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  • Cursors for the CursorXP program. Cursors for the CursorXP program Large mouse cursor in windows 7

    Cursors for the CursorXP program.  Cursors for the CursorXP program Large mouse cursor in windows 7

    We use a mouse every day while working with a computer. The usual and inconspicuous cursor arrow has long been boring, and many would like to replace it with a more interesting and attractive pointer.
    Now this problem of dull design can be easily solved with the help of our website. There is a wide range of different cursors available here, which you can download absolutely free. Interesting figures, fruits, vegetables, miniature animals, hi-tech cursors - this is not a complete list of options presented on the site.
    Cursors for Windows are absolutely free, so you don’t need to spend money to make your computer look original and unique. Before downloading the option you like, you can first study the entire range of the site and only after that, decide which design suits you.
    Installing cursors for Windows is very simple; all you need to do is click the mouse button and enjoy the result. These incredibly interesting designs are suitable for any Windows operating system and will make working on your computer more enjoyable. With our cursors, you can pleasantly surprise your loved ones and acquaintances.

    Cursors for Windows 7/8/10: which ones are best to download and how to install them?

    Automatic and manual installation on different operating systems

    Replacing the standard white cursor with one is not the easiest task, since it requires a rather complicated installation of the executable file.

    However, some users are replacing cursors, and there are many original and beautiful options on the Internet.

    What are the best cursors for Windows 7/8/10, how to install them, and why is it needed?


    Cursor is the little white arrow that you see on the screen and that you use with your mouse.

    In the standard settings of the operating system, the cursor has either a black or white tint with a contrasting outline, and several millimeters (depending on the diagonal of the screen) in length.

    Throughout the entire session of working with operating system resources, it does not change its appearance, although the exception is and, for which the developers provide a different cursor icon.

    Why do you need to replace cursors, what is the significance of this and what function does it serve?

    Such a procedure has no practical significance at all from a functional point of view, only from an aesthetic one. That is, the only reason cursors are replaced is for beauty.

    This is especially true for those who record videos of their work on a PC or make streams. Such cursors look original, they are more visible to viewers, so it’s worth downloading and installing them.

    In rare cases, some users may find it more convenient to use modified cursors. They can be made in a more contrasting shade, enlarged and more noticeable. Although you can make basic settings for the size and visibility of the cursor using standard Windows tools.


    What types of cursors are there and how do they differ from a functional point of view?

    Some cursors may be larger or smaller than the standard one, they always have a different color, and sometimes a different arrow shape.

    Cursors are not always made in the form of a standard arrow - you can often find them made in the form of an elegant icon (heart, petal, etc.).

    Another differentiating criterion is how the cursor works.

    In most cases - exactly the same as the standard one, but other options are possible. For example, it can disappear or change shape/color/appearance when clicked.

    Cursors that track actions are also quite convenient for those who record various kinds of video instructions. In this case, the areas that were previously clicked are visualized in one way or another. This can be done in different ways - coloring the click zone, which lasts for several seconds, the presence of a “tail” of the cursor, which can be done in one way or another (although often it has a purely aesthetic function).


    The operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 10 have a number of differences in their system for working with cursors, and therefore the instructions for installing a new downloaded cursor will be different.

    Below are instructions for working with the downloaded cursor file for different versions of the operating system.

    Windows 7

    For such an operating system, the executive file will have format.inf and always the same name – install.

    Once you have downloaded the cursor file, place it on your Desktop or another folder where you can quickly find it.

    • Copy the downloaded file to the cursor folder, which by default, if no other settings have been made, is located at C:/Windows/Cursors;
    • Now you need to replace the standard cursor with the downloaded one - to do this, follow the path Start - Control Panel - Equipment and sound- Mouse ;

    • Your PC's Explorer will open, in which you will need to go to the folder with cursors into which you copied your executable file;
    • Find the required file and double-click on it, and a simple double-click will not be enough - you need to right-click and select the Install section from the drop-down menu;

    In most cases, the changed cursor will appear immediately, but sometimes you may need to restart your computer.

    Windows 8

    The process of installing a new downloaded cursor is approximately similar.

    In order to install it, download the necessary file, and then proceed according to the instructions:

    • Now go to the Start path - Control Panel - Equipment and sound- Mouse ;
    • Go to the Indexes tab;
    • In the Schemes field, expand the list and select the theme you want to install;

    • After that, click Apply and OK.

    But this method is only suitable if you have downloaded a graphic design archive that has an inf file format. But this may not be the case - not all archives have the cursor at this resolution.

    In this case, you will have to act approximately the same as in the case of, which also does not support the automatic format for installing graphic design schemes.

    To set the cursor this way, do the following:

    After restarting your PC, the changes will take effect.

    Windows 10

    In the process of installing a new cursor, there are no significant differences in the process itself; rather, they consist in its graphic design.

    To automatically install the cursor into the system, you will again need the downloaded .inf file.

    If it is available, then follow the instructions:

    • Go to the Themes section in the menu on the left;
    • After that, in the main menu field, go to the Mouse Pointer Options section;

    • The Properties: Mouse window will open, in which you will need, as in all previous options, to go to the Pointers tab;
    • Select the installation scheme in the Scheme field, as in the case of Windows 8;
    • Click Apply, then OK and close the window;
    • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

    After rebooting, you will see the new cursor, as well as other changes that the graphics system made, if any.

    In addition, you can install a new cursor in the Windows 10 graphics scheme manually by finding it in Explorer.

    To do this, you must proceed in the same way as during manual installation on older versions of the operating system.

    Beautiful cursors

    Where can I get the executable files for installation?

    They need to be downloaded to your PC - there are currently many different options for beautiful and/or functional cursors on the Internet.

    For example, there are a lot of them on this site:


    In order to download the graphic design of the mouse pointer you need, do the following:

    • Please note that not all of them are designed for Windows or specifically for your version of the operating system, but this is usually indicated in the name of the file or diagram;
    • Once you find the option you like - click on the cell with it;

    Hello! Today I will tell you and show you how to replace a boring, standard cursor in just a few seconds without installing any programs. You can download cursors from the link below - there are hundreds of them, for every taste, including live and animated cursors.

    I would like to immediately say to those comrades who will start “pooping” in the comments with messages - “this is all pampering”, “don’t clog up the system”, “this is unnecessary”... give yourself a classic view of the system and rejoice in such beauty. Better yet, don’t turn on the computer at all, this will greatly complicate its useless existence.

    Table of contents:

    How to change the cursor without programs

    Dear readers, this is your computer and you decide how convenient, original and individual it will look. Don't listen to stone age people. Thank God today RAM is not measured in kilobytes or even megabytes. When replacing the cursor, the computer will not slow down - it’s like a shot to an elephant.

    So, first, download the archive with hundreds of different cursors...

    Download cursors

    The archive size is 11 MB. There are no viruses.

    We unpacked the archive and got this folder...

    Read also on the website:

    Move it to a place where it won’t be an eyesore. After replacing the cursor, this folder cannot be moved or deleted, otherwise the cursor will return to the standard, boring look.

    Now let's forget about it for the moment. Close it if you opened it. Go to the desktop and right-click anywhere. A menu like this should appear...

    We need the “Personalization” item. Now…

    ...and we get to the mouse pointer settings window...

    Click “Browse”...

    Specify the path to our folder with a bunch of cursors and choose the one you like. Click directly on the cursor...

    In the returned window, look at the preview (above, right) of the new cursor and if it suits you, click “Apply”. That's all - the cursor has changed. This operation can be done at least a hundred times. To return the index to its original appearance, click - “Default”.

    Advice - cursors with resolution (.ani) are live, animated, and with (.cur) they are “dead”.

    So you are convinced that downloading and replacing cursors is really very simple and easy. I also advise you to change the appearance of the start button or make colored folders With original background. You can also read how to improve your mouse.

    To new useful computer programs and.


    I'm just reviewing programs! Any complaints - to their manufacturers!

    A mouse is one of the most important accessories for a PC, and today many people cannot imagine operating a computer without a cursor. And no matter what fans of touchpads and touch screens say, the small arrow running across the screen will not soon disappear from the interface. Therefore, Cyclone-Soft invites users to download mouse pointers for Windows 7/8/10 for free and install the option they like. There are many sets available to you, each of which is unique in its own way!

    In almost every new version of Windows, cursors do not change shape, because by default they do not need to. But if you are an admirer of beauty or want to somehow diversify the design of your computer, the simplest solution is to change the cursor. This is a simple action that does not require effort, and as a result you will feel good about yourself.

    This web portal provides a huge selection of different cursors, each with its own style and theme: you can review the assortment and decide which one you like. You can’t even imagine how different they are: game icons, swords, fruits, airplanes, animal figurines and many, many different things, it’s impossible to list them all. Many options have unique designs! Install the option you like for yourself or please a friend.

    Installing a cursor for Windows is almost the easiest task on this OS. No downloading third-party programs or long instructions!

    1. Copy the options you like to the C:\WINDOWS\Cursors directory and close the folder.
    2. Now you need to change the pointer: to do this, you just need to go to the mouse settings menu and click on the option you downloaded.
    3. Go to "START", then "Control Panel", "Mouse" section and open it (use the "Browse" button to select the desired option).
    4. After this, the system itself will do everything in a second: all you have to do is enjoy such a small, but surprisingly pleasant variety.

    This section provides cursors that work on any of the standard versions of the Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems. Download an excellent build and slightly update the familiar appearance of the operating system. Please rate the article and share it! Thank you!

    Here you will find a collection of cursors, step-by-step instructions for installing them, and our recommendations. Don't quit, we tried our best!

    The cursor is another element of the operating system's graphical interface. With its help, you can visually see the virtual mouse pointer and control its movement. By default, Windows 7 and XP have a small set of custom cursors. But the proposed options are quite few. We suggest you download several sets of cursors for Windows, and then install them on the system using our instructions.

    Custom cursor sets

    Choose the one you like and download it. After this, we will move directly to installing cursors.

    Step-by-step installation instructions are at the end of the article. -

    After clicking on the "Download Now" button, you will be transferred to the Google Drive service. To download the archive with cursors, press Ctrl+S, or the "File" button, then "Download".

    PS. Now everything is simpler - we transferred the files to the site. Download via direct links.

    Installing Cursors

    We will look at the process using Windows XP as an example - in turn, in the seven everything is similar.

    Note: we will show you how to write formulas in Word. There's nothing complicated about it

    All installed cursors are stored in the C:\windows\Cursors folder - the drive on which the operating system is installed is used. It looks like this:

    First, let's create a folder for new cursors. You can choose any name for it. We remind you that to do this, call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button. Then Create -> Folder.

    It will be useful for you: you can also download fonts for Word from us. We've put together a good collection.

    After that, you need to copy new cursors into it. You can download them for free from our website, or find them online. Transfer all the files in the set to the folder you just created.

    Now we need to go to the mouse settings: Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse.

    We will see a settings dialog. Here we need to go to the "Pointers" tab. The current set of cursors will appear in front of you. Now you need to select a new style for each mode one by one: main mode, help, graphic selection, etc.

    You should highlight each mode in turn, then click the "Browse" button and select the desired option from the prepared set of cursors.

    Note that it is not necessary to use cursors from only one set. For each mode, you can choose any of the available ones. Thus, create your own unique cursor theme.

    Video for the article:


    Use this collection of fonts to make your operating system's interface look more colorful. With our instructions, you should not have any problems installing fonts.

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