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  • Which power bank to choose? How to choose a portable battery (PowerBank). Power bank with flashlight and protected case

    Which power bank to choose?  How to choose a portable battery (PowerBank).  Power bank with flashlight and protected case

    This article will tell you which is the best Power Bank to choose for your smartphone.


    This article will tell you about what a Power Bank is, how to choose it, what it is needed for, and how to use it.

    Modern technologies have made great strides forward, but this also affected smartphones, the capabilities of which are very extensive today. But since smartphones perform important functions such as making calls, sending messages, video calling on Skype, and many also use them as a navigation device, the battery capacity is sometimes not enough even for 2-3 hours.

    Therefore, many manufacturers of the same smartphones decided that the idea of ​​​​creating an external battery in the form of an additional charging source is not at all bad, and implementation is also clearly important for many smartphone users.

    What is an external battery or Power Bank?

    An external battery or Power Bank is a portable charger that has 18650 lithium-ion batteries and is also equipped with a special case that houses the batteries. The phone charging outlets are 2 USB connectors, usually on 1A And 2A.

    In more detail, then Power Bank- This is a class of universal mobile chargers. In this case, the versatility is due to the fact that this device is suitable for almost all modern digital and mobile devices that use charging via a USB cable.

    Mobile called because this device is quite capable of charging any mobile or digital device without recharging to the network.

    How to choose a Power Bank?

    First of all, most external batteries differ from each other only in capacity, expressed in milliamp-hours (mAh), which is essentially the most important characteristic of any external battery.

    Therefore, it is the amount of capacity that determines how much the external battery will weigh, as well as what its final dimensions will be.

    In most cases, power banks use lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. Their difference from others is that they have excellent performance characteristics, low self-discharge current, and maximum specific energy intensity.

    Therefore, you should choose a specific model and capacity of an external battery based on the device for which it will be used.

    For example, if you are going to use an external battery to charge your smartphone, then you should pay attention to "power banks" with capacity from 2500 mAh, and if you want to charge your tablet with it, then look at the capacity from 5000 mAh.

    How long will it take to charge a smartphone using a Power Bank?

    Many users use the usual formula, thanks to which they supposedly find out how many full charges of a smartphone an external battery will last. But you should understand that a power bank with a capacity of 9000 mAh will not be able to charge the battery 3000 mAh exactly three times, he can definitely do it twice. Because all batteries have a minimum self-discharge, and therefore, over time, the batteries begin to lose their previous characteristics.

    It is worth remembering that no external battery is capable of delivering 100% of its capacity.

    What details should you pay attention to when purchasing a Power Bank?

    A very important parameter in the characteristics of an external battery is the charging current. A huge number of external batteries are capable of delivering a charging current in the range from 0.5 to 2 A. Therefore, when choosing a power bank, be sure to take this parameter into account.

    External batteries are usually available with two USB connectors, one of which is intended for smartphones, with a charging current of 1 A, and the second for tablets, with a charging current of 2 A. But if you connect to an external battery to simultaneously charge two smartphones, then then the charging current for each connector will be 1 A.

    Pay great attention to how the external battery itself is charged; many Chinese power banks are charged via an outlet, but it will be much more convenient if, instead of a plug, there is a standard microUSB, which is included in the kit for standard charging of a smartphone. It is also recommended to choose an external battery with a high charging current, because as you understand from mathematical calculations, you can determine that if the charging current is 500 mAh, and the battery capacity will be 15000 mAh, then complete Charging will take 30 hours.

    There are external batteries with solar charging panels, which are at the same time very economical and convenient, especially if you travel very often and you cannot charge the external battery via the network.

    This is perhaps the main parameters that need to be taken into account when purchasing an external battery. After all design, style, body, material- these are parameters, the choice of which is already on the buyer’s side, and their role does not at all play on the functionality and capabilities of the external battery, but only differ in their beautiful and attractive appearance.

    Hello friends! Summer is coming! What does this mean? That the time has come to plan a vacation and for many, a vacation is a trip to loved ones or to new places. For some, preparing for such events may feel like moving to another place of residence.

    This is when you want to take everything, everything, everything with you, just to have it. So there you go! In addition to everything that you could prudently provide for yourself, for any lengthy trip, one gizmo can be very useful. It is called “Power bank” or, in our words, “External battery”.

    Quick navigation through the article

    What is PowerBank for?

    The name itself suggests that this is some kind of bank, battery, but what? No, no, we’re not talking about your money, we’re talking about an energy bank, something that will charge your phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop, navigator, camera, etc. It will charge where there is no electrical outlet. I think it’s clear why this device is needed, because you don’t really want to queue at the power socket on the train to recharge your gadget.

    And what a shame it is not to capture amazing shots while traveling, just because the battery in a smartphone simultaneously performs the functions of a camera, video camera, movie theater, navigator, music center, and... and even the phone - it suddenly ran out of charge at the most inopportune moment.

    You never know the situations when this “Power bank” thing can come in very handy. The principle of its operation is as follows: at home before a trip, you charge an external battery from the network, it accumulates energy in a volume several times greater than in your smartphone or other device (And this value must be taken into account when choosing a battery) and then, as needed, an external battery gives the accumulated energy to the “Patient”. As soon as the opportunity arises, we replenish the “Donor”.

    What are the options?

    However, there are also options that are more independent of the outlet - for example, an external battery with a solar panel. This is simply an excellent solution, especially since now, compared to the times around the beginning of the 2000s, solar panels have become very efficient.

    A modern solar panel can recharge even at low lighting levels, in room light, of course not as well as in bright sun, but still. This “Solar” Power Bank will charge itself from bright light. Agree, this is very convenient, you can immediately imagine such a picture. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓

    (Addition) After writing this article, I bought myself exactly the same external battery as on the backpack and compared what the sites on which they sell them promise with what the real battery produces.

    On websites, output parameters are often indicated as two outputs of two amperes. (For this model can)

    In fact, one output is capable of delivering more than one amp, while the other is only capable of delivering half an amp. But this is quite enough, and otherwise everything is absolutely exactly as described - a great thing!

    I made conclusions about some discrepancy by measuring the parameters on my copy and posted a video about it.

    In addition to the Power Bank with a solar battery, of course, there are more exotic options, but they are not as effective. Remember there used to be such flashlights, they were called “Bug” buzzed…. I got electricity, so I can charge my phone with a buzz too. But what a horror it is!!! How much do you need to buzz? Therefore, in this review I will bypass the buzzing side.

    So, if you have not yet burdened yourself with buying an external battery, but have already realized how necessary it can be when away from an outlet and have decided to definitely purchase it for future travels, then the following description may be useful for you.

    Power bank. External battery for smartphone, tablet, laptop. How to choose the right one

    A small difficulty is that you should not approach the purchase of this device according to the principle “Oh, how cute and small it is! Wow, there’s so much in it.” If you really count on results and efficient operation, then when purchasing this device, follow the simple recommendations described below and do not buy into the small size of the device, a little larger than a lipstick, and at the same time with a specified capacity of 6000 mAh.

    By the way, in Chinese online stores, such external batteries are sold for very inexpensively, but pay attention, they are often only a case with electronic filling.
    But the battery itself needs to be purchased and installed independently, usually these are batteries from the 18650 series, and often the capacity indicated on the battery is far from true. It will do for a phone, but for more serious things..... So be careful!

    What you need to know to optimally choose the right external battery

    You need to find out several parameters of your devices for which you are purchasing a Power Bank. Because it's important:

    • So that the capacity of the External battery is several times greater than the capacity of the Internal battery installed in the device that we will charge.
    • The external battery must be capable of delivering the charging current required for the device being charged.
    • It is necessary to provide the necessary connecting wires or adapters.

    Well, now in more detail on these points.

    Questions regarding capacity - on average, the battery capacity in smartphones is approximately 2500 mAh. THOSE. For phones and smartphones, the normal backup battery capacity is 5000 mAh. If it’s just for a phone, then maybe less. But for a tablet, it is better to take an external battery with a larger capacity, since their batteries average 4000 mAh and above. This means that you need 8000 mAh and higher in reserve. (If you want to know exactly the battery capacity of your device, take a look at the instructions, section technical specifications.)

    Of course, this does not mean that if you purchased an external battery with a large reserve of capacity, then it will not be suitable for a simple mobile phone, it will be very suitable; the greater the reserve of capacity, the more autonomous charge cycles. It’s just that if you don’t plan to charge powerful devices, then do you need to overpay for a larger capacity and carry a less compact and less lightweight device with you? However, the choice here is yours.

    Another important parameter is the charging current. What can an external battery produce? And what charging current is needed for the device being charged? You also need to pay attention to this. The current is measured in A (amps) but can also be written in mA (milliamps) 1 A = 1000 mA. (Your captain is obvious) Typically, a smartphone consumes a current of 1 A, but a tablet can already request 2 A.

    Therefore, pay attention to the characteristics of the purchased “External Battery”, whether it is capable of having at its output the current required for your devices.

    Most often, the output current is indicated next to the connection connector or where the technical specifications are described. And most often the device will have not one output, but several, for example one for 1 A, and the other for 2 A

    Moreover, the rule also applies to current - You can charge even “small” ones with a high current. Each device will take as much as it needs, but charge “big” ones with a low current…. This is also possible, but this will be a long and ineffective process and most likely you will not achieve a full charge. Yes, and the “donor” will work with overload, which is a minus.

    Well, finally, you need to take care of the connector, fortunately, in the latest models the MicroUsb standard has been adopted as a rule, well, if you don’t take into account “Apple” products, they have their own song. Often, an external battery may come with a set of adapters for different devices. But you can also use the standard cord from your gadget, if it and the power adapter are not integral, but are made separately. A la "USB"<—>“Your device”, thanks to the manufacturers, they are doing just that now.

    In general, no matter what you use a Power Bank for, pay attention to the charging current, battery capacity, and connectivity. For devices that are not phones, smartphones, tablets, also look at the voltage, not all of them are powered by 5 volts, there are exceptions.

    External battery for laptop

    If we are talking about an external battery for a laptop, then in addition to a high capacity (at least 20,000 mA, and preferably more), it must provide a voltage suitable for your laptop, since some of them are powered by a voltage of 19 V, others 16 V, and others by some other voltage. no matter what.

    Well, again, so that you have the necessary connector suitable for your laptop for connection. I saw offers online that stated that the external battery they sold also charges laptops, but when checked, it turned out that its output voltage was only 5 Volts. So don’t fall for this trick, unless your laptop is powered by exactly this voltage, but I personally don’t know any, usually from 15 to 20 Volts.

    When choosing an external battery for a laptop, make sure that it fully matches your laptop model in terms of voltage, current and the presence of the required connector. These characteristics of your laptop can be found either on the bottom of the case or on the standard power supply.
    If the selected charger is capable of delivering more current than required, then this is even good, it will not damage the device being charged, but it will not work at the power limit either. And this is a plus.

    And of course I will be glad to see your comments and additions on this topic! Write in the comments and share with friends if you think this note is necessary.

    Power bank (power bank among the people) is an external battery for a phone or tablet, for anything that needs to be recharged when there is no charger and 220V outlet at hand.


    Agree, this is a useful thing, for example, on the road, modern smartphones discharge quickly, and there is often simply nowhere to recharge them. How to choose a power bank so that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly later?

    How to make a Power Bank yourself?

    It’s interesting that a few years ago there were no such devices at all, and Aliexpress was only in the project. But even then I made my own power bank from old laptop batteries:

    It's primitive, of course, without any electronics, but it did its job. Now times have changed and for a few dollars you can buy power bank box , which will charge the batteries to the desired state and show you that charging is complete.

    The beauty is that the choice of such devices is now very large, so large that it is sometimes very difficult to choose. If you are on aliexpress write in the search Power bank, then you will get 29,000 results!

    And how to choose an external battery for a phone or other similar device among so many offers?

    Which external battery is better?

    I will not describe any specific models (except those that I bought myself), I will just tell you how to choose such external power supplies. What are they?

    Already with batteries or just an empty box? When choosing, read carefully: is the device being sold COMPLETELY equipped (with batteries) or just an empty box for them?

    Some were very disappointed when they bought a portable battery for their phone at a CHEAP, only to find out that it was just an empty blank and now they still had to buy batteries!

    If you ALREADY have batteries at home, then it’s better to just buy a box, as it will cost you MUCH cheaper!

    If you don’t have any at home, then buy a portable charger ALREADY equipped with “batteries”.

    What batteries is POWER BANK compatible with: 1.2V or 3.7V? Yes, before choosing a power bank, CAREFULLY read what batteries are used in it. Sellers warn IN ADVANCE which batteries are suitable and which are not:

    What type of batteries do you prefer?

    TYPE AA at 1.2V - these are very common batteries, or “finger-type” batteries, as they are commonly called, but scientifically the type is “AA”.

    Pros of AA batteries:

    1. Availability. You can buy it at every step.
    2. Replaceability. If the batteries suddenly run out, you can insert ordinary 1.5V AA batteries into the power bank.

    Disadvantages of AA batteries:

    1. Memory effect. It is advisable to always completely discharge such batteries and then fully charge them. It is not recommended to recharge, as the batteries may lose a lot of capacity.
    2. Capacity. The capacity of these batteries is not great, so if you buy a power bank with just one element, it won’t last long.

    I won’t write about the price, since it is high for all high-quality batteries. What can be said about the second type of battery?

    TYPE 18650 at 3.7V — you can’t just buy this battery, you won’t find it in a store in your city (maybe only in Moscow?), but it’s EASY to get... from an old laptop battery, there are already several of them!

    Pros of 18650 batteries:

    1. No memory effect, since they are lithium-ion, like those on your phone, smartphone or tablet.
    2. Large capacity. Due to their large size and other technologies, these batteries have a good capacity, so even one cell is enough to charge your phone more than once. The cheapest 18650 battery will have the same capacity as the most expensive NiCad or Metal Hydride AA battery.

    Cons of 18650 batteries:

    1. Rarity. You won’t be able to buy them in a store, and if you don’t have a broken laptop, then all you have to do is order on Aliexpress, there are a lot of them - 18650 BATTERIES .

    So which power bank to choose on Aliexpress?

    First, you can watch a video that talks about some models from Aliexpress:


    As you understand, it all depends on various factors and now you need to understand what is right for YOU, what you already have and how you will use it. Let me give you my example.

    Initial data: I have a bunch of 18650 cells from an old laptop and they're just sitting around, unused. From my practice, I noticed that even if the battery on a laptop no longer holds a charge, this does not mean that all its elements are faulty.

    Most often, it happens that only one or a couple of outermost ones lose capacity, while the rest are still very functional. We disassemble the battery into parts, disconnect all the elements, and begin charging one by one.

    sDon’t let it scare you that he hasn’t worked for a long time and has completely sat down. Look, I plugged a completely dead battery into my new power box and measured the voltage (it’s also from Aliexpress):

    The voltage was below nominal, I didn’t start taking pictures right away, it was even less. Literally a few minutes passed and the battery began to gain capacity, the voltage began to increase and reached the working level:

    Which power bank box did I choose? I bought the simplest one, this option for only $2.

    The simplest device, plastic case, one cell, when charging the light blinks, when the battery is charged it stops blinking and no more current flows to the battery, so no recharging will occur. What else is needed for happiness?

    The battery fit like original, charged for several hours and now I have a working power bank for only $2. But I didn’t stop there and ordered myself another Power Bank Box, but for 2 elements for only $3.5

    It has an aluminum body, a discharge (or charge?) indicator, and a power button - it looks decent. I haven’t received it yet, but when it arrives, I’ll definitely add my feelings in the comments. This one can already be taken on a long journey.

    I also ordered this one for myself USB TESTER , with the help of which you can find out what REAL capacity each individual battery has in order to weed out the dead ones.

    To sum it up, we can say this: Which power bank is better to buy is up to you to decide, just buy the one that really suits you and that won’t cost you that much. If you have a lot of money and need a POWERFUL power bank, then buy this one for 13600 mA/hour -

    Smartphones and tablets, being devices with limited dimensions and unlimited functionality, are not equipped with large batteries. Therefore, external batteries have become very popular these days. Power bank is an energy storage device in English. The simple word powerbank or powerbank has become entrenched in the Russian language.

    What is PowerBank?

    A power bank is a mobile charger equipped with a USB output that provides versatility of use. A USB adapter suitable for your device model is enough to use the drive. A valuable feature of a power bank is its mobility - it holds a charge for a long time so that you can “refuel” a smartphone or tablet without access to the electrical network.

    Structurally, an external storage device is a unit with several batteries combined in a circuit and outputs for transferring charge. The device charges from the mains and releases charge via USB.

    Li-Ion or Li-Polymer?

    External batteries are equipped with two types of storage elements:

    Cylindrical 18650 lithium-ion batteries are the most commonly used. Their output voltage is 3.6-3.7 V. Most often, their declared capacity is 2500 mAh, and the estimated number of charge-discharge cycles is from 500 to 1000. One such battery weighs approximately 45 grams. The advantages of these batteries: low self-discharge, light weight, lack of “memory effect” and energy density. The main disadvantage is breakdown when overcharging or strong heating (but this is eliminated by thickening the positive contact).

    Lithium polymer batteries are more technologically advanced. The electrolyte in them is a polymer containing a lithium-conducting filler with a gel consistency. Batteries look like thin packages in the form of plates (usually rectangular with a thickness of ~1mm). Lithium polymer batteries are characterized by low weight, high energy density and the absence of memory effect. Among the disadvantages is the need to install a control board and a protective circuit against overheating. Because of this, such a power bank is expensive.

    Characteristics of power banks

    Number of USB ports. It is desirable that there are two of them - 1A and 2A, respectively. This is due to the fact that smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices differ in input current parameters. The larger number of ports are combinations of 1A and 2A, used to charge multiple devices simultaneously.

    Voltage compatibility. Most devices require 5V DC.
    Dimensions. Pay attention to them if you require special mobility from your drive. For example, a phone bank should be flat and easily fit into a pocket. If the battery is purchased to power a camera or netbook, size will have to be neglected in favor of performance and capacity.

    Method of nutrition. Most devices are available with a USB port, through which they can be charged both from computers and from electrical sources (via an adapter). There are autonomous models that collect energy through solar panels or a dynamo. The latter, of course, will not allow you to fully charge the phone, but it’s quite possible to “wind up” one or two important calls. The efficiency of solar panels is also questioned, since it is difficult to place panels on a power bank of sufficient area to accumulate the necessary energy.

    Case, design and material. Here everything directly depends on personal preferences. Try to select a model that matches the operating mode. For example, if you climb mountains in search of impressive photo angles, you need a sturdy model with a metal casing.

    Important information! Current requirements are not critical. If you charge your smartphone through a 2A port, it will charge faster and most likely there will be no problems. However, a laptop, camera or powerful tablet from a 1A port will either take too long to charge or will not charge at all.

    The Truth About Power Bank Capacity

    The market is overflowing with offers for the purchase of lithium-ion power banks, and all manufacturers are announcing high figures that are attractive to buyers. However, many are disappointed in their purchases, realizing that the actual capacity of the device turned out to be less. In order not to stumble upon such deception, you should follow one simple rule - a capacious storage device must be heavy. Despite the rapid development of technology, humanity has not yet invented a way to create small batteries with a large capacity.

    For example, a power bank with 50,000 mAh Li-Ion batteries that weighs 300-400 grams is an obvious scam. The battery pack alone is physically unable to weigh less than 800-900 grams. The device also has a built-in housing, wiring, and processor.

    Important! To avoid fraud, when purchasing a lithium-ion power bank, you should rely on the following ratio: 5000 mAh capacity is ~100 grams of weight.

    It is worth noting right away that such an assessment may turn out to be false if the manufacturer tries to hide the deception. For example, put a small element and fill the missing weight with sand. Don’t be scared - this only happens to unscrupulous and little-known manufacturers from China. It’s easy to avoid them - ask sellers about the authority of a particular brand and “honest” capacity.

    It is also worth remembering that the efficiency of most banks is not 100%. That is, a full 15,000 mAh power bank will not be able to fully charge a 5,000 mAh phone battery three times. Firstly, this is due to self-discharge. Secondly, the efficiency decreases in the process of converting the output voltage from 3.7V to 5V.

    Selection rules

    The storage capacity must be greater than that of the battery of the device being charged. For example, for a phone with 4000 mAh, a power bank with 5000 mAh is desirable so that it can be recharged to full capacity.
    The current strength affects the charging speed. For phones and smartphones, 1-2A is preferable, and for tablets – up to 4A.

    Self-discharge cannot be avoided. On average, the power bank is discharged by 5% in two weeks. If you have not used the device for a long time, charge it before use to resume electrolytic reactions.

    Loss of capacity is natural. Even reliable batteries from reputable manufacturers lose 15-20% of their actual capacity during intensive annual use. And cheap devices from little-known brands – up to 35-40%.

    Today in stores you can easily find mobile devices with a fairly large capacity of their own battery, but still many people think about the need to buy a Power Bank for their smartphone. Modern gadgets, in terms of battery life, have stepped far ahead from their first touch-screen counterparts. Almost all of them can work in active operating mode during daylight or working hours, but for many users this is clearly not enough.

    A long trip in transport or outdoor recreation can lead to a complete discharge of the battery without the ability to replenish its charge. How to deal with such a situation?

    Of course, you can try going into austerity mode using various settings. Refusal of bright backlight, limiting the operation of the processor and the Internet will extend the battery life of the smartphone by several hours, but this is very limiting for the user. For the same purpose, you can try to buy an additional standard battery. But charging it will be extremely inconvenient, since you will have to remove the cover and disconnect the current battery, which will lead to resetting many settings. For owners of non-separable smartphones, this option will not help at all.

    Fortunately, the need to significantly increase the battery life of phones could not go unnoticed by electronics manufacturers. Today they have filled the market with devices such as an external battery or Power Bank. Users immediately liked this solution because... power supplies are compact, versatile, affordable and have decent capacity. In this article we will look at all the nuances that you need to get acquainted with in order to understand which power bank to choose for your smartphone.

    Video review:

    Concept and design of Power Bank

    A modern Power Bank is a universal external battery consisting of a battery pack combined into one housing.

    Devices can additionally be equipped with specific interfaces, charge/discharge indicators and other capabilities. The number of batteries, their quality and capacity determine the main differences between power banks, which come in a very wide variety. We must not forget that power banks for smartphones come in a variety of external designs, with regard to case materials and design.

    Which container is right for me?

    To answer this question, you must first become familiar with its technical side. Inside the case, a Power Bank usually hides several lithium polymer (Li-Pol) or lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, the capacity of which is measured in milliamp-hours (mAh). The production technology of such batteries ensures a low level of self-discharge, a long service life and excellent specific energy intensity. You need to understand that as the total capacity of the external battery increases, its dimensions and weight will inevitably increase.

    To decide on a specific power bank model, you need to focus on the capacity of the smartphone’s “native” battery. You can obtain such information from the instructions for the device, the manufacturer’s official website, or directly from the markings on the battery. For example, if a smartphone battery is marked 2500 mAh, then the Power Bank must have a capacity of at least 3000 mAh.

    How many charges should you expect?

    When choosing a power bank for a smartphone, you should not divide the capacity of the external battery by the same indicator as the standard one. Many people mistakenly do just this to determine the capabilities of a power bank, but for such buyers, physics has bad news in store.

    We will not go into scientific details, you just need to accept the fact that a 9000 mAh Power Bank will not be able to fully charge a smartphone battery 2 times if its capacity is 4500 mAh. With this ratio, a good result will be the ability to autonomously obtain 150-170% charge of the standard battery.

    Why is this happening? Any battery undergoes a gradual process of self-discharge. Over time, the actual battery capacity also decreases. All standard batteries in power banks produce a voltage of 3.7V, and the USB interface operates with a voltage of 5V.

    To increase the voltage in the design of power banks, a special board is used, but its efficiency, although close, is not 100%. The smartphone itself also contains technical issues that are responsible for charge leakage. The combination of these factors explains that even the highest quality Power Bank has losses of 20-30% of the nominal value indicated on its label.

    In search of the ideal

    Some people may think that the larger the capacity of a power bank, the better it is. In practice this is not the case. But how to choose an external battery for your smartphone?

    As in any other matter, when choosing a Power Bank you need to focus on your own needs. Of course, the impressive capacity will help charge the device of the owner and his friends several times. But owners of such an external battery will have to come to terms with the fact that they will need to carry a device with them that will not fit in a regular pocket.

    On the other hand, fully charging a smartphone is not always required, because... There may simply not be enough time for this. In such a situation, the best assistant would be a small and lightweight power bank, made, for example, in the form of a keychain. Such a compact battery is quite capable of supporting the phone’s battery until the moment when it can be charged from a stationary source.
    The weight and dimensions of the little assistant are almost invisible, unlike power banks with a capacity of more than 10,000 mAh.

    An interesting solution might be an external battery for smartphones, a Power Bank, made in the form of a phone case. This cannot be said to be a universal option, because... The case must match the dimensions of the case of the specific device. But on the other hand, the decision to buy an external battery for a smartphone of this type allows you to simultaneously acquire device protection and additional energy reserves. In addition, you definitely won’t forget such a power bank at home or at work, but you will have to come to terms with the increased dimensions of the case.

    What else should you not forget?

    Important factors influencing the choice of an external battery for a mobile device can be grouped as follows:

    • charging current;
    • connection interfaces;
    • features of power bank charging;
    • charge indication.

    Charging current is one of the most important technical characteristics of a power bank. Most devices on the market are capable of providing current in the range of 0.5-2 A. To make the right choice, you need to focus on the current consumed by the smartphone. This information can be found in the phone's instructions or on the labeling of the “native” charger for it. If this figure is 1 A, then you need to buy a Power Bank that delivers a similar or greater current. Buying a battery with a lower current output is not a critical mistake, but in this case the smartphone will charge much longer.

    If you decide to buy a high-capacity power bank, then you should give preference to models that have two or more output connectors. The charge current for these interfaces may be different, for example, the first connector will be marked “1A”, and the second “2A”. This does not mean that in total the external battery will be able to provide an output current of 3A. Thus, the manufacturer invites the owner to use the most suitable connector for a particular device.

    If you simultaneously connect several devices to such a power bank, then at each output the device will receive half the maximum output current. In any case, a high-capacity Power Bank with two charging outlets is better than an analogue with one connector.

    The vast majority of modern mobile devices use the microUSB interface for charging. The corresponding cable is not always included with the battery, and if it is, it is often very short, which must be taken into account when purchasing. If you need to charge old devices, for example, a Nokia phone, then you should look for power banks that include a set of adapters for once popular electronics with proprietary charging connectors.

    It is also important how the external battery for the smartphone itself will replenish the charge. It is better to refuse batteries that use their own types of connectors, and prefer products with the common microUSB. This will allow you to charge an autonomous power source from almost any smartphone or computer charger.

    To buy an external battery for a smartphone and not regret it, you need to pay attention to the battery charging current. The rule here is: the more, the better. The charging current of the power bank itself may be a critical characteristic for its normal use. For example, a capacious 20,000 mAh Power Bank with a charging current of 500 mAh will replenish its charge within 40 hours, which the future owner will definitely not like.

    External batteries with built-in solar panels are actively promoting on the market. This additional element should be perceived more as a marketing ploy. In practice, a solar cell on a clear day can only compensate for the natural self-discharge of the battery. Therefore, you should not overpay for a solar panel, but it is better to pay more attention to the method of indicating the charge.

    Advanced devices can show the remaining charge on a special display, but an LED indication will be sufficient. The latter option, although not as accurate, is more reliable and energy efficient.

    Conclusion: ready to buy

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