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  • The parcel has been accepted and is no longer tracked. Why does the seller on Aliexpress take a long time to send the goods? Why is the parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

    The parcel has been accepted and is no longer tracked.  Why does the seller on Aliexpress take a long time to send the goods?  Why is the parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

    After sending the goods to Aliexpress, the seller gives the buyer a tracking number by which the movement of the parcel can be tracked. And from this moment on, inexperienced buyers begin the most nervous period of waiting for their purchase. During which many regularly panic. One of the most common causes of concern is when the tracking status of a package is not updated for a long time. And with any minor delays in updating parcel tracking statuses, many panic. They are afraid of losing money, worried that the package will not arrive, and that they may need to do something urgently.

    Let's take a closer look at why there are delays in updating tracking statuses, and what delay periods are considered normal. And what to do if the parcel status is not updated for a long time.

    Why is my parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

    1. Information about the parcel has not yet entered the database of postal services and track number tracking systems.

    If you have received a tracking number, this does not mean that your parcel has already arrived at the post office. On average, it is believed that before it begins to be read. Because first the seller will reserve a tracking number, then the parcel will be picked up by the courier, and it will be sent by courier service to the post office. Next, it takes time until the parcel data is entered into the tracking system. In this case, you don’t need to do anything, just wait two weeks until the parcel information starts to be read.

    2. The parcel has started to be tracked, but has not been sent.

    It happens that the first tracking status appears in the tracking systems and on the Aliexpress website, indicating that the post office has received information about the parcel. This means that the seller reserved a tracking number, but did not physically send the parcel. It even happens that at this stage everything stops.

    3. Your track number is tracked only in China.

    When ordering cheap goods, parcels may be sent to you by courier companies or whose Track numbers are, in fact, internal invoice numbers. And they are only tracked within China. After passing the border, your parcel will be assigned a new track number with which it will travel further. You, like tracking systems, will not be able to recognize it. And the latest tracking status will show that the parcel has been sent to the destination country. There will be no further updates to the tracking system. Therefore, all that remains is to patiently wait for the notification that the parcel has arrived at your post office.

    4. The parcel is at the import stage.

    Basically, the process of importing a parcel is the longest stage. On average it can last two weeks. But there are particularly slow sorting points with old equipment or high loads, where parcels are stuck for a month or even more.

    You cannot influence the speed of crossing the border in any way. Since it is not known in which country it may be located. It may be marked as “Shipped”, but in fact it was placed in a container that is awaiting shipment, and then it may lie in a temporary storage warehouse, awaiting its turn for further processing. Therefore, you need to be patient and monitor the terms of buyer protection.

    5. The parcel is stuck at customs.

    There are situations when the latest status in tracking a parcel means that it has arrived at customs. And the movement does not go further. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, the customs office may be overloaded and the employees physically do not have time to process incoming parcels quickly. Secondly, the parcel may get lost at customs. If more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the parcel arrived at customs, then you can call the desired department yourself and ask the employees to find out what’s wrong with it.

    Please note that the speed of parcel delivery is a seasonal phenomenon. If you made an order during the holidays (especially during), during or after a sale, then due to workload or a large number of weekends, parcels will be sent slowly. Not only may the mail physically not work for some time, but also huge traffic jams will form.

    We also cannot influence this fact in any way. You just need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait its turn and move.

    7. Delays in updating tracking databases of some postal services.

    Some mails are famous for the fact that information in databases is updated with huge delays. And the parcel can go far ahead, and the data about it has not yet appeared in the database. Or the buyer has already received the parcel, but in tracking it has not even reached the point of export. For example, this is very typical for Estonian post. And the standard problem with China Post is that their server may be unavailable for a long period of time. Accordingly, status updates will not occur because of this.

    8. Physical movements of the parcel.

    At the very beginning of the parcel's journey, tracking statuses can be updated frequently. And it seems that your product moves from city to city, quickly passing through various stages. And then, at the next stage, it freezes for a week. And all because she is physically now sailing on a ship. And, sometimes, she needs to cover long distances by shipping. Naturally, this stage takes time and the next status will appear when it arrives at the next intermediate point.

    9. The parcel was lost.

    And the last, rather rare case, is when your package is lost in transit or stolen. Many buyers are afraid of this very reason, because they believe that the loss of a parcel means the loss of their money. And what do they need somehow. Actually this is not true.

    What to do if the parcel status is not tracked for a long time?

    N but in reality everything is simple! There are two options.

    First- if there is no information about the tracking number, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. And only then or.

    Second - if information appears in the tracking statuses, then the parcel is considered to have been sent to you. And no matter what happens to it in the future, you will not be able to open a dispute until the delivery guarantee period has passed (blue alarm clock). Therefore, seeing that your track is being read, just watch that your package does not go to another recipient and wait patiently for it. Experienced buyers on Aliexpress advise extending the timer 5 days before the end of the buyer protection period if the parcel is delayed somewhere in your country. Or, a couple of days before the end of the protection period, open a dispute saying that a lot of time has passed, but the parcel is still on the way. This will allow you to get your money back for items not received. And it no longer matters where and for what reason the package got stuck.

    Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat

    Parcels from Aliexpress are not tracked. What to do?

    Many people, when buying any goods or things on Aliexpress, are too worried about their purchases, of course, you say, why not worry, some dubious guy (seller) took my money and says that the parcel will arrive in about 2 months at best, but the product is needed, the mobile phone is a fancy one, not cheap.

    This is why parcel tracking was invented. Tracking occurs using the so-called track number, which you receive from the seller.

    Let's break down the types of parcels and see if your parcel should be tracked at all?

    • You ordered a cheap package, under 10 dollars.
    • You have a package over $10.
    • You ordered a paid delivery service such as EMS, DHL and others.

    If you find yourself in this classifier, great, below we will look at what to do, but first…

    Where can I get the tracking code for my parcel?

    You need to go to Aliexpress,

    log into your personal account, click “orders”

    You will be taken to a menu where you will see tracking statuses, please note that the track code is in English Tracking number, not Tracking Order, perhaps this is one of the reasons for parcels not being tracked.

    Sometimes people confuse the tracking number with their order number. Therefore, check that you are really using the track code.

    The seller can give you a track number in advance, even before sending the parcel to the post office.

    What kind of scam is this, you ask? Yeah, sometimes this happens, but rarely, the seller could have mixed up and written you the wrong track, or for some reason did not have time to send the parcel, and wrote you a “wrong” tracking code. In this case, time is your friend. Read on and you will find out what to do.

    Please also note that the parcel can be tracked only after 5-10 days from the date of dispatch. This means that if 10-14 days have not passed, there is nothing to worry about. Also, some Chinese postal delivery services add information about the parcel somewhere after 20 days.

    Another problem with tracking a package is that the seller may use a Non-International delivery service, which means that in China itself your package can and will be tracked, but in other countries it will not. This is what often happens.

    If 15 days have already passed and the track number is not tracked, you can write to the seller, sometimes sellers make mistakes with track numbers and give you the wrong one, as I wrote above, in this case ask him to check your track number .

    If your parcel is under 10 dollars, then, alas, most likely it will not be tracked at all.

    Another option is when it is tracked only in China, but after crossing the border, you cannot wait for the status of the parcels. On the territory of Russia they are assigned the status “without tracking”, and the parcel travels to you, of course there is a chance that it will not arrive (lately parcels without tracking have been getting worse). Even when the parcel reaches you, since it is not tracked, it may lie in the mail. Postal workers have several options, depending on your luck:

    1. A small package can be put in the mailbox, yeah, right there, yeah, and no one really cares that an evil neighbor's bully can pull the package out of the box and take it for himself.
    2. If you indicated a telephone number when placing an order, postal workers may call you or send you an SMS.
    3. Or, a classic of the genre - a mail notification in the mailbox.

    As you understand, when ordering this type of parcel, you are always in trouble, because... The package may not be clear where.

    It’s another matter when the product you ordered is more than $10.

    Usually such parcels are sent by mail with tracking. Identifiers begin with RU or CN (these are the most popular).

    It should appear within 2 weeks. On the Russian Post website, or for example through “where it goes”. If this does not happen, write to the Chinese about it. Wait a while so that the order status shows no more than 10 days, and open a dispute, indicate the reason “Tracking problem” and demand a refund.

    When you order delivery like EMS.

    EMS, by the way, does not work badly, they deliver goods really quickly, and in my memory there were no unpleasant moments.

    If you have a question about delivery via EMS and similar services, write it below in the comments. We'll figure out. Good luck).

    As a rule, it starts with receiving a tracking number. However, the fact that the seller has already indicated the parcel tracking number does not mean that it has already been delivered to China Post. In this case, the seller only ordered a track for shipment, so at this stage there will be no data about the corresponding shipment in the postal system.

    possible only after 5 - 10 days from the moment the order is closed. Please note that data on China Post and China Post Airmail shipments appear on the website of the postal service at the destination only at the time the parcel is delivered to the customs point. After 20–30 days (sometimes earlier) from the day the parcel was sent, information about its location will become available in your postal system.

    How to find out where your package is online:

    Enter the track code, click “track” and find where your package is located.

    Shipping Sellers Shipping Method

    If 50-60 days have already passed since the last mark in the tracking, and the parcel has not yet been delivered, it is quite possible that it is stuck at export. Typically, such situations arise during the peak season for mail. In this case, you can write to the seller and ask him to provide you with convincing evidence that the parcel was sent and he filed an application to search for it. Pre-import shipping is the responsibility of the sender, so you will not be able to apply for tracing in your country. The second option is . The last option, of course, is not very fair to the seller, since it is not his fault, so it’s up to you to decide.

    In February 2017, the international trading platform aliexpress introduced a rule for shipments to Ukraine and Russia: all parcels must have track numbers tracked along the entire route from the seller to the recipient. There were different guesses about the reasons for such an unexpected measure: from concern for the convenience of buyers to the protection of sellers from fraud by clients from the CIS countries. But the measure was introduced, and ordering various small items from Aliexpress became not so profitable. If earlier you could buy some stickers for manicure with free delivery for just 10 rubles, now you will have to pay 50-100 rubles more for the same stickers.

    The fact is that sending a simple parcel without an international track number, with tracking only within China, costs mere pennies for the Chinese. But shipping by services that provide an international track number costs several times more – from 1-2 dollars and more. Now AliExpress sellers must either include this dollar in the price of the product, or charge a delivery fee. In any case, the cost of stickers from 10 rubles rises sharply to 100 rubles, which no longer looks so attractive. All sellers, without exception, whose main assortment consists of inexpensive goods costing up to 300 rubles, experienced a sharp decline in sales. If previously they sold inexpensive goods and offered the buyer free delivery, now the cost of delivery costs the buyer several times more than the product itself.

    But there were some cunning Chinese who came up with a way to continue selling cheap goods cheaply and with free shipping. We will talk about this method below.

    Fake tracking numbers on AliExpress that are not tracked

    How do the Chinese still manage to sell cheap goods with free shipping, despite the new AliExpress rules? It's very simple - sellers give out fake track codes. How does this happen?

    When placing an order with the seller, you see free delivery, and they promise to send you a decent service such as China Post Registered Air Mail. Please remember that the track numbers for this service must be tracked, no exceptions. After paying for the order, the seller sends the goods and gives you a track number consisting of letters and numbers, for example: RS123456789CN. This is what track numbers with international tracking look like in most cases: they consist of 9 numbers and four letters. If you enter such a track number into tracking services like “Where is the Parcel”, you will even see information like this:

    This is what the movement of a parcel with a fake track number looks like even after a month

    But such parcels do not change their status for weeks. If a parcel with a normal tracking number begins to move after 3-5 days (goes to another point, leaves the country, etc.), then such fake tracks do not change in any way after 10-20-30 days or longer.

    This is what the movement of a parcel with a normal track code should look like

    The track number from aliexpress is not tracked for a long time, what should I do?

    So, your parcel has not changed its status for two weeks. Is it time to panic?

    Under no circumstances should you worry. Remember that when purchasing any product on Aliexpress, you are 100% protected from non-receipt of the goods thanks to the AliExpress feature called “Buyer Protection”. If you do not receive the package within the time guaranteed by the seller (most often it is 60 days, less often - from 20 to 40 days), you can open a dispute a few days before the expiration of the buyer protection period and get your money back in full. Don’t worry that the seller will close the store and run away in an unknown direction with your money - during buyer protection and two weeks after, your money is in the accounts of AliExpress, which acts as an intermediary and guarantor between you and the seller. As soon as you confirm the order or the buyer protection period expires, only then the money is transferred to the seller to his personal account.

    What to do if the track number is not tracked?

    Step 1. We write to the seller. We ask why 10 days have already passed and the parcel has not changed its status. Sometimes it happens that sellers inadvertently give the wrong track number. If the seller apologized and gave the correct, trackable tracking number, follow the parcel using it. But it's not time to let your guard down yet.
    If the seller writes “the order has been sent, wait 4-8 weeks,” proceed to step two.

    Step 2. If the seller asks you to wait 1-2 months, and the track is still not tracked, then yes, you will just have to wait. Why? Yes, because the seller sent the parcel in the cheapest way without an international track number, providing you with a fake international track. Yes, this may not be very pleasant, because you were essentially deceived by promising free delivery and a track number tracked to your home, but you still can’t do anything.

    Step 3. Remember how many days your buyer protection expires. This information is visible in your personal account:

    49 days left until buyer protection expires

    If you are not a very active buyer on Aliexpress and are afraid to forget the exact end date of buyer protection, set yourself a reminder anywhere (on your phone, in Google calendar, in your organizer) ALWAYS 5-10 days BEFORE! expiration of the protection period. You will also receive an automatic reminder from Ali by email that your order will automatically close in 5 days.

    We are calmly waiting for the parcel. Since a package without an international tracking number is a SIMPLE package, the postman must drop it in your mailbox. If the parcel does not fit into the mailbox, there are no mailboxes or they are in unusable condition, the postman must leave an invitation to come to the post office. But the last point depends on the conscience of the postmen; personally, my postman has never left me an invitation; when I was waiting for simple parcels, I had to run to the post office every week and ask to see the parcels for me. In general, wait. If there is neither a parcel nor a notification, then a month after payment for the order (a month is the average delivery time for simple parcels to the CIS countries), we begin going to the post office once a week. If the parcel is not received even 7 days before the end of the buyer protection period, resolutely open a dispute on AliExpress and demand a refund.

    Step 4. If the package never arrives, be sure to open a dispute.
    Unfortunately, sometimes you come across not very honest sellers on Aliexpress. And if the seller cheated and gave you a fake track number, you should not expect compassion and concern for your interests from him. Open a dispute. This is very easy to do. Go to the order details, click the “open dispute” button (if there are several products in one order, then several disputes will have to be opened). Then follow the instructions from Aliexpress. Click the “return only” button and ask for a refund of the full amount paid for the product. After which the seller has a period of several days to fulfill your request or offer his own solution. If the seller offers to return you an amount less than what you paid, or even “0.00 rubles”, DISPUTE such an offer, write the full amount again. In this way, you will escalate the dispute, involve the AliExpress team in the dispute, and when they see the fake track number, they are guaranteed to take your side. After a couple of days, you will receive confirmation by email that the dispute is closed in your favor. The money is returned within two weeks to the card/wallet from which the payment was made.

    It is worth remembering that many sellers, when the Buyer’s protection period comes to an end, extend this period by one or two months. Extending the protection period is not a reason to postpone the dispute, because in this way you can wait for your order for six months and end up receiving nothing. Therefore, if you do not have the desire and mood to wait for your order for another three months after the protection has been extended, you have the right to open a dispute. After all, Aliexpress guarantees a full refund if you do not receive your order within the time promised by the seller:

    If the order does not arrive on time, you can get your money back

    On my own behalf, I can advise you to wait an extra week or two beyond the period guaranteed by the seller, just to ease your conscience. Do not forget that all this time you must be under the protection of the buyer.

    Step 5. If the package has arrived, warn other buyers about a possible problem.
    Be sure to leave feedback about the seller. Give the rating that you think is fair, and write in the comments that the track number was fake and was not tracked at all. Warn other buyers against dealing with dishonest sellers.

    In any case, remember the most important thing: when buying on AliExpress, you are under the full protection and guardianship of Aliexpress. To get a refund, you only need to remember the terms of Buyer Protection and open a dispute in time if the goods did not arrive or arrived, but with a defect.

    If you have any questions or need help, write in the comments, we will definitely try to help.

    Some customers whose orders have not been shipped within 24 hours are beginning to wonder: Why does the seller on Aliexpress take a long time to send the goods?

    There are several reasons why marketplace sellers may delay sending packages. They can be either justified or unfounded.

    List of reasons for delay in sending goods from Aliexpress

    1. Weekends and holidays. Each seller on Aliexpress has weekends and holidays when orders are not processed and shipped. In addition, it is important to understand that dates and holidays (for example, Chinese New Year) in the seller's country of residence may differ significantly from the recipient's holidays.
    2. Serious workload due to the large number of orders. This reason is especially relevant during various sales (for example, World Shopping Day 11.11), when buyers place hundreds and even thousands of orders in the first hours.
    3. Temporary lack of goods and waiting for new deliveries from the warehouse. The product tends to run out, and in order not to confuse the buyer with long explanations about the temporary absence of the product, the seller may not send the order, waiting for the delivery of a new batch of goods from the warehouse. In this case, most sellers notify the buyer of a slight delay.
    4. Personal circumstances. The reason is relevant for sellers who have small stores on Aliexpress and process orders independently. Life issues and problems may cause shipping delays.
    5. Negligence and indifference. There are also those sellers who allow themselves to not send an order for a long time without any good reason. This reason is more applicable to those sellers who do not ship the goods within the specified order processing time. Note that such sellers often do not have a very high store rating (less than 90%), and also ignore customer requests in personal messages.

    Unfortunately, most buyers miss one important detail while waiting for the goods to be shipped from Aliexpress. Order processing time– this is the period of time during which the seller undertakes to send the order to the buyer. When this period ends (and the seller has not sent the goods), the order is automatically canceled and the money paid is prepared to be returned to the buyer.

    According to the rules of the trading platform, the seller has the right to send the goods at any time while the order processing period is valid. Despite this, practice shows that most sellers still try to ship the goods within 24 hours after the buyer places an order.

    Let us remind you that the remaining time for sending the goods can be viewed in the details of a specific order. You can describe your questions in the comments to this publication.