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  • Enabling family sharing on Steam. How to share a game on steam with a friend? Add friends to the game through your

    Enabling family sharing on Steam.  How to share a game on steam with a friend?  Add friends to the game through your

    Gone are the days when you could ask a friend to lend you a disc to play. Security systems have improved, and now even the most seedy projects require activation via the Internet, which is why the person who borrowed the toy may well receive a message: “This key has already been activated.” Therefore, if you prefer to use exclusively licensed products, but do not want to spend extra money on buying an unnecessary game, there is only one way left - to borrow a disc.


    1. Find "Steam" in your browser and go to this trading platform.
    2. In the upper right corner, click alternately on the two buttons “Download Steam” and “Login”.
    3. While the computer is downloading the client, click the “Create account” button in the window that opens.
    4. Fill out the form that opens.
    5. Be sure to read the "License Agreement". It can answer many questions, especially regarding illegal account transfers. This is necessary so that later problems do not arise in which a person receives an account ban, but does not understand why.
    6. Confirm the entered data.

    Steam account registration is complete. Now it's time to take the next step.


    1. Launch the Steam client.
    2. In the lower right corner, select "Friends List". A small window will appear.
    3. There, click "Add friend...".
    4. Now enter the desired nickname. The system will look for the most accurate matches first, based on your location. Therefore, if your friend is from Japan, and you are from Kaliningrad, make sure that his nickname is spelled accurately. Otherwise, you will get many results that do not meet your expectations.
    5. Click "Add Friend".

    After this, all you have to do is wait for your request to be confirmed.


    A prerequisite for sharing a library is connecting to a service account (SG). Without it, the system will not allow you to “share” your games. It's easy to do this.

    1. Log in to your account settings by selecting the appropriate item in the top menu.
    2. Launch SG settings.
    3. Select the option that suits you (receive codes by mail or telephone).


    1. Give your friend the username and password to log into Steam.
    2. After authorization, you need to send your friend a one-time code from SG.
    3. Now you must activate Family Sharing on both computers (yours and your friend's). To do this, go to settings.
    4. Select the "Family" tab and check the appropriate box.

    Once the checkbox has been checked on both computers, your friend can safely log out of your account and log into his own. You must log in again and go to the same settings. There you can see that there are now multiple devices connected to your account. But, in addition, you will be able to choose which account you need to connect to the system. Authorize (without login and password) your friend's account.


    1. We have already seen that to activate the “joint” mode, you need to transfer your account data. Make sure to share games with a trusted person.
    2. Only one person can play from one account. If you run the game on your computer, the person using the shared access will be forcibly disconnected after 5 minutes.
    3. Share the entire library at once. But saving and settings will be individual.
    4. Your friend will not be able to receive cards.
    5. When using codes, cheats or fraudulent transactions, your account will be banned, not your friend's.

    Now you can understand that when you share games with someone, you also share responsibility. Carefully choose your “friends” and check those you trust.

    In chapter Client to the question How to let a friend play my games on Steam??? given by the author Denis Fedurko the best answer is This is family viewing and has nothing to do with the library.
    In order for your friend to be able to play your games, you must log in to his computer through your account, after which you need to “authorize” him on your friend’s computer and he, having logged into his account, must connect your account among the list of authorized ones.
    You must do the same on your computer with his account if you want to play his games.
    You can safely play your friend’s games both when he is online and when he is offline, but you will not be able to play his games if he is playing something at the same moment.

    kryptoBush (Alina)
    Picture attached.
    He logs in to your computer, clicks “authorize this computer” in the family tab, you go back to your account and in the same tab, check the box next to his nickname in the “share suitable accounts” column. After this, he will be able to play your games on his account.

    Answer from Chip[guru]
    First, you need to decide between “let a friend play my games” and “how can I send a request for permission to play his game?”

    Answer from Ilya Zlobin[newbie]
    Add him to your family account) let him add you and play like two brothers)

    In order to give a friend access to your games on Steam, it is not necessary to give him a login and password on a permanent basis. Firstly, it is not safe, and secondly, Valve has long introduced such a function as “Family Library Sharing”. The essence of this function is that you allow a friend to play your games under his login. For example, you can explain it this way: you gave a friend access to games, and he came to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Everything he plays there through the “family library” will go to his statistics, and not to yours. And when a friend buys his own copy of the game, the whole process will be transferred to his account. And in the case when, God forbid, he uses cheats, the ban will not come to your account, but to his.

    The obvious advantage of this type of library “sharing” is that your record data cannot be compromised. You are not responsible and will not pay for the actions of others.

    Here the obvious question arises: why not then buy games together and give access, so that the whole group can then play? It's simple, you can't run public games if the owner of the "library" account is playing something. Plus, not all games are available for public use; those that have third-party authentication (Uplay, Rockstar Social Club, etc.) are prohibited from “sharing.” These games are labeled as "Third Party DRM" in the Steam store.

    The list of prohibited games for the family library also includes those games that have regional restrictions. They are not prohibited in principle, but let’s say you have the game “Dishonored”, which is limited to several regions, including Russia. A friend lives in Germany, but if you have a Russian version of the game in your library, you will not be able to add it to your shared library.

    Gaining access

    The next step is to do the same thing, but on a friend’s computer. We log into our account from it (one time, you won’t have to do this further, and don’t check the box to remember the password) and do this operation again. That's it, access is granted. Thus, you can distribute games to five accounts, which of them can be allowed right now in the same “Families” menu by checking or unchecking the boxes.

    Instead of a postscript, it’s worth writing that if you have “Steam Guard” enabled, then you will also have to include your friend’s PC in the list of allowed devices. When you log in for the first time from his computer, you will receive a password by email, which you should enter and check the “Remember this device” checkbox. But do not put the same checkbox next to the login/password pair entry form. Thus, he will remain allowed to view, but will not be able to log in without your data. And if there is a virus or other spyware, your account will remain safe.

    Cancel access

    As the name suggests, this is a family library. It is understood that only those closest to you will receive access. Under no circumstances “share” your game library with people you don’t know. Your passwords will simply be stolen. It may well happen that if you lose control of your account, when you contact Valve technical support, you will simply be refused.

    Bottom line

    From the above, you may get the feeling that a family library is an extremely inconvenient thing, because many games are not available in it. Plus you can’t even play different games, that is, one player per account. And this is a fair judgment, but you can look at it from the other side.

    Firstly, all games from Valve itself are publicly available, which is already a good layer of projects, and secondly, there is almost 100% security. The only moment when you are in a vulnerable position is when you enter your data to connect your friend’s PC to the “Family”. After this, you are free to immediately erase all references to your data. And by giving your username/password to a friend, in addition to exposing your account to the highest risk, you will not fix the problems of one player per account. That is, in none of the cases is it possible to play different games on the same account at the same time. So this is not a minus.

    Family Library Sharing is not a panacea, but it is the only safe option.

    The gaming experience on Steam is constantly improving. Another interesting feature that has been added to this service is family access to games - Family Sharing. Read on to learn about it in more detail, and also to understand exactly how to activate this access.

    The essence of the feature is that you can share your game library with another user, and he will be able to play these games. Just as if they were bought by him or as if you bought a disc in a store and, after playing for a while, gave it to your friend. This way, you and a friend, real family member, or anyone else can save and save a decent amount. One user will no longer have to buy games that he would like to play that are already present in another user’s Steam account. In addition, new games can be purchased together.

    How to enable Family Sharing

    Initially, the feature was only available for beta testing, but today "Family Sharing" can be used by any user, after which he will be able to share his games with another person and have access to his games. To activate Family Sharing you need to do the following:

    Disable Family Sharing

    To disable Family Viewing on Steam, you need to go to Manage "Family Sharing". This is done in the same way, through the settings window, where you need to use the button "Manage other computers". This screen will display all computers that have access to your account through the function "Family Sharing". In order to disable access to a specific computer, you must click the button "Deauthorize", after which this device will no longer have access to your game library.


    Now you know how you can share your game library with other Steam users. Share your library only with people you trust.

    A few years ago, Steam introduced an interesting feature that allows you to share games from your account with other people. This is Steam Family Sharing, thanks to which any user can manage your game library. While you are not playing yourself, he will use what is on your account.

    Let's talk about Steam Library Sharing. You will learn how to add a friend, and we will also discuss the features of the service.

    About the service

    The service is intended for people who decide to purchase one game in order to play it all at once. Previously, everyone had to buy a separate copy. Now anyone can own a game, and then give others access to their own library, and they can run it as long as they need.

    How to use this feature?

    Look into the client settings, find the section dedicated to family - that’s what it’s called. There you can choose to authorize your computer and other users.

    If your computer is designed for several users and someone has already sat on it and completed the authorization procedure, then you will see in the library not only your own, but also other people’s games.

    We allow other gamers to use your games.

    This procedure is carried out in several steps.

    • Log into your Steam account on the computer that will have access to your library. If you can't get to it yet, just share your username and password with the person you want to offer your games to. Be careful, do not trust confidential data to just anyone, as there are a lot of scammers - they will be happy to use your account for their own purposes.
    • Now we add the computer to the list of authorized devices. To do this, in the settings you need to find a button that starts the authorization procedure.
    • At the next stage, we select users who will have access to the library. Check the box next to the name of a specific person and confirm, and then he will always watch games from your library on his PC. If there are no accounts in the list, you can log in once on behalf of the person who needs access - then he will be added to the list.

    How to play?

    You launch the game, after which a notification is sent to the owner that you intend to play. The owner of the account will approve it, and you will be able to use everything that is in his library. The function is limited - you can play anything, but only until the account owner wants to launch something himself. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is part of the same project in which you are now or some other one - a launch notification will be presented, informing you that you have a few minutes left. When they expire, you will be offered to buy the game on its Steam store page.