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  • Enable and configure spell checking in Microsoft Word. How to enable spell checking in Word: instructions. How to use the checker How to enable spell checking in the office

    Enable and configure spell checking in Microsoft Word.  How to include in

    Using such a powerful word processor, it is foolish to turn to a dictionary to correctly spell controversial words and phrases. Let Word do this thankless job! But the editor does not react to outright provocations and pretends that our writing is an example of literacy in the Russian language. Realizing that this is not possible, we ask ourselves: how to enable spell checking in Microsoft Word? The answer is below.

    Automatic spell check

    To enable this function, click “File” – “Options” – “Spelling”. In the window that appears, check the required fields and click the “Save” button.

    Attention! If you use a different Cyrillic keyboard layout (Ukrainian or Belarusian) to type Russian words, all the typed text may be underlined with an error. Be careful!

    Adding unknown words

    To add similar words to the software dictionary and exclude its underlining in the future, you need to select it (or a phrase), right-click and select “Add to dictionary” in the context menu. When you click on the “Skip” option, this lexical structure will no longer be highlighted in this document.

    Attention! All of the methods discussed for enabling spelling work in versions starting with Microsoft Word 2007 and later.

    Enable spell checkers

    If for some reason, when checking spelling, a notification appears with the text “Spell checking completed” or “Spell checkers for the language are not installed,” you need to do the following:

    1. Go to “This PC” – “Uninstall or change a program”.

    2. Find Microsoft Office in the list of applications, click on it and click the “Change” button.

    3. In the window that appears, select “Add or remove components” and click “Continue”.

    4. Go to “Office General Tools” – “Spelling Checkers” – “Russian Spelling Checkers” – “Spelling and Grammar Checker”. By clicking on the button (as shown in the screenshot) and calling up the context menu, select “Run from my computer”.

      Enable spell checking for the selected language

      If you type in other languages, spell checking may not work. To enable it you need:

      Now you can be 90% confident in the literacy of your text. But after learning how to turn on spell checking in Word, don't forget to watch out for neologisms and those words that are not in the editor's database or have multiple meanings.

    Date: September 14, 2017 Category:

    This little post is actually very important, because checking spelling in Word is the key to quality work. When you type text, most often it is intended to be shown to other people. If there are errors in it, it will affect your reputation. It will be awkward if readers notice errors, so read this article to avoid such situations.

    We will consider the topic using Word 2013 as an example; in other versions of the program the functionality is similar, but may differ slightly.

    As you may have guessed, Word can check the correctness of the text you type. I’ll say right away that in order for the verification to take place correctly, be careful about what language is indicated in the . If you write in Russian, and the status bar contains Ukrainian or Belarusian, the check will take place based on these languages. Remember that the Cyrillic alphabet, like the Latin alphabet, is used in different languages ​​of the world. To correct an incorrectly specified language, click on the language designation in the status bar and select the desired one from the list.

    If the document is multilingual, you can set the language for each section separately. only the range in which you need to change the language and correct it, as I described above.

    Setting up spell checking in Word

    You yourself can determine how meticulously the program will scan your works. To configure all possible aspects of the scan, go to File – Options – Spelling.

    All options are intuitive. For example, if Word does not signal you about errors while typing, check the box next to “Check spelling while typing” and “Mark grammar errors while typing.”

    AutoCorrect in MS Word

    If you have already written at least a few sentences in Word, you should have noticed how autocorrect works. For example, it capitalizes the first letter of a sentence if you haven't done so yourself. Or replaces the dash with a hyphen when it is appropriate according to the rules of the Russian language (the dash becomes longer).

    The program contains more autocorrect rules. They pick up and correct the most common typos on the fly. You can create your own autocorrect rule. For example, you are writing a legal text and often use the phrase “ Law on Consumer Protection" Let's make it so that instead of this long phrase we can write " STD", and Ward himself wrote " Law…" That is, we will write 4 characters, and 32 will appear on the screen! Tempting? Very much!

    Opening File – Options – Spelling – AutoCorrect Options – AutoCorrect. Here in the “Replace” field we will write “zpp”, and in the “to” field - “Consumer Rights Protection Law”. Click OK and enjoy the smooth operation.

    Look through the tabs of the “AutoCorrect” menu; all the settings that you can set to your taste are collected here.

    Underlining errors in Word

    If spell checking is enabled while typing (as I wrote earlier), the program will highlight errors directly in the text:

    Note that this underline will not be printed, only displayed on the screen. So if a word is deliberately misspelled, it will remain underlined, but it won't be noticeable when printed. In this case, spelling errors will be highlighted in red, grammatical errors in green, and formatting errors in blue.

    To get a comment on what kind of error Word found, right-click on the underlined word. The context menu will display an option to correct the word or a comment about the error.

    Right in the context menu, you can click on the proposed correction option, and it will be applied.

    The written and underlined word is not always wrong. You may be using specialized terms that are not in the Word dictionary. You can then use the Spelling dialog box to enter the word into the dictionary. After this, it will not be considered erroneous.

    Spelling Dialog Box

    To open the dictionary management window, run on the ribbon Review - Spelling - Spelling, or press F7. The “Spelling” window will open, where you can work through all the errors one by one. The program will display the incorrect word and offer replacement options. You can skip the mistake, correct it to the suggested option, or add the word to the dictionary. The program will remember your choice and in the next similar case it will act as you decided now. It will be useful to add special terms to the dictionary; this will reduce the likelihood of errors in them.

    The appearance of the “Spelling” dialog box may be different in different versions of Word, but the described actions can be intuitively performed in any version of the window.

    Of course, Microsoft Word with its spell checking tools is very helpful and relaxing. But remember, the program is not perfect, it does not check the semantic content of the text, does not evaluate how coherent, harmonious and readable it is. So, proofread your work before publishing or submitting it to management!

    Well, now you will never make a mistake in a word, never put an extra space or period. Be careful, and the program will tell you.

    I'm going to devote the next few posts to you learning how to make your document more impressive and convenient through design, automate this process and get rid of repeating your actions when assigning formats. Join us, it will be interesting and useful!

    Microsoft Word automatically checks for spelling and grammatical errors as you write. Words spelled incorrectly, but contained in the program's dictionary, can be automatically replaced with the correct ones (if the autocorrect function is enabled), and the built-in dictionary also offers its own spelling options. Those words and phrases that are not in the dictionary are underlined with wavy red and blue lines, depending on the type of error.

    It is worth saying that highlighting errors, as well as automatically correcting them, are only possible if this option is enabled in the program settings and, as mentioned above, it is enabled by default. However, for some reason this parameter may not be active, that is, it may not work. Below we will talk about how to enable spell checking in MS Word.

    1. Open the menu "File"(in earlier versions of the program you need to click the button "MS Office").

    2. Find and open the item there "Options"(previously “Word Options”).

    3. In the window that appears in front of you, select the section "Spelling".

    4. Check all the boxes in the section “When correcting spelling in Word”, and also uncheck the boxes in the section “File Exceptions”, if any are installed there. Click "OK" to close the window "Options".

    Note: Check mark next to the item “Show readability statistics” may not be installed.

    5. Spell checking in Word (spelling and grammar) will be enabled for all documents, including those that you will create in the future.

    Note: In addition to misspelled words and phrases, the text editor also highlights unknown words that are not in the built-in dictionary. This dictionary is common to all programs in the Microsoft Office suite. In addition to unknown words, the red wavy line also highlights those words that are written in a language other than the main language of the text and/or the language of the currently active spelling package.

      Advice: To add an underlined word to the program’s dictionary and thereby exclude its underlining, right-click on it, and then select “Add to dictionary”. If necessary, you can skip checking for a given word by selecting the appropriate item.

    That's all, from this short article you learned why Word does not highlight errors and how to fix it. Now all incorrectly written words and phrases will be underlined, which means you will see where you made a mistake and can correct it. Master Word and don't make mistakes.

    We talked about how to create a document header.

    Now let's talk about spell checking in Microsoft Word.

    There is one thing that you cannot help but notice - these are the spelling errors that occur in the text. As we agreed earlier, you typed the text without concentrating on the mistakes that you probably made while typing. These errors are likely highlighted by a red wavy line in the document. If there are words or phrases in the text that are underlined with a wavy green line, then there is a grammatical error (or Microsoft Word insists that you made a grammatical error).

    The easiest way to correct a spelling mistake is to right-click on the word underlined with a red wavy line. You will see the following menu appear:

    In this image, we right-clicked on the incorrectly spelled word “free”. The menu that appears shows possible variants of the correct spelling of this word. We choose the “free” option. Left-click on the correct option to replace the incorrectly spelled word with it. The red wavy line will disappear. (By the way, ignore the window that appears above the menu (sometimes below the menu) for now; we'll get to formatting options in the next section.)

    Do the same with the remaining misspelled words in your text, then save your work.

    WORD spell check options

    To check the spelling of more than one word at a time, use the Grammar and Spelling dialog box. To see it, click on the Review tab at the top of word. In the Review tab, find the Spelling section. Then click the Spelling and Grammar button.

    After clicking the Spelling and Grammar button, you will see a dialog box appear.

    Using this dialog box, you can perform most of the actions that you could do by right-clicking on a misspelled word. In area Options Alternative words with the correct spelling for the underlined word are offered.

    For example, if you need to write your last name, then it will not be in the proposed options. Then you need to click on the button Add to dictionary(or click Skip).

    After you correct one word, the dialog box moves to the next underlined word in the text. If the following word is misspelled, then you must select the correct option from the list provided and click Replace. When the list of incorrectly spelled words ends, the dialog box will disappear.


    Sometimes, you want to have a little more control over what Microsoft Word highlights to you. To do this you need to use the dialog box Spelling.

    In Word 2010, click on the File tab. You'll see Settings at the bottom left.

    Click the word Options button (or the Options item) and you will see a new dialog box appear. On the left, select Spelling. You will then see a somewhat complex list of actions that you can choose to perform.

    The checkboxes next to each action indicate what actions will be performed when checking spelling. Click on the checkbox if you want to cancel an action and vice versa, click on the empty window if you want to check the box and select the operation you need. So, for example, if you do not want Word to mark repeated words in the text, then uncheck the box next to this action.


    A very interesting option - AutoCorrect . Click the button AutoCorrect options at the top of the Spelling dialog box. The following dialog box will appear:

    In the AutoCorrect tab, you can see many built-in options marked with checkmarks. So, for example, Word will automatically change the first letter in the name of the days of the week to a capital one as soon as you press the spacebar at the end of the word, if there is a checkmark next to the option “Capitalize the names of the days.”

    In the picture above you can also see that there is a checkmark next to the “Replace as you type” entry. This means that if you want to type a series of characters from the left column of the table (a colon and the following parenthesis), then word will automatically replace them with a smiley.

    If you do not want Word to perform this action, select this option and then click the button Delete.

    At the same time you can take advantage of the opportunities AutoCorrects in your best interests

    So, for example, if you don’t want to write your full name every time, but want to limit yourself to writing your initials so that after pressing the space bar they will automatically change to your full first and last name, then you can make adjustments in the “replace as you type” field. So, enter your name in the field as shown in the picture below

    After clicking the add button, your text will be added to the list.

    Click OK in the AutoCorrect dialog box and in the Options dialog box and you'll be back in Word.

    Now, when you type the initials IVI, they will be replaced by Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich in your text.

    In the next lesson we will look at some elements of document formatting in Word.