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  • How to install Windows 8 operating system. Video: installing windows via bios

    How to install Windows 8 operating system.  Video: installing windows via bios

    On October 26, 2012, a new version of the Windows operating system was released, which was called “Windows 8”. When this operating system has been more or less tested, minor defects have been corrected, drivers have been released and programs have been adapted - many readers of our site probably had a desire to install a new brainchild from Microsoft. In this article we will tell you how to install Windows 8 on your computer or laptop.

    The content of the article:

    Preparing to install Windows 8

    If you decide to install the Windows 8 operating system on your computer or laptop, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the system requirements for the computer that this operating system requires for high-quality and stable operation. To install Windows 8, your computer must include components whose parameters are not below:
    CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz);
    RAM: 1 GB for x32 version or 2 GB for x64 version.
    Free hard disk space: 16 gigabytes (GB) for x32 version or 20 GB for x64 version.
    Graphics adapter: integrated or discrete.
    Monitor: with a resolution of at least 1366x768 pixels.

    If your computer's settings allow you to install Windows 8, then we begin the preparation for installation procedure. To begin, go to drive C in the “Downloads” and “Documents” folders, resave the files you need to drive D: text documents, tables, files downloaded from the Internet (pictures, music, movies), game saves, etc. Double-check everything to avoid misunderstandings. Go to your browser and write down all the passwords from all accounts on a piece of paper.

    After you have prepared for installation, or if you are installing Windows 8 on a new computer, then proceed to the next step.

    Since we will be installing Windows 8 from a disk, it will be necessary to make certain settings in the Bios of the motherboard. To do this, when you restart the computer, go to Bios, to the boot priorities section. In the “First (1st) Boot Device” parameter we set the value to “CDROM”, and in the “Second (2nd) Boot Device” parameter to “Hard Drive”. After installing Windows 8, the settings will need to be swapped.
    Now let's move on to the main issue - installation.

    Installing Windows 8 in pictures

    When you have more than two hours of free time so that you can install the operating system and install it, let's get down to business. Having completed all the above preparatory steps, insert the Windows 8 installation disc into the DVD-rom, save the Bios settings and restart the computer.

    How to install Windows 8 correctly
    Depending on your hardware, you may need to press the Enter button to confirm booting from the disk media. After this, loading from the disk will begin, this process is depicted in the next picture.

    After loading the installation menu, the following window will appear.

    First of all, the installer will ask you to select:
    • System language;

    • Time and currency format;

    • Input method (keyboard layout).

    We recommend leaving the default values ​​in all cells (Russian) and clicking the “Next” button.

    The installer will then ask you to confirm to begin the installation process. Click on the “Install” button.

    And here the first change from Microsoft awaits us, in the form of an operating system key activation window. What is noteworthy is that in Windows 7 this process was offered after installing the operating system, during its configuration before the first launch. Moreover, in Windows 7 it was possible to skip this process and continue installing and configuring the operating system; now this cannot be done and the key must be entered, otherwise the installation will not continue. Enter the key to install Windows 8 and click “Next”.

    In the next window we are asked to read and accept the license terms. We carefully read the license terms and if you agree with them, put a tick in the box next to the inscription “I accept the license terms” and click the “Next” button.

    Now you will need to select the installation type: update or installation. It’s probably worth giving a few clarifications here. The update involves 2 options: updating an already installed Windows 8 and updating installed older versions of Windows (Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7) to Windows 8 - but we will not consider the update method, since we will dwell in detail on a clean installation of Windows 8.

    A clean installation of Windows 8 does not involve any updates, but is installed on a clean, newly created or formatted hard drive partition. Accordingly, if you intend to install Windows 8 from scratch, then select “Custom: Windows installation only” and go to the hard drive management window.

    In this window, the installer will prompt you to select the hard drive partition on which you want to install the operating system. In addition, you can not only select a partition for installation, but also redistribute the disk space of the hard drive. Click on “Disk Setup” and make the settings. Perhaps we will dwell on this in more detail.

    Please note that from the allocated space for installing the system, the installer will automatically reserve 350 MB for the boot area - keep this in mind when allocating space.

    So, if your hard drive already has partitions with data, then under no circumstances should we touch these partitions. To install Windows 8, we recommend deleting the partition with the previous operating system and creating a new partition on the unallocated area. In order to delete a partition, click on the “Delete” option; to create it, click on the desired area of ​​free space and click the “Create” button, and install Windows 8 on it.

    If you have a new hard drive, then its space will need to be completely distributed. For example, if you have a hard drive with a capacity of 500 GB, then for drive C (the partition on which Windows 8 will be installed) we recommend allocating at least 30 GB, and on average about 50 GB. For advanced users, it is best to allocate a 100 GB partition to the system - so that you can easily install a large number of necessary programs, download content from torrents, etc. The next thing is to consider the presence of additional partitions, in addition to the main one, on which the main data will be stored. For example, you can create separate sections for files downloaded from the Internet or for storing work-related information, etc. Set aside the remaining space for drive D. To create a partition, click on “Unallocated space on drive X”, enter the size in megabytes (if you want to create a partition with a capacity of 30 GB, then enter 30,000 in the field, if the partition is 100 GB, then 100,000) and click the “Apply” button. After you have allocated disk space, proceed to installation.

    In order to select a partition for installation, click on it with the mouse and then click the “Next” button. After this, the direct installation of Windows 8 on your computer or laptop will begin.

    Direct installation of Windows 8 includes the following steps:
    • Copy Windows files

    • Preparing files for installation

    • Installing components

    • Installing updates

    • Completion (installation)

    During the installation process, the computer will be rebooted several times, so if it “goes out”, then there is no need to worry and grab your heart - this process is provided for by the installation. Of course, when you reboot, you don’t click anything (you don’t need to confirm booting from the disk when loading), everything will be done by the installer itself.

    After the reboot, the installation process will continue.

    Then, when the Windows 8 system files are installed on the computer, the installer will proceed to configure the basic settings:
    • Personalization

    • Wireless communication

    • Parameters

    • Login

    The personalization settings window will immediately appear.

    Here you need to select your favorite color, on which the visual design will be based: the start menu, windows, and other things. Then you need to enter the computer name (it is advisable to give a more original name). After that, click the “Next” button and go to the settings settings.

    If you are a beginner, we recommend selecting “Use standard settings”; if you are an advanced user, click the “Customize” button to configure the system parameters at your discretion. After that, go to the login settings.

    We recommend that you choose to sign in without a Microsoft account.

    To log in, select a local account.

    The last thing you will need to do during installation is to enter a username (required) and if you want to protect your computer from unauthorized persons, enter a password, its confirmation and a hint for it (it is not necessary to set a password). Then click the “Done” button.

    After watching a short animated video about the innovations of Windows 8, while the settings and information you entered are saved, the installed system will boot.

    Congratulations! Windows 8 is installed on your computer!

    Setting up the system after installation

    Of course, having installed the system, you will want to look at the new “Metro” interface, after which we move on to the desktop that is familiar to us.
    For experienced users, we recommend setting up control over Windows updates. Move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner (Side settings menu), click on the “Options” button and go to the control panel. In the control panel, click: “Windows Control Center”, select “Settings” on the side and set the value: “Look for an update, but the decision to download and install is made by me” and click “OK”. This is best done to prevent Windows from loading drivers from its database, which are sometimes very buggy, especially considering that the system is still new and driver compatibility has not been fully studied. If you are not a very experienced user, ignore this action.

    Now once again move the mouse arrow to the upper right corner, in the settings side menu, click the “Settings” button and select “Computer Information”. Find out if the activation was successful.

    When restarting the computer, we recommend using the same method as was said at the very beginning of the article, go to the BIOS settings and configure the system boot so that the primary boot is done from the hard drive, the secondary boot is from the CD-rom, the third parameter can be disabled, or you can set what You need.

    The next step in setting up Windows 8 is installing programs. The first thing you need to do is install it. Then we recommend installing all the necessary drivers for:

    • Video adapter (to be able to adjust the monitor image);

    • Sound card (to expand sound output settings);

    • Motherboard (USB 3.0, Lan - if they are not installed with the system, which should not be the case);

    • Other drivers.

    After installing the drivers, you can continue installing programs: install Microsoft Office, browser, codecs, etc. Please note that in Windows 8 you can install applications in Metro, there is a special store for this.

    This completes the installation of Windows 8. If you liked our instructions for installing Windows 8, then add it to your notes and share it with your friends - adding it to your social accounts.

    How to install Windows 8 video instructions
    We would also like to bring to your attention instructions for installing Windows 8 in a video version, where you can directly follow the live progress of the system installation.

    Installing the Windows 8.1 operating system can be done in three ways: updating the Windows 8 operating system installed on your computer to Windows 8.1 using a web installer, or installing the operating system on your computer again.

    After the release of the Windows 8.1 operating system, every user of the Windows 8 operating system can upgrade to the new version for free. There are some exceptions to this rule, where in some cases it will not be possible to update the system as required. You can read more about this on the Microsoft website.

    When upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, you will need to download the update from the Windows Store onto your computer and then begin the operating system installation process.

    You can install Windows via a web installer. will check your product key, and after that you can download the system image to your computer. You can then install the system or save an image of the system on your computer. In the future, this image can be burned to a DVD or created a bootable USB flash drive.

    For a clean installation on your computer, you will need to install the system from a DVD or using a bootable USB flash drive.

    First, you will need to burn an image with Windows 8.1 to a DVD or create a bootable USB flash drive for this, for example, using programs that you can read about on my website in the “Programs” section. Then you should set the boot priority from the appropriate media in the BIOS, and then start the Windows installation process.

    Installing Windows 8.1 is practically no different from installing the Windows 8 operating system on a computer.

    Installing Windows 8.1 on a computer

    After downloading, the installation of Windows 8.1 on your computer begins.

    The “Windows Installation” window appears, in which you will need to select the language to install, the time and currency format, and the input method (keyboard layout). Since the operating system being installed on the computer already has Russian localization, the Russian language and other parameters were selected automatically.

    In the next window, click on the “Install” button.

    When installing the enterprise version (VL) of the Windows 8.1 operating system on a computer, this window for entering the activation key will not appear. In this case, you will need to activate the system after installing it on your computer.

    In the “License Terms” window, you will need to activate the “I accept the license terms” item, and then click on the “Next” button.

    In the next window, “Select installation type,” select and click on “Custom: installation only (for advanced users).”

    The Upgrade installation type: Install Windows while keeping files, settings, and apps allows you to install Windows 8.1 on top of a supported operating system already installed on your computer.

    In the "Where do you want to install Windows?" window. you can create a new partition on your local disk. To create a section, you will need to click on the “Create” link. There is no need to create a new section, so you can immediately click on the “Next” button.

    In the "Install Windows" window, the steps to install the Windows 8 operating system on your computer are performed sequentially. The files are copied, and then the files are prepared for installation, components are installed, updates are installed, and the installation is completed.

    After completing this stage of operating system installation, Windows must be restarted. You don’t have to wait for the automatic reboot, but to start the reboot process faster, click on the “Reboot now” button.

    After restarting the computer, setting up the operating system continues. The system is being prepared.

    In this window you can choose the color you like best, and you will also need to give the computer a name. You can then configure these and other settings after installing Windows on your computer.

    After installing Windows on your computer, you will not be able to change personalization settings until the system is activated.

    After you enter any name in the “Computer name” field, click on the “Next” button.

    In the following windows, you configure the operating system parameters.

    The first Settings window offers standard options for using Windows. Microsoft recommends using these settings. You can configure the standard settings now or do it later, after the operating system is installed on your computer.

    Click on the “Use standard settings” button.

    In the next window, you can configure the “Update your computer and applications” and “Protect your computer and privacy” settings. If you are satisfied with the default system settings, then you will need to click on the “Next” button.

    In the next settings window for the “Find solutions to problems online” and “Help improve products and services” options, you can accept the default settings and then click the “Next” button.

    In the “Sending data to other services” window, settings for interaction between the user and various services are configured. After setting these parameters, click on the “Next” button.

    This completes the settings. Once the operating system is installed on your computer, you can change these settings later if you need to.

    The Windows operating system checks your Internet connection. Depending on the result, different windows will open in which you will either need to create a local account or enter your Microsoft account information.

    If there is no Internet connection, a message will appear in the “Your Account” window stating that the Windows operating system was unable to connect to the Internet.

    Therefore, you will be prompted to create a local account for now. You can set up your account later. In this window you will need to click on the “Create a local account” button.

    The next “Login” window will require you to enter a username, then enter a password, password confirmation, and a password hint. After entering the data, click on the “Done” button.

    If you are updating the Windows 8 operating system to Windows 8.1, then the Internet connection will work on your computer.

    Therefore, the “Account Login” window will open. You will need to enter your mailbox address and account password in the appropriate fields. If you do not yet have a Microsoft account, then you can create a new account by clicking on the “Create a new account” link.

    In any case, you will have to create such an account, because in the Windows 8.1 operating system many services are closely associated with the account.

    After entering your data, click on the “Next” button.

    In the “Help us protect your information” window, you can send an SMS with a code to the phone number that was associated with your Microsoft account. After sending the code, click on the “Next” button.

    In the “Enter the code you received” window, enter the received code, and then click on the “Next” button.

    Next is setting up your account. The “Sky Drive - Your Cloud Storage” window introduces you to Sky Drive cloud storage, which is now tightly integrated into the operating system. In this window, click on the “Next” button.

    After this, account setup is completed.

    Then the installation of applications begins. During the installation period, a color window will be displayed on the monitor screen, which will change its color several times. At the bottom of the window you can see the message “Applications are being installed.”

    The final stage of installing the operating system will involve preparing applications. At the bottom of the window there is a warning “Do not turn off your computer.”

    After the Windows 8.1 operating system is installed on your computer, the “Start screen” will load.

    The Windows 8.1 operating system was installed on the computer.

    Conclusions of the article

    If necessary, the user can install Windows 8.1 in order to use the new operating system on his computer.

    Installing Windows 8.1 (video)


    In this article we will show a practical way. Installing Windows 8 from disk will not take much of your time, besides it will be clean Windows 8 installation. But before we start installing Windows 8 from disk It would be good to make sure that your computer, laptop, netbook meets the minimum system requirements.
    So, the minimum system requirements:
    - processor with a frequency of 1 GHz and higher;
    - RAM: 1 GB for 32-bit and 2 GB for 64-bit version of Windows 8;
    - hard drive: 16 GB of free space for 32-bit and 20 GB for 64-bit version of Windows 8;
    - disk drive or USB port (BIOS must support booting from USB);
    - screen resolution 1024x768;
    If your computer meets these parameters, then you can safely proceed to installing Windows 8.

    note: If your computer does not have a disk drive, you can install Windows 8 from a flash drive. To do this you need to make a bootable USB flash drive. Read more about this in the article: How to make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8. I think this is all clear.

    To install Windows 8 from disk need to:
    - blank DVD;
    - working DVD drive;
    - Windows 8 image in iso format;
    - Ashampoo Burning Studio program, you can download it at the end of this article.


    Let us immediately note that if you already have a disk with Windows 8, then we skip this point. But if not, then you need to burn the iso image to disk. As mentioned above, you need the Ashampoo Burning Studio program. Download and install it. After installation, the main window of this program will open. To burn the image to disk, go to Create/burn disk imageBurn CD/DVD/Blue-ray disc from disc image. Let's look at the screenshot:

    Now specify the path to the Windows 8 iso image. To do this, click on the button Review

    If you made no mistakes, the result will be something like this:

    Don't forget to put a blank DVD in the drive and press the button Burn DVD. The disc will begin recording. Screenshot:

    After recording is complete:

    The Windows 8 image was successfully written to disk. So now we have a boot disk for Windows 8 installations.


    We put the disk with the recorded Windows 8 in the drive and boot the computer from it.

    note: if your computer does not want to boot from the disk, then you need to make some settings in BIOSe. More details about this are written in the instructions for the motherboard, laptop, netbook, etc.

    When the computer boots from the disk, a window will appear (sorry, the screenshots are not very high quality):

    After waiting a little, a window will open Windows installation(English version Windows Setup):

    The installation language is already Russian, click to continue Further(or Next if the installation language is English), then press the button Install. The Windows 8 installation process is progressing successfully:

    We are asked to enter the serial number, we enter it:

    The license agreement is also present in Windows 8. To continue Windows 8 installation we accept it.

    And here we indicate the second point: Custom: Install Windows only (advanced):

    In this window we indicate the drive we want to go to install Windows 8. It wouldn't hurt to format it.

    note: Formatting will destroy ALL data on the selected drive. If you need them, save them somewhere else.

    To start formatting, click on the inscription Drive Options (advanced):

    To format, click Formatted:

    After formatting, click Next:

    Files are being copied. We wait... Windows 8 installation is nearing completion. After this, your computer will reboot. Now you need to boot the computer not from your Windows 8 disk, but from the hard drive to which the Windows files were copied. If this does not happen, then go to the BIOS and put booting from the HDD (hard drive) in the first place. So, after Windows restarts, you will see the following window:

    A little more and Windows 8 installation will end:

    And, of course, the settings, where would we be without them... In the white line we indicate the name of the computer (you need to come up with a name yourself), you can select the background color and click Further(Next):

    Click on the leftmost button:

    Enter your username, and you can also enter a password for it (optional).

    We are welcomed :)

    Here is the new interface of the new Windows 8 operating system. Congratulations on your successful installation of Windows 8! We hope how to install Windows 8 from disk Now it is completely and completely clear. It would also be a good idea to make a backup of your system. How to do this and why you need it was discussed in the article: System backup and recovery. We wish you a pleasant experience with Windows 8!

    I think you will agree that it would be nice to watch a video of how the process of reinstalling Windows 8.1 goes. There is a useful course especially for you, not only on how to reinstall Windows 8, but also with a lot of other useful supplementary video instructions.

    The process of installing the Windows 8 operating system is quite simple and, with the exception of a minor nuance, is no different from the same procedure using Windows 7. Actually, Microsoft developers have always strived to save their users from tedious settings. Thus, the company confidently gained popularity of its products among the overwhelming mass of inexperienced users. By the way, the developers of Linux-like systems also followed the same path, because today, as a rule, installing Linux is practically no different. Without any exaggeration, we can say that installing modern operating systems is accessible to any beginner. And yet, in this article we will look at the Windows 8 installation process step by step.

    Insert the disk with the Windows 8 distribution and reboot the computer. If the BIOS settings specify a CD/DVD drive as the default boot, then the installation will begin. We will not be distracted by the description of the BIOS and its settings, because... There are many options here, so I’ll give you the opportunity to figure it out yourself with the instructions for the motherboard or simply find a solution on the Internet by specifying the model name in the search bar.

    So, let's assume the boot started from a pre-installed disk. The message “Press any key..” will appear on the black screen, indicating that you need to press any button. Next, the Windows logo will appear, followed by the first installer window.

    At this stage, you need to select the language to install, time format and input method. Choose something else or leave the default values ​​- Russian. Click the “Next” button.

    On the next screen, the installer prompts you to proceed to system recovery or install Windows 8.

    Click the “Install” button. In the next window, you need to enter the key to activate Windows 8. This key is located on the disc box or in the form of a sticker on your computer. On laptops, a sticker with a key is placed on the bottom of the case. After entering the key, click the “Next” button.

    In the next window, the installer asks how we will install Windows 8.

    There are two options available: “Update” and “Custom Installation”. The first is designed to update a previous version of the operating system. I have not tried to update the system to “eight”, but considering that in all earlier versions of Windows this installation method often led to unstable operation of the computer, I immediately recommend installing the system from scratch. Therefore, select the “Custom installation” item. Keep in mind that the information contained on your information will be deleted, so take care to save important information on removable media.
    In the next window you will need to select the disk on which you plan to install the operating system. If the computer is new and has never installed Windows on it, most likely there will be only one item “Unallocated disk space”.

    There are two options available: “Update” and “Custom Installation”. The first is designed to update a previous version of the operating system. I have not tried to update the system to “eight”, but considering that in all earlier versions of Windows this installation method often led to unstable operation of the computer, I immediately recommend installing the system from scratch. Therefore, select the “Custom installation” item. Keep in mind that the information contained on your hard drive will be deleted, so take care to save important information on removable media.

    In the next window you need to select the disk on which you plan to install the operating system. If the computer is new and has never installed Windows on it, most likely there will be only one item “Unallocated disk space”.

    In this case, you need to go to “Disk Settings” and create two partitions: the first for the system, the second for data. For Windows 8, it’s better to allocate at least 25 GB, plus don’t forget about space for programs. In general, in order to avoid running out of space in the future, I recommend allocating 100 GB to the system partition, and giving the remaining space to the second partition. If there is little space on your hard drive, there is no point in partitioning it, so it is better to allocate all the free space to one partition.

    If any system has already been installed, then the window will look something like this:

    You can repartition the hard drive into the number of partitions you need, or leave it as is and simply select the partition on which another system was previously installed. Typically, this drive is called "Local Drive C:". Partition letters are not displayed here, but the required disk is easily calculated based on the specified dimensions. In this case it is “Disk 0 Partition 2”.

    When copying is complete, the computer will reboot. The black screen will again display “Press any key..”. This time we don’t click anything, but just wait for the computer to boot from the hard drive. During startup, the computer screen may flicker and go completely black. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. We are waiting for the “Personalization” inscription to appear.

    Windows 8 installation is almost complete. All that remains is to complete the initial setup and you can get to work. On the first setup screen, you must select the color scheme that will be used for the Metro interface and specify the computer name. Click “Next”.

    The next screen prompts you to go to settings or use standard settings.

    You can configure the settings later and go straight to work by clicking the “Use standard settings” button. This will complete the installation of Windows 8. Or you can configure it now by clicking the “Customize” button. By selecting the second, several screens with settings will follow.

    Working with them is quite easy, just specify the necessary parameters and click “Next”. The final screen will ask you to enter your Microsoft account.

    A Microsoft account is required to sync data and download apps from the built-in store. It is possible to log in without specifying an account, but in order to fully work with Windows 8, sooner or later you will have to enter it (and if you don’t have one, then register it).

    Windows 8- This is the penultimate version of the system released by Microsoft today. As we expected, after the “Seven” we received the “Eight”. And of course we need to learn install Windows 8 to get started with this latest operating system. I suggest we do this today.

    Let's look at the entire Windows 8 installation process, how it differs from installations of other versions of Windows, and so on. But before we get down to business, we need to naturally announce the system requirements. It's simple!

    To install Windows 8 we need:

    the processor must have a clock speed of at least 1 GHz
    20 GB or more of free hard disk space
    DirectX 9 support

    In other words, if you previously had “Seven” installed, then you shouldn’t bother with the system requirements. The latest Windows 8 will work great for you.

    1. Where to get a disk with Windows 8

    You can buy the program in a store or online. If you are from the network, then most likely you will have an image downloaded that will need to be written to an empty disk. I explained how this is done in the lesson: . If this information is relevant to you, then read it, everything is very simple.

    2. Set the BIOS to boot from disk