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  • We make a mobile phone from scratch. I have a new smartphone! What to do with the old one? You can use old phones

    We make a mobile phone from scratch.  I have a new smartphone!  What to do with the old one?  You can use old phones

    The telephone is a modern means of communication, which no one can do without today. Since this is the age of high technology, mobile phones have become accessible to almost every person.

    However, many craftsmen will want to give their relatives or friends a gift - a phone they assembled with their own hands. This does not mean that you have to study circuit diagrams, buy parts and housing, solder boards, and so on.

    You can make a souvenir for someone as a gift or a toy for a child.

    Now we will tell you how to make a phone with your own hands.

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      Real working phone without electronic parts

      To do this, you will need a thread and a couple of empty tin cans (ideally tall, for example, from olives).

      If you don't have them available, then use plastic cups. By the way, they are easier to process than metal cans.

      It is better not to use polystyrene cups for our purpose because they are soft and porous. As a result, they absorb more sound than transmit it.
      In extreme cases, paper glasses are also suitable.

      In the middle of the bottom of each cup you need to make a small hole of such a size that the prepared thread can fit into it. Make a hole using an awl, thin drill, drill, nail or awl.

      The main condition is that the thread barely fits through this hole. The tighter it goes, the better the sound will be.

      Then thread the thread through the holes you made. If you have any difficulties, help the end of the thread fit into the hole using a needle, awl or thin nail.

      Tie knots at both ends of the threads in the inner sides of the cups. Next, pull the thread, then the knot will rest against the bottom of the glass. If the knot falls out of the hole, tie a thread around a piece of the match.

      Do the same procedure with the second glass.

      Now you will need a partner to check the product.

      You lean the glass with the open end to your ear, and your partner should talk into the other glass from the open end. Before doing this, you need to tighten the thread as much as possible. If you did everything correctly, then despite the distance, you will be able to hear what your partner is saying.

      And when you say something into a cup, your partner will hear you too.

      This craft is very easy to do, but with due care and effort it will bring your child a lot of joy. After all, he copies the actions of his parents, trying to imitate them in everything. And such a thing as a mobile phone is constantly in the baby’s field of vision. Are they calling you? Of course, you pick up the phone and talk. It will be interesting for the child to do the same, using not even a real phone.

      Making this phone with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard and trim its corners. Then make markings as shown in the figure below, cut along the contours, fold and glue.

      You paint, draw buttons, screen and other elements to give the phone authenticity. Just keep in mind that the paint should not spread when touched, otherwise it is dangerous for the child.

      You will need

      • One of the screen templates to your liking (you can download it here
      • Corrugated cardboard.
      • White electrical tape.
      • Black electrical tape.
      • Transparent wide tape.
      • Glue.
      • Scissors.

      What should be done?

      From corrugated cardboard, cut out three rectangular shapes measuring 7.5x13.8 centimeters. Using these dimensions, you will end up with the exact size of the iPhone 4. Now round the corners of the blanks.

      Glue all three blanks together, so you get the body of the gadget.

      Cover both flat sides of the resulting workpiece with white electrical tape.

      Carefully cut off the remaining tape that protrudes beyond the edges of the craft.

      Now seal the ends of the workpiece with black electrical tape.

      Print the downloaded screen (any screen you like) on a color printer. Then you cut it along the contour.

      Glue the cut out screen onto the body and draw a button underneath it.

      Finally, apply transparent tape to the entire front panel so that the design does not blur during use.

      Remember what the first mobile phones were? Very bulky and uncomfortable.

      By the way, they already existed during the Soviet Union, but few people know about it. They were used by the big bosses of the party apparatus. Moreover, the battery was so large that it was placed in the trunk of a company car.

      But let's return to the first telephones, which became available, if not to ordinary people, then at least to the rich in the eighties.

      To make this rarity you will need the following items:

      • Corrugated cardboard.
      • Hot melt adhesive.
      • Pencil.
      • Scissors.
      • Toothpick.

      Cut out phone elements from cardboard. These will be two elements for the sides, one for the keyboard and one for the back of the case.

      For the back of the body, cut out an even strip that will be slightly larger than the width and height of the side blanks.

      Now hold one of the side blanks in your hand and apply glue to its edge and glue the cardboard strip along the entire edge. Then glue the other side of the tube at a distance that is equal to the width of your workpiece.

      Wait for the glue to dry. Then you cut off the excess cardboard pieces from the sides of the phone and make a hole at the end so that you can place a toothpick there. It will serve as your antenna.

      Now wrap the toothpick halfway, using tape, and glue a bead at the end, after which you insert it into the opposite end into the hole made in the phone. Fix the stability with glue from the inside.

      Insert cardboard rectangles into the resulting base to make the product stronger. Now secure the edges of the workpiece from the front (speaker and microphone).

      Now cut out a cardboard strip that will serve as a keyboard. Draw buttons on it and paste it onto the front of the mobile phone.

      This is what ended up happening.

      To do this, take a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw something like a figure, as shown in the example below. In these examples, dimensions are measured in inches, so keep in mind that one inch is the same as two and a half centimeters.

      To make your own dial, you must use a round piece with sides. To avoid cutting it out, you can use any plastic lid from any type of product packaged in round plastic.

      They can serve as plastic lids for processed cheese, sweets, fish, and so on.

      Cover the lid using paper of the desired color. In this case, the product will look neat and beautiful.

      Using a large drill, cut ten holes on the sides so that they resemble a dial for dialing numbers with your finger.

      Using corrugated cardboard, cut out a circle with a diameter half the size of the dial and poke a hole in it right in the center.

      Place a smaller circle on the workpiece so that the holes match. Using a long, thin screw, secure the workpiece to the base of the housing. Tip: insert a nut between the case and the dial so that the disc rotates effortlessly.

      Enter the numbers into the holes.

      At the top of the craft, insert two levers that will hold the tube, separate the ends of the wire from the inside and secure them with tape.

      Now glue all the parts of the craft into one whole.

      Place the base of the product on its side on a piece of corrugated cardboard and draw lines along the contour with a pencil to make two blanks. Now cut them out and glue them on both sides of the craft.

      If you want to attach a cord, insert it into the base of the workpiece and secure it with tape.

      For the tube, cut out two identical blanks in the form of a handle, as shown in the figure below. And also cut out two strips of cardboard so that you can glue the tube together.

      Glue another part of the cord to its end.

      This is what will happen in the end.

      As you can see, making a phone with your own hands is not at all difficult!

    It happens that you buy a new smartphone before the old one breaks. The reasons can be different - technomania, a raise at work, “I’ve been wanting a good camera for a long time”, “Dad, it’s my birthday”... The question is different: what to do with the old one? Recycling? Sell? Give it to someone?

    Let’s immediately say that you shouldn’t throw away your phone in any case: take pity on the environment, the insides of the mobile phone and the plastic used for it. We offer you a list of technologically advanced, fun and strange ideas on how to put your old smartphone to good use.

    Game console

    It's easy to connect your Android phone to your TV using the Chromecast streaming service or via a USB-to-HDMI adapter cable. Download the emulator with a selection of your favorite classic console games and enjoy! Apps exist for everything from Super Nitendo to Sega Genesis. Any joystick that works via Bluetooth, for example, from a PS3, will work as a joystick.

    For training

    You can continue to use your old smartphone at the gym or while jogging. Remove all unnecessary applications, or better yet, roll back to factory settings and install the ones you need again. Take out the SIM card and under no circumstances log in via Facebook or VKontakte - and no one will distract you. Download good training programs and an audio player, load your favorite music. And go for a run.

    Desktop computer

    Why not? Modern smartphones, which are sold in Ukraine, for example, on, are significantly more productive than computers ten to fifteen years ago. In fact, the filling is not particularly different. You can install an operating system from the Linux family on your smartphone, connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse (via Bluetooth or a USB hub), and your computer is ready. Whether you give it to your grandmother, give it to a child to be torn to pieces, or simply put it as a backup is up to you.


    Here's a way to save money: You don't need to buy a GPS if you have an old smartphone. Just install a suitable application or several - MAPS.ME for offline maps, Yandex.Maps - for cases where there is Internet... At the same time, such a navigator can serve as a car radio.

    A virtual reality

    Have you heard about Google Cardbord? These are virtual reality glasses that are designed to be used with a smartphone as a screen and cost only $20. Well, or half an hour of fussing with an unnecessary cardboard box. Of course, most virtual reality applications are still raw. But it's still very interesting. And you will definitely beat most of your friends in the “technology race”!

    A small note: for applications to work correctly, you need a good gyroscope. Or at least some kind of gyroscope. Before you kill your favorite laptop box, make sure your old phone has one.


    Seriously, who still uses an analog watch these days? And for smartphones there is an almost endless variety of applications with a variety of clocks and alarms. Just add a cheap docking station.

    WIFI repeater

    Does the signal from the router in the room reach the kitchen poorly? Use an old phone as a repeater. You will need to install a special application, for example, fqrouter2 and root rights.


    A smartphone is not only a SIM card slot, but also a camera! How about a custom home security system? You will need WIFI, some patience and an appropriate application. By the way, the second application is equipped with a motion detector and can, upon noticing a suspicious movement, send you photos by email.

    Digital photo frame

    To turn your smartphone into a self-flipping photo album, install an app like Dayframe and place it somewhere advantageous. Doesn't work well on smartphones with small screens. We strongly do not recommend nailing such a photo frame.

    Brain for a robot

    We have already decided that every smartphone is a computer at heart. And the “brain” of the robot is also a computer! So whether you were a fan of Asimov as a child, or you are haunted by the laurels of crazy inventors on YouTube, there is great scope for experimentation. By the way, ready-made sets are also sold, but it’s not so interesting!

    Baby monitor

    By the way, with the help of an old smartphone you can monitor not only your house during your absence, but also your small child. Again, there are a lot of baby monitor programs. Baby Monitor, for example, can broadcast video and audio, and contains instructions for use by the child. The only problem is that, unlike conventional baby monitors, the smartphone baby monitor is not shockproof and does not withstand attempts to chew on it, so secure the phone so that the child cannot reach it.

    Just in case

    Get some kind of SIM card with a “calls only” tariff, put fifty hryvnias there and put the phone along with a spare battery in the glove compartment and forget about it. Recharge the battery periodically. An excellent backup means of communication in case something goes wrong or the gas runs out at the same time as the money on the main phone.

    Donate to charities

    In any city there are organizations that collect clothes and other useful things for children from orphanages. Smartphones in Ukraine quite fall into the category of “useful things”.

    Just recently, some 5-6 years ago, a smart phone was available only to a small number of technically advanced and, importantly, wealthy users. Then the prices of smartphones began to decline rapidly, and the capabilities began to increase, so that today they can be seen in the hands of both pioneers and pensioners. And many of us have managed to change several models during this time, so the issue of recycling old devices is becoming more and more pressing. Previously, it was easy to sell a used model or give it away to relatives in need. Today, more and more often, fully working devices find their final refuge somewhere in the far corner of a desk drawer.

    In this article you will find some tips on how to give these devices a second life and put them to good use. So, let's take out our favorites, blow off the dust and go back to battle!

    Room alarm clock

    Are people still buying alarm clocks? Yes!

    And some of them - with flexible settings, weather forecasting functions, task scheduling and so on - cost a fair amount of money. However, any smartphone can handle this without any effort. And if you install on your device one of the programs described in, then not a single ordinary alarm clock can compare with yours. Or maybe you don’t need additional functionality, but just need unearthly beauty? Then Timely is your choice.

    MP3 player

    If you are a serious music lover and spend most of your day wearing headphones, then, undoubtedly, you should have already thought about purchasing a special device for this. After all, if you use your main phone, then by the evening you can be left without communication.

    Therefore, take out your old smartphone, install a larger memory card there and use it as a specialized music player. There is plenty of software for this, for example, try the programs from this one. And if you are a fan of online radio, then you definitely won’t find anything better.

    Tracking station

    The need to monitor what is happening in the house in your absence may arise for several reasons. Perhaps you're wary of thieves, or maybe you want to know what your cat does when he's sure no one is watching. Well, let’s not forget about small children, for whom a whole class of special devices called “baby monitors” were invented. In the latter case, pay attention to the Dormi application.

    In addition, you can use your old smartphone or tablet not only to capture and transmit images, but also as a receiving device. IP Cam Viewer Lite will help you collect information from several web cameras located around the house or in different rooms.

    Experimental gadget

    The Android operating system offers endless possibilities for customization. Moreover, you can go as deep into the system as your knowledge and courage allow. Moreover, you can even change Android to something more original, for example or . The only problem is that not all experiences can be equally safe for your device. If you don't want to take risks or want to maintain the warranty of your new device, then your old Android will serve as a great testing ground.


    What should a smart gadget do in the kitchen?

    Of course, help cook! In the app store you will find more than one or two collections of culinary recipes. There are some that present dishes of a certain cuisine, some with a selection of recipes by product, some with pictures and videos. In general, for every taste in the literal sense of the word.

    And if you go to YouTube, you will find many step-by-step instructions that clearly demonstrate the preparation of dishes. You will find the best of them in, and even better, subscribe to our channel- so you definitely won’t miss anything interesting. Here, for example, from the last one.

    So feel free to place your old smartphone or tablet in the kitchen if you want to eat tasty and healthy. Moreover, it is better to keep your new expensive gadget away from boiling oil and greasy hands.

    Digital frame

    Yes, I agree with you that paying money for digital frames is one of the signs of insanity. But why not use an old gadget for this, which is still lying around idle. Let it stand on your nightstand and delight the eye with your photographs or the works of the best professionals. There are many special programs for this application, at least the one we described or, for example, Photo Slides.

    Game console

    Most likely, your old Android will no longer be able to handle modern games with cool graphics. But it can be used to emulate old gaming devices and run classic games. Many of them, as we know, can give odds to modern blockbusters. Preparing your device for such an application is not at all difficult, especially if you use.

    Car gadget

    Your Android can be just as useful in a car. A device specifically dedicated for travel will allow you to avoid wasting the charge of your main phone and not having to worry about mounting it in the car every time. Such an Android car can serve as a DVR or even, when connected to an audio system, as a media center. This use of smartphones can even bring certain bonuses in the form of new interesting functions that are not typical for conventional devices. For example, the Sygic program can display your route directly on the windshield without interfering with your view of the road.

    Of course, these are not all the ways to use outdated smart gadgets. You can use them to control a quadcopter and other technological toys, as a media server, to control and manage home automation systems - the list goes on. In a word, a real geek will definitely come up with a worthy use for his favorite gadget. And be sure to share your experience with us!

    If you have old devices that you plan to throw away, take your time. In this article you will find ideas for their further use.

    Difficult alarm clock

    Make your old smartphone your new bedside companion by installing an app to help you fall asleep and wake up. There are now a large number of applications with various innovative lifting systems.

    Simple home security camera

    Use the built-in camera and wireless internet to turn your old smartphone, tablet or laptop into a security system. Download the app or use a separate Skype account and set it up to automatically accept video calls.

    Radio nanny

    Old smartphones and tablets can make great baby monitors, especially when you're traveling and want to check on your baby. You can install an app that will alert you every time your baby starts crying or making other sounds.

    Make reading more accessible

    Download a simple reading app on your old device and give it to your kids. They will enjoy looking like their parents while still learning.

    Donate your device

    There are many organizations that will benefit from selling your device that you donate. You can find many organizations that accept such donations. And don't worry, even if you haven't deleted your data, they will do it for you.

    Create your own charity campaign

    Looking for ways to make money for your non-profit? Selling old devices can be a simple fundraising program.

    Fight domestic violence

    Domestic violence centers distribute telephones to women and children who suffer from domestic violence so that in critical situations they can use them as a means of communication and report their problem.

    Sell ​​your smartphone

    If your old smartphone is in good condition (and even if it's not in great condition), it can make you some money. Try selling it directly to the buyer through one of the many online services.

    Let the music lift your spirits

    Turn your old smartphone into an mp3 player. Or you can use it as a radio by downloading an app that allows you to stream radio stations from different parts of the world.

    Create a media library

    An old laptop will allow you to create an excellent media library or even a server where you can store movies, TV series and music. Additionally, you can stream content from this laptop to other devices in your home.

    Create a simple text editor

    Set up your tablet to run a text editor using the appropriate application. To make it easier to type on, connect a keyboard to it and you have a portable typing station.

    Look for your car

    You can leave your old smartphone with the cheapest data plan active in the car (make sure it's connected to the network). Firstly, it is always good to have a spare phone, and secondly, you will be able to find your car if it is stolen.

    Take photos

    Most smartphones and tablets can function as compact cameras. You can let your kids practice photography as well as photo editing if you download the app.

    Processing time

    No matter what you do with your old smartphone, don't just throw it in the trash. For every million phones recycled, 15 tons of copper, 350 kilograms of silver, 35 kilograms of gold and 15 kilograms of palladium can be saved.