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  • The program, game does not start...? Solution! Why won't games launch on my computer? There is a solution! The game just won't launch

    The program, game does not start...?  Solution!  Why won't games launch on my computer?  There is a solution!  The game just won't launch

    Good day, dear readers.

    Often, active computer users encounter problems related to the operation of the device. And one of them can safely be considered the situation when games do not launch on Windows 7. Such an ailment can be associated with a variety of reasons. In the following article I will tell you what to do in such a situation.

    Often, computer users who want to play this or that application encounter a problem when, after launching, they get an error. The first thing you need to find out is whether your device meets the minimum (or better yet maximum) requirements of the program. Basically, the operating system version, processor, RAM, video card, as well as the amount of free space on the hard drive are checked.

    If something doesn't work, you should fix it and then try again. It must be said right away that sometimes to run a game you need to change several elements, and sometimes the entire computer. This is especially true when installing modern projects.

    Drivers( )

    Another common reason is incorrect drivers or their absence. This occurs especially often after reinstalling the system. It manifests itself as a failure to launch the application, a white screen, or a frozen picture. To find out if everything is in order, you need to perform several movements:

    What should you do if the item “ Video adapters" not at all? You should immediately pay attention to the question marks. The presence of such means that there is no element in the system suitable for this.

    Sometimes, in addition to drivers, you also need to install additional software. It usually comes with the main applications. So it’s better to download such software from the official website.

    DirectX( )

    In some situations, a DirectX module update is required. This is accompanied by a message like: “ The current version of this file is not compatible with the application" Sometimes it is said that there is no accompanying library, saying that you need a dll included in the above component.

    There are several solutions in this case. You can separately find the corresponding file on the Internet and mark it in the folder “ System32", which is in " Windows" on the system disk. Or reinstall the entire module again. To do this via " Programs and components» remove the old version. IN " world wide web» Find the new package and place it on your device. Restart your device. If nothing happens, move on.

    Insufficient disk space for installation( )

    In this case, the game often does not even install. And no accompanying messages appear - the process simply stops. If the placement was successful, then the application may simply crash immediately after launch.

    The solution is simple - you need to check if there is enough disk space. If the theory is confirmed, clear it. It is important to take into account that for correct operation it is necessary to have not only the required volume, but also a spare one.

    There is not enough space on the system disk( )

    For normal operation of the system, you must have free virtual memory. To do this, space is reserved on the main disk, which is used in the future by swap files.

    If the volume is insufficient, applications may work with some glitches, and sometimes may not launch at all. Basically, in this case, the operating system displays a corresponding message.

    You can restore functionality by clearing the space of unnecessary components. To do this, call the context menu on the section and select “ Properties" Then on the main tab " Disk Cleanup" Using the prompts, carry out the procedure. It is likely that this will be sufficient. Otherwise, you need to say goodbye to some files or programs.

    Virtual memory( )

    The maximum OS build allows you to independently manage this parameter. However, like many other versions. Moreover, regardless of the bit depth - 64 or 32 bits. To achieve the goal, you need to perform several movements:

    Now you can check the functionality.

    Problems with CD/DVD( )

    Sometimes users may encounter a situation where the CD from which they are installing is damaged. As a result, a message appears that there is no dciman32.dll, exits the application, and often indicates a lack of other components.

    The best option is to use a flash drive or even install from a hard drive. In this case, the percentage of file damage when copying to a computer is significantly reduced.

    In this article I will not describe why the game tanks, sims, gta, warface, stalker, minecraft, warface, rage, mafia, skyrim, crossfire, hitman, citadels, minecraft, terraria, transformers, dark, turk, wot, does not start. magicka, spore, avatar, deadpool, crashday or reus

    Here I will indicate that you must have it installed and configured so that absolutely all games on a computer or laptop with the operating systems XP, Windows 7 or Windows 8 are installed, launched and work perfectly.

    The first reason why games won’t launch is because system updates are not installed. Be sure to install all updates, except for those responsible for security, these do not affect the games.

    It will not only perform diagnostics, which will indicate why games do not start on your PC, but will also scan it for the presence of all the necessary game drivers.

    After scanning (if necessary), a direct download link will appear.

    To do this, simply click “tools” at the top and click on the “drivers” option.

    Also, using the program, you can run games with significant acceleration (it will configure your computer or laptop for the highest performance).

    Of course, even after applying everything described in this article, some applications may not start, but these are purely personal computer reasons that can arise for everyone and are solved individually - write in the comments - we’ll see, discuss and solve the problem. Good luck!

    When launching games, problems often arise; the game you installed may not start, displaying a bunch of error windows. What to do if the game does not start, why and what are the reasons? We will try to answer these questions in this article, giving some common examples of errors and problems launching games.

    Probably the most important thing when starting the game is this is whether your computer meets the minimum requirements of the game. Requirements for a game are usually written on the disc boxes (if you bought it) or on the website (if you downloaded it).

    Missing msvcr100.dll, MSVCR110.dll, MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll

    Now about the errors that may occur when starting the game. One of the common errors is the missing msvcr100.dll, MSVCR110.dll, MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll - libraries, which can be easily removed by installing the package Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages. This error means that you have an incorrect or missing version of this package installed.

    In case of problems with MSVCR110.dll, you need to download and install: Download Visual C++ for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 In case of problems with MSVCR120.dll, you need to download and install: Download Visual C++ for Visual C++ 2013 Update 5

    To install VC++ packages, you must have Service Pack 1 for Windows 7

    In case of problems with VCRUNTIME140.dll, you need to download and install: Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Update 3 RC Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Component

    Errors d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_3.dll, d3dx9_31.dll d3dx9_34.dll, xinput1_2.dll

    There may also be a problem with DirectX when starting the game. Errors d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_3.dll, d3dx9_31.dll d3dx9_34.dll, xinput1_2.dll and other similar ones inform us that either DirectX is not installed on the computer, or an old version is installed that requires updating. Most modern games require DirectX 11 version installed, which can lead to errors when launching games, for example on Windows XP, since it does not support DirectX 11; on other versions of Windows, you can update DirectX by downloading from the developer's website, or look in the folder with game, most of the developers add the necessary extras. programs for launching the game.

    Error with mss32.dll file

    You can resolve this error in the following ways:

    • Updating your video card drivers helps eliminate most of these possible errors. Video card drivers can and should be updated regularly from the official developer website.

    Attention! Intel video cards integrated into the processor are not supported for most modern games! Don't be lazy and update your drivers, especially for laptops!

    • Updating DirectX is also a possible solution to this problem.
    • Reinstalling the installed game is an option, but it is not very effective.
    • Use command sfc /scannow - a utility for checking and repairing all important Windows files on your computer, including DLL library files a) open Command Prompt as Administrator b) enter the following command: sfc /scannow and press Enter c) the utility will begin searching for problems and inconsistencies in operating system files

    xlive.dll error

    A common error when launching games using the Games for Windows Live service. Installing Game for windows live from the official website will help fix it.

    The msvbvm50.dll file is missing.

    The file is located in the Visual Basic 5.0 Run-time library. You need to find it on the Internet, download it and copy it to the system directory of the operating system.

    Download msvbvm50.dll

    Error 0xc000007b

    Error 0xc000007b appears due to corruption of the operating system system files. For example, if you shut down or reboot your computer. In addition, the reasons why error 0xc000007b appears when starting the game may be the lack of DirectX (or corruption of software files), .Net Framework, Visual C++, or problems with video card drivers, in particular NVidia.

    To fix this error, try the following:

    • Install/update DirectX, Visual C++, .Net Framework links can be found above
    • Run the game as Administrator, sometimes it helps
    • Update your video card driver
    • Run the command sfc /scannow (how to do this is described above)
    • Check if there are problems launching other games. It is possible that the problem may lie in the files of a specific game. In this case, try reinstalling it.
    • Well, extreme measures! Restore the system to an earlier state when the error did not appear.

    Legacy Game Compatibility Mode

    Some older games can be run on newer versions of Windows in compatibility mode.

    To use this mode, you need to right-click on the game shortcut and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, switch to the “Compatibility” tab.

    Other reasons

    • Incorrect date and time on the computer.
    • We check for updates or new versions of the game or program.
    • Use Latin characters on the way when installing the game.
    • Install all components (programs) that come with the game.
    • Perhaps you haven’t cleaned your computer for a long time, then it needs to be cleaned.
    • Viruses prevent components from working normally. In this case, you need to run your computer with an antivirus.
    • If the game is online, it may be blocked by an antivirus or firewall. You can try disabling them temporarily or adding them to exceptions.

    Here are the most common errors and problems when launching games. To summarize, we can say that in order to play an interesting game, before installing it, look at the minimum requirements of the game, update the drivers on your PC, install the required programs when installing the game, check your computer for malware and read the instructions before installing the game (Sometimes it helps!) . That's all. Good luck!

    Hi all! The article will be short, but very useful about why games do not launch on Windows 7, 8, 10 or the program does not start? Everything is very simple!

    Why don't games launch on Windows 7, 8, 10? What should I do?

    I'll try to remember all the reasons I had.

    Reason #1. No components required.

    The most common reason why a game or program does not start is a lack of components in the system. In order not to waste a lot of time searching, I’m posting all the components in the archive:

    Open the image, or unpack it using .

    After launch, the installer will prompt you to select components, first install everything according to the standard, if it doesn’t help, then add it.

    First, you can choose the optimal choice. If it doesn’t help, then click select all.

    A list of installed components will appear.

    Here you can choose nothing or choose as you wish.

    After choosing, click install.

    The installation will begin.

    After installation, it is better to restart your computer.

    Important components for programs are , and .

    The same is true for games.

    The rest depends on the program or game. Therefore, if a game or program does not start, feel free to download and install everything!

    Reason #2. Insufficient rights to run.

    Try running the game as an administrator, to do this, right-click on the shortcut and select run as administrator.

    Reason #3. The game or program is not compatible.

    Your application may not be compatible with your version of Windows. For compatibility, you can try right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting property.

    Reason #4. Is the game compatible with your computer?

    The game or program may not be compatible with your computer. To do this, enter the name and write the system requirements.

    We are interested in at least the minimum requirements. You can see the system requirements of your computer.

    Reason #5. The required drivers are not installed.

    For games, it is important that drivers are installed on the video card. You can download them from the official website or.

    Download for your video card and .

    Reason #6. Poor build.

    Perhaps you downloaded a broken game (or program) on the Internet and it does not start. There may be many reasons for this, but one of the main ones is this kind of assembly. And then either download another one, or buy a license.

    Reason #7. The problem is in the operating system.

    • Perhaps you haven’t cleaned your computer for a long time, then it’s necessary.
    • Viruses prevent components from working normally. In this case, you need to run your computer with an antivirus.
    • If the game is online, it may be blocked by an antivirus or firewall. You can try disabling them temporarily or adding them to exceptions.

    Reason #8. Other reasons.

    • Incorrect date and time on the computer.
    • We check for updates or new versions of the game or program.
    • Use Latin characters on the way when installing the game.
    • Install all components (programs) that come with the game.

    That's all I remembered. If you remember why the game or program does not start, write in the comments.

    If one or more installed games do not launch on Windows 10, this indicates the presence of serious system errors.

    With the help of our instructions, you can easily fix any bugs and play your favorite game again.

    Note! If you are not sure of the exact reason for the error, we advise you to follow all the instructions one by one - from the simplest to the more complex. This way you are 100% likely to fix the problem.

    Reason 1 – “Broken” installer

    If an error message appears immediately after running the EXE file or during its installation, this indicates that the installer is not working correctly.

    You will not be able to launch the game until you download the working EXE file to install it.

    Try looking for the installer on another site or download it directly from gaming platforms (Steam, Origin) if you are installing licensed software.

    Reason 2 – Antivirus blocks the game

    The built-in Windows Defender may recognize a recently installed game as malware. As a result, it will not start.

    If other programs work on your PC without problems, we recommend checking the Defender settings and adding a new game to the exclusion list.

    Note that the built-in Defender always recognizes viruses, and an installed pirated game can be infected with Trojans or spyware.

    Follow the instructions:

    • Open the System Settings window using the Win - I keyboard shortcut;
    • Select “Update and Security”;
    • In the new window, click on the “Windows Defender” tab;
    • On the right side of the window, click on “Open Security Center”;
    • Next, click on the shield icon, and then go to the protection settings window;
    • In the new window, find the “Exceptions” section and click on the “Add and remove exceptions” line;
    • Next, click on “+” and add a program from the list of those installed on your computer. Now, when you launch it, Defender will not block the operation of the software.

    If you have an additional antivirus installed on Windows 10, you need to add the game to its exclusions list.

    This is done in the same way as described above. You launch the program, open the protection settings and add the game to the list of active exceptions.

    Reason 3 – Programs from the store do not workMicrosoft Store

    Regardless of the build of Windows or the installation of updates, users regularly encounter problems launching software that was downloaded from the official Microsoft Store.

    The problem can be solved by simply resetting the default Store settings.

    Follow the instructions:

    • Open the “Windows Settings” window (Windows key combination - I);
    • Go to the “Main” tab;
    • Open Apps & Features. Wait until the list of all programs and games installed on your computer is loaded on the right side of the window;
    • Then find “Store”, click on it and click on the “Advanced options” field;
    • In the new window, click the “Reset” button.

    Now you need to go to the Microsoft Store and try to install any program from it. If it starts without errors, restart your computer.

    Now you can work with other applications that you installed from the standard store.

    If the problem still appears, install Windows OS updates.

    Reason 4 – System bugsWindows 10

    Windows 10 is a universal operating system that runs on millions of gadgets around the world.

    Since even the most advanced developers cannot 100% foresee all the bugs and errors that occur on computers from different manufacturers, minor system problems often appear in Windows.

    Bugs can cause applications or standard services to launch incorrectly.

    Microsoft regularly releases update packages that fix system errors and add new useful features to Windows.

    To install the latest updates for your computer, follow the instructions:

    • Open the system settings window (WinàI keys);
    • Click on “Updates and Security”;
    • Click on "Check for updates". The scan may take several minutes. Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. If information about an available update appears in the window, install it. The computer will reboot several times, and you will be able to work with the OS without bugs.

    Reason 5 – Outdated video card drivers

    When you try to launch many modern games, the system displays an error not due to glitches in Windows 10 itself, but due to the lack of a suitable version of video card drivers.

    You need to check the operation status of the video adapter and update its software.

    Follow the instructions:

    • Right-click on the Start menu icon;
    • Select “Device Manager” from the drop-down list;