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  • What is a hashtag and what is it for? How to make and write a hashtag correctly? Hashtags - why they are needed and how to use them What is a hashtag on the Internet

    What is a hashtag and what is it for?  How to make and write a hashtag correctly?  Hashtags - why they are needed and how to use them What is a hashtag on the Internet
    Hello, dear readers!

    Hashtag - what is it? When did it appear? Who came up with the hashtag? Why do you need a hashtag? How to use hashtags correctly? What social networks use hashtags? This article has answers to all these questions.

    Hashtag - what is it? Hashtag sign (symbol)

    Hashtag, Hashtag or X ash tag comes from the English word« hashtag» (« hash"- name of the hash sign (#) plus “ tag"- label). Hashtag- means a keyword or keyword phrase of a message on social networks, preceded by the “#” symbol.
    There are no spaces in the hashtag - all words must be written together, for example, #whatishashtag. Using a hashtag, users can find the messages they need on a specific social network.

    For example, if you make a post (message) on your Twitter or Instagram account and indicate in the text the following hashtags: #art, #art, #landscape, then social network users will be able to find your message by typing these hashtags in the search bar.

    Why do you need a hashtag?

    History of the creation of the hashtag

    So who came up with the hashtag? This term was coined by Chris Messina 10 years ago in 2007 to refer to the tool he invented for Twitter. The idea of ​​the hashtag was initially not liked by Twitter management, who did not believe that this new navigator could become popular.

    Which social networks are currently using the hashtag?

    10 years later, using hashtags has become popular and even fashionable. Hashtags are currently being used not only on Twitter, but also on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and in many other social networks.

    How to create a hashtag?

    Many people still don’t use hashtags when creating their social media posts. And all because they don’t know how to come up with a hashtag, how to correctly compose a hashtag, how to write hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, Facebook.

    Although in reality, everything is simple. The hashtag is constructed the same way in all social networks, namely:

    • begins with a “hash” or “sharp” sign, which is designated as follows: #. An inscription with this sign is automatically perceived by the system as a hashtag.
    • the hashtag is written without spaces. If hashtags contain more than one word, they are written either together or separated by an underscore, for example: #my_day, #myday.
    • You can use uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin and Russian alphabets.

    Now you have learned how to write hashtags. But in order to use them to promote your accounts on social networks, it is important to know that there are special programs that will help you select hashtags that are popular in a particular social network.

    10 best services for automatically selecting hashtags

    Services for selecting hashtags for Twitter

    Services for selecting hashtags for Instagram

    Useful life hack: how to put hashtags on Instagram?

    I share with you one secret that few people know. As you probably know, on Instagram you can only use 30 hashtags for one post. Usually they publish the maximum allowed number of hashtags in the text of a photo, which is why the text looks cluttered. I'll tell you how to fix it.

    Other useful articles:

    But first let's look at standard rules for hashtags on Instagram:

    • Hashtags can be written in both Russian and English. All words of the hashtag are written together. You can write a hashtag with a capital letter, for example, #AlenaKraeva. This will be the same hashtag as #alenakraeva. The hashtag may contain numbers. To separate words, you can use an underscore, for example, #Alena_Kraeva.
    • You can put hashtags both in the text of the photo and in the comments. You can replace individual words in the text with hashtags. But usually everyone writes 30 hashtags at the end of the photo text separated by a space. It doesn’t look very nice, as it clutters up the text itself.
    So, the life hack is to write hashtags not in the text to the photo, but in the comments. Write a comment immediately after publishing a photo with text. Then the text will look attractive and will not be cluttered with hashtags. In this case, the photo and text for it will be found using the hashtags specified in the comments.


    You learned from the article, Hashtag - what is it? How to put hashtags on Instagram and other social networks? What services should you use to select popular hashtags? I hope the article was useful to you. Write your questions in the comments.

    I wish everyone many new ideas and inspiration in their implementation!

    Finally, I recommend watching this useful video. It turns out that charisma is not an innate property, but an art. VIDEO “How NOT to BE Boring?”

    Have you ever noticed how the accounts of popular users on Instagram are designed? If you go to their profile, you might be surprised how harmonious everything is: good quality photos and videos, live broadcasts, meaningful stories and, of course, well-written descriptions for each publication. It is these components that together constitute content that is interesting to network users. In this article we will try to understand what a hashtag is on Instagram and why it is used by profile owners.

    What are hashtags?

    Imagine a library, but not like usual, but one where books are piled up in one pile. If you only need one of them, it will be too difficult to find it. But if the librarian arranges these books on separate shelves (economics, politics, fantasy), then in a couple of minutes he will hand you what you need.

    This example fully describes how hashtags work on Instagram: using the entered tag, the Instagram search will give you all publications that match the request.

    This means that Instagram hashtags are used to organize a large amount of information contained on the social network. Now that we have figured out what they are, let's try to find out why users need them.

    Why use them?

    Using tags is no less effective way of attracting subscribers than the promotion services that some users use (,).

    There are several versions of why hashtags are needed on Instagram:

    1. A good sorting method (according to the hashtag set, all suitable publications from the profiles of different users are selected);
    2. Creation of thematic categories (bloggers and famous personalities use hashtags to make the page more recognizable and make it easier for users to find their publications);
    3. Conducting sweepstakes and competitions (subscribers need to create a new entry in their profile and put the appropriate tag in the description, among them the organizers will draw a prize using special programs);
    4. Attracting new followers (users who find posts using tags in the general Instagram search usually like or comment on them. If you compose these posts creatively, people may be interested in your profile and follow it).

    How to put hashtags on Instagram?

    Now we will figure out how to use tags using a mobile device and a computer. First of all, I would like to note that the process is absolutely similar. In order to put this mark, you just need to put a # sign in front of the desired word. For example, #summer, #friends.

    Owners of popular accounts use the tag for a reason. It is marked by them according to the following rules:

    • compiled in English and Russian;
    • it is written without spaces and using capital and lowercase letters;
    • indicated in any part of the typed description;
    • if you change at least one letter in the tag, it will be different (for example, #travelE and #travelYA);
    • each tag added must match the content posted on the profile;
    • it should be as popular and frequent as possible.

    Note! To ensure that your post descriptions do not consist only of tags, the developers have placed restrictions on their use on Instagram. You can use no more than thirty of them from one entry.

    What can help you figure it out?

    In order not to waste time deciding how to use them, you can install special applications that will do almost everything for you. Let's look at the main ones.

    1. TagsDock is a service that allows you to solve the problem of manually typing each tag. Just select a category and indicate several generated options.
    2. RuTagsForLikes. Allows you to select popular Russian tags and indicate them in your profile. It is used to promote your account and increase activity in it.
    3. MyTager - allows you to create chains of hashtags from those that are most popular among users of the social network.

    If you use such applications, you have probably noticed that they significantly save time on choosing hashtags on Instagram. Some of them are free, and some have a grace period for use.

    How to get to the top using hashtags?

    Account owners who have already used tags know that this process is very exciting and creative, but it’s not worth it to “sculpt” them into your profile under each post without thinking. All tags are divided into several categories, depending on the frequency of their use:

    • the most used (high-frequency) - more than 100,000 publications;
    • frequently used (mid-frequency) – more than 50,000 publications;
    • low-frequency – up to 50,000 publications.

    Depending on the size of your account, choose the appropriate type of tags.

    The strategy for getting to the top in this way looks approximately like this:

    1. Select the tag that we will use to reach the top;
    2. Analyze the top at the moment: the number of likes and the time when the post was published;
    3. Determine the time when your audience is most active (using Instagram statistics or user activity analysis services such as Popsters).

    Popular tags

    Among the 30 tags that you can indicate under a post, several should be as popular as possible. You can find examples of these hashtags in the Instagram search, as well as using the special applications discussed above.

    Among the Russian tags that are popular are the following:

    #Instagram #Instagramnet #Instagramweeks #Instagram_porusski #Insta #Instatag #me #smile #selfie #beauty #super #day #night #nature #friends #friendship #likes #photo #photography #Russia #love #my love #girls #Moscow #life #life is beautiful #sky

    If you look at tags in English, the most common of them are:

    #love #instagood #me #tbt #cute #follow #followme #photooftheday #happy #beautiful #selfie #picoftheday #like4like #instagramanet #instatag #smile #friends #fun #fashion #summer #instadaily #igers #instalike #swag #amazing #tflers #follow4follow #likeforlike #bestoftheday.


    Using hashtags implies your desire to make your profile more famous. At the same time, well-known companies, stars, bloggers, and brands put them in their profiles. Everyone who wisely used this function promoted their profile for free and quickly enough. The main thing is to understand in detail what hashtags are and what you can influence by using them.

    Hashtag(hashtag) this topic tag, inserted into posts on Twitter, VKontakte and other social networks and containing the keyword or phrase discussed in the post. Word Hashtag can be translated from English as “distribution mark”.

    The hashtag must begin with a hash (#) and do not contain spaces, and almost all platforms support hashtags written in Cyrillic. By placing a hashtag in a post, the user “tags” the post, which then becomes available in the list of that hashtag. List of all tweets or posts tagged with a given hashtag, is available when you click on the hashtag and contains the most popular tweets with that tag.

    The popular hashtags on Russian-language Twitter are #thank you to Putin for this and #pathetic(after a visit to the journalism department of Moscow State University, Medvedev received this hashtag as a gift). Hashtags were popular in 2012 #let's let go And #lawScoundrels dedicated to the so-called “Duma”.

    In November 2012, a message appeared about the brain hashtag of a couple of American parents who gave their daughter name Hashtag Jameson. Let's congratulate the girl on the fact that her #parents fucked really well.

    Here is a funny and interesting video about hashtags:

    Did you find out where the word came from? Hashtag, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.
    Please share the link “What is a Hashtag?” with friends:


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    The world first heard about hashtags back in 2007. Nowadays, a rare significant post on social networks can do without them. Let's figure out what hashtags are, how to put them, what they are for, and how to use them effectively.

    What are hashtags

    The word “hashtag” comes from the English hash (lattice) and tag (tag). Literally, a hashtag is a word, phrase or phrase marked with a hash symbol. For example, #earn online, #content, #October and so on.

    This is what hashtags look like

    This promotion tool is used mainly in social networks. Let's look at why they are needed.

    How to put a hashtag

    It’s very simple: switch to the English layout, put the # sign, and write a word or phrase after it. Once published, the hashtag will become clickable. Remember important rules:

    • words in hashtags are not separated by spaces. If you include a space, the hashtag will not be clickable. The space can be replaced with an underscore: for example, #internet_marketing;
    • but the hashtags themselves, if there are several of them in a row, are better separated using spaces;
    • do not use the symbols +,$,&,% - the hashtag will also be unclickable;
    • do not write too long hashtags - or at least separate words with underscores;
    • You can write both Russian and English hashtags, depending on what target audience you are writing for.

    There are a few more secrets of good hashtags - we’ll tell the most patient readers about them at the end of the article.

    What are hashtags for?

    Once upon a time, hashtags were used only to find relevant information. Now it is a powerful tool for promoting content on social networks. Here are the main functions of hashtags.

    1. Quickly find the information you need. Searching for information using hashtags is very simple: just click on a hashtag and see a lot of posts united by one meaning. The second way: type the desired hashtag in the search bar of any social network. Let's say you wanted to relax and watch memes. We type the hashtag #memes and voila - you have thousands of publications on the topic.

    2. Sorting posts. Suitable for those who have a lot of posts and relevant categories. For example, the Texterra agency created special hashtags to highlight different topics of posts. The hashtag of one of these sections is #beyondTexTerra. By walking through it, you can learn a lot about the internal life of the agency.

    3. Promoting a personal page or community - increasing views and traffic. If you add popular hashtags to a post, theoretically even those who don’t follow you will see it. But there is one subtlety: overly popular hashtags do not always work.

    The secret is simple: too many people use them. Hundreds of posts with similar hashtags appear every minute. The chance that your post will be remembered among them (and even more so that they will visit your page) is not so great.

    There is another nuance. People are not stupid and will quickly notice that the popular hashtags of your post have nothing to do with the essence of it. It’s clear, yes: you can cram a dozen topical hashtags into a post, but if you write about how the cat stole your lunch, and use the hashtags #love, #children, #happiness, #autumn2019 and other popular hashtags, get ready for criticism or indifference.

    The last time I saw something like this was with the hashtag #third_ofSeptember. It seems like every second Instagram user put these hashtags, and in posts that were completely unrelated to Shufutinsky’s work and music in general.

    4. Branding. This is a special type of hashtags - personal, or personal. Any brand or user can come up with them. Maybe several - as you wish.

    Here, for example, is a recent post on Instagram by Olga Buzova. There are several hashtags here at once - and mostly they are Olga’s personal ones. They perform two functions: they sort posts on a specific topic (tour 2019, words of gratitude to the team and loved ones) and express the individuality of the star.

    We see here several Olga’s personal hashtags

    5. Demonstration of humor and creativity. Some viral hashtags are, let's say, on the verge of a foul. Take the same #fabulousbali - a hashtag that was born by chance or mistake (well, it seems to me) from an ordinary Instagram user and instantly spread across all social networks.

    The same hashtag

    Whoever tagged it - even famous people grabbed the palm and joyfully played with such a tasty news feed. So they apparently wanted to seem modern, with a sense of humor and keeping up with trends.

    And some online stores jumped in and released T-shirts with the same hashtag.

    What are the hashtags?

    Let's look at a few of the most common types.


    These are the most common hashtags used by residents of all countries of the world. #Love, #beauty, #autumn, #work, #travel - all that makes up our daily life.


    Sometimes a trend sweeps the world, and popular hashtags are created for this trend. As I already mentioned, on September 3 (it’s time to introduce a national holiday, by God!) the Runet was filled with hashtags dedicated to the song of the same name. Well-known companies also did not shy away from trends and put the hashtag #3September under their publications.

    An example of using viral hashtags


    These are words relevant to the topic of the post. For example, a person went for a walk, ordered sushi at his favorite restaurant - he puts the hashtags #walk or #sushi. I took a beautiful photo - use the hashtag #photo, #photographer.

    Sometimes contextual hashtags are abused - they are placed through every word. Bloggers on Instagram are especially guilty of this. Sometimes it looks funny: I #ate #sushi and am very #happy. #love and #goodness to everyone!


    Everything is simple here: if a person is in a certain city (lives there, came on a trip or on an excursion), it is quite acceptable to use location hashtags. For example, #Moscow, #St. Petersburg and even the already textbook #fabulous Bali.

    Geographic hashtags are also actively used by companies operating in a certain location.

    Advertising, professional

    If the previous types are used by all users of social networks, then advertising or professional ones are used by those who want to attract a specific target audience, advertise goods or services. For example, an internet marketer puts hashtags related to his work. This is how he attracts new customers and shows his expertise so that he can teach in the future.

    This post was seen by the professional community. Well, I hope

    Personal or branded

    As already mentioned, companies and individual entrepreneurs often create their own hashtags and actively use them. This is where anyone can see the publications of a person or brand and find them in search.

    How to put hashtags on different social networks


    An example of using a hashtag on Twitter

    Searching for posts using specific hashtags is easy: just type the desired word into the search bar. Next, select the desired category of tweets: “Popular”, “Latest”, “People”, “Photos”, “Videos”.


    This is where there is freedom for hashtags of all stripes! On Instagram, a post without hashtags is rare. This is not surprising: many people like to get lost in the evening, looking at beautiful photos of users, united by one theme. You can find posts using a specific hashtag in the search bar at the top of the page.

    Please - 1797 262 publications!

    The algorithm is simple: if you add hashtags to your post, your post will be shown first in the feed - until someone else posts a post with the same hashtag, and your post will fly down. There are also restrictions here: you can add no more than 30 hashtags to one post. Although this is too much, in my opinion.

    Popular hashtags can be selected using special services (I’ll write about them at the end of the article). And also carefully look at what tags other users put on their posts.

    In contact with

    Searching using hashtags is carried out in the same way: the desired word is entered into the search bar.

    We see all user posts starting from the most recent

    On VKontakte, hashtags are not used as actively as on Instagram and Twitter. Here it is customary to put them at the end of the post. And don’t abuse the quantity, of course - although there are no specific restrictions on the number of hashtags.

    VKontakte has an interesting feature: using hashtags, you can group posts by topic within one community. It looks like this: #reviews@community name. Using these hashtags you can find all reviews on the topic.

    Local hashtag example

    Posts with hashtags can be searched for: for example, in the news. You can select search options: search only in news or comments, select popular posts that have collected a certain number of likes, and so on. You can also search for local hashtags directly on the community wall.


    From my observations, hashtags are used infrequently on Facebook. You can also find the desired entry by searching - in this respect the algorithm is no different from other social networks. The results can be viewed both in a row and in categories: “Publications”, “People”, “Photos”, “Videos”, “Places”, “Groups” and so on.


    The principle of searching using hashtags is the same. You can search for posts on a topic in the categories “People”, “Groups”, “Games”, “Music”, “Video”. But there is a nuance: when you start entering a hashtag, the social network itself gives hints (like T9 on a smartphone). A very convenient feature!


    There is also a limitation here: no more than 15 hashtags per video. Otherwise, everything is the same: videos using hashtags are searched through a search (and the video hosting gives hints), the hashtags themselves are placed in the video description or directly in the title - before the name of the video.

    Search videos using the hashtag #business


    There are no special rules: hashtags are placed in the post description, there are no restrictions on their number. The rest of the rules for writing hashtags are the same as usual.


    “Telegram” is especially worth noting, although it is not exactly a social network - rather a messenger with elements of a social network. But that's not the point. Telegram also uses hashtags to attract attention to your post. They are also used in group chats and personal correspondence.

    A handy feature: when you enter a hashtag into the search bar, the results show not only posts from other channels and users with this hashtag, but also your personal dialogues in which you used this or that hashtag.

    As we already wrote, it’s not enough to add a bunch of popular hashtags to your post. If they do not correspond to the topic of the post, the post is worthless. Don't artificially increase your coverage.

    If you really want to touch the great (sarcasm sign here), touch wisely. Lists of popular hashtags are regularly published on the Internet. And again, I implore you, use it wisely: do not add all the hashtags in a row to any posts. Choose the ones that are most relevant to the topic. For example, for photo landscapes with golden leaves, the hashtags #autumn, #autumn2019, #October, #photo and so on are perfect.

    Here is a good example of relevant hashtags

    I don’t recommend coming up with hashtags yourself: they will only be clear to you and will not bring any coverage (people simply don’t know about these hashtags, so they won’t look for such information). An exception is made only when you come up with personal hashtags for your own convenience: to make it easier to search for your own posts on a topic. I have a personal hashtag on VKontakte #wikimusic, where many posts on the topic are collected. I personally need it: there is no talk of any promotion.

    Not every user will bother typing “multi-letters”. It’s like in a search engine: people don’t type the exact meaning of the word or the name of the company. They write as they please. We recently wrote about how to use these trends in an article about voice search.

    It's the same with hashtags. Let's say you write about website optimization and realize that you should put the hashtag #SEO. But many Russian-speaking users will simply type CEO - and it doesn’t matter that this concept means something completely different (Chief Executive Officer). Therefore, it is better to include such a hashtag in the list too.

    It is believed that the acceptable number of hashtags is no more than 30 percent of the entire post. To bet more is bad manners and something akin to spam. Agree, a “profound” post from one sentence and a whole trail of hashtags behind it look funny. And the queen is naked!

    And again, an analogy with search engine promotion: SEOs do not advise moving to the top for high-frequency (read: popular) queries. This is very difficult: too many of your competitors dream of doing the same.

    But okay: if you really want to, then you can. Place popular hashtags first, and low- and mid-frequency hashtags later. Leave the most focused ones for last. Perhaps it is through them that your post will be found by exactly those for whom it is intended.

    There are special hashtags for getting likes. Seeing them in the feed, other users will like your posts in return for your response. Lists of such tricky hashtags are posted in some databases. Here are some of them: #likes #likes mutually #like nothing like a non-native and so on.

    I don’t recommend using this technique all the time, especially if you need hashtags for business. It looks, well, undignified and cheap. But it will be suitable for promoting your posts at first - why not!

    Services for selecting hashtags

    If you are serious about your content and use hashtags as a promotion tool, we recommend using these services.

    1. is an English-language site, but nothing prevents you from entering a Russian hashtag and looking at the statistics. Shows a list of popular hashtags and at what time certain hashtags are most popular.
    2. Н - shows how popular a particular hashtag is.
    3. 3. is a service exclusively for Instagram. Shows how to use hashtags and geotags, there is a search function by name and hashtags.
    4. 4. - an application for iPhone owners. Shows a selection of hashtags that most closely match the typed word or post.
    5. 5. – database of English and Russian hashtags. Divided into sections: the most popular hashtags, Russian cities, emoji emoticons, special hashtags for likes, receiving comments and subscriptions.


    I hope the article was useful to you. Write in the comments how you use hashtags - we will share your experience!

    On social networks, for the convenience of users, it is customary to attach special tags to posts. With their help, you can quickly find all posts on a specific topic, rather than going through the entire feed, looking through unnecessary material.

    Although hashtags have been used for several years, many people do not know their purpose and do not know how to use them correctly. Therefore, I decided to explain in clear language what a hashtag is, why and what it is needed for.

    What is a hashtag and what is it for?

    Hashtag is a tag that helps tag a specific post with a keyword. With the help of such tags, readers can find all posts about a specific issue.

    Hashtags were first used on Twitter, but very quickly they became popular on other social networks. Now they are actively used everywhere: VK, TW, IG, FB, Google+, Pinterest, etc.

    How to put a hashtag?

    To turn an ordinary word into a hashtag, just add a hash mark without a space in front of it: #word.

    It sounds quite simple - write any word or phrase, put a # in front of it and the hashtag is ready. But in fact there are small nuances that should be taken into account:

    • The second hashtag is added separated by a space: #first #second.
    • You can write a hashtag in any language, but you cannot use only numbers (#777) or add symbols (#hash/tag) and spaces (#two words) to the hashtag.
    • The hashtag cannot be one letter (#ya).
    • If you want to make several words a hashtag, you need to connect them with an underscore (#how_to_make_a hashtag) or write them together (#the world should know what we are), because the hashtag only applies to one word.

    Now you know how to write a hashtag correctly, but there are unspoken rules for using them. Many people mindlessly add a bunch of hash words to their posts, which ruins the overall reputation of hashtags. Therefore, please observe internet etiquette when adding hashtags:

    • The hashtag can be placed anywhere in the post: at the beginning, at the end, inside the text. On Twitter, for example, most often the hashtag is written inside the message so as not to waste extra characters. In other social networks they usually add it at the end of the message.
    • Add hashtags that carry a specific meaning - keywords or phrases that reflect the essence of the message.
    • Do not write long hashtags - maximum 10-15 characters.
      Avoid adding too many hashtags to one post to ensure the post is readable. Twitter recommends using no more than 3 hashtags in one message. A message with a large number of hashtags is perceived by many as spam.
    • There is no need to write the entire post using hashtags: #I'm reading #an article about #hashtags.
    • For Russian-speaking users, use hashtags in Russian: not #seo, but #seo - then your post will be seen by the target audience, not foreigners.
    • Before using a new hashtag, first look at which posts it is most often attached to. After all, there are many identical words that have different meanings.

    Follow these simple rules so as not to look stupid - hashtags were created not to decorate the text with blue links, but for specific purposes. They will be discussed below.

    When a # is added to a word, it automatically becomes a hyperlink. If you click on it, you will be taken to the search and will find all the posts in which this hashtag appears. This convenient tool can be used for various purposes:

    • Quick search by keywords– this is the main purpose of hashtags. By clicking on a word with a hashtag, you go to the search and see a list of all posts that contain this hashtag. This way you can quickly find the information you need on the issue you are interested in.
    • Highlight the main idea of ​​the message– when you use hashtags correctly, users can immediately understand what the message is about.
    • Group information by topic– add certain keywords to the post in the form of a hashtag to divide them by topic: SEO, social networks, articles, information business, etc.
    • Quick search within a group– connected to the previous one, especially if you use hashtags like #Iworkathome_seo. Users can then click on that unique hashtag and find all your posts on that topic.
    • User acquisition– add relevant hashtags to posts so that people find them through search. But don’t cheat and add popular hashtags to posts that don’t make sense – nothing good will come of it.
    • Increases brand awareness– if the hashtag #Iworkfromhome appears frequently in the news feed, sooner or later users will become interested in it and start looking for information about it. And searches will lead to your website or group.

    Now you understand what a hashtag is, why and what it is needed for, how it can be used to promote your website/project or attract new users. Use it wisely and you will see how effective it is.