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  • Qiwi ssl connection error. SSL error in Opera: how to fix it. Troubleshooting SSL Error

    Qiwi ssl connection error.  SSL error in Opera: how to fix it.  Troubleshooting SSL Error

    SSL- this is the name of the cryptographic protocol that ensures the security of the communication connection.

    When you receive an “SSL error” while browsing the Internet, this may indeed mean that someone is accidentally or deliberately trying to obtain the data you are sending to the Internet. But it’s not always worth being afraid and trying to fix an SSL error right away. Often, such an error can only mean incorrect browser settings, interception of connections by your own antivirus (the antivirus is mistaken for an attacker, and you shouldn’t be afraid of the data it receives), or in general there are problems not with you, but with the site you are trying to access.

    If you still have the slightest doubt, it is better to reconnect to the Internet, log in from a different browser and check if the SSL connection error appears in this case.

    Let's look at possible options for fixing SSL errors in specific situations.

    How to fix SSL error in Google Chrome and Yandex browser.

    So, you are unable to access this or that site - a problem with the security certificate “pops up”. As already mentioned, there is no need to worry - first, just reconnect and change the browser. If the error continues to appear, then:

    • Check that the Date and Time are set correctly on your computer;
    • Completely scan your computer for viruses;
    • Check your antivirus settings carefully. It has already been said that it is the antivirus that a “frightened” browser can often mistake for an attacker and rush to the owner’s defense. Usually the problem here is checking the https protocol, try to find it in your antivirus and disable it (if you don’t know where, help and search the Internet by the name of your antivirus program will help). In general, disabling this check will have virtually no effect on the functionality of your antivirus software. If the ssl error continues to appear, try disabling the antivirus altogether for a short time (if this doesn’t help, then it’s definitely not the problem, if it helps cure it, maybe it’s worth changing the security program).
    • Try updating your operating system and browser to the latest versions;
    • Try creating a new user in your operating system and accessing sites through him;
    • Try logging in from a different IP address or even a computer;
    • If you cannot fix the SSL error, try combining several of the above methods at once.

    If all this does not help resolve the ssl error, you can disable SSL checking in the browser, but this may not be entirely secure. It’s better to study all the information about the suspicious site before doing this.

    Resolving SSL errors on a tablet is a much more pressing issue than on a computer.

    The fact is that, starting with Android 2.3, encryption algorithms on tablets have become noticeably weaker and the likelihood of them being decrypted by attackers (i.e. gaining access to your data) is much higher. This leads to a not very favorable situation:

    • firstly, SSL errors can very easily occur where in fact there is no danger;
    • secondly, on the contrary, truly experienced hackers can force the protocol to trust certificates where the danger occurs.

    Basic security measures and error resolution are given above and many of them are suitable for tablets, but if you value the security of certain data, for now it is better to refrain from entering it on tablets unless absolutely necessary on suspicious sites.

    Problems sometimes arise with any browser. Opera is no exception where SSL errors may occur. Before we figure out how to eliminate it, let's look at why it appears.

    Reasons for the error

    In most cases, the ssl opera error means that there is a problem with the system. This problem usually indicates that a connection to the server cannot be established. Often the error can be resolved quite simply. It may be caused by an antivirus program or firewall. They can block the connection, which is why it will not be established. In this case, the error will occur not only in Opera, but also in other Internet browsers, for example, also in Google Chrome. You will learn more about the reasons for this error in Google Chrome and how to solve this problem.

    In addition, the problem also appears in the opposite case, for example, when the computer is infected. In such a situation, you just need to install an antivirus and scan the system. Also, the causes of the error may be a failure in the time settings or an outdated version of the browser, so it would be useful.

    Attention! Often the SSL error is displayed when you want to visit a site with an expired or untrusted certificate. In principle, you can go to the resource, however, such a step entails the possibility of infecting your computer with malware.


    Once the problem has been diagnosed, you should look at how to get rid of it. So, how to fix the ssl opera error is a fairly common question among novice users. If the problem occurs due to your antivirus program, then to check this, disable it and restart the browser. If everything is fine, you will need to change your antivirus settings. They differ in each program, but the main thing that needs to be done is to add the Internet browser to exceptions and reduce control over incoming and outgoing traffic. The firewall will also need to have a lower level of protection.

    Often the cause of an SSL error is an erroneous date on the computer. In order to fix this, you need to click on the date in the tray and set the correct one. Now let's look at what needs to be done directly in the browser. The SSL error can be fixed by going to the Cookies section and checking the box next to the option to store data locally. In addition, we do the following. Open Opera and go to the main menu.

    1. After that, select Settings.
    2. In the window that opens, go to the Advanced section.
    3. On the left side of the window, select Security from the list.
    4. Click the Security Protocols button.
    5. Place a highlight next to Enable SSL
    6. Click OK and restart the browser.

    A similar problem may also occur in Windows XP SP2. In this case, you can get rid of it if you update the version to SP3. It is also necessary to add that, which will reduce the risk of errors. It is also worth running a system scan for viruses from time to time.

    As you can see, an SSL error in Opera, like in any other browser, can usually be fixed quite simply. The main thing is to find the reason why it appeared. This could be either a date failure on the computer or a change in browser settings. In some cases, the easiest way is to set the default settings and check if the error remains. If it still appears, then you need to disable your antivirus, because it is often the one that blocks the connection to a particular site. In rare cases, the error appears due to the computer being infected with malware. In such a situation, it will be necessary to scan the files and delete or quarantine the infected ones.

    The error “err ssl protocol error” is quite common in Chrome and Yandex Browser. It may appear when you try to log into any Internet site.

    What is this error

    The SSL protocol allows you to make the connection between your PC and the website secure. He encrypts data connections.

    Chrome, Yandex and Explorer have certain certificates for SSL (SSL) in their functionality. If the specified certificates malfunction in the browser, configuration problems arise, then the secure connection to the site is disrupted and the system displays an SSL connection error.

    There are several ways to help fix the error.


    Windows can be disrupted by viruses. Accordingly, it is enough check the system one of the antiviruses. It is recommended to use Kaspersky and Dr.Web.

    date and time

    One possible cause of an SSL error could be an incorrect time and date. The server considers this a danger and blocks access. Just open the BIOS settings and set exact values, corresponding to a country or a specific region. Now we reboot the device, first saving the changes made.

    You can also change the time in Windows - the result will be the same.

    OS update

    Sometimes an error may appear when outdated operating system. To correct the situation, just perform the update manually.

    Antivirus problem

    Quite often, antivirus programs consider the connection dangerous and can block it themselves. To do this, go to your antivirus settings and disable SSL verification andHTTPS.

    Making changes to the firewall list

    In some cases, the error “err ssl protocol error” may appear when working with Google services, search engines or the browser itself. In this case, you need to make changes to your personal Security Settings. You need to add the application to the list of allowed nodes.

    Browser replacement

    In some cases, it may turn out that the main tools to correct the situation do not work. All that remains is change browser. You can use Opera, Firefox, or any others.


    A new protocol that facilitates fast connection to the network. You can disable it in the Chrome configuration.

    After opening the browser, enter the command in the address bar: “ chrome://flags/#enable-quic" You need to enter without quotes. The system itself will display: “ Quic Experimental Protocol". Click on the link and press the button: disable. After this, just restart Chrome.

    Using the HTTPS protocol

    This protocol is used for secure network login. It can be used to log in when an error is thrown.

    In order for the site to open, all you need is a standard HTTP address add letter S to make it HTTPS. Often, such manipulations help fix the “err ssl protocol error” error.

    Changing security settings

    Note that in Internet Explorer the system operates in automatic mode. The settings are in effect by default.

    In the control panel, open " Network and Internet". After this, you need to click: “ Internet Options". Next we go to Privacy and move the slider to middle position.

    Most resources use SSL v2.0 or 3.0. Some browsers do not work with these configurations. You can change these settings accordingly. To do this you need to do the following:

    Checking hosts

    This tool is used to set site redirects and create routes manually. The file is located at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Open it using notepad with administrator rights. Completely delete the contents and save.

    Disabling plugins and extensions

    To disable all extensions for Chrome, just press 3 buttons, which are located on the right side of the browser line. Now open " Additional settings". Now open the extensions. All plugins and extensions that are currently in use will open in the window. Opposite them there is a button that can either enable or disable use. In addition, you can immediately remove unnecessary extensions and plugins.

    An SSL protocol error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) occurs when a user authenticates on sites that use data encryption. For example, a user tries to log into his VKontakte, or Google account, but instead receives error 107, and the required page does not open. There is nothing critical here, so we will analyze in more detail in the article what it means and how to eliminate it.

    err_ssl_protocol_error: what does the error mean?

    Error 107 indicates that the secure connection is being blocked. It’s quite difficult to say right away, since the SSL protocol error is not specified, but by following the troubleshooting recommendations, you will get rid of it.

    Elimination methods

    Since there is no specifics in the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR notification, we will consider the most possible options for solving the problem.

    Antivirus scan

    Windows 10 may have been infected by viruses or malware that disrupted the stable operation of the OS. I recommend using standalone scanners, such as the free Dr. Web CureIt or Kaspersky Rescue Disc.

    A date and time discrepancy between the computer and the site server can lead to error 107. The remote server has its own date and time settings, so the data is verified when connecting. If there is a discrepancy, the server will consider the connection attempt to be unsafe and block it. To check the date and time, go to the BIOS settings, change to current ones and restart the PC, saving the changes.

    OS update

    Connection problems may occur due to the fact that the OS has not been updated for a long time. Run the latest Windows updates and check if it works. This is especially true for previous versions (Windows XP, Vista, 7).

    Advice! Check the entrance to the site you need through a different browser. This problem was not observed in Internet Explorer.

    Setting up an encryption protocol in an antivirus

    The problem may occur due to antivirus packages blocking SSL connections. To resolve this, disable checking the SSL and HTTPS protocols in your antivirus and try logging into the site.

    Firewall exception list

    If you encounter the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR problem in Google services, a search engine, or in the browser itself, use the list of exceptions to personalize your security settings. Add the appropriate Internet application to the list of allowed sites.

    Important! Clear the cache and cookies in the browser (for example Google Chrome) that caused error 107.

    If the problem still persists, . Please indicate when it occurred and what operations you have already performed so that we can help.

    As you know, any application or program can fail one day - nothing is perfect in the world. So in the Google Chrome browser you can expect an SSL connection error. What does it mean and how to deal with it?

    An SSL connection error occurs when opening a website, and such a website can be any resource, including both popular and not so popular ones. The error literally means the following: “Unable to connect to the server. The problem could be due to a server or client authentication certificate that you don't have."

    This is what the error looks like in the browser:

    Please note that it can occur not only in, but also in a number of other browsers that are based on Chromium: New Opera, Comodo Dragon, etc.

    Problem and solution

    I would like to immediately note that the reasons why this error occurs in the browser may not be related to each other. Therefore, the solution for each case will be individual. So I'll talk about a few possible solutions.

    • The first step is to update your browser. Yes, the same Chrome is automatically updated, but in some cases the update can be disabled by the user. In addition, a glitch in the application itself cannot be ruled out. Therefore, click on the settings button, select “Help/About browser” and see if the current version of the browser is installed.

    • Let's move on. Pay attention to the antivirus system. The fact is that it can block the SSL protocol as potentially dangerous, so it simply blocks it. In this case, you can try disabling the antivirus screens for a while and check whether the site opens in this case. In addition, in the settings of the antivirus program itself, you need to create an exception for this type of protocol.
    • If you are using Windows XP SP2, you must upgrade to SP3. This solution was found on one of the forums and, according to user responses, it turned out to be very effective.
    • Theoretically, the problem could be hidden in installed plugins in the browser itself. Go to settings, select “Extensions” and disable all extensions available there. If after this you were able to access the site, then the problem is in the extension and you just have to find which one is blocking the connection (disable extensions one at a time and you will find the culprit).

    • Check your proxy settings. Go to your browser settings, find the “Network” subsection and click on the “Change proxy server settings” button. If a proxy server is specified in the network settings, it is possible that this is the problem. Select "Automatic detection of parameters" and go to the site.

    • Alternatively, the problem may be with the site itself. But until the site owner sorts it out, you are unlikely to be able to access the site itself.

    You can tell us about your solutions to the problem using comments.