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  • We charge the phone if there is no charging via a computer cable. How to charge your phone at home without charging Where is my phone charger

    We charge the phone if there is no charging via a computer cable.  How to charge your phone at home without charging Where is my phone charger

    In vehicles, batteries provide power to the starter. If the battery is empty, it can have an unpleasant effect on the operation of the entire vehicle system. Avoid discharging and charge the battery periodically. When the owner does not have a charger available, the question arises: how to charge a car battery without a charger? This is a serious matter and requires careful and strict adherence to the recommendations.

    Battery installed in the car

    The battery serves as support for both the starter and other transport mechanisms. Its operation is observed while the starter cranks the engine crankshaft. When several idle starts in a row occur during the process, the entire battery charge is drained. In addition, the battery acts as an additional power reserve in cases where the generator cannot provide the required amount of energy to all consumers of the on-board network. The battery circuit diagram compiled by the manufacturers easily serves all parts of the vehicle system, but there are cases when the required amount of electricity is not enough even for the nominal performance.

    In emergency situations, the battery acts as an emergency power reserve. Everything happens when the generator or relay-regulator fails; a similar situation can be observed when the generator drive belt breaks. If the problem occurs outside the city limits, then the battery will help get out of the situation. In addition, an important purpose of the battery is to stabilize voltage drops. Surges appear when the electrical network shorts out or vice versa. An impulsive state certainly affects the performance of semiconductor parts; to avoid rapid wear, many drivers dampen impulses using a battery.

    Fairly battered battery

    How can you charge a dead battery?

    Now let's figure out how to charge a battery without a charger? Charging a charge with one vehicle system is difficult and unsafe. Theoretically, this can be done if you change the operation of the relay regulator by raising the voltage level. Before analyzing the following methods for charging a battery without a charger, it is worth remembering that any unauthorized intervention in the car mechanism can lead to unpleasant consequences. When you see that the battery requires recharging, then:

    1. Try to turn off all unnecessary energy consumers.
    2. Continue driving at the desired speed, but in a reduced gear. This will create high fuel consumption, but the generator's current output intensity will increase. This option can be used as a short-term phenomenon.

    If there is no power leak in the on-board network, then the recommendations will have a noticeable effect. When there is no opportunity to carry out diagnostics, then before using the advice, check the tension of the generator drive belt and the absence of slippage on the pulley. Another situation is if your car was parked or in a garage for a long time, and when you started to start it, it was not successful. It is likely that the battery lost its charge in the cold. If the car is constantly running, but after an overnight break the charge is exhausted, then the reason lies in energy leakage from the electrical circuit.

    Measuring battery voltage in case of breakdown

    Charging without a charger - diagnostics

    Before charging a car battery without a charger, you should do a little inspection of the car. This will help confirm the cause of the drained battery. The check should begin with the dashboard sensors. If a faint light is visible, the battery is almost dead. The sound of the engine starting also changes. It will become slow and drawn out. In addition, characteristic clicks will be heard from the hood. Those who have a voltmeter on their dashboard can easily determine when they need to start charging the battery. In addition, today most batteries contain built-in indicators indicating the charge of the device.

    Charging a car battery in the cold

    When the battery has lost its charge in the cold, you can return it to functionality without the butt of the device. Remove the battery from the vehicle and move it to a warm area to warm it up. Do this carefully and do not fall for extreme measures like heating with boiling water. This is not safe and may result in unexpected costs. Another simple option is to shake the device so that the liquid in the batteries is distributed evenly. Maneuver carefully and do not try to look inside.

    This is what happens to a battery in the cold

    Charging methods without a charger

    Lighting up the car. All car enthusiasts know that it is possible to use another battery. This is a tried and true method that breathes life into an empty battery without any extra effort. Several wires are required, and the cross-sectional area of ​​each of them is 10 mm2. You should not use thin or damaged wires, as they will burn. Use only rubber-braided wire. Plastic will not withstand frosty weather. The length of the conductor must reach more than a meter.

    Take wires with a permissible current of 200 amperes or more, because increasing the power gives a good result. The wire fastenings must be well soldered and the clamps wide. This will increase the contact area and easily secure the conductor. In addition, it is very important to know the condition of the engine of the donor car. If during inspection you find an electrolyte leak, you will not be able to charge the battery from this vehicle. There is no point in wasting time and putting another car at risk of breaking down. Please note that the battery should be charged strictly according to the type of battery. It is forbidden to light a 12-volt device from a 24-volt battery.

    The interesting thing is that the circuit does not work in the opposite sequence. If the driver's 24-volt battery is discharged, it can be charged using a chain of two 12-volt batteries connected in series. You need to pay attention to the polarity when connecting and make sure that the wires are not strained.

    Correctly “light up” the car

    Based on the standard markup, it is clear that red wire is positive, black is negative. To start producing a charge, turn off the donor car, then start connecting the wires. Start with the connection of the donor minus and end with the minus of your car. When a spark occurs when connecting the last terminal, this is normal. It must be connected to the mass of a metal part that interacts with the body. After all the terminals are in place, start the donor car for a couple of minutes. At the end of two minutes, you will see another car. It needs to run for five minutes. Disconnect all wires, but do not turn off the engine, let it charge the battery for another half hour. While the car is running, do not turn on additional energy consumers– audio system and lights, etc. After the battery has picked up the charge and started the engine, you should properly charge the charger battery at home.

    Start from a tug. It is noteworthy for motorists with Manual transmission. This requires the battery to have a little charge. In theory, it should be enough to start, because the entire method is based on waking up the generator. We attach a tow rope to another car. When the vehicle reaches the desired speed, you need to turn on the ignition and put it in forward gear. This method can be used without a second car. If you have helpers, then you just need to push the car. When the engine starts, there is no need to turn it off, otherwise you will have to push it again. It’s better to take a couple of rides on the highway - this will return the battery to normal condition.

    Jump starting the battery

    We charge the battery at home without a charger

    When the battery is discharged and it is not possible to charge it with a charger, we use alternative options from available means:

    Option one. We take out the battery and take the charger from the laptop. We do not connect directly, as the short circuit protection will work. To reduce the supply force, we insert two lamps from the machine in parallel into the circuit. The battery should charge approximately six hours after the voltage at the terminals reaches 14 volts; do not charge. It’s easy to calculate whether the charger has enough power: the current in the circuit is multiplied by the voltage of the unit. For example, 20 Volts * 4.5 Amps = 90 Watts. When the power consumption is very high, you should reduce the current in the circuit by disconnecting one lamp.

    Option two. We make a circuit from a light bulb, a diode and a battery. Back to work take a lamp with a nichrome filament with a power of 60 to 200 watts. The lamp power only affects the charging speed. The diode can be taken either imported or domestic. It is required to convert alternating voltage to direct voltage. Make sure that the diode is of normal size, this primarily indicates its power. The work does not require high power, but it is better to have a reserve. Diodes from receivers and power supplies work great. Next, the wires with terminals and plug are plugged into the outlet.

    Remember that all work is carried out at high voltage at your own peril and risk. You can touch the elements of the circuit only when it is disconnected from the network. The wires must be insulated and have no exposed ends. When setting up the circuit, it is worth taking into account that the lamp acts as an indicator. It should burn at half intensity, this indicates that the diode cuts off only one part of the amplitude of the alternating current. When there is no light in the lamp, it means that the circuit is not built correctly. Do not take a lamp over 200 Watt, as it will burn out the semiconductor or the battery itself. The optimal option is a battery with a current of 1/10 of the capacity, i.e. 75Ah is charged with a current of 7.5A, or 90Ah with a current of 9 Amperes. The charging time ranges from 6 to 8 hours.

    Using a lamp to check the battery charge

    When assembling the circuit, very it is important to take into account the polarity of the semiconductor, if the diode gives electricity in one direction, then the arrow on the marking points to the plus. Current manufacturers are moving away from the standards, so of course it’s better not to guess, but to read the documentation for the selected diode. To recognize the polarity at the battery terminals, take a tester. In DC mode, upon successful connection, the tester produces + 99 Volts. When connected incorrectly - 99 Volts. Please note that you do not need to charge for more than 10 hours - the battery will boil. Before removing the battery, unplug the circuit from the outlet.

    Finally, we note that in order not to experiment with the battery charge every time, it is necessary to purchase a device to check the battery charge. The device will allow you to see the decrease in battery charge in time and prevent it from completely draining.

    Much easier than being somewhere in the fields without any devices or charging adapters. If you look around a little, you can find means with which we can easily charge our smartphone.

    How to charge your phone battery without charging using a USB cable

    As a rule, most modern chargers are a simple USB cable. This is something you can use in a pinch if you need to charge your phone.

    Any computer, laptop or more or less new TV has a USB port on board, with which you can connect your smartphone to the device, thereby charging it. This is the most affordable and obvious way to charge a phone battery without charging, since the average house or apartment is abundantly saturated with various electronics.

    USB cable for phone

    How to charge your phone if the socket is broken using a wireless charger

    There can be two options here: when the charging connector on the phone is broken and when it is intact. In the first case, you can use universal ones, consisting of two parts - a transmitter and a receiver. The receiver is connected to the smartphone connector, and the transmitter is connected to the power supply. Such chargers are inexpensive and can be found more and more often on the market and in electronics stores.

    If your phone's connector is broken, then you can only hope that it can charge wirelessly. Here is a small list of devices that support this functionality out of the box:

    • iPhone 8;
    • iPhone X;
    • Samsung Galaxy S8, S9;
    • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S;
    • LG V30+;
    • Sony Xperia XZ3;
    • Doogee S60.

    The list is not so wide, but it is constantly being updated with new devices. If your phone is among those listed, then you will not be left without a charge in the battery of your electronic friend.

    Wireless phone charger

    How to charge a phone battery without a phone using a power supply (“frog”)

    The simplest "" looks like a small power supply. In fact, that's what she is. On one side of the device there is a plug for the socket, and on the other there is a special clip for connecting the “frog” contacts exactly to the battery contacts. Overall, a convenient and versatile item.

    Its only inconvenience is that you need to remove the battery from the phone, and this option is not present on all modern gadgets. But you can charge the battery without a phone and without factory charging with its help, since it absolutely does not depend on either the manufacturer of the gadget or the model.

    The charging process itself is quite simple. The “frog” clamp can change the distance between the contacts, which represent the “+” and “-” terminals. The battery must be removed from the phone and the tongues of the “frog” contacts should be positioned at the same distance as they are located on the battery, and in accordance with the polarity markings. Then you need to clamp the battery with a clamp and connect the finished structure of the frog and the battery to the mains.

    The charger usually has at least one indicator, usually green. If it lights up after connecting to the network, it means charging has started. If not, you should check the polarity and tightness of the contacts. This is a fairly simple and affordable way to charge your phone wirelessly.

    How to charge your phone directly with bare wires from an old charger

    A bit of an extreme method, but if you have nothing at hand at all, then this will be a good last alternative. It’s worth talking a little about determining polarity by wire colors. More or less significant manufacturers adhere to accepted standards and mark the wires as expected: “+” - red, “-” - blue. But since there are also cheaper analogues on the market, which are assembled in basements in China by people who have not heard anything about the color coding of wires, you can find all the colors of the rainbow in cheap charging.

    In general, with enough luck, such a device may have markings on the board itself, in the places where the wires exit. In this case, you will have to navigate this way.

    After determining the plus and minus, you need to connect the output wires directly to the battery. You can secure them in place using any available means - electrical tape, tape and even simple clothespins. It is worth noting that you need to charge the battery in this way literally to the charge level for making two or three calls, since control over the charge level is minimal here.

    Is it possible to charge a phone through the headphone jack?

    Even for a person who is not particularly versed in electronics, 20 minutes will be enough to figure out that the headphone jack has nothing to do with either the battery controllers or the battery itself.

    How to charge your phone while hiking

    Phones have become an integral part of our lives: even when going on a trip or a hike, we will definitely take our gadget with us. True, we don’t always worry about what will happen if the battery runs out. Well, there are ways to charge your phone without charging in the forest, fields, or simply far from civilization. Some imply that the traveler takes additional devices with him, while others are aimed at using everything that is at hand.

    Solar charger

    Civilized methods of charging phones

    First, we'll look at more traditional and simpler charging methods using modern technology.

    How to charge your phone using an external battery

    These are portable batteries that usually have a much larger charge capacity than those found on mobile phones. With their help, you can easily charge a completely dead gadget several times.

    Naturally, provided that it itself was pre-charged. The charging process is simple. Simply connect two devices using a USB cable

    Powerbank up to 3000 rubles

    How to charge your phone using a solar battery

    Naturally, the chances of finding a charger based on solar energy on a hike or putting it together out of nothing are close to zero. Therefore, it is better to take such a gadget with you.

    It is completely autonomous, easy to use and does not take up much space. The principle of receiving a charge is very simple: we install the solar panel at the optimal angle to receive the maximum amount of solar radiation, connect the smartphone to our installation and wait.

    How to charge your phone without electricity using traditional methods

    Charge your phone battery using tape

    Any battery on any smartphone always has more than two contacts. Most often there are three of them.

    Any battery has at least 3 contacts

    Two are directly responsible for transmitting current, and one, the middle one, is for transmitting data about the state of the battery. Typically, the phone does not turn off when the battery is completely dead, but when it has between 5 and 20% charge left. And if you seal the middle contact with tape or any other similar material, you can buy the gadget a few seconds or even minutes to make one or two calls. Naturally, charging your phone using tape for tasks such as Wi-Fi or geolocation is unlikely to work.

    How to charge your phone quickly using heat or shock

    Many people probably remember how, in childhood, they briefly restored the functionality of batteries by biting them or hitting them against something hard. Just like simple batteries, you can charge your phone without charging it on the street or while hiking.


    Naturally, the blow must be proportionate, since thorough damage to the battery case will disable it forever. This method can “charge” the battery for just a couple of calls at most, so it should only be used as a last resort.

    The same effect can be achieved by slightly heating the battery. This must be done with the help of some kind of intermediary, for example, a metal knife. First you need to heat the knife, and then put the battery on it.

    Many motorists have encountered the problem of a discharged car. In such a situation, it is extremely difficult to start the car and go about your business. The problem is easily solved with a special charger. Just connect the battery to it, wait a while, and the battery is back in service. But you don’t always have a charger at hand. It’s left at home, in the garage, and it’s impossible to get to it now. Therefore, we have to look for alternative solutions. And they are. There are several decent options that can be done without a charger. Which one to choose depends on the circumstances and available devices that can help the motorist get out of the current situation. It will not be superfluous to know about all the methods. This will solve the problem if the battery suddenly dies and there is no special charger for the battery at hand.

    Ways to charge a battery without a charger.

    What is needed to charge the battery

    If you are left without a charger, but need to charge the battery, you have to think about how to do it. First, we connect the simplest logic and a little knowledge about the structure of car batteries. Passenger cars mainly use batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 Volts. Moreover, their average capacity varies from 50 to 70 Ah. From here we conclude that the output voltage on the power supply must exceed 14 Volts, and the output voltage must be at least 1 Ampere. But in fact, one Ampere is not enough for standard charging. Therefore, it will be ideal if a 3-4 Ampere power supply is involved in the work.

    Another important component of charging a battery without a charger is ballast. Here you can use resistors or light bulbs. They are connected to the circuit when the battery is being recharged. Many people ignore the need to use ballast, considering it a waste of time and effort. But in fact, the presence of a ballast load helps prevent possible failure of the power supply or the battery itself. Therefore, you should not give up ballast. The last, but no less important, element is the control device. A standard multimeter or a separate ammeter and voltmeter will do. A multifunctional multimeter is much more convenient to use. Plus, its additional capabilities will be useful in the process of car maintenance and repair. A useful thing in the arsenal of any car owner. Additionally, you may need copper wires, insulating tape, tools, etc. Here everything depends specifically on the method of charging the battery that you have chosen to use.

    Before charging without a charger, remember all safety precautions. For people without experience working with automotive electrical systems, it is better not to use the methods presented below at all. The only exception would be the use of a portable device, which does not require special skills and abilities. Objectively, the best solution would be to purchase a high-quality charger and then use it according to the instructions. You should always have such a device on hand. Especially when long trips are planned or the car remains parked for a long time. Typically, it is in such situations that the battery is discharged, and motorists begin frantically looking for ways to replenish the battery charge. Don't forget that only factory chargers are equipped with an automatic shutdown function when the battery is fully charged. When planning to use a homemade charger, remember that there is no auto switch. You will have to monitor the parameters yourself, so under no circumstances should you leave the battery unattended for a long time. As for ways to charge the battery in the absence of a full-fledged charger, drivers can use:

    • portable charger;
    • charging (adapter) from a laptop;
    • household network at 220 Volt.

    Each method requires separate consideration and more detailed study.

    The first way to charge a dead battery involves using a portable charger. These are mainly starting-charging devices that are widely available on sale. This option is suitable for prudent drivers who know that the battery can potentially run out, so it will sometimes have to be charged in the field. Purchasing such equipment is not a problem. The devices are compact, take up minimal space in the car, but can bring great benefits. Starting chargers are designed to start a car engine. But they are also capable of providing. Most often, such devices become relevant if you need to solve a problem in hiking and extreme conditions.

    The basis for the manufacture of a portable charger is a lithium battery. The most advanced and modern batteries are made from gel batteries, which have a relatively small capacity. The devices are equipped with crocodile clips and an adapter for connecting to the vehicle's cigarette lighter. Experienced drivers and experts advise choosing this particular equipment option. This will allow you to recharge the battery using the standard cigarette lighter found in all cars. But portable devices themselves need to be charged. To do this, use a household electrical network, to which the device is connected using an adapter. Or you can use the on-board network of the car itself. It should be connected when the engine is running. When choosing a starter-charger, you should take into account their varieties. They are divided into 3 categories:

    • professional;
    • household;
    • combined.

    Standard household models used by ordinary drivers consist of a diode bridge, a transformer and an ammeter. More complex devices have additional protection elements; they allow you to regulate current and electrical voltage. The most expensive professional models are characterized by increased power ratings. They are mainly used in service stations and car repair shops. A power of around 40-50 watts allows you to simultaneously charge the batteries of several cars. There is absolutely nothing complicated about using portable chargers. Therefore, motorists without experience working with such devices can easily cope with the task. To do this, you need to install the charging terminals on the car battery terminals, observing the polarity, and wait a while. The downside of portable chargers is the fact that they are not able to fully charge a car battery. It is unlikely to get at least 50% of the full charge. But the capabilities of such devices are enough to start the engine. If the engine is running, the remaining charge will be provided by the generator itself.

    Laptop charger

    If you are left without a special charger for your car, there is another way to charge the battery. But for this you will need a device that charges the battery on a portable computer, that is, a laptop. For laptops, standard chargers are used, regardless of manufacturer and model. Therefore, their capabilities can be used for the benefit of your car. In addition to the charging itself, to replenish the battery charge you will need to take copper wires and a regular light bulb. The lamp can be replaced with a resistor. Here, start from what you have at hand. To assemble a charger from such a kit, you need to perform several sequential steps:

    • First, a pair of wires come out of the computer charger. We need a positive and negative wire;
    • The plus is located inside and the minus outside;
    • Now the charging negative is connected to the negative terminal of the battery;
    • A lamp or trimming resistor is connected to the gap. A resistor is better because it allows you to change the resistance parameters;
    • The second terminal from the resistor must be connected to the battery positive.

    The faster you need to charge your car battery, the lower the resistance should be. This component reveals the main advantage of the resistor, since the resistance on it can be adjusted. This scheme allows you to fully charge the battery, unlike the option using a portable device. The only difference in terms of convenience is the need to constantly monitor the charging process. In order not to miss the moment, you need to connect measuring instruments to the terminals. This will allow you to monitor the voltage. If the meter shows a value above 14 Volts and remains unchanged, and at the same time the electrolyte is boiling, then the procedure is completed. You can turn off the power and start the car. The parameters will still be approximate. But in certain situations, when there is no other way to replenish the battery charge, the option of using laptop charging becomes a real salvation. The method is rightly considered controversial. To use it, you will need not only to have a laptop charger, but also a resistor, light bulb, wires and other components. It is definitely not suitable as a field charging method. To operate the device itself, the laptop will require power from a household network.

    Household network 220 Volt

    If you have access to a household network that provides standard 220 Volts, there is a good option for charging your battery without a charger. Here we charge a car battery using a regular outlet. The circuit is not the most complicated, and in many ways resembles the previous version, where a computer charger was used. The difference is that there is no need to use an intermediate element in the form of an adapter. Charging will go directly from a household outlet. But resistance will still be required. For such purposes, a regular 220-volt incandescent lamp with a power of 100 to 150 watts is perfect. Such light bulbs are inexpensive and buying them is not difficult. Plus you will need to rectify the alternating current and convert it to direct current. Here we need a diode bridge. The circuit involves connecting a minus through a diode bridge from the battery to the socket, as well as a plus through the bridge, then through a light bulb and to the socket. Follow the diagram closely to ensure correct polarity and sequence of connections. Otherwise, you risk damaging not only the battery, but also damaging the electrical network in the house.

    The last two methods, which use a household outlet and a laptop charger, are recommended to be used only by people with relevant experience. If you don’t understand anything about electrical engineering, and have never even understood the basics of electrical engineering, you absolutely cannot take on the presented circuits. By violating the recommendations and trying to assemble a circuit without any knowledge, you risk burning out the power supply, knocking out the plugs or circuit breaker in the house, and rendering the battery completely unusable. But it is also very dangerous for your life. The most correct solution would be to purchase a full-fledged charger designed to recharge batteries. It is installed at home or in the garage, connected to a household outlet, connected with two terminals and that’s it. There is nothing complicated here. Additionally, it would be a good idea to get a portable device. Such a device will come in handy in hiking and extreme conditions, when there is no real opportunity to use regular charging.

    Try to always monitor the condition of the battery and maintain the charge at the required level. If the battery gradually fails and loses its functionality, you should think about replacing it. Batteries last quite a long time, and premature wear of the battery life indicates problems in the electrical network, or the purchase of an initially low-quality device. Contact a battery specialist for advice and check whether your battery can last several years or is it time to change it.

    Not every car owner has his own specialized charger for charging the battery, but almost everyone has a laptop or an old charger from it. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article: how to charge a battery without a charger using the most common unit from a laptop.

    How to charge a battery without a charger

    You can often hear the question of how to charge a car battery using a laptop charger. After all, it is not always possible to use devices to bring the battery back to normal.

    And planting it is quite simple. Under certain conditions, even the best battery can discharge. So what to do if you find yourself far from the charger. This can happen under different circumstances. For example, you went to the dacha or stayed late at a party or forgot to turn off the lights in your car and overnight it drained the old battery to almost zero.

    DIY charger from a laptop power supply

    For this we need

    • Laptop charger;
    • Wire, preferably copper two-core;
    • Bulb 12 V, 55 W;
    • Multimeter.

    Now let’s talk about how to charge a car battery without a charger using a laptop charger. To do this, you will need a laptop charger, a light bulb or resistor, and copper wires. The image below schematically shows a homemade charger using laptop charging.

    In general, who did not understand from the picture the meaning is this

    1. Connect two wires to the laptop charger - one to the plus, the second to the minus, respectively.
    2. These wires are connected to the same terminals of the battery - that is, plus to plus minus to minus (we don’t plug in the charging yet)
    3. We cut one of the wires in the middle and wind a lamp into this gap; it will serve as both a load for the power supply and a compensator in the event of a partial overcharge of the car battery

    How to find out where is plus and where is minus on the power supply

    To understand where the laptop power supply is plus and where it is minus, it is advisable to have a multimeter. If it is not there, you can look at the designations on the power supply itself - if they exist, of course.

    Charging a car battery using a laptop charger

    From practice I can say: the best option when using a power supply from a laptop with an output voltage of 19 Volts and a maximum current of 3.9 A is a 12 Volt light bulb with a power of 55 Watts (a light bulb from an AvtoVAZ headlight).

    A half-discharged battery with the specified parameters is fully charged in 10 hours, and to recharge the battery, which still somehow turns the starter to the point where it can start the car on the first try, 30-60 minutes are enough!

    How to calculate what current will charge the battery when using a lamp and charging from a laptop

    I had a 110-watt halogen lamp, or at least that’s what it said on its packaging.

    I know that the car battery provides 12 volts, and my lamp is 110 watts, so to find out what current the lamp will require from the battery and the generator, you need to divide 110 watts by 12 volts = 110/12 = 9.2 Amperes.

    Now we will find out the resistance of the light bulb, or so to speak, how much current we will have left on the wires that will follow the lamp after it lights up.

    To do this, we need to divide our 12 volts (voltage in the car network) by the current strength 9.2A that the light bulb consumed = 12/9, and the current strength we found out above is equal to 9.2 Amperes

    This means 12/9 = 1.3 Ohm, resistance is measured, and Ohm

    Let’s say we found a 19-volt laptop power supply in our stash. We know that the car battery provides 12 Volts, so it needs to be charged with a large number of volts, that is, at least 13, because if there is 12V on the power supply and 12V in the car battery, then the current simply will not flow anywhere, that is, the current that flows in the battery must exceed 12 volts.

    So, we know that our charger produces 19V, we allow the battery to consume 13V, in total there will be 19-13 = 6 volts left for our light bulb, because the charger gave out 19, we will allocate 13 to the battery, in total, only 6 volts will remain for the 19 volt lamp . Knowing this data, we can calculate how much current will flow to our battery at a voltage of 13 Volts.

    I=U/R, we get = 6 volts/1.3 Ohm = 4.6 Amperes battery charging current, we are completely satisfied with this.

    Since the battery charging current is popularly calculated as follows - for example, you have a 60 Ampere battery, to find out with what maximum current it can be charged, you need to divide the Amperes by the number 10 = 60A / 10 = 6 Amps - this is the maximum permissible charging current for this battery, and we have 4.6 Amperes at the output, which is perfect for our indicator, because we have not exceeded the threshold of 6 Amperes of the permissible current for charging.

    Charger circuit with diode bridge

    This is not recommended for use by people who do not have experience working with electricity and do not know the basics of electrical engineering. Otherwise, you may end up with burnt power supplies, broken plugs, or a damaged battery. And most importantly, it is life-threatening. Therefore, if you are not sure, it is better to buy a charger and you will be able to charge the battery in a civilized manner, and most importantly, you will remain alive.

    You can even indicate in the comments what kind of laptop charger you have, that is, its Volts and Amperes are usually written on the back of the unit,
    and indicate how many watts you have a lamp and we will calculate for you the charging current of your battery and how long it needs to be charged with your charger. But remember that charging must produce at least 13 volts; with a lower voltage the battery simply will not be charged - no current will flow.

    If you decide to purchase a store-bought charging option from our note

    Categories:// from 07/22/2017

    Despite the rapid development of mobile technologies, expanding the functionality of modern smartphones does not always bring only benefits.

    New features often require more power, resulting in shorter battery life. Everyone is familiar with the situation when you need to make an important call or urgently access the Internet, but a low battery does not allow you to do this. It’s good if you can use the nearest outlet and replenish the battery using the power supply. However, far from home, for example, while traveling, this is not possible. There are several great ways to charge your phone without a charger.

    Charging from a computer via USB

    If you have a computer, laptop, tablet or TV with a USB connector nearby, as well as the appropriate cable, you can charge your phone. To join such power sources, you just need to make sure that they are connected to the network or work autonomously thanks to the built-in battery. Finding a suitable USB adapter is not difficult, since most smartphones, cameras and other gadgets come with them.

    Using Power Bank

    To ensure that you are never taken by surprise by a low battery on your mobile device, we recommend that you carry it with you. This small device has a USB input for pairing with a smartphone and allows you to store a significant amount of energy. Due to this, the external battery is an indispensable companion on vacation and when traveling away from outlets. The most important thing is not to forget to recharge it yourself from time to time.

    Connecting to the cigarette lighter in the car

    Sometimes it can come to the rescue in a critical situation. It is enough to insert the USB adapter with the phone into the cigarette lighter socket to allow the battery to recharge to an acceptable level. You can also connect your smartphone to your car radio if it is equipped with the required connector.

    Solar charging

    Users who prefer active outdoor recreation, but do not want to completely part with the benefits of civilization, need to purchase a solar-powered charger for their phone. This device is a small power supply equipped with photocells. Absorbing the energy of the daylight, the device supplies it to the connected device, which allows you to replenish its battery. Of course, the effectiveness of this method is highly dependent on weather conditions.

    Recharging using the “frog”

    Only owners of smartphones with a removable battery can use this method. You need to remove the battery from the phone and then place it in a universal one. In this case, you need to make sure that the polarities (plus and minus) on the battery and the terminals of the device are opposite. After the “frog” is connected to the outlet, the charging process will begin.

    Charging with AA batteries

    You can also replenish the battery on your smartphone using a charger powered by . As with previous types of devices, a USB adapter is required here. The disadvantage of this method is the need to constantly buy new batteries, but in case of urgent need, they can be borrowed from the TV remote control, flashlight or alarm clock.

    Application of Dynamo

    Another useful device for replenishing a smartphone battery when away from a power outlet is. Unlike solar panels, this device does not require cloudless skies to operate effectively. The dynamo converts mechanical energy into electricity - only after the user twists a special handle for several minutes. Thus, it is quite possible to charge the battery by a couple of percent in case of urgent need.

    Lemon, nails, copper cord

    Now you can move on to more extreme charging methods, the use of which is associated with risks to both the battery and human health.

    To implement this idea you will need a lot of lemons. The more of them there are, the more you can charge the battery. You need to stick a nail into each fruit, connecting them together with copper wire. Its free ends must be connected to the previously removed battery of the device. This will allow you to replenish your stock by a few percent, which is sometimes very important.

    Sometimes you can charge your phone this way:

    Battery heating

    This method must be used with extreme caution. As you know, heating the battery will slightly increase its battery life if this is really required. The heated blade of a knife or other metal object should be briefly applied to the battery. This will allow you to get a couple of extra percent of charge, but it is important not to overdo it, as there is a risk of exploding the battery.

    Impact on a hard surface

    This may seem more like a gesture of desperation, but the energy generated by the battery shock will allow you to make one short call. Of course, it is contraindicated to abuse this method, because even after the first throw against a hard surface, the battery may fail.

    Direct connection to power supply

    The following procedure can only be carried out with rubber gloves. First, you need to strip the end of the old charger with a knife to expose the two wires (red for positive, blue for negative). Next, you need to move them slightly apart and connect them to the opposite contacts of the smartphone battery. Having secured the device with electrical tape, it must be connected to a power source.

    There are quite a few ways to return a couple of percent of charge to the battery. Of course, it is recommended to use the last three of the above methods only at your own peril and risk, since you can cause irreparable damage to the phone and battery. We recommend that you take care of this problem in advance.