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  • Sberbank corporate clients website url. Corporate client. Sberbank for corporate clients. MTS for corporate clients. Main functions of the Sberbank Corporation system

    Sberbank corporate clients website url.  Corporate client.  Sberbank for corporate clients.  MTS for corporate clients.  Main functions of the Sberbank Corporation system

    Sberbank of Russia provides online business to corporate clients on loyal terms. Every business owner can easily automate the process of reporting and running a business.

    On the official website of Sberbank you can use the following services:

    • Deposit service.
    • Loans that are created for corporate borrowers.
    • Perform various operations with documents. Moreover, you can use documents of various types.
    • Carry out transactions with securities.
    • Use corporate cards.

    Sberbank can finance your project, and on fairly favorable terms. You can buy an online cash register from this company.

    “Sberbank business online” - login

    To log into the Sberbank Business Online system, you must use the following link:

    When working with this service, your documents are safe. After all, you should change your password every three months to be sure that no one will ever get into your Sberbank personal account.

    As for providing a login, the organization’s employees work here. They will independently select the required login. To log into the system, you must come up with an individual and unique password.

    As for the first password, the client will receive it via SMS message. As mentioned above, it is best to change it and immediately erase the SMS message.

    Sberbank allows you to conduct business online on a new “wave”. Now working with documents is much easier. For every wrong action, you will see prompts. Therefore, the risk of sending documents with errors is minimized. This means you don't have to redo reports, since all actions are performed online.

    Sberbank of Russia to corporate clients “business online”

    The financial institution has created a convenient service for remote work with an Internet service that can be used by entrepreneurs and legal entities. All documents have special stamps that do not require certification and no need to visit Sberbank when printing. These conditions will make business much easier. After all, many citizens simply cannot cope with the reports that arise and get confused in them.

    Sending payment documentation has become several times more convenient. You don't have to waste time traveling to the desired office. Everything can be done without leaving home and at any time of the day.

    Tracking the movement of funds in accounts is a convenient service. This way, citizens can control their personal finances in real time.

    Sberbank business online for corporate clients 9443 is a service that can be visited by sending the appropriate application. After which you can safely transfer the management of your business to an online system.

    "Sberbank business online" login for corporate clients

    “Sberbank Business Online” provides one entrance for corporate clients, as well as one entrance for small business owners (listed above). The system operates around the clock. There is special technical support that you can contact for any question.

    Those. If you do not have time to understand the instructions provided and urgently need to fill out and send documents, you can call the hotline. The staff will advise you on any situation and give detailed verbal instructions.

    Settlement and cash services at Sberbank

    The financial institution offers corporate clients to use cash settlement services. There are several programs at Sberbank of Russia: Basis, Active, and Optima. Each requires a monthly fee.

    Advantages of the above systems:

    • You can open a ruble account.
    • Withdraw cash.
    • Receive the necessary certificates and duplicate statements.

    As for the cost of the above cash management services, it varies from 2200 to 3100 rubles.

    In addition, after connecting one of the systems, the client will receive a 50 percent discount on receiving a checkbook.

    To arrange cash settlement services at Sberbank, you need to open an account, visit the office and fill out a special application.

    Sberbank collection

    Sberbank Business Online offers collection services to corporate clients. This service includes the following advantages: delivery of funds from the bank, transportation of finances, maintenance of automatic safes. It is also possible to withdraw money from self-service devices.

    The advantages of collection are as follows:

    • There are many Sberbank offices.
    • The client can order a breakdown of funds by banknotes.
    • The bank also transports large amounts of money.
    • Citizens can count on their finances being protected. Sberbank employees use armored vehicles.
    • Control over the collection process.
    • Employees carry small arms, which is an additional guarantee of the safety of funds.
    • Sberbank also calculates individual payments for the transportation of the required amounts.

    Therefore, citizens can completely entrust their finances to Sberbank.

    Sberbank of Russia for corporate clients “business online”: acquiring

    Using this service, citizens can not only buy various goods with credit cards, but also take them on credit. Sberbank acquiring allows citizens not to carry cash with them. The money is safe on the card and no one can steal it.

    Advantages of acquiring from Sberbank:

    • There is no need to check banknotes for authenticity.
    • Reducing cash on hand.
    • With the help of cards, customer service is much faster.
    • Reduced collection costs, etc.

    To activate the above service, you need to contact the Sberbank office and write. After completing the official part, bank employees will install the necessary equipment and also teach you how to use it. Instructions will be provided to each owner.

    Remote servicing of Sberbank

    To use Sberbank’s remote services, you need to visit the Business Online Internet service. You can also use the mobile application of the same name, which allows you to format documents and send them to the recipient at any time.

    In addition, there is an electronic document management system E-invoicing. Using the above services, Sberbank's corporate clients can reduce the time spent on storing and processing documents, track all payment documents, and monitor account status. In the latter case, you can control your finances from anywhere in the world, which is very convenient.

    For many years, one of the main priorities of Sberbank of Russia has rightfully been considered professional comprehensive service to corporate clients (both the SME sector and large businesses) of a wide variety of types and industries.

    For many years, one of the main priorities of Sberbank of Russia has rightfully been considered professional comprehensive service to corporate clients (both the SME sector and large businesses) of a wide variety of types and industries. Today Sberbank provides clients with a fairly wide range of banking services:

    • Numerous deposit programs
    • Lending to corporate clients
    • Operations with documents of different types
    • Prompt settlement and cash services
    • Conducting transactions with securities
    • Service with corporate cards
    • Implementation of convenient salary projects
    • Financing of various projects, etc.

    The practice of working with Sberbank demonstrates many advantages of using corporate programs, an individual approach to work, and great potential for development.

    Sberbank for corporate clients online

    The most popular and comfortable Internet system for remote work with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities today is Sberbank Business Online. With the help of this Internet project, each corporate client of the bank has the opportunity to generate and send the necessary payment documentation, constantly monitor the movement of funds in the company’s active accounts, and use all possible banking services. Service via the Internet provides not only maximum comfort in cooperation with the bank, but also allows you to significantly save your own time.

    Sberbank Business Online for corporate clients

    Activating the Sberbank Business Online service does not require serious effort. It is enough just to visit a bank branch once in order to conclude an Internet service agreement. This procedure takes at most half an hour if you collect in advance all the necessary documentation for registration in the system (a list of documents is available on the bank’s official website). Software for working with Sberbank Business Online is also not required: all operations here will be carried out in the bank’s special interface. The work is carried out using a browser convenient for you.

    Sberbank Online: corporate clients - login

    Login to the Sberbank Business Online system is carried out using the url address -. The system itself guarantees the absolute security of all individual data of each client, which eliminates the possibility of third parties using your organization’s internal information. To log in, you just need to provide a username and individual password. The login will be provided to you by the bank individually in a special information sheet, which is given to the client after the conclusion of the agreement. You will receive your first password via SMS message. After the first login, each client is given the opportunity to replace the secret code with an individual one.

    Cash settlement services in Sberbank (Cash and settlement services)

    Sberbank of Russia offers three options for settlement and cash services: “Basis”, “Active” and “Optima”. Each of them includes services for maintaining a ruble account, a monthly fee for using the Sberbank Business Online system, services for accepting and issuing cash, providing certificates and duplicate statements. The scope of services depends on the chosen program and ranges from 2200 to 3100 rubles. per month. Buyers of each package are given a 50% discount on the issuance of a checkbook. To switch to services at Sberbank, you need to open an account, draw up a service agreement and write an application.

    Sberbank collection

    The bank offers the following types of collection services: delivery of banknotes from the Bank of Russia, withdrawal from self-service devices, transportation of money between structural divisions, maintenance of automatic safes. The advantages of collection at Sberbank are: an extensive network of bank offices, service at a convenient time, the ability to order money with a breakdown of bills, transportation of large amounts, armored vehicles, reliable control over the collection process, the availability of military small arms for employees, individual calculation of tariffs depending on the volume transported amounts.

    Acquiring Sberbank

    Sberbank of Russia provides a service to business representatives for accepting bank cards (acquiring). It allows you to attract new customers who are accustomed to paying with cards, increase the average purchase size and provide the opportunity to buy goods on credit using credit cards. Acquiring also eliminates the need to check the authenticity of banknotes, reduces cash in the till, speeds up customer service, reduces collection costs, etc. To receive acquiring services, you need to write an application to the nearest bank branch and conclude an agreement. Then Sberbank representatives will install the necessary equipment and train your organization’s employees.

    Remote servicing of Sberbank

    Business representatives can receive banking services remotely. The service is carried out using the Sberbank Business Online systems, the mobile application of the same name and the electronic document management system E-invoicing. Their use reduces the cost of processing and storing paper information, allows you to track payment documents in real time, access your account from anywhere in the world, manage your account by several users, etc. To connect to the services, you need to sign a service agreement at the nearest bank branch.

    useful links

    1. Section of the Sberbank website dedicated to corporate services -
    2. Settlement and cash services - .

    Sberbank of Russia offers corporate clients the widest range of banking services. Their use will help in business development, simplify management and significantly expand the capabilities of the enterprise. Start getting acquainted with the system from the official Sberbank website in the “Corporate Clients” tab.

    Serving corporate clients at Sberbank

    On the official website of Sberbank of Russia, corporate clients are identified as a separate group. They are offered a wide range of banking products for the development and promotion of business projects, its expansion and modernization.

    Business support via online website

    The bank's offerings are not limited to lending and investment solutions. The bank is ready to provide significant assistance to clients of this category online. New services and banking products are constantly appearing, which significantly expands the range of services. Available innovations are announced on the official website, which simplifies the procedure for tracking improvements and additions in servicing business clients.

    Much attention is paid to the introduction of modern innovative technologies. In addition to the usual remote control channels of Sberbank of Russia for corporate clients (Sberbank Business Online), additional services appear regularly.

    A new product on the market is a chatbot for 24/7 online information support from the official website. High-quality service allows business representatives to save time when solving a number of financial and management issues.

    Current banking products

    Sberbank of Russia offers a wide range of banking products to corporate clients. Sberbank Business Online is a special remote service that will help in managing an enterprise, and comprehensive settlement and cash services will simplify the settlement procedure at the enterprise. Logging into the system is safe for clients, as the best professionals in this field work on the safety of personal data.

    Currently, the bank offers corporate clients a wide range of services in the following categories:

    1. Financing: the bank's offer is not limited to issuing loans on favorable terms; in this category there is a wide selection of products for corporate business.
    2. Placement of funds: investment projects, deposit services, transactions in the financial market will help to generate additional income.
    3. Financial flow management: in this category, Sberbank offers its services in the field of management and control of client enterprises.
    4. Settlements: comprehensive settlement and remote services in Sberbank of Russia for corporate clients (Sberbank Business Online and other remote control systems) will help with management, the bank also offers salary projects and corporate cards, documentary transactions, etc.

    Note: on the Sberbank of Russia website, corporate clients are offered a detailed description of all current bank offers. For additional information, you can always contact bank employees by calling the hotline.


    Sberbank of Russia offers corporate clients a wide range of products for managing, expanding and modernizing their business. Advantageous offers from the bank for this category of clients will help in doing business. 24-hour business support can be provided directly from the official Sberbank website using a chatbot system.

    In 2013, Sberbank's corporate business was reorganized. As a result, an independent direction of corporate investment business and operations in global markets (Sberbank CIB) was created, the main clients of which were the largest companies. Another direction - Corporate business - is engaged in servicing large, medium and small enterprises.

    In addition to dividing the business into areas, active work was carried out to improve the quality of management. During the year, the level of planning was increased, regular monitoring of results was introduced, and communication between regional banks and heads of business areas was improved.

    Changes in the organizational structure contributed to the active development of the product line for corporate clients, which helped the bank to significantly increase the number of clients and strengthen its position as the main supplier of financial resources to the Russian economy. In 2013, Sberbank carried out credit and financial transactions with all groups of corporate clients.

    Corporate and investment business

    Lending to major clients

    More than half of the loan portfolio of Sberbank's corporate clients falls on the largest borrowers. As of January 1, 2014, the debt of this category of clients amounted to 4.6 trillion rubles. Over the year, the number of borrowers increased to 920. The volume of new transactions exceeded 2.9 trillion rubles in 2013.

    Trade finance

    One of the successful areas developed by the bank is trade finance. Over the past four years, the volume of the bank's trade finance portfolio has grown 6 times - to 14 billion US dollars. Currently, Sberbank offers a full line of trade finance and documentary business products based on the best world standards.

    Thanks to the development of its international network, Sberbank is actively implementing intra-group transactions with the participation of the group’s foreign subsidiary banks in the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe, and Turkey. In 2013, a new line of products was launched - Commodity Trade Finance and Supply Chain Finance, covering the financing of export flows from the Russian Federation, including the financing of trade operations after goods cross the border.

    According to the Global Trade Review magazine, Sberbank became the only Russian bank included in the list of the world's best banks in the field of trade finance. In addition, for the second year in a row, the bank was recognized as the best in the field of trade finance in the CIS countries.

    Investment banking business

    Sberbank CIB also maintained a strong position in the external debt market of issuers from the CIS countries. In 2013, 27 transactions were carried out and Eurobonds of 22 issuers from Russia and Ukraine were placed with a total nominal volume of 15.7 billion US dollars.

    Retained leadership in the implementation of innovative transactions and products in the equity and debt capital markets in Russia and the CIS. In these segments, as well as in the field of mergers and acquisitions, in 2013 Sberbank CIB won 10 industry awards.

    At the end of the year, Sberbank CIB became the absolute leader in the Investment Research market. 238 new Global Markets clients were attracted. 34 completely new products were introduced and new product geographies were developed - Central and Eastern Europe.

    Corporate business

    Large and medium business

    Lending to large and medium-sized businesses also developed successfully. Over the year, the bank managed to increase the volume of the loan portfolio of this category of clients by a quarter - to 3.2 trillion rubles.

    This result became possible due to the fact that the bank optimized internal processes to reduce the processing time for loan applications, and continued to improve and expand the line of products for medium and large businesses.

    The Bank significantly optimized the conditions for providing a number of products, including tender loans and various guarantees, and standardized the terms of lending to various industry companies, including leasing companies and retail enterprises. Developed specialized products for companies in the agro-industrial complex.

    Small and micro business

    The bank pays special attention to cooperation with small and micro businesses. As a result of vigorous activity in this area, the loan portfolio in this segment grew by 31% and approached 600 billion rubles. Sberbank receives financing for 231.5 thousand small and micro businesses, and their number has increased by more than a quarter over the year.

    During the year, Sberbank continued to actively implement and develop technologies for lending to small businesses. Thus, the product line of Sberbank’s “Credit Factory” has been replenished with new special programs for micro-enterprises. Sberbank replicated the Express Asset product for the purchase of equipment; “Express Mortgage” was launched in pilot mode - a product that is designed to stimulate the investment activity of micro businesses and solve the problem of lack of available funds.

    In 2013, the “Business” series product line was developed, intended for enterprises with a stable business. Over the year, the portfolio of these loans grew one and a half times and amounted to about 380 billion rubles.

    Another loan product has developed well - “Business Start”, under which aspiring entrepreneurs receive financing to open a business using a franchise or a standard business plan. As of January 1, 2014, more than 26 thousand people showed interest in this project, 456 loans worth 725 million rubles were issued. Since June, two businesses have been launched in this segment every day. During the project, more than 90 franchisor companies joined the program, and their number is constantly growing. To start a business, the bank offers 18 standard business plans for partners.