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  • War Thunder: airplane control. War Thunder mouse control How to return default war thunder settings

    War Thunder: airplane control.  War Thunder mouse control How to return default war thunder settings

    In connection with the release of a new addon, firstly, and for the sake of calculating the optimal video card for War Thunder, secondly, we acquired another piece of first-hand information. This is information about the graphic settings and features of the game associated with them, which the developers told us.

    There is no need for thanks, flowers, tears of happiness, it is our professional duty to be between the source of information and the people who need it.

    Q. There is no consensus on sufficient fps (minimum and average) for games and for War Thunder. They give numbers from 20 to 120 frames per second. What fps value do you consider minimally acceptable, and what is sufficient (above which there is no point in raising it)?

    A. For an acceptable game you need to have a stable 30 fps, but a sufficient level is 60 fps.

    Q. We heard that you do not welcome “munchkin” settings, optimized for game efficiency at the expense of realistic graphics, with a deliberate reduction in image quality where it can help the game. Why don't you approve of this? If you don’t approve, why do you leave players the opportunity to fine-tune the graphics, rather than limiting the settings to the “low-medium-high-ultra” slider?

    A. To be honest, such tricks are of little use in War Thunder. In the most popular - arcade - mode, all enemies discovered by you or your teammates are marked with a red nickname above the vehicle, visible to the entire team. In realistic mode, where there are no markers, calculations of what one or another player sees are made on the server, and even on minimal graphics settings it is still impossible to see through the trees. In addition, War Thunder is a team game, where in most modes there are 16 players fighting on each side, and coordinated actions are much more important for victory than personal effectiveness. At the same time, the ability to fine-tune graphics allows players with a wide variety of hardware to play comfortably, and this is extremely important for attracting new users.

    A. For effective gaming, it is not the graphics settings that are important (as already mentioned, at least 30 fps is enough), but a stable high-speed Internet connection. Packet loss and high ping will ruin the match even on the most powerful hardware at maximum settings.

    – a certain Core i5 with an unknown operating frequency, architecture and design parameters;

    – 8 GB of abstract RAM, type and bandwidth not specified (we don’t touch timings);

    – series video cards with unknown chip and memory operating frequencies, without specifying the memory type.

    Perhaps before the release, while the game engine was constantly changing, it was impossible to formulate the exact system requirements, but now, after the release, is it possible to announce the recommended configuration in detail?

    A. There are a huge number of hardware configurations for users, so it makes no sense to give any narrower recommendations. By recommended requirements we mean hardware that allows you to get stable 60 fps on the High preset of graphics settings.

    Q. How useful is high drive read speed in War Thunder? How justified do you think using an SSD is? Hybrid drives?

    A. A faster hard drive allows you to quickly load the resources necessary for battle and enter into an online battle without delays. But not so long ago, texture streaming technology was introduced into the game, which made it possible to significantly speed up the loading of battles even for players with weak hardware.

    Q. The game is optimized for NVIDIA. What exactly does a player who chooses an NVIDIA card get?

    A. We optimize our engine for all players, regardless of their video card models, including integrated solutions. But one of the notable features available only on NVIDIA cards is Ansel technology, which allows you to create gorgeous screenshots with a resolution of several gigapixels and panoramas.

    Q. How justified is the use of 4K monitors?

    A. In 4K resolution the game looks gorgeous, but the question of purchasing such a monitor depends solely on the financial capabilities and desires of the player.

    Q. What VR headsets are supported in the game, and what does this support provide?

    A. War Thunder supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Flying airplanes with a cockpit view (which are simulated in the game for all 500+ models) allows for an incredible immersive experience. And tracking the movement of the player’s head allows you to look around during the battle, as real pilots did, and notice enemy aircraft in time.

    Q. Which image output tool is most efficient? 3-6 monitors, a virtual reality headset, a 4K monitor, or is one monitor enough?

    A. The game supports displaying images on multiple monitors, so during battle you can not hold down the camera rotation key, but simply look at the screens located at an angle to the left and right of the main one. A virtual reality helmet provides similar functionality, but by and large, an experienced player does not need these tricks; he is already accustomed to constantly looking around and using hints in the interface. And for a beginner with “tunnel vision,” no technological gadgets will help.

    Q. DirectX 12. What do you think about this API in general? Should players wait for the DirectX 12 version in War Thunder?

    Low FPS in War Thunder is considered to be 20 frames per second or less. This is true for weak computers and laptops: when the frame rate sags, it is difficult to play normally, and simply impossible. The “slide show” on the screen does not allow you to aim properly or get out of the line of fire. It's disappointing to lose to an opponent with better skills. It’s even more disappointing to be defeated because the game lags and FPS drops. This guide will tell you how to increase performance in the game, remove FPS restrictions and thereby increase the effectiveness of your equipment on the battlefield.

    Why FPS drops in War Thunder

    As practice shows, the main reasons for the drop in FPS are:

    • Incorrect game settings that do not match the parameters of the computer or laptop;
    • Outdated video card drivers;
    • Weak hardware that does not meet the minimum requirements of the game;
    • Problems on the provider's side;
    • Infection of the computer with a miner virus that puts additional load on the video card, as well as other malware;
    • RAM overflowing with “junk” data due to long-term continuous operation of the computer.

    It has been noticed that FPS drops and freezes after any sudden movement are sometimes observed after a “crooked” patch. In this case, the game lags and slows down for the entire server. If the reason that the FPS has dropped is due to the actions of the developers, as a rule, the problem is fixed within 24 hours. There is nothing you can do here, but in other cases, for a comfortable game, low FPS needs to be increased in order to save your own nerves.

    How to increase FPS in War Thunder

    A very effective way to increase low FPS is to reduce the image resolution. Yes, the graphics will become a little worse and the picture will become blurry, but the huge advantage is that the game does not lag even on weak laptops.

    By default, the game client uses DirectX 11 technology. The image is beautiful, but when the FPS drops below 20 at minimum graphics settings, beauty fades into the background. The easiest way to solve the problem if FPS sags in War Thunder is to switch the game to DirectX 9. To do this, find the config file with the BLK extension in the folder and the game client and open it using any text editor - for example, standard Notepad. You need to replace the lines:


    And replace auto with dx9:


    In the properties of this file you need to set the attribute “Read-Only”. The next time you launch the War Thunder launcher, a message will appear stating that the game settings could not be saved. You must click “Yes” for the game to start.

    You can also find the game process aces.exe in the Task Manager and change its priority to high. This will not give a noticeable increase in FPS, but it will help if it periodically drops.

    The effectiveness of disabling the “full client” is considered extremely low. In intense gaming moments, you can “conjure” no more than 2-3 frames per second in this way. Savings reach no more than 50 MB of video memory.

    How to set up the HPET timer

    On some motherboards, the HPET timer does not function correctly, causing the game to freeze when opening interface windows, as well as during shots. The developers recommend inserting the line at the very beginning of the config file:


    Check if the video card and processor frequencies are reduced in the system settings. To do this, go to the Control Panel and open the “Power Options” tab. The setting should be configured for high performance. This is especially true for laptop owners: these devices often have a balanced power consumption mode set by default, when less energy is consumed due to reduced performance.

    You should not ignore the possibility of overclocking your video card. The programs most often used for this purpose are:

    • RivaTuner;
    • MSI Afterburner;
    • GPUTool;
    • GeForce Tweak Utility.

    Remember! Overlocking is a delicate process, and you make any changes to the system parameters at your own peril and risk!

    Other ways to increase FPS

    It is believed that the greatest increase in FPS is provided by the compatibility mode with older video cards. Even if you do not use an outdated graphics accelerator, but FPS sags, you can achieve an increase by using ultra-low image settings. To enable this mode, you need to find the line compatibilityMode:b=no in the config file and change the parameter value to yes. You can also find the corresponding item in the game settings and check the box.

    It has been noticed that powder smoke from a gun after a shot often causes a drop in FPS and “freezes” during a battle. To get rid of lags in War Thunder, it is enough to remove smoke and some other decorative effects that add beauty to the picture, but do not in any way affect the game balance. How to turn off the smoke? These parameters are controlled by the “Quality of additional effects in sniper mode” setting. In the same way you will disable some shaders that slow down the game.

    Do not forget that low graphics settings are important parameters for increasing FPS. This is true not only for War Thunder, but also for any other game in which the image is rendered using a video card. This optimization method is not the best from an aesthetic point of view, but its advantage is that the FPS drops significantly less. At the same time, you get some combat advantage: objects in the surrounding game world with low detail distract your attention less, allowing you to focus on the enemy. This is especially true for tank battles: trees and bushes become “translucent”, and it is easier to detect the enemy.

    How to get rid of viruses

    Many viruses and other malware can cause even top-end hardware to lag when working in a text editor, not to mention games that require a workstation’s performance. The easiest way to detect a spyware is to check your CPU usage in the Task Manager. If the processor is 100% loaded, this indicates that you were not lucky enough to infect your computer with a Trojan or spyware. If your antivirus program does not react to its presence in any way, you should switch to a product from other developers. It is also recommended to “drive” computer hard drives using a special utility, Cure-It! from Dr.Web studio. Its use is free.

    War Thunder can also be run on old computers and laptops with minimal graphics settings. The above methods for increasing FPS may not work in this case. Read about how to optimize the game for a weak computer in the corresponding guide.

    In this review, we’ll look at how to properly configure aircraft controls in War Thunder and make a test flight.

    Aircraft control settings

    In the game we go to “Menu” - “Management”, we need "Mouse Aiming".

    How we set it up:

    “Machine guns” – left mouse button (LMB, 1);

    “Guns” – LMB, 2;

    “Bomb Drop” – Space, 3;

    “Rocket launch” - depending on your taste. We set the 5th mouse key (5KM);

    "Reload weapon"– we have “Y” installed, now this is basically not needed, because reloading occurs in arcade battles and only at the airfield. You will not recharge while in the air.

    The “throttle axis” is either the mouse wheel, “S”, “W” or the left “Shift” and “Crtl”.

    "Hold gas for afterburner"– set “No”, otherwise you can forget and burn the engine.

    “Roll axis” – use flaps to turn left and right, set “A” or “D”, for advanced keyboards – “Left” and “Right”.

    “Pitch axis” – left “Shift” and “Crtl”, or “S” and “D”.

    “Yaw axis” - “Q” and “E”, is responsible for turning the tail of the aircraft to the left or right. Rarely used, but sometimes necessary.

    "Use joystick in this mode"– if you play on the keyboard, set “No”.

    "Control (X-Axis) and (Y-Axis)"– “not assigned”, this is not necessary.

    "Control axes sensitivity" And "Mouse sensitivity"– we put it according to taste, whichever is more convenient for you;

    "Mouse Smoothing"– “Yes”, so that your mouse does not twitch at the slightest touch;

    "Mouse wheel" - "Throttle axis".

    "Invert horizontal and vertical axes"- "No".

    “Flaps” – “F”.

    "Raise the flaps" And "Remove flaps"– stand on “X” and “B”, designated as [ and ]. Alternatively, you can put them on buttons 1 and 2, or 2 and 3.

    "Air brake"– “H” is not present on all aircraft, but where it is, it is needed.

    We don’t need anything in the “Instructor” section; we set “No” everywhere.

    Therefore, let's go to the section "Camera Control".

    “Approach” – we have “Z”, “Num0” set. You can also install RMB, it also helps.

    "Tracking the Enemy"– you can set “X” or “Z”, the camera in this mode gets closer to the enemy, but then it is very skewed, which is not very convenient.

    "Bomb/Torpedo Camera"– “U” or long-pressed Space. You will see a bomb falling or a torpedo flying.

    "Switching view"– “V”, you switch between arcade view, cockpit view and virtual cockpit. Useful for monitoring sensors inside your cabin.

    “External view” – “F3”.

    “View from the cockpit” – “F2”.

    "Virtual cockpit"– “F4” or “Shift + F1”.

    “Shooter” – “F6”, needed for bombers and attack aircraft to go into control mode for onboard gunners.

    "Bomb Sight"– “F7”, also on the bomber go into sniper bomb aiming mode.

    "Default view"– “F5”, standard 3rd person view (from the tail).

    In principle, there is no need to use all these keys; just press “V” several times to switch to any of the above modes.

    "Activate Mouse Browsing"– “C”, when you click on it, you can rotate the camera as you like, but the plane will not turn behind it.

    The following commands are configured by default and do not need to be touched.

    In chapter "Full aircraft control" the commands are the same as in "Aiming with the mouse".

    In line "Using the mouse" We set “Relative control”, except for the battle on a bomber in realistic mode - there you need to set “Mouse-joystick”.

    Go to the section "Full Engine Control".

    "Engine control mode"– the slash sign “/”, on the keyboard this is a question mark. Entering this mode allows you to switch between automatic and manual engine control.

    "Engine starting"– “I”, this command is rarely needed, except in realistic battles.

    “Mixture” and “Propeller pitch” are not needed.

    "Auto propeller pitch"- also not used.

    At this point, the basic settings for flying an airplane are completed, and you can fly safely.

    Let's configure the basic parameters of the game. The following settings are important to us:

    "Default view"- "Third person"

    "Bringing down the weapon"– “300 meters”, you can put more on Russian guns,

    "Indicated airspeed"- “No”, the rest is to taste.

    Making a test flight

    Let's see how to control an airplane during combat using the example of the R-63A-5 Kincobra model. Select the “Historical Battle” mode. Don’t forget to set “Mouse Aiming” in the control parameters, and only then click “OK”, otherwise you risk losing the settings.

    Takeoff is carried out in two ways. Immediately set the thrust to 100%, flaps in the “Takeoff” position and wait until the plane gains sufficient speed. Second option: first unscrew the propeller by pressing the Latin “B” (this is the wheel brake) and set the THR value (in the upper left panel) to 60. Your speed begins to increase and the engine accelerates. Then set the THR value to 100% and release the brake (you can even go into afterburner), release the flaps for takeoff - the plane begins to accelerate very quickly, then lift your nose - we are flying! We remove the landing gear and flaps.

    You are in flight. You can control the plane only with the mouse. The disadvantage of using the mouse is that the plane starts to shake and the bank angle is not what you need, for example, to turn.

    Turning from the keyboard is carried out by moving to the left; to do this, press the Latin “A”. At the same time, the plane takes a position when the axis of the wings becomes perpendicular to the ground. Once you have reached this position, press “Shift” and pull the handle (mouse) towards you. The plane carefully turns around, we help with the mouse. Once you have turned around, release “Shift” and level off.

    You should always fly at 100% thrust (THR = 100%), you should not indulge in afterburner, so as not to overheat the engine. The flaps are in the zero position. By pressing “Ъ”, you can maneuver on the landing flaps, resulting in good lift, while losing speed.

    How to dive down to attack an enemy flying close to the ground.

    We put the flaps in the firing position and gradually reduce the speed to 70%, heading towards the ground. To exit the dive – press “Shift” and point the mouse upward.

    It makes sense to shoot at ground targets from 1 km. It is necessary to open fire on air targets only from short distances - 300-400 meters. You won't hit anything with more.

    How to land: reduce the speed to 50-60 rpm, set the flaps to the landing position. When we directly reached the airfield, we reduce the thrust to 17% and descend, holding “Shift” for a short time. We lower the landing gear right above the airfield.

    In War Thunder, players are presented with several mouse control options. The most suitable for this manipulator are mouse aiming and simplified controls.

    In mode mouse aiming you will indicate the direction of the plane's flight, which artificial intelligence will convert into a maneuver, for example, you want to turn to the right, you move the mouse in the appropriate direction, and the program itself will decide that for the desired maneuver you need to bank the plane and pull the steering wheel towards you. You can rotate along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft using the A and D keys on the keyboard.

    Simplified management A more complex and advanced mode is suitable for experienced players. When you select simplified controls, four arcs will be located on the screen, symbolizing the axes of the joystick; by moving the mouse in one of the directions, you can perform rotation around the corresponding axis of the aircraft.

    Simplified controls are suitable only for experienced players who want the most complete control over the behavior of the aircraft. Aiming with the mouse is a simpler control option that is quite easy to master and get good results.

    Setting up mouse controls in War Thunder

    Let's look at the control settings for the most popular option - mouse aiming.

    To enter the mood you need to select menu item - control. Next, select the mouse aiming mode. By clicking on the control setup wizard button, you can select a mouse and keyboard control configuration - simple or advanced.

    IN simple configuration the W and S buttons are responsible for controlling the aircraft's thrust. And in advanced configuration The Shift and Ctrl buttons are responsible for controlling engine thrust, and the W and S buttons will be responsible for the pitch of the aircraft, that is, using these keys you can raise or lower the plane.

    Comparing the advanced and simple configurations, it is worth noting that the advanced controls give a little more control over the aircraft, using this configuration you can perform, for example, using the keys on the keyboard. At the same time, the simple control option is quite playable, so choosing the appropriate option is a matter of taste.

    Key assignments in War Thunder

    IN War Thunder should be assigned and remembered a few important keys. The left mouse button is usually assigned to fire small-caliber and large-caliber weapons. You can also install an additional key for small-caliber machine guns - for example, the fourth mouse button or a button on the keyboard. This is done to be able to fire from long distances with small-caliber guns, and at closer distances all guns are used.

    To drop a bomb, you usually assign the spacebar key. Missile launch is assigned to the fifth mouse button or to a button on the keyboard.

    It is also important to assign and remember a key for reloading in arcade mode; by default it is the Y button. Go to reload when there are no enemies around you. For the roll axes, the A and D keys are assigned by default, for the yaw Q and E, for the pitch axis in the advanced configuration, the W and S buttons are assigned, for landing gear release, the G button is set by default, to release the flaps you need to press F. These buttons are worth remembering when If you wish, you can set a different key for actions by pressing Assign a button.

    Choose the right one mouse sensitivity It can only be done by trial and error. Test control options and choose the one that is most convenient for you.

    Salute, pilots and tank crews!

    Setting up graphics in War Thunder

    The graphic image in the game is directly dependent on the user’s individual settings. To configure the desired image display option, you need to use a special panel. It gives access to selecting resolution, enabling/disabling synchronization, etc. When fine-tuning the graphic display in War Thunder, the user has the opportunity to limit himself to the standard (already available) settings levels in the game:

    • minimum;
    • movie;
    • average;
    • high;
    • maximum.

    Custom graphics settings

    Many players express a desire to customize the picture more refined, so they resort to additional functions. To do this, go to the user settings item, where you can adjust the image sharpness, game interface and vignette. Similar settings in the War Thunder game are available to any user, which is very convenient: everyone can adjust the clarity and resolution of the screen, taking into account the parameters of their own computer.

    Settings for low-performance and weak computers

    There is a fairly simple way to solve this problem: slightly reduce the quality of the graphics in the game. It is necessary to adjust the following parameters, since they place a greater load on the video card and, accordingly, worsen the gameplay:

    • Reduce resolution. By default the game is set at a fairly high level, so you should lower it;
    • Disable additional smoothing;
    • Set “Shadow Quality” to “medium” or “low”;
    • Uncheck numerous items, such as “Reflections on water”, “Motion with blur”, etc.
    • Disabling or reducing the quality of such parameters will not greatly affect the gameplay, but will allow players with weak hardware to thoroughly enjoy battles in War Thunder.

    What to do if the game slows down?

    1. Graphics settings are set too high for your computer

    2. Your video card drivers are outdated

    We set all the settings to the most successful performance level, which was achieved in the previous step, and update the video card drivers.

    For Nvidia owners.

    • Go to the page of the official website with drivers for Nvidia: //
    • We select your video card there, or, if you have forgotten what kind of video card you have, use the driver selection utility
    • We follow the advice of the driver selector and install new drivers

    For ATI/AMD Radeon owners.

    • It’s even simpler, just go here: //
    • Click “Download”
    • We follow the advice of the firewood selection program and install the proposed option

    After updating the drivers, we go into the game and compare it with what it was before the update. In most cases the problem is solved.

    3. Didn't help? Your direct route to the War Thunder support forum

    Which is located here: //
    We select a problem category, see if there is a ready-made solution in the attached topics, and create a new one. Often you need to diagnose your computer and send the results.

    Control settings

    First, let's look at the controls, which are presented in several forms:

    • virtual instructor;
    • mouse and keyboard;
    • gamepad;
    • joystick;
    • specialized devices.

    It is better for beginners to give preference to a virtual instructor; this option is turned on automatically, and the gamer is notified about the operation. Most users prefer a keyboard and a mouse, with the latter being of paramount importance. Naturally, the best option is a joystick, which is an improvised steering wheel. A special device is GAMETRIX - a cape that allows you to create the atmosphere of an airplane cabin.

    Joystick setup

    Joystick adjustment in War Thunder is carried out in accordance with three axes:

    • bank– rotates the device around its own axis;
    • pitch– lowers and raises the plane;
    • yaw– ensures rotation of the tail section in a horizontal plane.

    The determining factor is sensitivity, that is, the speed of response to actions taken by the gamer. Naturally, the higher this parameter, the faster the maneuvers are performed; lowering the sensitivity will make the movements smoother, improve accuracy, but reduce maneuverability.

    That is why it is important to know, when playing War Thunder, how to set up controls and, first of all, you should pay attention to the following aspects: dead zone; nonlinearity; factor; correction.

    An increase in the dead zone, which is responsible for the lack of reaction in a zone close to zero, will lead to the gamer’s actions being ignored. However, this is a useful option as it allows you to smooth out hand shake.

    Example: If you set the maximum on the roll axis to 0.5, the action of COBRAM5 will be completely ignored.

    The nonlinearity factor determines the correspondence between the logical and real axis; increasing it increases the difference between the indicators. We are talking about changing the correspondence between the aircraft's deflection and the joystick.

    Example: High nonlinearity leads to the fact that 50% of the game instrument's stroke will allow the plane to deflect by only 10%. However, the remaining 50% will deflect the aircraft by 90%.

    When setting up War Thunder, joystick controls should be adjusted taking into account the multiplier. We are talking about the degree of correspondence between the logical, that is, gaming and physical axis.

    Example: Multiplier 1 – 100 – by deflecting the stick axis to the right, you can rotate the plane around its own axis by 100 units. If you reduce the parameter to 0.5 – 100, then with the appropriate maneuver the aircraft will deviate by 50 units.

    An important parameter is correction. If the physical and logical axes do not coincide in the zero zone, the correction must be changed. It should also be noted here that the trimmer is responsible for compensating for external forces acting on the aircraft and ensuring its linear movement.

    Example: a KINGCOBRAP-36C5 takes off - the plane begins to randomly rotate counterclockwise, which is typical for single-engine aircraft due to the peculiarities of screw rotation, and it is also pulled down. The situation is corrected by installing the trimmer height by 6%, and electrons by 3% - rectilinear movement is obtained.

    Gamepad setup

    If you control the gamepad in War Thunder, you need to assign the appropriate combinations of buttons that will be responsible for moving the aircraft. For example, the WS combination corrects the movements of the elevator and allows you to move the aircraft down or up. The combination of AD buttons allows you to adjust the steering wheel, that is, move the device to the right or left. Finally, the QE key allows you to adjust the electron trimmer, that is, prevent rotation around its own axis. Note that in WAR THUNDER, the gamepad settings are identical to the joystick axes.

    Mouse and Keyboard Control

    The most popular and accessible controls are the mouse and keyboard. You just need to point the cursor in the direction of the target and the virtual instructor will independently perform all the operations. Combat is also not complicated; the keyboard is used only for control (standard WASD keys), launching missiles, dropping bombs, switching views or releasing the landing gear. Naturally, in War Thunder, mouse control is the simplest and most accessible, since no additional devices are needed.

    You can configure the operation of the mouse and keyboard in the “Controls” section by selecting one of the types: aiming with the mouse; full control; realistic; simplified. Let us point out that in War Thunder, setting up a mouse is the easiest.