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  • Download beholder 2 for android full version. Download Beholder torrent on PC (New Version in Russian). Main disadvantages and advantages

    Download beholder 2 for android full version.  Download Beholder torrent on PC (New Version in Russian).  Main disadvantages and advantages

    An extremely unusual game that is very difficult to attribute to any genre. It is closest to the survival genre and life simulator, amazingly combining such unusual elements. Your character's main goal will be surveillance. Keep track of everything that happens in the apartment building. Spy on your neighbors, go through their things, find out whether they are respectable citizens or dream of overthrowing the government. What to do with the information received? You must decide this for yourself. You can download the full version of the game Beholder for free in Russian.

    The main character of the game is Karl, an ordinary middle-aged man. He was brought in by the intelligence services to monitor the residents of an apartment building. He received the broadest powers and what happens to them depends only on his words and actions. Karl is injected with a special drug, thanks to which he will be able to go without sleep. Well, Karl should spend the free time on surveillance. Spying on neighbors. Peek through a keyhole, monitor with cameras, eavesdrop through the door, rummage through personal belongings and much more - the freedom of action in the game is simply enormous. But the player must decide what to do with the information received.

    The game "Beholder" offers a huge selection of actions. Having received provoking information about your neighbor, you can immediately go to your boss and report everything. At best, the neighbor will pay a hefty fine. At worst, it will disappear forever. But you can also use this information for your own benefit, for example, by starting to blackmail your neighbor, threatening to tell the intelligence services about him. How will this affect your future destiny? Who knows! Well, if the player warms up to his neighbors, he can try to hide their crimes against the cruel and senseless regime (just look at the ban on growing, eating and storing apples!) But in this case, Karl’s life will be in danger. Once the bosses doubt his honesty, the guy will get into serious trouble.

    Throughout the game you will have to maneuver and maintain balance. However, you can go from one extreme to another. Someone will immediately report on their neighbors, destroying their families and lives. The other will oppose the authorities, supporting the insurgents, but in this case his life is unlikely to be long. Well, someone will like the life of a double agent - while collecting dirt on neighbors, he will begin to reveal only minor offenses, covering up real crimes. Choose for yourself who you want to become in a totalitarian and cruel world.

    Beholder– a game where your choice decides everything! Will you remain humane and compassionate, or will you become a tool in the hands of a totalitarian state? Will you be imbued with the fate of the crowd, who are not even aware of your power and intentions? Even the smallest decision will affect the fate of the main character in the future.


    You have been hired as a homeowner. Your responsibilities in the game Beholder are to monitor the well-being of the territory entrusted to you and the safety of the residents. Or is it just a guise? Already at the entrance to the house you are met by the police, who are escorting your previous colleague out. The boss explains that he has become a pest and must leave the place. Now you have to fulfill his duties - carefully monitor the behavior of all residents, record their conversations, know about their hobbies and life stories.

    The goal in Beholder must be achieved by any means - sometimes the dirtiest and wrong. But they are “wrong” only from the point of view of humanity. The current ministry issues new directives every 5 minutes prohibiting any liberties on the part of the people.

    How to play?

    The Beholder game is controlled with the mouse. The main character moves between locations and completes tasks from the ministry. All current goals are displayed in the tab on the right. You have at your disposal a whole arsenal of possible means for eavesdropping and spying. For completing tasks you will receive money, which is spent in the game store to improve your home and your spy skills.

    The main task in Beholder is to explore apartments and find evidence against the residents there. At the same time, you will communicate with the residents, learn their life stories and characteristics. Inside the apartments you need to explore everything you see - evidence can be found even in the most unexpected places. The things you need will be highlighted - you take them to make a note in the personal file of each of the residents.


    If you find something suspicious, immediately fill out a report and call the police. Or not. The choice in the Beholder game is yours alone. You can sympathize with the hero of your investigation who violates directives for a personal gain. But you can do this at later stages, when you “earn” the trust of your superiors.

    Remember that you came with a family that is also “under attack.” For inaction in the event of discovery of evidence against household members, severe punishment is imposed. Who knows what the ministry will come up with regarding your life and family

    Minimum System Requirements
    Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10
    CPU: 2.00GHz
    RAM: 2GB
    Video card: GeForce 600M
    Hard Disk Memory: 2GB

    Download Beholder for free

    You can always download the latest version of Beholder for free via torrent or direct link.

    It's time to try your hand at espionage. Observe the life of a simple resident of the house, using surveillance cameras and hiding nearby yourself.

    Game process

    In the game, users are invited to try on the role of a spy. Our rank is not high, therefore the tasks are not the most vital and significant for the state.

    However, work is work. Our target is an ordinary resident of a multi-story building. It is necessary to monitor him day and night - track every movement, listen to every communication, analyze every decision.

    To implement espionage plans, we can use hidden surveillance cameras, bugs and our own presence (after all, we are a trained special agent). During the absence of our target, we can search the personal belongings of the suspect.

    This will help you move faster through the storyline by completing various tasks.

    In addition to the main goal, all individuals in contact with the suspect will be in our field of vision - it is necessary to compile a dossier on them, as well as predict the latest actions.

    Main disadvantages and advantages

    The main disadvantage is the unusual gameplay (the game, so to speak, is not for everyone). But if you are still this “amateur”, then you will like the following advantages: an original idea, interesting gameplay, atmospheric design, high-quality Russian localization and a non-linear plot, which is directly influenced by our actions in the game.

    Imagine for a second that a government conspiracy to collect information about every inhabitant of our planet actually exists. Introduced? Now, think carefully about which side you would like to be on.

    The beholder game for Android devices will help you make the right decision, which you can download on modern smartphones and tablets.

    The storyline of the game beholder represents the near future, in which all the inhabitants of the planet are under the hood of special services, closely monitoring each of us. In this situation, you will be assigned the role of one of the informants, who must collect data about the population and share it with secret service agencies.

    To do this, you will have at your disposal a large residential building with many rooms. Hiding behind the image of a tenant, you have a difficult mission ahead of you.

    A detailed summary should be compiled about all the residents of your house, not without your participation. You should find out their daily routine, who they communicate with in real life and on the phone, who they work with, who they contact with, and other personal information.

    To get all the necessary data you need to show miracles of espionage skills and various tricks. Place wiretapping and video surveillance bugs in your clients' living rooms, monitor their movements, hack their smartphones, download personal correspondence and listen to their telephone conversations. However, you need to be extremely careful in your spying process. If your secret image is revealed, the mission in the beholder game will automatically fail.

    The beholder game for Android, which you can download for free from our website, will help you feel like a secret spy who is devoted to his state and is ready to work around the clock for its benefit. Successfully complete all presented tasks and missions. Thus, you will become an integral part of the new world with absolutely modern foundations and principles.

    At first glance, the idea of ​​collecting personal information about people may seem illegal and immoral. However, the creators of this idea pursue a completely different goal. Their main task is to implement a unique system that in the future will be able to protect the entire world population from various types of threats. Thus, you can become part of one of the most important projects in the history of mankind.

    The beholder game for Android combines espionage and adventure. Special game graphics will help you experience all the emotions of such a world and adventures. Also, the gameplay is equipped with thematic sounds and music. The beholder game control is created with the simplest possible principle, and to perform active operations you only need to click on the touch screen.

    An excellent game for Android that came to our mobile platforms from computers, it is an incredibly high-quality snitch simulator where your every decision will affect the gameplay. According to the plot, complete totalitarianism reigns in the state, officials are trying to constantly control all residents and closely monitor every step of every citizen. You, as an experienced building manager, were appointed to the position of manager of a new building, so that you supposedly did everything possible to ensure that people settled in the new house and felt comfortable.

    But in fact, our hero has a completely different job to do; he needs to very carefully monitor all the residents, secretly collect dossiers on them and constantly report to the government about any violations that undermine the authority of the authorities. To do this, you have complete freedom of action, you can secretly enter apartments, install wiretapping, hidden cameras, conduct searches and stuff like that. Beholder for Android is a game in which every decision you make has consequences, therefore, the storyline will develop from your actions, there is no linearity in the actions, and the outcome is not clear in advance, so the game has several endings.

    The most interesting thing is that here you can play a double game, that is, you can constantly pawn everyone and use the authority of your superiors, or you can do the opposite, act like a human being. That is, if, for example, you have identified a violator and see that he is a poor fellow working hard to feed his family, then you can take pity on him and not hand him over to the government, thus giving him a chance to reform. And if you have identified some kind of major and dug up incriminating evidence on him, then simply start blackmailing him, thus luring out a substantial amount of money, which you and your family so lack.

    As you can see, you have complete freedom of action, make informed decisions, plan your every step and remember that you are also an ordinary person and can make mistakes, just like the people you spy on. You can download this beholder game from the links below, there is also a mod version where you will have a lot of money and a decent supply of experience points, but from experience I will say it’s better to play the original, it’s much more interesting.