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  • Windows 10 updates are available but not downloaded. What to do if you don’t want to wait for a month to expire after installing Windows?

    Windows 10 updates are available but not downloaded.  What to do if you don’t want to wait for a month to expire after installing Windows?

    Windows updates fix vulnerabilities in previous versions of the system, increase the speed of your computer, and often expand user capabilities. If you do not install them, then in the future this can lead to errors in the operation of both individual applications and programs, and the OS itself.

    Popular difficulties with updating Windows 10

    What worries users most is that:

    • Windows 10 update will conflict with their antivirus program;
    • The disk space will run out, especially if the internal storage of the tablet or PC/laptop is small in volume (device models in the lower price range).

    Antiviruses prevent Windows from updating

    The influence of antiviruses on Windows updates is explained by conflicts between a third-party antivirus (Kaspersky, ESET Smart Security, etc.) and the Windows Defender component, which was originally built into the OS itself and is updated with it.

    Timely updating of anti-virus programs and their databases

    It is recommended to use the latest versions of antivirus software. Thus, Kaspersky software requires versions of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Total Security 2016 or 2017. In addition, you should not forget to update your operating system in a timely manner to prevent Windows update installation failures.

    Update your antivirus, regardless of whether it is paid or free

    In 2015, Kaspersky Internet Security experienced the following problems when upgrading Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 or installing KIS 2015 on a ready-to-use Windows 10:

    • KIS 2015 did not work on Windows 10 Phone;
    • KIS did not interact with the Microsoft Edge browser;
    • Without the Zero Day Patch component and the Device Guard function, protection against network attacks, advanced heuristics, and RAM checking did not work.

    Now these problems have been resolved.

    It happens that Windows 10 updates are installed successfully, but the antivirus malfunctions. In these cases, it is worth updating it rather than waiting for new updates for your operating system.

    Effect of antivirus on Windows 10 firewall settings

    Any antivirus can disable the Windows 10 firewall, without which updates will no longer be installed, since the “Windows Firewall” and “Automatic Updates” components have been interconnected since the days of Windows XP. But the antivirus can be configured so that it does not add pre-installed Windows applications and system components to the list of blocked programs, which may include a built-in firewall.

    To re-enable the firewall, do the following:

    If Windows Firewall does not respond at all, then the Windows Firewall service is disabled. Do the following:

    It is also possible that the firewall will turn on only after the third-party antivirus program is completely removed.

    Radical measures to resolve the conflict between antivirus and OS updates

    If you cannot resolve the conflict between the antivirus and updates, there are two ways:

    • abandon third-party antiviruses altogether, relying on Windows Defender (“Windows Defender”) and OS updates. After all, Windows Defender is already 10 years old; it was developed along with Windows Vista and is designed to complement the Windows Firewall, which has existed since the days of Windows XP. Since then it has been modernized and updated several times. Install all cumulative updates and patches related to ridding the user of online threats;
    • go through all the antivirus programs (there are more than a dozen of them), without focusing on products specifically from Kaspersky Lab or Avast, and find a conflict-free antivirus package. This is the most difficult, but also the most advanced way to solve the problem.

    Some laptops with Windows Vista installation discs came with MCAfee Virus Scan antivirus - a utility that complemented the capabilities of Windows Defender at the level of OS protection against network attacks, and a package of general fixes for Windows Vista. All these tools are updated and compatible with Windows 10, try them out.

    Video: is antivirus needed in Windows 10

    Not enough disk space to update Windows

    This problem affects lower-end tablets and netbooks that have only 16 or 32 GB of memory (small HDD/SSD storage).

    SD cards and flash drives of 64 and 128 GB, installed in PCs in the lower price range, exceed the built-in media in volume

    As an example, update Windows 10 to build 1607.

    Windows 10 updates take a while to download and install

    Windows 10 will report a lack of free space and recommend “unloading” the main drive or connecting another one (except for the USB-DVD-RW drive).

    Windows 10 won't install updates if there isn't enough free space on your disk

    Windows does not collect outdated updates, cluttering the main disk, but replaces some with newer ones, released to replace or in addition to the old ones. At the same time, free space on the main disk can be either freed up or reduced within small limits.

    To be able to record all previous system data in case of a rollback, use additional disks and flash drives. Do the following:

    You now have a fully working Windows 10 system with all patches and additions installed.

    The system information indicates the update version (code)

    If the update version code has not changed to the one you updated, then the process was unsuccessful. Look for another reason for refusal.

    Video: How to prepare drive C for downloading new Windows 10 updates

    Windows 10 updates won't install

    There are several reasons and types of this problem.

    Windows updates are downloaded but not installed

    Starting with Windows XP, the automatic update setting was reduced to four values:

  • automatic download, but selective (manual) installation;
  • automatic search, but manual download and installation;
  • a complete ban on all activities.
  • The second option is the most irrational. Why download something that will not be installed and will soon become outdated, because update packages are released monthly and stably, and a significant part of them is defense against network threats. This option should be removed altogether.

    In Windows 10, you cannot refuse some updates unless you use the Command Prompt, Registry Editor, or Windows Local Group Policy Editor settings. In the standard settings, called from the main menu, there is only automatic and delayed installation of updates. Do the following:

    Update kb3213986 is not installed

    This is a cumulative update that increases the Windows 10 build version to 14393.223. As of July 2017, it is considered obsolete. If you were unable to install this update, try its corrected and updated version kb3197356.

    If you have problems installing the batch file kb3213986, try its fixed version kb3197356

    Windows 10 users have had cases where the kb3213986 update installed up to 7% and then dropped. In older versions of Windows, the uninstalled batch file would not be completely removed, resulting in an urgent need to reinstall the system.

    kb3213986 is a continuation of the kb3206632 update, without which it will simply not be possible to install kb3213986. To view the list of installed updates, do the following:

    1. Right-click on the “Start” button and select “Programs and Features” from the menu that opens. Open Windows Programs and Features to get to updates
    2. The installed programs window will open, click on the “View installed updates” link.
      The list of installed updates will allow you to track the problematic ones among them
    3. The window that opens will indicate which updates were installed and when.
      Using the list of successful updates, you can calculate those that failed during installation.

    This way you can “find out” the problem that caused this or that update to fail, and send this information to Microsoft.

    Whatever the update header code is - be it kb3213986 or kb9999999 - the problem in half of the cases lies in previous updates installed before the current one. Windows is not just a system, but a system with delicate relationships that are disrupted due to non-compliance with the installation sequence of programs and add-ons specified in the description of each update.

    The following measures may help:

    • “rollback” Windows 10 to one of the previous dates in the recovery calendar;
    • resetting Windows 10 to the original settings (those in the .iso image from which the installation was carried out);
    • reinstalling Windows 10;
    • clearing uninstalled updates from the cache.

    Try downloading and installing the “wrong” update again. Most likely, the problem will be resolved.

    Windows 10 March 2017 Update won't install

    Not only Windows 10, but also versions of Windows XP/2003/8 that were closed for “updates” were supposed to receive Microsoft update 17-010, developed against the latest sensational virus - the WannaCry ransomware ransomware.

    The WannaCry ransomware encrypts all data on the computer and demands a certain amount of money to decrypt it.

    Windows versions not supported by update MS17-010:

    • Windows 8;
    • Windows XP SP3;
    • Windows XP SP2 64-bit;
    • Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems;
    • Windows Vista;
    • Windows Server 2008;
    • Windows XP Embedded;
    • Windows Server 2003;
    • Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition.

    If your OS version does not support MS17–010, then there are two options:

    1. Use update kb4012598.
    2. Change the OS version to any of these:
      • Windows Vista Service Pack 2;
      • Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2;
      • Windows 7 Service Pack 1;
      • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1;
      • Windows 8.1;
      • Windows Server 2012;
      • Windows Server 2012 R2;
      • Windows RT;
      • Windows 10;
      • Windows Server 2016.

    Other reasons, as previously noted, are so unique that they can only be resolved on site with the direct support of Microsoft.

    Windows 10 can't complete update

    It happens that the user downloaded the updates, the installation began successfully, but the attempt to update ended with Windows “rolling back” due to some errors.

    If the update ended with a Windows rollback, other batch files are required

    Do the following:

    Now, when you install the same update again, the failure will disappear.

    Windows 10 stopped updating

    The cause could be a software or hardware failure, an improper shutdown, or a sudden Windows reset. The root of the problem is corruption of settings due to incorrect completion of the Windows registry, disk errors, etc.

    Fixing Windows 10 Update using a wizard

    Try the standard troubleshooting wizard first.

    1. Follow the path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Troubleshooting” - “System and Security” - “Windows Update”.
      Windows Troubleshooter fixes Update errors
    2. Launch Windows 10 Update.
    3. Click the "Advanced" button.
      Click on the "Advanced" button to open additional OS troubleshooting settings
    4. Make sure that automatic error correction is active, click on the link to run with administrator rights.
      Perform troubleshooting as an administrator
    5. Wait until Windows update troubleshooting finishes.
      Troubleshooting your computer may take several minutes or more
    6. Close the program when it finishes fixing problems.
      Quit the Windows 10 Troubleshooter if the problems are resolved

    If this doesn't help, try solving the problem using Command Prompt.

    Fixing Windows 10 Update using Command Prompt

    1. Launch Windows Command Prompt with administrator rights.
    2. Enter these commands one after the other:
    3. Register 25–36 DLLs in the registry. Their numbers may vary depending on the build of Windows. If one fails or is not found, move on to the next one. Each file is opened using the registry handler regsvr32.exe. List of DLL files that need to be registered:
    4. Empty the update cache on drive C by entering the commands “rmdir %systemroot%/SoftwareDistribution /S /Q” and “rmdir %systemroot%/system32catroot2 /S /Q”.
      To properly clear the update cache, follow the sequence of entering commands
    5. Restart previously interrupted Windows 10 update services by entering the commands:
    6. Reset WinSock (network settings) by entering the commands:
      • "ipconfig /flushdns";
      • "netsh winsock reset";
      • "netsh winsock reset proxy".
    7. Close Command Prompt and restart Windows 10.

    Most likely, the first Windows update will be successfully downloaded and installed.

    Other Windows 10 update errors

    There are a number of errors that can be corrected using the following methods.

    Error 0xC1900101

    This is an error installing a driver with different attributes:

    • 0xC1900101 - 0x20004;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x2000c;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x20017;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x30018;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x3000D;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D;
    • 0xC1900101 - 0x40017.

    To solve you need:

    1. Update all your drivers.
    2. Disable devices that are no longer needed.
    3. Check for erroneous (under-installed or not installed at all) devices in Windows Device Manager.
    4. Temporarily remove third-party antiviruses that interfere with the operation of devices for which driver installation ended with error 0xC1900101.
    5. Maintain drive C (clean, defragment, check disk).
    6. Fix Windows 10 system files (installation media required).

    Errors 0xC1900208 - 0x4000C

    The reason is the presence of programs that are incompatible with Windows 10 and its latest updates. Remove these questionable applications and try updating Windows again.

    The update is not applicable on this PC

    All (or some of them) important and critical updates were not installed. Check which ones and install them. Try installing this update, most likely the issue will be resolved.

    Updates are installed but not configured

    You need an update code that was unable to be configured - it is logged in Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. Please submit this code by filing an issue on the Microsoft website.

    Video: Windows 10 update errors with codes and how to resolve them

    Whatever the problem with Windows updates, you can handle it successfully. The main thing is to remember that the more complex the problem, the more comprehensive the approach.

    Windows 10 still has flaws and shortcomings. Therefore, every user of this OS may encounter the fact that updates do not want to be downloaded or installed. Microsoft has provided an opportunity to fix these problems. Next we will look at this procedure in more detail.

    Microsoft also advises that if you have problems with updates, close "Windows Update" for about 15 minutes, and then log in again and check for updates.

    Method 1: Start the update service

    It happens that the required service is disabled and this is the reason for problems with downloading updates.

    Method 2: Use Computer Troubleshooter

    Windows 10 has a special utility that can find and fix problems in the system.

    Method 3: Using "Windows Update Troubleshooter"

    If for some reason you cannot use the previous methods or they did not help, then you can use Microsoft to troubleshoot problems.

    E Microsoft has a catalog of Windows updates, from where anyone can download them themselves. This solution may also be relevant for update 1607.

    Method 5: Clearing the update cache

    other methods

    • Your computer may be infected with a virus, which is causing problems with updates. Check the system with portable scanners.
    • Check whether there is free space on the system disk for installing distributions.
    • Perhaps a firewall or antivirus is blocking the download source. Disable them during download and installation.

    Problems can arise in any technical system for various reasons, which is why users receive requests that Windows 10 is not updated. The nature of the difficulties can be expressed by the complete absence of updates or stopping their download at a certain stage of the download. Before solving a problem, it is necessary to understand why it arose and what is its cause. Then a more effective solution can be found if the root cause is identified.

    The problem usually manifests itself in the absence of an invitation to download the update or code 80240020 appears - an error when updating Windows 10. The latest versions of the Microsoft program were developed in such a way that the update occurred with minimal user interaction and did not affect the operation of the entire server system. However, the Windows 10 update error exists, and individual cases confirm this.

    Causes of failures

    Updating the software can be from older versions of W7 or W8 and installing new types of W10 itself. Users have problems in both cases. Freezing can occur for at least four reasons:

    1. The update does not arrive. The “Multiple Location Updates” function may be turned on; it needs to be turned off, since according to Microsoft’s decision, this situation is unacceptable and there will be no Windows 10 update. Disable path: Update and security - advanced settings - disable. You can now enable searching for updates if required.
    2. There is no automatic update for 10586 and 1511. The latest version is downloaded manually in one of two ways: using the Media Creation Tool utility, you can download it without paying from the Microsoft website, launch it and turn on the “Update now” button. Another method involves creating a bootable flash drive (disk) using a Windows 10 ISO file. After this, the new version can be superimposed on the old program by clicking “setup.exe”.
    3. Windows 7 cannot be updated to 10. That is, the installed program must have Service Pack 1 - without it, the update will not arrive. W7 or W8 must be legal and valid.
    4. The Windows 10 update cannot proceed due to changes in Microsoft's terms. We are talking about version 10586, as it should be launched. Initially, we followed the recommendation to update manually through an ISO image, but today the rules have changed, and those who did not have time to install W10 must install the RTM version. After performing this step, Windows Update will install all new versions.

    You can do without the Update Center by performing the operation manually through the update catalog on the Microsoft page.

    Another way is to use someone else's utility, such as Windows Update Minitool.

    Fix error 80240020

    First, you should make sure that there is enough space on the server disk with the W7 program to add a new version: there should be at least 16 GB of free space, and in some cases - 50. If there is space, but W10 does not download and the error appears again, then in W7 you need to enter the command Wuauclt.exe /updatenow in the Run cell and turn on the Enter key. If the source program is W8.1, then you can initiate the command line through Start.

    When these steps did not help and update error 80240020 is displayed again, you should try downloading a new version using a utility from Microsoft. After launching the assistant, W10 will begin to boot and the installation disk will be created without performing any additional steps.

    You can create this disk yourself, for which you need to insert the flash drive into the slot and turn on the required file by double pressing the key.

    In the window that opens, click “Next”, then select the version of the operating system to install and the method for saving the installation data, it can be a flash drive or an ISO file, which can later be transferred to disk. Now “Next” again. Wait until the files are downloaded and the installation media is created, and then press the “Finish” button.

    Troubleshooting Windows utility

    If the installation program freezes when downloading W10 updates, you can try the proprietary Troubleshooting Center utility, it is located in the “Control Panel” (troubleshooting) section of the server. In the “System and Security” header, you need to select the Update Center assistant, which will launch the utility and begin searching for reasons why updates are not downloaded. When you click Next, some fixes will happen automatically, others will require user initiation by confirming the "Apply this fix" command.

    At the end of the check (you won’t have to wait long), there will be a report on the completed and unfulfilled corrections.

    After closing the utility window, reboot the server and check again whether the W10 settings are updated.

    And also on the Control Panel for problems in the “All categories” cell, you can obtain the “BITS Background Intelligent Service” utility. Failures in the operation of this service affect the downloading of updates; the process takes much longer, so it makes sense to run this program to be sure of the result.

    Clear W10 update cache

    If the user repeatedly downloaded updates, then all installation files were automatically cached so that they could be used repeatedly without additional downloading. At the same time, the size of the cache folder grows, and this leads to the fact that the operating system runs slowly and there is no free space left on the server’s hard drive.

    To avoid problems, it is suggested to clear the entire Windows Update cache from W10. The system Disk Cleanup utility does not work 100%; it cannot remove the Windows Update cache completely. But in manual mode you can do a complete cleanup:

    1. Stop Windows Update. To do this, enter the search command “Service” and run the Services application as an administrator. Find the service to stop and disable it with the right mouse button by clicking “Stop”.
    2. The command C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ will help you find the folder where the updated W10 files are stored. It will work after pressing the Enter key. Now you need to go to the Download folder and delete all files. To complete the operation, press the Continue button.
    3. Now you should go back to the beginning and download the Services application, which is used to update W10, by pressing the Start key. Verify that the Windows Update utility has loaded.

    After these manipulations, you need to close the command line and download the updates again. After clearing the cache, they load much faster.

    Have you updated to the next version of Windows 10, version 1809, and are experiencing problems? If yes, this guide will help you solve them.

    Like the previous version, Windows 10 October 2018 Update 1809 is a major update. It brings with it new functionality and improvements to the operation of personal computers, laptops and tablets. However, each such update carries the risk of new problems.

    Typically, major Windows 10 updates come with big changes to the code, which can lead to compatibility issues, driver issues, unexpected errors, and other issues that can impact performance and user experience.

    In addition to unknown bugs, other problems may appear that are not caused by changes in the system. Sometimes the update fails to install due to incompatible software, outdated drivers, or unusual hardware configurations.

    Below we will look at possible problems and options for solving them.

    Fixing Windows 10 October 2018 Update problems

    When upgrading to a new version of Windows 10, there are two types of problems. There may be errors during the installation process that are not in themselves problems with the new version. And there may be problems related to system design, compatibility, etc.

    This guide will help you solve both problems during the installation process and after.

    Fixing installation file download errors

    If error 0x800F0922 appears, the device is most likely not connected to the Microsoft update servers or the System Reserved partition is not large enough. Try the following:

    Turn off VPN

    After that, try installing the update again.

    Enlarge System Reserved section

    Sometimes third-party applications, such as antivirus programs, can store their data in this section. In this case, there will not be enough space on it to install the system update. Use third party tools to increase the partition size. You need at least 500 MB.
    You can also perform a clean installation of Windows 10, which will automatically create a partition of the correct size.

    Update using Media Creation Tool

    When trying to download installation files, error 0x80246007 may occur. It shows that the file could not be downloaded.
    In this case, you can use the Media Creation Tool to install a clean version of Windows 10, where the partition will be created automatically.

    Troubleshooting installation errors

    It is recommended to install updates through the update center. However, errors may also occur in it. To solve them, you can use the built-in Windows 10 error correction tool.

    To do this, do the following: open the Settings app > Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Windows Update > Run the troubleshooter. Click on the "Apply this fix" button if there is one. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    After that, restart your computer and try to update again by opening Windows Update.

    Fixing unexpected installation errors

    If a problem occurs when trying to download installation files, error number 0x80190001 may appear. In this case, use the cleanup tool in the Settings app to delete temporary files. Do the following:

    Open the Settings app > System > Device storage > Storage Sense > Free up space now. Select the "Delete temporary Windows installation files" option.

    After that, try installing the update again. If problems persist, use Media Creation Tool to install.
    How to fix problems with USB storage media

    If Media Creation Tool does not download updates

    In some cases, downloading cumulative updates may freeze. If Media Creation Tool is unable to download the update, please restart the application. When the installation files have downloaded, disconnect the network cable or wireless connection. When the application times out, installation of version 1809 will begin.

    After installation is complete and the system is initially configured, reconnect to the network to complete the installation process.

    Fixing installation problems via Media Creation Tool

    Typically, restarting Media Creation Tool will resolve most errors, but if there are problems with dynamic updating, the application will continue to freeze every time you try to download installation files.
    In this case, you should start the process manually:
    1. Open File Explorer.
    2. Go to C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources.
    3. Double click on the Setupprep.exe file.

    After this, the installation process should begin. If this does not happen, you can use the Update Assistant tool.

    Correcting errors when creating a bootable USB flash drive

    If you are using a bootable USB flash drive created using the Media Creation Tool, the installation process may not be successful. One or more files on the flash drive may be damaged. It is impossible to fix them, so you must create the installation flash drive again. To do this, do the following:
    1. Download Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft server.
    2. Double click on the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file.
    3. Click the "Accept" button.
    4. Select “Create installation media” (USB flash drive, DVD or ISO) for another computer.

    5. Click Next.
    6. Select the language, architecture and edition version.

    7. Click Next.
    8. Select the USB flash drive option.

    9. Click Next.
    10. Select "Removable Disk" from the list.

    11. Click the "Next" button.
    12. Click the "Done" button.

    After completing these steps, you will receive a new installation flash drive without any corrupted files. You can install the latest version of Windows 10 from it.

    Fixing the "Update is not compatible with your device" issue

    Although the process of downloading and installing Windows 10 updates occurs automatically, if the device has not been connected to the Internet for a long time or you have turned off Windows Update, when using the installation flash drive, an error may appear with a message stating that the update is not applicable to your computer.

    To solve the problem, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Go to Update Center and check for updates. You can also download and install the update manually.

    How to solve Update Assistant problems installing the October update

    Solving the problem “Something went wrong”

    If you use Update Assistant to update, you may encounter error 0x8007042B and the message “Something went wrong.” After this, the update installation process will be terminated. It is not clear from this message what exactly went wrong. You can try the troubleshooting steps.

    Try removing unnecessary programs and antiviruses, and disabling unnecessary peripheral devices. After this, run Update Assistant again.

    If the error persists, try another update option. Try a clean install of Windows 10 or use the Media Creation Tool to create a bootable USB flash drive.

    Fixing a problem downloading an update via Assistant Update

    Although Microsoft created Update Assistant to install updates when Windows Update doesn't work normally, sometimes the tool itself experiences problems. For example, problems with downloading installation files.
    Usually, problems with Internet access are to blame in this case:
    Disconnect and reconnect the network cable. Try unplugging the router and plugging it back in after a few minutes. Restart Update Assistant.
    Restart your computer, launch Update Assistant.
    Instead of Update Assistant, try using Media Creation Tool

    How to fix ISO problems

    When you try to update, you may receive error 0x8007025D - 0x2000C, which may indicate that one or more ISO image files are corrupted. To resolve this issue, use the Media Creation Tool to create a new image:
    1. Download Media Creation from the Microsoft website.
    2. Double click on the MediaCreationToolxxxx.exe file to launch the utility.
    3. Click the "Accept" button.
    4. Select the option “Create installation media (USB disk, DVD or ISO) for another PC.”

    5. Select language, architecture and edition.

    6. Click Next.
    7. Select the "ISO file" option.

    8. Click Next.

    After completing these steps, Media Creation Tool will create a new ISO image, which should allow you to update your computer or virtual machine.

    If the error persists, you can try creating the image on another computer.

    How to fix storage problems

    Storage problems during installation

    System requirements require at least 20 GB of disk space when upgrading from a 64-bit version of Windows 10 and 16 GB when upgrading from a 32-bit version. If there is not enough free space on your hard drive, one of the following errors may appear:
    0x80070070 – 0x50011
    0x80070070 – 0x50012
    0x80070070 – 0x60000

    Open the Settings app > System Device storage > Storage control > Free up space now.

    You can select the following files to delete:
    Previous Windows installations
    Windows error reporting files generated by the system
    Windows Defender Antivirus
    Windows Update Log Files
    Previous Windows installations
    Temporary files
    Temporary Internet files
    Delivery optimization files
    DirectX Texture Builder Cache

    Important: Do not select temporary Windows installation files or Windows ESD installation files because these files are required for the update.

    Click on the "Delete files" button. After completing these steps, you should be able to install Windows 1809 without any problems.

    If you can't free up enough space, connect a flash drive or removable hard drive. You need at least 16 GB of free space so that Windows 10 can use it as temporary storage to perform the update.

    Fix missing or damaged files during installation

    If you encounter errors 0x80073712 and 0x80245006, they mean one or more installation files are missing or damaged. To solve this problem, you should open memory control and delete temporary files.

    Go to Settings > System > Device storage > Storage control > Free up space now. Highlight "Previous Windows Installations" or "Temporary Files", click the "Delete Files" button.

    After that, check for updates in the update center. You can also use the Media Creation Tool after upgrading your computer to version 1809.

    How to fix hardware and software compatibility issues with the October Update

    Fixing hardware compatibility issues during installation

    You don't need to have the latest components to run Windows 10, but you may still encounter errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008 and 0xC1900202 - 0x20008 if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements.
    This usually happens when upgrading only very old computers. The minimum system requirements for Windows 10 are as follows:
    Processor: 1 GHz
    RAM: 2 GB
    Storage: 16 GB of disk space for 32-bit systems and 20 GB for 64-bit systems
    Graphics: Direct X 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
    Monitor: resolution from 800 x 600 pixels

    Typically, computers already running Windows 10 do not have problems with system requirements when updating. However, budget models periodically have difficulties. If you see errors 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 or 0xC1900202 – 0x20008, these are usually problems with RAM. In this case, you should increase the amount of memory.

    Fixing application and driver compatibility issues when installing updates

    When you try to install the Windows 10 October update, there is a chance you will see error 0x800F0923. It indicates an application or driver compatibility issue.

    This is usually a graphics driver error; it may be outdated or conflict with an old program or antivirus.
    To find the specific source of the problem, you need to use an update through the Media Creation Tool or Update Assistant. When you follow the on-screen instructions, these tools detect and report hardware incompatibility.

    If the device driver is at fault, go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest driver. If this is not the case, you can uninstall the driver, install the update, and then reinstall the driver.

    To do this, do the following: on the desktop, right-click on the “This PC” icon, in the context menu click on the “Properties” command. In the System window, select Device Manager from the left menu. Select the device you need, right-click on it, select the “Uninstall driver” command.

    After that, try updating Windows 10.

    Driver incompatibility

    If you receive error 0x80070490 - 0x20007, one or more device drivers are incompatible. Error 0x80070003 - 0x20007 means that the installation process failed during the driver installation stage.

    When you see errors 0x80070490 - 0x20007 or 0x80070003 - 0x20007 after downgrading Windows 10 to a previous version, follow the steps above to remove drivers.

    Software incompatibilities

    When the application is at fault, go to the manufacturer's page to download the latest version. You can also temporarily uninstall the application and try to update Windows 10.

    Open Settings > Applications, select the required application from the list and click on the “Uninstall” button. Try installing Windows 10 and then reinstalling the application.

    Fixing driver compatibility issues during installation

    When upgrading to any version of Windows 10, you may encounter an error that starts with code 0xC1900101. This means there is a problem with the driver. The options are as follows:
    0xC1900101 - 0x20004
    0xC1900101 - 0x2000c
    0xC1900101 - 0x20017
    0xC1900101 - 0x30018
    0xC1900101 - 0x3000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x4000D
    0xC1900101 - 0x40017

    There is also error 0x80090011, which refers to the driver during the data transfer process.
    Solutions may be as follows:

    Disable unnecessary peripherals

    To get rid of the driver error, disable the peripherals with all drivers. After that, update and reconnect your devices. You can disconnect all unnecessary devices, such as removable drives, printers, cameras, leave the keyboard and mouse.

    Update device drivers

    If you receive errors 0xC1900101 or 0x80090011, you need to make sure you have the latest drivers installed. Open "Task Manager", select the desired device and in the context menu click on the "Update driver" command. You can also temporarily remove your device before updating Windows 10.

    In addition, you can download the driver from the manufacturer’s website and install it manually. When installing video card drivers, there may be separate instructions.

    Free up disk space

    Insufficient disk space can also be the cause of error 0xC1900101. You need to free up at least 20 GB on your hard drive. We have already described how to do this above.

    Restoring the current system version

    Windows 10 includes command-line tools System File Checker (SFC) and Deployment Servicing and Management (DISM) to repair your current installation and fix potential problems with device drivers. First try executing the SFC commands, then DISM if necessary.

    Hard drive repair

    Windows 10 also includes the CHKDSK command to check and fix hard drive errors. Click on the Start menu, type cmd, in the Run window type chkdsk /f c: and press enter. If necessary, enter Y and press enter to set the scan schedule.
    After completing these steps, restart your computer to begin checking your hard drives.

    Manual update

    If all else fails, you can perform a clean installation of Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool.

    Fixing application compatibility issues during installation

    If you see error 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C, one or more applications are incompatible with the update. The easiest way is to temporarily remove these applications. Third-party antivirus software is usually the culprit. How to remove applications is described above.

    You may need to complete additional steps when uninstalling desktop desktop apps. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    How to fix problems during the October 2018 Update installation process

    Windows 10 fixes before installing a new version

    Typically, after running Windows 10 for a long time without the necessary maintenance, performance begins to deteriorate. Problems accumulate that may appear during the update installation process.

    To resolve these issues, use the SFC and DISM command line tools.

    Fixes for problems early in the update process

    When you try to stop updating Windows 10, you may receive error 0xC1900107. It means that you recently updated and the previous version needs to be uninstalled.

    Restart your computer and try installing the update again. If this is not possible, go to Memory Sense and free up space as described above. After that, try installing the updates again.

    Solving problems with random reboots during the update installation process

    When installing version 1809, you may see error 0x80200056 after an unintentional reboot. You need to restart the update process and do not turn off the computer during installation.

    Fixing errors without administrator rights

    Error 0x80070522 means that you are installing the update using a standard user account. For successful installation, you must have administrator rights. If this is not a home computer, you will need to contact your system administrator to obtain these rights.

    Fixing issues with update installation completion

    When installing major or cumulative updates, two errors may occur:
    Error: Unable to complete installation of updates. Cancel changes. Don't turn off your computer.
    Error: Unable to configure Windows updates. Cancel changes.

    There are known errors on Windows 10 that occur when updates cannot be installed. We need to find the cause of the error.

    There is a section on the Windows Update page that tracks information about each update and its errors. Open Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > View update history. Look at the error code. Find a description of this code on the Internet. Possible solutions to the problem may also be described there.

    How to fix problems after installing an update

    Solving the problem with activation October 2018 Update

    If your device has not been reactivated, you may receive error 0x803F7001 and a "Windows not activated" message on the activation page in the Settings app.

    You can use the Activation Troubleshooter. You can also wait a couple of days for Windows 10 to reactivate on its own.

    Solving network problems

    Sometimes, after successfully updating to the latest version of Windows 10, your device may lose internet access or the speed may be slow. The reasons may be varied, including software errors in the update, changes or reset of network settings during the installation of the update, or problems with the network adapter.

    To troubleshoot, you need to open the Network Troubleshooter. Launch the Settings app > Network & Internet > Status > Network Troubleshooter. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    Reset all network adapters

    If the method above does not help, you can reset all network adapters. Go to Settings > Network & internet > Status > Network reset > Reset now. This will reset all network adapters to their default settings.

    Solving problems with a black screen after installing an update

    Sometimes after installing an update, graphical problems may occur in the form of a black screen. A Windows 10 update, a cumulative update, or a graphics card driver issue could be to blame. You can go back to a previous version of Windows 10 until the problem is resolved.

    Go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Go back to a previous version of Windows 10. Click the Get Started button. Select the reason for the return, click “Next”, refuse to check for updates, click the “Next” button twice, then click the “Return to previous build” button.

    How to fix problems with dark Explorer interface

    One of the most notable innovations in the October version of Windows 10 is the introduction of a dark version of File Explorer. However, there are already reports of problems with this version of Explorer. Due to these issues, the toolbar, background, and some other elements may appear white.

    You'll need to wait until the cumulative update is released, but until then there are a number of steps you can take.

    Turn on and off

    Go to Settings > Personalization > Colors > Default app mode > Light. Then select Dark again.

    Changing the graphic theme

    Go to Settings > Personalization > Themes > Windows.

    Using a new account

    If the problem persists, you can create a new account. If there is no fault with the color of the conductor, you can go to work in this account.

    Fixing screen brightness issue

    After installing the October update, some users are reporting problems with brightness settings. For some, the brightness dropped to 50%, for others, the ability to adjust the brightness was completely lost. This may be related to the video card drivers. Install the latest drivers. You can download them from the manufacturer’s website or update them through the “Task Manager”.

    If you already have the latest driver, you can uninstall the device in the Task Manager and reinstall the driver.
    Microsoft has removed the brightness button from the Battery section since it is available in the Action Center.

    How to Fix Intel Audio Driver Problems

    If you try to update using the Media Creation Tool and Update Assistant, you may receive an error that says “Your attention is required.” Microsoft claims that Intel Display Audio device drivers have compatibility issues with this update. This may increase the consumption of system resources and energy, which will reduce the operating time of laptops and tablets.
    If you see this message, it is recommended that you click the Back button and cancel the update installation. Microsoft itself also blocks the update from appearing on such devices.

    How to fix the problem with applications not having Internet access

    Some users write that after updating applications from the Microsoft Store, they lost access to the Internet.

    Enable TCP/IPv6

    In addition to TCP/IPv4, Microsoft Store apps and the Edge browser require TCP/IPv6 to be enabled. If you have applications that cannot access the Internet, make sure this protocol is enabled.

    Open Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center. In the left pane, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the desired adapter and select Properties. Check the box next to “IP version 6 (TCP/IPv6)”. Click OK.

    Changing the network profile

    If this doesn't help, you can change your network profile from private to public.

    Open the Settings app > Network & Internet > Status > Edit connection properties. Select "Public".

    Resetting network settings

    Go to Settings > Network & internet > Status > Edit > Network reset > Reset now.

    How to solve problems with Task Manager

    If Task Manager no longer displays the CPU usage percentage correctly, you are not the only one having this problem. There is no solution yet. Microsoft should release a software update.

    How to successfully upgrade to Windows 10 October 2018 Update

    The process of installing updates on Windows 10 has improved over time, but the large number of possible hardware configurations leads to errors. However, there are simple steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of such errors.

    Creating Backups

    Although the likelihood of errors is small, something can still go wrong. Windows 10 has a rollback process for such situations, but it may not work. For this reason, it is always recommended to back up your system and user files.

    A backup copy will help you return to a previous version of Windows if you do not have access to the rollback feature in the Settings application.
    If the installation fails, you will not be able to boot your computer. If there are problems after installation, you can use a full copy of the system to restore your computer.

    Remove unimportant apps

    Incompatibility with applications is one of the main reasons for failure to update. If you don't know which application is at fault, start with classic desktop programs and antivirus programs. Apps are uninstalled in Settings > Apps > Apps & features. Select the programs you need and click on the “Uninstall” button.

    In addition to incompatible applications, remove third-party antiviruses and other security programs. Naturally, it is not recommended to work for a long time without such protection. You can also disable Windows Defender Antivirus.
    To do this, go to Settings > Updates & security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security > Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings > Manage settings. Uncheck the Real-time Protection switch. After installing the Windows 10 update, the antivirus will turn on automatically.
    If you uninstall a third-party antivirus, reinstall it after installing the update.

    Disabling the firewall

    Sometimes built-in or third-party firewalls can cause problems during the update process. If you use Windows Firewall or other firewall software, disable them before attempting to install Windows 10 updates.

    To disable the built-in firewall, in the same Windows Security window, go to the Firewall and network security section and click on the section that is marked as Active. Turn off the Windows Defender Firewall switch.

    Unblocking updates

    There is a chance that you have made changes to the settings that may prevent the update from downloading automatically. In particular, the advanced settings of the update center may prohibit the installation of major updates. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced settings. In the "Choose when to install updates" section, Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) and 0 days should be selected. The "Pause updates" switch must be disabled.

    Disabling metered connections

    If your connection is designated as metered, the Windows 10 update may not download automatically. You need to disable this restriction.

    If you have limited traffic, you need up to 5 GB to download updates. To disable a metered connection, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Edit connection properties. Disable the switch in the "Metered Connection" section.

    Disable unimportant peripherals

    To avoid driver compatibility issues, disconnect all unnecessary peripheral devices from your computer. All you need is a monitor, mouse and keyboard. After installing the update, everything can be connected back.

    Clean installation

    If installing updates doesn't work, you can perform a clean installation. This will erase all data on the main partition of the hard drive. Before installation, transfer the files you need to another partition or disk. Using the Media Creation Tool, you can create an installation flash drive or disk.


    A major Windows 10 update released every six months is available for installation by all interested users. It is recommended to wait for the automatic installation, which will indicate that your computer is compatible with the new version. You can also take your time and wait a few weeks to make sure there are no problems with this update.

    Windows 10 Update allows you to timely download operating system updates from official Microsoft servers. After installing the OS, this service is enabled by default and runs in the background. However, you can disable it yourself and not receive new versions. If you don't care about loading your computer with processes related to monitoring and installing system files, then you can enable Windows 10 Update in several ways.

    This procedure can only be performed using the built-in functionality of the operating system. You don't need third-party software. First, check if Update is running by default on your computer. You can do it like this:

    1. Launch Task Manager using the combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

    1. Open the Services tab. Here, look for a service named "wuauserv".

    Thanks to it, auto-update works in the background in the operating system. If you don’t have “wuauserv”, then go to one of the inclusion methods:

    • through group policy;
    • through "Windows Settings";
    • using the command line;
    • through registry settings;
    • via Services.

    Let's consider each method in detail.

    Enable in Local Group Policy

    You can restore the operation of this service in the “top ten” as follows:

    1. Open the Run program using the key combination Win + R. Enter the command “services.msc” and start execution with the OK button.

    1. The “Services” window will appear in front of you. In the right list, find the line “Windows Update” and using RMB in the menu, select “Properties”.

    1. In the “General” tab, find the “Startup type” line and set the “Automatic” option in the menu, then apply the changes with the “OK” button.

    1. Restart your PC.

    In this way, you can start the CO in the Windows 10 operating system. This method can help you get rid of error code 0x80070422.

    Now let's figure out how to check for available updates manually and start downloading/installing them. To do this, you will need the functionality of the “Parameters” section:

    1. Right-click on the “Start” icon on the bottom panel and select “Settings” from the menu.

    1. Open the "Update and Security" section.

    1. Go to the “Windows Update” subsection in the left column.

    1. In this window you can make all the necessary settings for the central heating center and check the availability of files for download. To check, you need to click on the button marked in the screenshot.

    1. The tool will now scan for new Windows 10 patches and notify you about it. In the “Advanced Settings” section, move the option to the “Off” position, as shown in the screenshot. By clicking on “Choose how and when to receive updates,” you can configure delivery methods (from a PC on a local network, the Internet, etc.).

    If you have a problem with the operation of the central authority, you need to check the settings in the Group Policy Editor.

    "Local Group Policy Editor"

    To run the program, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Run using Win + R. Write the command “gpedit.msc”.

    1. Open the “Windows Update” branch, which is located along the path “Computer Configuration” - “Administrative Templates” - “Windows Components”.

    1. On the right side of the window, find the line “Setting automatic updates” and right-click on it. In the menu, go to “Edit”.

    1. Set the setting to Enabled (1). In the "Options" section, select the settings according to which automatic updates will work (schedule, installation, notifications about available downloads, etc.). Apply the changes with the “OK” button.

    Using the Windows 10 command line, you can disable or enable Update Center. This will force you to start the “wuauserv” service.

    1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights. Type the command “net start wuauserv” and press Enter.

    1. The program will start the service, after which you will see a corresponding message. The process will start every time you turn on your PC, so you won't have to repeat this procedure. To disable the Windows 10 CO, you must enter the command “net stop wuauserv”.

    1. Now it remains to check whether the system will be updated.


    Also, the central heating center will not work unless the value of the parameter in the registry is corrected. You need to do the following:

    1. In the “Run” window (Win + R) enter the command “regedit”.

    1. In the registry editor, find the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv branch. Just copy the path from these instructions and paste it into the search bar at the top of the window.

    1. On the right side of the window there will be a “Start” option. Right-click to select “Edit” from the menu.

    1. In the disabled state, the parameter will have a value of 4. For the CO to start downloading updates, set the value to 1.

    The launch of this service is not affected by any others, so malfunctions and performance problems should not arise. You can also check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix branch, which contains information about all update files.

    Third party programs

    What to do if you can’t set up automatic downloading? Starting the service doesn't help, but you don't have the time or knowledge to find workarounds? Then try updating the operating system using the WSUS Offline Update utility. Download it from the official developer website using this link. On the main page, click on the button marked in the screenshot. The creators guarantee complete security for users and their personal data on their PC. After downloading, follow the following procedure:

    1. In the program folder, open the UpdateGenerator.exe file.

    1. Select your OS version: Windows 10 x32 or x64. To start downloading files, click “Start”.

    1. Once the download is complete, you will see a log on the screen with a list of all downloaded files. The download and installation time depends on how long it has been since you updated Windows. Now you need to go to the “client” folder and open the UpdateInstaller.exe file.

    1. In the program window, click “Start” to begin installation.

    If WSUS Offline Update starts to freeze or stops searching for files, try using an earlier, more stable version of the program.

    You only need to update the operating system in this way once, since after installing the patch, troubleshooting will be carried out and the default central processing center will be launched.

    Bottom line

    If you want to install the latest version of Windows 10, then all the methods described will help you with this. Don’t forget to adjust the settings for yourself so that downloading or rebooting with scheduled installation doesn’t take you by surprise.


    So, to consolidate the material received, let's watch a video on this topic.