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  • Where can I get my apple id password? I forgot my Apple ID. What to do? How to find out your Apple ID? How to find out IMEI and serial number of iPhone

    Where can I get my apple id password?  I forgot my Apple ID.  What to do?  How to find out your Apple ID?  How to find out IMEI and serial number of iPhone

    Currently, Apple is very popular. The younger generation strives to comply with trends in everything. When buying an iPhone from someone else, we may need the Apple ID of the previous owner. Let's look at 2 ways to find out the Apple ID of the previous owner of the phone.

    Order a service online to find out your Apple ID

    In order to find out the previous Apple ID set by the previous owner, you can use the services of companies that will provide you with information within a week. This method is the simplest, but costs money. The approximate price for the service is from 10 to 40 dollars.

    To use this service you need:

    • Find a site on the Internet that provides such services.
    • Provide the necessary information by phone, incl. UDID. This is a special unique device identifier. Each iPhone has its own personal UDID. It consists of 40 characters.
    • Check the box to indicate that you have accepted the agreement.
    • Click the buy button.
    • Remit payment.
    • You will receive information about the Apple ID of the previous owner by email within the specified period.

    How to find out Apple ID yourself

    If you purchased a used iPhone and want to try to find out your previous Apple ID yourself, you need to follow the following instructions.

    • Turn on your iPhone and unlock it.
    • Activate the voice over function of the Voice Over interface. To do this, press the home button three times.
    • Select your phone language and region.
    • Connect to your Internet network.
    • Take out your SIM card.
    • Press the home button 1 time.
    • Dial emergency call 112 and immediately double-click the power button. Afterwards, the phone should be locked.
    • Unlock your phone.
    • Click Contacts, then Create, then done.
    • Press the home button three times again. Voice over is activated again.
    • Select the option to block the subscriber by clicking 2 times.
    • Tap the block contact line quickly 3 times in a row. You are taken to the standard home screen.
    • Press the home button 3 times again.
    • Select the face time program. When you open it, the previous owner's Apple ID should appear.

    In conclusion, we can say that finding out the details of the previous owner of an iOS device is quite problematic. When buying an iPhone in person, immediately find out all the necessary information, ask for a receipt and a box. If you need the Apple ID of the previous owner of the phone, use the above methods.

    For many users of mobile devices, a pressing question may be how to find out the apple id, the number of a kind of account, which in practice is used for subsequent login to all proposed groups by the service from the company.

    The situation may be due to the fact that the owner of the unit simply does not remember what the identifier is. Currently, practice offers several ways to determine ID.

    Using a different email to log in later

    Often, the identifier can be combined with an email address. For this reason, first of all, you can try to check all the previously created email addresses; perhaps one of them can easily match your device and make it fully functional, providing access to all the necessary services.

    Using a service called My Apple ID

    To find out your own device ID, you will need to go to the appropriate “My Apple ID” page, and then try to find the necessary login information. To search for the information you need, you will need to enter your first name, last name, username, and any known email addresses.

    It is worth noting that as a result of such a search, several identifiers can be found; if this situation occurs, it is worth choosing exactly the identifier that fully corresponds to the current state of the mail.

    In the future, after discovering the identifier, you should use the instructions presented on the screen and try to reset the previously set password. What is noteworthy is that in this case the identifier will serve as an analogue of the email address, which will be displayed on the screen to change the system password.

    Checking your login options

    You can easily check your login status and whether the password change process has been completed. The check is carried out on the iPhone in the corresponding section of “Settings”, where you will need to change the settings set for iTunes, FaceTime, iCloud.

    The values ​​for these functions are set in the “Send/Receive” system, after which the identifier is determined on the screen. If, after these entries, you cannot remember your own password, you will need to reset it, and then go through the registration procedure again.

    Checking previously purchased components and various materials

    When analyzing the identifier, changing it, in the corresponding “information” section, all data, first of all, the name, will be positioned as invalid. To do this, you will need to open the program, click on previously purchased material, which is indicated in the “Playlists” sections, and open a menu with their properties.

    Internet marketer, editor of the site "In an accessible language"
    Date of publication: 04/13/2017

    If you own one or more devices from Apple, then you know about all the advantages of this manufacturer’s technology. All Apple gadgets are not just stylish and attractive, but also equipped with the latest technology.

    The company has always been distinguished by its approach to the production of mobile devices, endowing them with new capabilities, which has captivated many users around the world. Each new gadget of the company is equipped with something new and perfect. That is why there is always a lot of noise around the presentations of a new device.

    Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find a person who is not familiar with Apple devices, their software and capabilities. In addition to stylish and powerful devices, the company cares about customer service.

    Apple has created many useful services that can be used by any owner of gadgets from the company. Thanks to this, users have the opportunity to update the device, download games and programs, as well as store various files and music without barriers.

    To log into such services, a special Apple ID is used. This is a kind of email address, which is also a login. If you lose your Apple ID email, you can restore it; to do this, you need to go to the website, where you can read more detailed information about the Apple ID recovery service by serial number and order it. You can also find out how to check whether an iPhone is linked to an Apple ID on this resource.

    To place an order you need the IMEI code. This is a special device identification code that every gadget has. You can find it on the box from under the device, or by dialing the combination *#06#, then press call. After this, IMEI will appear on the display. Now you can begin the recovery procedure.

    To do this, go to the IMEI-Server website, where you need to create your profile. After registration, you will receive an email with a link to activate your profile on the site. You need to cross it.

    To recover your Apple ID iPhone, you need to find the Apple iCloud ID Find Service product page and go to it. Here you can find out about the cost of the procedure and get acquainted with all the necessary information. After carefully reading the terms and conditions, you need to top up the balance on your site account. From the many methods presented, choose the most convenient one and deposit the amount necessary for the restoration.

    Now you can start filling out the order form for Apple ID recovery service by serial number. You should fill out all fields especially carefully. Especially the field for entering the IMEI code. If you enter the data incorrectly, the account recovery service will not be performed and the money will not be returned to your account.

    After checking all the data, confirm your order by clicking the appropriate button. After that, within the specified time frame, a restored email Apple ID of your account will be sent to your email. Your reinstatement authorization will be required to complete the service. You just need to follow the link that will be in the letter.

    Please note that the service does not recover your profile password, and you will not be able to delete your profile using it. It only restores Apple ID by serial number.

    Now you know that it is not difficult to recover your Apple ID. But if you have any questions about the Apple ID email renewal service or you just want to leave a comment, then you can always ask for help on the site’s forum. You can also find out how to check if an iPhone is linked to an Apple ID. Specialists will help you as soon as possible.

    The email address recovery service is provided officially and does not harm the smartphone; it is carried out remotely and quite quickly.
    According to information:

    A six-digit password and Touch ID fingerprint sensor cannot fully protect iPhone 6s owners from hacking. Morphus Labs experts came to this conclusion after analyzing the incident that occurred this week.

    The owner of an iPhone 6s contacted Morphus Labs on the third day after the smartphone was stolen. According to him, the thieves changed the passwords to some of his accounts, including his Apple ID, and even contacted his bank asking for the password to his bank accounts. Fortunately, they were never able to steal the money, but it remained unclear how the attackers were able to change the Apple ID on a locked smartphone.

    The researchers immediately rejected the idea of ​​a targeted attack (that is, the attackers did not plan to steal this particular iPhone), Securitylab notes. The victim had nothing missing except his mobile device. This means that the kidnappers did not have her name, email address, or any other personal information.

    From the moment the loss was discovered until the victim blocked the SIM card, only two hours passed, and the attackers had little time to guess the password to unlock the smartphone. The password consisted of six characters, was strong and did not have any matches with the victim’s personal data (neither date of birth nor car number, which the kidnappers could have found out if they wanted).

    To change your Google account password, you need at least a login (email address). How did the attackers manage to obtain it? There are services on the Internet that offer to find out the Apple ID using the IMEI identifier, but the process takes from 24 to 48 hours, and the attackers had no more than two at their disposal.

    All the hackers could get was the victim's phone number. As the researchers found, Google allows you to find out a user's email address by indicating only his first name, last name and phone number. The researchers decided to reproduce the alleged actions of the attackers. They purchased an iPhone 6s and registered Google and Apple accounts.

    Acting as kidnappers, the experts first removed the SIM card from the device and inserted it into another smartphone, thus learning the phone number of the “victim.” Next, they tried to take the easy way out and figure out the username by simply typing the phone number into a Google search, but to no avail. A search on Facebook also turned up nothing.

    This is where WhatsApp comes to the rescue. One of the researchers recalled that if a participant in a group conversation on WhatsApp receives a message from a person who is not part of the contact list, their name will appear next to their phone number. This means that by sending a message from a locked iPhone to a WhatsApp group, you could get the username. Knowing the phone number, the researchers sent a WhatsApp message to it, and the notification was reflected on the lock screen of the locked iPhone.

    Using the smartphone's 3D touch technology, experts responded to the message directly from the lock screen and then added the contact to the WhatsApp group. The researchers sent the message again, responded to it from the lock screen and voila - they received the name of the “victim”. Having a phone number, first and last name, they were able to get an email address through Google, and then change passwords for their Google account. After that, changing your Apple ID was easy.

    Apple devices have never been considered budget devices, and after the crisis, their prices became sky-high. That's why lately, more and more often, when thinking about purchasing an Apple, users are choosing a used model. However, there is nothing wrong with owning a slightly “worn” iOS device; Apple produces truly high-quality equipment that, if treated with care, can work without failures for many years.

    However, there are still certain risks in purchasing a used device. One of these risks, and perhaps the most dangerous, is this: the previous owner did not unlink his Apple ID from the device being sold. We will look into what this state of affairs entails in this article.

    An Apple ID is a user’s personal account in the iOS world; without it, it is impossible to access any of the Apple giant’s proprietary services, including content purchase services. Thus, if the user does not have an Apple ID, he will not even be able to download the application from the App Store. In short, the thing, as you understand, is very useful and important - and, perhaps, it would not be an exaggeration to say that every (well, maybe with rare exceptions) user of an iOS device has an Apple ID.

    Why do I need to unlink my Apple ID before selling my device?

    As we said above, Apple ID provides access to all branded iOS services, including iCloud cloud storage, which is not only a service that allows you to backup information stored on the device on Apple servers, but also a powerful tool for protecting Apples from theft

    It is with the help of iCloud that the “Find iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option is implemented. When you enable this option, it automatically turns on and is called activation lock. When the lock works, every time after restoring/updating/resetting the iOS device, the user must enter the Apple ID parameters - or, more precisely, the login and password of the personal account, otherwise access to the system will be denied.

    What does such a scenario provide? The absolute senselessness of stealing Apple devices! See for yourself, the attacker receives the device and, in order to sell it, performs a reset or restoration, wanting to get a clean gadget, but after performing one of these procedures, he is faced with a requirement to enter the Apple ID login and password, which, of course, are unknown to him - unless, of course , this was not a targeted theft. What can a thief do? Yes, just sell the “apple” for spare parts! And this, as you understand, is not very profitable, and makes the risk that a person takes when stealing a device completely unjustified.

    By the way, an excellent alternative to selling a device for spare parts is returning the device to its rightful owner, who, by the way, using the same “Find iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option and the website can activate the lost mode and leave the thief/person who found the device a message like “This iPhone has been lost, please return it for a reward.”

    In short, the scenario turns out to be excellent and needless to say that after the implementation of the activation lock option in the iOS system, the number of thefts of Apple devices has sharply decreased. And, of course, every conscious user enables this option on the device.

    What should I do if the previous owner has not signed out of his Apple ID?

    So, Apple implemented anti-theft protection perfectly, but... You probably already guessed that the new owner of the device can get into the same situation as a thief if the previous user forgot to unlink his Apple ID and “Find iPhone/iPad/ iPod Touch" is turned on.

    It must be said that the new owner may not notice this fact at all at first, and only after deciding to update the system and faced with the requirement to enter the Apple ID password, realize how depressing the situation he is in.

    What to do? Where to run? How to find out the previous owner's Apple ID? These and other questions swarm in the head of an excited user... Unfortunately, our answer to them will not be unequivocally positive.

    The fact is, in this situation, you have only two correct ways to solve the problem:

    • find the previous owner
    • Contact Apple Support

    Find previous owner

    We hope you still have the seller's contact information? Because the best way to unlock an iOS device is to make an appointment with the seller and ask him to enter his login and password, and then unlink. However, if the previous owner no longer uses the Apple ID that is linked to your device, a meeting will most likely not be needed, he can simply provide you with the necessary data, and you, having them in your possession, can easily perform both unlocking and unlinking yourself.

    We hope your seller is conscientious and willing to help you. By the way, if he refers to the fact that he forgot his password, you can tell him that a special service iForgot will help you remember it easily.

    Contact Apple Support

    If you were unable to contact the owner, or he refuses to make contact, you have one more surefire way to bypass the blocking - contact Apple support. Its specialists will definitely help you if you can prove that the device belongs to you; to prove this fact you will need the box from the device and a receipt from the purchase. We hope you took these important items from the previous owner?

    Questionable methods

    No? Then, unfortunately, we have bad news for you, because you find yourself in the position of a thief, essentially. Of course, you can try to look for loopholes, but a positive result is not guaranteed. What loophole options are there? Firstly, you can “get” on Youtube - new ways to bypass activation blocking are constantly appearing on this video hosting site - most of them are created simply to increase views, but perhaps some will actually work. For example, This looks very convincing.

    If the methods from Youtube did not help, you just have to go in search of a company/specialist that offers services to bypass the activation lock. But, remember, their activities are not very legal, and therefore you cannot count on any guarantees on their part. However, you have nothing more to do, you can only hope for a favorable situation.

    Let's summarize

    So, if you purchased a used iOS device, the previous user of which did not unlink from his Apple ID and did not turn off the “Find iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch” option, after trying to update/restore/reset the device, you will be faced with a requirement to enter this identifier data.

    In this situation, the best way is to contact the seller and ask for help; if you cannot follow this recommendation, you should contact Apple support and try to prove that the device belongs to you. Otherwise, all that remains is to resort to various dubious methods to bypass the activation lock - you can try to do them yourself, and if unsuccessful, contact special organizations.

    However, all this “fuss” can be avoided by checking when purchasing the device whether the account has been unlinked. Another useful recommendation is that it is advisable to purchase a used device from a friend.