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  • How to earn bitcoins from an Android phone - ways. Free Bitcoin - Android application for earning Satoshi (BitCoin)

    How to earn bitcoins from an Android phone - ways.  Free Bitcoin - Android application for earning Satoshi (BitCoin)

    Mobile devices are inferior to computers in performance, so the standard method of mining bitcoins on them is difficult to implement. But there are alternative methods that allow you to earn cryptocurrency using your phone.

    Installing a wallet on iPhone and Android

    Before you can earn coins, you need to create a wallet. You can do this on a computer, the main thing is to get a public address where the money you earn will go. But if you want to always have your account at hand, you need to install one of the applications that makes working with it easier.

    Bitcoin Wallet (Android)

    This wallet is only available on Android devices; you can download it for free from the official store. It is easy to use, just enter your address and private key, after which you will have complete control over your finances. In it you can view the history of transfers and make new transactions.

    Sending bitcoins is very easy - just click the Send Coins button, select the number of coins to be sent and the commission price, which will determine the speed of the transfer.

    You can use Bitcoin Wallet to manage your balance

    Bither (Android, iOS)

    This wallet is available for both Android and iOS clients. Supports two storage modes: cold and hot. It also provides detailed information about completed transfers and also allows you to make new transactions.

    Bither wallet provides detailed information

    GreenAddress (Android, iOS)

    One of the best wallets available on both platforms. It provides complete security by safely storing your keys. The wallet provides online information about the relevance of the commission, so you can always know what reward amount is best to assign to the transaction.

    GreenAddress wallet has a beautiful and clear interface

    Buying Bitcoin

    The easiest way to get Bitcoin is to buy it. To do this, you can use any standard methods, such as purchasing coins through exchanges or an exchanger. Some sites provide a function for exchanging your phone balance for cryptocurrency.

    A complete list of exchangers that provide the opportunity to exchange rubles, dollars, euros and other currencies through various payment systems for bitcoins can be found on the website To find the best option for you, select the currency you want to exchange and click on the “Monitoring” button. The site will automatically select you an exchanger offering the best rate at the moment.

    On the site you can select the currencies you are going to exchange and receive, and find the best exchanger


    Among the applications that allow you to trade Bitcoin, zTrader is worth noting. It allows you to view coin price charts, buy and sell currencies. If you want to trade Bitcoin from your mobile device, then download this program from the official store.

    Convenient platform zTrader for trading cryptocurrency from your phone

    Bitcoin withdrawal and exchange

    If you want to exchange your bitcoins for another cryptocurrency or turn them into a commonly used currency (rubles, dollars, euros), then use the BestChange site described above to find an exchanger with the most favorable rate. You can also sell bitcoins. The place where your coins will be withdrawn (electronic wallet, bank card, phone number, etc.) depends on which exchanger you use.

    You can choose from which currency you want to transfer funds to which, and receive the desired currency

    How to earn bitcoins using your phone - an overview of ways without investment

    But if you don’t want to spend your money on Bitcoin, you can earn it without investing anything. Each method will require different device performance, but at a minimum, it should be able to run a browser and not very demanding games.


    Faucets are services that give out Bitcoin for some simple actions. For example, for viewing an advertisement or entering a captcha. They work on this principle: once at a certain time you can get a few satoshi by completing a task, and then you have to wait until the task becomes available again.

    The positive aspects of the method include the fact that you don’t need anything more than a couple of clicks, and it won’t take much time; the negative ones are that all faucets pay literally pennies, that is, the level of payment corresponds to the complexity of the task. The only way to earn a more or less tangible amount is to complete tasks on several faucets at the same time.

    Free Bitcoins (Android, iOS)

    You can install the application on both platforms from the official store. The task issued in it is to enter a captcha once every half hour. They pay several thousand satoshis for completing one task, but the payment may change if the Bitcoin rate falls or rises. Withdrawals are carried out every Monday from accounts that managed to earn more than 20 thousand Satoshi in a week.

    Free Bitcoins app gives Satoshi for entering captcha

    Bonus Bitcoin (Android)

    The minimum payout threshold is 10 thousand Satoshi, tasks become available every 15 minutes. There is also a daily 5% bonus on the amount of bitcoins earned over the last three days.

    Bonus Bitcoin app gives you Satoshi for watching ads

    BTC SAFARI (Android)

    The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 thousand satoshi, tasks are updated every 20 minutes. For every sixth task, a bonus of 100 satoshi is awarded.

    BTC SAFARI app gives out Satoshi every 20 minutes

    Other free faucet apps

    If the above programs are not enough for you, you can find others on your own: just open the App Store or Play Marget and enter the request Bitcoin Free in the search bar. As a result, you will receive a huge list of applications, they all work on the same principle - install, open, press one button or enter a captcha, wait for the task to update, do it again and wait again.

    There are many faucet apps available on Play Market

    Video: top bitcoin faucets for phones

    Mobile mining

    Mining - supporting the blockchain network and receiving a reward in the form of cryptocurrency for this. The number of coins earned directly depends on the performance of the device. Of course, mobile devices are much weaker than computers, and therefore the level of earnings on them will be much lower.

    MobileMiner (iOS)

    The developers advise installing this application exclusively on iPhone 7 and higher, since older versions are not powerful enough even for the most gentle mining. The application is not available in the App Store, like other programs that allow mining on iOS devices. There is a reason for this: mining is a huge load on the processor, which leads to its accelerated wear.

    If you still decide to install the program, then you will have to create the appropriate project in Xcode (a program for writing programs for iOS, available only on Mac OS), and then install it on the device. The source code that is placed in Xcode is available on the program’s official website (there are also detailed installation instructions there).

    By installing the program on your iPhone, you can mine cryptocurrency

    With round-the-clock mining mode activated, about $13 per week comes out, that is, approximately 780 rubles. But this is the average figure provided by the developers; in reality they may differ.

    MinerGate (Android)

    This application allows you to start the mining process on Android. You can download it from the Play Market, but you must register on the official website, since financial management will take place there.

    It is impossible to say how much you will earn in this way, since the market for Android devices is very diverse, each phone has its own performance. You can only find out the capabilities of your smartphone during mining by looking at the number of hashes per second, on which your income depends.

    You can check the amount of earned moments and withdraw the funds received through your personal account on the official website.

    Please note that mining uses the processor, which means the load on it will increase greatly, which will slow down your phone and adversely affect its lifespan.

    How to earn cryptocurrency in online games

    The most interesting way to get satoshi is to play online. There are applications in which you can compete with other players in arcade games, receiving valuable prizes in the form of coins for winning, and then withdraw the received bonus to your Bitcoin wallet.

    Bitcoin flapper

    A game made in the genre of the cult Flapper Birds, but with an online mode and a prize of 60 Satoshi for first place, 15 for second, 5 for third. Of course, this is not so much, but it can cover some of the small expenses. After all, the main idea is that you not only enjoy the competition, but also get real money for it.

    Playing Bitcoin flapper gives you satoshi

    Bitcoin Crush

    A game of the “three in a row” type: you need to rearrange the jewels on a square field in order to score the required number of points and pass to the next level. The reward is also issued in bitcoins. The number of bonuses given for completing a task varies depending on the price of Bitcoin.

    For completing levels in Bitcoin Crush you get satoshis

    Where do the creators get the money?

    The creators of such games with a prize in the form of cryptocurrency pay you not for playing, but for watching advertising in the application. This is how all developers earn money, but before the advent of cryptocurrency, sharing it with the person watching the advertisement was not accepted. Now the creator takes part of the earned money for himself, and gives part of it to the player in order to stimulate him to play even more. Therefore, there is no deception, all parties are in the black.

    Partnership programs

    Another type of earnings is receiving money for inviting people to a particular system. It works like this: you register on some project that pays for attracting friends, you get an affiliate link that the people you invite should follow, and then you begin to attract as many users as possible and motivate them to follow your link. A similar earning program appeared long before the first manifestations of Bitcoin, but now they pay for it, including cryptocurrency.

    Your earnings will directly depend on how many people you invite. Of course, it can only become stable if more and more people register using your link.

    Bitcoin NewsCrane

    NewsCrane is another crane, similar to those discussed earlier. It differs in that it provides news about Bitcoin, that is, it is of some educational nature. But another feature is that after registration you receive an individual code. If someone enters it during registration, both he and you will receive a bonus in the form of Satoshi. Such a system is called “referral”.

    For registration using the code, the owner of the code receives money

    Almost all projects have a referral system, as it is one of the best ways to attract new clients. Carefully study the site and the description of all cryptocurrency-related projects you use. Perhaps some of them also pay to refer friends.

    You won’t be able to earn a lot from a mobile phone on Android or iOS, but you can get a starter set of bitcoins to experiment with them without investing your own money. Be sure to save your wallet address and private key in a safe place.

    Phones have long become more popular than computers and of course we became interested - how to earn bitcoins on your phone? And is this even possible?

    First, you should understand that any cryptocurrency earnings without investments are a high risk for your phone. Because programmers and hackers can launch viruses or malicious files.

    Ways to earn Bitcoin using your phone

    You should immediately understand that each of the methods will bring in very few coins, but if the Bitcoin rate rises, then overall this will not be a bad income.

    Well, if you still have an interest in this topic, then let’s move on to the main four ways to earn BTC using your phone.

    1. Bitcoin faucets

    Cranes- This is one of the most popular ways to earn Bitcoins on your phone, where you are asked to solve a captcha and receive a reward for it.

    Usually they set a timer and you can log into the program or website every 30-60 minutes and Satoshi will be credited to your account. However, this method brings in very few coins.

    Android Applications:

    1. Bitcoin Crane is the most popular application on Google Play, although to withdraw funds you need to collect 7 referrals and 400,000 satoshi. Here's the promotional code for the bonus: fd1d7b2585997c25.
    2. Free Bitcoin is also very popular, but here you can get a maximum of 500 satoshi per day.
    3. Claim Free Bitcoin - here you can earn 20 thousand satoshi in 30-40 days, and this is the minimum amount for withdrawal.

    But for the iPhone we managed to find only one normal tap “ Bitcoin Free“And then it takes a long time to accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal. Therefore, we recommend not to get hung up on applications.

    You can get much more using your browser on your phone! We made a list not long ago. And only reliable and verified sites were collected there.

    2. Tasks for earning BTC

    In addition to faucets, you can find applications for earning BTC on various tasks. Now there are few of them, but this direction is gaining momentum and perhaps in the future it will become a profitable activity. But now it brings in pennies.

    The best applications with tasks for BTC:

    • « Storm Play - earn free bitcoin“- this application was released on Android and here it requires you to watch a video every 30 minutes or install other applications for which they give blocks. In a week you can earn about 15-40 rubles. It is advisable to invite friends.
    • « FreeBTC faucet“- here they also offer to watch videos and accumulate satoshi in your account. It is now one of the most profitable Android apps.

    iOS owners are again being deprived and no good programs for making money are being released. Apparently Apple policy does not allow adding such programs to the store, so 90% of all applications for making money are made for Android.

    3. Online games

    Online games could also be classified as a “faucet”, where you need to go into the application, do something and get satoshi. But due to the fact that many people like to play on their phones, they decided to complicate the process of earning money.

    Therefore, many different Bitcoin games have appeared on Android, where you need to solve logical riddles, after which they give you BTC. But nowhere does it say that these games have a lot of advertising and they only put pressure on your nerves.

    But just for fun, you can take a look best Bitcoin games for Android on Google Play:

    • Bitcoin Crush is not a difficult puzzle-solving game. At the same time, you can be wrong, because a new life is always available to you. There are a lot of ads in it, which makes it disgusting to play.
    • Bitcoin Wheel - we spin the wheel of fortune every 15 minutes and under good circumstances you can rise well (maximum prize 1500 satoshi).
    • Claim Free Bitcoin - here you also need to spin the wheel of fortune every 15 minutes and accumulate a minimum of 20 thousand satoshi (maximum prize 1500 satoshi for one spin).

    4. Mining on your phone

    Rumor has it that now you can buy many powerful smartphones at a low price, which quickly pay for themselves in mining. And we, of course, became interested in what speed the phone provides and how much you can earn in a month.

    For this we downloaded MinerGate Mobile Miner 2.15(old version without viruses) to a Xiaomi Redmi 6 (8 cores) phone, which was purchased from AliExpress for $180. And we connected to Bytecoin (BCN) mining.

    As a result, the program showed from 6 to 12 H/s, and the average was 8.2 H/s. That is, a smartphone can bring in about 1 ruble per day, but much more will be spent on electricity. This just goes to show that phones can't handle the current competition.

    In 2009, no one could have imagined that the Bitcoin cryptocurrency would be so popular, and its cost would reach $17,000 per coin. After a short crisis in 2013, the price of Bitcoin began to grow, and 2017 only confirmed the leadership of virtual coins. The demand for cryptocurrency has not gone unnoticed by Android application developers. In recent years, they have released dozens of applications, many of which have become very popular among users. Below we will look at the TOP 10 applications for Bitcoin for Android, consider their features and advantages.

    1. Bitcoin wallet Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet

    Main menu of the Bitcoin wallet Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet

    The Mycelium Wallet application is a storage facility that allows you to receive and send cryptocurrency. The advantages of the wallet include 100% protection of money in the account (according to the developers), functionality and ease of use. After installing the program, you can make transactions away from your home PC using your phone.

    Pros of the Mycelium Wallet app:

    1. 100% control over the keys that are at hand.
    2. Prompt loading of the blockchain chain (within 5–10 seconds).
    3. Managing multiple accounts.
    4. Update the address with every transaction.
    5. Connect to the Bitcoin network without time delays.
    6. Import a private key for secure work with a cold Bitcoin wallet for Android.
    7. Protect your storage using a PIN code.
    8. BIP38 key support.
    9. Work with other Bitcoin services.
    Mycelium Wallet users note an option that allows them to find other people to trade cryptocurrency with. For security, it is worth checking that backup copies of the keys are saved.

    2. Bitcoin Crane App

    Bitcoin Crane App Interface

    Mining is a type of earnings that appeared immediately after the creation of Bitcoin. Despite the increasing complexity of cryptocurrency mining and a decrease in the premium for a mined block, the number of people wishing to receive virtual coins is not falling. People buy expensive equipment, set up mining farms and join pools with one goal - to mine Bitcoin.

    The Bitcoin Crane application for Android is an opportunity to earn cryptocurrency on your phone without purchasing equipment (video cards or ASIC chips) or spending on electricity. Using the program, the user earns coins, monitors changes in the price of virtual coins, and is always aware of events related to cryptocurrency and becomes familiar with the intricacies of Bitcoin.

    Benefits of the Bitcoin Crane program:

    1. Opportunity to earn cryptocurrency.
    2. Connect to the referral program.
    3. User-friendly interface.
    4. Withdrawal of money within a week.
    5. Real-time exchange rate control.
    The developers have worked hard on an interface that even a novice user can understand. All you need to do is download Bitcoin Crane for Android on Google Play and let your smartphone earn cryptocurrency. The faucet has a function for attracting referrals, which increases profits. In addition to the earning function, the application has a lot of information about startups, cryptocurrencies, new trends and ICOs.

    The balance is updated every 11 minutes. The application gives from 30 to 100 satoshi (sometimes more). The minimum withdrawal amount is 400,000 satoshi. When you click on the referral link, you will be awarded an additional 2600 Satoshi. It is possible to accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal within 1.5–2 months of active use. If you convert 400 thousand satoshi at the current rate, this is about 4,000 rubles.

    3. Free Bitcoin for Android smartphones

    Free Bitcoin mobile application interface

    Today Bitcoin Alliens Apps are the leading developers who gave the world such an application as the Bitcoin Alliens Faucet and the Blockchain Game. Free Bitcoin for Android deserves no less attention - a program that earns Satoshi after installation on the phone. Users can receive rewards of up to 250,000 satoshi hourly and up to a million coins on weekends.

    To get started, you need to enter your Bitcoin wallet address (if it doesn’t exist, the application allows you to do so) and click on the earn button. Payments are made once a week. Proof of the reliability and quality of the application are positive reviews from users who note the convenience and ease of making money.

    How much can you earn? When you enter the program, a table opens that displays numbers (prize satoshi). The number of rows is 5x5. The drawing takes place once an hour. In one game you can earn 50–5000 satoshi. The number is selected in randomize mode. On average, monthly earnings are 2–2.5 thousand rubles. It may be less or more depending on the duration of the work and the numbers drawn.

    4. Blockchain Application - Bitcoin&Ether Wallet

    Blockchain Bitcoin&Ether Wallet mobile application interface

    The Blockchain - Bitcoin&Ether Wallet application is rightfully included in the TOP 10 best programs on Android for cryptocurrency. It is a digital wallet designed for Bitcoin and Ethereum and has over 17 million users.

    Advantages of the Bitcoin&Ether Wallet application:

    1. Security of funds in the vault.
    2. Ease of use.
    3. Two-factor identification that reliably protects against the actions of intruders.
    4. PIN code protection.
    The developer has provided a number of additional functions of the Bitcoin application for Android - more than 25 languages, TOP blocking, search for cryptocurrency traders in your region. It is worth noting the open source code, more than 20 exchange rates, QR code support and other functions.

    5. Bitcoin Ticket Widget

    Bitcoin Ticket Widget app menu

    Users who monitor the exchange rate of the Bitcoin and Litecoin cryptocurrencies will like the Bitcoin Ticket Widget application. The program maintains connections with the largest exchange services in the world, including Bitkonan, Bitmex, Bitstamp, Australian BTC Markets and others. For convenience, users can change the information update interval, as well as the parameters for displaying it on the screen. To find out the exchange rate, you need to click on the widget.

    Users note the following advantages of Bitcoin Ticket Widget:

    1. Ease of use.
    2. Displaying cryptocurrency rates on the desktop of your phone or tablet.
    3. Saving time (no need to go to the exchange).
    Among the minuses, we note periodic freezing and error messages. But the developers are working on the application, fixing problems and regularly releasing updates without old bugs.

    6. Bitcoin Earnings - Satoshi Faucet

    Application interface Bitcoin Earnings - Satoshi Faucet

    This application is a Bitcoin bot for Android that collects Satoshi. The program pays out money in Bitcoins, which can be stored in a special storage and used for any purpose. The developers claim that the application cannot be hacked and the users’ Satoshi cannot be stolen. The accumulated funds are spent on purchasing goods in stores or exchanged for real money.

    To work you need to take the following steps:

    1. Install the application and register.
    2. Create a wallet.
    3. Spin the roulette and get money. The limit is no more than three spins within half an hour.
    4. Complete other tasks and accumulate cryptocurrency.
    Advantages of the Bitcoin Earnings - Satoshi Faucet application:
    1. Earning money without investing money.
    2. Ease of use.
    3. Interesting tasks.
    For one spin of the roulette you get from 100 to 210 satoshi. When working 8–10 hours a day, in 3–4 weeks you can earn up to 300,000 satoshi (3 thousand rubles). Among the disadvantages, users note the lack of Russian language and problems with output.

    7. Bitcoin Billionaire App

    Bitcoin Billionaire app interface

    The essence of the Bitcoin Billionaire application is Bitcoin mining by touching the screen with your finger. Users can customize their character's style, receive additional bonuses, earn virtual coins offline, and have a referral program. Today, more than 150 thousand people have marked Bitcoin Billionaire as their favorite application. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting interesting characters and the opportunity to “kill” time with interest. The Bitcoins earned in the game are virtual, so you won’t be able to withdraw them, but purely as a game, it’s an interesting solution.

    8. TabTrader Bitcoin

    Main menu of the TabTrader Bitcoin application

    Earning Bitcoin via your smartphone has become easier thanks to the TabTrader Bitcoin app. This is a free terminal designed for trading cryptocurrency fluctuations. The application's users have access to the largest exchanges - Kraken, BTC-E, Houbi and others. Ethereum, Stellar, Namecoin, Ripple, as well as Dogecoin, Litecoin and Bitcoin are used in trading.

    Advantage of the TabTrader Bitcoin app:

    1. Notification about changes in the value of cryptocurrency.
    2. No fee.
    3. There are no limits on the number of applications and notifications.
    4. Protection using a PIN code.
    5. No advertising.
    6. Buy Bitcoin with a credit card (on some exchanges).
    When creating keys, developers recommend not giving them the rights to enter and withdraw virtual coins.

    9. Crypto News for a smartphone on Android OS

    Crypto News mobile application menu

    The Crypto News application for Android is a treasure for users who want to keep abreast of events and keep their finger on the pulse of news in the world of cryptocurrency. The program collects only useful news from information sites about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Information is updated every hour. The application is useful for miners, investors, traders and people who are interested in the world of cryptocurrencies.

    The principle of operation of the program is based on the analysis of headlines, pictures and other news information, collection, analysis and transmission to the user. The list of resources from which information is obtained is regularly updated. This is an RSS aggregator that consumes a minimum of traffic and provides up-to-date information.

    Additional options - Bitcoin and Ethereum rates, the ability to set “Like”, news about cryptocurrencies that are just gaining popularity (Bitcoin Cash, ZCash) and others.

    10. Free Bitcoin Miner App - Earn BTC

    Interface Free Bitcoin Miner Earn BTC

    This application is somewhat similar to Bitcoin Crane for Android - we withdraw satoshi and do nothing. The program displays advertisements, after viewing which virtual coins are awarded. To start earning money, you need to install and launch the application. While the phone is in your pocket, the Bitcoin program makes money. Advertising appears every 30 minutes. After closing it, coins are awarded. While waiting, the owner of the phone has the right to do whatever he wants - read a book, watch a movie or walk outside.

    Benefits of the Bitcoin Miner - Earn BTC app:

    1. Easy to install.
    2. Cryptocurrency accrual for viewing advertisements.
    3. User-friendly interface.
    For watching one video you are awarded 250 Satoshi. In an hour you can earn 500 satoshi, and in a day (with 8 hours of work) - 4000. A month's income can be 120,000 satoshi or 1200 rubles.

    Above are the TOP 10 Bitcoin applications for Android. But this is only a “drop in the ocean” of programs for earning money and obtaining information about cryptocurrency through a phone or tablet. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, read the developer’s description, user reviews and download applications only from the official Google Play on your smartphone or PC.

    For more information about Bitcoin faucets for Android smartphones, watch the video below:

    PandaMiner - A program for mining various types of cryptocurrencies, this software calculates the power of the computer and video card and earns money in digital equivalent. PandaMiner mines the most popular cryptocurrencies, such as: BitcoinGold (BTG), BitcoinGold (BTG), BitcoinZ (BTCZ), Bytecoin (BCN), Dashcoin (DSH), Electroneum (ETN), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Expanse (EXP), Hush (HUSH), Karbo (KRB), Komodo (KMD), Monero (XMR), Musicoin (MUSIC), SIBCoin (SIB), Sumokoin (SUMO), ZCash (ZEC), ZClassic (ZCL) and ZenCash (ZEN), Several more cryptocurrencies should be added soon. The earned coins can be withdrawn to wallets or to any of the exchanges for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies, where you can exchange them for real money, which after some time may already be on the card., the PandaPool project has everything step-by-step guides to start mining money. The income from this program will depend on the power of the PC and video cards, as well as on additional devices for mining, if you have any.

    Computta - A program for earning BitCoin cryptocurrency by mining. This software mines mBTC by calculating the power of the PC and video cards, the Computta program does not load the computer, since you can set certain settings in it. You can connect not only the processor and video cards to the program, but also other devices for mining. The minimum amount for withdrawing cryptocurrency is 5mBTC, which does not take long to accumulate. The withdrawal can be made to a BitCoin wallet or directly to exchanges for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies. On the Computta project, in addition to mining, there is an additional way to earn money, such as an affiliate program, income from referrals can be seen not only in the account, but also in the program, to attract clients there is an affiliate link, which can be received in the account after registration, as well as banners of various sizes. After completing the registration process, your account is given a bonus of 0.5 mBTC, which can be withdrawn along with the coins you earned. The program can be run on several computers simultaneously, thereby increasing your income and earning more.

    VipIp Client - This program earns money by performing automatic tasks, for it to work you just need to go through authorization and launch it, then you can go about your business, the program will carry out tasks and money will be credited to your account balance. The VipIp project also has a program for manually earning money from surfing, mailings, random tasks, etc., and a browser extension (plugin) that earns money automatically by performing various actions through Social Networks. Payments of earned funds are made automatically, withdrawals are made to almost all popular payment systems, to cards and mobile phones. In addition to earning money on the project, there is an affiliate program, thanks to it you can earn more. All types of earning money through programs have video tutorials; after reading them, you will start earning money faster than without them. And on this project you can promote anything and create tasks for automatic execution, promote Social. networks, create newsletters, surfing and much more.

    There has been a lot of hype surrounding cryptocurrencies over the past few years.

    This popularity is due to the relatively easy way to earn bitcoins, and thanks to high exchange rates, you can make a good profit by having a budget mining rig at hand.

    But technology does not stand still, and to earn money, it is enough to have a smartphone based on Android or iPhone at hand. Let's look at a few apps that will help you earn bitcoins using your phone.

    Applications for earning bitcoins

    Mobile phones have long ceased to be simple dialers and have turned into real multifunctional devices, with the help of which you can not only communicate with family and friends, but also fully earn money.

    This can be done in a variety of ways, but the simplest is Bitcoin mining. A distinctive feature of this method is that smartphone owners can receive their cryptocurrency without investment, except for the purchase of a more or less modern gadget.

    In the iPhone and Android gaming app stores you can find a variety of programs for earning cryptocurrencies - various widgets for monitoring rates, Bitcoin faucets, and even the most full-fledged miners that will use the device for direct mining. Let's look at several popular mining applications that, over the course of their existence, have been able to prove their reliability and bring quite good money to their users.

    ARM Miner

    The application has good ratings on Google Play and positive reviews from most users. The earning process is a mini random number generator within established limits, and the user only needs to press 1-2 buttons. You can get additional profit with the help of bonuses that developers regularly provide.


    BitcoinAliens– one of the most promising and popular Bitcoin faucets today for earning cryptocurrency. Like many other similar applications, the user will have to spend a lot of time here, but it will not be spent on strange clicking of incomprehensible icons, but to protect the inhabitants of the Earth from alien invasion.

    After each attack, you will have to enter a captcha, and the system will automatically credit you with 300 before 3000 thousand. Satoshi The user has the opportunity to earn money every 5 minutes, so you can receive money in almost any convenient place.

    MinerGate Mobile Miner

    MinerGate Mobile Miner is a cryptocurrency miner that uses the resources of your smartphone. To earn the most promising cryptocurrencies, among which Monero and Bytecoin should be noted. Earned funds can be withdrawn to Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium and other wallets through a special exchanger.

    In the application itself, you can track the status of the cryptocurrency rate, buy and sell money, and also track statistics on your account. In addition, users can independently set the mining performance so that the program does not wear out your phone.


    NeoNeonMiner application- one of the few miners for mobile phones that can work in almost all known algorithms. Three main directions - neoscrypt, scrypt And SHA256, but in practice a much larger number of them are supported.

    Users can monitor current statistics on the exchange, and, if necessary, disable or enable additional protocols. Compared to its competitors, the program looks quite simple, but despite this appearance, mobile miners get incredible opportunities.


    Bitmaker, like most Bitcoin faucets, will pay you for your activity. The user is required to watch videos that are no longer than 30 seconds at intervals of 10 minutes.

    For every half hour of completing a task you will receive 500 satoshi To increase your earnings, you can give 500 satoshi and receive within 2 hours 250 units of cryptocurrency every 10 minutes. The program is quite simple, and to start earning money you just need to install it on your smartphone.

    BTC safari

    BTC Safari the principle of its operation is very similar to Bitmaker, but with the only difference that you do not need to do almost anything. Just press the button once every 10 minutes and receive from 140 Satoshi for each click.

    Of the additional actions, the only thing you need to note is that you will have to put a captcha before clicking. Earning statistics can be viewed directly in the application. Of course, you won’t be able to earn a large number of bitcoins this way, but you will be guaranteed income for small pocket expenses.


    Modern smartphones offer their users many opportunities for earning money, especially when it comes to cryptocurrencies. It doesn't matter what device you use - the latest version of Apple's iPhone or an old Android device.

    Each platform has a suitable program that will allow you to earn some money on the go or put you on the path to becoming a professional miner. At the same time, you can always work on several platforms at once and not limit your pastime to monotonous button clicking or languid waiting.