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  • How to find out who reads VKontakte correspondence. Reading other people's SMS messages is not entirely legal or ethical, but it is possible. What is WhatsApp for? Benefits of the program

    How to find out who reads VKontakte correspondence.  Reading other people's SMS messages is not entirely legal or ethical, but it is possible.  What is WhatsApp for?  Benefits of the program

    I think each of the readers has encountered situations in life when one person violated the inviolability of the digital property of another.

    For example, when a jealous husband secretly reads his wife’s mail, a fired employee takes out his anger on the website of his former employer, a teenager earns extra money by reselling stolen game items, a guy “hacks” the VK page of a girl he knows.

    Such stories happen at every turn, but all of them are crimes for which criminal liability is provided under “Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Unauthorized access to computer information.”

    In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of such stories remain unpunished, but there are exceptions. Let's talk about them.

    Hero #1. Quit. Lost my mind...

    A resident of Arkhangelsk resigned from his post as CEO of the company and was in a bad mood. After all, the reason for his dismissal was salary arrears. Emotionally, he went to the admin panel of the company’s website and:

    changed the slider images, removing the original ones and adding new ones that discredited the business reputation of the Company, deleted the contact phone number and information about the Company’s existing certificates, changed information about production and quality of raw materials, deleted information about partners, environmental safety of products, environmental policy and social responsibility of the Company, adding instead information discrediting the business reputation of the Company

    Soon, company employees discovered this, blocked his account and sued the man.

    Punishment: fine of 40,000 rubles (cancelled in connection with the resolution “On declaring an amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”).

    Similar situation: A resident of Kazan was dismissed from the position of general director as a result of a conflict with the owner. Soon after the event, he entered the mailbox of his former boss, through it he gained access to the admin panel of the company’s website and deleted all files from there. The court fined him 100,000 rubles (cancelled under the amnesty in honor of Victory Day) and ordered him to pay 380,000 rubles in compensation for the deleted website (the owner of the company spent the same amount on creating a new one).

    The saddest thing in the latter case is that before the conflict the men trusted each other very much. The owner himself told the general director the password for his mailbox and asked to send letters on his behalf. And the general gave the owner the keys to his apartment so that he could water the flowers in his absence.

    And such cases occur among cases under Article 272 more often than all other typical situations. Hundreds of people worked for the company for years, earned trust, and had access to important IT resources. But then they quit and, under the pressure of emotions, they began to take revenge...

    Hero #2. Got into my wife's mail

    A resident of the city of Astrakhan picked up a password and went into his wife’s mailbox (, read the letters, changed the password and personal data. He did all this at home and using a mobile phone registered to himself.

    Punishment: fine of 15,000 rubles (cancelled in connection with the resolution “On declaring an amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”).

    Such cases are less common in the database than stories on the topic “I quit, I freaked out...”, but they are more common than other typical situations. And one detail is often repeated in business: the defendant and the victim have the same surnames, but at the time the decision was made the defendant was already divorced (((

    Perhaps women do not apply for those with whom they plan to continue living. Or husbands do not admit to breaking into boxes unless they find “compromising evidence” there, which is grounds for divorce.

    Hero #3. “Hacked” a colleague’s VK page

    A technical support specialist from Ryazan downloaded the DroidSheep program to his phone ( this happened in 2015) to intercept sessions of users who use open Wi-Fi.

    When he was in the office with a colleague, he was able to log into her VK page using this program, read personal messages and copy the girl’s personal photographs from there (what was depicted on them was not indicated in the case). A colleague would never know about this, but the guy HIMSELF showed the girl that he could read her correspondence.

    Punishment: restriction of freedom for a period of five months.

    I wanted to find an example of a case in which a woman would be tried for reading her husband’s/friend’s email or social networks. But there were no such people...

    This is strange, because we are very curious and every third person does this. But, apparently, men do not consider this situation a reason to report a loved one to the police.

    Hero #4. Secretly set up forwarding of a woman's calls to his number

    A man from Tyumen secretly entered the subscriber’s personal account on the operator’s website, which belonged to a woman, and set up call forwarding to his number.

    How exactly he gained access to his personal account (he could reset the password via SMS while she was gone or ask to distribute Wi-Fi from a smartphone) and who the victim was related to the defendant is not specified in the case.

    Punishment: restriction of freedom for a period of ten months.

    Hero #5. Added a little personal opinion to the district administration website

    Resident of the working-class village of Chany, Novosibirsk region:

    through analysis, based on existing knowledge in the field of information technology, defendant A.V. Popkov modeled the account name and password for the administration system of the official website of the administration

    After logging into the site admin area he:

    added text with obscene and profanity to the headings “Spring field work continues, but [obscene language] is of no use, nothing will grow anyway” and “Let’s sing the song “Victory Day””, because there is nothing else to do...

    He did all this directly on his work computer, absolutely not caring about his anonymity.

    Punishment: a year of correctional labor. Here is a quote from the case:

    assign him a sentence of 1 (one) year of correctional labor with the deduction of 5% of wages to the state income with the serving of the sentence in places determined by the local government in agreement with the penal inspection, but in the area of ​​residence of the convicted person.

    Hero #6. “Hacked” the website of a government organization

    Resident of the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd region visited a “hacker” site, where I found and copied the login and password of the specified web server with an IP address.

    It was a service web server that belonged to the Ministry of Information and Communications. The man connected to the server and
    installed and launched special software designed to obtain passwords for all users of a given operating system, and designed to promote websites in search engines.

    Punishment: fine of 100,000 rubles (cancelled in connection with the resolution “On declaring an amnesty in connection with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”)

    Hero #7. Stole items in an online game

    A resident of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region infected the victim’s computer with the Trojan.PWS.Gamania trojan and, as a result, gained access to his account in the game Lineage 2. After that, he logged into it nine times and sold items in the game store.

    Punishment: 4 months of restriction of freedom.

    Hero #8. I stole my mailbox login and password using a phishing email

    A system administrator from Orsk sent a link to a phishing page to the mailbox of the company he previously worked for under the guise of a lucrative offer from a non-existent client. The letter fell into the “right hands”:

    From *** hour. *** By ***. *** year, an unidentified person from among the employees of LLC “***”, unaware of the criminal intentions of Zaruba I.A., while administering the email account ***, discovered and opened the above email, which resulted in a redirect to the email address http :// www.***, containing a fake electronic page simulating access to the electronic mail service *** with a proposal to re-enter the network access details of the login and password of the electronic mailbox ***.

    An unidentified person from among the employees of LLC “***”, not realizing the falsity of the specified electronic page, entered the network access details to the email account ***.

    After this, the defendant successfully entered the mailbox and copied letters from there to his hard drive, which was discovered as a result of the search. He told the police that he did not use this data and did everything described above simply for the purpose check yourself.

    Punishment: imprisonment for a period of three months.

    How are criminals identified?

    Good day, dear reader of my personal blog about security! In this article I will try to give a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to read other people's messages? The material is not intended to hack anything, but to ensure the confidentiality of your own mobile correspondence. Especially if you use short text messages to communicate with work colleagues. At the end of the article I will give an interesting video that I made especially for you!

    So, do you think it’s possible to read other people’s messages? Technically, there are several methods for this. Firstly, intelligence agencies can intercept subscriber correspondence, but they will not need applications for this. A court decision is enough - and there will be full access to the archives of the mobile operator. An ordinary person will never be able to obtain such permission. Therefore, the technical probability of information loss during transmission is extremely low. Leakage occurs at a slightly different level.

    To more accurately understand whether it is possible to read other people’s messages remotely, I decided to search the Internet for a program for my Android smartphone that would cope with a similar task. I found a lot of software in search engines, but do these applications work? The answer was negative! I tested some programs on my own phone, but decided not to download most of them. The antivirus cursed at sites with applications. Therefore, be careful, because there is a risk of picking up viruses and Trojans!

    But the study of the issue did not end there. The second thought was to search for a service capable of copying information and sending it to a special server. I came across just such a service. Consists of two parts. First, you will need to download and install a special application. It will collect correspondence via SMS/MMS and then forward it to your personal user account. And you don’t have to use up precious 3G traffic for this, since there is an option to send the archive via Wi-Fi. Secondly, the resource with the archive itself is protected from access by unauthorized persons. Only the person who made the settings is allowed to view the information.

    As a result, it becomes clear how you can read other people's messages. To do this, an attacker does not have to use any special software. It is enough to install some kind of service, like the one described above. But it doesn't matter which one. This is a common utility for utility use for backup purposes, but how to use this tool is up to the user. Therefore, do not leave your mobile phone unattended, and do not give it to people you don’t know well!

    As for the service, I have no complaints. It is useful to use it to save important official correspondence, which can be accessed from any device. If only the Internet were at hand! Below is a video in which I will talk about detailed configuration of the application. If the topic interests you, watch the video. But do not install the program on other people's phones, only on your own. It is unlikely that the owner of a mobile device would like this!

    Application features: reading correspondence SMS, MMS, Vkontakte (official application and Kate Mobile), Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Moi [email protected],, Twitter, Hangouts, Google+, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Hangouts (formerly Google Talk ), [email protected], ICQ, IM+ and IM+Pro, AIM, Jabber, MSN, MySpace, Yahoo! and Ya.Online (Yandex Chat), Email correspondence Gmail and [email protected], view visited sites in Chrome, Opera, Firefox browsers. Access your call list and phone location. This is a small part of all the possibilities. All

    Video installation guide for any phone:

    Video installation guide on a phone with ROOT rights:

    Installation and configuration instructions:

    1. We create a personal account using this link: “Create a personal account” (just register there).
    2. Follow this link: “Login to your personal account on the site” and enter the Email and password that you specified before registration.
    3. Click the button: “Add phone”
    4. We fill in all the fields that are asked to be entered. We fill it out correctly as it is written there, otherwise it will not work.
    5. Click the “Save” button.
    6. We read the instructions that appeared after clicking the “Save” button
    7. We install the application on the phone (the one from which you need to obtain information), and configure it according to the instructions, which you will need to read in step 6.
    8. The application is installed. Everything is fine. The developers write that you need to wait at least an hour for the data to start arriving in your personal account that you created in step 1. In our case, the data arrived after 4 hours. The plan was a success! I wish you success.

    Surely you had a desire read someone else's correspondence on VKontakte. I would like to know what your friends, your girlfriend, or any other user are talking about. And perhaps you have already tried to find a working way. If you are reading this guide, then you probably did not succeed in achieving your plans.

    Now I will once again show you what methods of reading other people’s correspondence are currently being promoted. And I will show if there are workers among them.

    The most important

    Give up the idea of ​​gaining access to other people's messages. This is unrealistic. All the methods that you find on the Internet boil down to either extorting money or stealing your account. You will see this in the description below.

    If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. Just don’t complain later that you’ve lost access to your page (see).

    PageHack program

    The developers say that it is enough to download and install the program. After this, enter the id of the desired user (see), and press the button “Yes, hack and read”.

    Supposedly after this, you should see all the correspondence of this person. But this function doesn't work. You can check it yourself.

    Online services for reading correspondence

    Here is an example of such a resource:

    If you go to it, you will see this form.

    What it all comes down to here is that you must provide access to your account. And after that, you receive a secret code by which you can see the messages of another user.

    Are you ready to provide access to your page to a dubious service that offers hacking services? I don't think it's worth it.

    The only working method

    The bottom line is that you install a keylogger on the user's computer. How to do this is entirely up to you.

    The program saves all the user's keystrokes. From this information, you can also extract the typed messages.

    Video lesson: how to read someone else’s VKontakte correspondence


    Once again I ask you to think carefully before using suspicious software and dubious services. To the manual

    Today, many would like to learn how to access personal information on one of the social networks. Find out how to read someone else's correspondence in contact or how to intercept secret messages.

    There are five ways to view correspondence in a stranger’s contact:

    • hack a page by guessing your password/email;
    • order the services of a hacker;
    • get acquainted with employees of social networks and find out from them information about the person of interest;
    • download keylogger;
    • download applications to read messages from a specific user on a mobile phone.

    The last 2 are considered the most effective ways to “hack” someone else’s page.

    What is a keylogger

    It is also called a keystroke recorder. Simply put, it is a keylogger. It allows for hidden monitoring of manipulations performed on the keyboard. Thanks to it, you can see the special codes of the characters entered by the user.

    After collecting information and covert surveillance, keyloggers transmit the necessary information via an Internet connection. Keyloggers are not detected because they do not have any signs of a virus program.

    Spy products

    Using programs, you can access personal messages on a social network. A person will have the opportunity to look at hidden photos and even change someone’s personal data. Such applications require installation on a PC.

    Now you know several ways to find out correspondence in a contact. But how to use the downloaded application?

    Sequence of use spy app:

    • go to the page of a person whose information is interesting to us;
    • copy its ID;
    • paste the copied data into the desired line;
    • press the “watch” button.

    Probably, you would also like to know how to find out a friend’s correspondence, spending a minimum of time. It's possible.

    There are spyware developers who offer to read messages in contacts in just 3 steps:

    2. Set the time period for which you want to read messages.

    3. Write an email, the information of interest will be sent to it.

    Such a program requires payment for services. Find out if you can read someone else's correspondence by paying 100% for an effective method.

    Of course, you want to make sure you're paying for a service that works. Visit the site below, downloading applications from which you will be sure of their reliability. You can use the online service right now.

    Human curiosity knows no limits. Everyone wants to keep an eye on their lovers, children or friends. “I wonder what they say behind my back?” It also happens when you really need it read someone else's correspondence in contact. Perhaps to find out some information, or to prevent something bad.

    There are some apps and spyware to read correspondence in contact. Use them with caution! Many of them are capable of introducing a virus into a computer.

    Popular PageHack program, with which you can view hidden photos, change personal data and read other people’s correspondence of those who are your friends in contact. The program must be downloaded and installed on your computer (you may need to disable your antivirus). Then, by logging into the page of the user you want to read from your account, copy his ID. Insert it into the desired line in the program, click “view” and you will see all the personal information from the page of the user you need. The program is, in principle, effective, but not entirely safe.

    Resource Vkmass.narod offers to read other people's messages in contact in just 3 steps:

    2. Set the time period for which you want to read the correspondence.

    3. Enter the e-mail to which messages will be sent to you. However, it's not free! At the end you will have to pay for the service.

    Another way to read someone else’s correspondence in contact is register a new user with the phone number of the person whose correspondence you want to read. But here you will have to get creative and take possession of this person’s phone for a while. So, enter the details for the new user and phone number. You are asked - do you really want to link this page to an existing number? You agree, an SMS with a confirmation code is sent to your number, and you go to the desired page. Better quickly copy the correspondence and leave. As a result of fraud, the user's password will then be changed.

    And the easiest way to read correspondence in contact is simply go to the open page person, if possible. This will be safe and will not lead to any problems. Except for one thing - you will learn the truth from the correspondence. Do you need this? Decide for yourself.

    As the saying goes, curiosity not a vice, but a big disgusting thing.