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  • Cheats and secrets Stalker: Clear Sky. Game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" - how to increase the carry weight Change the carry weight in Stalker Clear Sky

    Cheats and secrets Stalker: Clear Sky.  Game

    Very often, players have to face the problem of how to increase weight in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. This problem is being resolved. Don't panic.

    This is the problem that today’s article is devoted to. In it we will reveal in detail for the stalker the shadow of Chernobyl how to increase the carrying weight. After all, the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is very diverse in terms of types of weapons, artifacts and other goodies. As the game progresses, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to study each weapon in more detail, test it, criticize it, or elevate it to the status of the best. And the choice is great. Therefore, very often heroes are faced with the choice of throwing something least expensive out of their backpack in order to fit a newly discovered item or artifact into the backpack.
    There are several ways to increase weight in the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl and avoid throwing out various useful or useless items from your backpack (depending on which case).

    Especially for you, we have made a selection of all the ways for Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl to increase the weight of a backpack.

    The first method is not the most convenient for the player. But it does not change the game settings, which then lead to constant crashes. Unload everything unnecessary from your backpack into the corpse and drag it along with you. Of course, your movement speed will be like that of a snail. To do this, approaching the body of the dead man, open his backpack by pressing the “F” key. Throw all the necessary things into his backpack and close the backpack window. Next, hold down the key combination “Shift” + “F” and move in the desired direction. This key combination will allow your hero to drag a corpse with a full inventory anywhere. And to get something you need from a corpse’s inventory, just release the held buttons and open the inventory.

    But why clutter up your inventory with unnecessary things? Get rid of them. Real stalkers don't carry around a mountain of junk.

    The second way in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl to increase the weight of the backpack is to have an exoskeleton. It provides a unique and expensive suit with the greatest physical protection. You won't be able to run in it, but it will help increase the maximum load you can bear. But slowly but confidently you will move through the expanses of the exclusion zone.

    The third method is cheating. It changes settings in the game folder. It is necessary to correct the actor.ltx and system.ltx files through the standard Notepad application. We are looking for a folder on our computer with the installation files of the game, and in it there is a folder called “gamedata”. Next, open the “config” folder and find the “creatures” folder. It contains the “actor” file, which must be opened using the standard Notepad application and there you can start editing the weight as follows: in the max_item_mass line we enter, replacing the number 50 with 500, and in the max_walk_weight line we set exactly the same value. Now in the “config” folder we find a file called “system” and also open it through Notepad. In the max_weight line we set the value to 500. This action is necessary to display the number 500 in the inventory during the game, although this is not necessary. Instructions for changing the mood are revealed in more detail in the story:

    The fourth method is to install a mod. You can download and install for stalker shadow of chernobyl to increase the portable weight of the mod. To do this, download stalker shadow of chernobyl increase the carry weight mod and unpack it into the game folder. The modification allows you to increase the carried weight up to 500 kg! But very often it becomes uninteresting to go through the game - you have collected all sorts of stuff, you run and shoot. Boring and monotonous.

    Now you know how to increase weight in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. We have listed all the methods and really hope that they will help you in completing the legendary and cult game. Enjoy your time in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl!

    Today we will look at one of the most important questions for everyone who plays Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl - how to increase the carry weight. It is impossible to transport large loads, because the automatic maximum reaches 60 kilograms. This is quite small, which means that the player is inconvenienced.

    Laws of physics

    The tricks that Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl contains will help us. How to increase the carrying weight, because 60 kg is a lot for an ordinary person. That is why the game developers considered it necessary to introduce a touch of realism into the gameplay; you cannot carry heavy loads. But gaming reality is significantly different from life, primarily in that it must break down boundaries. This means that in Stalker it is still possible to increase the maximum available weight that the player is able to carry with him. Let's get down to business.

    “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” - how to increase your carry weight in the game

    You need to find the folder where the user installed the game. There is the following attachment called gamedata. Inside it there is the following directory - configs, then - creatures. It is after going this way that you can find the necessary “actor.ltx” file. The permit can be easily opened using a regular notepad. Inside this document, the user should find the line "max_walk_weight = 60". Thus, all that is required to solve the question of how to increase the carried weight in Stalker is to rewrite the number to any other one. Save the file: the problem for many players has been resolved.


    It is also necessary to correct such a moment as correction. It is this mark that indicates at what moment the character will lose strength quite sharply and quickly: during movement and jumping. We follow the path: gamedata\configs\system.ltx. In the line max_weight = 50, the last digit is changed to any other, the document is saved. To make sure the changes work properly, you need to launch the game. This manual is suitable for any version of mods. So we have solved one of the most important problems in the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” - how to increase the carry weight.

    Many fans of the Stalker series of games have encountered one unpleasant problem - after a major battle or a long search for artifacts, your hero has collected a lot of “swag” that he then moves with difficulty or even stands still. The fact is that by default the game has a limit of 60 kg, and if the player exceeds it, then the speed of his movement will drop significantly, and the ability to run will also disappear. So players are wondering how to increase weight in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. In our guide you will find the answer to this question.

    Why so few?

    Many players complain that there is no quick and easy way to increase weight in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. But let's remember that this game was created as a kind of realistic project. And the permissible 60 kg is already an excess of reality, because few people with such a burden can not only move, but also run, while periodically shooting back from enemies. Of course, if you are not wearing an “exoskeleton”. But still, this is a game, and there are many loopholes in it that allow you to cheat the system.

    "Honest" ways

    One of the simplest and “legal” methods of how to increase weight in Stalker: Call of Pripyat is to carry a corpse as a backpack. What does it look like? You approach any dead person and open his inventory. Next, you need to move all your things, except the most necessary ones, to this corpse. All that remains is to drag this dead man using the key combination Shift + F to the nearest merchant, to whom you will sell unnecessary “swag”.

    Another "legal" way to carry more weight is to buy an "exoskeleton" which will increase your carrying capacity to 100 kg. You can purchase a similar costume from merchants of the “Freedom” or “Duty” factions. In addition, such a “surprise” can be found in hiding places or on the corpses of killed opponents.

    "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat". How to increase the weight of a backpack using cheats

    In order to use such a command, you must open the console during the game. This can be done using the “~” key. Next, you need to enter the following combination: g_always_run 1. This command will not increase the weight you bring, but will allow you to run even with a significant “overload”, which quite often becomes a big problem in the game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”.

    How to increase carry weight in game settings

    In order to get rid of the “overload” problem once and for all, it is necessary to correct some data in the game itself. To do this, open its main folder. After that, you need to find and go to the directory called gamedata. Find the configs folder, and inside it - the creatures section. Here is the file we need, called actor.ltx. In order to change it, you will need to use Notepad. Find the line - max_walk_weight = 60, which is the determinant of the limit of the carried weight. Correct the number “60” to the one you want, for example to “500” - this will allow your hero to carry half a ton without consequences. Next, you need to save the changes using the Ctrl + S key combination.

    But don’t think that that’s all and that you have found the answer to the question of how to increase weight in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. You also need to change the “critical weight” threshold at which the character loses the ability to run and jump quickly. To do this, open the gamedata folder again and find the configs section in it. Here you need to find a file called system.ltx and open it using Notepad. Look for the line max_weight = 50 and change the last digit to the one that suits you. After this, all that remains is to save the changes and launch the game. Now the problem of “overload” will not worry you. By the way, similar actions work in all parts of the game. So this instruction can be applied to “Shadow of Chernobyl”, as well as to “Clear Sky”.

    Stalker: Clear Sky (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky) released in 2008, the plot is the prehistory of the beloved Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl).

    The storyline tells the story of a mercenary nicknamed Scar, apparently a guide, who, while leading a group of scientists through the swamps, unexpectedly falls into a strong surge, but fortunately survives. After the story of Lebedev, the commander of the Clear Sky detachment, about the reason for the occurrence of emissions in the zone, he receives the task to urgently kill Strelok, since he has penetrated the territory of the brain burner and the zone, making attempts to destroy him, will soon destroy all life around, otherwise and the whole world.

    The latest official version of the game Stalker: Clear Sky 1.5.10 was released on July 6, 2009. It is on the basis of this version that this article was written in order to help gamers make their life easier in the zone.

    The game world of Clear Sky consists of 12 locations:

    1. swamps,
    2. Cordon,
    3. Dump,
    4. Research Institute "Agroprom"
    5. Dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom",
    6. dark valley
    7. Amber,
    8. Red forest,
    9. Military warehouses,
    10. Limansk,
    11. Abandoned hospital
    12. and, in fact, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

    On the territory of which several groups work diligently, tirelessly, and fight for dominance over the zone:

    • Clear sky,
    • Stalkers-neutrals,
    • Military,
    • Renegades,
    • Bandits,
    • Mercenaries,
    • Freedom,
    • Duty,
    • Scientists,
    • Monolith.

    The passage of Clear Sky Stalker does not cause any particular difficulties for the player, but for a more comfortable game we will reveal some of its secrets.

    How to increase your carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky

    In order to increase the carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky there is no need to install additional mods on it. This can be done in the game folder. You only need to edit, using notepad, the files ACTOR.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFINGS/CREATURES folder and SYSTEM.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFIGS folder.

    To increase the transferable weight in these files, change the following parameters:


    • max_item_mass - maximum carry weight at which Scar can Run (set the value to 5000)
    • max_walk_weight - the maximum weight at which Scar can move (set the value to 6000)


    • max_weight - maximum transferable weight (set the value to 5000)

    The values ​​can be set at your discretion. Just be sure to change them in two files at once.

    If the GAMEDATA folder is not in the game folder, do not despair. It's just not unpacked. You can unpack it using a special unpacker, which is a little tedious, or download it below and add it to the game folder.

    Also in these files you can change the basic parameters of the character such as general health, wound healing speed, jump strength, running speed, tolerance to radiation, explosions, bullet wounds, psi radiation, and so on. Or even the characteristics of the weapon: accuracy, destructive power, clip capacity, etc.

    How to add money to Stalker: Clear Sky

    As such, there were no cheats for money, like any others, for Clear Sky, so you cannot do without third-party programs such as Artmoney. But there are a few tricks noticed by attentive gamers.

    1. For example, in the “Red Forest”, from the forester, you will receive the task of picking up the “Compass” artifact from the banites. After you take it, give it to the Forester after completing the task, and he will give you a rifle. Then immediately exit the dialogue without asking the next question. Next, talk to him again and he will again give you a rifle. And so on as many times as you want. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining how to sell.

    2. The second bug is in the swamps, at the very beginning of the game. You need to go into minus money, into debt. You have 200 rubles of money, only PM weapons. You exploit it as best you can, spoil it, break it. Then you take it to the local Kulibin and improve it. Then you click “repair” and you have -200 rubles. And buy whatever you want. The money won't run out.

    Without selling anything, in order to remain with a negative balance, reach the point where the bandits take absolutely everything from you - this is in a landfill, in the basement, or give it away at the entrance to the location for the roof. And the balance goes strongly into the positive.

    Unique weapon in Stalker: Clear Sky

    There are plenty of weapons in the zone, all sorts of different ones, for every taste. It makes no sense to describe each barrel separately, so we will only talk about unique weapons that can be obtained either with difficulty or by accident.

    • Personalized PM can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the neutral stalkers at the Landfill;
    • Modified barrel 45 caliber can be taken from the bandit leader nicknamed “Yoga”;
    • Tank machine gun can be found in the hatch of a tank, in the Red Forest location, by accepting the task to search for it;
    • Bandit Chaser 13 can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the bandits;
    • Shotgun "Ripper" given for completing the task of a debtor at Agroprom.

    The rest of the weapons do not need description. It is quite simply acquired during the course of the game's plot.