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  • How to sign a document using digital signature. How to open a sig file of public services How to sign a file in der encoding

    How to sign a document using digital signature.  How to open a sig file of public services How to sign a file in der encoding

    Often, when people come across the *.sig format, they wonder what it is. The second question that arises immediately after the first is: “How to open the sig extension?”

    What is sig?

    Expansion sig ( English signature is a file format most often used in documentation sent via email. For a simple user, this format may occur once or twice, but in a commercial environment it is not uncommon.

    Despite the scary name and perhaps not entirely clear explanation, sig is a text file, just like txt or doc (docx). It contains information about the sender of the letter (usually the company name, sender's name, contacts, etc.), is edited by him (and therefore can also contain all sorts of quotes, advertising appeals, and anything else at all) and is attached to the letter automatically.


    Although most people associate mail with mail and gmail, those who constantly interact with it as part of their duties use special software packages - email programs. They are multifunctional and, among other things, open sig extensions. How to open a letter with a similar extension from such software? The most popular services are:

    • Microsoft Outlook is part of the extended set of Microsoft office software.
    • Eudopa is a popular email client in the West with only an English interface. The advantage is that it works with both Windows and Apple MacOS.
    • Mozilla ThunderBird, Opera Mail - development of mail programs from well-known browsers.

    Which email program to choose is a topic for a new article. If you focus only on the criterion “how to open a sig extension”, any, even the simplest email client will do.

    Other programs

    To create digital signatures, there is a program called "CryptoARM" - with free and paid versions. Through it, *.sig files are opened and created. For encryption, CryptoARM uses standard Windows crypto providers, so it is lightweight and simple. The software has no advantages over the method described below for the average person, but it will be of interest to novice cryptographers.

    If you don't want to install a new program

    Good old Notepad comes to the rescue - with this program, if desired, you can even open a picture (though its text encoding is unlikely to be to anyone’s taste), let alone a *.sig text file.

    How to open anything for free? "Notepad", of course! So digital signature files are opened, created, and edited through it. In the last two cases, the main thing is not to forget to enter the name of the corresponding extension after the file name when saving.


    Quite often on State portals it is required to attach a *.sig file of your electronic signature along with the document.And it’s not always possible to do it correctly the first time.

    Let's look at an example of how to get a *.sig file - an electronic signature file:

    First you need to install and run the CryptoARM program

    We will see the working interface of the program. You need to find the “Sign” button»

    After which we will see a wizard for creating *.sig - an electronic signature file. At this stage, click “Next”»

    Next, you need to select the desired file (document) that you want to upload to your electronic platform (based on this file, a *.sig file will be created - an electronic signature file). Click on the “Add file” button

    And select the required document on the basis of which the *.sig file will be created

    As you can see, the required document has been successfully added. Click “Next”»

    In the next steps, we need to make sure that we have the settings for creating a *.sig file correctly set, and click on the “Next” button «

    We check the following settings, and again “Next”»

    Now you need to click on the “Select” button to go to the list of electronic signatures that are on your computer

    At this stage you need to select your electronic signature and click “OK”»

    After which you can make sure that you have selected the required signature and proceed to the last stage of generating the *.sig file by clicking the “Next” button «

    The last stage of generating the *.sig file. Now feel free to click the “Done” button»

    Your *.sig file has been successfully created. Click the “Close” button»

    Then we go to the folder where your file (document) is stored, and next to it we see your created *.sig file. Now it can be uploaded to the appropriate site and sent.

    A SIG file (Signature File) is a small text file type that can be automatically attached to the end of email messages. Quite often, the SIG format may contain the names of the senders as well as the email addresses of various users. This file extension will contain the electronic digital signature of its owner and can store the sender's contact information, name and telephone contacts. Among the active users of this file format, there are those who like to add all kinds of quotes and so on to the signed file.

    The .sig file is quite often used in the field of email. To open a file that has the SIG extension, use software packages such as Microsoft Outlook and QUALCOMM Eudora. Such utilities are capable of not only opening a SIG file, but also editing it, as well as generating a .sig extension. The presence of appropriate software contributes to subsequent comfortable work with the electronic mailbox and makes it possible to open SIG files. It is worth noting that the Eudora application is optimized to work with both Windows and Mac OS.

    Often, short welcome messages are placed in the contents of SIG files. In the modern world of the World Wide Web, the owner’s electronic signature is an indicator of his status and credibility, so the .sig extension has quite extensive application indicators.

    In order to open a .sig file, you must adhere to the usual scheme for launching files on your computer; the main thing is to have a correctly configured program that can open and edit a SIG file.

    Rosreestr SIG files contain information confirming the authenticity of the main document obtained in one way or another. Such documents can be opened in several ways, which we will discuss below.

    We have already discussed the process of opening standard SIG files in one of the articles on our website. The following instructions will focus exclusively on methods for opening Rosreestr files.

    Method 1: Notepad

    The simplest, although not very effective, method is to use the standard Windows Notepad. You can also use other text editors.

    This method allows you not only to open files, but also to edit the content. However, after this the document will not be recognized by special programs.

    Method 2: Online service

    You can study the contents of the Rosreestr SIG document using a special online service. To use the service you will need not only a SIG file, but also a document with an XML extension.

    If you encounter difficulties while working with this online service, contact the resource’s technical support for help.

    Method 3: CryptoARM

    This software is the primary tool for opening and creating SIG files. However, to view Rosreestr files, you will need to purchase a special license in the store on the official website. In general, the process of using the program is almost identical for any SIG files.



    When using this software, you can only view files.


    Of the Rosreestr SIG file opening tools discussed throughout the article, the most recommended is CryptoARM software. Other methods are suitable only if necessary, for example, in the absence of a license. For clarification, you can contact us in the comments.

    An electronic signature contains information about the author and confirms the absence of changes in the electronic document after it was signed.

    To create a signature, you must have a valid electronic signature certificate. For example, issued by the SKB Kontur Certification Center or another certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. The certificate is usually stored on a special medium - a token.


    As a result of signing a document, the service creates an electronic signature file that is stored separately from the original document (detached signature).

    Signature creation process

    Go to section

    Select document
    which must be signed

    You can sign a file of any format.

    Select a certificate
    by whom the document will be signed

    If a suitable certificate is not listed,
    you need to obtain or install it (if you already have it on your token).
    You can sign a document in Kontur.Crypto with a certificate,
    issued by any certification authority.

    Create a signature file

    The service will save the signature file to the folder with the original document with the same name and resolution.sig.


    After signing the document:

    1. His electronic signature is saved to your computer as a separate file (detached signature).
    2. The document and its electronic signature are stored in an electronic archive on the Kontur.Crypto server.
    3. You can receive a link to view and download a signed document, send such a link to any recipient by email, and also download a package of documents to your computer: the original document, signature file, certificate and instructions for verifying the signature.

    Signature verification

    To verify the signature, send the original document and the signature file to the recipient. For verification, you can use any program designed for signing and encrypting electronic documents.

    Questions and answers

    What should I do if an error occurs during signing?

    Make sure that 2 conditions are met:

    • To work in the service, perform automatic computer setup.
    • Before signing documents, you must install a signature certificate on the computer on which you perform operations with electronic documents. You can also do this in the computer setup service.

    If all conditions are met, but you cannot sign, contact our 24-hour technical support service.


    If you use a slow Internet connection or sign documents larger than 100 MB, it may take a long time to save them in the electronic archive. If you want to work in Kontur.Crypto with large documents, please write to us.

    Where does the signing of documents take place?

    Sign, encrypt and decrypt documents on your computer. This ensures the security of the private key of the electronic signature. When checking an electronic signature, saving a document in an electronic archive, sending a link to view and download a signed document, the information is uploaded to the Kontur.Crypto server. If this is unacceptable to you, do not use these opportunities.