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  • Is it possible to delete from VK. How to delete a page in Contact (VK) from your phone: An easy way. How to delete a VK page from your phone

    Is it possible to delete from VK.  How to delete a page in Contact (VK) from your phone: An easy way.  How to delete a VK page from your phone

    The VKontakte network allows users to destroy their page in several ways.

    However, not immediately - after deletion, the page will be available for restoration for seven months. This will give you time to think whether you really want to leave VKontakte forever.

    If you change your mind and decide to return, just log into the site using your username and password. In the left half of the window there will be a “Restore” button. After clicking on it, your page will be restored to its previous form.

    But! It is important to do this no later than the date the page is completely deleted (the date is indicated at the top of the window in bold).

    Well, now, since our story is about deleting a VKontakte profile, let’s study several ways to do this.

    Uninstall using the settings menu

    Open your page. From the menu under the photo, select “My Settings”.

    Go down to the very bottom of the window, remaining on the “General” tab – there is a not very noticeable button “You can delete your page”. Click on it.

    The next window will ask you to indicate the reason for deletion. You can choose one of the points, or you can write something of your own. After this, your page will cease to exist.

    Closing access to the page and then deleting it

    You can also liquidate your profile using another method - block viewing of any elements of the page from everyone except yourself.

    And do not access the site for 2 - 3 months. Such abandoned accounts are eventually discovered by moderators and deleted.

    • To block access to the page, open “My Settings” and the “Privacy” tab.
    • Assign each privacy item the “Only me” access mode.

    • Save the settings and temporarily forget about VKontakte.

    Deleting a page if there is no access

    If your page has been taken over by an attacker and you, having lost access to it, decide to delete it, the easiest way to do this is with the help of technical support.

    To do this, you will have to register on the social network again, preferably with the same data that you had before.

    After registering, go from your new page to the old one you want to delete.

    At the bottom of the column under the photo there is a “Report page” button. Click on it.

    In the “User Complaint” window, write a comment explaining why you are asking to delete this user’s VKontakte page.

    After reviewing your application, approximately 3 to 7 days later, your account will be blocked and then deleted. It will be better if all your friends or support group members simultaneously report this user.

    If the administration has not responded to your request, you can try to delete the page after first restoring access to it.

    For this:

    Go to the website, select “Help” from the menu and click on the “My page was hacked” button (or paste the link into the address bar of your browser and open it);

    On the access restoration page, indicate your login, e-mail or phone number with which you registered;

    Enter the captcha, followed by the phone number to send you an SMS with a code for further recovery;

    If your data has been changed or you don’t remember the phone number you linked to the page, click on the link at the very bottom of the form where it says “click here”;

    You will have to remember your page ID or find it on the site through a people search;

    Most likely, you will be asked to send photocopies of your passport and a personal photo to confirm that the page really belongs to you. After this, your access may be restored.

    But is it worth spending so much work only to then simply delete the VKontakte page forever?

    Letter to technical support

    If none of the previous options suits you, you can contact VKontakte technical support with a request to delete your profile by writing a letter to [email protected].

    Be prepared to provide evidence that the page being deleted is actually yours.

    Provocative method

    If you are a fan of non-standard solutions, you can get your user account deleted by violating the site rules.

    For example, place some advertising instead of personal data and start sending spam en masse. Or make room in your profile for obscene content (pornography). Make sure that not even a month will pass before you will first be blocked and then deleted.

    We hope that the described methods will be more than enough for all occasions. You now know that after deletion, the page will “live” and wait for your final decision for another seven months.

    This is quite enough to think twice and again and... return to your favorite social network again or leave it forever.

    In the modern world there are practically no people left who can easily do without a VKontakte page. But which of us has not at least once had the thought of leaving the virtual “web”? There can be a lot of reasons for such a decision: the semi-annual report is just around the corner, and you once again spent the whole night browsing interesting communities; your ex-passion suddenly decided that she couldn’t live without you and started bothering you with endless messages; you decided to teach a lesson to someone you know and leave the social network in order to increase the degree of anxiety. In general, the list can be continued indefinitely. The time has come to cast aside all doubts and complete the task. To do this, it is important to know how to delete a VKontakte page from different electronic devices. There are several ways to solve this problem.

    How to delete your VKontakte page

    There are several ways to delete a VKontakte profile. The page can be deleted permanently or temporarily. It all depends on your desire or the reasons why you decided to leave the social network.

    In addition to cause-and-effect relationships, when deleting a VKontakte profile, it is important to take into account the electronic device from which you most often accessed the social network.

    Standard method of removal from a computer (from the site itself)

    This method was created specifically for simple and at the same time reliable deletion of a VKontakte page. The method is provided directly by the developers, and they know a lot about it:

    1. First of all, you need to log into your account.
    2. In the upper right corner, find a button with your name and a mini version of your avatar next to it. Click on it.
    3. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”.

      Removal using the means provided by the developers is the easiest way

    4. The “General” tab will automatically open in front of you. Scroll down the page that opens and find the option “You can delete your page.” Click on it.

      In the “General” tab you will see the message “You can delete your page”

    5. A menu will appear in front of you in which you can indicate the reason for deleting your profile, and also leave a message for your friends that you will no longer appear online. After specifying all the desired data, click the “Delete page” button.

      When deleting, you can indicate the reason for your actions

    6. Congratulations. Your page has been deleted. For those who decide to change their minds after some time, the VKontakte developers have provided the ability to restore their profile. But this function is only possible for a certain period of time. The last day on which you can restore your profile will be indicated on the page after it is deleted.

      After deletion, you will see a corresponding notification and a date before which you can restore your page

    If for some reason you were unable to enter the “Settings” menu, then immediately after you log into your account, go to direct link. This will help you skip straight to step 5.

    Standard method of deleting from a phone

    If you do not have the opportunity to access your VKontakte profile from a computer (or you even prefer mobile devices for using social networks), then you can use the method of deleting a VK profile from your phone.

    Setting privacy and completely clearing the page

    For those who want to sleep peacefully, knowing that their page has been completely deleted and will never be found by some old acquaintances or ill-wishers, there is an option to clear the page and change the privacy settings:

    As a result, you should be left with a completely “bare” page. Now you can forget your password with a clear conscience. After some time, your page will be deleted by the VKontakte administration.

    Changing the password and linking to a one-time number

    If you are determined to never succumb to the charm of social networks again, then there is a somewhat expensive way for you to delete a VKontakte page. We are talking about linking a profile to a “disposable” number.

    1. First of all, you need to completely clear the page, as indicated in the previous instructions.
    2. After the page is completely cleared and the privacy settings are set correctly, you need to unlink your account from your email. There will be difficulties with this, since the latest VKontakte updates have eliminated the function of completely unlinking email. email from profile. In this case, you should change your old email address to one that you can delete immediately after confirming the change of data.

      First, change your email address to one you don’t use.

    3. Once you have linked your profile to a disposable email address, change the password to one that you are unlikely to remember. Ask your cat, budgie, or pet mongoose to run across the keys (or, as a last resort, play Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3 on the computer keys).

      When changing your password, you will need to confirm your phone number

    4. Now you need to buy a new SIM card, to the number of which you will link your deleted page. If you do not want to purchase a new number, you can use an old SIM card, but keep in mind that after binding it will have to be broken.
    5. We link the VKontakte page to the new number. To do this, you will again need to return to the “Settings” menu, then go to the “General” tab and next to “Phone number” click “Change”.
    6. You need to enter a new number in the field that opens. Then follow all the instructions that will be sent to your phone. After the new number is linked, the SIM card needs to be broken.

    This method, of course, can be considered radical and energy-consuming. It is suitable for those who have thoroughly decided not to return to social networks, as well as those looking for difficult paths. After you get rid of the SIM card to which you linked your cleared account, and also delete the mailbox associated with your page, it will be impossible to restore your profile.

    Letter to technical support

    If you do not dare to delete your VKontakte profile yourself, you can seek the help of technical support. But keep in mind that you should still contact technical support in cases where access to your page has been lost, or ill-wishers have hacked your account. In such cases, technical support will respond much faster to your call for help and delete your page.

    1. If you have access to your page, then you need to go to the “Help” section.

      First of all, go to the “Help” menu

    2. In the “Help” section, select the question you need or enter the question you are interested in in the search field.

      Look for your question in the list that you will see

    3. If, for example, you are interested in “How to delete a page that you can’t access,” then select the appropriate item.
    4. In the window that opens, you will be provided with detailed instructions, following which you can restore access to the page, delete it, or block it.

      Follow the instructions you receive carefully

    5. If you do not have access to your page, then you need to go to the main page of the social network ( and select the “Forgot your password?” item.

      Click "Forgot your password?" and follow further instructions

    6. If you do not have access to an email or phone number, select the appropriate option below the data entry field.

      If you don’t remember the password for your email, and you don’t have the phone number that was linked to the page, click where the arrow points

    7. In the window that appears, enter the address of your page or try to find your page in the search.

      You will be asked to enter the address of your page, or use “Search by People”

    8. After this, you will see an application form that you need to fill out.
    9. Next, wait for appropriate instructions from technical support.
    10. After restoring access to your profile, you can use any method convenient for you to delete a page, given here.

    Blocking a page through another account

    An unpleasant situation could happen to any of us: a VKontakte account was hacked, all data was changed, and access to the profile was lost. In this case, you will need to create another VKontakte profile.

    The best way would be to create a page with exactly the same data as on the hacked account.

    After the alternative profile has been created, do the following:

    Typically, such applications are reviewed from 3 to 7 business days. If you ask your friends to perform similar manipulations on your hacked page, things can go much faster.

    Other methods (aggressive spam)

    This method of deleting a VKontakte page is provided only as theoretical material for reference. The use of this method in practice may result in criminal penalties.

    If you are a risky person and want to leave VKontakte amid the roar of cannonade, then this method is just for you. It provides for a deliberate violation of the VKontakte rules, i.e. active irritation of users and administration of this social network. Spam, profanity, aggressive advertising, inciting racial and nationalist propaganda, pornographic video and photographic materials that you publish in communities and on your own page will help you quickly attract the attention of the resource administration. Naturally, simply deleting the page may not solve everything, and you will have to deal with law enforcement agencies.

    How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

    It is quite possible to restore a previously deleted VKontakte page. But there are some restrictions.

    After the user independently deleted his VK profile, a footnote should have appeared on his page, which indicates the last day when access to the page can be restored without losing data on it. The standard time for symbolic “freezing” is 210 days from the moment the profile is deleted (or about seven months). After this period, access to the page cannot be restored by any means.

    So, you deleted your VKontakte page, but less than seven months later you came to your senses and decided to return. It's easy enough to do:

    Once again, it is worth recalling that a deleted VKontakte page can only be restored within 210 days from the date of deletion. After the allotted period has passed, it will no longer be possible to do this and the only way out will be to create a new page.

    How to view a VK profile that has been deleted

    Many users have encountered the fact that one of their friends or acquaintances (or they themselves) deleted their page on the social network, and along with it photos, data and other information. And sometimes you want to see what was in the profile before it was deleted. There are several ways to satisfy your curiosity.

    Search engine cache

    In other words, the ability to view a saved copy of the page. This method is not entirely reliable, since the storage time of such a copy is limited. Therefore, for example, if a user deleted a page a year ago or earlier, then you will no longer be able to view it. Plus, after the latest updates to, the function does not work correctly, and it is almost impossible to find a saved copy of the page of the person you need.

    In theory, the saved copy can be found as follows:

    1. First of all, go to the remote page and copy the user ID from the address bar.
    2. Paste the ID into the search bar (for example, in Yandex or Google). Click "Search".
    3. Ideally, the first link in your search should be the page of the person you are looking for.
    4. Click on the small arrow next to the ID and select “Saved copy”.

    The method works very crookedly, since VKontakte has recently acquired a large number of privacy settings for its users, so the likelihood of a positive result after using this method is very small.

    Archive of sites

    In addition to the saved copy, you can try to find the deleted page in the web archive. But this also has its difficulties. The website has been blocked by Roskomnadzor, so you can only use it using an anonymizer.

    If virtual life has become a burden to you, and the VKontakte page causes nothing but irritation, then this is a sure sign that the time has come to delete your profile. It is best, of course, to use the methods specially provided by the VKontakte developers for this. These methods are quite simple and safe.

    Keep all your data in a safe place, do not go to third-party sites and try not to access your VKontakte profile from other people’s devices, this will protect you from unwanted blocking or data leakage.

    Follow the rules for using the social network, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation. Remember that your desire to “play with fire” (deliberately pissing off the administration and users by sending spam, publishing pornographic materials, inciting racial and nationalist hatred, etc.) may result in more than just blocking and deleting your profile on social networks, but also with imprisonment.

    Hello everyone, dear readers of the blog site! Despite all the commitment of a modern person to social networks, a situation may arise when it is necessary to delete a personal page. Maybe he was just tired of sitting for hours scrolling through his feed, or he wanted to create a new, completely clean profile. There can be many reasons, but getting rid of a VK account is not at all difficult. We’ll look at how to remove yourself from VKontakte in our article.

    If you want to get rid of a page on a social network, you can use the standard method provided by the developers. Deleting a page will take a couple of minutes if you follow the instructions:

    1. Go to your account.
    2. Select the Settings menu in the top right corner with the small avatar icon.
    3. Scroll the window that opens to the very bottom, where you will see the “Delete your page” link.
    4. Please indicate the reason why you want to cancel your profile.
    5. If you want to notify your friends about the deletion of the page, check the appropriate box. If you wish, you can write farewell words that will appear in the news feed of your subscribers. Or use standard social network templates.
    6. Confirm deletion.

    VKontakte does not permanently erase all data about a person. They are stored in the system for some time and can be restored if desired. The period does not depend on the reason you choose for deleting the page, it is fixed - 7 months. If you want to return to your old profile, it will reappear as before. You just need to go to the page using your old login and password and click on the “Restore” button. The date until which such action is possible is also displayed here.

    During the period of reflection that the social network provides, you will not be able to register again under the same phone number and email. Although this point can be bypassed if you change the linked VK number and email before deleting. If there is no desire to restore your account within 7 months, your profile data will disappear forever.

    There is practically no difference between deleting a page from a computer and a phone. Perhaps the application interface is slightly different, but in general the procedure is the same. You just need to find the “Settings” section and delete the page, indicating the reason for your desire to say goodbye to VK.

    How to remove a page that is not accessible

    A person may well have a profile that he created ten years ago, and cannot get rid of it. During this time, the user successfully changed his phone number and lost his login and password for the page. Even in this case, there is a solution to the problem. You have the right to restore access to the page or delete it if you prove that it really belongs to you.

    To do this you need to use a new account. A prerequisite is that both profiles must be registered to you. In this case, you need to be prepared to confirm your identity using a passport or other document with your photo.

    Two photos should be attached to your application:

    • document (passport, student, driver's license, etc.);
    • a selfie in the background of your request to technical support.

    Describe your problem and ask to delete the old page. Be sure to include a link to it. If the name and surname of the applicant do not match in the old profile, VK administrators will refuse to delete the account.

    Complete profile change

    Usually, a simple way to delete a VK account is enough and few people think about other options. However, it is worth talking about them, because for some reason the path proposed by the social network may not be suitable. VKontakte periodically cancels unfilled pages, so you can make your profile completely empty. Then the system will get rid of it in a couple of months.

    To do this you need:

    1. Go to your privacy settings and set the “only me” restriction next to each option. Who can view the profile, photos, leave comments, etc.
    2. Next, we limit communication so that none of the VK users can send you a private message, invite you to a group, etc.
    3. Account visibility should be limited to VKontakte users only.

    It is advisable to remove all personal data from the page, this will speed up the process. Send photos, chat history to the trash, unfollow friends, delete your avatar. Make the page completely blank, although this is not a requirement. Then don't log into your profile for a long time. During the verification process, the system will stumble upon an account; it will be deleted after 1-2 months.

    There is an even more exotic way to say goodbye to the VKontakte social network. If you want to get rid of a page in just a couple of days, you need to actively violate the rules of VK. Then the system administration itself will block you without the right to recovery.

    What will serve to quickly block a profile:

    • spam;
    • mass sending of personal messages;
    • intrusive advertising in groups;
    • insulting other users in comments and other unacceptable behavior.

    Of course, we do not encourage you to act in the ways indicated above. But if you need to quickly and irrevocably lose your VKontakte page, this is the fastest way. You just won’t be able to register under the same number and email, because they will also be banned.

    Deleting a deceased person's page

    So far we have talked about how to delete a profile yourself. But what to do if a person passes away, but his page remains? For this case, the social network VKontakte has separate instructions:

    1. You can log in using your username and password if you know them. Use the normal profile deletion option and do not restore it. This method will not cause any problems; after a certain period, the system will cancel the account.
    2. If you don’t have access to the VK page, you’ll have to act differently. Write a letter to the social network support service. For this case, a special feedback form is provided. In the text you need to indicate the reason for the application, attach a death certificate and a document confirming your relationship with the owner of the profile. The issue is resolved fairly quickly. It is likely that within a week the relative’s page will disappear from the social network.

    In general, canceling a profile is not difficult. The procedure itself will take a few minutes, but the information will disappear only after some time. However, if problems arise, they can be quickly resolved through VKontakte customer support.

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    Welcome to the pages of my blog. “As long as you are not on the Internet, you do not exist,” this phrase was once applied only to business, but now it is also relevant for ordinary people. Almost each of us has an account on Instagram, Vkontakte, FaceBook and Odnoklassniki. But what to do if you're tired of everything?

    Let's find out today how to delete a page on VK? It will work from two devices, we will find out whether it can be done forever without the possibility of recovery and we will analyze the most common problems encountered on the way to the cherished goal - to say goodbye to Vkontakte.

    Removing VKontakte via PC

    Deleting your VK page from your computer is very simple. In fact, in the new version of the site there are as many as three ways to go to editing a page, but to get closer to the delete function, you need to go to the settings through the upper right corner.

    In the window that appears at the very bottom you will find the coveted link, following which you can completely delete your page. No one else will be able to access it.

    Within 6 months you will have the opportunity to do so if you enter your old username and password.


    It was not entirely easy to delete Vkontakte via phone before, but with the new design and after the update it became impossible to do so. To get rid of your account, you will have to go to the computer version from your smartphone (via a browser) or to the official website from a desktop PC or laptop.

    I tested several applications, but unfortunately, none of them had a function for deleting a page.


    Let's look at some common questions related to VK and deleting your page from it.

    What should I do if I forgot my login and password and need to delete my VK page?

    Well, for starters, I would advise you to try to remember if you have any devices on which you quickly accessed VK and saved data. For example, it could be an old phone, a parent's laptop, or a friend's tablet. This will make deleting a page several times easier and faster. You just need to turn on the device.

    If this doesn't help, use the "Forgot your password" link. The simplest thing is to enter the phone number to which the page is linked. A little more difficult - e-mail. In any case, in a few seconds a message will be sent to the address you specified, thanks to which you will be able to log into your old account.

    How to quickly remove yourself from VK, immediately and forever?

    Deleting a page quickly and permanently is very difficult. I don't think tech support will help you. This is against the rules and logic. Why would a restaurant stop preparing its signature dish, or why would a shoemaker spoil it on purpose in order to get rid of customers?

    You can use a trick: start sending spam. In this case, your page will be blocked. It can be restored by contacting technical support two more times, and on the third it will be deleted forever.

    Frankly speaking, I don’t see the point in doing this. Why do you need to quickly and permanently get rid of your account? Do you want to link a new profile to your old number? Just unlink this phone number from your old profile in the same settings and you’re done.

    Let the page hang on VKontakte for some time, in case you still want to return. If you created a group, you will deprive it of some positive bonuses that no leader may be able to give it (see). For example, quick conversion to public and back.

    Get rid of all the posts on the wall, photos and albums, you can even change the name, but otherwise leave the profile until better times. By the way, if you have a lot of friends, you can sell your account or on it.

    Well, in order not to fool your head with promotions and invitations, you can invest some money in the service . 1000 living friends will cost you only 800 rubles. The more popular your VKontakte account, the more expensive you can sell advertising. Think about it.

    See you again and good luck.

    A user of the social network VKontakte, for one reason or another, may temporarily want to “lay low,” that is, completely erase references to himself from the site. It is possible to close almost all data about yourself with privacy settings, including protecting the page from being visited by a search robot, but this is not enough for everyone. Another option is to delete the VKontakte page temporarily and then restore it. In this article we will look at how to do this.

    How to delete a VKontakte page temporarily

    The social network VKontakte has a basic tool for deleting a page. By simply pressing a couple of buttons, you can completely delete all information about the page. If you then restore the page in time, which is not difficult, it turns out that the information was deleted temporarily.

    Important: The concept of “recovering a page in a timely manner” means completing this action within up to 7 months. The fact is that if the page has been deleted and 7 months have passed, the VKontakte social network automatically completely erases the profile information from its database. After this there is no way to restore the page.

    If you decide to temporarily delete your VKontakte page, do the following:

    That's it, your page on the VKontakte social network will be deleted. It is no longer possible to view the information that was posted on it using simple methods. All your photos, videos, list of friends, subscribers, reposts on the wall, etc. will be hidden from prying eyes.

    When you need to restore a page and return all the data on it, this will be quite simple. You will need to go to the VKontakte website and log in to your account. After this, you will see your deleted page, as well as the date until which you have the opportunity to restore it, while preserving the data previously published on it. To return the page to its previous state, click “Restore your page.”

    A window will appear confirming the action, in which you need to click on the “Restore Page” button, after which your VKontakte page will instantly return.

    As you can see, temporarily deleting a VKontakte page is quite simple. It is important to remember that you are given only 7 months to change your decision to completely remove yourself from the VKontakte social network. If the 7-month period expires, and you still do not want to return fully to the social network, we recommend restoring the page using the method described above, and then immediately deleting it again. Thus, the seven-month countdown will begin all over again.