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  • Error - Windows cannot be installed on this disk. What measures need to be taken to install Windows? Why Windows 7 is not installed on a laptop

    Error - Windows cannot be installed on this disk.  What measures need to be taken to install Windows? Why Windows 7 is not installed on a laptop

    When installing an operating system, a fairly large number of problematic situations may arise. Let's look at the most common errors that lead to the phrase “I can’t install Windows 7.”

    • "The system cannot be installed due to a read error." This type of problem is typical when the installer boot disk is damaged or when there are errors accessing the hard drive of your computer.
      To resolve the problem, use a different installation media and check your hard drive for errors using various boot utilities. To check the quality of the boot disk, you can try installation on another computer. It is worth noting that this error occurs in most cases when using a pirated copy of the OS or custom “assemblies”. All these modifications are almost always associated with the removal of certain information from the installation image, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the file.
    • "Format could not be completed." Windows 7 does not install when you try to perform operating system actions on the disk in Windows operating mode. Existing installation media allow you to perform various operations with the hard drive while the operating system is running, but in some cases a system failure may occur when the installer tries to gain access to the HDD sector. The solution is to use the bootable version of the installation disk and perform the formatting operation from under it.
    • "The installation could not complete successfully. Device driver not found." This problem arose with the widespread use of the SATA interface. The cause of the error is the BIOS setting, which is responsible for the type of device being connected. For proper operation of the system and completion of the installation process, you must set the SATA Mode parameter to ACHI. After this, you need to start the installation process again. The second reason for the error may be the use of devices with unsupported drivers in the computer configuration. This can be as simple as using an outdated model of hard drive or (more often) connecting new devices to the motherboard with outdated BIOS drivers. To solve the problem, you need to visit the motherboard manufacturer's website to update the drivers. If this update does not exist, you will have to stop using this equipment.
    • "The installation process completed with an unknown error." This message is often the most difficult to determine the source of the error. According to the analysis, the error occurs due to a malfunction of the computer components. In this case, the failure can be either systematic or one-time.
      To solve the problem and successfully complete the installation process, we recommend performing the following algorithm.
      1. Turn off the computer's power and check that the components are installed correctly. Often the message appears due to loose contact of the RAM sticks with the connectors or a hard drive interface cable not being connected all the way. When these devices operate, a discharge may occur that blocks operation.
      2. Check the functionality of the hard drive with utilities. When a hard drive fails, the boot sectors are the first to stop working correctly. When the operating system is running, this may not be noticed for a long time, but the installation activates them.
      3. Use bootable media with a different version of the service pack or operating system version. If the characteristics are not suitable for installation, an abnormal termination will occur.
      4. Check the temperature of the devices. The installation process activates almost all devices on the computer. If thermal regulation is poor, the processor or hard drive may overheat and cause emergency failures in their operation.

    If after performing all the above steps the error does not disappear, then there is a high probability of a breakdown and you will have to contact service centers to fix it.

    Often, novice users, to save time and money, do. A user who is doing the installation for the first time may encounter problems and may ask the question why Windows won't install?. Operating systems of the Windows family are very popular and now you need to know why they may not be installed.

    Incorrect BIOS setting.

    Any clean installation of Windows begins with preparing the computer. At this stage, when you try to install Windows from a disk or flash drive, problems appear and nothing is installed. For everything to work, you need to set for boot the device that will read the Windows media. For example, if the installation will be performed from a DVD/CD disc, then the first device to boot should be a DVD/CD drive with an optical drive (disk)
    If you need it, then the first device to boot should be the flash drive itself, or rather USB HDD, USB Flash, USB Drive; also in the BIOS there may be a signature based on the name of your flash drive or something similar, depending on the BIOS firmware version and the model of the computer’s motherboard. Before saving the selected settings, you need to make sure that the floppy drive is disabled. You need to go to the “Standard CMOS Features” section, where you need to disable “Floppy - 1.44 or Drive A”. Next you need to save the settings, press F10 and YES. The computer will reboot and the system will begin installing Windows from the disk or flash drive.
    Even when installing from a flash drive, problems may arise with the type of use of the hard drive. On modern computers, the hard drive can operate in IDE AHCI and RAID modes. If you don’t have a raid array of disks, then let’s look at the remaining settings. You can find these settings in the IDE configuration section. I recommend using AHCI mode, but when installing Windows from old flash drives, a message about the absence of a driver may appear. If you have such a problem, switch to IDE mode and then the installation will proceed without errors. Learn more about BIOS settings.

    A broken system image or damaged media.

    Another persistent problem is the incorrect image capture from Windows. A bad disc (blank disc), a damaged DVD/CD drive through which Windows was recorded. The same can happen with a flash drive - bad memory or faulty USB ports on the mainland. It also happens that the equipment is in good working order and works correctly, but the image itself is damaged initially even before the moment of recording, for example, it was under-downloaded or was even damaged when uploaded to the site. In this case, you need to have several Windows images on hand, on different drives. You can try installing the operating system using another drive, for example an external one. Use different Windows installation methods and devices to achieve your goal of installing Windows by elimination.

    The computer hardware is damaged.

    Another problem is computer hardware failure. This could be a damaged motherboard, video card, hard drive, RAM, power supply, or processor.
    It is necessary to carry out. Identify the damaged part and replace or repair it. There are many tests for this that do not require an OS. You can check the motherboard, processor and video card using the PC Test utility. The hard drive can be checked with the HDD Regenerator program. RAM using the MemTest utility. The power supply can be checked through the BIOS or simply physically.

    Outdated PC hardware

    Here I think everything is clear, if the computer hardware does not meet the minimum system requirements for installing Windows, then you will not be able to install it. For example, to install Windows 10, you must have at least 1GB of RAM on your computer, at least 16GB of hard drive space, and a processor frequency of at least 1 GHz. The video card must support DirectX 9.0c. It is clear that such a computer will not be able to provide comfortable work. Therefore, for normal operation you need a multi-core processor with a frequency of more than 1.6 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. Sometimes all parameters may be suitable except the video or sound card. For example, many still have ATI Radeon x700 video cards with 256 or 512 MB of memory. It seems that the video cards are not very old. But they don't have DirectX 9.0c support. They support DirectX 9.0b but can no longer run on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Carefully review all the specifications of your computer before installing Windows to ensure it meets the system requirements. And if they are suitable, only then start the installation.

    What else could be causing Windows to fail to install?

    Old BIOS of the motherboard or video card. Update them.
    Disconnected cable or power, check the connections of all cables and cables.
    Conflicting parts – network cards, sound cards, TV tuners and the like.
    Windows builds, many download operating system builds and try to install them. Such operating systems often simply cannot be installed on certain computers. Use clean original Windows images for installation and then you should not have any problems.

    There were so many mistakes I heard and saw when installing the Windows OS (and I started doing this back in Windows 98).

    I want to say right away that most often software errors are to blame; personally, I would give them 90 percent...

    In this article I would like to dwell on several such software cases due to which Windows 7 does not install.

    Case No. 1

    This incident happened to me myself. In 2010, I decided that enough was enough, it was time to change Windows XP to Windows 7. I myself was an opponent of both Vista and 7 at the beginning, but I still had to switch due to problems with drivers (manufacturers of new equipment simply stopped producing drivers for more old OS)...

    Because I didn’t have a CD-Rom at that time (by the way, I don’t even remember why), the choice of what to install from naturally fell on a flash drive. By the way, my computer was running Windows XP at that time.

    I bought a disk with Windows 7, made an image from it from a friend, recorded it on a flash drive...

    As soon as I did not change the Bios settings, reset them, changed download priorities, etc. - all in vain...

    Do you know what the problem was? The problem is that the flash drive was written incorrectly. Now I don’t remember which utility I used to burn that flash drive (surely it was all about it), but the UltraISO program helped me correct this misunderstanding (for information on how to burn a flash drive in it, see this article).

    Afterwards it went like clockwork...

    Case No. 2

    I have a friend who is good with computers. Once I asked to come in and suggest at least something why the OS might not install: an error occurred, or rather, the computer simply froze, and each time at a different time.

    Those. this could happen at the beginning of the installation, or it could take 5-10 minutes. later...

    I went in and checked the BIOS first - it seemed to be configured correctly. Then I started checking the flash drive with the system - there were no complaints about it either, we even tried installing the system on a neighboring PC as an experiment - everything worked without problems.

    The decision came spontaneously - try inserting the flash drive into another USB connector.

    In general, I move the flash drive from the front panel of the system unit to the back - and what do you think? The system was installed in 20 minutes.

    The problem was in USB - I don’t know what exactly (maybe something hardware). The main thing is that the system was installed and I was released. 😛

    Case No. 3

    When installing Windows 7 on my sister's computer, a strange situation occurred: the computer immediately froze. Why? Unclear...

    The most interesting thing is that in normal mode (the OS was already installed on it) everything worked fine and no problems were observed. I tried different OS distributions - it didn't help.

    It was a problem with the BIOS settings, or more precisely with the Floppy Drive. I agree that most people don’t have it, but in the BIOS there may be a setting and, most interestingly, it’s turned on!

    After disabling the Floppy Drive, the freezes stopped and the system installed successfully...

    Other common reasons why Windows 7 does not install:

    1) Incorrect recording of a CD/DVD or flash drive. Be sure to double check! (Burn bootable disc)

    2) If you install the system from a flash drive, be sure to use USB2.0 ports (Installing Windows 7 from USB3.0 will not work).

    4) Before installing the OS, I recommend disconnecting printers, TVs, etc. from the system unit - leaving only the monitor, mouse and keyboard. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of all kinds of errors and incorrectly specified equipment.

    For example, if you have an additional monitor or TV connected to HDMI, when installing the OS, you may incorrectly set (sorry for the tautology) the default monitor and the picture on your screen will disappear!

    5) If the system still does not install, perhaps you have a hardware problem rather than a software one? It is not possible to consider everything in one article; I recommend contacting a service center or good friends who understand computers.

    Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for home and office computers. There are few users who have not reinstalled this operating system themselves. But some of them encountered a problem: when installing Windows 7, it gives an error, despite accurately following the instructions given on the Internet. Why does this happen? Let's try to understand the main problems that arise when reinstalling Windows 7 and methods for solving them.

    Reasons for error messages

    It's not just beginners who have problems installing the operating system. So, if you encounter an error when reinstalling Windows, don’t despair - there’s nothing to worry about. Perhaps some points were not taken into account at the preparatory stage. If you get an error when installing Windows 7, it can be classified into one of the following categories:

    • Problem copying installation files.
    • Outdated BIOS firmware.
    • Problems with the hard drive (bad sectors, lack of space).
    • Lack of drivers for one of the key hardware components (this happens with outdated disk drives and hard drives).

    Problem solving methods

    Let's look at why errors occur and find out the reasons for the appearance of certain messages.

    Problem copying files

    This is symbolized by error code 0x80070570. It happens that while copying installation files, the Windows 7 installation process stops with a message about the file being missing or damaged. There are several reasons for the problem:

    • damaged Windows 7 distribution media;
    • problems with the file system or memory chips of the flash drive (damaged CD);
    • the image was downloaded with an error;
    • The checksum of one of the system files in the image is incorrect.

    If, when using the capabilities of torrent clients, the probability of downloading an image whose checksum does not match the original value is insignificant, then it is not at all difficult to become a victim of poor-quality assembly. Here we check the hash of the iso image (using the HashTab or Total Commander utility) and compare it with what is on the source (for example, a tracker).

    If everything is in order, then we record the image again, having first fully formatted the media. Full formatting will allow you to check the memory cells of a flash drive for problems. A faulty cell could have caused the problem - it contained a fragment of a file that Windows could not process during installation.

    Outdated BIOS

    When turning on the PC, go to the BIOS setup menu and check its version and the date of the last update or release. If it has not been updated or was updated in the early 2000s, feel free to go to the developer or motherboard support website and download the latest BIOS version. You may have to look for firmware for the old BIOS in archived websites or on forums. You can read how to update the BIOS in the instruction manual for your motherboard. But the best solution in this case would be to replace the motherboard with a more modern one.

    Problems with HDD

    There are a lot of problems and options for solving them. First of all, make sure that there is enough free space on the system partition to install Windows 7. If you receive errors about the impossibility of installing Windows 7 on the selected partition, format it using the installer.

    To do this, select the volume and click on the “Format” button.

    Drive driver missing

    If you are using an older CD drive, there may be a problem with the CD drive driver. The fact is that Microsoft did not add outdated hardware to the Windows 7 distribution in order to save the size of the distribution and the very low popularity of old hardware (and few people try to install Windows 7 on old PCs).

    Hello dear friends! This weekend I came across a computer on which I needed to install Windows 7. But a problem appeared that I encountered for the first time. When I started the installation of Windows 7, the installation window did not appear (first window, language selection). And then the seven took a very long time to install. If you have the same problem when Windows 7 takes a long time to install, And The installation window does not appear, then now I will write how to solve this. At least I’ll tell you how I solved this problem.

    I'll probably start from the beginning. They called me and asked me to come and look at the computer, otherwise: the Internet does not work (Intertelecom there), the antivirus always shows some window, nothing starts, etc. In short, a complete set of all sorts of different breakdowns. And I’ve already dealt with this computer, such a powerful “machine”, new, only Windows XP is installed on it, not that it’s bad, it just surprised me. And when I asked the owners why Windows XP was installed, they said that they installed it in the store. I said that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to set it to seven, after all, it’s newer, and on the same hardware.

    I came a second time, turned it on, and there was something incomprehensible there. Perhaps it was a virus that worked this way, or it was children :), but Avast stuck some kind of warning, there were almost no icons on the notification panel, the Internet did not react in any way to an attempt to open a connection, the theme was changed, and it was not possible to return to the standard one. And many more different unpleasant moments.

    I looked and decided that it would be easier to demolish everything, format the C and . After explaining everything to the owner of the computer, we decided that we would do just that.

    Everything is fine, the computer rebooted and booted from the installation disk. The file loading bar appeared when installing Windows 7, and when the language selection window should appear, nothing happened. The window did not appear, there was only a splash screen (well, the same as when installing seven) and a cursor. I waited about three minutes and restarted the computer. I realized that something was wrong. I decided to go into the BIOS again and look at the settings. Now it’s clear why the store installed Windows XP; most likely, installing Windows 7 failed.

    I eliminated the problems with my installation disk immediately, I have installed it more than once. Yes, and I had an exact copy, with which the Windows 7 installation window also did not appear. I didn't see anything strange in the BIOS, and... It did not help, Windows 7 was not installed, the language selection window did not appear. I decided to open the system unit and see how and what is connected there. I didn't see anything interesting there. A hard drive and an optical drive were connected via the SATA interface.

    I tried to run the installation again. I launched everything the same, only the background, but there is no window with a choice of language. I decided to wait. About 5 minutes later a window appeared with a choice of language, well, at least it’s something, I thought. I clicked next and the message appeared “Starting installation...”, and that's it. The computer was “thinking”, I understood this from the fact that the cursor was spinning (something was loading), I decided to wait a little.

    After about 10 minutes, a window appeared in which I selected a clean installation of the system, again waited 5 minutes, formatted the partition for Windows 7 and began copying files. They took longer to copy than they should have, it seemed to me. In short, with grief in half, I installed Windows 7. Then I realized what a long installation of Windows 7 was :).

    Slow but established

    The computer worked as expected from such hardware, very quickly. All that remains is to configure it. But I didn’t have a driver for the modem, so they decided to take the system unit to me and pick it up the next day.

    Finding reasons for slow Windows 7 installation

    At home, I set everything up, and decided to torture the computer a little more and find out why it was taking so long to install Windows 7, I was interested. Moreover, I did not find a specific answer to this question on the Internet, only guesses.

    Setting up a SATA hard drive in BIOS

    To begin with, I opened the system unit and changed the hard drive and drive connections. I connected the hard drive from SATA 0 to SATA 1. And the CD/DVD drive is in SATA 3.

    Then I went into the BIOS again. I was interested in the SATA controller settings. Chapter .

    Against OnChip SATA Controller the parameter was Enabled. Okay, then we see the item, I have the Native IDE option. This is not very good for a SATA hard drive, as it will not show all its capabilities.

    I changed the parameter value to AHCI (the best option for SATA drives). I tried to turn on the computer. The drive was not detected at all, and as soon as Windows 7 started loading, the blue screen flashed and the computer rebooted.

    I decided to put RAID in the parameter instead of AHCI (combines disks into an array), nothing worked (I knew it was useless, but decided to try), everything is the same as with AHCI.

    Installed it back Native IDE. All these experiments did not help. Although it is very strange why AHCI did not work, I never understood it.

    Disable Drive A

    I also saw that opposite the Drive A table there was a parameter “1.44MB, 3.5”. This is a disk drive, and this computer does not have one. So I set it to “None” to tell the system that it is missing.

    I saved the settings by pressing F10. I installed the installation disk with Windows 7 and tried to run the installation again to check how the seven would install, just as slowly or faster.

    And to my surprise, everything worked as expected, a window quickly appeared with a choice of language and so on, I quickly got to formatting the disk. Of course, I didn’t format it, since the computer was already set up and should have been picked up by now.

    How to solve the problem of slow installation of Windows 7?

    Let's summarize, otherwise I've scribbled a lot of text :). There was a problem with installing Windows 7, it took a very long time to install, and I had to wait a lot until the window with the choice of language appeared, and then “Starting installation...” hung for a long time.. If you have such a problem, then you can just wait and everything will be installed. I have it installed.

    If you want to try to solve this problem, then:

    1. Try setting AHCI next to the item in the BIOS (most likely it didn’t help me).
    2. Change SATA connectors for the hard drive and drive.
    3. Disable Drive A (disk drive).

    I did the last two steps, and the installation of Windows 7 went quickly. I can’t say with 100% certainty that this is what helped restore the normal installation speed of Windows 7. But in any case, you need to try.

    Sorry that there was so much text, I just wanted to describe everything in as much detail as possible. I hope that my experience was useful to you, if you managed to solve this problem, in this or some other way, write about it in the comments, it will be interesting and useful. Good luck friends!

    Also on the site:

    Windows 7 takes a long time to install. The Windows 7 installation window does not appear. updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin