always read our article about flashing your device by clicking on the link

    This question may seem too trivial to some, but many people really don’t know how to reset a tablet to factory settings. This article is relevant for the reason that we too often in our instructions recommend users to do a Hard Reset to solve this or that problem. During the rollback, all installed applications will be deleted, contacts from the address book will be erased (applies only to those stored in the device’s memory) and accounts. However, the memory card and everything on it will not be affected. After the reset, the gadget will return to the state it was in when purchased. And if there are good instructions, there is nothing complicated in this process.

    How to reset your tablet to factory settings

    Let's start with a more complex method, which almost always works. Even if your tablet does not load beyond the manufacturer's logo. Or, for example, you forgot your graphic key.

    Why is it better than the standard reset method through the Settings menu? As mentioned above, this option can solve the problem with the graphic key and sometimes helps bring the device back to life. To do this you need to do the following:

    Reset via settings

    If your device starts up, but from time to time it slows down and freezes, a reset built into the system will help solve the problem:

    Reset via dialer

    Here everything is even simpler - just dial the combination “*2767*3855#” in the built-in dialer and the reset will take place automatically immediately after confirmation by pressing the “OK” button. This is the same Hard Reset, only it is done not through “Settings”, but using a dialer.

    Modern man has become incredibly dependent on many gadgets, including the tablet. This is not at all surprising, since the tablet can store useful and important information that should always be at hand. However, sometimes, after unsuccessful updates, downloading incomprehensible applications, incorrect settings, Android refuses to work and there is an urgent need to reset the settings without harming the gadget. In this case, it is appropriate to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists on how to reset the tablet to factory settings.

    If you perform a factory reset, important information may be lost

    Resetting the tablet to factory settings is also appropriate if the tablet works without a single glitch, but the owner decided to sell it. Of course, no one wants personal information to become the property of strangers.

    Current reasons

    Resetting settings on an Android tablet erases absolutely all information that is on the device. The owner, after the manipulations have been carried out, will receive a tablet that will be in the same pristine condition as it was on the first day of its purchase.

    Such a reset to factory settings is useful when Android refuses to work due to carelessly carried out settings or a poor-quality update. A reset allows you to breathe new life into your favorite tablet.

    In particular, the reason for the incorrect operation of Android and frequent freezing due to multiple errors was the Android 5.0 Lollipop update, which mercilessly consumes the device’s memory and leads to completely unstable operation. Thousands of users managed to restore stability to Android only after they managed to reset all incorrect settings.

    When Android refuses to display SIM cards, you also have to think about actions to reset the settings.

    Resetting the settings and returning them to factory settings is also relevant when the tablet does not recognize the flash drive or incorrectly displays information about the battery charge.

    If the main goal is to sell the tablet, then you can safely begin carrying out such manipulations. If you plan to continue using the gadget, then it is important for the owner to save the information stored on this tablet.

    In this regard, before resetting the settings on your Android tablet, it is important to carry out a backup, which allows you to subsequently restore all information and ensure further comfortable use of the gadget.

    Recovery options

    Android provides several options for resetting settings, including hard and soft reset. The owner himself must figure out how to reset the settings on the tablet, which method will be preferable for him.

    Soft Reset

    A soft reset is a simple reboot of the device, which can be done in several ways.

    A soft reset can be achieved by holding down several keys at the same time. The combination of such keys may differ depending on the Android model.

    Soft Reset can also be launched through the user menu. Some manufacturers have equipped gadgets with special buttons located on the Android body, by clicking on which you can successfully launch Soft Reset.

    Finally, Android will once again display a clarifying menu, after clicking the “Erase everything” button, a process will start that restores the factory assembly. This process will take a short period of time, on average from two to five minutes, after which Android will reboot and be ready for use. Perhaps, at the time of the first launch after a Hard Reset, the English language will be automatically set, then the user should enter the menu and independently set the required default language.

    The second Hard Reset method is suitable for those users whose Android refuses to boot. A Hard Reset, carried out from the “Recovery menu,” can help restore the normal operation of the gadget. To get into it, you need to turn off the gadget, then you need to press a certain key combination (for each specific model, the combination may differ, so you should find it on the Internet by specifying the gadget model in a search engine).

    For most models, press the device's power button and volume button simultaneously. The press should not be short-term, but with a slight hold. Next, press the volume down button and hold it until the Recovery menu appears, allowing you to restore the factory state.

    In recovery mode, you should restart Android, press the power button and volume button again, and then go to the “Wipe data/factory reset” submenu.

    It should be noted that in the Recovery menu mode, touch control of the gadget is not available, so you can only move from one submenu to the next using the volume button.

    Having received an affirmative answer to the request “Yes, delete all user data,” the tablet will begin completely deleting all existing information and installed applications, after which the device will no longer contain user data, previously installed software and updates.

    Knowing how to restore the correct functionality of a gadget, you should not resort to Hard Reset too often. It is carried out only in the most exceptional cases. It’s even better to install applications and updates that are trusted by most users and recommended by experts. In this case, the device will delight you with flawless operation, and there will be no need to return to the factory state.

    The need to restore factory settings (Hard Reset) on a tablet may arise in many cases: if the user has forgotten the login password or pattern, if the device’s operating system frequently malfunctions, if it is necessary to sell the device after first deleting all user information, etc. P. The Hard Reset procedure is slightly different for different OSes. Therefore, let's look at how to reset the settings to factory settings on a tablet running Android and iOS.

    Hard Reset for Android OS

    There are several ways to restore the initial settings on a tablet with the Android system installed:

    • through the standard gadget menu;
    • through special digital-symbol combinations;
    • via Recovery (recovery environment).

    Whatever recovery method you choose, it will lead to the removal of all user data from the device: installed applications with all settings, phone book, messages, notes, etc. In this case, the files located on the built-in memory card will remain intact.

    Therefore, before resetting the settings, you should take care of the safety of important information, if, of course, the condition of the tablet allows this.

    Personal files located in the phone’s memory simply need to be transferred to an SD card or, for greater security, saved on a computer. With applications and other user information, things are different. To copy them, you will need to download special software (MyPhoneExplorer, MobILedit, TWRP Recovery, etc.).

    Restoring factory settings via the standard menu

    This method of resuscitation is the easiest to implement. However, it can only be used in cases where the tablet turns on and the user has not forgotten the login password, that is, it is possible to enter the gadget menu.

    To reset Android OS to factory settings, you need to:

    Some manufacturers of tablets and mobile phones require superuser rights (root access) to activate the reset. This allows you to protect your device from accidental deletion of system data.

    Using digital-character combinations

    In any OS, including Android, you can restore default settings through special combinations that are entered using the numeric keypad. This method is suitable if the user has forgotten the login password (pattern).

    The resuscitation procedure will be as follows:

    1. Turn on the tablet and open the numeric keypad.
    2. We dial one of the following combinations: *#*#7378423#*#*, *2767*3855#, *#*#7780#*#.

    After completing these steps, the gadget will automatically reset to standard settings.

    Using the Recovery program

    Recovery is a utility built into the OS that allows you to reset existing settings to factory settings, even in cases where the user has forgotten the password or the device does not turn on. To do this you need:

    After rebooting the system, the tablet will be reset to factory settings.

    Restoring iPad to Factory Settings

    As with Android, you can also reset your iOS tablet in several ways:

    • software;
    • hardware (using Recovery Mode).

    To restore your gadget using the first method, you need to know the password, otherwise the system will block your actions. Therefore, if the user has forgotten it, nothing will work for him.

    By selecting one or another option and entering the access password, the recovery procedure will begin, after which the tablet will return to its factory settings.

    If the user has forgotten the password to the iPad, then the settings can be reset using the software method. This requires:

    1. Turn off the tablet completely.
    2. Using a USB cable, connect it to a PC with iTunes installed.
    3. Enter Recovery mode. To do this you need:
    • press the Power key and hold it for several seconds;
    • additionally press Home;
    • in 10 sec. release Power;
    • in another 10 seconds. release Home.