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  • Test sound could not be played - Solution. The system reports that the test sound could not be played: reasons for the failure and methods to resolve the problem. It is possible to play the sound of Windows 7.

    Test sound could not be played - Solution.  The system reports that the test sound could not be played: reasons for the failure and methods to resolve the problem. It is possible to play the sound of Windows 7.

    Many owners of official Windows 7 and 8.1 took advantage of the opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10 for free. However, the “young” OS turned out to be far from perfect and often presents its users with surprises in the form of various glitches. The most common problem after installation is when the sound does not work in Windows 10.

    After installing the system, some people who bought a licensed “Tenth Axis” on a CD also encountered this problem. This publication contains specific recommendations for eliminating this problem, depending on the reasons that caused it.

    Errors in settings

    Before taking any action, it is recommended to take a small test step and check the sound settings. To do this, click on the “Volume” icon in the tray and set a comfortable playback level. If it was not possible to reproduce the sound after this test, then you can draw conclusions about more serious problems and proceed to study the next paragraph of the instructions.

    No software required

    After installing a new operating system or upgrading to Windows 10, installing drivers is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of all computer components. A PC sound card will not be able to reproduce sound without the presence of suitable software in the system to ensure its operation. Most often, the sound disappears after an upgrade or OS installation. Therefore, you must immediately begin installing drivers.

    It is recommended to do this by downloading the software from the official resources of the companies that produced the equipment, and in particular the computer sound card. After completing the installation process of suitable software for Windows 10, you must restart your PC. After installing the drivers, you need to make sound settings. Usually after this the sound starts to play normally. If again it was not possible to achieve a positive result, then you need to move on to the next part of this article.

    Program conflict

    Windows 10 contains many different programs that may be incompatible and conflict with each other. One of the reasons when the sound disappears is that the sound card driver does not match the OS. Despite the fact that this happens very often, there is no simple solution to the problem yet. In this case, you either need to install another sound card in your PC or come to terms with the lack of sound in Windows 10. Of course, there is still an option - you can roll back the system to “Seven” or “Eight” and this will be the best solution if there is no sound in a laptop or netbook .

    Incompatible hardware conflict

    If at first the system played audio files properly, but the sound suddenly disappears after connecting equipment, such as audio speakers or headphones, to the PC. In this case, the most likely conclusion is that the additional hardware is incompatible with Windows 10.

    What to do in this situation? Unfortunately, there are no uncompromising solutions to the problem. You will either have to simply forgive the new “Ten” for its childish antics and get used to the silence, or install the old OS, proven over years of operation, and enjoy the full functionality of the additional equipment in it. And the third, most expensive option is to buy other equipment suitable for Windows 10. As you can see, there are not a wide variety of options to solve the problem when the sound disappears in the latest operating system.

    The reason is in the operating system

    Often the sound in the “Ten” disappears due to a system failure. All Windows users suffered from this disease at a “young age”. What to do when the reason is such a failure? Unfortunately, we again have to state the fact that there are no simple options. The user can only hope to restart the PC. Rarely, but sometimes this simple action solves the problem, although there is little hope.

    If restarting the PC does not bring success, then you need to wait for the appropriate update package from Microsoft, which will correct the consequences of the system failure, because this did not happen to the only user. If the user does not want to wait until Microsoft “swings” and releases the necessary update, then it is recommended to try reinstalling the OS. There are real examples where, after several attempts to reinstall the system, the sound still appeared.


    Now the user knows about all the reasons why sound disappears among owners of computers on Windows 10. There are a large number of them and often there are no easy ways to quickly restore the full functionality of the equipment. A significant number of users have already thought about the advisability of working in Windows 10. The eternal question appears: “What to do?”

    Most PC owners decide to wait until the OS developers develop it to full functionality and remain on older systems. The article would not be complete without mentioning one more reason why a much-needed computer function is missing. These are unofficial (hacked) versions of "Ten". But at present there are almost no users with pirated Windows 10, because even hackers still have no desire to work with this crude operating system.

    Setting up the Windows operating system goes through many stages.

    At the same time, one of the most important things in this operating system is that this process can be fraught with a number of difficulties.

    Such as the appearance of a notification that the system was unable to play the test audio file or sound.

    This article explains why this problem occurs, how it manifests itself, and how to fix it yourself.

    How it manifests itself

    When you might see this notification while using your computer, at what stages of your operating system setup might it appear?

    This only occurs when you are setting up or reconfiguring the sound system on your device for the first time.

    In this case, we can talk about either a sound distribution system over speakers, etc.

    note, that at all stages of setting up the sound on your computer, the system provides you with the opportunity to play a test sound.

    This is necessary so that the user understands exactly what changes he made and how this actually affected the operation of the sound system.

    This test audio file is usually one or another standard Windows melody of sufficient duration to understand the nature of the changes that have occurred.

    When you need to check how the sound is distributed now, just click on the “Check” button.

    If the system is working normally, the sound will play and you will hear it.

    If there are any problems, then that same unfortunate notification will appear.


    The appearance of such a notification indicates a problem in the system, and at the initial stages it is impossible to determine what exactly the problem is - in hardware or software.

    In most cases, when troubleshooting this problem, the user has to use the trial and error method, alternately using all possible methods until one of them works.

    In what cases may such a notification appear?

    • Problems with playback equipment, such as speakers. They may be faulty or disabled. In this case, the system may either issue a notification that the device is disconnected or that the test sound cannot be played;
    • Problems with the sound card. Naturally, in this case, other problems with sound may also occur, for example, when it does not play in any application, etc.;
    • Damage to system files- a rather serious problem that is difficult not only to detect, but also to eliminate. Usually, in this case, you have to run or and perform recovery using them;
    • Drivers are outdated or malfunctioning. One of the simplest problems, since you can fix it yourself by simply updating or replacing the drivers for the sound card;
    • Windows Audio service fails– a fairly common occurrence, since in principle this service sometimes does not work very stably. This problem is also solved quite simply - often you just need to restart this service;
    • Activity of malware or virus. This point is indirectly related to point 3, since malicious software damages system files, but can also cause problems with Windows Audio.

    There may be other problems that arise as a result of a one-time glitch in the program or system, for example, connector problems due to which your PC does not “see” the speakers, etc.

    Such problems can also be resolved with some methods described below.


    In order to fix this problem, you first need to determine what exactly caused it.

    Moreover, doing this, in most cases, is quite difficult or impossible.

    It’s worth starting with the simplest method of dealing with this problem - searching for malware that could cause such a failure.

    To do this, run an antivirus, and it is better to choose a deep or full scan, since such .

    After the scan is complete, remove all detected threats.

    There is no point in quarantining them.

    Important! If even after this the problem still continues to occur and the sound does not play, then proceed to other troubleshooting methods discussed below.

    Setting up devices

    It is necessary to perform this action, since very often problems with sound playback lie not in the equipment or software, but in the initialization system itself.

    That is, despite the fact that you clicked the “Check” button and all components are working properly, The service does not start due to a failure in itself:

    1 Check which device you want to check playback through - to do this Click on the volume icon on the bottom panel of your computer screen in the lower right corner with the right mouse button;

    2 In the menu that opens, select "Playback Devices";

    3 After this a list of all devices will open playback connected to a computer;

    4 Select that device, through which you want to play the sound in the future (and, therefore, perform a test) and right-click on them;

    5 In the drop-down menu, click on the item Turn on;

    6 After that, in the column with the image of this device a green check mark will appear– this means that it is selected as the main device by default and the check will be carried out through it;

    7 Try the sound test again– if sound appeared, then the problem was in the initialization of the playback device;

    8 If there is no sound, then pay attention to whether the color of the volume scale to the right of the device name changes– if the system checks and the color of the scale changes, but there is still no sound, then the problem may be in the speakers themselves.

    In many cases, the system may show that the device is turned on and active initially, but the verification does not occur and a notification appears.

    In some cases, this helps to effectively solve the problem of device initialization.

    device Manager

    In addition, you can normalize the system for launching checks and operating devices using Device Manager.

    To launch it, click on the Start menu icon in the lower left part of the screen with the right mouse button and select from the drop-down menu device Manager.

    Also on Windows 10, 8.1, and 8 you can simply open this menu and type "Device Manager" in the input field and then open it from the search results.

    After you have opened Device Manager, find the section in its tray Sound, gaming and video devices, click on the arrow to the left of this item.

    Several devices will be deployed, including yours.

    Hover over it and right-click and select Disconnect device, and then turn it on again in the same way, but by selecting Turn on device.


    A fairly rare occurrence, but still occurring sometimes, is the disconnection of the playback device or sound card in the primary system.

    In order to fix this problem (to do this, while loading the operating system on your computer, click on the Delete button).

    Important! In some cases, this function can be redistributed to the F1, F2, F3, F10, F11, F12, Esc buttons. Therefore, if after pressing Delete, the BIOS still does not open, try pressing these buttons one by one.

    After the BIOS has opened, go to the Advanced section in the top menu (this is done using the left and right arrows on the keyboard).

    Once there, find your audio device in the list and select it (using the down and up arrows on your keyboard).

    Set the Enabled value in square brackets next to the device name.

    Press the F10 button to save your changes and exit. Restart your device and the sound should now work normally.


    To do this, open device Manager Using the method described above, select the desired sound card and right-click on it.

    In the expanded menu click per point Driver Update.

    The search for drivers will begin.

    If an update is needed, the package will be found and you will need to run its installation.

    But if the system claims that the latest version of drivers is installed, then the problem was not with them.

    I have no sound on Windows 7, I have no experience in troubleshooting such malfunctions in this operating system, but I really want to figure out what’s wrong and fix the problem myself. You have a similar article about Windows XP, but unfortunately it didn’t help me. Denis.

    No sound on Windows 7

    The reasons for the lack of sound in Windows 7 are sometimes simple, and often it takes quite a long time to find the problem. Very often, when asking a question, users do not provide complete information about the problem, for example, they do not say that they tried to update the sound driver the day before, or tried to connect other sound speakers to the computer, or made changes to the settings of the “Sound” tab in the Control Panel. Or maybe you installed some plugin on your laptop to improve the sound quality of the players installed on your system and after that you no sound on Windows 7. But no matter what happens to you, friends, do not despair, there is a solution to your problem and, as usual, we will start with the simplest.

    • Note: at the end of the article, as an option, there is a way to work with a little-known to a novice user - Universal diagnostic tool for Windows 7, it can automatically find and fix various problems related to more than just no sound. We have also published a new article, in which you can learn in detail how to set the exact name of your sound card, how to download drivers for it from its official website, and how to install them.
    • If you have Windows 8, read our article
    • If your built-in sound card has failed, read our article.
    • If you are not satisfied with the sound quality on your laptop, you can.

    Even very experienced users have situations when, for some reason, they disconnected the sound speakers from the system unit and then forgot about it. Check that everything is securely connected. The output for connecting audio speakers is marked green.

    You can check the serviceability of the sound speakers by connecting headphones to the sound output; if there is sound, then the speakers are faulty. Also, if there is no sound in Windows 7, you need to go to the device manager and pay attention to whether you have an exclamation mark in a yellow circle next to the Sound devices item. Start->Control Panel->right-click on “Computer” and select Properties from the menu, then Device Manager. If the yellow circle is present, then your sound driver has simply crashed and you need to reinstall it again.

    How to do it? Read our article How to install a sound driver(link above), but on the other hand, the sound driver just doesn’t crash, which means that some of your actions led to the problem, by the way, Windows 7 has a system restore service, which you of course know about, so you can use it in this case.

    • Note: In order not to rack your brains over which of the two hundred programs and games you installed yesterday led to sound problems, you can use a simple system restore, fortunately in Windows 7 it is usually turned on for everyone and roll back a little.

    Just yesterday, my friends asked me to fix the problem of no sound on their computer. The day before, for some reason, they downloaded and installed two multimedia players on the Internet at once, after which they lost sound. First of all, I looked at the speaker volume indicator in the Taskbar to see if it was completely turned down, but everything turned out to be fine.

    I also right-clicked on the Speakers button and selected Playback Devices from the menu.

    At the Dynamics item there was a green check mark as expected.

    Although sometimes when there is no sound in Windows 7, the Sound window displays only Digital Audio (S/PDIF)

    or absolutely nothing is displayed, then click on an empty space with the left mouse button and a menu will appear in which you need to check two items “Show disconnected” devices and “Show disconnected devices”

    and we will immediately see our Speakers, right-click on them and select Enable.

    We do the same with headphones, then “Apply” and “OK”.

    It’s strange, but for my friends, the Sound window displayed Speakers marked with a green checkmark and in the device manager there was a working sound device with support for NVIDIA High Definition Audio

    Everything indicated that the sound was fine. I brought headphones with me and connected them to the sound output located on the back of the system unit and made sure that there was actually no sound, which means the sound speakers were also working.
    The first thing in this case is that the sound device driver may be damaged or not working correctly, which means you need to go to the device manager and try to update the driver, which will not always help, in this case you need to completely remove all sound devices from the system.

    After the operation was performed in the operating system, my friends started hearing sound. By the way, in this case, you can also use system recovery and, of course, a complete reinstallation of the driver.
    Another time there was a different problem, a person installed Windows 7 on his computer, everything would be fine, but there was no sound, there was eloquent information in the device manager.

    In such cases, you need a disk with drivers for the motherboard that came with your computer when you purchased it. On this disk you need to see whether the drivers on it are suitable for Windows 7. If the drivers on the disk are intended for Windows XP, naturally you should not install them, you need go online and download native drivers for your sound card on its official website.

    How to do this is written in detail and step by step in the article. Often, not only searching for drivers, but also correctly determining the name of the device is a problem for a novice user, so I still advise you to follow our link and read the article. If you still don’t find a driver for Windows 7, but you have an installation package of drivers for Windows XP, you can try to install it in the Compatibility Troubleshooting mode, but I’ll tell you, friends, this is not exactly the best option.

    It happens that it is not possible to find the reason for the lack of sound at all; if the built-in audio card fails, in the device manager there may be a red circle with a cross next to it, or there may be nothing, in this case, many decide to completely reinstall the operating system, then install it on the sound card drivers and if in this case the sound does not appear, you just need to buy and install a separately installed PCI interface sound card. It is advisable to buy it together with a disk containing drivers specifically for your Windows 7-64bit or 32bit. You also need to know that immediately after you have installed a separate PCI sound card in the system unit, the built-in one in most cases must be disabled in the BIOS, otherwise the sound will not appear. Many people do not attach importance to this, and in vain. High Definition Audio should be set to Disabled.

    A simple PCI interface sound card is not expensive at all, about 100-200 rubles, and for example, I always carry it with me. The first signs of failure of the integrated sound card are occasional missing or low-quality sound. This means it’s time to replace it with one installed in the form of an expansion card.
    By the way, individual PCI interface sound cards are different, for example Sound Blaster manufactured by Creative Technology, are essentially a very high-quality and professional solution, but cost from two thousand rubles.

    But keep in mind that if you have such a card, as well as a good audio system, and in some game you decide to shoot with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, your neighbors may misunderstand this and decide that you are actually firing at houses with a machine gun.

    An interesting story about how we searched for the missing sound with our reader.
    Denis wrote me a letter saying that he had no sound on Windows 7-64bit, suspicion of a faulty built-in sound card. The sound speakers are missing, they were checked on another computer and they were fine. Reinstalling Windows 7 and installing native drivers from the disk on the motherboard that was included when purchasing the computer did not help. Also, the downloaded driver package from the official Realtek website did not bring any results after installation.

    Our reader bought and installed a sound card installed separately in the PSI connector; before purchasing, he inquired whether there was a disk with drivers for Windows 7-64bit for it. Next comes the most interesting part: he puts the side cover of the system unit in place, then connects all the cables and sound speakers, and turns on the computer. I remind you that the sound card came with a disk with drivers, which it successfully installed, but the sound did not appear. He wrote me 10 letters, we sorted out all the faults that could be there, but the sound still did not appear, I began to have thoughts that the purchased sound card was also faulty, this happens or it is not fully inserted into the PCI connector. Denis, at my request, took the card to the service center where he bought it, where they checked it in front of him and it turned out to be working.

    In his last letter, Denis sent me a screenshot of the system unit and showed me his mistake, it turns out that he still connected the speaker cable to the old built-in faulty sound card, like this. Our reader’s system unit was under the table and our friend, according to him, had to act literally by touch. It’s not surprising that he made such a mistake and he can be forgiven for it, since you’ll agree, friends, in the absence of experience, the chances of connecting the speakers incorrectly increase greatly. So I ask you to take all of the above carefully.

    The arrow shows the sound output of the purchased audio card, the place where the speaker plug needed to be connected; on top you can see the same connector, only belonging to the failed built-in sound card.

    Universal Windows 7 Diagnostic Tool

    As I promised, I will give an example of working with the Windows 7 Universal Diagnostic Tool, let's try to use it to fix the problem of no sound in Windows 7.
    Control Panel->System and Security

    Support Center

    Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

    As you can see here, you and I will be able to solve many problems that arise, and not only with sound. Equipment and sound.

    Play sound.


    First of all, check if the system sounds are playing. Open the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties window by selecting Sound, Speech, and Audio Devices in Control Panel, and then selecting Sounds and Audio Devices. Go to the “Sound” tab, select any program event and sound file from the drop-down list, click the play button.

    If system sounds are not playing, open the “Volume” window by pointing to the “All Programs”, “Accessories”, “Entertainment” commands in the “Start” menu and selecting “Volume”. Make sure the "Off" checkbox is unchecked. All". Here, check to see if the “Off” checkbox is checked. for corresponding devices other than the microphone input.

    If the computer plays system sounds, but does not play sounds from various devices, such as CDs, check that these devices are working correctly, that they are connected correctly, and also make sure that these devices have been installed.

    Finally, the reason for the absence may be problems in the sound card drivers. If after these procedures the sound does not appear, try these drivers. First of all, remove all audio – . Open the “Device Manager” window, select “Sound, video and game devices”, then select the name of the installed driver, usually Realtec AC97 or C-media, if there are no such drivers, then “Multimedia audio controller”, right-click and select "Properties". In the “Driver” tab, click the “Uninstall” button, then click the “Update” button. Insert the driver CD from yours and follow the instructions.


    This procedure does not guarantee that the system will be completely restored to its previous state; However, you should be able to recover your data using this procedure. Warning Do not use the procedure described in this article if your computer has an operating system installed by the hardware manufacturer.

    Helpful advice

    How to restore the system? 1. Click on the “Start” button at the bottom right of the screen and select “Control Panel”. The main window of the Control Panel of the Windows 7 operating system will open: 2. Click on the very first section “System and Security” and in the window that opens, select the subsection “Restore the computer to a previous state”.

    Sometimes Windows XP users have problems setting up sound input and output devices in the system, in particular, setting speaker volume.


    The sound control window will open with controls for various sound parameters. By moving the pointer down or up, you decrease or increase the sound volume. By checking the “Off” box, you turn off the sound altogether.

    Adjusting the pointer labeled "Balance" will help you adjust the ratio of sound in the right and left. You can adjust the volume of parameters such as “Wave” - the volume of digitized formats; MIDI volume, CD playback volume, line-in volume, PC volume and other parameters.

    To fully display all the options available in the sound settings, open the menu and select “Properties and Options.”

    Select a recording setting or a playback setting, depending on whether you're adjusting audio input or output, and then check the boxes for any options you want to appear in the adjustments.

    Open the "Volume" tab and check the box next to the phrase "Show icon on the taskbar." Also in this tab you can manually edit some sound parameters.


    • adjusting speaker volume

    On any computer, a sound card with installed software is responsible for sound reproduction. To turn on sound on your computer, you need to perform a number of specific steps.

    You will need

    • Computer.


    Video on the topic

    Long gone are the days when a computer was considered a luxury and was used mainly only for work. With the advent of cheap components, almost everyone can buy a PC. There are so many users, so many requests - some need a workstation, while others need an entertainment center. However, regardless of how the computer is used, availability is almost always a must. Let's look at examples of solving this problem.

    You will need

    • - instructions for using the sound card
    • - any sound output device. For example, speakers or headphones (for sound testing).
    • - microphone (optional). Also to check the operation of the audio card.


    First of all, you need to decide what role your PC will play for you. True music lovers and multi-channel audio enthusiasts will undoubtedly need an external sound card, which can cost a pretty penny depending on the model.

    For other users and most gamers, the sound card built into the motherboard will be enough.

    To determine whether you have built-in audio, carefully examine the back wall of your system unit. An example of audio outputs is shown in the figure.

    In the sound control panel, you can not only adjust volume levels, but also apply various effects to the sound, and also enable the noise reduction function (the type of panel itself and the capabilities provided depend on the brand of sound card).

    If the audio card is external, then after installation you will most likely also be able to see the shortcut in the general list of installed programs. (for example, “Start” - “All Programs” - “Name of sound card brand”).

    Of course, it is impossible to check the operation of a sound card without speakers or headphones. Connect them to the appropriate connectors on the sound card. Observe the color coding - the speaker/headphone plug (usually green) must be installed in the green connector of the sound card. Microphone - pink. The remaining connectors are used to connect multi-channel systems.

    To accurately determine the purpose of certain colors of sound card outputs, use the instructions for the sound card (a separate document in the case of an external sound card and a section in the instructions for the motherboard).

    Also, the purpose of the sound card outputs in most cases can be found in the sound control manager.

    Video on the topic


    • Setting up sound on your computer

    It's not difficult to install. As a rule, it should be automatic, since modern operating systems contain many drivers and a hardware detector. Otherwise, you need to use other drivers or configure the BIOS.


    Installation under favorable conditions is very simple. As a rule, Windows should appear automatically after installation, since modern versions of this operating system (starting with Windows XP) are supplied with driver kits. If it does not appear automatically, then in the system tray (the notification area is usually located at the bottom right, not far from the clock) the inscription “new equipment” should appear, where the new card should be included. During installation, you will be asked for the driver category for the new card. It is best to use a system or special disk containing drivers for this, or try specifying the directory C:WINDOWSsystem32drivers

    If it is not installed as standard and no automatic notification appears, then you need to do it manually. You need to right-click on “my computer”, then select “properties”, in the properties click on the “hardware” tab, select device manager there. In the manager itself, you can try clicking on “new devices”, then selecting the “update hardware configuration” item at the top. Then point either to the director with Windows drivers, or (if available) to use a special disk with drivers.

    You can also use the Everest utility to search for drivers; it accurately identifies devices and helps in finding the necessary drivers. If there are no technical obstacles, then this method should help.

    Sometimes the new card is disabled in the BIOS. Such a conflict often arises due to the fact that there is a built-in (on the motherboard) and a separate new card. In this case, preferably from a new card. To do this, you need to go into the BIOS like this: press the “del” key several times until you reach the menu. In the menu, select the “Advanced BIOS Features” item, and then look for the “Onboard Audio” item. When you find it, you need to click and select the “Disabled” position. After which you must exit to the menu (using the Esc key) and click “Save and Exit Setup”

    Video on the topic

    In most cases, when computer disappears and no actions lead to its restoration, the cause of the problem lies in a malfunction of the new card driver. It should be noted that simply replacing drivers will not be enough to fix the problem.


    Insert the media containing the drivers for your new card into the drive. Wait for the disc, then install the required software, following the instructions during installation. After the driver installation is completed, reboot the system through the Start menu (on the taskbar, many users confuse it with the button).

    Once your computer is ready to use again, connect devices a. You should not connect them all at once (if you are using headphones at the same time), connect them one at a time. So, after connecting the headphones, set the option menu to “Headphones” and click “OK”. Next, connect another type of device and set the corresponding parameter. If the dialog box does not appear, it means that the system has automatically configured the required device type.

    In both Linux and Windows, if the version of the operating system is modern, there is a very high probability that the sound card, either built-in or separate, will be detected automatically and no manual settings will be required. If this does not happen, configure the sound card manually.

    To configure your sound card manually on Linux, run the alsaconf program. Answer positively to all questions that appear on the screen. The script itself will determine which sound card you have, and, if it is supported, will configure it. If the sound does not appear after this, check the status of the mixer - sometimes in Linux the volume is set to zero by default.

    In Windows, if the sound card is not recognized automatically, install the drivers from the disk that came with it. If there is no disk, find out the type of card by the markings on it, and then download the appropriate drivers from the Internet. Sometimes there are no markings on the board - then seek help from a person who is familiar with various brands of computer peripherals. You can also take a photo of the card and post it on the forum for identification.

    To connect headphones or speakers to the board, use the green socket. Remember that modern sound cards, unlike those produced in the nineties, are not equipped with powerful amplifiers. To ensure loud sound, use only active speakers with the board.

    Video on the topic

    Installation and update drivers is a very important process that must be performed after loading a new operating system. There are several ways to select a suitable set of files.

    You will need

    • - Internet access.


    First try installing the native driver for your card. Use the disk that came with your computer. If the system unit has a sound card integrated into the motherboard, then the drivers for it may be located on the disk from the motherboard.

    If you do not have such disks, then connect to the Internet and visit the website of the manufacturer of this model of sound adapter or motherboard. Download from there a set of files suitable for your devices. Open the My Computer menu properties and go to Device Manager.

    Now find the name of the sound adapter and right-click on it. Select "Update Drivers". In the menu that opens, click on “Install from a specified location.” Now specify the folder where you saved the downloaded files. It is recommended to first extract data from the archive.

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correctly select the necessary drivers yourself. Download the Sam Drivers utility, which is designed to automatically select and install suitable drivers for most devices. Launch this program and select the Driver Install Assistance option.

    Now wait a while so that the utility can scan the connected devices and find suitable sets of files for them. After completing this procedure, check the boxes next to Audio New and Audio Other. Now click the “Install selected packages (2)” button. In the menu that opens, select the “Silent installation” option.

    Wait for the file update process to complete. Restart your computer. Check the functionality of the sound card. Open the installed program, the icon of which should appear in the system tray. Configure the sound adapter settings.

    Video on the topic

    It's hard to imagine a computer that doesn't have sound. You can't listen to music, you can't watch a movie, and playing games is boring. To change the current state of things, you will need a sound card and at least some speakers. Read on to find out how to connect and install them.


    Determine whether a sound card is installed in the system unit of your personal computer. To do this, carefully inspect the rear panel of the system unit. If you have a sound card, you will find a board with at least three different colored inputs. This sound card is suitable for people who do not have any special requirements for sound - “it’s good.” If you want to put good sound on your computer, then you will need a good external sound card and, of course, a good speaker system, which, by the way, are not cheap at all.

    Install drivers for the built-in sound card. Typically, these drivers are installed automatically when you install drivers on your motherboard. If for some reason this does not happen, then open the list of devices on your personal computer. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop. Then select the Hardware tab.

    Find your sound card in the list of devices. To install sound, click on the “Drivers” button, then click “Update”. First, insert the motherboard driver disk into the drive. During the update process, indicate it as the source. If the disk was lost, download all the necessary drivers from the official website of the motherboard manufacturer. After the drivers are installed, restart your computer.

    Make additional sound settings. The settings that are installed automatically may not suit you in many ways. Perhaps you want to apply some audio processing or something like that.

    To set the sound on your computer to your taste, right-click on the speaker icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the taskbar. A small menu will appear in front of you. Select the “Adjust audio settings” item. Adjust the speaker volume. If your sound card driver allows, use some kind of equalizer. Save your settings.

    Video on the topic

    Comfortable work is only possible on a fully functional computer. Sometimes the user is surprised to notice that the computer has lost sound; such a malfunction makes it impossible to listen to music and fully view video files.

    In the vast majority of cases, the disappearance of sound is associated with the installation of a program, system update, or installation of a new OS version. If there is sound, open: Start menu, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager.

    In the window that opens, expand the “Sound and gaming devices” item. You will see one or more devices highlighted in yellow. This means that this device is not working correctly.

    There is usually only one reason for incorrect operation - the lack of the required driver. Double-click the selected device, you will see a message stating that no drivers have been installed for this device. They are usually located on the disk that comes with the motherboard, but may also be present on the installation disk with the operating system.

    Insert the driver disk into the drive, start reinstalling the driver by clicking the “Reinstall” button. In the window that appears, select automatic installation. The disk will begin searching for drivers; this process may take some time. If the installation is successful, you will see a corresponding message.

    If there are several devices highlighted in yellow, search for drivers for each of them. Then restart your computer and the sound should appear. If Windows does not find the necessary drivers on the disk, try looking on another one, even if it is a disk from a different build of the operating system.

    If you couldn’t find the necessary drivers on the disks you have, look for them on the Internet. Go to the official website of the sound card manufacturer, or, if you have . Unpack the found drivers (if they are packaged) into one of the folders on your hard drive, and then, during the installation process, select the “Install from a specified location” option and specify the folder with the drivers.

    If after checking your computer you see that all devices are working fine, but there is no sound, check your sound settings. Open the "Control Panel", select the "Sounds and Audio Devices - Audio" section. The sound may be muted or the sound adjustment sliders may be set to the lowest position. Finally, check your speakers to see if they are the reason for the lack of sound. To check, connect headphones to the computer - if there is sound, it means the computer is working and the cause of the problem should be looked for in the speakers.


    • No sound on the computer, what should I do?

    The possibilities of a computer are almost limitless. One of these opportunities is to download or record your favorite music. Listening to a recording may be disturbed by the lack of sound. There may be several reasons why the sound suddenly disappeared.

    The reasons for the lack of sound are divided into hardware and software. Hardware reasons include various breakdowns of computer audio devices (headphones, speakers). Software problems include errors in the computer software.

    A hardware problem is easy to detect. It is enough to switch the speakers to another source (phone, mp3 player). No sound will mean that the speakers or headphones are faulty. If there is sound, you should check the connection. It is possible that the headphones or speakers were simply connected to the wrong connector (on the back of the computer it is usually green). Also, the reason for the lack of sound may be faulty wiring.

    Software problems require closer inspection. First, you should test the service on your computer that is responsible for sound. There should not be an icon in the form of a speaker with a prohibitory sign in the lower right corner of the screen. By clicking on the icon, you can connect by setting all parameters to maximum. After checking, you can enjoy the reproduced sound.

    You can check if your computer's sound system is working correctly through the control panel. In the “Sounds” tab, make sure that the audio devices are selected and connected correctly. If this task is missing, you should make the connection again.

    There may be no sound on the computer after reinstalling the Windows operating system. Installing special drivers that are responsible for reproduced . Such drivers help your computer communicate with your video card, gaming devices, or sound card. Drivers can be downloaded freely on the Internet.

    The reason for the lack of sound may be a malfunction or damage to the sound card. To check, you will need another sound card. If the sound works with it, then the problem is in the original card and it needs to be replaced.

    Viruses often remove or corrupt sound drivers, making sound playback impossible. You should scan your computer for viruses using standard antivirus programs (Kaspersky, etc.).

    As you use your computer for multimedia content, the audio settings change from the default values. This does not always have a good effect on the adapter's performance.

    You will need

    • Internet connection.


    Remove the drivers for your sound card from the list of programs installed on the system in the control panel of your computer. Restart your computer, and then, just in case, clean the operating system registry, using utilities specifically designed for this that can be found on the Internet.

    You can also clear the registry entries manually if you have the skills to work with it, but it is recommended that you create a copy of the working system configuration before doing this.

    Download the latest stable version of drivers for your sound card from the official website of the device manufacturer, then install them on your computer using the Add Hardware Wizard, or simply by running the downloaded software installer. Restart your computer, then settings will return to its original state.

    If you don't want to bother reinstalling sound adapter drivers, return settings by default using a rollback of the operating system state. This action should only be performed if no significant changes have been made since the installation of the sound card driver until the current date, since all of them will be cancelled.

    Open the Start menu and go to the list of standard utilities. Choose to restore the operating system, read the main points of performing this operation.

    Save your user files and settings configurations of programs that you will have to reinstall or configure in the future, run a system restore, specifying the date as close as possible to the time the change was made to settings sound adapter. Wait until your computer restarts and check if it works.

    Helpful advice

    Save system settings frequently before making changes.

    Today you can see the emergence of many programs for messaging, as well as for creating video conferencing. Among other applications, there are always several leaders, for example, Skype, for which you may need to configure to work.

    Question: Could not play test sound

    So it was like this. I installed a build of Windows 10 from a torrent, namely Windows 10 Pro (Version: 10.0.10240.16384). I installed the drivers on my external Line 6 Toneport GX sound card, I connect headphones and there is no sound. When checking in the settings, it displays a warning: “The test sound could not be played.” After searching on the Internet, I changed the resolution and sampling rate in the sound card settings to 16/48000, respectively, and voila, the sound appeared, however, this does not suit me, because... Previously, on Windows 7, when choosing any resolution and frequency, everything worked perfectly. Is there any solution to this problem?

    Answer: I installed 10 today (build 10.0.10240.16384, same as TS).
    No sound. Drivers are installed. All devices are working. I tried uninstalling and re-installing, but there was still no sound.
    Apparently, I'll have to set 7 again

    Question: No sound in Windows 7 x64

    Good day. After several hours of googling, I couldn't find anything.
    The problem is this:
    1. According to the "Device Manager" everything is fine (all devices are identified, no conflicts are detected, the devices work normally. There are no errors in hidden devices either). In the tray, the speaker icon is not crossed out (but when controlling the volume, the green level bar does not jump).
    2. Services responsible for sound (such as Windows Audio and related ones) are running and working normally.
    3. The mechanism of “removing” all sound drivers and installing them again (including various versions) does not help.
    4. In “Control Panel” -> “Sound”, “Playback” tab, the devices are displayed (speakers, “ears”, digital output), but when testing the sound, the message “Could not play test sound” pops up.
    5. Experimented with codecs (K-Lite and others). I removed it and installed it - no sound.
    6. Troubleshooting via Windows does not reveal any problems.
    7. Everything is included in the BIOS.
    8. The registry has read permission.

    Answer: Akast23,

    Start by uninstalling update KB3033929.

    Question: "Start" does not work and the sound disappears

    Hello, dear forum users.
    I encountered problems such as: The start does not work and the sound disappears.
    About startup and sound: they disappear when I use the laptop for several hours. Start simply does not work, but you can open functions via RMB. And speaking of sound, I am using a Generic USB Audio sound card. Power goes to the sound card, but there is no sound. If you click check, an error appears: The test device could not be started.

    After a reboot everything returns to normal.


    As for the sound, I googled, rummaged through the forums, but did not find normal answers.

    People who have encountered this problem, please help! I'm tired of this bullshit!

    Answer: A similar problem arises: when using the laptop for more than 2 hours, the sound cuts out and the “START” button does not work! Laptop HP g6-2263sr
    Who knows what the reason is???

    Question: Mozila Firefox - autoplay "sound"

    Good day! Recently, Lisa started having problems... Once you go to a site where there is a video on the page, it plays automatically. BUT! Only the sound from the video is played, while the video itself is paused. If you click play, the sound starts again along with the video (as expected). If the video is stopped, the first audio stream continues to play.

    Has anyone had similar problems?? How to deal with this?

    Answer: There was a similar problem on different sites. I solved it this way:

    Settings in about:config:
    You need to load this page, find the media.autoplay.enabled setting and switch it to false

    Question: Cannot play audio files

    Hello! When playing an audio file, the message "Windows Media cannot play the file is due to a malfunction of the audio device; it is being used by another program."
    I installed the codecs. In the device manager "Sound, game and video devices" there is Realtek High Definition Audio"

    Answer: Go to PU > Sounds and Audio Devices, open the “Advanced” tab and click “Check” (green triangle).
    The test sound should be played one by one on all channels.
    If not, then look at which port is used for audio output, what sound profile is used (stereo, 5.1 or something else) - it must correspond to the real equipment and is connected in the port to which the sound is sent.
    Also check which applications can currently use the sound driver and sound card of the computer. If the driver is occupied by one application, then the driver will not be able to provide sound card resources to another application.
    The check should first be carried out using the system applet, which I wrote about above.
    If sound comes through it and everything is correct, you should check the codecs and software settings that can use audio resources. For example, Skype or video player.
    Further, if your music player or video player works quite correctly, but the sound is not played from a specific application, then, accordingly, look for the problem only in the settings of this application.

    Question: The "notification bar" sound is heard instead of clicking the mouse button

    Hi all.

    I came across a problem that I could not solve on my own or by searching on the Internet.
    I return to the computer, log in to my user (with Administrator rights), let's call it Administrator, and as soon as I try to click anywhere with the mouse, the “notification panel” (PU) sound is made.
    Mouse movement - ok. Pressing any button = PU sound, releasing any button = PU sound, scrolling = PU sound several times. Triple press button = sound 6 times.
    Keyboard control - no problems observed.
    What I mean by "notification panel" sound: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items -> Sound -> Sounds -> Program Events: File Explorer, Notification Panel. Check. This is the sound.

    OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x64 (MSDN).
    I actively use RDP - even from an Android phone. When connecting to the Administrator via RDP, the problem persists.
    Hyper-V or VMware is actively used. The sound card is built-in, an external one is not connected.
    A large number of Google Chrome tabs are used (24 Gb RAM).

    There are other users on the computer with User rights. When switching to them, the problem is not observed. When returned, it is renewed.
    In the login window after Win+L - the mouse click problem persists.
    If you launch the task manager and kill as many applications as possible, the problem is not solved. Restarting the explorer.exe process does not solve the problem.
    If you log out (log out) of the Administrator and log in again, the problem is not observed (I solved it this way the first time, fortunately a reboot was not required.
    The problem arose about 4 months ago and recurred today. Today I used RDP many times when connecting from my phone. 2 days before this I connected via RDP. I was not physically near the computer, but the User was sitting at the computer (with user rights :-)) and did not complain (there is a replaced dll on the terminal server, while the edits for several logins of one user were not entered into the registry). I tried to solve it by killing a maximum of processes, then continued killing processes by switching to another user and launching the task manager as the Administrator user. I got so bad that I couldn’t log into the system normally (knocked it out with an RDP session) and couldn’t shut down the Administrator user through the task manager. I had to restart the computer... I really didn’t want to.

    I didn’t try to reproduce the problem, I didn’t see any patterns except that I was returning from somewhere, from work or away, before that I always used RDP, and about 4 Google Chrome tabs (of which about 35 are sleeping under the influence of the extension, in the 1st case of this extension did not have). I use RDP all the time, from completely different computers (XP...Win8) and from my phone (2X RDP). The problem only occurred 2 times, but it was very alarming :-)
    Has anyone encountered this and have any suggestions?

    Answer: I would like to find the culprit of this problem...
    The problem rarely occurs. I caught it for the third time only now, after 8 months.
    Only now, both when you click and when you move the mouse, double beeps are emitted (the “notification panel” sound). The pressing action itself does not occur.
    The keyboard worked fine.
    I also returned home, returned to the user session, previously connecting to it from work via RDP. I noticed that the Ammyy Admin program was also active (in case someone has the same).
    I logged in via RDP from a neighboring computer, and I also can’t control the mouse. I returned to the computer with the problem, the problem did not go away.
    Killing all user applications - the problem persists. Some system applications - the problem remains.
    I didn't think of stopping the services. Logged out of the user (ended the session), logged in to the user - no problem.

    Question: Setting up sound drivers for Windows 10 64bit

    There are 5.1 acoustics, as well as Windows 10 installed on the PC. Problem with sound drivers for Asus Z170 Pro Gaming motherboard. I tried to download all the suggested driver options from the motherboard manufacturer's website, but there is no sound in the side and subwoofer. Only the front speakers work. Everything is connected correctly, checked and rechecked. What’s interesting is that in the sound manager, if you set the speaker configuration to 5.1, then the sound in the reclining and side speakers can be reproduced in the replayer, that is, the manager sees the speakers. But when they turn on music or a movie, they don't make a sound. What can you tell me to do?


    Message from I am bad

    But when they turn on music or a movie, they don't make a sound. What can you tell me to do?

    The first thing you need to do is output the sound from the player to the required device, have a corresponding track with 5.1 recording, if you need props, then just turn it on and configure it in the player

    In general, I’ve been suffering for a week now.... No sound from the laptop: 100-15IBY
    I installed 7 and 8.1 and 10... the driver does not appear anywhere....
    The driver information is as follows:
    Multimedia controller

    I downloaded all the drivers for this laptop from the Lenovo website! Did not help (((
    tried these:
    writes that:

    It’s as if there are no declared drivers there at all ((

    Answer: DimonNT,

    During playback, does the indicator on the speakers react in the sound properties?

    1. Open a command prompt with Administrative rights. To do this, click the Start button > select All Programs > Accessories >

    Sfc /scannow

    Question: sound problems

    This is the first time I encountered this. There is no sound, or rather there is background sound (explosions, music, etc.) but there is no voice or it’s like a gurgling voice. In games it’s also only a background one. I removed the codecs, it didn’t help, I don’t even know where to dig next .The 2.1 speakers are connected directly to the motherboard. Everything was fine, I didn’t install anything, but today there’s this problem.

    Answer: Palamar,

    1. Open a command prompt with Administrative rights. To do this, click the Start button > select All Programs > Accessories >
    Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
    2. At the command prompt, type the following command and press ENTER:

    Sfc /scannow

    If at the end of the scan a message appears that not all files could be recovered, place C:\windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log in the archive.
    If the files are restored, reboot and check for the problem.

    Question: How to fix audio mismatch with video?

    On the Internet and in online cinemas, I often come across videos and films where the sound at the beginning of the film is normal, but towards the end it begins to either lead or lag behind the picture. Sometimes quite significantly, so much so that you stop understanding the essence of the film itself. And on our forum there were questions about video and audio out of sync. I will tell you how to correct progressive desync, when the sound at the beginning of the video matches the picture, and the further you go, the stronger the discrepancy with the video in one direction or another. I didn’t see a clear universal answer on the Internet. Therefore, I decided to fill this gap on our forum by creating a separate topic so that users and guests could find it quite easily.
    I will not consider the reasons for such a desynchronization; here we need to consider both the programs themselves, the audio track data and the power of the hardware, etc. Therefore, I will focus on correcting the desynchronization that has already occurred.

    For this purpose, I use the most common video and audio editors: Sony Vegas, Audasity and Adobe Audition. You can do it in other programs, the difference will be in the interface. As an example, I made a progressive desynchronization in a regular film. To successfully correct it, you need to know the video time with an accuracy of 10-20 ms (0.01-0.02 seconds). It is no longer possible to detect a desynchronization of up to 30 milliseconds by eye (or ear). To do this, I upload the video to Sony Vegas.

    As you can see on the editing table, the sound lags quite far behind the video at the end. To fix it we will use Audasity, but for it we need to know the time in seconds. Therefore, in the video editor, we switch the time display to seconds. RMB on the little thing on the bottom right and set the seconds.

    Move the editing table cursor to the end of the video and find out the length of the video down to the millisecond.

    Then we upload the video to Audasity. In order for the program to separate the audio from the video itself, you need to install the ffmpeg plugin. Then you need to go to the Change Tempo window.

    At the bottom right in the window we set the video time. It is advisable to reduce it in approximately an hour-long video by 50-70 ms. The larger the video, the greater the reduction and vice versa. But you don’t have to adjust it. You won't lose anything much.
    Click OK and wait a couple of minutes.

    At the end of the calculation, it is clear that the time has already increased. We load the track into Sony Vegas and see that the audio track is aligned with the video track. The bottom audio track has been adjusted down by 70ms. As we can see, it is more accurate. Although watching the video from one to the other, the difference is not visible.

    But once I came across a video in which I could not correct the sound with sufficient accuracy using Audasity. In this case, I use Adobe Audition. It works more accurately, but takes much longer. And he needs time in hours, minutes and seconds. To do this, Sony Vegas needs to be switched for a while. Move the cursor to the end of the video and see the required time.

    Then we insert the video into the program and go to the Stretch and Pitch window.

    If the length of the video is more than an hour, and the audio is less, then you need to move the Stretch slider a little to the right so that hours, minutes and seconds appear in the upper right window. Now by clicking on this window you need to set the desired time. Click OK and wait for quite a long time, depending on the power of the computer. At the end of the calculation, we see that the time has increased.

    Save the track and paste it into Sony Vegas. As you can see, the paths coincided.

    Now we process the video into whatever we want. If conversion is not needed, then we combine video and audio in VirtualDub, Mkvtoolnix and others.
    For those who write and insert their comments into the video and get out of sync, you need to take care of control points at the beginning and end of the audio (clap, knocking a pencil on the table, etc.) so that the amplitude of the sound on the graph jumps significantly and can be combined with famous video place.

    Answer: Yes, I forgot to say, this way we get high-quality sound. Desync can be overcome in any video editor by simply holding down the Ctrl or Shift button, depending on the editor, and simply moving the audio track. But in this case, the sound begins to acquire a metallic tint. THOSE. Quantization noise becomes audible. Maybe with a slight displacement they are not audible (for you), but the more you stretch the sound, the more audible they are. Everyone chooses for themselves.