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  • How to make a beautiful Instagram. How to beautifully design Instagram: recommendations and instructions. Turn your account into a business profile

    How to make a beautiful Instagram.  How to decorate beautifully

    Hello, dear readers and guests of my blog! Today I start detailed analysis of a large topic– profile promotion in the Instagram application. You will learn what hashtags are for and how to use them, how to work with stories and photos. And first I will tell you about how to set up Instagram.

    If you are sure that this social network is used exclusively for posting selfies and photos of feet on the beach, you are mistaken. Instagram a long time ago has become a powerful tool for business promotion. Perhaps you already have a profile that you are promoting. In any case, you will find a lot of useful information in this and subsequent articles.

    Instagram profile design: why is it important

    First and probably the most important- because there are a lot of accounts, and Not everyone gets thousands of subscribers. How did successful people achieve popularity on Instagram? They have created such a profile that it is impossible to pass by without subscribing.

    Remember that the target audience you are counting on is a sophisticated viewer. It’s just that good photo selections won’t surprise anyone today.. It doesn’t matter whether you are promoting yourself personally or offering goods and services.

    Another reason: you won't get a second chance to make a first impression. Don't waste time learning from your mistakes. Many potential subscribers and customers will pass by and choose someone else. Much more effective learn from people who have already achieved success. Proven techniques combined with your imagination will help you create a profile that will be popular. Where should you start first?


    Nickname should be easy to remember and be perceived by ear. The user, having heard it, should not guess how exactly to write it in transliteration. In an ideal situation, your nickname was heard once, remembered and easily found by it. Three main principles contribute to achieving this goal: uniqueness, simplicity and brevity. Let's look at them in detail.


    Before creating a nickname on Instagram, scour Instagram and the Internet for brands with similar names. If the name partially coincides with your nickname, then when searching, users will first see more popular accounts, and only then yours.

    For example, there may be a bunch of accounts containing the word Take time to come up with something of your own, then your profile will not be lost. You can reveal your field of activity in your profile name and bio. But more on that later.


    As I already said, a good nickname can be written down by ear the first time. Do not use punctuation marks or numbers, this complicates the search and looks ugly. Eg, @ivanivanov - good @ivan_ivanov_22 – it’s already worse.

    Better come up with something pseudonym, when it comes to a personal brand. If you are promoting a product or service, do not refer to your location using a region number. For example, @nsk_photo_54 .

    Specify city, in which you are working, you can in other sections, as is done in the example below.


    The maximum number of words for a nickname is two. And better one and short. Compare @pepebiancorest.afimall And .

    Do you have a long brand name? It may be worth coming up with a different name for Instagram if you have not yet done promotion and the name has not become recognizable to clients. Don’t be lazy to think, go through different options, shorten and simplify.


    Here first you should build on what you are promoting. Let's look at three options using examples: product, service and personal brand.


    You make something by hand, thus creating a unique product. For example, stylish diaries, knitted items or toys. What avatars can be successful?

    Product photos

    Potential subscribers should be it’s immediately clear what you are offering. Be sure to take a photo yourself! Don't take something similar from the Internet. Modern smartphones have quite a wide range of functionality for photo correction. But you better take care of good natural light and contrasting background. Remember that a white object will be lost against a background that is too light, and using a flash will make the photo less natural.

    Photo of you holding the product in your hands

    If you are present in your avatar, people will be more willing to follow you. Firstly, it seems that you are the one running the account. Secondly, the user retains it feels like he's talking to a real person. This increases confidence in the product even before purchasing it.


    Your own photo

    It could be good quality selfie or professional photo. It would be great if the photo would be given to users associations with the service you are promoting. This could be the setting in the background or some object or style of clothing.

    In the example below, the account makeup artist. Subscribers recognize the owner of the account by sight thanks to a good quality photo. Brushes in hands are associated with the activities of a makeup artist.

    Remember also that your the image on your avatar should not contrast too much with what you offer. For example, you are a coach or conduct training for a specific audience. Take a photo in a business suit. Cloth may be less formal, but she should not be extravagant, provocative.

    Imagine: you write in your account that you conduct business training. You teach other people how to achieve success, and you yourself have achieved impressive results. And in your avatar you are in a wonderful informal image with greetings from two thousand and seven. Agree, users will not take you seriously.

    When searching for a specific service the user inevitably engages in stereotypical thinking. You need to meet the expectations of your target audience.


    If you have already decided to create a logo, approach it responsibly. The logo must be, first of all, readable. Small inscriptions, excessively ornate or pale font can ruin everything. Of course, pastel colors are pleasing to the eye and look beautiful. But the text in this case looks faded. Below is just an example of such a logo.

    Long words and titles that require resorting to small font are best avoided. You can adapt the logo specifically for Instagram by making it in a different color scheme, for example, black and white. Look at an example of an online store logo below: large font, in contrast with the background, in general looks very simple.

    Personal brand

    A personal brand is widely called famous person's name, who has achieved a lot in his field of activity and has become successful. If you have a business, a personal brand can help promote it. And vice versa - the success of your business works in your name. I have . So, having a recognizable and popular account on Instagram, you can get additional income.

    The best ava for such an account is your photo. Principles that you should focus on when choosing a photo:

    “Name” and “About” fields

    Instagram profile name (field “Name”) indexed by the search engine. Limit – 30 characters. Therefore, it is ideal to write in this field short search query, which your potential subscribers will enter. For example, for the request “tattoo salon Moscow” the first account will be the account of the Arbat salon.

    Account description or bio (field “About me”) – limit 150 characters. The information provided here should interest the user so that he subscribes to you.

    Write what you do, what you sell, what services you offer. If you have an online store, provide a link where you can order the product. If you run several categories, you can list them in bio hashtags under which you publish photos for each of the headings.

    To provide contact information business accounts have separate buttons: for phone number, email and address. But they are not always noticed - they almost blend into the background. It is better to duplicate all the data for contacting you in the description. Soon I will publish instructions on how to make a public page on Instagram, this will help you set up your business account correctly.

    Try to indicate way to contact you for free, for example, on WhatsApp. Include any information that will allow subscribers to ask fewer questions like “how to place an order.”

    How to use emojis when creating your profile

    Usage emoji helps in describing the account make information more structured. In addition, with them the profile looks more bright and lively. You can select the appropriate emoji for each information block in the description.

    Or arrange everything in the form of a list with the same emoji:

    Using an unusual font in the account name and description

    Your account may look more stylish, if in the name or description you will use interesting font. The main thing is not to get too carried away. There are websites (convenient for working from a computer) and applications to change ordinary letters to stylized ones.


    The principle of working with such sites is extremely simple - you write text, the site converts it into a beautiful font for Instagram. Next you just need to copy the result.


    Font for Instagram

    It works on the same principle as the sites above:

    1. Select font;
    2. Write text;
    3. Copy.

    Stylish Text

    It is noteworthy that works not only for Instagram, but also for typing in other applications. How to use:

    Remember what works styling only for letters of the Latin alphabet.

    Link in account description

    There is no point in making a post on Instagram with a link to a current offer for a client - it won’t be clickable. The link to the ordering page or price list should be in the description.

    What are Highlights and what are they for?

    Eternal or pinned stories appeared on Instagram relatively recently. This is peculiar story album, in which you can include the most important or relevant for your account. For example, a description of the services you provide or current promotions and discounts. This wonderful instrument in order to hook a passing user and convince them to subscribe to you.

    To pin a story to your profile page, you need to:

    How to beautifully publish a panorama

    Instagram crops large photos, and you probably know this if you’ve ever tried to post a panorama. If you take photos for publications in high quality, for this there is an interesting trick. Panoramic the photo can be divided into three equal parts and posted sequentially, starting from the right side of the photo. Photographer @gabriel_larraburu does exactly that. In publications there is a breakdown of photos into three and six parts.

    Main rule: make sure that the grid on the photo does not move, and all the pieces of the panorama were on the same line.

    Mobile apps for photo editing


    The app works well for color correction. Filter values ​​allow you to edit photos delicately while preserving naturalness photo. The settings are very simple and understandable even for a beginner.

    It brightens photos well and allows you to carefully remove unwanted objects caught in the frame. The color correction methods are similar to VSCO.


    Application for adding text to photos. How to beautifully design a catalog or information post? Thanks to Phonto's large number of fonts and settings, this will not be difficult for you.

    Unified photo style in the feed

    A lot of photos, designed in different styles and colors, look like an awkward pile. Users love the beautiful and stylish design of Instagram. Are you shooting products? Choose the same background for all photos, make sure there is good natural lighting. Good example - @artstolik , which we already mentioned today.

    Profile looks like stylish due to the similarity of colors and design of photographs with the product.

    You thematic blog? Alternate your photos with posts, the cover of which can be a simple background with text. This “chessboard” arrangement also looks impressive. For example, account @pluswoman publishes this way.

    Quality content

    Refuse forever from pictures downloaded on the Internet or purchased from a photo stock. I have an article, and in it I have already partially touched on the topic content quality. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, since promotion on only one social network is not effective enough.

    Take your own photos. Try to master photo retouching apps. At the same time, do not get carried away with processing too much. If your options allow, you can collaborate with a professional photographer. But remember that filling out your profile in this way is an expensive pleasure.

    The target audience

    Clearly define your target audience and focus on their needs. Do not forget follow news and trends to always provide subscribers or customers with a product or content that is relevant to them.

    Dialogue with subscribers

    Inquire feedback from your subscribers. To do this, you can use stories or comments in publications. Remember that you should try to comment on your posts reply.

    Regularity of publications

    Make sure that posts appear at approximately the same interval. Posting a new photo once a month is just as bad as posting ten photos every day. Determine the golden mean depending on the field of activity. One or two quality publications per week often enough.

    If you promised your subscribers to post certain information, be sure to do it! When making such promises, be careful with dates - it is better to indicate approximate dates rather than specific ones.


    I told you basic principles of correct profile design. As you can see, It is not so difficult. Use my experience and advice, and give readers quality content. With this I say goodbye to you. In the following articles, I will definitely tell you how to attract subscribers, how to work with a business account and much more. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss anything. See you again!

    If you find an error in the text, please select a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter. Thanks for helping my blog get better!

    The most effective way to get a large number of fans is to create a stylish one. Give the page an attractive appearance and a constant flow of new subscribers is guaranteed. Of course, Instagram is an integral part of the lives of young boys and girls. Attractive people show off their glamorous pictures, showing off the best moments of their lives. They photograph everyday outfits, show pictures with friends, and introduce the public to their family, pets, and work colleagues.

    A beautiful Instagram page attracts the attention of potential followers. The main thing is to find your “trick”. These could be attractive photos of your own children, photo reports from your latest trip, a seasonal wardrobe showcase, or business advice.

    Watch the video: Common Instagram Mistakes

    Thanks to Instagram, hundreds of people have gained worldwide popularity. By following a few simple rules, you can also win the hearts of millions of users.

    How to properly maintain an Instagram page: what you should pay special attention to

    1. Brightness, color, background

    Statistics show that photos with enhanced brightness receive a quarter more likes than regular images. Whatever you photograph, always use a beautiful background. Experts have proven that photos with a good background attract 30% more attention than photos without it. Photos in blue tones are more popular than images in red and orange tones. Despite the above tips, there is no formula for perfect photography. Turn on your imagination and start experimenting.

    Try to stick to your own style so that your photos become recognizable.

    2. Planning

    Bloggers and owners of popular Instagram pages have revealed the secret of a stylish account. They take several original photos in advance, and then plan the sequence of their publication. This helps not only to update the page regularly.

    Stability attracts the attention of real and potential users, and blogging becomes much easier.

    3. Filters

    To give your page a recognizable look, try to create photos in the same style. For this

    Different filters can disrupt the overall aesthetics and make the account less attractive.

    4. Subjects of publications

    Select the general topic of your publications. If you know how to cook or travel a lot, focus on one of your hobbies. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit the gym? Or maybe you just became young parents and dream of introducing your baby to the whole world?

    Any event, hobby or creativity is suitable for creating a thematic page.

    5. Fashion account

    Perhaps you're just a pretty girl or an attractive guy? Why not motivate your subscribers? Tell them how you manage to look so stylish and beautiful? Famous Italian blogger Fabio Attanasio shares his daily images with millions of users. Demonstrating his unique style, the guy has already become an example for many young people.

    Many girls share beauty tips and motivate their subscribers with ideal figures. If you have something to tell and show the world, don’t waste your time. A stylish account, the right words under a photo and communication with subscribers can lead you to popularity.

    Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

    It is important not to repeat yourself! Don't try to create a page similar to your idol's profile. Be individual, something new and original. Now immediately start practicing and try to conquer the vastness of Instagram with spectacular pictures!

    As you can see, if you already know that the fastest way to get more followers on Instagram is to give it an attractive appearance, then use our tips to create a recognizable aesthetic for your Instagram blog as a whole, and for each post individually.It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

    With you,
    - Igor Zuevich.

    Leave a comment on this article below

    Do you want to know how to beautifully design your Instagram profile? After all, the effectiveness of promotion on a social network, where visual content plays a leading role, largely depends on this.

    At the same time, it is not necessary to have any specific knowledge or be a designer. Follow simple recommendations and this is guaranteed to give results: there will be more subscriptions, likes, comments and orders. Do you want it to be like this? Then let's go!

    Beautiful profile design on Instagram

    Before moving on to the material itself, it is necessary and mandatory set up an Instagram business account. Moving on to the design, it is better to divide the process into subparagraphs, and then go through each of them. So, the profile design consists of:

    • name and nickname;
    • avatar or profile photo;
    • description;
    • links to another account or hashtags;
    • contact details: address and telephone;
    • highlights (pinned stories);
    • buttons for quick communication: call, send a letter and how to get there (with the business profile enabled);
    • content (image and text).

    Let's look at each point in more detail.

    How to design a profile header on Instagram

    Let's start with the design of the profile header, and then we'll talk a little about the content.

    Name and nickname

    Choosing a nickname (name on Instagram). When choosing a nickname for your account, you need to ensure that you have the same nickname on all social networks. For example, we are registered on Insta and VK under the nickname im_journal, which is certainly convenient for the user.

    The second option for a nickname is to use keywords written in English transliteration. For example, nogti_spb or taksi_omsk. Thus, when searching, all other things being equal, you will appear above your competitors.

    Example: the inclusion of the search keyword in the nickname also affects the higher display position.

    As for the name, for a blogger it is better to come up with a creative pseudonym that will be well remembered, or use your real name and surname. For commercial accounts, you should choose the name of the company or the most popular keyword by which you can be searched.

    An excellent example of how a keyword in a profile name allows you to appear on the first lines if the corresponding request is made.

    Profile photo

    As your main profile photo, it's best to use your personal photo rather than a picture. Even if you don’t have a personal account, but a company, it will be more interesting for people to go where there is a person’s image.

    An alternative and, at the same time, working option is to use the “Girl” trigger and put an image of some beautiful girl on your avatar.

    Profile description

    Be friendly and open, introduce yourself. What is your name or what company do you represent? What does your company do? What benefits will the client receive by contacting you? At the end, call to action: subscribe, go to the site, call, etc.

    To structure information, use emoji.

    Since Instagram recently introduced a subscription to hashtags, as well as the ability to add a link to a hashtag or another account in the profile description, this should be used. Here are some use cases:

    • add a link to an individual hashtag with a selection of specific posts in your profile description;
    • if you use several accounts for promotion (by city or product category), you can put links from these profiles to the main account.

    Contact details

    There is no need to write your phone number, address and website in your profile description; there are special fields for this. Click "Edit Profile" and enter all your contacts.

    Page design


    Highlights on Instagram It consists of pinned stories, combined into albums. For this section, you need to specifically create separate Stories and break them down by topic on which questions most often arise. For example: price, reviews, work, opening hours, etc.

    Also, for pinned albums from stories, you can make a cover to make them look beautiful.

    Designing posts in the same style

    To make your account more memorable and unusual, try to add photos in the same color scheme.

    Also, the following design methods are popular:

      in a column or diagonally;

      checkerboard effect;

    • installation or collage;
    • pictures with frames.


    To make the text easier for readers to understand, we recommend breaking it up into paragraphs using emoji, so it won’t merge into an endless set of letters. At the beginning, be sure to write a title or make sentences with the most important idea to catch the eye, and put hashtags at the end of the text.

    Secrets for page design

    A few more features that will help make your account design unique:

    • More text in the profile description. Use the Address field and add the desired text. Don't abuse this opportunity and try to be concise.
    • TapLink, where you can link to several resources. Create a mini-business card in the taplink service and indicate the necessary links there.
    • Provide a direct link to one of the messengers. Provide a direct link to the messenger where it is most convenient for you to respond to messages.
    • Unusual font. Use italics or another font.

    What to do after registration

    Next, you should decide on a promotion strategy - how you will attract new subscribers and sell your product. What tools will you use for this? Will additional budget be required for various services and programs for Instagram (spoiler: required).

    Then you need to decide what content you will have and create a content plan. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the completion of all tasks, monitor the effectiveness of work and, if necessary, make adjustments.

    There are already several dozen photos on your Instagram, but no one except your best friend likes them, and new friends are in no hurry to appear? For a cozy home “event recorder”, which is kept in personal diary mode, this is normal. You simply leave marks as a souvenir. If you want something more, then you need to take a closer look at Instagram and slightly adjust the strategy for its development. It won't take much time.

    1. Have something to say

    First of all, you need to decide on the theme of your Instagram. Photos of coffee from Starbucks and new sneakers, as well as other everyday nonsense that is often called lifestyle, will not attract subscribers. Unless you have already become a famous person. Analyze your own life: what interests you most, what could you constantly find new facets of? See which photos on your account have the most likes and comments. Now there are so many directions that you can take very narrow segments: your own drawings, landscapes, textures, shadows, books... Whatever! At least take pictures of the same place on the street every day, showing how it changes depending on the weather, time of day and people around you. .

    You can combine a couple of different topics in one account, for example, photographs of cats and smiling people on public transport. Maximum - 3 if they are closely related. If there are more topics that you can cover efficiently, then create a separate account for each of them. It will be more difficult to post photos, but it will be much easier to attract subscribers.

    2. Let there be light!

    The most important technical detail when posing a shot is light. Try to keep everything in your frame well lit. Then the pictures will be clear. If you decide to photograph something at dusk, you will have to find high-quality equipment that will do it. A regular smartphone camera will only be able to capture vague shadows or objects unnaturally illuminated by the flash.

    3. Every day as scheduled

    Photos need to be posted regularly. Moreover, this does not mean at all that the more often the better. Regularly means measuredly. It is not necessary to make a new post every day, but if you don’t post for more than 2-3 days, then... If you took a whole bunch of beautiful and suitable shots at once, then “save” some of them. A large flow of even the most beautiful photos will irritate users of the service. Post a couple, tell us what else you have as a starter, and then post 1-2 photos per day.

    4. #How to be hashtags

    Think of hashtags as an acid that you need to add to a chemical compound for a reaction to occur. You can’t do without it, just like you can’t do without hashtags - it’s through them that many subscribers find topics that interest them. But if you add too much, everything will spoil or even explode into thin air. Have you ever seen an Instagram post where under a regular frame there are several dozen hashtags that are much longer than the caption? This annoys everyone.

    It is advisable that there are no more than 5-6 hashtags. In this case, 2-3 can be made as general as possible, and the rest - as “point-specific” as possible in relation to what is happening in the frame. This is how you can attract the maximum audience.

    5. We are not alone here

    To successfully promote Instagram, you need to interact with other users. Feel free to like your friends and similar channels, feel free to subscribe to everyone with a similar topic. If there are other people with Instagram accounts in your photos, be sure to tag them. Geotagging can also be useful: the more precise, the better. But you shouldn’t get involved in adventures with “you give me, I give you” and bots.

    Real users don’t like such cheaters, but you want to convey your creativity to real people, and not get several thousand “dead souls” as subscribers.

    6. Black and white is the hit of the season

    A difficult question: is it worth using Instagram’s built-in filters? Some of them may actually look good in average quality photographs, but in most photographs they are immediately visible and are quite crudely arranged. If you want to process your own photos with filters, then it is better to install an additional application with more capabilities. At the same time, this will help you stand out from other Instagram accounts on your topic.

    7. It's all about technique

    Don’t be lazy and study the technical capabilities of your camera, even if it is very simple, built into a smartphone. Any camera has nuances of light, correction, focusing and other things. Perhaps they will not always be useful to you, but it is the technical variety that will help you, unlike the others.

    Reading books on photography will also benefit you, even if you definitely won’t use half of the techniques you read. The literature on reportage photography is especially good, since any Instagram user is first and foremost a reporter of his own life.

    8. Shall we talk?

    Each photo must have a caption in addition to hashtags and geotags. Sometimes people follow Instagram precisely because of witty comments. There is no need to make it too large and expanded - after all, people don’t come to Instagram to read. However, it will be useful to ask questions from the audience from time to time to get answers and comments. At the same time, you will learn first-hand what people like or don’t like about your posts.

    9. Fashion for the people

    Fashion trends often appear on Instagram, which in one way or another affect almost all users. Remember, for example, the Prisma application, which turned photos into paintings. Or endless photos of Pokemon from the game of the same name in unexpected places. Such “ ” must be used carefully. If they have just appeared, then you can use them when they fit the theme of the channel.

    But if the “trend” has been around for several weeks, then it’s better not to touch it, even if it suits you. Users are probably tired of the dominance of this topic in their feed, so there’s no need for them again. You can use the idea in a month, when the hype subsides. Then it will look like a kind of retro reminder.

    10. From every iron

    Cross-promotion can attract many new subscribers. This means that you need to set up automatic messages about new photos on Instagram. Almost all major social networks now work perfectly with Instagram, so you won’t need to do anything, but your friends and any “mimicrocodiles” will be able to follow the link to your photo channel.

    It's no secret that sales is not for everyone. And if you previously easily managed to attract audiences to entertainment accounts, this does not mean that you will be able to do this for an online store account.

    Opening an Instagram account for sales

    First, you need to decide how to beautifully design Instagram for sales. First of all, you need to take care of the avatar and name. You may have a question: “How to name an Instagram account for sale?” It’s very simple – the name should make it clear what you do. If it's a store, give it a name that makes it clear that it's a store. The name works together with the avatar - it should also correspond to the theme.

    Next you need to start designing posts. It is best to take photos in the same style and color scheme. This way your posts will stand out from others in the feed. We have a separate material on the design of posts: .

    Features of account promotion for sales

    Promoting accounts for sales is different from promoting other accounts. They strive to collect as many subscribers as possible. And we need sales more than that. Therefore, attract only the right people who are willing to pay. And try to increase the activity of the audience - an active audience and actively buys.

    How to promote Instagram yourself for free for sales?

    Many people struggle with the question of how to promote Instagram on their own for sales. And, as a rule, such people do not have money for agencies or freelancers.

    They can be advised to do everything as if for themselves. That is, your store should be completely focused on people and their convenience. They shouldn't have any questions after they read your post or see your account. To do this, you need to give people comprehensive information. And only then attract the audience.

    Hashtags for selling on Instagram

    In order for posts to get good coverage, you need to select the right hashtags. For example, if you sell dresses, then use the appropriate hashtag. If there is a backpack in the photo, mention that too.

    Feel free to use a lot of hashtags. The main thing is that it looks normal, does not confuse users and does not scare off potential clients. read the article at the link.

    How to name an Instagram account for sale

    Coming up with names is the hardest thing. But if there are some practical tips that will help with this. For example, you need to give a name that will make it clear what you do, as mentioned above.

    Or you can choose some Russian name related to your topic. Don’t think that the first time you will be able to create a cool brand that everyone will immediately know about. Most likely, people will think that you just have a pretentious name, and they won’t buy anything.

    Where do they buy clothes to sell on Instagram?

    Many people don’t know where successful stores buy clothes to sell on Instagram. But everything is very simple - order where there is good quality at a low price. It is best to find suppliers who will agree to give a discount if you buy a large quantity.

    Or you can order directly from China...

    Or you can try to establish contact with some factory or studio. And you will pay them only when they order something from you.

    Top 100 Products to Sell on Instagram

    Here is a list of products that can be successfully sold on Instagram:

    1. Cloth.
    2. Shoes.
    3. Hats.
    4. Accessories.
    5. Rings.
    6. Earrings.
    7. Necklace.
    8. Necklaces.
    9. Brooches.
    10. T-shirts with unusual prints.
    11. Bags.
    12. Musical instruments.
    13. Jackets.
    14. Trinkets.
    15. Kids toys.
    16. Flowers.
    17. Gift Baskets.
    18. Figurines.
    19. Wallets.
    20. Belts.
    21. Stripes.
    22. Paintings.
    23. Cosmetics.
    24. Food delivered.
    25. Gaming consoles.
    26. Suitcases.
    27. Embroidery.
    28. Blankets.
    29. Knitted clothes.
    30. Underwear.
    31. Scarves.
    32. Cakes.
    33. Souvenirs.
    34. Phone cases.
    35. Icons.
    36. Magnets.
    37. Chains.
    38. Headphones.
    39. Designer things.
    40. Handmade things.
    41. Framework.
    42. Designer services.
    43. Architect services.
    44. Photographers Service.
    45. Florist services.
    46. Rent a Car.
    47. Yacht rental.
    48. Event tickets.
    49. Merch.
    50. Furniture covers.
    51. Car seat covers.
    52. Products for motorists.
    53. Phones.
    54. Laptops.
    55. Charging device.
    56. Mugs.
    57. Cups.
    58. Knives.
    59. Frying pans.
    60. Pots.
    61. Wall painting.
    62. Second hand.
    63. Rarity.
    64. Vintage equipment.
    65. Vinyls.
    66. Shawls.
    67. Backpacks.
    68. Skateboards.
    69. Longboards.
    70. Skis.
    71. Snowboards.
    72. Items autographed by celebrities.
    73. Coins and bills.
    74. Netsuke.
    75. Books.
    76. Sketchbooks.
    77. Costumes for holidays.
    78. Costumes for role-playing games.
    79. Insoles.
    80. Shaving products.
    81. Depilation products.
    82. Artbooks.
    83. Anti-stress toys.
    84. Spinners.
    85. Trendy things.
    86. Sports equipment.
    87. Useful or interesting things from aliexpress.
    88. Educational toys.
    89. Products for pregnant women.
    90. Headsets.
    91. Appliances.
    92. Makeup artist services.
    93. Manicure and pedicure services.
    94. Cosmetologist services.
    95. Trainings.
    96. Muffins.
    97. Eco-products.
    98. Key rings.
    99. Craft items.
    100. Animals.

    The list is large, but this is not all the products for sale on Instagram. No matter what you do, you can use Instagram as a source of clients for your business. The main thing in this matter is not to forget about interaction with the audience and not to be afraid to experiment with the presentation of goods.