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  • Errors in the Play Market and their solutions. Errors in the Play Market and their solutions What is error code 963 on Android

    Errors in the Play Market and their solutions.  Errors in the Play Market and their solutions What is error code 963 on Android

    If you encounter problems when using the Play Market application store "Error 963", don't be alarmed - this is not a critical problem. It can be solved in several ways that do not require a significant investment of time and effort.

    There are several options for solving the problem under consideration. Having eliminated the annoying error, you can continue to use the Play Market normally.

    Method 1: Disable SD card

    The first cause of occurrence "Errors 963", oddly enough, there may be a flash card in the device to which a previously installed application that needs updating has been transferred. Either it has failed, or there has been a failure in the system that affects its correct display. Return the application data to the internal memory of the device and proceed with the steps below.

    If these steps do not help, then move on to the next method.

    Method 2: Clear Play Market cache

    Temporary files of Google services stored on the device after previous visits to the Play Market can also cause an error. When you visit the app store again, they may conflict with the currently running server, causing an error.

    Method 3: Uninstall the latest version of Play Market

    This error can also be caused by the latest version of the application store, which may not have installed correctly.

    Recently, users of Android devices began to encounter error 963 on their smartphones when trying to download or update an application from Google Play. More precisely, a message appears on the device screen: “The application (application name) cannot be loaded due to error 963.”

    There are three ways to get rid of this error.
    First, it’s worth finding out the reasons why failures occur when downloading and updating applications - this helps to understand the essence of the problem and makes it easier to overcome it. So, the reason for error message 963 may be:
    1) Application cache from Google Play Store.
    2) SD Card: If the application is downloaded to the SD card, you may see error 963 on the smartphone screen.
    3) Google Play Version: A recent update may cause the error to appear.

    Having identified the reasons that could cause error 963 to appear when working with Google Play from your smartphone, let's look at ways to fix it.
    Method 1: Clearing the application cache:
    As mentioned above, the application cache and its data can lead to this error. To clear the cache, you need to follow the recommended sequence of actions:
    1. Go to Settings - Applications - All

    2. Select Play Store - Clear cache and erase data

    3. Select the application that has an error while downloading or updating, and select Clear cache and Erase data.
    After carrying out these manipulations, you should try to download the application again and see if error message 963 appears. If the problems were, indeed, in the cache, then the issue is resolved. If not, you'll have to try other methods.
    Method 2: Disabling the SD card:

    Disabling the SD memory card inserted in the smartphone slot may just help you get rid of error 963 when working with Google Play. It is very easy:
    1. Remove the SD card by going to Settings - Memory - Disable SD card
    2. Update or download the application;
    3. If the application downloaded or updated without an error, connect the SD card again: Settings - Storage - Connect SD card.
    If the application that is giving you the error is on the SD card, then you must first move it to the internal memory of the device. To do this, go to Settings - Applications - All - Select the desired application - Move to internal memory.

    Method 3: Revert to a previous version of Google Play:

    There is a possibility that the error is caused by a recent Play Store update. Basically, any updated version of Google Play may have compatibility issues. If this is the reason, then it is enough to return to the previous version by removing the updates. Sequence of actions:
    1. Go to Settings - Applications - Uninstall Google Play updates.

    2. Try Downloading or updating the application that caused the error when working with it.
    This method solves the problem with error 963 in most cases.

    Unfortunately, there is still no official list with explanations of Google errors. Therefore, Android users themselves have to find out the reasons and look for ways to fix it. One of the most common problems is Play Market error 963. Today we will find out why it occurs and what to do in such a situation.

    What's happening?

    As a rule, the Play Market displays error 963 when installing or updating various programs. A message appears on the device screen indicating that the system was unable to load the application. It looks like this:

    In most cases, this happens when loading software onto an external drive - that is, onto a MicroSD flash drive instead of the device's internal memory.

    Possible reasons

    Let's find out why Play Market error 963 occurs. There are only a few reasons that can cause it to appear:

    • The client cache is full. When you download any applications on Android, temporary files remain in the memory of your phone or tablet. Their number is growing all the time, and after some time it can become critical. That is, the error occurs because the system simply has nowhere to write data about the new version of the application.
    • Problems with the SD card. Most often, it is because of them that error 963 occurs. There are options here: either the memory card itself is faulty, or there is a failure in the process of transferring data to the flash drive.

    • In some cases, the problem may be related to updating the version of Google Play itself. The fact is that, unlike all other applications, it updates automatically in the background. Errors occur if you were using the Market when downloading the new version. Because some files are active, the system cannot overwrite them and the update does not install correctly.

    It is worth saying that error 963 can occur on any Android device, regardless of the amount of memory and version of the operating system. Fortunately, in most cases the problem is solved in just 15 minutes.

    Error 963 in the Play Market: what to do?

    There are several ways to solve this problem, depending on the reasons for its occurrence. Unfortunately, the exact cause can only be determined experimentally, trying different correction options one by one.

    Clearing cache

    The first thing you need to do if you see error code 963 in the Play Store is to delete temporary files and data from memory, that is, clear the application cache. How to do it?

    • Go to Settings > Applications and find Play Market under the All tab.
    • All information about the program will be displayed on the screen. Find and click the "Clear cache" button.
    • Go back to the list of all applications and navigate to the program that is causing the error when you launch it.
    • Clear the application cache.

    Additionally, you can clean up temporary files in the Google Services Framework and Google Play Services. After that, try running the program again and check if the error message disappears. If not, move on to the next option.

    Transfer to built-in memory

    As you already know, Play Market error 963 can occur due to problems with the flash card. In this case, the solution may be to move the application to the internal memory of the device.

    To do this, go to “Settings” again, open the list of all applications, find the one you need and click on the “Move to internal storage” button (the text may differ slightly in different versions of Android). Do not do or press anything until the process is complete. Then try updating the program again through the Play Market and launching it.

    Disabling the SD card

    Error code 963 in the Play Market may indicate a problem with the flash drive itself. If the previous options did not help, you should try temporarily disabling MircoSD. The main thing is to do it right.

    • Go to Settings > Storage.
    • Click on the "Disable SD card" button.
    • Turn off your device.
    • Remove the flash drive from the slot.
    • Turn your device back on.

    Now try again to update the application that is throwing the error. If everything works fine after this, you can insert the card back. But please note: if errors continue to occur, and the phone or then, most likely, the flash drive will have to be replaced.

    Uninstalling Play Market updates

    Error 963 is often encountered by users who have Market version 6.1 and higher installed. You may need to uninstall the latest updates and revert to an earlier version of Google Play to get your apps back to normal. You can do this in the same place where we cleared the cache (the "Delete updates" button). Confirm the deletion and wait until the process completes. Please note that it may take several minutes. As always, we conduct a test and try to update the program we are interested in. If it works, it means there were compatibility problems.

    Reinstalling the problematic application

    This is another option that is worth trying if you are experiencing Play Store error 963. If the store itself opens normally, you should completely delete all data about the application from your phone and SD card, and then try to install it again. Unfortunately, some information may be lost.

    Radical method: reinstalling Play Market

    This option is suitable only for those who have at least a little knowledge of computers and technology. The fact is that it is impossible to reinstall Market in normal mode. In order to do this, you need root rights.

    Reference: root access (superuser rights) is a special mode that allows the owner of an Android device to gain full control over system files with the ability to edit and/or delete them.

    The first thing you need to do is install one of the many root programs on your smartphone or tablet - for example, Framaroot, Root Genius or Kingroot.

    • Run the program and get superuser rights.
    • Remove Play Market.
    • Search the Internet and download the Market installation apk file. Use only reliable sources and be sure to check the file for viruses.
    • Transfer the installer to your phone's memory.
    • Run the program and install Play Market again.

    After this, you need to wait until the store itself, as well as other applications, are updated, and only then try to open the program you are interested in.

    What to do if nothing helps?

    If all the recommendations on how to fix error 963 in the Play Market turned out to be useless, you will have to move on to even more stringent measures, since here we are talking about serious damage to the system. In this case, you can try performing a full reset of Android, deleting all files and returning to factory settings (Settings > Backup and reset).

    In extreme cases, the device may need to be re-flashed, but this is extremely rare. As practice shows, most often applications are restored after clearing the cache and uninstalling updates.

    When developing any application, it is not possible to take into account all possible outcomes of program events. As a result, unexpected situations or errors arise that can lead to data loss, the deletion of something, or simply a program crash. Developers use different approaches to combat such phenomena. Some simply notify about an unexpected error and close the application, others report the problem more informatively, and others create a table of error codes so that the user knows what happened and how to deal with it. Such a well-known and popular application as the Play Market did not escape this fate. One of the most common error codes - 963 - will be discussed in this article.

    Error code 963 in the Play Market: reasons for its appearance

    Error code 963 in the Play Market can occur for several reasons. This problem most often occurs when installing or updating an application. This is what it announces with a special message. Its content reads: “Play Market 963 error" It is worth considering the main reasons for this phenomenon.

      For any application in the Android system, space is allocated for cache and data. A cache is a location in memory that stores frequently used resources. It serves to optimize application launch, speeding it up. It is precisely the caches that are sometimes full or do not correspond to the new format when updating the application.

      Starting with version "Android 2.3", the system has acquired the function of installing data onto a flash card. Thus, it has become possible to move heavy-duty applications to a flash drive, thereby relieving the device’s memory, which is usually small. When updating, a system crash may occur when directly accessing the mounted device. And as a result - error code 963 in the Play Market.

      The Google Play app itself should also be updated regularly, as old and new versions may use device resources differently. This is also one of the reasons for the error.

      Error 963 in Play Market - how to fix it

      There are several options for how to resolve error 963 in the Play Market, as well as several reasons. Some can be considered radical, others simple and effective.

      The very first method that is worth trying is to clear the Play Market cache. To do this, you need to go to the device settings. Then find the application item in which you need to go to the “all” tab. This list will display all applications installed on the system, among which you need to find the Play Market. Clicking on it will open a new window with information about the current application. Among the lines and buttons you need to find one called “Clear cache”. To begin with, you should select this item and then try to update or install the required application again. If there is no result, then you should try to delete not only the cache, but also the data along with it. You need to be careful, since the “Delete data” item will erase all information about your Google account from the Play Market and you will have to enter it again.

      If the first method does not help, you need to move on to the SD card. To fix the problem with error code 963 in the Play Market, sometimes simply unmounting and mounting the flash drive helps. To do this, you again need to go to the settings menu and select “Memory”. It has a button called “Disconnect SD card”, which you need to use.

      After this, you must try to update or install the application again. If all the necessary procedures were successful, then the card can be mounted again in the same way, only now the button will say “Connect SD card”.

      Using this method, it is worth considering that the application being updated may be on a flash drive, so you should first return it to the phone’s memory area. This is not difficult to do: you need to go to settings again, select “Applications”, then the “All” tab in the list, find what you need and click on it. In the information window about it, there will be a button “Move to phone memory”.

      Uninstalling Play Market updates

      If the above methods did not help, then you can also try uninstalling Play Market updates. To do this, you need to visit the already familiar settings and applications, set the “All” tab with a swipe of your finger and select Play Market. There should be a “Delete updates” button here, which will return the Play Market to the state before all updates were accepted.

      Basically, the listed solutions for error code 963 in the Play Market are sufficient, but there are also difficult situations when nothing helps.

      Alternative solutions

      No matter how trivial it may sound, sometimes a simple reboot of the device can help. It is worth trying it at the very beginning, as it does not have any consequences for data and applications.

      The most drastic solution to the problem in which error 963 occurs in the Google Play Market may be to reset all settings to factory settings. This will, of course, delete all data from the phone’s memory, accounts, and applications, but it often turns out to be quite effective. To carry out the procedure, you need to go to the settings menu and click on “Backup and reset” and find “Reset settings” there. The device should turn off for a while and then turn on again. It is possible that the loading process will take longer after the reset. This happens because the device seems to be starting up for the first time and needs to initialize all the hardware and prepare the necessary databases.

      Another way to reset

      It is worth saying that there is a way to reset the device to factory settings if it suddenly stops turning on after a reboot. To do this, press the volume down button on the device and the power button at the same time, and then hold them down until recovery mode is turned on. This combination is found on the vast majority of devices. However, there are also options with “Up” volume and power, “Up” and “Down” volumes, and other rarer ones. They can be found for each specific device model on the Internet.

      After loading, in the menu, use the volume rocker to move to the wipe data/factory reset item. Accepting the choice here occurs by pressing the power button. The screen should display the process steps. Upon completion, you need to select reboot system now, which will lead to a reboot to the Android system.

      Of course, the most recent, but nevertheless effective way is to flash the device. It can be done either by a similar firmware revision or by a completely third-party one.


      Many problems associated with Android devices can be easily solved with your own hands at home. The article described in detail how to resolve error 963 in the Play Market. But besides this, there are also a lot of codes that reflect one or another problem with the device.

    Error 963 in the Play Market is a relatively new error that usually occurs when downloading or updating an application. When an error occurs, a notification appears on the screen: “The application could not be loaded due to error (963).”

    There are several reasons why error 963 appears. For example, the application cache is full, incompatibility of the new version of the Play Market after an update, or the application located on the SD card does not work correctly. Depending on the cause, there are several ways to solve the error, some of them are standard.

    How to get rid of error 963 in Play Market

    1) Data cleaning.

    1) Go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager" and select a tab "All";

    2) find in the list "Play Market" and click on the button "Clear data";

    3) now select the application that had an error when updating or downloading and also clear data and cache.

    Try downloading the application again and see if the error disappears.

    Perhaps the new version of the Play Market causes compatibility problems, which is why the error appears, so you need to uninstall the updates and return to the old version. For this:

    1) go to "Settings"-"Application Manager"-"Play Market";

    2) in section "Options" select "Uninstall updates".

    Check if error 963 has disappeared in the Play Market. Try downloading or updating the application again.

    Incorrect operation of the application located on the memory card can also be the cause of the error. But even if the application with which you are having problems is not on the SD card, it is still worth trying to disable the memory card.

    3) Disabling the SD card.

    First, if necessary, move the application to internal memory.

    1) Go to "Settings"-"Application Manager" and select the desired application. In chapter "Memory", press "Change" and select "Memory card"(or "Move to internal memory").

    2) Now disconnect the SD card.

    Go to "Settings"-"Memory"- chapter "Memory card" and press "Disable".

    Try downloading or updating the application. The application should now install.

    Reconnect the memory card.

    "Settings"-"Memory"-"Memory card"-"Turn on".

    These are the three main ways to solve error 963 in the Play Market. In most cases they work. But if these methods do not help, try reinstalling the application that is causing the error to load. To do this, go to "Play Market", Choose a section "My apps and games", then select the desired application, press first "Delete", and then "Install".