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  • Skyrim correct mod loading order. Download mods for Skyrim. Unpacking OMOD files

    Skyrim correct mod loading order.  Download mods for Skyrim.  Unpacking OMOD files

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Wrye Bash

    Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition
    Name: Wrye Bash
    Current version: 307b2
    Mod language: English Russian
    Size: 18 MB
    Wrye Bash Team


    Wrye Bash- A powerful utility for managing mods, plugins, saves.


    1. WryeBash allows you to quite correctly install/uninstall new mods into the game, and most completely removes from the game all the “tails” from the uninstalled mod - it returns almost all the meshes and textures it overwrites to their previous form, and also removes MOST of the scripts introduced by the mod.
    2. Allows you to edit the loading order of mods.
    3. Allows you to edit the game's ini files.
    4. Allows you to rename and delete saves, as well as create profiles - in fact, separate folders in which saves and basic game settings are stored. Thanks to this, you can play both for several characters simultaneously, and for several players on one computer (and all this - with YOUR OWN set of mods for each profile!) - the saves will not overlap and interfere with each other.
    5. Makes it possible to create a special esp file called a bashed patch. With the help of this patch, among other things, you can easily and simply, without resorting to the use of any additional mods, change many global variables of the game, in fact, completely changing its gameplay.
    6. Allows you to work with saves. More on this below.
    7. Well, and one more thing, WryeBash can do a lot more, in 99 cases out of 100 it is simply not needed by the average player, but is often necessary for creators, localizers and mod testers.


    • Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 - 2013 x86 & x64 package
    • Installed Skyrim


    1. Launch Wrye Bash 306 Setup.exe.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Check the boxes Install for Skyrim and Wrye Bash. DO NOT check the WryeBash checkbox.
    4. Installation location: Skyrim root folder. NOT DATA, but the root folder. For me it’s like this: (see screenshot).
    5. Click Next.
    6. Click Install. We wait. Ready

    Checking the correct installation.

    • The Mopy folder should appear in the game folder
    • The Skyrim Mods folder should appear in the folder where the game is installed. (If you look at the screenshot above, in my case this is the GAMES folder)
    • The file Bashed Patch, 0.esp should appear in the DATA folder. If it is not there, then: go to \Mopy\templates\Skyrim\. Copy the Bashed Patch, Skyrim.esp file from there to the DATA folder. In the DATA folder, rename it to Bashed Patch, 0.esp.
    • All is ready. You can run the program from the \Mopy\Wrye Bash.exe folder. Let's launch. When you first start, it may hang for about 30 seconds - wait.


    1. Green square – enables/disables SKSE loading along with the game
    2. Pink square – if you check this box, WryeBash will close when you start the game.
    3. The third button is to start the game.
      There will also definitely be buttons for a mod scanner for errors, a document browser, settings and help. But it’s convenient to add sorter buttons here, for example. How to do:
    4. Find the folder game folder\Mopy\Apps
    5. Into this folder we drop the shortcuts of the programs that you want to see on the panel. (on the .exe file of the desired program RMB - create a shortcut. Transfer this shortcut to a folder).
      Starting from version 304, you can fit absolutely any program here. But there is still a mechanism from older versions, when some programs are grabbed automatically (they must have a special library).

    How to use:

    • The main function is to work with mods. And so, we have this window in front of us:
      In the left panel all our plugins are in the order in which we have them arranged. We can drag and drop plugins wherever we want right in this window if we suddenly decide to change places.
    • .esm files are highlighted in blue text
    • Black – esp. files
    • Green – merged plugins. A little later about them.
    • Purple – plugins with the NoMerge tag. They just read it to avoid questions and forgot about it.
    • Keep an eye on the squares
    • Green – the plugin is installed correctly (ATTENTION! WryeBash itself does not sort plugins. It takes the installation correctness exclusively from the list of plugin master files!)
    • Orange is a warning that all the master files for the plugin seem to be there, but most likely they are not installed in the order in which they are specified in the plugin. How to find out? Click on the plugin - all the information about it will be on the right.
      In my case, the requirements for master files are as follows: CCO first. Then SkyRe_Main. But for me it’s the other way around.
      LOOT, BOSS or your own opinion will help you sort. I will only point out that an orange warning does not always lead to bugs in the game. Sometimes it cannot be eliminated at all.
      But if the square is pink, then something will definitely not work. This usually indicates a lack of master files. Point at the problematic plugin and look at the list of master files.

    1.3. A check mark means that the plugin is enabled.
    Plus - the mod is combined into the Bashed Patch (more on that below).
    Dot – the mod has been imported into Bashed Patch.
    Empty – the mod is not active.
    1.4. A little more about sorting. Especially for those who like to install mods manually and in bulk.
    Often users have different versions of the same mod, or different mods that perform a similar function and are incompatible with each other. Mutually exclusive groups can be used to tag these mods so that you don't accidentally activate more than one file. When more than one mod from a group is activated, all overlapping files will be highlighted in orange
    To declare such a group, you need to put a comma in the name of the mod. The part of the mod name before the comma will define all files included in the group (i.e. the part of the name before the comma must be the same).

    • "Drop Lit Torches in Combat" has files with different settings: normal, B (Brighter), NM (no messages) and BNM (brighter + no messages).
    • Rename them to: "Combat Torch, A.esp" (regular), "Combat Torch B,esp", "Combat Torch, NM.esp" and "Combat Torch, BNM.esp. As a result, you will have a group of files " Combat Torch."
      And if you plug in two versions of this mod, bash will warn you with an orange square. In general, it is considered good form to make variable mods with such names, but alas, not everyone does this; more often they put a dash.
    1.5. By pressing RMB on the plugin, a menu is available. You can see what's interesting there. The most necessary thing is to delete the plugin or copy it.
    1.6. The most important thing in this section. Remember, in the installation I wrote about the Bash Patch,0.esp file? So, with ANY sorting method, it should be LAST! The very best. For what? About him in a separate section.​

    Installing mods with WryeBash

    • WryeBash has an undeniable advantage in installing plugins - they can be deleted with all their tails and files. There are a lot of opportunities for modders here. I will describe the settings for the average player. And so – go to the “Installers” tab. The program may freeze for several minutes and then display a blank window. So you need to stuff these installers into it.
    • Go to the SkyrimMods\BashInstallers folder. It is located in the same folder where the game is located. (from my example C:\Games\)
    • We put archives with mods that we want to install into this folder. 7z, rar, zip supported. I will further call these archives packages.
    • Return to the “Installers” tab. ATTENTION! The more files you put into the folder, the longer it may take to load.

    2.3.1 And so - install the packages

    • If there is a magic wand on the package square (the archive contains the Wizard.txt file):
      • RMB on the package. Select “Master Installer”.
      • An installer dialog will appear where you can select step-by-step installation options.
      • Click APPLY and you're done.

    2.3.2 For everything else:​

    • select the package we want to install.
    • In the right window, use the checkboxes to select what you want to install. In the windows “sub-packages” and “esm/esp filter”
    • RMB on the package, select “Install”.

    If you later decide to pre-install or reinstall some parts of the package - RMB, select “normalize”.​

    • If a package is grayed out, it means that the structure of this archive is not supported by Wrye Bash. Manual installation only
    • However, if the file is gray, but the files in the archive still have a similar placement structure to the game (for example, the installation folders were placed in a shared folder, then “bash” will no longer understand it), then you can do this:
    • LMB twice on the package. The archiver will open.
    • extract the required folders.
    • The extracted file will appear in the installers as a package, but not with a square, but with a diamond.
    • then install as in 2.3.1 or 2.3.2, depending on the content.

    B]Colors of squares during installation:​

    • Green – the packet is fully synchronized. Those. its contents are located in the DATA folder.
    • Red - some files included in the package are missing from the DATA folder.
    • Orange - all files of the package are in DATA, but some esp/esm files are not identical to the original ones in the package itself, i.e., for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation.
    • Yellow - all package files are located in the DATA folder, but some resource files (models, textures, etc.) do not match. That is, for example, a patch / alternative version of the mod was installed, or the user simply changed the files after installation or replaced them with some others.
    • White – the archive is recognized and is ready for installation.
    • Gray – the archive is not recognized and cannot be installed.
    • Cross X on any square – the archive is damaged.


    • I tried to describe the capabilities of the installations in the most accessible way, without using terms and without being distracted by rarely encountered moments. If there are any questions, I’ll add them.
    • To remove a mod, right-click on the package and select “Uninstall”. This will remove ALL files related to the package. If the package files have been overwritten (package NOT with a green square), the system will skip these files. Those. the mod that overwrote them will not break.

    File Bashed Patch, 0.esp.

    • This file allows you to combine many plugins, combine level lists, and configure the game without some mods.
    • When you have decided on the order in which the plugins will be loaded, you need to create this BashedPatch, 0.esp. If it is not in the list of plugins, see the Installation section. RMB on it, select “Create a patch”.
    • Merge patches – if plugins can be merged (have the Merge tag), they will be displayed on the right. By checking the box, the system will combine them in this mod and disable them from the download list (see section Working with mods).
    • Next come the sections for importing all kinds of data. It’s better to check the boxes everywhere - then it will be ensured O Greater plugin compatibility. (level sheets are aligned, the names will be the same, etc.)
    • Game settings fixes
    • You can slightly customize the game settings without using third-party mods.
    • Click “Create a patch”, wait, connect.

    Next, I will describe a couple of features that are not related to the mod.
    Tab “Add-ons for INI” – you can change the parameters in the Skyrim.ini file right here.
    The Saved Games tab allows you to do several useful things.
    Square colors:
    The color of the checkbox displays the general state of the save file (correspondence of all master files to connected mods):​

    • Purple: Perfect
      The master files of the file completely match the currently connected mods
    • Blue: Good
      Saving is compatible with the current set of plugins. There may be mods connected that were not used when creating this save.
    • Green: Good, but the master files do not match the current set of connected mods
      To synchronize the list of mods with the necessary master files, use the Load master files command
    • Orange: The loading order of the save master files has changed
      Skyrim and TES CS will take this normally. However, if some mods conflicted with each other, for example, changing the same item, then due to the changed loading order, the final parameters of this item may also change
    • Red: There are no master files for the save file

    Check if all the necessary save mods are connected.​

    Video instructions for working with Wrye Bash in Russian

    It's been over a year since the release of The Elder Scrolls V, and the modding community remains inspired to create content for the game. Browser Destructoid offers to evaluate how great Skyrim looks now. Especially with 215 mods!

    Full Screen Favorites Menu

    The game may not be able to handle too many plugins. Luckily, there is a great project that gives very detailed instructions on how to install an insane amount of mods in the correct order. The team members take the time to test the plugins, and they also work on a detailed wiki that will guide you through the entire installation process.

    The walkthrough currently includes 215 mods that will help breathe new life into Skyrim.

    What is needed for this:

    • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    • Difficulty: difficult
    • Time: 10−20 hours
    • Recommended system requirements:
    • -Windows 7
    • - Intel Quad Core i5/i7
    • - 4 GB or more RAM
    • - video card with 1 GB VRAM (DDR5)
    • — resolution: 1680×1050

    Take this as a guide to action. STEP is not a quick solution: to download, install and configure all this, you need to be patient. If you want to maximize performance, you'll have to spend time tuning and troubleshooting. Carefully read the STEP manual and read the readme for the plugins you will install - one small mistake can break the entire game. I recommend starting Skyrim every few steps, checking the .

    You will need to download approximately 12 GB of data. The order in which you install some mods may affect the final result - be careful. You will spend a lot of time, but you will be satisfied with how Skyrim looks after your manipulations. Footprints will appear in the snow, water will drip from wet characters, and Dovahkiin's companions will find riding horses. Dozens of similar touches will add depth and character to this amazing game.

    STEP is designed to make your Skyrim experience better while keeping your FPS at 60fps. This can be done using the settings described below and various mods.

    This ensures that the game is free from bugs and inconsistent mods.

    2. Launch Skyrim for the first time. Adjust the draw distance. To increase productivity, reduce the distance, and if you want to improve quality, set it to maximum. I found my ideal slider position to be around 75%.

    I'm using Nvidia, here are my Nvidia Inspector settings:

    4. There are several useful tools, used with a large number of mods. I use Wrye Bash to install mods and BOSS to set the load order of plugins. Depending on which mods are loaded first, a lot can change in the game. Instead of figuring it out myself, I prefer to rely on BOSS to do it better.

    I didn't like how the camera was set by default, so I used these settings instead of the default ones:

    FOverShoulderAddY = 0.0 fOverShoulderPosZ = -40.0 fOverShoulderPosX = 50.0 fOverShoulderCombatAddY = 0.0 fOverShoulderCombatPosZ = 10.0 fOverShoulderCombatPosX = 30.0 fOverShoulderHorseAddY = -72.0 fOverShoulderHorsePo sZ = 50.0 fOverShoulderHorsePosX = 35.0 fActorFadeOutLimit = - 100 fMouseWheelZoomSpeed ​​= 60.0 f1st3rdSwitchDelay = 0.95 iHorseTransitionMillis = 001

    I used the basic settings and low graphics settings whenever possible. This allowed us to get 40-60 frames per second with a 2.5 GHz quad-core processor, 5 GBs of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 480. If you have a beast of a machine, then feel free to set the settings to the highest.

    I also installed Skyrim on an SSD, which significantly reduces loading times. If you love Skyrim and want to play it for hundreds of hours with mods, I advise you to follow my example. This will reduce loading times and eliminate lag.

    This expands the functionality of the engine. With new extensions it will be possible to do things that we could not dream of before.

    Here I include plugins that fix game bugs and some aspects of gameplay. I put all the available mods in this category. If you don't like how a plugin changes the game, just skip it. However, I advise you to definitely install unofficial patches and something that improves crafting.

    9. Interface: Mods that change the appearance of the user interface. Here are the mods that I don’t recommend installing - after all, the list of worthy ones is much longer. Choose for yourself according to your picky taste, avoiding what is listed below:

    • — Main Font Replacement — I really like the standard Skyrim font.
    • - Dungeon Quest Awareness - warns the hero about quest dungeons so that he does not accidentally enter and complete the quest before receiving it.
    • - Time On Loading Screen - I don't need to remind you how much time I wasted playing Skyrim.
    • - Immersive HUD - a new user interface that I find intrusive. Of course, you can customize it to your liking, but I don't think it's worth the effort.
    • - Not Another Colored Map Icon Mod - these unreal colors on the map look very strange.
    • - No Menu & Loading Screen Smoke - You should only use this if the smoke looks bad due to the ENB configuration you are using (more on this later).

    For everything to work properly, you need to install the mods from this section in the correct order. These are texture files that change many things in the game, so when installed, new mods may overwrite files added by previously installed ones.

    I recommend using the basic versions. Some of the texture packs have very large options that look amazing but drop FPS by up to 10fps. If you just want to take beautiful screenshots, you can afford it, but if you want to play, I still advise you to use textures no larger than 1024x1024.

    [screenshots are clickable]

    11. Non-conflict mods:, . The plugins in these sections improve a lot by making purely visual changes and can be installed in any order. You can use them all. Personally, I don't like the way fire looks in Ultimate H.D. Fire Spells. If you don't like any of the mods in this category, you can easily disable them.

    These mods affect the sound effects in the game. I like the sound design of vanilla Skyrim, but after hundreds of hours it would be nice to put on something new. I've used all the plugins in this section, but you can easily skip the ones you don't like.

    Small gameplay changes can dramatically change the feel of the game. I really like the mod that adds portable lanterns to the game world that can be used by the player and NPCs. It's a nice little touch that adds to the atmosphere. Personally, I use all the mods in this category, with the exception of “The Choice Is Yours” - I don’t like mods that add a bunch of quests to the journal.

    14. Install the environment post-processing mod. Many people use it, which allows you to control the visual style. STEP has many good presets to choose from. I used ENB before, but now I recommend . It's easier to control, makes less drastic changes, and doesn't impact performance as much. To install RCRN, simply download and run the installer. Then, in RCRN Customizer, set the desired settings. I recommend a "clean" preset where FXAA and sharpening are disabled and the volumetric fog set is set to "subtle".

    15. Launch to set the correct boot order. If you have any questions, STEP has a large section. It is recommended to start a new game after all the manipulations, but if you want to continue playing with the old character, go into the game and wait 31 days. During this time, the game world is reset; we hope this will rid the save file of any additional data.

    Relighting Skyrim changes the placement of actual light sources from objects so that the lighting makes more sense. It often happens in Skyrim that if two glowing objects are nearby, the game will place only one light source in the middle. The mod corrects this hack. If you have Dawngaurd or Hearthfire installed, use the appropriate versions of the mod.

    Variety of kills. This plugin allows you to decapitate enemies, as well as adjust the frequency and chance of decapitation.

    Based on materials from Destructoid

    Translation: Mare

    Decor: Anlasovl

    Consultations: Cernon

    Installing mods on Skyrim is not difficult, but it is important to know how to do it correctly. There are two ways to install mods in the Skyrim game: automatic and manual. So, let's look at them in more detail.

    Manual installation of mods for Skyrim

    First, let's figure out what manual installation of mods for the game Skyrim is? This is moving mod files to the game folder yourself. Below I will give you an example of how to do this correctly.

    1. Download on our website;
    2. After downloading, open the archive;
    3. Find the Data folder and extract the files from it to the Data folder where the game is installed;
    4. We move files, if necessary, with replacement.

    Then launch SkyrimLauncher (from the root folder of the game), select the “Files” section and activate the new mod (by checking the box next to it). See the screenshots below.

    This completes the manual installation of mods in the Skyrim game. At the end, we launch the game and play it using new mods.

    Automatic installation of mods in the game Skyrim

    To automatically install mods on Skyrim, we will use the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) program. Below we will give an example of how to do this correctly.

    1. Download and launch the Nexus Mod Manager program;
    2. Click on the green plus sign (Add Mod from File);
    3. Select the archive of the downloaded mod for the game Skyrim;
    4. We look for the installed mod in the Nexus Mod Manager program, select it;
    5. And click on the green checkmark to activate the mod for the game Skyrim;
    6. After this, the mod has been successfully added to the game, go in and play Skyrim using the new mod.

    Tips for installing mods for Skyrim.

    For those who want to diversify their stay in Skyrim with mods, here are my brief, modest tips for installing them.

    My recommendations are based on the experience of installing about 300 different mods (graphical, gameplay-changing, crafting systems, spells, items that add houses, quests, and others). These tips are not laws and do not claim to be universal for everyone.

    There are three options for installing mods:

    With your hands. The disadvantages are obvious - a waste of time and nerves, comparing files and constantly overwriting them, wandering through folders. The general curvature of the hands can give amazing results, especially if you have a Skyrim pirate and there is no way to restore everything from Steam after running your naughty hands into the folder with the game client.

    An exception to the general rule is ENB, which is always installed manually.

    Nexus. A holy place for modders and mod junkies. The site is dedicated not only to Skyrim, but also to Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout, Witcher and many other games. Everything is installed through its convenient client.

    Steam Workshop. I can’t say anything bad about this method, it’s convenient and made in such a way that even a drunk homeless person under the wheels can install the mod, but the fact remains that many popular modders ignore this resource.

    For the reasons described above, I recommend using Nexus to install mods; it will work even for pirates (isn’t it a shame to steal such games?).

    This site is familiar to all mod fans of games from Besedka, register on it and download the client. This is a must for those who want to download mods without any problems.

    Why do I recommend installing mods directly from Nexus?

    Firstly, and most importantly, if you think that you will limit yourself to installing one or two mods, then you are mistaken. Most likely, after installing a mod you like, you will become a kind of drug addict and will search for similar mods and try them one after another, then discover other kinds of mods, even if at first you didn’t think at all that there are so many imperfections in the vanilla game . Very often mods from third-party resources have poor descriptions and after the tenth or fifteenth mod in the list by name, you will not understand what kind of mod it is and what it does.

    The screenshot clearly shows which mod is installed from the Nexus, and which one was downloaded from a third-party site and simply installed through the mod client. It is impossible to understand which companions and which recipes are added by the first two mods. And this is not the best example; there are mods whose descriptions contain only numbers with three or four letters. Next to nexus mods there is always a version number, which is also a link to the mod page.

    High-quality and interesting mods always appear on the Nexus, if the modder has not uploaded the mod to the Nexus or, as a last resort, to the Steam Workshop and distributes it through strange sites, then most likely the mod is either crooked and does not work, or it blows up all of Skyrim with an atomic bomb. Just kidding, of course.

    If you install mods directly from Nexus, you can always quickly go to the page with its description; to do this, you just need to click on the version number in the list. In addition, on the right side of the screen you will see a description of the mod, downloaded directly from the site.

    Secondly, you will be able to update mods in a timely manner, after all, Nexus Mod Manager checks them all at once by pressing one button.

    Thirdly, if something goes wrong and you lose all your mods, there will be easy to restore using download history in account management. For free users, the history is not endless and is cleared every few days; premium users are always left with a complete download history.

    Fourthly, it’s simple - the mod is installed in 3 mouse clicks, you don’t need to select a folder on the disk and so on. Sometimes mods will ask you to select an add-on. features or patches for addons.

    Fifthly, if a mod has a Russian translation, then, as a rule, the author will indicate this in its description and provide a link to download from Nexus.

    Read the description on Russian-language sites, but install mods through the site

    which, as a rule, always has links to the mod author's page on Nexus. Load-order or loading order.

    It is necessary to sort mods by loading order, not only because there are a huge number of them and it is easy to get confused over time, but also so that the mods do not conflict with each other.

    In the “Plugins” tab in Nexus Mod Manager we see all the .esp files and their loading order on the right. Very often, a mod does not work or works incorrectly because it was loaded earlier or later than another mod. Personally, I recommend following the following loading order: mods for gameplay/interface/affecting game mechanics/animation - mods for graphics - player's house - hairstyles and faces - mods for armor/weapons. Don't panic if you can't rank one mod higher than another, that's normal.

    Each newly installed mod appears last in the list, and if you regularly monitor the loadorder and move esp into your imaginary groups, then the chance of getting confused about which mod does what will be significantly reduced.

    Remember that a mod deleted through the “Mods” tab automatically deletes its esp file.

    Some mods, for example the arrow speed mod, add as many as four esp files to the loading list, each of which changes the same parameter and you need to leave only one of them in the loading, otherwise they will conflict.

    Get in the habit of reading the mod description, even if it's in English. You may not always get what you want by clicking on the “Download with manager” button on the description page; sometimes you need to select a version in the “Download” section. There may be several versions of one mod, with patches for correct operation with and without add-ons, versions of the mod for normal operation with other mods, and so on. Also the description often indicates mods/programs necessary for the downloaded mod to work correctly, so be careful, in most cases if something doesn’t work for you, it means that you didn’t finish reading something.

    This is especially true for ENB mods (where you have to manually replace files) and armor-mods (various conditions for obtaining - quests, pumped-up perks, teleports to qasmoke, and so on).

    Installing ENB.

    One of the most difficult is the installation of ENB, where everything needs to be changed manually. Installing one ENB is not a problem, but if you want to try about 5-10 different graphics mods, then get ready to make backups of files and change settings manually.

    I recommend immediately make a backup of the default SkyrimPrefs.ini, because each ENB requires replacing at least one value in this file, sometimes three or four. I also advise you to carefully read the readme included with the ENB. Sometimes you will be asked to download a specific version of graphic modification from a website

    and copy only certain files for ENB to work correctly, change specific lines in SkyrimPrefs.ini.

    Have the habit of deleting all files of the old ENB before rolling the new one, since not all files in different ENBs are repeated and replaced by copying. Make changes to SkyrimPrefs.ini only for the current ENB; if you changed the parameters required for another (old) ENB in ​​this file, then return the default values.

    If after installing ENB your save file does not load and the game crashes, then disable ENB by pressing shift+F12 before or during boot. Then, if everything is fine, turn it on using the same key combination.

    Clean saves.

    Make clean saves occasionally (at least once a week). “Clean” saves are called saves with disabled mods; some mods also require disabling the scripts of some modifications via the console, otherwise the mod will still remain in the save (read the uninstall items in the mod description). Don't worry if after disabling the mods your character is naked and bald, everything will return to normal after loading the old save. Make a normal save with mods and then a “clean” one and continue playing from the old save. By making a clean save, you will only lose weapons, equipment and appearance elements that were introduced into the game by mods. Clean saves are needed in order to continue the game if Skyrim crashes on the splash screen or crashes on a modified save.

    Also make backups of your saves and mods. You can see where the mods are in the archives in the Nexus Mod Manager settings. If, God forbid, you mess up everything, you can restore installed mods.

    Showracemenu bug.

    Finally, I want to tell you about a bug I noticed with changing race/appearance through the showracemenu command. If you have mods installed for additional races, then by changing the character's appearance/race through this command and using it again without a save or changing the location, you risk bugging your skills. Personally, this happened to me twice, some skills from a value of 25-26 soared to 100. So do not use this command two times in a row without changing the location and check the skills after using it.

    That's all, I hope the information was useful to you.


    Modified July 17, 2016 by stomoped
    • Version Oblivion Mod Manager v0.9.15

    Why is this program needed?

    The main reason why I installed it for myself (then still version 0.4) was the ability to regulate the order in which mods were loaded, which the standard Oblivion loader does not allow. And this greatly affects the number of glitches and possible conflicts between plugins, in particular conflicts of untranslated plugins with Russifications. Also, over time, plugins appeared in the form of OMODs, which were created using Oblivion Mod Manager and worked under this program. Various utilities and many settings have appeared. Now we can check plugins for conflicts, work with saves, use the BSA browser (with the ability to unpack), create a BSA archive, etc.

    Although, in my opinion, half of the functions here are either not needed at all or are better implemented in separate programs. And the only thing you need to use it for Oblivion Mod Manager:

    1. adjusting the loading order of mods;
    2. to use OMODs.

    Purely IMHO.

    Program description

    Now let's turn to the program itself. Its main window looks like this:

    Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts:

    • 1. List of mods

    On the left there is a list of mods in which you can disable them, connect them, and also set the loading order.

    • Buttons Move up And Move Down are designed, respectively, to raise and lower the selected plugin in the list. The window to the right of these buttons allows you to sort the list of mods according to various criteria. I have it Load order(load order).
    • 2. Working with OMOD

    The next part allows you to work with OMOD-s, connect, disconnect them, create and edit, as well as unpack.

    • Consists of a window with a list of connected (and disabled, but not deleted) files OMOD and four buttons below, under the list window:

    • These are the buttons:
    1. Activate– select the OMOD we need from the list and click on this button, thus activating (connecting) OMOD. If you select activated OMOD, then this button will be called Deactivate - deactivation (disabling).
    2. Create– used to create OMOD files. This is a topic for another discussion.
    3. Edit– used to edit an existing OMOD file.
    4. Load– serves to add to the list of OMOD files. The list contains OMOD files that are located in the folder: Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm\mods. You can also simply copy the OMOD file to this folder and restart the program. The file will be in the list!
    • If you are not eager to create OMOD, then all you need are buttons Activate (Deactivate) And Load, to connect and disconnect files OMOD.
    • 3. Main menu

    And the last part of the main window. This is a window with a preview of screenshots of the selected OMOD and a column of buttons below it.

    • N.B.: By left-clicking on the preview window, you will get an expanded screenshot.
    • Buttons:
    • Launch Oblivion– launch of Oblivion. When you click this button for the first time, the following message will appear:

    The post says that you don't have to use the Oblivion Mod Manager to run Oblivion from under it. However, if you decide to do this, press shift and while holding it, press OK. Oblivion will launch. The next time you press this button, Oblivion will launch immediately.

    • Help– brings up a help window (in English, of course).
    • About- About the program.
    • Settings– various settings.
    • Utilities– additional built-in utilities:
    • Old conflict detector– old conflict detector
    • New conflict detector– new conflict detector
    • Save manager- managing saves, viewing the dependency of the save on plugins and the ability to quickly synchronize active plugins with the save.

    • BSA browser– BSA browser with the ability to extract files from the archive and view Nif files (without extraction!) in the built-in Nif viewer program

    • BSA creator– creation of BSA archives

    • BSA un-corrupter
    • Archive invalidation
    • Data file browser
    • Hidden omod switcher
    • Nif viewer– built-in viewer Nif-files
    • Batch actions– something like batch processing of all OMOD ov.
    • Import/Export– import/export information from Oblivion Mod Manager
    • And two windows with default values All And File name respectively.

    Unpacking OMOD files

    And one more important point for modmakers (and also for those cases if there is something wrong with the plugin and you need to unpack it in order to install it the old fashioned way, stuffing everything into folders). This is the unpacking of the OMOD file.

    How to unpack it? At the moment the easiest way I found for myself is this:

    • Select the OMOD we need from the list
    • Right-click and select from the menu that appears Convert to archive.
    • In the window that appears, we will be prompted to save OMOD to the Oblivion folder (by default) as a 7z archive. Save. And we can safely unpack.

    N.B.: Oblivion Mod Manager is compatible with OBSE. If you have OBSE installed, then when you press the button Launch Oblivion OBSE will launch (through which, accordingly, Oblivion will launch)

    What is OMOD?

    This is essentially a form of archive supported by the program Oblivion Mod Manager. This archive includes all plugin files, a description, and may also include screenshots. OMOD is easier to connect and, most importantly, easier to disconnect. If, when connecting a regular plugin, we need to manually place all the files and the plugin file itself (esp) in the required folders, then if we have OMOD, we only need to connect it using the program. But this is especially valuable when deleting, when you don’t remember which files belong to which plugin, especially if there are a lot of them. If you have OMOD, you just need to delete one file.

    This is a brief guide to the program Oblivion Mod Manager. If there is a need and wishes, or if any points are unclear, I will try to supplement this material with the necessary information.

    Archive Invalidation

    (cancellation of archive)

    (version Oblivion Mod Manager - 1.1.12)

    Utility Archive Invalidation contains all the functions to customize the file archiveinvalidation.txt.

    For most cases, the default settings should be enough for most mods to work correctly. Don't forget to check the box " autoupdate on exit - auto update on exit".

    Reset BSA timestamps

    • If the file was modified later than the BSA archive, the game will only load files from the data folder, instead of the BSA archive. Because of this, a lot of mods will not work correctly. Use this option to reset the timestamps so that all data files are considered to have been created before the BSA archives.


    • Controls the ability to write to the archiveinvalidation file.

    BSA invalidation:

    • This is the old official way of handling archiveinvalidation. This mode works well in most cases, but if the mod replaces something with a file with a common name, then all other files with the same name may turn purple, regardless of the directory they are in. This is a game bug and use of this mode is not recommended. Use this mode if you are afraid to edit BSA files.


    • Creates an archiveinvalidation file containing lines with "Textures". This mode does not work as it should in the game, but some people need it, in general, I left this mode for them.

    BSA alteration:

    • This mode is the default. In this case, instead of creating an archiveinvalidation file, the BSA archives are modified and the game will not be able to find the original files. There are two problems with this mode:
    1. ) Any game updates to the BSA archives will reveal changes and garbage. This can be avoided by clicking the "Remove BSA edits" button before updating.
    2. ) Some files may generate errors and cannot be edited in this mode. Obmm can create a small archiveinvalidation file containing just these inputs.

    * To avoid corrupting the BSA files you should be using, remove changes to the BSA files before you do anything that might change those files. This could be deleting/reinstalling the game or installing updates.

    • If the BSA file is corrupted, you can use the file recovery utility "BSA uncorrupter - BSA anti corruption".

    BSA redirection:

    • This is the newest mode for handling archiveinvalidation. An empty bsa is used, the game will invalidate the faulty code, allowing the real BSA file to function normally. This will likely become the new default method once some texture issues are resolved.

    File types to include

    • Types of files included in the archiveinvalidation file. Textures must be included. Please note that including models in the archiveinvalidation file may cause the game to stop launching or crash.

    Ignore normal maps

    • Normal circuits will not be added to the file archiveinvalidation. In BSA edit mode, the normal circuit in the BSA file will not be edited.

    Only include files which already exist in BSA archives

    • If not enabled, all files in the data directory will be added to the archiveinvalidation file, regardless of whether they overlap other files. If enabled, then only files with the same

    the same path and name existing in the BSA archive will be added to the archiveinvalidation file. This option only has effect in standard mode.

    Only include files with matching extensions

    • Obmm will check that files have the appropriate extensions for their folder before including them in the archiveinvalidation file. For example, files in the models folder should have a ".nif" extension. This option only has effect in standard mode.

    Edit BSA entries regardless of type

    • BSA editing. If enabled, all entries in BSA files will be modified, regardless of file type. If this is not enabled, the "File types to include" mode takes effect on BSA archives, just like a small file archiveinvalidation.

    Generate archiveinvalidation entries on hash collision

    • This option only has an effect in mode BSA editing. If this is not enabled, the archiveinvalidation minifile will not be created.

    Display warning on hash collision

    • This option only has an effect in BSA edit mode. If enabled, a warning dialog will be displayed each time there is a conflict.

    Pack face textures into redirection target BSA (Redirection of BSA addresses to external texture packs)

    • This option only has an effect in mode BSA forwarding. If enabled, instead of creating an empty BSA, the contents of the textures folder will be added to the archiveinvalidation file.

    Autoupdate on exit

    • If enabled, then the file archiveinvalidation will be automatically updated every time you exit.

    Update now

    • Click to update the file archiveinvalidation right now. A small dialog containing the results will appear.