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  • Waiting for an application on iPhone. Apps on iPhone stuck in "waiting"? Let's fix it. The update is stuck, applications are not downloaded from the App Store. After restoring the iPhone, applications do not download.

    Waiting for an application on iPhone.  Apps on iPhone are frozen

    Many iOS users have had this problem: app won't load from App Store. And few people know that there are several ways to “stir up” a stuck download. Today we’ll tell you which ones.

    So the app won't load. It looks very recognizable - after pressing the “ Download“An icon of the future application appears on the desktop without the picture itself and with a dull color. And the slider, which usually demonstrates the process of downloading and installing software, remains motionless or does not even appear at all.

    So, in such situations, you should perform several actions:

    • Check the stability of your Internet connection. Maybe during the process you didn’t notice how your device disconnected from WiFi or turned off Internet access altogether.
    • Put the program download on pause, simply by tapping on the application icon on the desktop. Then unpause. This may help solve your problem.
    • There is an even more radical solution - delete the application, and then download it again from the Apple store. To do this, hold your finger on the problematic application and wait for the cross icon to appear in the upper left corner of the icon. Click on it and the application will be removed.
    • Re-login to Apple ID. You can do this from “Settings”: go to the program, find the item “ iTunes and App Store”, tap on it. After that, click on your Apple ID and sign out of your account. After that, log in again in the same way.
    • Restart your iPhone or iPad. After a slight “shake”, your device can resume normal operation without glitches.
    • Reset your device, maybe even to factory settings. About how to do this.
    • Start downloading the second application in parallel. Two identical tasks can revive your iDevice.

    Here are 8 ways you can solve the problem with downloading an application on your iPhone or iPad. Let us immediately note that the problem may also be in the device’s memory, but iOS should report this when you try to load an application in excess of the available memory. In this case, regular cleaning of the device in “Photos” and “Music”, as well as other “large-sized” applications, will help.

    It happens that even good and high-quality things let us down. Our car may break down, our computer may overheat, our phone may break. But things are not so simple when it comes to software.

    Sometimes it seems to us that the situation is hopeless and there is no way to solve the problem. From time to time, when we start downloading an application from the App Store on our iPhone, we suddenly realize that this has been going on for a very long time. It turns out that the application froze and stopped working. This is where the problems begin. We can close the App Store application, turn on/off Airplane mode, and even restart the device, but this is unlikely to help us. Sometimes such applications hang with the loading icon for days.

    Today we will tell you how to avoid long waits and force a reload of the App Store. To do this, you just need to quickly tap one of the buttons at the bottom of the App Store application screen a few times - “Features,” “Top Charts,” “View,” “Search,” or “Updates.” The application screen will turn white, the content will load again, and the application that is stuck at the loading stage will pause. Now you can click on the icon of the loading application and it will continue to load as if nothing had happened.

    If your Mac App Store is frozen, then everything is much simpler. To revive it, there is a simple keyboard shortcut Command + R.

    Apple's iOS operating system is characterized by high stability and reliability; failures and various system errors are very rare for it, however, such errors and problems are present in it. One of the most common errors is the process of downloading an application on an iPhone, iPad or iPod from the App Store freezes. In this case, the application icon stops responding to any actions. This failure is typical for all versions of iOS, both early and the latest available iOS 7. There are several ways to solve the problem of frozen application installation on an Apple device.

    How to solve the problem with application loading stuck on iPhone, iPad or iPod?

    1. Check your network connection.

    The most common problem with a frozen application installation is a broken or unstable network connection; the easiest way to check for connectivity is to try to load any site in the Safari browser.

    2. Check the download status of the application.

    The installation of an application on an iPhone, iPad or iPod from the App Store can be paused, this can be done by tapping on the icon, it happens that clicking on the icon occurs accidentally and the download process stops, tap on the icon again if the process does not resume, try other ways.

    3. Restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod.

    This method should be used at the very last moment, but it should definitely help. A forced reboot of the Apple device allows you to reset all temporary data and clear the RAM. To do this, press the “Power” and “Home” buttons simultaneously and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the gadget screen.

    4. Delete the application and download it again.

    Try deleting the frozen application and installing it again: hold down the program icon, then click on the cross.

    5. Download another application.

    Sometimes, you can start the installation of a frozen application by starting the installation process of another application from the App Store. Try downloading any free or paid program.

    6. Disable your account and reboot your device.

    Often, simply restarting your iPhone, iPad, or iPod is enough, but first sign out of your App Store account first. This can be done in the device settings, after which simply reboot the gadget and log back into your Apple account.

    The problem of installing an application on a gadget can be avoided if you download it via iTunes. By first downloading it to your desktop computer and then synchronizing it with your mobile device.

    8. Wait a little longer.

    Application installation can be stopped due to various problems with Apple servers, so sometimes you just need to wait a little longer than usual.

    Trying to install an application from the App Store resulted in a frozen icon on one of your desktops? This situation is quite common, especially if you are used to downloading a lot of applications onto your device. This error may also appear after restoring from a backup. Regardless of the circumstances under which it arose, our instructions will help you deal with the problem.

    1. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet

    Before you begin active steps to fix stuck loading, make sure that the Internet connection is active on your device. This can be done, for example, by loading any page in Safari.

    Loading freezes are often caused by a poor Internet connection (or lack thereof), but if that's not the case, move on to the next step.

    2. Click on the application icon

    An equally rare situation is that the download is simply suspended. Try clicking on the application icon and wait a few seconds. If the problem was a banal pause, then you will see that the loading process will continue. Otherwise, let's move on.

    3. Reboot your device

    Like many other iOS errors, this one can be fixed later. To restart your device, hold down the Home and Power buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears on the screen. After your iPhone or iPad has restarted, check if the problem still exists.

    4. Delete the application and download it again

    An error while downloading an application from the App Store can be easily fixed by downloading it again. To fix a frozen application, hold down its icon for a few seconds until the application icons begin to move. After that, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the icon of the problematic application.

    5. Download any other application

    The method does not always help, however, positive cases have been noted. Download any free application from the App Store and see what happens to the stuck one. If this doesn’t help, we move on to “heavy artillery”

    6. Sign out of your Apple ID account

    If the previous steps did not help, try logging out of your Apple ID account, and then logging in again, preferably with a different Apple ID. For this:

    Step 1: Go to Menu Settings ->iTunes Store, App Store

    Step 2: Click on your Apple ID login at the top

    Step 3: Select an item Go out

    Step 4. In the empty fields, enter the details of another Apple ID (if you don’t have one at hand, enter your account details)

    7. Sync your device with iTunes

    Even if you prefer to sync using iCloud, the iTunes media harvester can be of great service to you, especially when other options fail. Just connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, open iTunes and wait for the syncing process to complete.

    It is extremely rare, but it happens that the problem is not in the user’s device at all, but in the App Store servers. In addition, there is a possibility that an update for the application you need will be released right at the moment you start downloading. Therefore, if none of the methods suits you, wait a while, and the icon that has become hated can be either.

    Have you seen an interesting application or game in AppStore, and now you want to install it on your iPhone or iPad? This is quite easy for anyone, even someone inexperienced in handling technology. But what to do if the download itself is simply frozen on the icon and does not move? This happens quite often, even in our experience it was repeated 3-5 times, especially if one application is downloaded on several devices at once under the control of one Apple ID account. Alternatively, the problem may be caused by a backup that you recently restored. However, the circumstances of the problem that have arisen are, in fact, not as important as the problem itself. In this article we will tell you how you can deal with it quickly and without nerves in order to successfully download the desired application or game.

    1. Make sure your Internet connection is active

    First of all, before you start solving the problem of the icon freezing during loading, you need to make sure that the Internet connection is currently active. Otherwise, the reason will be extremely clear and simple. You can check it very easily by launching any web page in your browser.

    Most often, it happens that the user overlooked or did not notice that the Internet connection with Wi-Fi or GSM was turned off. If this is not the reason, feel free to move on to the next point.

    1. Try clicking on the icon of an application that has stopped downloading

    Another common problem is spontaneous stopping of the process. app downloads. To solve it experimentally, a very effective method has been established - you just need to click on the icon itself and wait a few seconds. In this case, the reason may be that you or someone else accidentally paused the download. One click on the icon will restart the download process.

    1. Reboot your device

    Advanced users devicesApple know that most pressing problems with iPhone or iPad can be resolved with a single reboot (in some cases, an emergency reboot). There is a normal and a forced reboot. In your case, you will need the second option, which is done as follows: press the Home and Power buttons simultaneously for 3-5 seconds, after which a white Apple logo will appear on the black screen. Only after rebooting the device, check whether the download continued or not.

    Most often, this method is the most effective, but even if it doesn’t help, move on to the more radical point No. 4.

    1. Delete the application and download it again

    If the three methods listed above do not help you, try simply deleting the application from your device and installing it again immediately. Anyone who has used at least a little should probably know the removal procedure. gadgetsApple: you need to hold down one of the icons on the desktop for 2-3 seconds, after which they will shake and a cross will appear on the corner of each. To remove an unnecessary application, click on the cross in the upper right corner and confirm your intentions by clicking “Yes”.

    1. Check if this problem exists on other applications

    The fifth method is by no means as straightforward and effective as the others, but you shouldn’t give it up either. It consists of simply downloading any other program from AppStore and subsequent verification of the problematic application. If even after this it has remained stagnant and is still standing without any progress, it is worth moving on to much more radical and complex measures.

    1. Sign out of your Apple ID account

    Frankly speaking, people quite rarely reach this point, having solved all their problems in simpler ways. However, if you still had to reach it and the problem requires a completely different solution, try to get out of your accountAppleID, then log in again or log in with a different login. Don't know how to do this? In that case, follow step by step:

    First you need to go to Device Settings and find the item there iTunes Store, App Store; Next, you will see your login in the form of an email at the top; When you click on it, you will see the “Exit” button - this is what we need to use.

    1. Sync your device with iTunes

    Many experienced users prefer to keep up with the times by synchronizing their Apple devices via cloud storageiCloud. True, the well-known multimedia “harvester” iTunes has not gone away; it still remains the most effective means of interacting with the system and all data on a device running the iOS operating system. The synchronization procedure with iTunes is extremely simple: connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a USB port and wait for the “Synchronization” sign at the top of the program window.

    In the rarest cases, the cause of the problem described above (the loading of an application freezes) lies in Apple itself, namely, in the servers of the Cupertino corporation. Even less often, it happens that while downloading the application you need in AppStore There's a new update coming out for it. Based on this, even all seven of the listed methods may become useless. It's better to just wait a while and the problem will solve itself. If you are tired of seeing the hated icon, put it on the farthest desktop in one of the folders, and it will never catch your eye again.

    Hi all! Recently I encountered a rather unusual problem - on my iPhone, the icons of several applications became gray and the words “waiting” or “cleaning” appeared at the bottom. This usually happens when updating the program - it starts downloading again, the “waiting” message (if you don’t have one) appears, after a few seconds it disappears and the downloading begins. Standard situation.

    But this time there were several such waiting applications and despite a good Internet connection, the download did not start. What a load! Even in various ways it didn’t work. It's a strange problem, but it can and should be solved. Now we’ll find out how, let’s go!

    Naturally, despite the fact that the title of the article mentions the iPhone, all the methods listed below will work on the iPad, iPod Touch and any other Apple device running the iOS operating system (you never know what else it will release there :))

    Application "pending"? A reboot will help!

    Let's start with the simplest options and gradually move on to more complex ones. And the easiest and most accessible manipulation will be to simply reboot the device. Yes, yes, this is the most popular solution that has helped many. Just reboot your device and, with a high degree of probability, after that the “waiting” inscription from the application icon will disappear and the download will resume.

    Why and in what cases does this work? Most likely, you are trying to update or download a large application over the cellular network, but Apple simply does not allow this and the applications hang. So, rebooting is one of the points to solve this problem. More details about this.

    Program loading stuck? Pause it and start downloading again!

    The second way to get rid of "waiting" applications is to resume downloading it. The only negative is that the usual way - clicking on the icon several times - is unlikely to be possible. You will need to find this particular program in the application store. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • Let's go to the App Store.
    • We are looking for an application that is stuck in a waiting state.
    • Click the “install” button.
    • The application is updated or reinstalled.

    By the way, if something is not there, then try restarting the App Store and resetting its cache. That's what it's for.

    Logging in and out of your account will solve the problem of frozen applications

    Sometimes, all you need to do is simply sign out of your Apple ID account and sign in again. One of the most universal methods - it even helps to get rid of What can we say about some waiting programs :)

    The algorithm of actions is simple - first we log out of the account:

    • Open the settings.
    • Click iTunes Store, App Store.
    • At the top we see your Apple ID, click on it.
    • Go out.

    To be sure, reboot and repeat all steps in reverse order, i.e. Log in to your account on your phone or tablet.

    Applications are not downloading completely? Let's use iTunes!

    You can try to download programs to the end using iTunes. To do this, we perform the following steps:

    1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer.
    2. We are waiting for iTunes to detect the device.
    3. Click on the application tab.
    4. We perform synchronization.

    After this, in iTunes you will be able to manage all the programs that are on your device. Including those “waiting”. We try to update, delete or download them again.

    Some more reasons for apps to wait on iPhone and iPad

    If all the previous methods did not help, then here’s what else you should pay attention to:

    As you can see, the methods are quite varied and there is no single solution. For some, a reboot helps, for others, other actions help. But at the same time, they are quite simple and trying absolutely all of them will not take much time!

    P.S. But if something still doesn’t work out, then like and write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together!

    Reading time: 9 minutes

    In this article, I will tell you what to do if, while updating or downloading an application on your iPhone, it freezes or goes into “standby” mode, as indicated by the corresponding message. As a result, the application cannot be launched or uninstalled.

    This article is suitable for all iPhone Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus models running iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in the article.

    First steps when an iPhone application goes into standby

    The most accessible and easiest manipulation is to simply reboot the iPhone. This popular solution helps many users when an application is on standby. We just reboot the device.

    There is a high probability that after this action the “waiting” inscription will disappear from the application icon. The application download will resume.

    Ask your question to a specialist

    Don’t know how to solve a problem with your gadget and need expert advice?

    Why and in what situations does this work? Perhaps you are trying to download or update a large application using a cellular network, but the gadget simply does not allow this, so the applications freeze. Rebooting effectively solves this issue.

    Resuming download

    If the download of a program is stuck, you need to pause the process and then start downloading again. This method allows you to resolve the issue with “waiting” applications by resuming their download.

    The only drawback is that it is unlikely that you will be able to click on the icon several times. You need to find this particular application in the store. We perform the following actions:

    • Go to the App Store.
    • We find a program that is stuck in a waiting state.
    • Click on the “Install” button.
    • The program will be reinstalled or updated.

    If the software is not found, then you need to restart the App Store and reset its cache.

    Sign in and sign out of Apple ID

    A fairly simple method is to log out of your own Apple ID account and log in again. The method is universal; it helps to solve even errors with Apple ID servers.

    The algorithm of actions is simple, first you need to log out of your Apple ID account:

    • Open the settings.
    • Click iTunes Store, App Store.
    • Your Apple ID is displayed at the top, which you need to click on.
    • Let's go out.

    Now we reboot, repeating all steps in reverse order. We go on iPhone to iPhone.

    Applications are not downloaded completely

    You can download applications completely using iTunes. We perform the following actions:

    • Connect the iPhone to the computer.
    • We wait for iTunes to detect the gadget.
    • Click on the “Applications” section.
    • We carry out synchronization.

    Now in iTunes you can manage all the applications that are on your gadget. This also applies to “waiting” programs. We try to delete, update or download them again.


    Resetting your iOS gadget can solve many problems, including stuck loading. Go to the “Settings” menu, select “General”, then “Reset” and “Reset all settings”.

    This will reset all settings, but your information will remain. After the operation, you should try downloading the application again.

    Removing an application from settings

    In the “Manage” section, delete the application. To go to the section, select “Settings”, then “General” and “Storage and iCloud”.

    Click on the frozen application and delete it. Then we perform a hard reboot. To do this, hold down the “Power/Sleep” and “Home” buttons.

    Hard reset

    This method is a last resort to reset the device to its factory state. All settings and data will be lost. Before performing a hard reset, you can create a backup via iCloud or iTunes.

    Apple devices are admired by many. Impeccable body lines, beautiful interface, high-quality applications. But even owners of iPhones and iPads periodically encounter problems such as freezing downloading applications from the App Store. Below we will look at the reasons why applications are not updated, downloaded or downloaded, as well as simple step-by-step instructions on how to deal with this.

    The essence of the problem, signs and causes

    It’s quite unpleasant to watch an application spend an hour trying to load into a smartphone. Especially when its owner wanted to spend a few pleasant minutes playing a new game or working in a useful program. And especially if you have nothing else to do or are pressed for time, and the application is absolutely necessary. The iPhone becomes a useless piece of plastic or aluminum. But a few simple ways can improve the situation.

    How to tell if an app is stuck loading

    The icon turns gray and the installation process wheel freezes. The application does not respond to user actions in any way. Another sign is that an error appears when you try to download an application from the App Store. This can happen to both iPhone and iPad. The methods for solving the problem are the same for all Apple gadgets with any OS version.

    What to do when an application from the App Store is not updated, downloaded or downloaded: step-by-step instructions

    Problem: the application does not download from the App Store

    So, a step-by-step algorithm for how to “bring your iPhone to life.” Follow all the steps one by one, without jumping from beginning to end. Each next step can become a solution to the problem.

    Solution: wait for work to complete on Apple servers

    Check out the news feed. Perhaps there was a notification that the store’s servers had crashed, and technical support was trying to do everything possible to correct the situation. Then all that remains is to wait, busying yourself with something else.

    Solution: check the stability of the Internet connection

    Check your Internet connection. You may argue that judging by the icon, wi-fi is working at full capacity, or the 3G/LTE icon is clearly lit. But this is not yet a sign of complete order.

    What to do: launch the Safari browser and load any Internet page. If the page is displayed completely, it means that the connection is indeed functioning stably. Let's move on to the next step.

    Solution: Stop and then resume downloading the app

    If the application still has a gray icon, it makes sense to pause the download.

    What you need to do: Press “Pause” while loading the application (tap on the application icon). Now click on the icon again. Sometimes it helps, and the application restores the download.

    Solution: Switch to airplane mode

    Unexpectedly, the following method may solve the problem. You should switch to Airplane mode, just for a while.

    What to do: From Springboard, perform a bottom-up gesture, then select the airplane icon. Airplane mode will turn on. After a couple of seconds, turn it off by tapping the icon again.

    Solution: Uninstall the app

    Didn't it work out? Uninstall the application. In fact, it's very simple.

    What actions to perform: click on the gray frozen icon and hold it, the icons will begin to vibrate (go into editing mode), and a small cross will appear on the left side of the icons. Click on it, the application will be removed. Go to the App Store again and try to install the program again.

    Solution: run the second installation in parallel

    Another non-standard method, a little secret that few people know about, is the parallel installation of a second application. Indeed, this may revive the first.

    What to do: Go to the App Store, select absolutely any application and launch it for installation. Often, after the second application starts downloading, the first one is also restored.

    Solution: Re-authorize in the App Store

    What else should I do? For example, re-login to your Apple ID account.

    Actions to take: Log out of your account. This can be done through the App Store - the “Selections” tab displays the name of your account. Click on it and select "Sign Out". Then sign in to your account again, and then try downloading the application again.

    Solution: Reboot the device

    Have you tried rebooting the device? If not, it's worth taking the risk.

    What to do: Press and hold the Power key until the iPhone turns off. Then turn it on again. Check the application icon. Once enabled, downloading can resume. Alternatively, try another reboot method - “hard”. Press and hold two keys at the same time - Power and Home. After restarting your smartphone, check the application icon again.

    Solution: PC synchronization

    Is the stubborn application still hanging? Sync your smartphone with iTunes on your personal computer.

    What to do: connect the gadget to your PC, on which you first launch the iTunes application. The Apple ID accounts on your smartphone and PC must match, otherwise nothing will work. Check if this is not the case, log in on both devices with the same account. Sync your devices.

    Solution: Reset settings

    If the app is so necessary to you that you are ready to reset the settings, then continue reading. However, make a backup of your device first. Now you are ready to reset your settings.

    What to do: Reset your network settings first. To do this, go to Settings, then Reset, and then click Reset Network Settings. Check the application. Is not downloading? Perform a hard reset. Go to the same “Settings” item, then “General”, then “Reset” - and “Reset all settings”.

    Solution: Switch to DFU mode

    If this does not solve the problem, there is one last method. Put your smartphone into DFU mode.

    What you need to do: connect your iPhone or iPad with the “harmful” application to a computer running iTunes. Now attention:

    If this does not help, perhaps you should refuse to install this application, because such manipulations with the device may in the future lead to its unstable operation and malfunctions. Look for alternatives to the app.

    By the way, you can still just wait.

    Applications in the App Store are not updated

    Sometimes owners of Apple gadgets encounter this problem.

    One of two ways will help:

    Of course, no one is immune from such a problem. There are too many possible reasons that may cause problems with downloading applications. General recommendations to follow in this case:

    • Before downloading the application, pay attention to its size. If it is rather large, make sure that everything is in order with the Internet, then start downloading;
    • read the news or ask your friends if there have been any notifications from Apple about server outages;
    • If you have tried all the methods and reached the most radical one - resetting the settings - think about whether you really need this application. Perhaps there are alternatives in the App Store, try to choose another one or return to downloading later, because “hard” methods of solving the problem cannot pass without leaving a mark on the device, in the future this may result in malfunctions in its operation.

    In general, the problem is not so global that we need to somehow prepare for it in advance. One of the listed methods will help in any case.

    The problem of apps loading stuck turns out to be an unpleasant surprise for many users. However, once you understand the reason a little, it won’t be difficult to eliminate it. Step-by-step instructions covering all options for solving the problem will provide undoubted practical help.