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  • The best ways to make a beautiful background for your YouTube channel. Creating and changing the background for a YouTube channel How to make a background on a YouTube phone

    The best ways to make a beautiful background for your YouTube channel.  Creating and changing the background for a YouTube channel How to make a background on a YouTube phone

    The key to success on a YouTube channel is the creation of an active base of subscribers who will regularly watch videos posted by the owner of the service.

    To attract users to your channel Its external design is important. To do this, you need to be able to create different backgrounds on the channel.

    The newly created channel has a look that is unlikely to attract users. The designed channels have beautiful colorful images instead of a gray background.

    Please note that the size of the background image should not exceed two megabytes.

    How to change background image?

    How do YouTube channel wallpapers look on different devices?

    Wallpapers look different on different device hardware:

    1. On any devices the area is also visible on mobile phones 1546*423 . All other parts of the picture will not be visible.
    2. Visible part for computers 2560*423.
    3. Visible part for tablets 1855*423.
    4. Full image reproduced on TVs with an aspect ratio of sixteen to nine, which corresponds to 2560*1440.
    5. From the above it follows that all desired elements should be located in the area 1546*423.

    Banner characteristics

    The banner is located on the background of the video hosting and usually represents a photo of the channel owner or a thematic avatar. Emphasizing the theme of the channel and the mood of its owner:

    To create it you need:

    1. Click on the photo, after which it is possible to rotate or crop it using special functions built into the service.

    Optimal banner size for a YouTube channel

    The size of the image that the channel owner plans to use as a banner is should not exceed 2560x1440 pixels.

    If the picture is smaller, the service will install it as a banner, but larger sizes cannot be placed.

    When placing a banner on its surface, there is a so-called “safe zone”, which is guaranteed to be within the subscriber’s field of view. This zone corresponds to dimensions 1546x423.

    Background and clipart

    To create your own exclusive background, and a background with decorative elements around the edges, you can use PhotoShop program.

    To do this you need:

    Greetings, friends.

    With this article I open a series of articles on the topic “Branding a YouTube channel.” In the first article I will tell you how and where to download background for youtube channel. I’ll say right away that in the future, a video blog on YouTube (as I prefer to call the channel) can bring in as much money (even more) than a regular offline text blog. So you need to take the design of a YouTube channel very seriously.

    Why do you need to brand your channel and your videos?

    1. Increase in popularity, and, accordingly, visitors, subscribers, clients.

    2. You need to stand out from the crowd.

    3. Increase traffic to your projects.

    This is what my channel looks like at the moment.

    Where to download background for YouTube channel

    Excellent overseas service. At the moment there are few templates, because the service has just begun its work (perhaps by the time you read these lines the situation has changed). Soon it will be possible to create backgrounds for YouTube online.

    How to download from Ytlayouts

    3. On the page that opens, find the large “DOWNLOAD” button, click on it

    4. Save the background.

    Good service with a huge number of high-quality backgrounds. I am one hundred percent sure that here you will find the right background for your channel. All backgrounds are divided by topic.

    How to download from Pimpmychannel

    1. Go to the service website -

    2. Select the required template, left-click on it

    3. On the page that opens, find the big blue “DOWNLOAD NOW!” button, click on it

    4. Save the background.

    Not a bad site with a fairly large number of backgrounds. All backgrounds are divided into categories, which greatly simplifies the search for the desired option. I was mostly pleased with the game-themed backgrounds; they are really cool on this site.

    How to download from Pimpmychannel

    1. Go to the service website -

    2. Select the required template, left-click on it

    3. On the page that opens, find the large blue “DOWNLOAD Theme” button, click on it

    4. Save the background.

    Well, that's basically it. Now you know where you can download background for youtube channel. Main! Don't be like others, don't make clone channels.

    Branding a YouTube channel (part 1) - where to download the background

    Hello friends! Today I decided to tell you about several ways on how you can make an attractive header for your YouTube channel.

    I touched on this topic for a reason, because a good hat has 2 important functions at once...

    • it makes your channel unique and attractive to the target audience;
    • and also introduce visitors to the topic as quickly as possible.

    Thanks to this, when a user comes to your channel, he immediately sees the header and understands what it is dedicated to. This significantly saves visitors time and also filters traffic. Moreover, many more users will click the “subscribe” button on a channel with a good header, because it conveys the seriousness of the channel’s intentions for further development.

    1. Ways to create a header

    I have highlighted several ways to create a header without involving third parties:

    • Creating a header yourself in an image editor (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc.);
    • Working with ready-made templates;
    • Using online services.

    Each of them is attractive in its own way. The first method is flexible and has great potential for unleashing creative potential, but requires special technical knowledge and abilities.

    The second two save time for the channel owner, but, as a rule, ready-made images are used as a header, often not revealing or not fully revealing the essence of the resource.

    For this reason, ready-made templates are used either by beginning video bloggers or by those who do not want to spend time creating a designer header for their channel.

    In my opinion, every self-respecting channel owner should make a good header for YouTube and attract visitors not only with interesting videos, but also with an original design. I think many of you will agree with this.

    2. Create a header for a YouTube channel in FS

    Adobe Photoshop (FS) is quite suitable as the software with which we will create the header. This is an affordable and relatively lightweight (in this case) image editor.

    I’ll tell you more about the process of creating a header in FS in this video:

    [Video coming soon]

    When placing elements, do not forget about proportions and sizes. The background for the header on Youtube should only complement the posted information and not interfere with familiarization with it. That is, you should not choose too bright pictures, because of which the text or other elements will not be visible.

    2.1. Where can I find a good background for YouTube?

    I noticed that a huge number of headers on YouTube have terrible design. This made me think that people do not have the basic knowledge needed to find quality pictures. Therefore, I decided to devote a separate subtitle to this topic.

    First of all, I want to tell you that in the Google search engine, unlike others, you can find much more good pictures, since it is a global search engine, so it is preferable to use it.

    Also, when searching, be sure to use a special filter. It will help you search for higher quality images directly in the search engine:

    Well, the most important tip for finding the best backgrounds for YouTube: use special photo stocks.

    You can always find high-quality, attractive images on them.

    There are both free and paid photo stocks, and naturally, the former are significantly inferior in the number of images to the latter. But there is one good life hack that allows you to deliver paid items for free:


    3. Create a header from a ready-made template 2560x1440

    It’s no secret that a YouTube header can be made from a ready-made template measuring 2560x1440.

    This method will allow you to get a professional design in just a few minutes, but it has two significant disadvantages:

    1. Few topics. If your channel has something unusual, then it will be difficult for you to find a suitable layout;
    2. Not a unique style. You can be sure that any of the templates available for free download have been used by at least one person.

    In general, I can recommend that you go to the popular VK group, where a large number of these templates are presented. You will need to download the layout and change the channel name, avatar, and maybe play a little with the color of some elements.

    As a result, I want to say here that this option can be used for temporary use. Then, of course, it’s better to do something unique and inimitable.

    4. Using online services

    You can completely do without installing Adobe Photoshop if you know some useful services that work online. One of them is the popular service

    You can start working immediately by going to the official website of the resource. The algorithm for creating a header is as follows:

    1. click on the “Create” banner for YouTube button;
    2. go through a simple registration;
    3. choose from the list why you need a banner (for yourself, for work, for training);
    4. a form opens in which you need to add ready-made pictures for the header on YouTube and write text;
    5. if there is already text on the image, it can be easily edited using the tools located on top of the work area;
    6. proceed to saving the image by clicking on the “Download” button located at the top of the site;
    7. select the file type from the list of suggested ones (I chose JPEG) and wait for the download to finish.

    Thus, you will receive a ready-made banner for your YouTube channel that will fully correspond to its theme.

    I, like many people nowadays, have my own YouTube channel. My channel has existed since January 8, 2011 and today my channel has 300 subscribers. This is, of course, not much, but not zero either :) I have been actively developing the channel since 2013, i.e. since I started going to the gym regularly again. Currently there are about 40 videos posted on my channel, there are several viral videos about. Thanks to them, the channel already has more than half a million views!

    Very often people film in “domestic conditions” (against the background of carpet, wallpaper, etc.). I also shot my first video for the blog against the background of wallpaper “with elements of light makeup” 😆

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    When creating the background, I used video instructions from the MyDucksVision channel

    I believe that in order to develop the channel, we should move away from collective farming in our work and pay attention to quality and aesthetics. To do this, I dedicated an entire room in my apartment and called it “Blogger Room” :) There are no unnecessary things in this room. Just a table with a laptop, a tripod with a camera and a “youtube rug.”

    I agreed with my designer and he made me a picture measuring about 15,000 x 10,000 pixels. Then I went to the printing house and printed the picture on nylon. The size turned out to be 250 x 160 cm, almost like a carpet. 🙂

    To hang the “carpet” on the wall, I found a long board, about 3 meters

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    I hooked the background for shooting with stationery pins

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    I drove a nail in the middle of the board so that the board would not sag and the “carpet” would not be deformed.

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    Taped the edges with double-sided tape

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    If you liked my background, then you can also contact my designer to create a model with the appropriate design and technical characteristics. For this you can write me about your desire.

    Results of the article competition

    Vitaly, I congratulate you! And the book by Dmitry Kasatov and Vladimir Kravtsov, with the latter’s autograph, goes to you! Thank you so much for both submitted articles! I read them myself with great interest and pleasure!

    Thanks also to all the other participants!!! Follow the news, read articles, leave your comments, take part in new competitions!

    Hello, friends. Vasily Blinov is in touch and we continue to set up our YouTube channel. Today we’ll talk about how to make a channel header. Let's consider how you can draw it yourself or order it from a designer. Also in this article you will find a marked up blank template for a YouTube header in psd format, an archive with ready-made templates, backgrounds and a selection of clip-arts.

    In addition to technical aspects, I want to tell you why a header (banner, background) of a YouTube channel is needed, what can be depicted on it, what semantic component it carries and how it affects promotion.

    Yes, it, like any other element, helps make it better and significantly influences new viewers. This is probably the most important and, of course, the largest graphic element that improves the entire appearance. Without it, any channel will look unfinished, as if the author does not care; you must admit, this reduces trust at first glance.

    The background should complement the channel with information about it and visually convey the theme of your videos.

    If it's a personal channel where you upload live videos, vlogs, etc., then your header photo will work best. This will immediately show users who the author of the channel is and they will remember you. Remember that your face is your brand.

    If the project’s channel does not have a specific author, then in this case they usually beautifully outline a logo or name that is understandable and memorable to the target audience. Some values, project goals, etc. are used.

    It’s a normal thing for hats on YouTube to change, update and improve from time to time. Now our task is to make the first background, then you will find new ideas and edit it. When the channel starts making money, contact the designer and order a new, more professional one.

    How to make a header for YouTube?

    What size do you need? We recently tested it and noticed that if you make the non-recommended size of 2560 x 1440, then when scaling by YouTube, the image quality is slightly lost. Therefore, it is better to take a 2560 x 1440 pixel image or a template that I will give you and customize the image according to it.

    The specifications also say that the file should weigh no more than 4 MB. But a 10 MB banner loaded smoothly for me.

    This is what a template template for a YouTube header looks like, opened in Photoshop.

    Blue stripes are a special marking so that you can understand which part is displayed on different monitor resolutions from a TV to a mobile phone screen. This markup can be disabled or enabled using the keyboard shortcut ctrl + H.

    2. Download the archive with ready-made templates for YouTube (we are still preparing)
    3. Download the archive with backgrounds and a selection of clip-arts

    Where can I get pictures for the header?

    Here either Google and Yandex, or special photo stocks will help you.

    Here is a small list of photo stocks:


    When you search for images in the search, set the parameters so that the search does not show small images.

    Otherwise, when stretched to fit the template, their quality will deteriorate.

    Can't do it beautifully?

    If you are not a Photoshop master and you don’t like the result, then contact the designers. You can find them yourself at. Making a banner will cost from 500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on what you want.

    Now that you have a background image for your channel, all that's left to do is set it.

    How to set a background on a YouTube channel?

    Step 1. Let's go to our channel. Place the cursor over the place where the background image will be and click on the pencil that appears in the upper right corner. Choose “Change channel design”.

    Step 2. Drag the finished banner into the window that appears or select it on your computer.

    Step 3. If you did everything according to the template, then you don’t need to crop anything. When cropping, as I already said, the quality may deteriorate.

    Step 4. Click "Choose" and the background will load.

    You can watch an example on the channel “ Remote School" We made an absolutely simple hat. Write in the comments what do you think?

    We've sorted out this setup step, let's move on... And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter.