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  • World of Tanks test server. World of Tanks test server World of tanks test server opens

    World of Tanks test server.  World of Tanks test server World of tanks test server opens

    Updated (20-09-2019, 09:38): third test 1.6.1

    The test server in the game World of Tanks 1.6.1 is a regular server where new maps, features, tanks and other innovations of the game are tested. It is impossible to get to the WOT test server when the player wants it - it opens only at a certain time, when the game developers need it.

    The third general test is open!

    What is a test server and why is it needed?

    Test server is a repository where a copy is stored and reproduced, but with some changes. Of course, before making any changes to the game, they must first be tested.
    The first to see the changes are the staff of WOT developers, then they give access to super-testers. If there are any shortcomings, they are corrected and the version of the new client is tested under load. The test version of the client is uploaded to the backup server and made available to everyone. Once again, the development staff is looking for errors and shortcomings. Afterwards, they fix and “roll out” a new version of the client.

    How to get to the WOT test server

    To get to the test server you need to download a special installer 1.6.1 or install Wargaming Game Center. After that, launch it. He will offer to download a test client - download it and install it. Next, a folder will be created World_of_Tanks_CT(in the directory where the player specified during installation).

    Everything is ready to launch! Click on the test client shortcut and you will be taken to the authorization page and login to the game. Log in with your nickname and password and select one of two test servers.

    Features test. Servers

    • Each player is awarded 20,000 gold, 100,000,000 free experience, and 100,000,000 silver at a time.
    • Everything you earn and buy on the test server will never transfer to the main one.

    What's new in 1.6.1?

    • the opportunity to change nationality;
    • 11 new styles;
    • changes in ranked battles.


    The picture above shows the first multinational tank T-34-85 Rudy, which will be added to all testers in the hangar.

    What is multinationality?
    A new feature in the World of Tanks game, which allows you to seat a Polish crew on the T-34-85 Rudy.

    Important! We will only be able to change the crew in the hangar; it will be impossible to do this in battle.

    Why is this necessary?

    In order to upgrade the crew of different nations using the same car. If the players like the idea, the developers promised to add more multinational tanks to the game.

    Updated (20-09-2019, 09:38): third test 1.6.1

    The test server in the game World of Tanks 1.6.1 is a regular server where new maps, features, tanks and other innovations of the game are tested. It is impossible to get to the WOT test server when the player wants it - it opens only at a certain time, when the game developers need it.

    The third general test is open!

    What is a test server and why is it needed?

    Test server is a repository where a copy is stored and reproduced, but with some changes. Of course, before making any changes to the game, they must first be tested.
    The first to see the changes are the staff of WOT developers, then they give access to super-testers. If there are any shortcomings, they are corrected and the version of the new client is tested under load. The test version of the client is uploaded to the backup server and made available to everyone. Once again, the development staff is looking for errors and shortcomings. Afterwards, they fix and “roll out” a new version of the client.

    How to get to the WOT test server

    To get to the test server you need to download a special installer 1.6.1 or install Wargaming Game Center. After that, launch it. He will offer to download a test client - download it and install it. Next, a folder will be created World_of_Tanks_CT(in the directory where the player specified during installation).

    Everything is ready to launch! Click on the test client shortcut and you will be taken to the authorization page and login to the game. Log in with your nickname and password and select one of two test servers.

    Features test. Servers

    • Each player is awarded 20,000 gold, 100,000,000 free experience, and 100,000,000 silver at a time.
    • Everything you earn and buy on the test server will never transfer to the main one.

    What's new in 1.6.1?

    • the opportunity to change nationality;
    • 11 new styles;
    • changes in ranked battles.


    The picture above shows the first multinational tank T-34-85 Rudy, which will be added to all testers in the hangar.

    What is multinationality?
    A new feature in the World of Tanks game, which allows you to seat a Polish crew on the T-34-85 Rudy.

    Important! We will only be able to change the crew in the hangar; it will be impossible to do this in battle.

    Why is this necessary?

    In order to upgrade the crew of different nations using the same car. If the players like the idea, the developers promised to add more multinational tanks to the game.

    It is good practice for any addition to a multiplayer game to undergo preliminary debugging in a narrow circle of people - supertesters or the like. The World of Tanks project has taken a slightly different path - before the release of any update, it is tested for quite a long time on a separate server, which anyone can access. So today we will look at what a World of Tanks test server is and what features should be taken into account when playing on it.

    The opening of a test server is announced several weeks after the announcement of a particular update. After opening, anyone can download the world of tanks client (test client) and install it. Attention - the test and production clients of the game are completely independent applications and must be installed in different folders. When downloading the test client, it will not be possible to upload only the patch files - you need the entire game, so be prepared to provide the necessary space on your hard drive. After the test client is installed, you can launch it and start testing World of Tanks for new products. What you need to know first of all - spare your nerves and time, do not try to log into the test server in the first few days after it opens. A place in the queue in the second ten thousand and several hours of waiting are guaranteed to you (provided that you don’t get thrown to the end of the queue again). On the third or fourth day you can safely come in and play.

    You should log in using your personal data - you do not need to create a new account. Accordingly, your nickname will remain in the game, only with the addition of a small prefix indicating that you are on the test server. The main feature of this server is that, in addition to the opportunity to get acquainted with new games, the test server World of

    Tanks gives you the opportunity to drive almost any car. When you first log in to your test account, the following is listed:

    100,000,000 silver;
    100,000,000 free experience;
    20,000 gold.

    Accordingly, you decided to upgrade Soviet medium tanks, but you don’t know what to expect on top-end vehicles (the forum and VODs are a good thing, but you want to try it yourself). Go to the test server, open all the tanks you need for free experience, buy them and calmly test this or that sample. Another situation is buying a premium tank - no one wants to shell out real money for a pig in a poke. The test server allows you to evaluate this or that premium device, after which it will be much easier to choose a car.
    The second important point that must be taken into account is that 100 million silver is burning everyone’s pockets, so on the test server fully researched top configurations of vehicles, pumped up to the brow with the most expensive consumables and ammunition, go into battle. Everyone on the test server shoots gold, so this needs to be taken into account when evaluating a particular tank model.

    The next point is that most players are eager to play on top technology, so finding partners for levels 5-7 may be a problem. The World of Tanks test server is international - you can meet representatives of all clusters from European to Asian.
    After some time, the second version of the test server will be available - you can safely delete the first one and start downloading the new one. This usually happens a couple of weeks before the update is released. If it is content-based (new tanks or maps), then two stages are usually enough, in other cases (as was the case when introducing physics) there is a third stage of testing.
    After the release of the official update, the test server does not close automatically, but continues to exist for about a week. News about its closure usually appears on the portal and in the game client launcher.

    An open test server for World of Tanks was created by the administration to test updates. Patches are released regularly and the volume of innovations is usually colossal. To test all the innovations before they are released on the main server, you can download the client to the WoT test server from the official website.

    Download WoT test server 1.6.1

    Since version 1.6.1, players are encouraged to download and install everything through Game Center. Use the link below

    Download test server

    Now you can access the test server only through Game Center (how to install)
    List of changes in test 1.6.1
    • Rebalancing personal combat missions
    • Changes in the appearance of equipment
    • Disabling damage to allies
    • Tank premium account
    • Cards
    • Changes to wheeled vehicles
    • Interface changes
    • Disabling team battle
    • Changes in vehicle parameters

    Upon entering the test server, each player is awarded currency and experience:

    It should be taken into account that the experience earned, game currency and equipment, unfortunately, are not transferred to the main client.

    To install, you will need a new client - it is not built into the main one, so be prepared to allocate additional disk space. You are probably interested how much does the WoT test server weigh?, but there are no exact numbers - it all depends on the version of the patch being tested. Usually, a little more than the current version of the client. The WoT test server launcher 1.6.1 can be downloaded for free from the official website. If you have already participated in the previous test phase, please update the test client as you will need the latest version. There should be no problems updating the World of Tanks test server, since this will happen automatically. We recommend downloading the launcher only from the official website - this is the only way to be sure that it works and is the latest version.

    We bring to your attention a video review of the WoT test server.

    When will the World of Tanks test server go live?

    If you're wondering, "Is the test server running?" - We are in a hurry to please you. It is usually launched in anticipation of a new patch, and at the moment this is a large-scale update 1.6.1, so the test is in full swing. To understand when the test server will be opened, you need to follow the news on the developers’ website - the opening date and operating hours are usually announced in advance. At the moment, the second stage has begun, the date when the next one will be released will be announced later. Subscribe to news, notifications, join our groups on social networks and you will be aware of updates.

    How to install a test server

    Download test server

    • To run the World of Tanks test server, you will need to download the installer from the developer’s website (link above).
    • Next, follow the instructions and wait for the game client to download.

    How to log into the test server

    • Before joining the beta test, run the test client.
    • Make sure your main account has been in existence for a sufficient amount of time before logging into the test (only accounts created more than 2-4 weeks before the start of the test are accepted).
    • The number of available places is limited! You may end up in a queue.
    • Use your regular username and password to log in.

    Mods for test server 1.6.1

    There are no special mod builds for the test server, since it exists for a limited amount of time. The instructions for installing mods on a test server are the same as for a simple server - just add the mod files to the folder of the corresponding version inside the res_mods directory. The path to it will look something like this:

    "D /World of Tanks/res_mods/*client version*."

    Of course, there are no guarantees that all mods will work, so there are no 100% working builds. Choose those that work with the latest version of the main client - you can check out those available for the main client. You can try to install at your own risk; the test server is probably not moderated as actively as the main one, and therefore will not necessarily provoke a ban. You can download cheats from our website and try to install them on the test server, however, as with simple mods, functionality is not guaranteed.

    Problem solving

    Why is the World of Tanks test server not working?

    If you simply cannot log in, then most likely the test stage has completed, and the next one has not yet begun. Check the official website for news. Also, every day on all three test servers, technical work is carried out for 15 minutes:

    Why is the WoT test server not available or not connecting?

    • It may indeed be unavailable because the test has ended - see the test dates in the table above.
    • Your account may be registered later than the established threshold - 2-4 weeks before the start of the test.
    • You may have problems with network settings; see the next paragraph to resolve them.

    The test is running, but the WoT client (test server) still writes: “The connection cannot be established” or “You are disconnected from the server.”

    Try the following:
    • Try disabling your firewall and try logging in again
    • Use the WGCheck program
    • Check client integrity
    • Check the boxes next to “Add client to firewall exceptions” and “Advanced network diagnostics”.
    • If the program does not restore the client automatically, create a report and attach it when you contact support again.

    Download test server

    Participation in testing

    Changes in the new season:

    • Now the season lasts 21 days and is not divided into stages.
    • The number of ranks has been increased from 5 to 15.
    • The conditions for obtaining chevrons have been reworked:
      1. The top 10 players on the winning team, as well as the player ranked 1st in experience on the losing team, will each receive one chevron.
      2. The top 3 players on the winning team will receive an additional chevron.
      3. Players who took 11–15 places on the winning team and 2–5 places on the losing team will not lose their chevron.
      4. Players finishing 6th–15th on the losing team will lose their chevron.
    • Added new functionality - rank protection. It will be valid for some ranks and have durability points.
    • The home screen interface of the Ranked Battle mode has been redesigned to correctly display information about the 15 ranks.
    • The interface of the rewards screen for ranks and for the entire season has been redesigned. It is accessible from the home screen and includes:
      1. information about rewards for each rank;
      2. information about rewards at the end of the season.
    • The visualization of vehicle ranks has been changed - now these are rank points. The principle of earning them has not changed.
    • The display of vehicle ranks from the vehicle panel (the so-called carousel) has been removed, and in vehicle achievements they have been replaced with rank points.
    • The interface for progressing by vehicle ranks has been redesigned: now players, upon reaching the maximum rank, will see the number of rank points earned in the Hangar.
    Improvements in Fortified Area mode
    • In Sorties and Offensives, the room commander has added the ability to transfer the right to use combat reserves (Airstrike and Artillery) to any player in the squad, including legionnaires. This player becomes the Gunner and operates reserves in battle.
    In update 9.22, two announced vehicles will appear in the research tree:
    1. Tier X vehicle, next to the T-10.
    2. Tier X vehicle, next to the “Object 430 Option II”.

    The announced vehicle will be represented in the research tree with a special symbol, indicating that in the next updates the corresponding vehicle will be added at the place of the announcement.

    Changes in vehicle parameters

    Cars added:

    • “Object 705A” (X level):

      All experience accumulated on the KV-13 will be duplicated on the IS if the IS is researched. This was done so that players who bought the KV-13 after the announcement of the new branch at WG Fest would not waste their time.

    • “Object 705” (IX level)
    • IS-M (VIII level)
    • “Object 430U” (instead of “Object 430” at level X)
    • “Object 268 Option 4” (instead of “Object 263” at level X)
    • “Object 257” (level IX)
    • “Object 263” (level IX)
    • “Object 430” (level IX)

    Cars removed:

    • “Object 263” (X level)
    • “Object 430” (X level)
    • SU-122-54 (tier IX)


    • The power of the V-44 engine was changed from 520 to 760 hp. With.


    • The power of the V-44 engine was changed from 520 to 760 hp. With.

    T-44-100 (R):

    • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the chassis has been reduced by 40%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the chassis has been reduced by 40%.
    • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 20 to 23 km/h.
    • The power of the V-44 engine was changed from 520 to 760 hp. With.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 20%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 22%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44 chassis has been reduced by 20%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the T-44M chassis has been reduced by 22%.
    • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 20 to 23 km/h.
    • The power of the V-54-6 engine was changed from 680 to 760 hp. With.

    Gun 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944 with 28 rounds of ammunition, replaced by the 122 mm D-25-SU-101 gun with 28 rounds of ammunition and the following performance characteristics:

    • elevation angle 18.3 degrees;
    • declination angle 3 degrees;
    • spread 0.44 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 11.1 s;
    • mixing time 2.5 s.

    The performance characteristics of the shells of this weapon are as follows:

    • UBR-471: damage 390 units, penetration 210 mm;
    • BR-471D: damage 390 units, penetration 248 mm;
    • UOF-471: damage 530 units, penetration 64 mm.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the SU-101 chassis has been reduced by 33%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the SU-102 chassis has been reduced by 37%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the SU-101 chassis has been reduced by 33%.
    • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the SU-102 chassis has been reduced by 37%.
    • The turning speed of the SU-101 chassis has been changed from 34 to 23 deg/s.
    • The turning speed of the SU-102 chassis has been changed from 36 to 25 degrees/s.
    • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 changed from 0.35 m to 0.4 m.
    • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been changed from 0.35 m to 0.39 m.
    • The dispersion of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been changed from 0.37 m to 0.42 m.
    • Gun dispersion 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944, when turning the barrel in the firing sector, it is increased by 25%.
    • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54S gun when rotating the barrel in the firing sector has been increased by 25%.
    • The dispersion of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun when rotating the barrel in the firing sector has been reduced by 25%.
    • Reload time for 100 mm D-10S gun mod. 1944 changed from 6.2 to 7.1 s.
    • The reload time of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been changed from 6.7 to 9.1 s.
    • The reload time of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been changed from 12 to 12.6 s.
    • The aiming speed of the gun is 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 changed from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
    • The aiming speed of the 100 mm D-54S gun from 2.1 to 2.3 s.
    • The aiming speed of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been changed from 3.1 to 2.5 s.
    • The view has been changed from 380 to 350 m.
    • Horizontal guidance speed changed from 44 to 26 deg/s.
    • The hull armor has been strengthened.
    • The flight speed of the UOF-472 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 10%.
    • The flight speed of the BR-472 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 10%.
    • The flight speed of the BK-9 projectile for the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been reduced by 8%.
    • Gun declination angle 100 mm D-10S mod. 1944 changed from 2.3 to 3 degrees.
    • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-54S gun has been changed from 2.3 to 3 degrees.
    • The depression angle of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun has been changed from 2.2 to 3 degrees.
    • Horizontal pointing angles for 100 mm D-10S guns mod. 1944 and 100 mm D-54S changed from −9.3/9.3 to −10/12 deg.
    • The horizontal guidance angles of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun have been changed from −7.3/7.3 to −10/12 degrees.
    • The maximum reverse speed has been changed from 16 to 18 km/h.
    • The durability of the SU-101 has changed from 990 to 1100 units.