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  • How to strengthen a 4g modem. Is it possible to strengthen the signal of a USB modem from Megafon? Conventional and MIMO amplifiers

    How to strengthen a 4g modem.  Is it possible to strengthen the signal of a USB modem from Megafon?  Conventional and MIMO amplifiers

    Now in amateur radio practice, antennas for amplifying 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi signals of the “Biquadrat” type are very common.

    Such an antenna has a directional effect, which may not always be an advantage, but even a disadvantage. An example is this: you need to strengthen the signal of your router so that you can catch it in any part of your house. If you use a directional antenna, the signal will most likely be well accessible only within the field of action of this antenna. Surely there will be only one room where it will be directed. It is good to use such an antenna only for long-distance communications, provided that you know where to point it.
    To strengthen your WI-FI signal in all directions, an antenna is suitable, which I will show you. Its directivity characteristics are close to those of a whip antenna, with the exception of greater sensitivity.
    In structure, it is actually the same biquadrate, only twice directed in opposite directions. Plus, this antenna is many times simpler than a classic biquad antenna, since it has neither a stand nor a reflector.

    How to calculate an antenna?

    Just please don't be scared, fifth grade math. We only need to calculate one arm since the antenna is square. But first we need to find out at what frequency we will make the antenna. Personally, in the example I will do it under WI-FI. It is known that the Wi-Fi frequency is approximately 2.4 GHz or 2400 MHz (there is also an even more modern Wi-Fi - 5500 MHz). If you do it under 3G - 2100 MHz, and 4G (YOTA) - 2600 MHz.
    We take the speed of propagation of radio waves (300,000 km/s) and divide by the desired frequency (2400 MHz) in kilohertz.
    300.000/2.400.000 = 0.125 m
    This is how we got the wavelength. Now divide by four and get the length of the arm of the square.
    0.125/4 will approximately turn out to be 0.0315 m. Let's convert it to millimeters for convenience and get 31.5 mm.

    Making a simple DIY Wi-Fi antenna

    Brem thick wire 2-3 mm thick. And a template cut from a piece of aluminum. You can, of course, do without it, but it’s easier with it.

    We bend two loops from one wire and two from the other. The gap should be between the squares.

    Then, I temporarily fix the squares crosswise with masking tape to make soldering easier. And I solder the middle on top so that the structure becomes rigid.

    Now you need to take a thick piece of cable with a connector (you can take it from the same whip antenna).

    Insert the antenna inside and solder it. The middle wire goes to the top, and the lower arms of the squares go to the common wire.

    The antenna is ready. To finish, you can fill the solder joint with hot glue and paint it.

    Antenna tests

    Let's compare the signal strength with the whip antenna that originally came with the router.

    Whip antenna:

    Now in comparison. The first one is pin and then our omnidirectional biquad.

    It can be seen that our antenna receives and amplifies the signal 30% better. Here is the result of the work.
    A good signal level is the key to high Internet speed, and therefore the key to stable operation. 30 percent is a very high figure, considering the fact that nothing had to be changed radically.
    Make your own simple antenna for 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi and no longer suffer with an unstable and weak signal.

    A gadget for obtaining mobile access to the Internet is an optimal device that has become an invariable assistant for many people who use the World Wide Web. The main differences from a router are increased ease of use, because a USB device is portable and can be taken with you anywhere. Many mobile operators provide their customers with the opportunity to use the Internet not only on mobile devices (smartphone or tablet), but also on computers and laptops. Megafon is no exception. A very important indicator is the quality and speed of the Internet. When users discover that the Internet speed has dropped, a logical question arises - “How to increase the speed of the Megafon 4G modem?”

    Signal quality: what does it depend on, how to check?

    What factors most strongly influence the quality of the Internet provided by a USB device? So, how high-speed the Internet is depends on:

    1. Distances from the operator's communication tower.
    2. The fact that there are wireless devices nearby (they may cause interference).
    3. Proximity to large-scale production, factories, landfills. Some of the listed objects jam communications.
    4. Room insulation, wall thickness.
    5. Weather conditions. In good weather, the Internet speed of a 4G modem increases.
    6. Computer/laptop software. A system with overloaded operating memory and viruses will itself slow down the data transfer process.
    7. Operator tower overload.

    How to check the Internet speed if the user feels a significant decrease in speed? To do this, he can use various sites, or look in the computer/laptop itself for information about the connection status.

    How to increase the signal?

    How to improve the 4G modem signal from Megafon? The most popular methods include:

    • Moving a laptop/computer with a connected device closer to the window.
    • Buying a USB extension cable. With its help, the USB device can be placed on the windowsill on the street side.

    • Buying a factory signal amplifier.

    • Personal creation of a reflector (a device created from improvised means that can increase the signal).

    If the Megafon 4G usb modem has low speed, remember that you can try to fix the situation yourself. How to strengthen the signal of a 4G modem megaphone with your own hands? Using a special antenna, which can be created from a metal can. An extension cord and scissors for cutting metal are also used for work.

    Creation stages:

    • We connect the USB device via an extension cord.
    • Using scissors, we cut a small hole, but sufficient to fit inside the device. If the incision is too small, it can be enlarged.

    We fix the device inside.

    It is difficult to imagine modern life without the Internet. If you haven't been online for at least one day, you feel cut off from the world. But what to do if you go to the country, and there is no reliable 3G Internet reception there. In G or 4G signal?

    It turns out that it is currently technically possible to strengthen 3G Internet. There is special equipment that can strengthen a weak signal, or, if it is sufficient but unstable, make it more stable. Typically, a set of equipment consists of an antenna, modem, router, cable and other components. Prices vary from several thousand rubles to 10-15 thousand rubles on average. The choice of equipment depends on a large number of nuances, be it the location of base stations, signal level, terrain, frequency ranges and much more. It is difficult and time-consuming for a beginner to understand them. At a minimum, you need to have a technical education, and if you don’t have it, you’ll have to learn everything from scratch. This will take a lot of time and effort. Even if you try to install it, success is not guaranteed. There is a risk that you can simply damage the equipment. Experience plays a big role in such matters.

    Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation and configuration of this equipment to professionals. People who work with such problems every day and can solve the problem quickly and efficiently. People who will gladly come to your aid and give valuable advice on the operation and care of equipment. This way you will save your time and money. And get stable, fast Internet at your disposal.

    How to strengthen the signal of a 4G/LTE modem?

    There are several ways to strengthen the signal of a 3G and 4G modem and increase the speed of your Internet connection. You can do this yourself at home with your own hands. Conventionally, it is possible to select software and hardware tools to solve this problem. In the first case, a program is used - a 3G modem accelerator. In the second, the speed of the Internet increases due to technical means.

    Modem software accelerators

    To the question “4G modem accelerator” Yandex gives an answer of 287 thousand web pages. Having studied several sites, we see that they all offer to download a miracle program (and for money) that allows you to increase the speed of the modem.
    Remember the reasons for the low modem speed are a weak signal and a busy base station. Is the program capable of solving these issues - NO!

    4G Internet acceleration hardware

    In some cases, it is possible to increase the level of the received signal by using a USB extension cable for the modem. For example, you are in a semi-basement room where the signal cannot penetrate, and there is a window nearby. You can try using a USB extension cable to move the modem as close to the window as possible. Maybe you will get lucky and the signal quality will be much better. In this way, you can increase the speed (signal) of the Internet 3G/4G modem Megafon or MTS with your own hands at home, and quite inexpensively.
    The length of the active USB extension cable can reach 20 meters, which is quite enough to move the modem to the point of best signal reception.
    A more effective method is to buy a directional 3G/4G antenna for the modem. When choosing, you should pay attention to the antenna gain (GA) and its radiation pattern (DP). The larger the KU, the narrower the DN.

    External antenna for 4G modem - what to choose?

    By connecting an antenna to a modem, you can significantly increase the speed of your 3G/4G Internet connection. Advice - keep the cable length as short as possible; if it is not enough, try to use only a high-quality RF cable, for example an assembly made from an 8D-FB cable.
    Active signal amplifier for MTS, Beeline and Megafon modems
    A 3G signal booster for a cell phone works as follows. An external antenna is installed on the wall of the building or on the roof and connected to the amplifier by cable. The antenna receives the signal, the repeater amplifies it and transmits it via cable directly to the internal service antenna, which transmits the amplified signal to the subscriber.
    An unlimited number of simultaneous telephones and modems are serviced indoors, and subscribers can move freely within the coverage area. At the same time, services of all cellular operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 are available.
    Now you know the reasons for the low speed of the modem and how to boost the 3G/4G modem signal at home with your own hands. Some options may seem controversial to you. But if you really want the space in your room to be filled with a high-quality cellular signal, then the best solution would be to install a 3G amplifier.

    Quite often, Internet access is provided by a USB modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to the World Wide Web not only within the city, but also on vacation, at the dacha or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is distinguished by the stability and stability of the connection. However, often this important communication parameter does not meet the necessary requirements. As a result, a weak signal interferes with or completely limits Internet access.

    What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

    First, let's figure out what affects the signal level and connection quality, thereby predetermining the effective operation of the modem?

    The first is the distance to the nearest cell tower. Secondly, there are other wireless devices nearby that may cause interference. Nearby industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers, may also be affected. Thirdly, this is the isolation of the room. It’s one thing when the signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if there are massive concrete partitions along its path. Fourthly, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on the upper floors of a room.

    Atmospheric precipitation can also reduce the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the topography of the surrounding area affects it: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about the software of the computer or laptop itself. The RAM may be overloaded or the hard drive may contain a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are explained by problems at the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

    From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the modem’s 3G and 4G signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you can significantly improve data transfer speeds.

    How to determine your data transfer speed?

    Modem speed can be easily determined using special online tests. You will need a computer, browser and Internet access.

    One of the simplest resources is considered to be Its operating principle is that you download a small file, and at the same time the site analyzes the data transfer speed. Here you can independently select testing parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KB, 1000 KB, 3 MB). It is best to focus on the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate.

    A popular worldwide resource for testing Internet speed is By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and has a positive effect on the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for about 20 MB to be taken away from your traffic.

    This online service displays not only the speed of transmission and reception of information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and shows the server's response time to your request. Ping is a fairly important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

    If, using such tests, it is revealed that the speed of data transmission and reception is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact support. If the speed fully corresponds to the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

    How to find out your base station?

    The problem of constant interruptions in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the cause of low Internet speed in a simple way. If the data transfer speed is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is an overload of the base station (BS).

    Basically, a poor 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to find out its position, which will allow you to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

    The online resource will help you find your BS. You only need to know 4 parameters:

    • The operator's country code (MCC). For Russia it is equal to 250.
    • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
    • Local Area Code or LAC. This is a kind of unification of several base stations within one territory, which are serviced by one controller.
    • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

    How can you find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or the web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map where the majority of BSs in the central part of Russia, owned by the most popular telecom operators, are presented.

    We find out all the necessary values ​​through the netmonitor and enter them in a special search window on the main page of Next, check the boxes next to “Google data”, “Yandex data” and “Averaging”. Thus, the accuracy of determining coordinates increases. Click the “Find” button. We look at the marked places on the map with the location of the BS.

    Ways to strengthen the modem signal

    The most popular include:

    • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
    • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on a windowsill or even outside;
    • Creating a reflector, i.e. a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colanders, others use sound speakers and frequency resonance);
    • Use of a factory 3G or 4G signal amplifier (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

    Each of these methods can improve signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of result cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can cause the modem to lack power and become completely unable to be detected by the computer.

    An effective but expensive solution is a repeater. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage is that it increases the speed of data transfer and processing not only of a specific modem, but also of several devices. When it operates within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communications will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or basements.

    An effective and cost-effective way to boost the modem signal is a special antenna, which is not at all difficult to make yourself. Let's look at a few examples.

    We assemble an antenna to strengthen the modem signal with our own hands

    • At home, you can simply boost the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often, these homemade antennas are used at the dacha or in a country house to enhance the signal level of cellular communications, including for Internet reception. The simplest antenna can be made in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which is wrapped several times around the modem, and brought closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is this design effective? Quite. Expect an increase of 5-10%.
    • For another simple antenna you will need an empty metal coffee can. A hole is made in the side right in the center into which we fix the modem. Ideally, the outer part of the device protrudes by about half or a little less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and, using trial and error, find a good place with the best signal.
    • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, they create a loop antenna that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 diamonds made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out to be an unrounded “eight”. On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire onto a connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped so that it can be used to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a plate made of metal or foil. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or the top floor.

    This article is for those, WhoI suffered with a low 3G / 4G LTE signal making it difficult or impossible to work comfortably on the Internet,and now I’m seriously thinking about improving the quality of access to the global network.

    Many users of 3G/4G modems are looking for an answer to the question: - How to improve modem signal reception? How to increase internet speed to fully use online services? So, you should understand that the quality of the signal directly affects the speed of the Internet, the remaining possible limitations are the current load of the operator’s base station (BS). In this article we will describe the most popular and “popular” methods of “overclocking” 3G/4G Internet, and describe the pros and cons of each of them.

    1. Stick-rope method

    The easiest way to improve signal reception is by raising the modem to a height using a USB extension cable (preferably not an economical one and no more than 3 m. Otherwise, connection loss is likely)

    A primitive economy method, burdened only with the purchase of a USB extension cable and connection worries.

    A low-effective solution, with a minimal speed increase of a few dB, not counting the fact that when placed outdoors, you condemn the modem to premature failure - according to statistics, after a year, since the design feature is designed for room temperature and humidity.

    2. DIY antenna method

    This is the next step in evolution, allowing you to increase Internet speed by making a homemade 3G/4G antenna. There are a lot of manufacturing instructions on the Internet.

    + In most cases, this does not require financial investments; antennas are made from materials available in everyday life. Some designs can actually achieve up to ~6 dBm of gain if built correctly. However, the gain of such “collective farm” antennas is low; as a rule, they cannot provide a stable signal.

    Low amplification and dependence on weather factors such as wind and rain.In addition, as we wrote earlier, external placement negatively affects the viability of the modem.

    3. Method "Use of modern outdoor 3G / 4G LTE antennas"

    The most modern and effective, in our opinion, way to increase the level of 3G/4G signal and provide yourself with reliable Internet for many years is to use specialized external antennas. The main advantage of which over the above methods is this is high gain(up to 20 dBi and above), readiness to work in the most severe weather conditions. Even if you live at decent distances from the operator’s tower: 7, 10, 20 km. provided you choose the right antenna, you can achieve decent Internet speeds - up to 60 Mbit/s!. If you are in an area of ​​weak or almost non-existent 4G LTE signal Using a powerful antenna will help strengthen and ensure reliable reception.

    Compliance with operator standards and increased signal reception coefficient allowing significantly increase the speed of 3G & 4G LTE Internet!
    + Independence from weather conditions and reliable design.
    + The price “doesn’t bite” from 1600 ₽ to 4800 ₽.

    Installation according to the rules to achieve maximum results and according to our article “How to properly install a 3G / 4G antenna.” This is a completely feasible task that does not require special skills and abilities, and the result is a comfortable speed for years.