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  • When you start your computer, many processes start. The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on: Solving the problem. Resetting BIOS Settings

    When you start your computer, many processes start.  The computer takes a long time to boot when turned on: Solving the problem.  Resetting BIOS Settings

    You can view a list of all programs running on your computer using Windows Task Manager. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard. You will see a list of processes, and the question will immediately arise: why is each specific process in this list needed? Let's figure out what it is processes and how they can be managed.

    Processes– this is everything that happens at a given moment in time in the system. IN Task Manager The “Processes” tab displays all currently running programs. Processes can be “spawned” either by the user or the system. System processes start when Windows boots; user processes are programs launched by the computer user himself or launched on his behalf. All system processes run as LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE or SYSTEM(this information is available in the Task Manager in the “Username” column).

    The task manager only allows you to view a list of processes and terminate their work. To do this, select the process name in the list and click the “End Process” button. This means the program that owns the process is terminated. However, it is not possible to view information about a particular process in the Task Manager.

    To manage Windows processes, I would recommend using a more powerful utility called . This is an excellent free program that also does not require installation. Download it, then run the file from the folder and select the “Processes” tab at the top.
    shows all processes in real time, providing comprehensive information on each of them. By right-clicking on the process of interest to us and selecting “File Properties”, we can find out the manufacturer of the software module, version, attributes and other information. The process context menu also allows you to go to the program folder, end the process, or find information about it on the Internet.

    How to get rid of viruses on your computer using Starter?

    Very often, viruses and other malicious programs are disguised as various processes. Therefore, if you notice that something is wrong with your computer, run an antivirus scan. If this does not help or your antivirus refuses to start at all, open Task Manager and view all running processes.

    Pay special attention to a process if it is running as a user and is consuming too many resources (the “CPU” and “Memory” columns). If you find an obviously suspicious process in the list, end it and see how your system works after that. If you are in doubt or don’t know which program the running process belongs to, it’s better to go to Google or Yandex, enter the name of the process in the search bar and find information about it.

    The Task Manager built into Windows, of course, allows you to disable processes, but, unfortunately, it provides very little information about them, and therefore it is quite difficult to understand whether a process is viral. The Starter program is much more useful in this regard.

    So, to find and remove a virus process from your computer, do the following::

    1. Launch the program and go to the “Processes” tab.
    2. We find a process that makes us suspicious. Right-click on it and select “File Properties”. For example, I chose the file svchost.exe. In the window that opens look at the manufacturing company of this application:
    The fact is that practically any process is signed by its developer. But virus applications are usually not signed.
    In my case the file svchost.exe signed by the company Microsoft Corporation and therefore we can trust him.
    3. If the selected process turns out to be unsigned by anyone or signed by some strange company, then again right-click on the name of this process and select “Search on the Internet” - “Google” (the Internet on the computer must be connected).
    4. If the sites suggested by Google confirm that this process is a virus, then you need to go to the folder of this process (to do this, in Starter, in the context menu, select the item “Explorer to process folder”). Then, after completing the process, delete the file here this process.
    If you still doubt whether it is a virus or not (perhaps you were unable to look up information about it on Google due to the lack of Internet), then you can simply change the extension of this file (for example, from .exe to .txt) and move it to another folder .

    That's all. Today we learned what Windows processes are and what utilities can be used to manage them. In addition, we now know how to get rid of viruses masquerading as various processes.

    Many users are faced with a situation where, when starting the computer, a command prompt window appears and disappears indicating the source - C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe. In especially severe cases, such a window can pop up constantly, which is quite annoying. Most often the window appears in Windows 10, less often in versions 7, 8. In the article we will explain in detail the reasons for this phenomenon and show how to remove this window.

    What causes the cmd.exe line to appear?

    The specific source of the appearance of the command line “C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe” is an auto-run process, and it can be either a system service or a third-party application, or viral activity. It is necessary to distinguish between two situations in which such a window pops up:

    1. The moment Windows starts. The desktop loads, and then a line window appears. Most often this is due to some OS service running in the background. The more powerful your hardware, the faster cmd loads and disappears.
    2. The window appears constantly (periodically) during operation. In this case, you need to say that the background process is constantly “freezing”, cannot boot, or is blocked by the system.

    I encountered exactly the first situation, my line appears for literally a few seconds and closes. It does not cause any discomfort.

    Is this kind of autorun dangerous?

    In most cases, the source is a system process and is absolutely harmless. The operating system, while loading and running, constantly activates thousands of background processes and hundreds of services. Imagine that the execution of one “heavy” service slows down, and if your CPU is weak, then the freezing time only increases. This is especially often observed on dozens, which are more demanding on hardware.

    It's another matter when third-party software tries to execute its commands. And it’s even worse when virus activity in the background loads the computer.

    How to remove cmd.exe command line from opening?

    In any case, to identify the source of the pop-up line, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive cleaning and check of the Windows 7/8/10 settings. Here's what to do first:

    These are all general tips - half measures, so to speak, that will help with minor failures and broken parameters. Otherwise, you will have to manually check everything.

    Removing pop-up cmd.exe using Scheduler

    To start, type “Task Scheduler” into the search menu or write in Perform operation – taskschd.msc. Afterwards the PZ menu will open, and we do the following:

    After you remove/disable everything unnecessary, the command line should disappear. A similar procedure can be carried out by erasing run files in the registry - here is a visual video.


    All of the above methods should fully solve the problem of the C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe command line opening randomly. I repeat once again: if a window starts up and disappears when the system starts, this is normal and there is no need to worry. If you have any questions, or if you have a mistake somewhere else, write in the comments.

    Updated: 04/19/2019 Published: 02/08/2018


    Poor computer performance:

    • At boot (the system or desktop takes a long time to load)
    • Slows down from time to time
    • Frequently slows down and freezes
    • When running games or demanding programs
    • After reinstalling Windows
    • When waking up from sleep or hibernation
    • Suddenly “freezes” for a few seconds
    • Stutters when scrolling the page
    • Programs take a long time to open
    • Low FPS in games
    • Slow Internet connection
    • Freezes tightly

    At the same time, the computer used to work quickly. But it is possible that the problem occurs immediately after purchasing the PC.


    There can be many reasons - from software errors to hardware failure:

    • The presence of a process that loads the system;
    • Viruses or the presence of several antiviruses in the system;
    • A large number of programs in startup;
    • Problem with RAM;
    • Failure of the hard drive or any other component;
    • Media logical errors;
    • Incorrect power supply;
    • Overheating (more often for laptops or all-in-one computers);
    • Problem with drivers (usually after reinstalling Windows);
    • Glitch in the operation of peripheral devices;
    • System error;
    • Crooked update installation;
    • Computer obsolescence;
    • Inconsistency with system requirements.

    As a rule, it does not matter whether we have a desktop computer or a laptop/all-in-one computer. Most of these problems are true for any PC.

    In this article we will try to consider the maximum possible options and solutions.


    The article is largely focused on the Windows system, however, most of the recommendations are valid for other operating systems.

    Before proceeding with the steps below, try simply restarting your computer. If it worked for a long time without restarting, this could be the reason. You can see how long Windows worked without rebooting using this article.

    1. Check your computer for viruses

    Viruses can launch their own processes, which lead to system brakes. You can check your computer using the CureIt utility or any other analogue.

    You can also temporarily (or permanently) install the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus and perform a regular scan - the program will offer to delete not only suspicious files, but also clear startup and temporary data:

    We agree, then reboot the computer.

    We also make sure that several anti-virus products are not installed on the system - otherwise, they will conflict and create additional unnecessary load.

    2. Check the status of the HDD/SSD

    a) Physical condition:

    We install a utility to check the hard drive and display the S.M.A.R.T. status. eg HD Tune or CrystalDiskInfo. If errors or warnings are detected, the media must be replaced.

    The condition must be close to 100%, otherwise the disk may cause poor performance:

    b) Free space:

    Among other things, you need to make sure you have disk space:

    If there is not enough space, the system will slow down.

    c) Logical state:

    If, when viewing the computer's load, the disk constantly shows 100% load, you can try disabling the page file. Read the article Disk is 100% loaded for more details. If you need to have a swap file, set static values ​​(the same for maximum and minimum - this will prevent its fragmentation):

    3. Install/update drivers

    The problem is less relevant starting with Windows 10, since the latter can automatically update drivers (if there is an Internet connection), but does not exclude the possibility of a problem occurring.

    And so, the absence of a driver for a device or the presence of a version with an error can lead to incorrect operation of the equipment and, as a result, to any problems, in particular, slow PC speed.

    Go to device manager (command devmgmt.msc or right click on This computer in the conductor - Control-). Drivers must be installed for all devices (there should be no exclamation marks):

    You can install or update drivers manually by downloading the latest versions from the equipment manufacturer's website or automatically using a special program, for example, DriverHub.

    4. Turn off visual effects

    If graphics performance is weak, you should try disabling all the beauties of Windows.

    Let's go to Control Panel - system and safety - System- click on:

    On the tab Additionally In the “Performance” section, click on Options- in the window that opens, set the switch to position:

    5. Check running processes

    Opening Task Manager(Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - in the window that opens you can see the recycling of equipment as a percentage:

    If your computer's resources are completely full (90% or higher), you need to find processes that do this. This information can be seen in the same task manager, but specialized utilities, such as Process Explorer, will show more detailed information.

    We accept the license agreement - the main program window will open with the processes running on the computer and information about the resources they occupy.

    We sort the list by processor utilization:

    * System Idle Process shows processor idle time (free resource). The higher this indicator, the better.

    We sort the list by memory utilization (actually allocated pages, excluding shared):

    We sort the list by memory utilization (the sum of all memory pages):

    If there are processes that load the system, we try to kill them:

    However, when trying to stop the process svchost we will get an error:

    Here we need to act differently. We hover the cursor over the name of the process and a pop-up window will appear with a list of services that hang on this process:

    • Cleaning your computer from temporary files. There are various utilities for this, for example CCleaner.
    • cleaning the registry. The safest way to do this is with the aforementioned CCleaner.
    • We delete programs and games that we no longer use. This must be done using the Programs and Features tool, or, again, CCleaner.

    On new computers with Windows pre-installed, especially laptops, the manufacturer/seller considers it their duty to install all the programs in the world. Removing this “necessary” software can lead to the computer starting to boot and work more than 2 times better!

    If your new Lenovo laptop is running slowly, update or remove the pre-installed antivirus.

    7. Testing RAM

    This is another component that is often the source of performance problems.

    You can test your memory in different ways:

    1. If there are several slats in the computer, remove them all, leaving one. We test and move to another bar.
    2. We use a special utility, for example, memtest86.
    3. We try to plug the memory into different slots on the motherboard.

    If problems are detected, we return the memory for warranty or replace it with a new one. You need to buy the same bracket as the others or read the motherboard compatibility sheet.

    8. Check the condition of the remaining equipment

    Download and install the AIDA64 program and conduct a system stability test:

    If problems are detected, the program will generate an error. In this case, the faulty component must be replaced.

    9. We evaluate the operation of the power supply and electrical outlets

    Not always obvious, but the real problem is the lack of power supply for normal operation of components.

    There are several approaches to testing this theory:

    1. Take the computer to a different power source, possibly in a different room.
    2. Replace the power supply.
    3. Use diagnostic utilities, for example, AIDA64.

    On laptops, when running on battery power, the system may run slower to save power. In this case, we connect the portable device to a power source or change the power mode from economical to efficient.

    10. Setting up the power supply scheme

    By default, Windows uses a balanced power plan. This is not always the best solution in terms of performance.

    To change the power plan, open Windows Settings and enter “power” in the search - select Selecting a power plan:

    In the window that opens, open the hidden option by clicking on Show additional diagrams- select in the menu that opens High performance:

    * if we see that the switch is set to the “Energy Saving” position, we should first try switching to Balanced.

    11. Check the temperature

    Overheating can cause poor performance - the system will run slower to prevent components from burning out.

    To view the current temperature of the main components, you can use the above-described AIDA64 or SpeedFan.

    If overheating is detected, you must perform the following actions (not recommended for warranty computers):

    1. Disassemble the computer and clean it of dust.
    2. Depending on the overheating component:
      • Remove the processor cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
      • Remove the video card cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
    3. In the case of a desktop computer, install a cooler that blows hot air out of the case.
    4. Check the functionality of all fans (visually and using a program, for example, SpeedFan).

    12. Checking peripheral devices

    Peripherals that work poorly or begin to fail can lead to problems with the computer itself.

    Disable all devices except the mouse. Remove the CD from the drive, if there is one. We check the functionality of the computer. Disconnect the mouse, connect the keyboard, continue the test. If the computer works well without peripherals, we connect additional devices one by one to determine which one is the problem.

    13. Network problems / slow Internet

    The system may have software installed, the operation of which is highly dependent on the network. If there is a network connection, but there is no network as such (for example, due to a logical error), these programs may try to send requests with high timeouts (response waits). At the same time, while waiting, they create a heavy load on the system, slowing down its operation. This most often leads to a deterioration in the computer's loading or attempts to launch various programs.

    In this case, try unplugging the network cable or turning off WiFi. If the problem is resolved, try to figure out the network - this may be a temporary glitch or the firewall is not working properly.

    If, by itself, the computer works satisfactorily, but the Internet speed is low, measure it using the corresponding article. If the speed is poor, try disconnecting the cable from the router and plugging it directly into the computer - if the speed remains low, contact your service provider. Otherwise, try connecting your computer to the router via wire rather than via WiFi. If it doesn’t help, reconfigure the router or replace it - quite often, switching to the 5 GHz frequency helps.

    14. Make sure that the computer’s power meets the system requirements

    If performance is low when running certain programs or games, or after changing Windows to a newer version, it is worth studying the system requirements of these software products. It is quite possible that the computer should not work quickly with them.

    If the problem only occurs with one specific program/game, try reinstalling it.

    If the computer worked quickly with the same program/game before, try to analyze when the problems started. Also try disabling your antivirus program before starting.

    We monitor the number of simultaneously running programs. In some cases, the computer may be running a browser with a large number of open tabs + office programs. Every process requires resources. It’s also worth knowing that each open browser tab is a separate process. We must monitor the number of open programs and close everything that we do not use, otherwise, buy a more powerful computer.

    If our computer has less than 4 GB of RAM and we do not plan to expand, we do not install 64-bit Windows - it consumes a little more resources. If more than 4 GB, install Windows x64, otherwise, all resources will not be used. This is also true for choosing a system edition: you should not install the maximum possible Windows, it is not a fact that all the features will be used, and resources will be wasted.

    15. We use specialized software

    There are utilities that can analyze your PC and report possible performance problems. One such utility is Auslogics BoostSpeed.

    However, this program requires a license, so we either buy it or use it as a source of information.

    16. We evaluate performance

    Starting with Windows Vista, there are system tools for overall system performance assessment. Based on this, we can conclude which component is outdated or slow.

    To begin with, we perform the following check:

    a) Windows 7:

    Right click on Computer - Properties. In the window that opens, click on the link Windows Experience Index and press Rate your computer. The evaluation process will begin, which can take up to 10 minutes - wait, then we will receive the results, for example:

    * in this example it is clear that the weakest component is the video card. This computer should comfortably handle office tasks, but will slow down when running demanding games. The maximum score is 7.9 points.

    b) Windows 10/8:

    Starting in Windows 8, the Experience Index assessment is run from the command line. To do this, open it as administrator and enter the command:

    winsat formal -restart clean

    We are waiting for the process to finish. Then open the folder \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. In the list that opens, select the latest file by date whose name contains Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml and open it using any browser:

    We are interested in the tag WinSPR:

    For convenience, you can download a utility that allows you to see the assessment in a convenient form - Winaero WEI Tool. Download, unpack, run:

    *please note that the maximum score is 9.9 points.

    I will also mention that in addition to the built-in tools, there are other utilities. For example, the free WhySoSlow.

    17. Studying the system log

    Based on the entries in the system log, you can try to draw conclusions regarding the operation of the PC. It is quite possible that this will help solve the problem.

    The log can be opened with the command eventvwr or from the control panel.

    It is necessary to pay attention to all errors and warnings, primarily for system events:

    18. Trying to disable hibernation mode

    If the hibernation file is damaged, waking up the computer will be accompanied by lags for several minutes. To solve the problem, turn off the power saving mode, restart the computer, and turn on the mode again.

    To do this, open the command line as administrator and enter:

    Reboot the computer. Returning hibernation mode:

    19. Software incompatibility

    This is true in cases where everything works slowly when several programs are running at the same time.

    As a solution, we try to update the program data. If add-ons (plugins, extensions) are used, we try to update them, reinstall them, disable them, remove them.

    20. Reinstall Windows

    If all else fails, the only option left is to reinstall the system. This is not the best way to solve the problem and should be used only as a last resort.

    Perhaps before this you should try to perform a system rollback using a checkpoint to a time when the computer was working normally. And, if this does not help, copy the important data to another medium or to the cloud, and reinstall the operating system.

    This extreme measure can be caused by various problems:

    1. The presence of a system error, which is very difficult to understand even for a highly qualified specialist.
    2. Update installation curve.
    3. Garbage that has accumulated over the years after installing/uninstalling various programs.
    4. Single or multiple overflow of the system disk by 87.5%. The problem is related to the peculiarity of the NTFS file system to reserve 12.5% ​​of the space for MFT (which is necessary for the normal operation of the file system itself). When space runs out, the system takes 12.5% ​​of the reserved space from the MFT, which can lead to fragmentation of the latter. Defragmentation won't help anymore.

    On average, in my experience, the lifespan of the Windows operating system is from 2 to 5 years.

    21. Update BIOS

    But there is a nuance! If the computer starts running slowly on its own, updating the BIOS will not help. There is a need for this procedure only if the computer starts to slow down after replacing some equipment, for example, a processor, disk, memory, and so on.

    22. Changing the computer

    In the case when even reinstalling Windows and all of the above did not help solve the problem, and the computer continues to work slowly, it is time to change the computer itself.

    Firstly, over the years, the physical properties of components deteriorate due to the appearance of microcracks and oxidation of contacts, and secondly, the software becomes more demanding and there is a need to increase capacity.

    On average, the lifespan of a computer is from 3 to 7 years.