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  • YAN Yandex Direct - what it is and how to improve returns. YAN - what is it? YAN Settings What does YAN mean in Direct

    YAN Yandex Direct - what it is and how to improve returns.  YAN - what is it?  YAN Settings What does YAN mean in Direct

    First, let’s look at the differences between advertising on search and YAN. For a better understanding, let's imagine two situations.

    Situation one: a person enters a clothing store. First of all, he calls a consultant and says that he wants to buy. A store employee brings a selection of items to the customer. Then the person, based on his criteria, for example, the appearance of the product, its price or reliability, chooses what he will buy.

    In the second case, a person enters a clothing store without any purpose.

    In both cases, the buyer can either buy the product or refuse to purchase. You need to understand that this is a completely different type of sales. About the same difference between search and YAN. Using a search engine, the user has a generated query that he will enter into the search engine. And our task will be to make an offer that will stand out from the competition. Advertising on YAN is shown when a person is busy with his own business. For example: watching the weather, reading the news, etc. And our task is to attract his attention. Make you take a break from everyday affairs and click on the ad. This means that the approach to advertising must be completely different. Many beginners do not understand this and do not separate their advertising campaigns into search and YAN.

    In my opinion, the disadvantage of YAN is that it is extremely difficult to be sure of its effectiveness. You need to test different approaches to advertising. Change ad text, pictures and look at the return on advertising. As a rule, there are areas in which potential buyers need a service or product “here and now.” For example, in the field of “ordering tow trucks” and “pizza delivery”, the use of YAN will be less effective. Naturally, we are now talking about beginners and do not understand such concepts as “increasing brand recognition”, “returning users without purchasing”, etc. We'll talk about them a little later.

    As a rule, in such niches, a person clicked on the first two ads and chose the product he needed. Displaying advertisements in YAN about services that a person no longer needs is not very effective.

    YAN shows itself at its best in niches where there is a long decision-making process. For example, selling concert tickets. Sale of expensive air conditioners.

    What is YAN

    We have looked at how search differs from the Yandex Advertising Network. To summarize, in YAN we do not show advertising to people with a clearly formed need to purchase a product. Therefore, displaying advertising in YAN and on search is completely different, from setting up to writing ads.

    The Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) is a system for placing advertising on websites, mobile phone applications, video platforms, etc. These platforms have specially designated blocks where advertising will be displayed.

    Every site that joins the Yandex Advertising Network undergoes strict testing. It must meet many criteria. This means that the user can be confident in the quality of the resource on which his advertising will be shown. However, if you are not satisfied with the sites, you can add them to the “black list”. I will write in more detail how to do this a little later.

    Types of targeting in YAN

    There are several types of targeting in the Yandex Advertising Network. Let's look at each of them.

    Behavioral targeting in YAN

    Displaying advertisements in YAN is possible taking into account the individual interests of users. Yandex determines the interests of users by their behavior on partner sites. Thanks to this method of displaying advertising, ads will not be shown to users who are not interested in them. Behavioral targeting takes into account a possible decline in interest in certain topics. Separation of interests into long-term and temporary.

    Why do you need behavioral targeting?

    Behavioral targeting in YAN works best for sites with a wide range of goods or services, where it is difficult to identify the target audience based on the site page. By adding behavioral targeting, you can significantly increase the size of your target audience.

    How does Yandex collect data about user interests?

    In order to correctly determine the interests of users, special cookies are installed on their computers. With their help, Yandex processes and stores personal data. But don’t worry, this data will not be made publicly available. If you do not want your personal information to be used when serving advertisements, you can opt out of advertising preferences.

    How are ads selected for behavioral targeting?

    If we simplify, then we can get a diagram that we will divide into different points:

    1. Information about user behavior is collected.
    2. Yandex searches the database for suitable advertisements.
    3. Transfers selected advertisements to the site where the user is located.
    4. Shows the most relevant advertising to the user.
    5. Information about user behavior is collected
    As we see, this process can be repeated endlessly. All work is geared towards obtaining data and improving it. The more actively the user searches for the information he needs, the more accurate advertising he will receive.

    Thematic targeting in YAN

    Thematic targeting allows you to display ads to a portion of the audience visiting sites with a common theme. Yandex selects sites that match this request with their content. Keywords describe the content of the site or the theme of the site.

    Retargenting in Yandex YAN

    When a user visits a site for the first time, he becomes familiar with its content. Looks through pictures, reads texts, searches for the goods or services he needs. For example, a visitor wants to select a TV. People approach this kind of purchase with a conscious decision, looking at a large number of products on different sites, comparing them with each other. After visiting your site, the user may simply forget about it. In order to return interested users to your product, retargeting exists. It allows you to show advertising to those users who were on your site. Thus, they are already familiar with the assortment and will be more interested.

    How can you use retargeting in Yandex YAN?

    As I wrote above, retargeting allows you to return users who were on your website and looked at the product. In Yandex Metrica there is such a thing as goals. In simple terms, we can create tracking of people who have done certain actions. They went to the product page, read the article for more than six minutes, or added the product to the cart and did not place an order. Depending on the tasks that the site performs, the retargeting settings may change.
    Let's take a closer look at who we can show advertising to:

      Users who visited the site, stayed there for a certain time and did not complete the target action. In this case, it makes sense to show ads related to the site page. You can add information that should interest the user. Indicate a discount or inform about a new product collection.

      User viewing of a specific product or service. If a person visited the site, looked at the product he was interested in, but did not place an order and left the site. This most often happens because customers study the offer in different stores and choose the one that is most profitable for them. You can return customer data by indicating information about discounts, gifts or bonuses in your advertising.

      If the user added an item to the cart, but did not complete the order. This can happen for various reasons. Perhaps he simply forgot to pay or was distracted at that moment. Our task will be to return such a user. We can use the final cart URL. This means that users who clicked on the advertisement will be taken to the cart page and will be able to continue ordering.

    Creation of advertising campaigns in YAN

    Now let's move on to the point of creating advertising campaigns in Yandex. To do this, let's go to Yandex.Direct. We will need to click on “Create Campaign”. Below we see a list of possible options. I suggest starting with a “text and image ad”.

    Creating a text and image ad in YAN

    Click on “create text and image ad”. Next we are greeted by a column with RK settings

    According to the standard, the first thing you need to do is indicate the name of the advertising campaign. For convenience, I recommend naming the RK depending on the subject of the product, the services provided and the division into search/YAN.

    Date of the RC

    Next, select the date for the campaign. If you do not select, then the date will be set automatically, but you can make adjustments at any time. Shows will begin only after moderation and payment for placement. You can set the end date for the advertising campaign. This is convenient if you are running a promotion that has a limited time or want to test how the audience responds to an offer.

    Time targeting

    Managing impressions in YAN

    Now let's move on to the control point for impressions in YAN. In it we will talk about display strategies, network settings and bid adjustments.

    Display Strategy for Advertising Campaigns

    Impression strategy – settings for your placement in Direct. The management of bids, where ads are displayed, and the restrictions available to you depend on which strategy you choose.

    Depending on your objectives, you can choose different display strategies. There are two types of bid management:

    • Automatic bid management. In automatic strategies, the system itself handles the placement. They are aimed at attracting the maximum amount of targeted traffic to the site. Depending on the criteria set, the system will select the most effective phrases and set bids. It's best to use automated strategies when you need to spend your weekly budget efficiently or get clicks at a specified price.
    • Manual bid management. Using this strategy, you can control absolutely all indicators and set your own bids depending on your understanding of the effectiveness of key phrases in the advertising campaign.
    • Manual bid management

      Don’t forget to set the ad display conditions to “Only on networks”. When using this strategy, we can choose the daily budget for the advertising campaign. The daily budget is the amount that you can spend during the day.

      Read more about manual betting management in the article

      Display modes in manual bid management

      There are two types of ad serving: standard and distributed. Depending on the performance of the advertising campaign, it makes sense to change the conditions.

      Standard display mode

      This ad display mode is set by default. It will display ads until the daily budget is used up or funds run out. I recommend looking at how quickly an advertising campaign hits daily limits. If this does not happen, there is no point in changing the regime.

      Distributed display mode

      In distributed impressions mode, the daily budget is extended over the entire day or the period specified in time targeting. This means that your ads will not always be shown to users. It is recommended to use when you spend the entire advertising campaign budget before the first half of the day.

      Bid Adjustments

      Using this function, you can significantly save costs on your advertising campaign. The point is that we can make adjustments for the audience. If you see that you have a large percentage of rejected pages for people visiting from mobile devices, you can completely eliminate impressions.

      Using bid adjustments, you can change the cost of a click:

      • For the target audience
      • For visitors from mobile devices
      • By gender and age
      • For video formats

      You can change the click price for users with mobile phones and smartphones. You cannot completely disable impressions for any device.

      You can increase or decrease and set your own coefficient. The minimum bid for display on mobile devices is minus 50% of the assigned click price, and the maximum is plus 1200% of the price.
      The operation of the coefficient is tied to the type of device. This means that if a user switches from a phone to the regular version of Yandex, the bid for mobile phones will be used when displaying.

      Adjustment of rates by gender and age

      Using metrics, you can see which audience is visiting the site. Let's say you are selling a car and you are absolutely sure that the target audience of children is not needed. To do this, you can limit impressions for children.

      Adjusting videos by age

      Relatively recently, Yandex added the ability to display video formats in YAN. It is impossible to completely disable this feature. Auction bids operate in the same way as other adjustments. We'll talk about video add-ons in more detail a little later.

      Optimization of phrases in YAN

      Using phrase optimization, you can add negative phrases and enable impressions for additional relevant phrases.

      Negative phrases for the Yandex Advertising Network

      Minus phrases are words or phrases for which your ads will not be shown. There are many queries that will not be targeted. For example, “free”, “torrent”, “name of a brand that you do not sell”, etc. By limiting impressions to these words, you significantly save your advertising campaign budget.
      You can specify negative phrases separated by a comma or a hyphen. The maximum allowed use is up to 7 words and no more than 20,000 characters, excluding spaces.
      IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to use negative keywords in YAN. They significantly narrow the scope of advertising campaigns.

      Additional relevant phrases

      These are words that are automatically added to those specified by the advertiser. With their help, you can increase your target audience and save time on selecting phrases.
      As a rule, it is best to disable this feature.

      Business card for YAN

      Filling out a business card for YAN is optional. It will not be displayed in the Yandex Advertising Network. However, if you create a search campaign, then its presence is mandatory!

      We wrote more about Business Cards

      You can set the following parameters here:

      • Organization location
      • Telephone
      • Campaign name
      • The contact person
      • Working hours
      • Address
      • Position on the map
      • Email
      • Pager
      • Description of product or service


      The use of metrics plays a key role in optimizing advertising campaigns. Be sure to use this Yandex tool.

      Metrics Counter

      If you have a Metrics counter installed, you need to indicate its number in the campaign settings. If you do not do this, then the advertising campaign statistics will not be displayed correctly. You can specify up to 5 counters for one campaign.

      Link markup for Metrica

      When you add this checkbox to your ads, a yclid tag with a personal click number will be added. With its help, information about a specific click will be collected in your metrics counter. The maximum label length is up to 20 characters.

      Special Settings

      Special settings can significantly reduce the costs of running advertising campaigns. There are functions for this:

      • Prohibited sites and external networks.
      • Number of ad groups on the campaign page.
      • Prohibition of impressions by IP addresses.

      Prohibited sites and external networks

      You can prohibit the display of your ads on certain sites in the Yandex Advertising Network and in external networks. To do this, you need to specify the domain of the site on which you want to block the display of ads. For one advertising campaign, it is possible to add no more than 1000 sites to prohibited sites. However, not all sites can be added; the exceptions are Yandex and Mail search projects.
      If you add a specific site to the list of prohibited sites, then campaign ads will not appear both on thematic pages of this site and in search results for it.

      Banning impressions by IP addresses

      You can limit ad impressions to certain users. To do this, you need to add their IP address to the list of prohibited impressions. In total, you can enter up to 25 IP addresses.

      Substituting part of the text into the ad title

      This function does not work in YAN. Using it, you can move the ad from part of the text to the title in the search.

      Video format in the Yandex Advertising Network

      Now let's move on to video add-ons in the Yandex Advertising Network. This is a new format that appeared relatively recently. Using this function, you can transform still images into animated videos up to ten seconds long. They are generated automatically and use an image, title, text and ad link. You can replace the video add-on with another one or add your own videos and audio recordings.
      You can:

      • Design according to template
      • Select from previously added

      You can change the video add-on in the advertising campaign settings in the “Add-ons” section.

      Creative designer

      To make your own creative, go to the “design using a template” section. Next, select “Standard templates”

      You can add a new video extension. To do this, press the “Change” button.

      In the window that appears, all standard videos will be available that can be used as templates. All you have to do is select a video of the desired format that reflects the topic of the product.
      In the settings we can change the domain color and button color. And also set what exactly will be written on the button.

      Media campaign

      At the moment, the media campaign is in beta testing. The main difference between a display campaign and a regular one is that payment is made for impressions, and not for clicks on advertising. Ads will be available on desktops and mobile devices.

      Benefits of Display Campaigns

      Payment occurs only for real impressions. This means that the banner will be displayed only if at least 50% of the banner area is continuously in the visible area of ​​the screen for more than two seconds.
      When creating a media banner, it can be shown according to user characteristics: interests on the Internet, income, gender and age. Display ads can be shown to people who have interacted with your site or visited specific locations. Ads can also be shown based on key phrases.

      User profile in a media campaign

      By user profile we mean a set of characteristics of users to whom we want to show advertising. For example, people of a certain income, age and habits. Or those who live in a certain place.
      This way you can accurately determine the portrait of a potential user using special Yandex Crypt technology. It determines, based on a person’s behavior, whether he can be classified into a certain group.

      Socio-demographic profile

      You can specify the gender, age and income level of the users to whom ads will be shown. For example, you can show an advertisement for a new premium parking lot to people over 25 years old and with an above-average income.

      Marital status, children, profession

      You can select the marital status, number of children and profession of the users for whom you want to show ads. For example, you can show advertisements for new buildings to users who are married and expecting a child.


      You can set the interests of the users to whom you want to show ads. In your profile, you must indicate no more than three interests, which are combined with each other using the “AND” operator. There can be no more than ten interests in one set, combining using “OR”.

      For each set you need to select the type of interests:

      • Long-term – users who are interested on a regular basis.
      • Short-term – interested in the last few days.
      • Mixed – users who have long-term and short-term interests.
      • Coverage forecast.
      Reach forecast will help you estimate the weekly number of users who fit the desired user profile characteristics. There will be two values ​​in the forecast. On the right is the total number of users. This value depends on the selected display regions, the sizes of loaded banners and the list of prohibited sites. On the left is the number of users matching the profile description.


      Using YAN in your campaigns allows you to significantly expand your reach of users. There are niches in which the use of advertising in this format will be most effective. As a rule, this is a topic where it takes a long time to make a decision. To increase the number of applications, do not forget to use retargeting.

    Today we’ll talk about how best to work with Yandex or advertising platforms. You will learn what an advertising network is. I will also give you some tips that will help you increase.

    What is YAN in Yandex Direct

    So, advertising in Yandex Direct follows several strategic schemes. There is general contextual advertising. It was intended as advertising on third-party sites. Simply put, this is YAN (Yandex advertising network).

    This is a large network of sites on which .

    That is, Yandex puts special windows on different sites. If, for example, the site is dedicated to automotive topics, then these windows will show advertisements on automotive topics.

    The same applies to other topics. But this concerns YAN. I simply clearly explained what YAN is in Yandex Direct.

    Other areas of Yandex contextual advertising

    In addition to YAN, there are other areas of Yandex contextual advertising. Let's look at them too.

    It is worth saying that a little later after the advertising network, Yandex has a need to create search advertising. This is when you go to search, type and see ads. They are displayed in the search and on the topic for which you are looking for context.

    There is also a third direction of Yandex Direct contextual advertising. The company also cooperates with small search engines (for example, Thus, the system broadcasts ads on search partner sites.

    1. search advertising on Yandex itself
    2. looking for other partners
    3. (Yandex advertising network)- these are small advertising platforms (regular sites)

    Behavioral targeting in Yandex

    Let's say you went to a car website, but before that you were looking for coffee cars. Yandex knows that you previously searched for coffee machines. And no matter what thematic site you visit, the system can show you what you were already looking for.

    Thus, in the report you can see that when advertising jewelry, our online advertising was on automobile portals and on other unknown sites. And that's okay!

    This is how behavioral targeting works. The system knows what you have recently searched for and what you were interested in. Based on this information, it starts showing ads that are suitable for you.

    Bid management

    Due to the fact that Yandex works with platforms, the system reaches a wider audience. That is, advertising is seen more often by the widest range of people. This is how the system makes money from this.

    She gives part of the amount to the owner of the site on which the advertisement was broadcast. And he keeps the other part for himself. This is a kind of partnership between Yandex and the site owner.

    So, what does this give us and why should we know this when working with Yandex YAN?

    We can separately regulate work with sites. For example, we can select the “Independent Bid Management” strategy setting.

    This means, let’s say we choose independent bid management and thus can set our own prices for certain keywords on sites. If we do not choose independent management and do not take any similar actions, then Yandex begins to use its own algorithms.

    For example, it has a setting that is tied to how advertising goes on search. That is, there are 2 parameters. You can keep the cost of a click within the price of a click on search. And you can keep the total cost of the campaign within the limits of the cost of this search campaign.

    If, let’s say, your search costs 10 rubles, then he can supply the same amount for YAN.

    The most convenient way is to choose independent bid management. Or create a copy of the advertising campaign, select independent bid management in the main advertising campaign and disable advertising on sites. And in the other, on the contrary, turn off the search and work with sites there.

    You can do this within one campaign, or in separate ones. The last one is better. That is, you create an advertising campaign and then create a copy of it. Then in both campaigns you select independent control (in one you have search disabled, in the other the sites are disabled).

    This option allows you to track your returns better, easier and faster.

    Keywords for YAN

    We continue to talk about how advertising platforms work in Yandex Direct. We already know about behavioral targeting. Let's now talk a little about keywords.

    We can improve the efficiency of working with sites. Especially when we work with them separately.

    What I propose to do. Well, besides the fact that we are creating a separate advertising campaign, it would be nice for the sites to take a lot of names.

    In general, for any topic you work with, there is a list of top sites on this topic where people are looking for something. For example, in the topic of forex, people often look for a forex club company. It would be good to take these names.

    This means that these are the names of all services and sites in Russian and English. The names of major popular books, TV shows, and the like will also appear. In general, you need to go through the names well.

    Further, there may be several options for advertising in YAN. If you are advertising in a narrow region (for example, in Krasnodar), then in some campaigns it is difficult to get a lot of traffic and then you have to squeeze it from the sites.

    In order for this to work better, especially if the site has good conversion, we take a lot of high-frequency keywords.

    Let's say we are advertising some kind of weight loss club. If we provide contextual advertising throughout Russia (for example, online lessons), then we cannot take many auxiliary keywords because they will not give a good conversion.

    We take the main hot ones (for example, how to lose weight), and various massagers, creams, and so on, they may no longer be bought from us when advertising throughout Russia.

    We can additionally include words about massagers, creams or various drugs. That is, we take something that we would not have taken in the case of working with the widest advertising campaign.

    This can be used for YAN Direct. Thus, the result is an advertising campaign in which a lot of auxiliary keywords are taken, and specifically high-frequency ones. But to get the most out of these high frequencies, it’s not enough to just take one word at a time. For example, exercise machine, weight loss, gym, fitness and so on.

    It is advisable to make a selection of keywords. That is, take the word “simulator”. Enter it into the keyword selection service and take what the service offers (no trash). The only thing is that searching requires deep sampling.

    That is, you do (high frequency, mid frequency and low frequency). And when you work with sites, then deep sampling (look for a lot of clues) there is no need to do this here. That is, here the requirements for sampling depth will be less.

    But if you make a deeper selection, then, in principle, it won’t be worse. But this is simply not always necessary.

    For example, we take the word lose weight, exercise machine and massager. And instead of writing the same ad for all three groups, we write one ad for each group. A massage is one thing, a weight loss is another, and a weight loss is a third.

    But inside the massager we have, for example, 50 keys, and we no longer sharpen advertisements for each key. For speed, this scheme can be used as a temporary solution. Ideally, you should get away from this in time.

    That is, they took a universal ad for a group. And at the same time, to increase returns, we assign ads to each keyword.


    So, when working with Yandex, we choose either independent bid management or transfer sites to a separate advertising campaign. Also, both when working on search and when working with sites, carefully monitor the impact.

    But here you have another option. You can monitor the return on each site in the statistics. That is, you monitor not only which keyword, which ad shows what kind of return, but also from which platform.

    In the Yandex Direct interface you will have access to statistics and all this will be visible there. But keep in mind the margin of error. Don’t take into account if you had 1000 clicks on one site, 20 on another, and 100 on a third.

    It is clear that for the last two orders there may be no orders at all, or there may be fewer of them.

    If you are counting relative to a certain number of clicks (for example, for 1000 clicks). It’s not that there are more orders from this site, and fewer from this one, and we turn it off. But the fact is that the other may have fewer clicks. Therefore, the conversion will be small. So don't fall for it.

    And that's all for now. Now you know what Yandex is and how it works on the Internet. I also gave you some tips to improve the effectiveness of online advertising.

    Many Internet users often ask the following question: “YAN - what is it”? It turns out that these are capital letters from the Yandex advertising network. These words are more familiar to everyone than its abbreviations. And yet YAN - what is it? The Yandex advertising network is, as you know, a number of sites that display Yandex ads. Direct." YAN (“Yandex”) contains various platforms: a website, its versions for smartphones, mobile applications, smart TV.

    The Yandex advertising network accepts only those sites that are most often visited by users. All sites that submit applications to join the YAN undergo a thorough check in accordance with the conditions of participation. They will never accept you if there is low-quality content and a website that is created only to make money by advertising.

    YAN - a confident audience

    YAN - what is it? The Yandex advertising network is a confident audience that should not be doubted. Today, Yandex has 74 million users, and a large number of them are not related to Yandex search users.

    What comes out of this? And this can result in a significant increase in audience reach if you place advertising on the YAN platform. If you want to understand this in detail, then carefully look at the number of visitors to the Yandex search engine and at visitors to YAN member sites.

    How does the Yandex advertising network work?

    • Internet advertising is selected using the content of a specific page;
    • Internet advertising responsible for search is shown as a result of search results on websites, and is tied to the keyword entered by the visitor in the search bar;
    • thematic online advertising is shown on a website page as additional information to its content;
    • advertising, which is based on user behavior, is selected using behavioral targeting technology; it depends on the interest of specific users on the site.

    On the website of a network member you can place an advertisement for the Yandex. Direct." You can also post those provided by the Yandex information and reference system. Market". Website owners who are members of the Yandex advertising network receive money for visitors following an advertising link and can see in real time the number of ad impressions and ad clicks, as well as their income.

    Who can join the Yandex advertising network?

    Any sites with Russian-speaking users that meet the rules of participation can join YAN if they have more than 500 visitors per day. Also, in addition to this, sites that were created on the free hosting “” and on other such sites, for example Ucoz, can become participants. But there are exceptions for such sites; they will be accepted only if there is a direct request to the technical support of the Yandex advertising network. Unfortunately, it is impossible to automatically add a site that is hosted on free hosting.

    Methods of working with the Yandex advertising network

    There are three simple ways to work with YAN:

    1. Create different campaigns with your own keywords and ads, because search and topic are different concepts and are shown based on different criteria. The search is focused on current user requests, and the topic is on the user, his interests and online behavior.
    2. Decide on the key, because the system itself will determine where, when and to whom your advertising is interesting, and while typing words there is no need to set strict restrictions. It is necessary to focus on multi-word phrases and at the same time be careful with negative words and operators. With this, you can choose broad phrases and thereby increase your target audience.

    You need to add emotions. This is necessary for your ad to be noticed because it can be placed anywhere. Describe the benefits of your proposals clearly and as clearly as possible.

    Setting up the Yandex advertising network

    Many people probably have a question about how to set up YAN. And in order to do this, you first need to go to the strategy settings and select “Independent management for different types of sites”, then turn off advertising on search, and set maximum coverage on the thematic site. Now advertising will only be shown on YAN. Setting up YAN is quite easy. You can also set restrictions on the daily budget and the display mode.

    After this you can make one more adjustment. In the “Settings on thematic sites” item, you must check the box next to the phrase “Do not take into account user preferences.” If you do not check this box, then your ads will be shown based on user preference, and not just keywords. It will be issued based on a request that is not included in your advertisements.

    Bottom line

    To place an advertisement on the sites of the Yandex advertising network, you need to remember its main principles according to which it works, and also take them into account when setting up your advertising. Based on this, do not forget to allocate separate campaigns for the thematic site, increase the base of keywords in the texts.

    It’s also worth remembering to experiment with ad text. By performing all these functions, you will get the most out of YAN that you could ever expect. We hope that after reading the article you will no longer have the question: “YAN - what is it?”

    From the author: I welcome you again. I recently described creating an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct for search. It's time to describe the standard campaign setup for display on networks (that is, setting up YAN in Yandex.Direct).

    I do not recommend that you read this article if you have not read my previous ones on Direct. Today I will not describe the settings that I described in previous times in order to reduce the length of the article, but leave everything useful in it.

    In general, now I will describe everything in detail, only for networks. Direct settings for YAN differ quite significantly from search, so I decided to highlight a separate article.

    Step 1: Campaign Settings

    To disable impressions on search and enable them in networks, just change your strategy. You are already familiar with this window, this time we set it to “Only in networks”. Search ads are now disabled.

    Actually, the next important setting is Network Settings, because this is where our advertising will be shown. Advertising campaigns in YAN can be divided into 2 types: behavioral (PF) and non-behavioral (BFT). So, by default the settings look like this:

    As you can see, the only thing you can do in this case is to check the “Do not take into account user preferences” checkbox. This is what determines what the Republic of Kazakhstan will be like. By default, the checkbox is unchecked - this means that your campaign will be BEHAVIORAL.

    PF campaign

    Now a little theory, in this case it is important for understanding. PF campaign in networks implies that user preferences will be taken into account. Thus, advertisements will be shown to a person based on what he was recently searching for and what he was interested in, without reference to the site.

    What will this look like in reality? For example, a person has recently been looking in a search engine for information about renting apartments in a particular city. Yandex will conclude that this is what the person is currently interested in. Accordingly, he will be shown suitable advertisements, if any.

    I am telling this example because it happened to me. One morning I entered the following query into a search engine: “apartments for rent in New York” (just out of interest). Since then, I have been haunted by advertisements on various websites about prices for apartments in this city.

    Here is an example of the work of a PF campaign. The ad is shown to those who typed into the search the same keywords that the creator of the advertising campaign specified. That is, the person who created the RK mentioned the following in the list of keywords: “renting an apartment in New York.”

    When I entered this request into Yandex, after that it decided to show me the same advertisement from the advertiser. Everything is simple, in general.

    FFT campaign

    This campaign is very different from the previous one, at least in that user preferences, as you understand, are not taken into account. Now I will try to explain.

    If I enter this query into a search, I will not subsequently be shown an ad from this advertiser, because the FFT campaign works differently.

    The point here is that ads are shown on Yandex partner sites, which, in the opinion of Yandex itself, are most relevant (that is, close) in meaning to key phrases.

    Thus, if I myself go to some website dedicated to cars, I may well see an ad from this same advertiser there (because this site is suitable for the topic of the ad itself).

    How does Yandex select sites? Obviously, it has its own complex selection algorithm.

    What type of campaign should a newbie choose?

    Now let's talk about the advantages of the FFT campaign:

    But FFT also has its drawbacks, the most important of which is a lack of understanding of how it generally works, how to select keys, etc. In such a campaign everything is much more unpredictable. And if you have never tried to create such a campaign, you will hardly understand anything in words.

    So, it’s worth creating and experimenting with FFT, but before that it’s better to try running simpler FT campaigns. I can advise you to find more material online that explains how Direct works when user preferences are not taken into account.

    Other settings

    Actually, user preferences were a very important setting that greatly influences the Republic of Kazakhstan itself as a whole. The remaining settings that are available in the first step are much less important, but I will still consider some of them.

    Prohibited sites and external networks. Here you can immediately block some sites so that ads do not appear on them. For example, sites such as, Avito, OLKH and others are often banned, where poor conversion is usually observed. But this rule does not work 100% of the time.

    Autoextension. This is an option that allows Direct to make minor adjustments to the key phrases that you have entered. In particular, add new phrases, as well as optimize existing ones. Usually this option is left active. If you want to reduce automation to zero and manage everything yourself, turn it off.

    Autofocus This option can refine keys that have multiple values, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the RC. If you initially think well about the key phrases for the campaign, and also use negative words that filter out non-target queries, then there is no need for autofocus.

    Creating ads for a YAN campaign

    So, we have completed the first stage of settings. The second stage, if you have read the article about search contextual advertising, will already be more familiar to you.

    In principle, there are fields that are already familiar to you (when creating an ad). I guess I'll just pay attention to the ability to add an image to your ad. You can read about the requirements and conditions for displaying pictures in the Yandex help, there is a link there.

    You can add an image to any ad. It will only be shown if you have set a cost per click of at least 3 rubles or more. If you put less, it will be shown without an image and the click-through rate will be noticeably lower.

    Actually, trying to create ads for YAN without pictures is a rather dubious decision. Firstly, at a price of less than 3 rubles per click, you are unlikely to get normal coverage for most keywords. Secondly, the CTR of an ad without a picture will be extremely low and the system may eventually stop showing your ad altogether and reduce it to a minimum. An image can be added in two formats:

    Standard (ratios 1:1, 4:3). On the smaller side, the image size must be at least 450 pixels.

    Widescreen. The minimum size is 1080 by 607.

    Please keep these requirements in mind because I sometimes forget and try to upload a smaller image. As a result, the system does not let it through.

    In addition to images in YAN, you can add quick links to your ad. This procedure is absolutely no different from the same procedure for searching. I recommend adding quick links if there is something to add, because they increase the size of the ad and its click-through rate.

    Just keep in mind that the addresses in quick links must be different from the address of the main link. But what if you are advertising a one-page website? You can solve the problem by referring to anchors in the document. Most landing pages have them. That is, write links that will immediately transfer a person to a specific block of a one-page site.

    So, we still have clarifications. They do not work for YAN, and they are not particularly needed, there is no special placement here, so there is no need to fill out clarifications.

    Key selection

    This is the next very important stage. I already talked a lot about the selection of keys in the previous article about setting up Direct for search.

    In YAN, keys are selected a little differently. For PF campaigns, they usually take direct keys, as well as those close to direct ones. For example, you are advertising an online store of bags, then direct keys include “buy bag”, etc.

    For FFT, campaigns typically target more general keywords with higher frequency. Frequency still doesn’t have any role, because the display is not based on a person’s preferences and requests, but based on linking to relevant sites.

    There is also a Yandex tool on the page that allows you to select keys, but I recommend doing this in a separate tab using Wordstat.

    After selecting key phrases, there are several more options below. For example, bid adjustments, GEO selection. By the way, if you plan to select keys through a tool built into the page, first specify the GEO, and then collect the keys so that the frequency of phrases is determined correctly.

    Setting bets

    Specifying a single price for all phrases is not the best option. It’s better to do this: set a single price, and then go through each phrase yourself and adjust the rate if necessary. Remember that the minimum bid for display with a picture is 3 rubles. There is no particular point in betting less.

    As you can see, in YAN everything works completely differently. Here the price is set depending on what percentage of coverage you want to get for the key phrase.

    Let me give you an example. Let's say I selected a key - “buy a hat” and its frequency is 100,000. In the third step, I need to set bids, including for this key phrase.

    As you can see, Direct shows me what prices I should set in order to get the desired coverage for the keywords I selected.

    Let’s say that for 100% coverage for the phrase Direct requires 15 rubles per click. For 50% - 8 rubles, 20% - 5. Thus, if you set a bid of 15 rubles or higher, you will receive 100% coverage for this phrase. Your ad will be shown to all visitors who typed the request “buy a hat” into the search engine.

    By setting a price of 5 rubles, you will get 5 times less coverage - the ad will only appear to every fifth person. This will result in only 20 thousand requests per month, not 100.

    Naturally, in the real world, rates will likely change constantly, so you will need to monitor them regularly and adjust as necessary.

    Further actions

    After creating the first ad group and setting bids for it, you can move on - create a new ad group or send this one for moderation. The created group, until you send it to moderators, will be in draft status and you can edit it an infinite number of times.

    You can track statistics within a few hours after the start of impressions. In the Direct interface, at a minimum, you can see the number of transitions and impressions, as well as CTR.

    To track conversion and behavioral factors, as well as the effectiveness of each individual keyword, you will need Yandex.Metrica (if it is installed on your site). You need to go to the counter - reports - standard - sources - Direct summary. There will be detailed statistics on ads and key phrases.

    How to optimize an advertising campaign?

    You can do this based on data from Yandex.Metrica. In particular, using the Direct summary, you can see behavioral factors for each phrase, and using goals and conversion reports, find out which keywords and ads most often led to conversion.

    Further optimization is to keep the most effective keys and remove the rest. To scale the result, add keywords that are close in meaning to those that brought the best conversion.

    Bottom line

    You must understand that it is impossible to talk about all the aspects of setting up Direct in an article, so if you want to study contextual advertising in more depth, in addition to reading this article, I recommend that you study other content on this topic. For example, read the help from Yandex, it reveals many points that I did not talk about here.

    Of course, the most important thing is practice. It's even better to have someone experienced in setting up context to help you the first time you set up your campaigns. Today I only scratched the surface of the topic of how to set up YAN in Direct. Direct, and contextual advertising in general, is a source of traffic that cannot be tamed with little effort, so be prepared to learn and try. Good luck!

    Setting up YAN and KMS (YAN in Google) includes:

    • Payment for setup is possible using a Sberbank card or by bank transfer. You can conclude an agreement.
    • We can create advertising accounts ourselves (50% prepayment) or work with yours (100% prepayment)
    • Setting up YAN and Display Advertising (text and image ads)
    • Creation of one campaign each for YAN and Display Network
    • A careful selection of all kinds of key masks - as a result, the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF KEY PHRASES on your topic
    • Writing selling texts for advertisements and clarifications (containing USP, promotions, pain points, advantages)
    • Creating quick links (up to 4 different ones)
    • Setting bets
    • Choosing a strategy
    • Creating a company card (in Google without an address)
    • Setting Budget Limits
    • Uploading 2 types of pictures (regular, widescreen)
    • Recommendations for increasing sales
    • Advertising for 5 days (adjustment of rates)
    • Creating UTM tags

    Setup cost (you then pay for impressions and clicks separately and directly to Yandex and Google):

    • 2990 RUR - Setting up one ad in Yandex YAN or Google KMS (+600 RUR for each subsequent ad)
    • 4990 rubles - Setting up one ad in Yandex YAN + Google KMS (+800 rubles for each subsequent ad in 2 search engines)
    • Setup time 2-5 days


    • 1) You can set up video add-ons in Yandex Direct (a new advertising format in Direct.)
      Setup cost +490 rubles to the setup cost for one ad
    • 2) You can set up image ads for display in Yandex YAN - they attract more attention. Setup cost +990 rubles to the setup cost for one ad
    • 3) Set up advertising displays to everyone who has been on the site for more than X seconds (Retargeting/Remarketing)?
      +990 rubles to the cost of setup for one search engine (Yandex or Google)

    Leave a request for free consultation

    In this article we will tell you how to properly configure YAN and answer frequently asked questions on this topic.

    What is YAN in Yandex Direct?

    Advertising in YAN - why is it needed?

    1) They previously searched for your product/service (up to 30 days ago), but then your advertisement was not shown on the search yet

    2) They were looking for your product/service in the coming days, but did not click on your ad in the search.

    3) They looked for your product/service and clicked on your advertisement, but did not order from your website

    4) They didn’t look for your product/service, but the site they are on now contains keywords for which you will set up advertising in YAN

    YAN and KMS what is it?

    Many people also ask this question. We have already talked about YAN above. Display Network is Google's Display Network. In simple words, this is an analogue of YAN in Google.

    YAN or search?

    We often hear the question from clients: “YAN or search, which is better?”

    How does YAN work?

    The operating principle of YAN is quite simple. Advertising is shown on Yandex partner sites to people who were interested in the topic of advertising or on the partner site there is content similar to this advertisement, for example, on a site dedicated to household appliances there will probably be advertising with various products related to such equipment.

    YAN example.

    Below you will see examples of advertisements for YAN.

    Block 1 contains the site content, blocks 2 and 3 contain YAN advertising. As you can see, it can look different, for example, with a large picture and title, or with a small picture, title and detailed text description, or without a picture at all. We will tell you later in this article how to properly configure this or that display of your advertising in YAN.

    Setting up YAN - step-by-step instructions.

    1) Setting up YAN in Yandex Direct occurs in a separate campaign.

    2) Enter the name of the campaign “your_website YAN from 03/01/2018 (date of creation)”

    3) Campaign dates - you can specify the start and end dates of advertising displays.

    5) Display region - here we set the regions for whose residents YAN advertising will be shown.

    6) Expanded geographic targeting - uncheck this box.

    7) What strategy should you choose to create a YAN company:

    Select “manual control of bids”, “only in networks” and set a limit on the daily budget, for example, 500 rubles

    8) Settings in networks - we don’t change anything.

    9) Bid adjustments - in our article “” in paragraph 12 we talked about setting this item. For YAN it is configured in the same way as for search.

    10) Stop ads when the site is not working - check the box.

    11) Minus words in YAN. At this point we do not enter a minus, because they are applied to the content of sites on which advertising will be shown, and if there is at least one of your negative keywords in any place on the site, then the advertisement will not appear.

    12) Additional phrases - check all the boxes here.

    13) Use a single address and phone number - here we copy all the data from the business card of your search campaign.

    14) Metrics - in this section we add the number of your metric counter. We leave the remaining checkboxes as they are.

    15) Mail notifications - in order not to clutter your mailbox, we recommend that you refuse all mail notifications and click save.

    16) SMS notifications - do not touch.

    17) How to disable sites in YAN

    Click the “Prohibited sites and external networks” button and enter a comma-separated list of sites on which we do not want our advertising to appear. Next, click “Add”, “Save”.

    18) Leave the number of ad groups on the campaign page as is.

    20) Disable substitution of part of the text in the title - I recommend enabling this option.

    21) Autofocus is on.

    22) Do not take into account automatically stopped advertisements of competitors when placing bids - turn it on.

    The first stage of setting up YAN in Direct has been completed.

    How to set up YAN ads in Yandex Direct?

    1) Group name - do not change

    2) Mobile ad - check the box if you want the ad to be shown only on mobile devices.

    3) Ad type - here we set either “text-graphic”, if we want to show ads with small pictures and small texts, or “graphic”, if we show large pictures with many additional text descriptions.

    If we selected “Text-graphic”, then the YAN setup proceeds as follows:

    A) Headline - here we ask the question, were they interested or were they looking for your product/service?

    B) Ad text - here is exactly the same ad text as you did in the search campaign.

    Link to the site - here we add utm tags for YAN to the link to the site.

    YTM tags for YAN look like this:


    E) Image - we need to upload pictures for YAN text and image advertisements in two formats.

    Requirements for YAN images:

    - Classic - aspect ratio 1:1 - 3:4/4:3 - Widescreen

    Picture sizes for YAN in simple language.

    Upload large images (from 1024x768 px) and first make a regular image from them, and then a widescreen one. For each picture you need to create a separate ad - a copy of the previous one.

    Quick links in YAN.

    We definitely install them, because... they will also be shown on Yandex networks.

    Clarifications - select already saved clarifications from search advertising.

    YAN Yandex settings for text and graphic advertisements will continue to be the same as for graphic ones. But first, we’ll tell you how to set up YAN in Direct for image ads.

    A) Image.

    Requirements for images of YAN graphic advertisements:

    Weight no more than 120 kb

    Format gif, jpg, png

    Image sizes for YAN

    You can also create an image in the editor using ready-made templates, which is what we advise you to do.

    Choose any

    The texts and image for the template need to be adjusted on the right. Then click “Create” at the bottom.

    You will have to crop the selected image for YAN to each of the 4 sizes.

    Then put a checkmark next to the resulting banner and click “add selected to group”.

    As a result, we see all our created ads with the ability to enlarge images and edit links for each of them.

    Setting up key phrases for YAN. We continue to configure.

    Semantics for YAN are much easier to select than for search. We only need the main categories for which we collected keys. For example, if for a search we took high-frequency queries, ran them into Wordstat and looked at what they were searching for in depth (from “washing machines” we found such keys as “buy washing machines”, “washing machines Moscow”, etc.) , then the keywords for YAN will consist only of parent categories: washing machines, washing machines, automatic machine and others.

    The selection of keywords for YAN can be simplified by the same Wordstat and its right column.

    5) After selecting and inserting key phrases, we do not change anything else in the default settings, but immediately click “Next”, and thus complete the setup of advertising in YAN.

    Let's look at other issues that arise when working with YAN.

    What are YAN banners?

    These are images with texts and pictures that we set up in step 3 (above).

    Banner sizes in YAN.

    We also described them above.

    Rates in YAN.

    Rates in YAN are set when creating new advertisements or on the viewing page of already created ones.

    YAN auction.

    Displayed as a percentage of audience coverage. The current reach at the set click price can be seen in the “Reach” column.

    Cost per click in YAN.

    You can set prices from 30 kopecks (0.3 rubles). But in order for your pictures to be shown, and not just texts, the rate must be higher than 3 rubles.

    Why are there few impressions in YAN?

    You can view the current number of impressions in the YAN campaign statistics.

    There may be several reasons why there are no impressions in YAN. For example, a low bid was set, low-frequency queries were selected, the impression region was set too narrow - a small city, negative words were added to the YAN campaign (which is not necessary), keywords were placed in quotes.

    Try to correct these points and the number of impressions should increase.

    How to view YAN sites?

    In the statistics, in the “By Sites” section, you can see on which sites your advertising was shown.

    How to disable YAN in Yandex Direct?

    If your search campaign includes YAN impressions, then disabling them is not difficult.

    On the main page of Direct, go to the “Settings” of the search campaign.

    In the strategy section, change it to display only on search and save. And click “save” again at the bottom of the page.

    Now you know how to disable YAN.

    Secrets of advertising in YAN.

    There are no secrets to YAN, however, as in other areas of contextual advertising. You just need to know the theory and practice a lot to get everything right.

    In this article you learned all the basics of setting up YAN.

    Professional setup of YAN.

    You can order YAN in our Direct-Man studio.

    YAN setup price.

    In our studio, the price for setting up YAN starts from 3,000 rubles.

    Master of YAN.

    Our YAN specialist has more than 10 years of experience in setting up contextual advertising and has created more than 2,000 advertising campaigns

    Leave a request for free consultation