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  • Everything about the process of uniqueizing a picture from A to Z. How to make any image unique? How to make an image unique for search engines

    Everything about the process of uniqueizing a picture from A to Z.  How to make any image unique?  How to make an image unique for search engines

    Unique pictures! This phrase is found and described much less frequently than unique content. Perhaps the lazy one didn’t write about the latter and didn’t say that the content should be unique. What about the pictures? Most often they are forgotten about, but is it worth it?

    Conclusion: this method does not work.

    Mirror reflection.

    All you need to do is display the image horizontally:

    Conclusion: as we see for the first picture, no copies were found at all 284 → 0. For the second picture, the number of repetitions was reduced from 770 to 41. The method of making the picture unique is very effective and simple. It all depends on how often she was subjected to such manipulation. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for images with text.

    Applying a watermark.

    Now let’s try to add a watermark to the image consisting of the blog logo and its URL address, so that the image does not lose its meaning:

    Conclusion: the method does not work.

    Favorite ways of bloggers who try their best to make pictures unique!

    You've probably all noticed how many people use the Snagit program to make a picture unique - they use it to tear the edges of the image, add corners, and so on. Another famous trick was to use a picture and make a demotivator out of it. I made torn edges of the picture, chose an unusual color and unique text for the demotivator:

    That is, I applied these two methods at once - together they will probably work. And what do you think?

    Conclusion: This method turned out to be the most useless in terms of making the picture unique. Judge for yourself.

    But this helped generate an intermediate output:

    To a greater extent, the uniqueness of a picture is determined by the main contours that are present on it. There is no point in changing colors or adding anything; the main elements will still remain in place. An example with a mirror image to prove it. Now our task is to make the second picture unique using a similar principle.

    Let's try:

    We turned a popular picture on the Internet into a unique one. This required mirror image + rotate 15 degrees clockwise. Frankly, turning by 12 degrees reduced the number of repetitions to 3.

    Final conclusion:

    if you don't know how to make a picture for a website unique, then the most rational way to do this is to shift and display the popular picture along the X and Y axes, that is, rotate and display. Additional images and minor changes in the picture itself do not give the desired result - you need to change the picture itself in such a way that its horizontal and vertical components are different in themselves, and not in color. Who knows, maybe this is how search engines determine the degree of similarity.

    Often, users want to learn how to make a drawing from a photo so that they can later print the photo and store it as a drawing. Let's look at the most effective ways.

    First, let's look at several popular services with which you can quickly create a drawing effect on a photo without installing additional software on your computer.

    Photo Phunia service

    On this site, users can take advantage of an automatic effect that transforms an ordinary picture into a drawing. You can also select the background texture of the source file: colored, white or “special”.

    To get started, select the file on your PC. To do this, click on the Browse button on the website.

    Then determine the color scheme of the image (black and white or color).

    Click on the texture shape you want to output and click on the "Create" button to begin the file conversion process.

    In a few seconds, a direct link to download the image from the site will be generated.

    Croper service

    The next popular site for creating a drawing from an ordinary picture is Croper. This online photo editor allows you to apply additional effects to your photos.

    With its help, you can create a unique image without losing quality.

    One of the most popular features of this site is the pencil drawing feature.

    The file is transformed by creating darker tones of the image, then strokes are gradually applied to the layers of the image, which, in turn, make a sketch from the image.

    The editor interface is very simple. Upload the file to the site by clicking on the appropriate button.

    The picture will open in a new window on the site. After that, find the main menu tabs - they are located at the top of the site. Click in turn on “Operations” - “Effects” - “Pencil”.

    At the top of the page, select the stroke length settings and tilt level.

    Then click on the Apply button to start the image conversion process.

    This will take no more than one minute. If necessary, you can adjust the contrast of the final drawing.

    The result of Croper's work is shown in the figure below.

    Creating a drawing in Adobe Photoshop

    Using Photoshop, you can also create a pencil drawing from an ordinary picture.

    Using the built-in functions of the program, you can achieve better display of all strokes and the final picture will look natural.

    The effect of the drawing will be very clearly visible if you print it on a printer. For greater effect, you can use white or craft paper.

    All the steps below were performed in Photoshop CS6. The functions used are available in earlier and all new versions of the application.

    We will use a regular scanned photo; We recommend not using small pictures when working in Photoshop, because after applying the “picture” effect, some of the pixels may be blurred, which will degrade the quality of the final small image.

    First we need to copy the original image.

    To do this, open the image in the program, wait for the toolbar to load and press the F7 button. Then click on the Ctrl - J button combination. This way you will create a duplicate layer.

    To do this, click on the Image item (main menu of the program). Click on “Correction” – “Inversion”. Also, to apply desaturation to a layer, just press the Ctrl and I keys simultaneously.

    As a result of decolorization, we will get a negative image, and not its black and white version. All light areas of the photo will become dark, and all dark areas will become light.

    In the layers panel, the resulting negative will be displayed as a second copy of the original layer. Next, let's change the layer's display mode. Click on layer 2 and in the “Mode” line open the drop-down list. Click on "Background Lightening".

    After changing the mode, the project canvas will become completely or partially white. On the main menu bar, click “Filter” - “Blur”.

    From the list provided, select “Gaussian Blur.” In the window that opens, adjust the slider to create the blur level.

    The higher the value of this indicator, the lighter the picture becomes, taking on the outline of a drawn one.

    Important! Don't overdo the blur filter, otherwise the photo may become too light and the pencil effect will be lost. The optimal blur value is 12.5 – 13 pixels.

    This decolorization method allows you to achieve maximum clarity of the strokes of the picture, pixels are not lost, and the resolution of the picture is maintained. As you can see, the picture has acquired the outline of a pencil, but has not become too light.

    Go to the layers window and select the very first layer, as shown in the image below. Then move the pointer to the layer name and wait for the context menu to appear. In it, click on the “Merge Visible Layers” item. Hold down the Alt button and use the pointer to select all three layers that you want to merge.

    Select the topmost layer (layer 1). You need to change its display mode to “Multiplication”. This allows you to darken each line of the sketch, giving the sketch more naturalness.

    The lines should not be too dark. If this happens, adjust the Opacity parameter to 50%. It is necessary that the color of a “simple” pencil be preserved.

    You can finish the job here. As a result, we get a black and white sketch of the original photograph. If you want to add some color to your sketch, create a copy of the background layer by pressing Ctrl - J.

    Now we only need to change the display color parameters of the duplicated layer. Select the “Color” mode and in the Transparency line set the value to 65%, as shown in the figure above.

    The final result of converting the image to a thumbnail will look like this:

    Creating a drawing from an ordinary photograph in Photoshop will take you no more than 10 minutes, even if you are not an advanced user.

    How to make a picture unique

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    How to make a picture unique in 4 simple steps

    You see the winter picture after the title of the article. If I use the TinEye service, I will see the required zero repetitions of the image on the Internet.

    I would like to say in the style of copywriting: “But it wasn’t always like this.”

    Initially, the picture downloaded from the Internet looked like this.

    And had a large number of repetitions.

    This screenshot was taken for a reason. If I placed the image in the center and took a screenshot of only the winter picture itself, then checking in TinEye would reveal about two hundred copies of the image. Therefore, screenshots must be made in a certain way and then checked for uniqueness.

    In order to achieve the uniqueness of the picture, I used the following proven combination in Photoshop:

    • Mirror reflection.

    Drag the original image downloaded from the Internet into Photoshop. Click the “Image” tab. In the window that appears, hover the mouse over the “Image Rotation” button.

    In the small window that appears on the right, click on the “Flip canvas horizontally” button. The image will be mirrored. The screenshot below is clickable. Click on the picture to enlarge the image.

    • Rotate the image clockwise or counterclockwise.

    After the operation, which resulted in a “DSLR” image, you should rotate the image clockwise or counterclockwise by a certain angle.

    As a rule, a rotation of 15 degrees is enough, in some cases a rotation of 20 degrees will be needed. Rotating by 90 degrees and sometimes turning more than 45 degrees does not make the picture unique.

    In order to rotate the picture, you need to press the familiar button in the “Image” menu. In the window that appears, hover the mouse over the “Image Rotation” button.

    In the small window that appears on the right, click on the “Custom” button. A window opens where we need to enter the rotation angle and rotation direction.

    I chose a rotation angle of 10 degrees for my Christmas picture, since a rotation of 15 degrees made the picture look completely “drunk.” If you chose the wrong rotation angle, the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Z will help you go back a step in Photoshop.

    • Cropping the image.

    After rotating the image, it would be logical to carefully crop it. We make a crop using the Frame tool in the left sidebar in Photoshop.

    After placing a frame on the picture in the desired cropping location, click on the “Frame” tool again and in the elongated window that appears, “Crop the image?” Click the “Crop” button.

    • Additionally, you can write text on the image. This will be a plus, since the inscription may attract attention when searching in the Yandex.Images service and readers will click on the image and go to your blog.

    To add text to the image, again use Photoshop's vertical sidebar. Click on the Horizontal Type Tool (T icon).

    Then move the mouse cursor to the place where you plan to write the text. In a couple of seconds you will be able to write text. To adjust the font writing and its size, go to the “Set font size” tab.

    See the screenshot, as such a translation from English can scare anyone. In this case, the font size is the font size in pixels.

    I’m telling you how to write buttons / tabs from the Photoshop that is on my laptop (Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Russified), that is, you may have them called differently.

    After all these operations, this image becomes unique. Plus, I also have the Watermark RELOADED plugin for WordPress blogs activated in the blog admin panel.

    It automatically adds a watermark to all pictures. My Watermark RELOADED plugin overlays the name of my domain on top of the image.

    Example of a unique picture

    By the way, the picture shown at the beginning of this post is a unique image online of Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting “La Gioconda” (Mona Lisa).

    Although if I took the original image, the result of 28,131 copies on the Internet would not give my article a single chance to reach the TOP of search engines.

    Why did I make a collage? The collage in the screenshot above was needed to make the picture again unique.

    If I had taken a regular screenshot from Gioconda, even in the TinEye service, I would have received almost the same couple of tens of thousands of copies. Now you can check all the pictures in the article using TinEye...

    They are all unique! Q.E.D.

    Of course, such tricks won’t work with classics, but for bloggers’ articles, a similar method to make an image unique is suitable.

    Duplicate images and image optimization

    I also promised at the beginning of the article to write an additional reason for the slow progress of the blog. This reason is duplicate images, which the WordPress engine suffers from.

    WordPress creates three additional similar pictures with different sizes (proportions) for the picture you posted on your blog. Neither your hosting nor the search engines like this thrifty nature of WordPress.

    Therefore, in the coming posts we will prohibit the reproduction of pictures on newly written articles, and we will touch on the topic of image optimization.

    Due to the importance of the topics, do not miss these posts. To do this, just subscribe to updates and you will receive a notification about a new blog post in your email inbox.

    How to make a picture unique, taken from the Internet. VIDEO

    Watch a short video with minimal steps that will help a blogger work in Photoshop and make unique pictures for his resource.

    P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that anyone can earn money this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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    Unfortunately, not every blogger is fluent in photography or Photoshop. Buying unique images is also not always possible. But there are a lot of pictures on the Internet that can and should be modified to suit your needs, and everyone can do this. I note that this publication is not a direct guide to action, it is rather an experiment. But I’ll tell you a secret - the method still works, although not always.

    I don’t want to go deep into the ethical and legal aspects, but I must mention this. It’s one thing when your site is informational - on such resources, very often images are taken simply from a search, without particularly bothering about the aspects mentioned above. But with commercial topics everything is more complicated. There are many precedents when image owners filed a lawsuit and won the case, seeking both monetary compensation and criminal punishment for the thieves. Therefore, be careful! To avoid such a turn of events, keep an eye on what and where you get it from; as a last resort, you can try to negotiate the use of images for a certain reward (money, active link, etc.).

    Unique images using Photoshop

    To begin with, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with how Yandex searches for non-unique images on the official source. After reading, you will understand that most of the methods described on various sites are irrelevant and can only deceive TinEye, but not Yandex or Google. But still, there is an almost 100% way to make a picture unique, why “almost” - you’ll see below. It consists of mixing several techniques. Here they are.

    1. Mirroring an image horizontally (sometimes vertically is possible)
    2. Rotate the image by 1-2°
    3. Cropping an image

    Now let's conduct a uniqueization experiment. I chose this cute cat as a test subject:

    If you are currently using Google Chrome, you can right-click on the image and select “Find this image in Google.” I have 444 similar images. Now let's uniqueize this image using Photoshop.

    Step one. Open the image in the program, select “Image → Rotate image → Flip canvas horizontally” from the menu at the top. The result will be a mirror image of the original image. Now Google finds only 5 images. By the way, this is not always the case, especially if the image is of value to those who like “uniqueness” :)

    Step two. Now let's rotate the image a little and crop it to remove the resulting white edges. To rotate, use the same tool as above: “Image → Image Rotation → Arbitrarily.” Usually 1-3° is enough, you can turn it in any direction as suits you best. After rotating, crop the image a little to straighten the sides.

    That's all. Let's see what we got:

    As you can see, I found only 3 similar images in Google search. This is enough for most tasks; after such simple processing, your image will almost certainly end up in the index. It happens (very often) that after Photoshop an image becomes completely unique. But not always, I believe, it depends on the uniqueness of the color combination, the popularity of the picture and other factors.

    In this article I tried to tell you how to make a picture unique and interesting for search engines. I didn't mention color correction, frames, watermarks - guys, this hasn't worked for a long time. So why waste time? A minute or two, and your image is either unique or not quite (you can look for another one if it doesn’t suit you). In general, be unique, experiment, ask questions in the comments :)

    In just a few minutes in Photoshop. These operations can also be done in any other image editing program.

    Why do you need to make pictures unique? Well, the advantage here is obvious, you will receive traffic from search engines. If you insert unique images into an article, plus also optimize them competently, you can safely count on good traffic from image search to your resource.

    Another benefit is improvements in search results. I'm just sure that search engines somehow take into account the uniqueness of images when . And sites with unique photos will always be ranked higher, all other things being equal.

    On the other hand, if the pictures are not unique, then they may not even be indexed by search engines. Here is an example on my blog. Almost a year has passed since I created a website, and Yandex only has 17 pictures:

    I think there is no need to explain why this happens. I simply opened any image in Yandex or Google and inserted it into my article. Now, of course, I regret it, I could have spent a few minutes and made the images unique.

    So let's get back to the question of how to make a picture unique. First, you need to find a photo that does not have many copies on the Internet, preferably up to 100 copies. For information on how to check the number of copies, see below. If you find a picture that has, for example, 1000 copies or more, then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to make it unique. And if it does work out, then you need to twist it very hard, twirl it, and in the end it will look like, you know how: smile:.

    But where can I find photos with a small number of copies? In most cases, when you need a picture for something, webmasters do it simply: they open the Yandex or Google search engine, enter the main search query for the article and download the first more or less normal picture there. Is not it? For example, I did exactly this, so what can I hide here.

    But if everyone does this, then, as a rule, these pictures have a lot of copies, and as I wrote above, it is almost impossible to make them unique, and even if possible, you will have to make something very scary out of these images: smile:.

    It’s much better to open some public page on a social network, where the pictures will have fewer copies, at least that’s what I noticed. I just checked 10 pictures from one public page, and all of them have no more than 100 copies on the Internet. You can already work with such photos: smile:.

    First, I’ll check how many copies there are on the Internet. I’ll say right away that I will check the image for uniqueness only in Yandex and Google - these are the two main search engines and you need to focus on them first of all. All other online services, such as, do not interest me, since the data can be very different. The service can show that the image is unique, and Google will find 30 copies, and then go prove to Google that it is unique: smile:.

    So, I check the photo in Yandex, to do this I go to the image search and press the special button:

    As you can see, Yandex found only 1 copy, and in the group from which I downloaded it: smile:. This is exactly what I wrote to you about above; the author posts unique photos in his group. I was, of course, very lucky, but even if Yandex found one copy, the picture is still not unique.

    Let's check the uniqueness of this image on Google. We upload in the same way as in Yandex and look:

    Google found us 46 copies. Great, now our task is to make this picture completely unique, let's do that now.

    So, let's load the images into Photoshop. To start, I usually change the size. It is best to download large photos so that you can reduce them later. If you download a small photo, you won’t be able to increase the size in Photoshop without losing quality.

    I also don't recommend loading large images onto a page, as they will slow down the loading of that page.

    To reduce the size I choose “Images” –> “Image Size”. Next, I usually specify a width of approximately 350 - 400 px, and the height is reduced proportionally. Then I just click “ok”. By the way, I wrote about this in detail in the article, I advise you to read it.

    The next step is to simply rotate the images horizontally. To do this I select in Photoshop “Editing” –> “Transform” –> “Flip Horizontal”. This trick will significantly reduce the number of copies on the Internet, and if no one has done it before, the picture will become completely unique.

    But this method has a significant drawback. If the picture contains letters or numbers, then the result will be something very funny. In general, try to download images in advance that do not have any inscriptions on them.

    In principle, after mirroring the image, you can already check it for uniqueness and it is quite possible that neither Google nor Yandex will have copies. But in order not to waste time, we will do one more trick, after which I am almost sure, the picture will become completely unique. Well, if there were not 1000 copies on the Internet: smile:.

    So, choose in Photoshop “Editing” –> “Transformation” –> “Rotate”. Then simply rotate the image in any direction. Here's the joke here. If you rotate it by many degrees, then, of course, it will become 200% unique, but this picture will be very crooked, visitors will not like it: smile:. On the other hand, if you rotate it just a little, it may not become unique, but it will look normal.

    I suggest you rotate it a little to make it look good and if there are any copies left you can do some extra work. What else can you do with the picture? Trim the edges, change the color, add a shadow, change the brightness, add a frame, etc. If you apply all these methods in combination, then there should definitely be no copies left: smile:.

    Let's check if Yandex or Google will find copies of the picture on the Internet after everything I've done. Uploading to Google:

    And here are copies of it. As you can see, if you find not very popular picture without text, then it can be easily made unique.

    Perhaps, when you read this article, these operations will seem complicated to you, but in fact, if you practice a little, you can do all this in a few minutes, don’t you agree?

    How else can you make unique pictures?

    A screenshot of something not very popular.
    If you go and take a screenshot of the Google logo now, don’t think that you will get a unique picture. No, unfortunately, a screenshot does not make a photo unique, but if you take a screenshot of the source code of this page, then I am almost sure that you will get a completely unique picture, since hardly anyone else has done this.

    Video screenshot.
    So, instructions on what to do:

    • Find with a small number of views;
    • Expand it to full screen and make it in better quality;
    • Stop the video at the most interesting point;
    • Take a screenshot of a video;
    • Upload the screenshot into Photoshop, trim off unnecessary edges and reduce the size.
    • Save the images to your computer.

    If no one has done this operation before you, then the picture will be completely unique. That's why I wrote at the very beginning what needs to be found video with a little views.

    In addition, you can also buy unique images for your resource. But, for example, I don’t do this, so I won’t give links to sites, if you’re interested, look on the Internet: smile:.

    This is where I end this article. Now you know how to make a picture unique. Bye everyone and see you again!