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  • Instagram followers who unfollowed. How to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal subscribers? Ways to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

    Instagram followers who unfollowed.  How to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal subscribers?  Ways to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

    Every time someone follows your Instagram page, you get a notification through the app itself. It appears in the notification panel and is accompanied by a signal, so you won't be able to miss it.

    But Instagram applications do not have a reverse function. Neither official nor unofficial. Why is that? Apparently, social network developers are determined to remain positive. In other social networks, there are also no notifications about unsubscribes and there is no, for example, a Dislike button (aka “Dislike”) with a thumbs down.

    But is there any way to see who unfollowed on Instagram? Through the standard application - no way. But in general there are ways.

    How to see “unfollowers” ​​via the Internet

    To monitor your list of subscribers, you can use special web services.

    Probably the most famous is If you are more comfortable working with a computer, then simply access this site through a browser. Before you can see who unfollowed on Instagram, you need to log in by entering your username and password. The service has been operating for quite some time and has not yet been noticed in data leaks.

    Unfollowers also works with Twitter accounts. If you use both Instagram and Twitter, then it will be even more convenient for you to track your audience on both services using one tool.

    There are other similar sites - Unfollowgram, and so on. They all work on the same principle, so there is not much difference between them.

    Special applications for tracking subscribers

    If you don't want to trust web services and prefer standalone applications, then we have good news for you. Android users can install a special Crowd fire for Instagram application on their smartphones and tablets, which will track the status of your account. Periodically, it will report to you about “incorrect” subscribers who have stopped reading you. And also about new subscriptions, in a more convenient form than the original application.

    The most famous iOS app is Followers. Despite the name, it shows data about both subscribers and unsubscribers.

    The aforementioned also has its own application. It not only shows unfollowers, but also offers detailed statistics about your account, allows you to correspond with other users, and can even force you to unfollow a user.

    Finding out who unfollowed your Instagram account will always be useful. Especially if you are promoting a profile and are a blogger or businessman. This will help you understand which audience does not like your content. You will be able to improve your profile based on the knowledge you gain.

    Instagram developers have not implemented a function to recognize unfollowers. On VKontakte, for example, you can track such people using the “Friends” section. You remain following the person while he has removed you from his list. But you can’t do that on Instagram. What to do?

    Try using a third-party application. There are a lot of programs, and they all work well to one degree or another. They function as follows: they upload a list of your followers into a special database. After a while, the person who owns the account makes a request to the program, and it, in turn, checks the real subscribers with the list that was in the database.

    Live followers on Instagram, which our service – Global SMM can get for a reasonable price, will help you develop your Instagram account so that more people follow instead of unsubscribe.

    List of applications: Simple interface, easy control;; You will be able to view those accounts that you are following, but they are not following you;

    FollowMe. Wide functionality: new followers; unsubscribed users; users who are not subscribed to you, but you are subscribed to them; users who blocked you;

    Followers. There are paid services.

    When installing the application, you must enter your Instagram profile information.


    Wordpress sites support a plugin called Instagram Followers Tracker. Works the same as the above applications.

    If you are interested in successfully promoting your account, be sure to periodically monitor the list of those who have unfollowed you. Of course, you need to use the information received wisely. Finding out those who have unfollowed is only the first step to building a promotion plan, because proper Instagram promotion is a whole complex of activities. Do not under any circumstances blame those who decide to leave your account. They did it for a reason, and you have to think about how to eradicate that reason. Good luck!

    Many users today are wondering how to promote their Instagram account and do it better than others who have looked at my Instagram profile. The key to success is high-quality content, as well as competent analytics and constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the steps taken.

    But using web versions of popular services is not always possible or convenient. An alternative would be special mobile applications for Instagram analytics. With their help, we can receive a large amount of useful information and data that will always be “at hand” in your smartphone. Just a couple of clicks - and you can already see who unfollowed your account on Instagram, the best time to post, the dynamics of the number of subscribers and much more. Convenient, isn't it?

    We tested for you the “helpers” presented on Google Play and compiled our TOP 5 applications for obtaining Instagram statistics.

    1. Instagram Statistics is one of the best applications on Google Play, which provides ample opportunities for checking and monitoring your Instagram account. Do you need the most complete information about your subscribers? You're unlikely to find a better one. The application is practically on par with existing web services and has a free trial period.

    What will you get?

    Information about the number of subscribed and unsubscribed users.
    Analyze how effectively you are working with your profile. Monitor the dynamics and its dependence on the published content, what brings you an increase in the number of subscriptions, and what brings you a decrease and unsubscriptions.

    The ability to see everyone who has unfollowed you and also unfollow them directly through the application.
    A very convenient function, thanks to which you can easily unsubscribe from non-reciprocal subscribers. This function is clearly lacking in web services, but today it is wonderfully implemented in this application.

    Average age of subscribers.

    It is important to know your subscribers and build a content plan based on their interests and age. After conducting an analysis and receiving the necessary information, you can adjust your plans and become closer to your target audience.

    Percentage of bots on the account.

    Want to know the number of bots? Nothing could be simpler. Receive not only a percentage of such accounts, but also the opportunity to immediately unfollow them. This is just a godsend for any Instagram user who is engaged in promotion.

    The best time to publish posts.

    Information about both the day and the specific time of maximum user involvement will help collect likes.

    These and other metrics are available in the full Pro version of the app with a paid subscription, but it's worth it. And let us remind you that a free trial period is available, so we recommend that you get to know the application personally.
    Download the application from the link.

    2.InFigures. Guests and subscribers for Instagram. The second application in our rating reveals the account from a slightly different side. This is a powerful tool for getting detailed information about the engagement of specific users. Among the most “delicious” we should highlight:

    Ability to see who visited your page, so-called Instagram stalkers, and directly through the application subscribe or unsubscribe from them.

    Notification about users who have unsubscribed or blocked you.

    React instantly to subscriber changes. Once you receive a notification about an unfollowed user, you can go to the app and unfollow him as well.

    Notifications about new visitors.

    Receive real-time notifications about users who have visited your page.

    Detailed engagement data.

    See which users most often leave likes and comments on your posts, and who are not active.

    All features are available in the full version of the app, which starts at $0.99 per week and goes down if you choose a monthly or annual plan.
    Download the application by link.

    3. Instagram statistics: my subscriptions and subscribers. The application partially includes the functions of the previous two. You can choose it as a replacement or alternative, but let’s say right away that the functionality here is still not the same as its predecessors. Among the interesting things we highlight the following:

    User reachability check.
    What percentage of users regularly see the content you publish in their feed, and who barely notices it? You receive not only a percentage, but also a list of such accounts.

    Determining the best time to post.

    The application will show you statistics on the best time to publish posts. The best day for activity and specific hours, as well as the time of greatest engagement and the period during which publications gain the maximum number of interactions.

    Analysis of audience interests.

    How well do you know your audience? Analyze your audience's most popular and frequently used hashtags, which will ultimately help you create and publish more interesting content.

    Download the application from the link.

    4. PostMize: Who stalks my profile for Instagram. The application provides a basic set of account data and has more modest functionality compared to our first three. Among the main points are:

    Audience activity.
    Detailed information about audience activity for each day of the week.

    Most popular posts.

    Time to publish content.

    PostMize, like other applications in our rating, has a function for viewing the best time for publications.
    Download the application from the link.

    5. Visitors: Who viewed my Instagram Profile. The application is primarily aimed at obtaining information about the guests of your page. We didn’t notice any “tricks” other than standard functions:

    Subscriptions and unsubscribes directly in the application.
    The same functionality as the leaders of our rating. Without leaving the application, you will find out who has subscribed to Instagram and also unsubscribed from your account.

    View users who visited your page or blocked it.

    A list of those who have unfollowed you with the ability to unfollow them through the application.

    You can easily track who unfollowed your Instagram profile and do the same without leaving Visitors.

    We did not encounter any problems during the application test, but the rating in Google Play and the lack of updates over the past two months are the reason why we place Visitors in last, fifth place.
    Download the application from the link.


    There really is a lot to choose from among mobile applications. Some provide a basic set of functions, others provide advanced capabilities for complete analytics of Instagram accounts. But in any case, everyone will find a suitable option for themselves.

    We wish you good luck!

    Social networks have long become our second home; they store photo albums, favorite music and contacts of all friends; moreover, there we can find new and interesting people who can change our lives. For some, large resources like Instagram even become work. But, plunging into a new environment for us, we often encounter questions and problems to which we do not yet know the answer.

    Especially if we put all our chips on the same Instagram and hope that they will pay off. So, a common problem is keeping statistics on unsubscribes in order to see who\why\when decided to leave your content. Let's figure out how you can find out about unsubscribes, and what methods exist for this.

    There are many ways to find out about Instagram, but they are all divided into effective and ineffective. So, you can simply remember each of your subscribers and remember how many of them you have in total, so that when the audience decreases, you can simply check the list and find out who it was.

    Yes, this method is applicable when your profile is viewed by 100-200, or maybe 1000 people, but when the count reaches tens of thousands, the technique loses its relevance completely.

    There are several reasons for this, and let’s look into them to understand what kind of solution we expect from services:

    1. High flow of subscribers. This method is based on the idea that you remember exactly who subscribed to you. However, statistics is a thankless science, and the less accurate it is, the larger the numbers appear in it, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. When you have a popular and viewed profile, a hundred people will come to your account every day, 50 of them. It’s easy to keep a hundred people in your head, but tens of thousands are already difficult to fit into it, and why do you need unnecessary difficulties?
    2. Balance. As already mentioned, thousands of people subscribe to popular profiles every day and, oddly enough, the same number or slightly less unsubscribe if the account is maintained incorrectly. Accordingly, 50 people came to you, 49 left. With a superficial glance at the numbers, you will be delighted with the new subscriber, and you won’t even figure out who it is. This puts rose-colored glasses on your audience retention statistics and prevents you from growing. Accordingly, we need a service that will accurately display the number of arriving and departing users per unit of time.
    3. Inability to maintain statistics. With the method described above, you will either have to manually enter all the values ​​into the calculator and calculate the percentages, or even write them down in a notepad and somehow manipulate them at the end of the month. Yes, that’s not good. We need the ability to build visual charts, without direct user participation, and show extremely accurate data on all areas of the profile. The first point is important because a person perceives and assimilates visual information many times faster than raw numbers.

    Although analyzing the disadvantages of such a stupid method of maintaining statistics looks useless, although many beginners still use this method, it is necessary, first of all, so that you understand what functionality you need. Of course, as the audience and the blogger develop, accordingly, new requirements will appear, it will be necessary to obtain more information or even compile a database of your fans.

    And here we get the last important parameter of a good application for tracking unfollows on Insta - scalability and growth orientation.

    Online services for tracking unsubscribers

    When you mention applications that allow you, web services immediately come to mind, because they are extremely convenient and do not require constant connection to a phone or, conversely, a computer. But still, they are often focused on the desktop version of Instagram.

    They have one drawback - curvature, because, unlike a full-fledged Java application for mobile devices, every novice programmer with a basic set of skills can write a web application. From this we get the main disadvantages - constant bugs, incorrect calculation of statistics and the banal lack of a proxy, which can cause temporary account blocking.

    For those who are not involved in programming, all these words sound abstract and incomprehensible, but they are only necessary so that you carefully select solutions on the network, based on their popular shortcomings.

    And this is a more serious and professional approach. Yes, often such software has a conditional “Premium”, without which most of the functions will not be available to you. But let's remember the necessary scalability that was mentioned earlier.

    Without investments, the programs will still give you basic statistics, which is enough for a beginner, but in case of rapid growth, you just need to spend a little money and you will have richer functionality at your disposal.

    Well, as mentioned earlier, such programs are usually written and work head and shoulders above their web prototypes. You need to install them on your smartphone, which is also extremely convenient.

    How to watch from a computer

    In addition to the above-described method of viewing unfollows, which is extremely convenient for the web version of Instagram, it is worth mentioning one popular online service that is beautiful in its minimalism - Unfollowgram.

    If you don't need those colorful graphs and statistics that we mentioned above, then this is definitely your choice. Displaying the number of unsubscribers and links to their profiles - what else could you need?

    But moving on to more serious artillery, it is impossible not to mention StatusBrew - the most popular software for iOS and Android. It is its multi-platform nature that is one of the main advantages, but it also contains everything that we described in the list of important components of a proper application.

    So, you can view colorful statistics, you have the opportunity to pay extra and get more functionality, and you can also set a reporting period for which information will be collected.

    How to remove a subscriber

    But the opposite situation also happens, when, on the contrary, you want something, for various reasons. The only way out here is to ban him from accessing his profile. The service does not provide other methods of forced unsubscription. And why? What if the ill-fated user wants to follow you again?

    On one of the most popular social networks Instagram, which is designed for viewing photos, you can subscribe to users and leave comments under their photos. But sometimes it happens that the number of subscribers begins to decrease.

    In the Instagram application itself, you cannot see a list of users who have left you, but you can still find out who unfollowed your account. We will talk about these methods in this article.

    To track unfollowers on Instagram, you can use more than just a mobile phone. If you have a computer at hand, you can use it to access special services that provide this data online and see who has unsubscribed.

    Tracking unfollowers through the Unfollowers website

    When you enter this site, you first need to log into your account. To do this, click the “Log in with Instagram” button, after you are on the login page, log in using your username and password. Now you can find those who have unsubscribed from your blog.

    Unsubscribe tracking steps :

    1. The service will require you to enter your email address. You can ignore this requirement if you do not want to receive newsletters from this site.
    2. If you want to immediately start viewing unfollowers, click the NewUnfollowers button.
    3. A list of followers who have unsubscribed from your channel will appear.
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    Finding unfollowers through the Unfollowgram service

    It is also easy to find out the list of users who have unfollowed you using the Unfollowgram website. After going to it, you need to find and click “Sign in with Instagram”. After which you can log in to the site using your Instagram account.


    1. Enter your information under which you are registered on Instagram and log in to the Unfollowgram website.
    2. Enter your email address in the provided field. Click Continue.
    3. The next step is to select the Who unfollowed me statistics function. Only those users who have unfollowed you will be displayed here.

    View unfollowers through the InstaFollow app

    A convenient and comfortable way to check the list of those who have unsubscribed is the InstaFollow application. Before you find out about the followers who left you and start searching for them, this application must be downloaded to your mobile device through the Play Market.

    Search sequence:

    We recommend a course on making money on the Internet Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including your Instagram accounts
    1. After registration, a list of accounts that have been authorized here will open. Log in to your profile and wait for all program functions to load.
    2. Find the word “Non-Followers” ​​in the list. It is in this section that you can find out the list of those who unfollowed you on Instagram.

    Of course, it’s not very pleasant when subscribers leave you. But you shouldn’t get hung up on it and constantly track everyone who unsubscribed. Find new interesting contacts, develop them, exchange information and be active by posting interesting photos, leaving your comments and meeting new people.

    How to promote your Instagram account

    To monetize your Instagram, use the following services.

    DoInsta - This service does not require installation or constant online access. It works without breaks or weekends, works from any device and ensures simultaneous promotion of any number of accounts. Among the advantages of Do Insta: low cost (1000 rubles/month), the opportunity to test the service for free for three days, full automation of processes, safe limits and filters that allow you to accurately determine your target audience and subscribe only to the accounts you need.

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    Instaps - After logging into Instaps, the client selects one or more strategies for promotion and suitable parameters using system prompts. According to this, the Instaps setting searches for target accounts on Instagram that match your search parameters. Due to this, you attract not random people, but your target audience. Instaps then analyzes the information received and draws attention to your accounts.

    InstaPlus - The intelligent function of this service provides an additional 30% - 40% increase in efficiency due to the simultaneous liking and subscription of target client accounts, which are selected according to a given filter (subscribers, hashtags, geotags). You can connect up to 5 profiles, automatically search for target accounts, like, write comments and unsubscribe from subscribers you don’t need.