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  • Review of the game cs go youtube. Review of the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. What do skins give to their owner?

    Review of the game cs go youtube.  Review of the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.  What do skins give to their owner?

    Probably someone will like the new sight. When you point it at an ally, the sight changes to a cross, illustrating that you do not need to shoot here.

    The jumping system has been changed. Now you jump longer distances. On some maps I even jumped over places that I sometimes couldn't jump to in Source. At the same time, you can forget about all sorts of jumping and even imitations of it. Now it won't be possible to do this at all. This is probably even correct.

    There is a feeling that everyone is running a little faster. This is very noticeable if you play Counter Strike: Global Offensive for a while and then return to Source. In the latter, you just start tearing everyone apart wildly, as everything seems terribly slow.

    Running with weapons has also been changed. If before a gun didn’t slow you down in any way, now you can only run crystal fast with a knife in your hands. Here I don’t even know if this is good or bad. Most likely, it’s bad, because the gun still shouldn’t slow down.

    The lack of silencers also affected the gameplay. I don't know a player who wouldn't notice their disappearance. A silent electric shock appeared, but that was not it. Removed some feature of the game. After all, everything is built, as we know, on details. This was a clear distinguishing feature of one weapon from another. Many players on the forums express high hopes for the return of silencers to the game.

    Now you can always see what you have in your arsenal and what grenades you still have left. Of course, most users will say that they always know what they have. But it will be useful for beginners. Moreover, in my opinion, it will be useful for others too. Counter Strike Source has been on the market for so long that everyone has already learned what sound goes where and what it means. Now everything has changed, including the sounds. You may simply not notice how you picked up a grenade.

    For each map, the developers created personal skins for players. It's a little confusing at first. Everyone is used to the fact that, regardless of the map, the players look according to their team affiliation and the skins do not change from map to map. Everything is different here. Only intuitively, thanks to your knowledge of the cards, do you understand who and where you can run out of in the first 30 seconds after the start of the round, and you get your bearings. Of course, several months will pass and everyone will again be able to distinguish an enemy from an ally with their eyes closed, but for now this is not the case and very often players shoot at their own. By the way, not only the skins have changed. Each card has its own voices and texts in walkie-talkies. This adds some variety to the game. Although why exactly they did this, I still cannot understand.

    What pleased me most was that the old console commands from Source remained working. This helped to quickly customize the game to suit you in terms of appearance and aim. The fact that everything in the game can be done through the console leaves hope that CS: GO will not be another Call Of Duty, which “contra” has become similar to.

    And finally, about glitches and bugs. At the moment the game is damp and does not play well with my hardware. There are serious problems on the machines of a huge number of users, and I am no exception. At the same time, everything works perfectly on the home machine, but at work it’s already extremely crooked. There is no need to be afraid of this, it happened with every counter strike. In the near future everything will be finished and the lags will stop.


    After a long game there is a double feeling. On the one hand, the game has become much more difficult compared to Source. On the other hand, it seems that with all this, GO was more “tailored” for beginners. There is no definitive answer to this question yet, time will tell.

    The quality of the development of maps, skins and weapon models pleased me. The graphics have improved, but the game will still be able to run on a huge number of computers around the world, and will not become an indulgence for a select few.

    As a result, the game can be given 8 out of 10 points and recommend it for purchase.

    Good day, Gamebomb users. This is my review of Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

    What is Counter Strike?

    This is a first-person shooter, where two teams are opposed, these are Counter-Terrorists (Special Forces) and Terrorists, this war has been going on since CS 1.6. CS is one of the most popular shooters of our time, where you need composure, accuracy and the ability to play in a team. The game has several game modes, some of the most popular, well for me for sure, is the scenario with a bomb explosion and hostage taking, let me tell you what these two modes are.

    Bomb scenario

    In this mode, terrorists must plant a bomb, at point A or B, one of the players is given a bomb at the beginning of the round, he can give it to another, and so, as soon as you plant the bomb, the countdown begins until it explodes, the special forces team must clear it, that is, terrorists in this mode defend it, and special forces, on the contrary, attack. There are a lot of rounds in the game, so if you don’t succeed once, then there are 10 or more in stock. If I'm not mistaken, there are only 15 rounds in the game.

    Hostage Scenario

    In this mode, a group of special forces must capture a hostage and take him to their base, while a group of terrorists must defend him and not give him into the hands of the special forces. There is not one, or even two, hostages in the game, but if the special forces take at least one to the base, then that’s it, they won. So the terrorists have a difficult task, but if they are a good team, and not crayfish who can’t even hit someone from a meter away, then they have every chance of winning. This mode also has more than one round, so there is always a chance to win.

    Maps, weapons, etc.

    The game has a good selection of weapons, at the beginning of each round both teams can purchase by pressing a certain button, a selection wheel appears in front of you, there you can buy assault rifles, heavy weapons, pistols, sniper rifles, various grenades (regular, Molotov, flashlights , smoke, etc.), body armor, stun gun, and various tools (for example, for quickly taking a hostage). The more people you kill, the more money you are given, and if your team wins this round, then the whole team will be given money, and the team that lost will be given less money. There are enough maps in the game, some are popular, like dust 2, and some are not very good, but there are enough of them.


    And there is also a “casino” in the game, that is, in the menu, you open boxes, unless of course you have a key to it, the key costs around 80 rubles, which is quite a lot, and you may come across some cool trunk that you can even sell it for real money, only they are credited to you only on Steam, and you can’t withdraw them, and you might also get some kind of shit for three rubles, a cheap weapon, and not particularly beautiful, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get some a rare item, that is, a knife, for example, a karmabit, a bayonet or some other, the cost of such knives can be as much as 14 thousand and probably more, I admit, I myself once tried to knock out a cool weapon, and for my first time, good luck to me smiled, I got a gun for about 2500 rubles, I sold it for 2000 thousand, the guy who bought it paid 2300 for it. Well, that is, you may or may not be lucky, I advise you not to gloat about it, because you can waste all your money and not get anything worthy.

    Graphic arts

    The graphics in the game are good, the game is made on the Source engine, and it seems to be friendly with weak computers, but, of course, not the weakest. So, I'm not complaining about the graphics.

    Bottom line

    The game has very interesting gameplay that requires you to be precise and team play, good graphics, and it is a decent game from the Counter Strike series, I haven't played much of it, only 71 hours. There are also those who have spent 1000 or more hours in it, but the game can drag you in for many hours.

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a legendary shooter with many fans

    It seems as if she came from another dimension.

    It's not that this game shouldn't exist, it's just not needed. PC users (if you believe SteamGraph, there are thousands of them) were quite satisfied Counter-Strike: Source And CS 1.6, which have been polished for almost decades and received a lot of attention from the players.

    However, CS:GO exists, and it is stupidly filled with clones of the Desert Eagle pistol and the de_dust map, which suggests a break in the space-time continuum. Suddenly the game industry of a parallel universe mixed with ours?

    Playing CS:GO is like going to a high school reunion. The changes are immediately noticeable: they grew older, cut their hair, changed their clothes, in the end. But it even gives pleasure: these are still the same people you knew!

    In other words, familiarity of CS:GO is both a good thing and a bad thing. Even minimal deviations from the CS classics are immediately noticeable. The MP-5 is now called the MP-7, but it's still the same "don't kill me, please, that's all I could buy." TMP has now replaced MP9. Ragdoll physics no longer cause eyes to bleed after death. And for some reason you can’t attach a muffler to the M4.

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a logical continuation of previous versions of Counter-Strike

    However, weapons are not so bad. Of course, you can live a full life without an exact restoration of an MP5 from the early 2000s, but it’s not mindless copying that’s so important, but the system of interaction between players. The changes in it are subtle, but they are there. If you shoot someone in GO, they won't even flinch. Yes, the blood is gushing, the appropriate sound is played (if the distance allows), but he will continue to stand motionless. What made the developers remove this animation is unclear.

    Because of this, it is often unclear whether the enemy is being damaged or not - especially at long distances. And therefore, the so-called tracers become indispensable: they allow you to see the trajectory of a bullet within a few more milliseconds. When shooting from a rifle or SMG, you can easily get distracted from the enemy and the sight, which you need to keep an eye on to try to understand where the bullet hit by the smallest and slowing effects. A small advantage of tracers is that they make this task easier.

    Changes in de_dust 2.0

    The game pleases with a variety of weapons for every taste

    Changes made to existing maps are done carefully and wisely. The glass is less transparent, so don't expect that you can easily be a violent sniper in locations like the main hall on cs_office. And just one added staircase to de_dust significantly expands the terrorists' capabilities, allowing them to use this place as a trap. Moving Bomb B's location closer to the center of the map makes it not a particularly good idea for counter-terrorists to hide at their spawn.

    When you consider these pretty good improvements to the older maps, it's really hard to understand why the "new" mode and the new maps in general are so boring and mediocre. In general, half of the 16 maps are new, but they are all locked to the arms race (which is a remake of the fan-made GunGame mod) and destruction modes (the same GunGame, but without insta-respawns and with bomb damage).

    After fifty hours, these mods, by the way, can be closed to hell. Valve usually does a great job with their games - Scavenge in Left 4 Dead 2 or Payload in Team Fortress 2 examples of this. However, this is clearly not the case here. GO mods look very boring, safe, undeveloped, as if the developers have run out of imagination. We have already seen all this. But it would be great to see a redesigned VIP mode. Yes, of course, this is a headache - if the VIP doesn’t know how to play, then they will hate him forever, it’s risky. But it would be simply mind-blowing to look at it with modern graphics!

    In the game, each team must complete a specific task

    And yes, since we touched on the topic of new cards, we need to finish it. Well... In principle, purely aesthetically they are tolerable. de_bank is reminiscent of the battle around Burgertown in Modern Warfare. On de_lake and de_safehouse you can stage a confrontation both in a multi-storey building and in the area around it. But tactically they only repeat their parent cards - and nothing more. Some of them are simply cut off (for example, de_shorttrain is just an amputated piece of de_train) and made for stupid meat action, which is more like Call of Duty.

    What's really unfortunate is that Valve And Hidden Path missed a great opportunity to add classic maps - something that could replicate the legend of Office, Italy, Dust, Dust2, Aztec, Inferno, Nuke and Train. They could have spruced up less famous but still beloved cards like cs_estate or cs_crackhouse. But instead... Those eight locations that we were given are more like paintball arenas - too fast, relatively fun, but absolutely frivolous. There is no sense of seriousness. These cards lack something special, some purpose, or, at worst, at least some tactical complexity of their predecessors.

    Bottom line

    The game pleases with improved graphics

    Even with such questionable fixes and mediocre new maps, GO is still Counter-Strike with its great moments. Be an attacker with a P90. To be the last survivor and feel like your teammates are looking over your shoulder and pinning all their hopes on you.

    The feeling that every kill increases the safety of both you and your comrades. Knife fight for your honor. Accidentally blind your team with a flashbang thrown in the wrong direction, killing everyone. Yes, it's all still included.

    CS:GO is a ticket to the past for 15 bucks. It still maintains the traditions of Contra as a game built on competition, in which you need to carefully monitor tactics and cooperate well. Still a game in which it is important to choose the right position and the right moment to attack, to correctly evaluate: is this step worth the noise? This is still one of those modern shooters where there is no locked content and a focus on secondary shooting modes.

    CS:GO preserves the traditions of “Contra” as a game built on competition, in which you need to carefully monitor tactics and coordinately cooperate

    There is also something that rejuvenates this game, which has been played by millions for twelve years. For example, a new scoreboard that provides an overview of both the server and the team. Beginners can practice on bots offline. And although the new types of weapons don’t look very good in some places (some resemble children’s toys, some are generally stupidly the same), it’s very cool that they worked on several character models for both terrorists and counter-terrorists. And not in words, but quite realistically - they sound and look completely different.

    And the new weapon, by the way, is not so bad, despite its secondary nature. For example, PP-Bizon is a cheap SMG. The MAG-7 shotgun is very slow to fire and reload, but is terrifyingly deadly. And it’s great that heavy guns, which were previously neither needed in villages nor in cities, are now even irreplaceable in some situations. Incendiary grenades and Molotov cocktails also fit perfectly into the overall concept, because they turn into an impenetrable wall of fire, capable of cutting down even the most ingenious enemy tactics.

    Video review of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    To summarize, we can only say one thing: go, go, go! We can only hope that the community will come up with something and create something for maps and modes that the developers themselves did not bother to complete. The zombie mod has already been made - and it’s quite good.

    There are icon projects in the gaming industry. Created during the time of ancient ancestors, they are able to excite the minds of contemporaries. Such products can be counted with the fingers of one hand, but they have all the more significant significance for history. Counter Strike. Like a jack-in-the-box, a third-party mod for Half-Life captivated the minds of millions of users, setting an unattainable level of quality. Repeating the success of the original is an impossible task, but Valve wouldn't be Valve, they don’t covet this height.

    It shouldn't be taken as an apology. Having sponsored the competition and spent money on marketing Sorsa, Valve finally instilled it in the players. It’s a gift that this was not just a shot in the bull’s eye, but frankly in the milk: only the laziest of the 1.6 veterans did not give a damn about the project with sophisticated graphics for that time. Meanwhile, the developer’s business was going quite well, people were playing all types of Contra, which seemed to indicate that Source"ov's success.

    WITH CS:GO the situation is a little different. Aimed at rethinking canonical values, Valve was going to wrap the same cake for the players, but in a different package. The goal is quite lofty, but in the end the list of changes turned the cake... into a strudel. So that the metaphor doesn’t turn your head, let’s clarify: strudel is a tasty dish, but not a cake.

    The plot in the game is still as deep and multifaceted as in all its predecessors: groups of terrorists and counter-terrorists converge on the battlefield to sort things out. Receiving money for killing or winning a round, team members purchase weapons to the extent of their financial security. Yes, the terrorists still want to blow up the Mexican Indian reservations with a bomb, and the counter-terrorists are still not ready to allow this, it couldn’t be otherwise. However, citing the qualities of a canonical game is not enough to claim one of the most anticipated games of the year. Distinctive qualities come into play Global Offensive.

    The lion's share of mechanics Counter-Strike accounts for the characteristics of the weapon. And in this regard, the newborn Contra took a much greater step than CS:Source. The team's main guns, the M4A1 and AK-47, are no longer as advantageous for long-range use. But it’s not only for this factor that Madame Realism patted the game designers from Valve on the back: shotguns, having significantly increased their power, can finally do their part in close combat. In addition to the advantage in quality, shotguns have also been added in quantity - to the Nova and XM1014, one model has been added for each opposing side.

    The changes affected not only rifles and shotguns. The Tec-9 semi-automatic pistol and P2000 will replace starting barrels for terrorists and counter-terrorists, respectively. Also for both teams, the P228 will be replaced by the P250. The Desert Eagle returns to its canonical name, but the local unseen, Zeus x27, deserves the closest attention. Located among the grenades during purchase, the very close-range pistol is able to neutralize the target with one salvo, but after that it immediately flies out of the hands - one shot per round on his brother, no more. In addition, the line of submachine guns has also undergone changes. Everything is aimed at ensuring that each of the weapons finds its owner.

    The best way to try out new guns is the new game mode, which has been familiar for a long time, but has only now been included in the official release. In it, opposing sides meet wall to wall, and for each kill the player is given a new weapon. The winner is the one who is the first to make a kill with each gun, of which there are 26, including the knife. It is clear that the user will not find any monetary earnings, just like the purchasing menu, in this mode. But seeing the latter in classic mode, an old-school gamer may be slightly taken aback. The point is not at all that the weapon table is now a circle - this decision can be supported to encourage their console brethren, with whom cross-platform battles are planned to begin in the near foreseeable future. The fact is that the entire canonical layout of product numbers has been changed; seasoned players will have to get used to the innovations.

    For the sake of casual purchasing, the stocking of cartridges was also canceled - I bought an M-16, and forward to the front line with a full horn of ammunition. This advanced one is represented by the same Source engine, which has gained some weight since 2004. No matter how Valve promises to get rid of third-party objects on the maps, the battlefields are still filled with all kinds of barrels and other rubbish that complicate the perception of the picture. Weak textures have never been a problem Counter-Strike, therefore in Global Offensive are not perceived as something awkward.

    Another thing that will make old-school gamers turn up their noses at GO just like from Source, these are character models. Terrorists and law enforcement fighters opposing them seem to have stepped off the covers of glossy magazines. Smooth, even and clean, representatives of both teams are barely distinguishable from long distances. In addition, the developer did not listen to the pro-gamers testing the beta version who asked about reducing the size of the models. After all, the proportions of the game were already drawn up, and changing the size of the characters would also entail changing the cards. In addition, the current scale of the game is designed to include the same console users into the process. A system for changing difficulty has been developed for them - smart Global Offensive is aware of the player’s level, and selects an online battle to match his abilities.

    Another wave of bewilderment is coming from grenade innovations. Meet the dummy grenade. Fiction. Props. Rushing towards the place of the throw, it sparks and farts, making sounds a little similar to the sound of shooting. In theory, a fake toast is born to create confusion in the enemy’s camp, and indeed it does - only when you see one on the battlefield, you can be plunged into a misunderstanding of who came up with the idea of ​​​​buying such a thing. Another innovation in the pomegranate field is the Molotov cocktail. Having closed your eyes to the ability of a cocktail to bounce off walls, you can remain face-to-face with its theoretical capabilities - setting fire to a place on the map without letting adversaries pass along the burning path. If the innovation is mastered by gamers, it may well change the usual gameplay C.S..

    Of course, the quality level of the original was not surpassed. Any changes turn the project into “wrong”, and leaving the game without innovation from the outside Valve would be to subscribe to our own lack of ideas. Much more significant than Source, CS:GO comes as close to the original game as possible. Needless to say, this “close” is far away. A worthy successor to the family, Global Offensive is not going to be shy about its weaknesses: the project will still be cited both in the circles of old-school gamers and among the younger generation of users.

    Aloha! It's me again, A_Dungeon! Today I will talk about a new toy from Valve - Counter Strike: Global Offensive, which was released literally today. As always, the review will contain many color illustrations.

    First of all, I would like to note that the graphic was really a success. And not even in terms of the most “cruise” high-end graphics, but in terms of the high-quality work of designers, mappers, modelers and others. Because the maps look really amazing, the models of weapons and players are also good (that is, in fact, they are just made well and are good in themselves, but do they look good in this game - another question) - in a word, I liked the graphics, despite the fact that in general Counter Strike is not a game where graphics are important. At least, it doesn’t have any kind of pompousness, excessive brightness, like in Source - the graphics in GO are simply pleasant, where it should be dark, where it should be bright. In general, a good graphic, ordinary, pleasing to the eye and not enough stars from the sky. And the cards here are very good. So how.

    CS:GO Review

    CS:GO Review
    Most maps in GO are copies of classic maps from 1.6. However, unlike the same Source, the environment and design have been redone almost completely - if in Source they simply tightened up the textures and added the usual Source features like garbage lying all over the map, here the concept and idea of ​​the map has been almost completely redesigned, leaving the original structure of the map almost untouched. For example, de_dust2. In 1.6 and Source, this is such an ordinary eastern city with pointed domes and intricate paintings a la cartoons about Aladdin. In GO, this map is very similar to levels from some CoD 4, because now this is no longer a fairy tale about Aladdin, but rather the dilapidated streets of, say, Syria. In this regard, GO is head and shoulders above its predecessors, that is, here the cards pay great attention to details, which create a positive impression.
    The weapons here are also completely redesigned, but are recognizable in the same way as the cards - that is, Desert Eagle looks like Desert Eagle, and AWP looks like AWP. But despite this, I would call the change in weapons a change for the worse. Because while cards have their own charm, weapons don’t. It looks somehow doll-like, fake, rounder, casual, or something. The sounds of the weapon are completely different, kind of farting. That is, if the bias towards modern soap action films on the maps is more or less appropriate, then round and farting weapons look somehow depressing and do not fit into the game at all. However, this is my personal opinion. It just occurred to me that weapons don't fit into the setting. Do you know what else doesn’t fit into the setting? Damn these medals for achievements, it’s good that they were removed from the players’ table. I also don’t like this nonsense with statistics, all sorts of ranks, awards for the best player. I wish they could add some ELO. Elo.

    CS:GO Review

    CS:GO Review

    Pysch pysch!

    The whole point is that GO lacks... What should I call it, lamp-like quality, or something. 1.6 was very simple, very cozy, somehow familiar; I didn’t like Source right away - but even it was closer to 1.6. GO looks more like the reincarnation of some Kolovduti in the Counter Strike setting - but not the reincarnation of 1.6, according to which the oldfags will cry tears of joy and, with a childishly happy face, earn achievements by planting bombs. This rather smacks of a banal desire to make money playing the same game for the third time, no matter how sad it may sound.

    CS:GO Review

    CS:GO Review

    The whole essence of the game in one screenshot

    Another thing I want to say is that GO is very controversial in terms of how lousy it is. That is, the developers, for example, wanted to add mods from the old game, which were terribly popular, to the new game. This is good. But for some reason they only added the GunGame mode - to its credit, it is implemented well - and for some reason they forgot about the equally popular ZombieMod, DeathRun, JailBreak. It seems that the developers themselves don’t know how to make the game close in spirit to the original, but at the same time please fans of modern soulless shoot-em-ups - and they add a little bit of everything in the blind hope that this trick will work. For example, they added GunGame. Here the graphic has been tightened up. Fine. Achievements and iCloud are also good. But for some reason they shoved in these fucking statistics and ranks. Added new weapons. Why the dog, one might ask, did they add it, everything seemed to be normal. But no - they added some idiotic tactical decoy grenades, some Molotov cocktails, which no one fucking ever uses, washed down some poppy trailers on YouTube so that everyone would just stand still and crap themselves - ah , what a new counter-stritsk is soapy-cool, I’ll go pre-order and get a cannon in TF2. But the whole point of the game is not in the soap, and not even in the guns! These are the pies. Well, something like this. I think that from my words and color illustrations you can, in principle, get some idea about Global Offensive. In fact, it was possible to compose it even from beta, then I even wanted to write a review, but somehow it didn’t work out. In general, not much has changed since the beta. They fixed unpleasant bugs, added new pictures to the main menu (oh yes), and all sorts of other nonsense - but the game itself remained the same. And even then, at the beta stage, it was possible to understand what was wrong.